Scenario of the fairy tale “Curly and magic lanterns. Old street lamp - Hans Christian Andersen A fairy tale about a flashlight for children short

Natalia Litvinova
Scenario of the fairy tale "Curly and Magic Lanterns"

« Curly and magic lanterns»


fairy tale now we will tell you

Jokes and laughter will sound again.

Our heroes will appear in the hall,

And in magic you will believe again.

We begin our show

And everyone is happy to show the skill!

Here we will sing and play for you

fairy tale old in a new way.

Long ago, in a small village near the forest, there lived a girl with her grandmother. The name of the girl Curly, do you know why? Because her hair was blond and curly. Every morning she ran out of the house and rejoiced at the new day, the warm sun, she circled and sang.

The music sounds Curly is dancing.

But that day, everything was different, all morning and all day, not a single ray of sunshine appeared in the sky, and Curly frustrated, she ran to her grandmother and asked.


Grandma, tell me, where did the sun go?


Today, an autumn, cold wind blew all night, and when the sun wanted to go up to the sky, it was blown away far, far beyond the dense forest. For it to return again, you need to find magic lanterns that will wake up the sun, I know the forest dwellers have them.


May I go to the forest? I will find magic lanterns, and again everything will become warm and light.


At first, the grandmother did not want to let her granddaughter go, but the girl begged her so much that she agreed. She gave Curly pies and a bottle of milk for the road and blessed on the road.

The girl went into the forest, walked, wandered and got lost.


I lost my way

And I got lost in the forest!

Oh my legs are tired

I'll go faster along the path.


How long did the girl walk for a short time and soon came to a large tree, where the forest fairy lived.


Hello good forest fairy.

Forest Fairy:

Hello girl, where are you going?


Am I looking for sunshine?

Forest Fairy:

I see you're lost, but you can't go to the sun in such an old dress.


What should I do?

Forest Fairy:

So be it, for being so kind and polite, I will give you a new outfit.


The fairy touched her magical wand to the girl's old dress, and it turned into a luxurious outfit.

thanked Curly fairy and went on her way.

Soon I saw the hut,

Small as a toy!


Maybe I'll sit here

And I'll get some rest.

Someone is coming into the house here.


Two gnomes come in.

Gnome 1:

Oh, brother, look, the girl is so pretty.

How did you get here?


I Curly, And who are you?

Gnome 1:

We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

We are in different caps

Dry in summer for winter

Mushrooms on the knots!

Gnome 2:

We dig treasures

I put on my glasses,

Serve us flashlights

Bugs and fireflies.


To everyone who got lost

We will show the way:

Where to go straight

Where should you turn.


The sun is looking for friends

Oh, I can't do it alone.

I need your light.

Gnome 1:

We will give you what you ask but first guess the riddle:

Bunny jumps on the wall ...

Bunny jumping in the dark...

White, round as a ball.

And in my hands... (flashlight)


Curly was so happy with the flashlight that, having thanked the gnomes, she began to sing "A song about flashlight» .Guys, let's all sing a song together about flashlight.


Hello dear babies, help me find the sun, but for this I need your flashlight.

Bunny 1:

Of course, we are happy to help, but we are so sad without light and heat, you can cheer us up. And we will give you our flashlight.


My autumn leaves spin in a round dance, please the bunnies.

Music. The dance of the leaves.

Bunny 2:

Which beautiful dance, Thank you Curly keep our flashlight let him help you bring the sun back to the sky.


The girl thanked the bunnies and went on. Tired and sat down on a stump to rest.

And suddenly two foxes ran out from behind a tree, they shouted loudly and argued about something.


Oh oh oh! Who are you?

Fox cub 1:

We are from fairyland.

We are playful and funny

Grumps and naughty

We are red foxes.

Fox 2:

We've been following you for a long time

We carry a light with us,

We've been arguing for a long time

Will you take us on the road?


Of course I'll take it, it's more fun together.


Music sounds.

The sun woke up, stirred up and rose high - high into the sky.

The inhabitants of the forest were delighted, because a real miracle happened.

The darkness has receded, the dream is gone.

Now everything will be fine!

Now we can have fun

And it's fun to spin in the dance.

They began to lead a round dance, together, together they began to live.

Music sounds, all the heroes fairy tales dance.

