Comic nominations for corporate honoring. Person of the Year: nominations for congratulations Comic awards for the New Year

Many times I have been asked to come up with nominations for teachers.

And in response, I persuaded him just as many times to tell me what the staff positions are called now, what the kindergarten fashion is these days, and the like.

The last time was in the last article about.

As they say, that was not the case - all the petitioners disappeared at once. That's why I write what I know. Please correct and add in the comments.

If I forgot someone, it’s not out of malice; I spent a long time fiddling with the article. I hope not in vain.

Nominations for educators

Senior teacher (methodologist)

Alice in Wonderland (for methodically planning and implementing small miracles)


Kinder surprise grower

Tamer of tigers and cubs

Physical education teacher

Big races, sometimes vertical

The vertical in our case is wall bars. If children practice on it often, then simply race vertically.

Full speed ahead

Turbo Educator

Assistant teacher (junior teacher, nanny)

Babysitter for every day (or - daily babysitter)

Cool girls who manage to do everything (for several nannies at once)

Nominations for kindergarten workers (others)

Head of kindergarten

Master of adults and children (or Master, if the manager is a man)))

One of a kind

Iron Man, or A Fragile Woman in an Iron Position (this is one nomination with a double title)

Speech therapist

Linguist and speech therapist (linguist because he knows language exercises)

Musical director

Maestro of our garden

At the piano (a promising nomination, since our kindergarten doesn’t have a piano yet, but after this nomination, we hope there will be one!)

Educational psychologist

Enchantress. Not like everyone else

Secret weapon

Soulologist and child lover

Nominations for teachers

additional education

Visual arts teacher

School of Fine Arts in one person

Ecology teacher

Eco-thing, eco-man

Princess of the Sun and Earth

Theater and play teacher

I'm singing at a party

Visiting a fairy tale

Foreign language teacher for children

Slowly, slowly I turn into polyglots

Rhythm teacher

My Fair Lady

Ballerina in pink pointe shoes

Say at the same time:

Since we know that the nominee definitely doesn’t have pink pointe shoes, we’re giving them to her – now they will.

You hand over tiny pink doll pointe shoes tied with ribbons to each other. If you can find the same real ones, or turn white ones into pink ones, it will be great!

In general, this is the name of an American cartoon from the Barbie series, scheduled for release in 2013. When preparing this nomination, I advise you to check - if the cartoon has already appeared in the public domain, give a disk with a copy of it to the rhythm teacher along with your pointe shoes.

A small nuance: even if the nominee has never used pointe shoes and does not plan to, the nomination is still very beautiful, romantic, and memorable, so use it. She'll like it.

Pool nurse and swimming instructor

Princess (Prince) of the water kingdom

catch the wave


Little Mermaid (if female)

Captain Nemo (if male)

Amphibian Man (non-gender nomination)


Always on guard

I can't help it

When preparing staff nominations kindergarten You may find mine partially useful, and also take a look at the links.

Nominations for the caretaker

(Deputy Head for Administrative and Economic Affairs)

Isn't it time to whitewash the ceiling?

Like behind a stone wall


Lord of the world

Second person of the state

Nominations for kitchen workers

Queen(s) of pots and pans

Princess(es) of soups and borscht

Anti-fast food team

Special nomination for kindergarten,

which you simply can’t help but use:

Mustachioed nanny

If suddenly you actually have a mustachioed male teacher or nanny in your garden, then the nomination is definitely for him - there will be a 100% hit. If not, which is most likely, then ANY man from the staff, provided that he loves children and willingly fusses with them. You can declare it like this:

The nomination “Mustachioed Nanny” is awarded to Ivan Petrovich, the irreplaceable gardener of our kindergarten, for touching love to children and constant care for them. Since Ivan Petrovich does not wear a mustache, along with the nomination we are presenting him with this mustache - for complete compliance!

And you present a mustache made from a piece of fur with an elastic band or a cardboard mustache on a cocktail straw - you will get both a sincere nomination for you and the person! Plus laughter and enthusiasm in the hall! It is advisable to put on a mustache right away or at least try it on.

I advise you to always keep a pencil and paper at hand so that you can immediately write down witty nominations for teachers and other kindergarten workers who will always visit your head unexpectedly. If you don't write it down, you'll forget.

With wishes for an unforgettable nomination,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Friends, I am publishing today comic nominations for the New Year according to the names of domestic New Year's films.

This is a double benefit for you from me - you can organize a fun nomination and watch the movie at your leisure.

True, some films are my favorites, but some I haven’t even heard of and haven’t had time to watch yet.