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It was a clear, sunny day on a Sunday. Dad took Shurik to the farm and bought him an electric flashlight, which his son had been asking for a long time.
On the way, the satisfied Shurik shone for a long time in the face of his father, and in the yard - to the delighted guys.
The delighted children ran to their parents to ask for money for flashlights.
All the children bought flashlights and happily lit up their parents' faces. Parents squinted and were touched, and the children jumped and laughed.
Then they shone in each other's faces, in the muzzles of cats, dogs, cows and horses, in the eyes of roosters, hens, geese and turkeys, as well as insects and goats. They shone on everything around without a break.
The dogs whined and barked. The cats didn't understand. The chickens didn't understand either. And the guys themselves did not understand anything, wasting batteries in vain. At least wait for the evening. Where there! They shone with the sun.
- We're not doing that, - Valerik understood, - let's light lanterns in each other's pockets! For example, I will light my flashlight in Alexei’s pocket, and Alexei will light his pocket, that is, he will light his flashlight ... no, well, yes - in my pocket ...
- I'll light my flashlight in my pocket! Alexei yelled. - Why should I shove it into someone else's pocket?
And the guys were already with might and main lit and turned off their own flashlights in their own pockets.
- Come on, I'll light it in your pocket, - Alexei said to Valerik.
- Yeah! What did I say! So interesting! yelled Valerik, holding out his pocket.
They exchanged flashlights and lit them in all pockets.
- We don't do that! Completely blazed! Let's go to the basement! shouted Valerik.
The guys rushed into the basement and for a long time there shone each other in the faces.
Completely blinded, they climbed out into the sun, and the smallest Alyoshka shouted:
- And my guys, the flashlight itself went off ... I swear, it doesn’t light up at all ...
The guys began to try their flashlights, some of them were still burning.
- Nothing, - said Valerik, - let's buy batteries - and go ahead again!
And the guys ran for new batteries.
And it started all over again.
But soon Alyoshka was called home, although he was terribly reluctant to leave his comrades, because his flashlight was still on. Although the cats and dogs hid. The roosters and hens fled. The boogers and insects climbed into the ground, but the turkeys did not pay any attention to the lanterns, and therefore it was not at all interesting to shine on them.
But Alyoshka's flashlight was on...
The next morning, Alyoshka immediately remembered his flashlight. Mom and dad went to work, and grandma was still sleeping. She usually collected her grandson for school. Alyoshka went to first grade. And the first thing he did when he woke up was to shine his flashlight Wall Clock. Just at this time, the grandmother usually woke up. But yesterday she must have exhausted herself during the day and continued to sleep.
“I won’t turn on the light,” Alyoshka decided.
And he quietly tiptoed out into another room, illuminating the path with a flashlight.
I washed myself, dressed myself, drank some milk. He put the books in his bag.
“Here it is, a flashlight, it came in handy,” thought Alyoshka and hid it under the pillow. “I wonder what the other guys are doing with their flashlights now?”
“Get up, Alyoshka,” Grandma woke up.
“Sleep, sleep, granny,” the grandson answered and left the house.

One beautiful and amazing day, a small electric flashlight was born. Made it good people, and therefore it turned out very beautiful. New batteries were immediately put into it, and now the flashlight could shine with its large and open eye in the dark and help people find the right way.

The flashlight was always very happy when it was turned on. He gazed with admiration the world, each time hoping to see something new and interesting in it. When it was turned off, the flashlight did not take offense at all and quickly fell asleep. In a dream, he dreamed of everything that he had just managed to see in reality.

Each time, being useful to people, the flashlight was very happy. After all, it is such a great pleasure to be needed by others, to help them. He helped people many times in the most difficult time for them - when it was dark and scary. Together with a flashlight, they were not afraid, and people thanked him for that.

Time passed, and from constant work, the health of the flashlight began to deteriorate. His batteries were starting to run low. He could no longer shine as brightly as before, and therefore they began to use it less and less. In the end, everyone forgot about him, and he, left without a job, quietly lay forgotten on his shelf in the pantry and was sad.

One day, a little girl accidentally went into the pantry and saw a beautiful flashlight on the shelf. "How wonderful he is!" she said and took it in her hands. Looking at it from all sides, she warmed the flashlight with her warmth. The girl tried to turn it on, but nothing happened: the batteries had long since run out. The girl was upset, but said: “I still love you, dear flashlight, and I will be friends with you!”