Award nominations

You can do it at work, at a New Year’s corporate party, in the company of friends, or big family. Some are also suitable for schoolchildren. Be sure to announce that today's nomination is based on the fruits of cinema, such a New Year's version in a free retelling.

Bold italic is the name of the nomination and the film, regular font is my explanations and comments. So, take it

Comic nominations for the New Year

Operation "Happy New Year"

To one or more organizers and organizers of your current new year party(corporate party) for worthy overcoming inhuman difficulties, the human factor and bringing the matter to a festive end.

December 32

The nomination is awarded to the most disciplined person and involves an honorable mission: to call everyone present on the first New Year's morning and inform everyone that the calendar says January 1st, and not December 32nd, as they might have thought.

New Year is canceled

Personally for you, dear (insert name), because you did not submit the reports (you did not congratulate all your partners, you did not go for potatoes, you forgot to chill the champagne).

IN two kilometers from the New Year

The nomination is similar to the previous one: since you, (name), did not buy this and that for the table in advance, you will have to celebrate the New Year a few kilometers from us, running around all the stores one after another in search of (name of that, what was not purchased). And in New Year's Eve it's like looking for snowdrops in December.

Speaking of snowdrops. Nomination

Twelve months

Awarded to (name) for working tirelessly for the good of all 12 months of this year family of origin(companies, countries, planets). You can add specifics, humorous or serious, about what you worked on.

Two hours earlier

This is just about all of us: the New Year will come to Moscow 2 hours earlier than to Kiev, and to Kiev - 2 hours earlier than to London (if I figured out the transition to winter time correctly). So this nomination should be given to a person who has recently arrived or will soon be flying to another time zone.

Or a friend who, with a high probability, cannot resist and will celebrate the New Year a couple of hours earlier))) Although he will later claim that he was just seeing off the Old One.

Snow Maiden for an adult son

To the performer of the role of your Snow Maiden,

Or a woman who has a son from five years old, probably up to 50,

Or your son’s friend (wife, fiancée) - in this case, it is you who announce the nomination.

This, by the way, is one of my favorite films about love, fidelity and personal freedom - who knows how to understand them. In the main role (and the title role too) is the wonderful Lyudmila Artemyeva.

Old New Year

This nomination gives the right and authority to lead the celebrations of the Old Year. Go ahead, lucky guy!

Carnival Night

If you have a small carnival or at least a light disguise with New Year's braids, mustaches, masks, glasses without glasses, etc., then this nomination is for the one who dressed up the best. Or performed some funny number. Or who do you instruct right now to turn the party into a small carnival - just not like in Brazil or Venice, that would be too much.

New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti

Nomination for any 2 people from your company (of any gender and with any names) who got into a story or light adventure on the eve of this or last New Year, or on New Year's Eve itself, or immediately after it.

T Aina of the Snow Queen

For the ajar, but still unsolved mystery of beauty (charm, coldness - choose the right one). A suitable person is nominated - classically beautiful, or arrogantly cold, or both.

Did you call the Snow Maiden?

To your today's costumed Snow Maiden. No options.

With best wishes for an unforgettable nomination ceremony,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Today we have comic nominations for the New Year again - the remaining 12 pieces.

Let me remind you: their names are the names of our New Year's films that I could remember or find.

Be sure to read the nomination features in the previous article. There are the previous 12

And here we continue. So,

Comic New Year nominations.

Snow angel

A character with wings, if you have one at your party

Or a person with an angelic appearance. When awarding, sprinkle it with artificial snow or confetti, white or silver, to fully match the nomination.

Snowy love, or a winter's night's dream

I didn’t come up with anything outstanding here, so let it be a nomination for someone for whom the other nominations are not suitable. Say something like this: if you thought you met your love in a hat covered in snow, first make sure it’s not a dream. Only then fall in love.

T taxi driver New Year's GMT

A lady of any age who can drive a car well. With the words: so that you know that you have a backup profession just in case, and remember that you can celebrate the New Year in different time zones - if you didn’t have time in yours.

Two people at the Christmas tree, not counting the dog

For a person or couple who definitely have a dog and 1 other family member at home. Along with the nomination, give a tiny toy Christmas tree as a gift with the words: we know about the dog, and this is so that we can be sure that you also have a Christmas tree!


Your local wizards - even those who show simple tricks, or even those who know how to easily solve all the problems in life.

Tales of the Russian forest

Literally: for a forestry or timber industry worker

Almost literally: for the person who made a joke at your evening

Figuratively: for the eternal “storyteller” who lacks the courage to tell the truth.