Warm warm words girls, the flashlight again felt that someone needed it. He was overwhelmed with joy, but he could not express it - after all, he was only a flashlight! And then, having gathered all his last strength, the flashlight flared up brightly and lit up for a while.

The girl looked at the glowing light of the flashlight with wide eyes - how did it happen that the flashlight caught fire by itself ?! She was overjoyed at this miracle.

The light of the flashlight grew dim as his strength finally left him. A bright ray turned into a very small and barely noticeable dot. A few more seconds and she was gone. The flashlight went out completely.

“I will save you,” the girl said and ran to her dad. Just recently, dad bought some batteries for his new alarm clock. The girl asked her father to give her two little things and together with them she ran to the pantry, where the extinguished, but very happy flashlight was sleeping. The girl pressed him to her cheek and whispered: "Do not worry, my friend, everything will be fine." She removed the old batteries from the body of the flashlight and replaced them with new ones.

When the flashlight was turned on again, its light spread throughout the room. The flashlight could again see the world, and most importantly, help people. He was absolutely happy with it. But he felt the greatest joy when the girl, delighted with his new birth, pressed him to her cheek and laughed happily.

How wonderful it is to make others happy!

In ancient times there was a beautiful country of Fairies and gnomes. You already know that kind, smart, skillful and talented people lived in it.

Every evening, magic lights were lit in their houses, which gave light and warmth.

And nearby, nearby was a dark country.

And they wanted to destroy the land of fairies by various evil witches. But all the fairies and their dwarf friends were so kind and sincere that no evil desires could enter their country.

Once, a sorceress, flying over the country of fairies, said - let the first evil desire of any fairy who lives in this country be fulfilled.

At this time, in one wonderful house, a little fairy looked into the stove.

She loved the flames so much.

She held out her hand, but the flames burned her

Ay, - the fairy exclaimed, and stamped her foot. What a bad fire! Let it go out!

Great wish! - the evil witch rejoiced

And in the whole country of fairies, the lights began to go out, which gave light at night and warmed in winter.
(and the lights in the windows of the fairy houses slowly go out)

The fairies flew out of their homes and wondered what had happened.
And the little Fairy realized that her angry wish had come true. She burst into tears and told what happened
And then the oldest, wisest fairy said
Our trouble can be helped. We need to find kind and sincere people who are ready to help us. If they make lanterns and light our country with them, we will have fire again.

Little Fairy flew to a village, and people helped her.
And since then, in memory of the fact that any desires must be made with both head and heart, people began to celebrate the holiday of Fonraiks.
Lanterns that shine and give us joy and beauty.

And now we will make lanterns and save our little country of Fairies and Gnomes.

A fairy tale is quickly felt, but things are not done quickly.

Marina Matveeva


Creation of conditions for development creativity, through theatrical activities.


Develop artistry, emotional expressiveness.

Bring up moral qualities children.

Children in costumes come in to the music and sit on chairs. (Audio recording of calm music)

Leading: Fairy tale, fairy tale - joke

Telling her is not a joke

To fairy tale first,

Sounded like a river

So that in the middle all the people -

Her mouth opened wide,

So that by the end both old and small

She didn't fall asleep.

And so that we do not fall asleep

Let's have fun playing.

Bird 1: Oh guys, ta-ra-ra

There is a mountain on the mountain

And on that mountain there is an oak tree

And on the oak funnel

Raven in red boots

With gilded earrings.

Black raven on oak

He plays trumpet!

(Birds are chirping)

Bird 2: - Listen to the inhabitants of the glorious forest! This news is interesting for you! Holiday today! big holiday, Sunny holiday, cheerful, big!

Beasts: Where will the holiday be?

birds together: Under the oak under the old one. Everyone is welcome, both adults and children. So hurry up, hurry up there. We're flying away. Hello gentlemen! (Flies to chairs)

The fairy tale begins, Gnome appears,

He walked in the forest in the evening and bright red flashlight.

(Gnome comes out to the music.)

The gnome is very small, but remote!

Smiling playfully, smart, kind and Beautiful!

Flashlight red, with a spark.

It shines at night, it shines during the day!


Late evening is not terrible, it’s not dark for me at all

In the forest in the sky the stars, flashlight light.

The dwarf went out into the clearing, and the animals met him.

Dwarf: Hello, who are you?

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out soon!

Sunshine, sunshine

Let's gather friends!

Hare 1: I am a Hare, a forest animal,

In a gray coat I am in the spring.

Hare 2: I am white in winter.

I carry vegetables from the ridges,

Hare 3: And we do not need to be afraid ...

We, the guests of the hare, are glad ...

Hares: Can't live without friends

Everyone knows about it.

Only true friends

Help in life!

(Hares take tambourines.)

Look at us.

We are musicians now.

They took the tambourine in their hands.

They played loudly. (play tambourines to music)

Dwarf: Thank you bunnies for your music.

Frog 1: And we are the Frogs.

Pranksters, chuckles.

Frog 2: We live in a swamp.

Our kitty is there find.

frogs together: We will be friends with you!

Let's value friendship!

Dwarf: Who are you redheads beauties?

I love your fluffy tails!

Squirrels: I'm a quick forest animal.

My tail is like a pretzel!

I'm jumping through the trees.

Nuts, bumps I'm looking for.

Dwarf: Who are you, gray friend?

Long ... you have a ponytail ...

mouse: I am a gray little animal.

I drag a spikelet from the field.

There is my pantry in the mink.

Everything is neatly laid out there.

All I need in reserve!

(The gnome approaches the hedgehog, tries to touch)

Hedgehog: Be careful baby!

I'm a hedgehog, not a mouse!

I am a prickly beast of the forest,

Don't chase after me.

Dwarf: who are you, redhead gorgeous?

I like your smile!

Fox: I am a red fox-tail!

Come closer to me...

I'm smart, I'm smart!

I'm like this - alone! (dances to music)

Wolf: I am a predatory wolf, a forest beast.

Don't stand in my way!

Dwarf: I will be friends with you ...

I will value friendship.

(To the bear) Oh what a big beast you are!

Tell me quickly, who are you?

Bear: And I'm a bear - couch potato!

I am a very nice Bear,

In the forest, I am the most important.

I do not walk in the forest in vain -

I keep order.

Hare 1: And I'm afraid of everything in the forest and I'm shaking with fear!

Hare 2: But here, behind the tree, is our house, I hide from the fox in it. (shows)

Dwarf: Hey, animals, who was making noise, I didn’t have time to see!


We don't like to play in the dark

hang up birch tree lantern,

The good Dwarf took pity on them. Hung on a birch branch red flashlight, and he himself went to his house in the thicket of the forest. (The dwarf hangs a flashlight on a tree and leaves)

And here Oyka - a capricious person is walking along the path.

One day, Oika, a capricious woman, went for a walk in the forest.

(Comes out to the music of Oika)


Oh what flashlight red, shines brightly, oh, how cool!

If I like this, I'll take it home.

Took Oika red flashlight, wrapped in a scarf and carried away.

Animals came out into the clearing and do not believe their eyes.


Where our red flashlight,

Who took it from us (crying)

Wise Forest Birds flew in and began to persuade them.

birds together:

You little animals, don't be sad

Wipe your tears with your paws

I I will find your flashlight,

I promise I'll help.

(Animals sit on stumps)

birds together:

Masha, hello!

Animals are upset in the forest, their flashlight disappeared somewhere.


I did not see flashlight,

ask oyku, she knows.

The wise Forest Bird flew to Oika, the capricious. He sees that Oika is on the table red lantern stands, glows.

Bird 1:

Oika, hello! How are you?

Where you took a flashlight?

Oika: Oh! Oh! Oh! My flashlight!

Bird 2:

The good gnome came, and gave a red flashlight to the animals.

Oika: No, it's mine flashlight! This flashlight other!

Bird 1:

Oh, tell the truth I think: one two Three!

Dwarf told the one who lies, the flashlight burns the pen!

(Oika imitates fear)


Oh sorry! Oh sorry! Here your flashlight, take it! (gives flashlight)

Now Oika will also know not to take other people's things!

Carried by Forest Bird red flashlight into the forest and again hung it on a birch.

(The bird hangs tree lantern)

(The animals run out.)


How this light warms, it is close to us, it is not far away.

And how light it is in our forest, start a merry dance!



The story has come to an end!

And who listened well done!

Friendship fairy tale helped,

Friendship gets along well.

You guys are all friends!

Cherish your friendship!

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