IN thirteen o'clock in the morning

An absolutely comic nomination for a person who does not drink or drinks lightly. It is given with the hope that at least he will be able to tell on January 1 what happened after 12 o’clock at night on December 31. Everyone else should NOT be offended, otherwise they will think that the offended person will not remember anything.


To today's local Santa Claus

Or a man who “freezes” colleagues and friends with his cold jokes, orders, and intonations.

Or a person associated with ice, glaciers, refrigerators and freezers.

One snowflake is not snow yet

This, however, is not a movie, this is a phrase from a song from a good old movie. As a comic New Year's nomination, it is awarded to someone who needs support after experiences of a NOT tragic nature - to make it clear that everything is not so scary

Or as a stern reminder of work not completed (one brick placed in a wall is not yet a new house).

Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath

For lovers of baths, saunas, and, at worst, contrast showers. The nomination should be announced as a warning about what can happen if you go to the bathhouse on New Year’s Eve.

Star boy

For a male character, if there is any star in his fancy dress

Major son of famous parents

- to a “star-struck” person – arrogant, that is

A man of any profession, the shape of which suggests stars - on the sleeve, lapels or shoulder straps (military, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, railway workers, pilots, sailors?).

In all cases, we do not pay attention to the age of the nominee - even if he is 100 years old, he will be a boy in the nomination. Starry))

Winter romance

For a person of any age with the name Roman. Then write the nomination with a capital letter too. Check his date of birth - if he was born NOT in winter, also issue

Comic birth certificate

where to write: born in the period from December 1 to February 29, we don’t remember more precisely - first we were preparing for the New Year, then we were moving away from the New Year. Before we had time to leave, the Chinese New Year broke out, and everything started all over again.

A couple who actually had an affair. But only if they don't hide it. Tell me - we are waiting for the spring continuation of the winter novel.

I also recommend that you also look at the entire “Comic Nominations” section - the list of categories is at the very top left. Choose the one that suits your position (status) and add the necessary words to it - winter, snowy, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, New Year, December 31, etc. For example:

You can add “on New Year’s Eve” to almost everything - and look what happens! I just tried it - it turns out very funny, try it! And the Incendiary thing is suitable in its pure form.

Add the word “New Year’s” to the floral style, and you will have New Year’s Mr. Burdock and New Year’s Donna Rose. I think it's great!

Do the same with mine a la Oscar. Receive: Best Design New Year's costumes, Best New Year's Actress, Best New Year's Producer, etc. Only in this case, award your colleagues not for their work during the year, but for how they prepared this New Year’s corporate party and how they showed themselves at it. To ensure there are more worthy nominees, announce in advance what will serve as the basis for the award.

In this simple way you will receive Comic nominations for the New Year in the required quantity and desired direction. Moreover, without leaving the cash register - that is, from my website)))

With the wish to find what you are looking for,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

And look at this wonderful video for one of our New Year's nominations - well, very beautiful! The author is simply a talent with good taste!

Here they begin New Year's corporate parties. And every year in every company it is customary to sum up the results of the outgoing year. And usually such results are summed up in a serious atmosphere with official speeches and so on. And we suggest you change this tradition a little. After all, on New Year I want a holiday and fun. Hold an interesting ceremony with a photo shoot and present your colleagues with funny nominations for the New Year. We have prepared different nominations for your employees, and you yourself will choose those that are suitable for your company.

This whole event can be arranged in the form of presenting some kind of award, for example, an Oscar or a Teffi. Therefore, after announcing the nomination and the winner in this nomination, call the employee to a special wall, near which the award ceremony will take place. You can also arrange a photo session there. And if you also prepare funny masks, glasses and mustaches on sticks, then everyone will remember this photo shoot forever.

Here are examples of humorous nominations that can be attributed to men. Nominations must begin with the word - Mister.
Mister - I'm busy!
Mister - call back later!
Mister - break 30 minutes!
Mister - overslept again!
Mister - traffic jam again!
Mister - that's it, lunch!

For girls, you can come up with the following nominations:
Miss chocolate!
Miss – long nail!
Miss Curly!
Miss – who wants coffee?
Miss - oh, I'm so tired!
Miss - SMS!
Miss - social network!

As you understand, all these nominations are “talking”. So you won't have any problem distributing them to your employees. Moreover, in every office there are people who belong to one category or another.

There are also people in the teams who, in addition to their professional duties, are well versed in other areas. For example:
Nomination: Chief Physician! – she always knows what and how to treat!
Nomination: Stylist of the Year! – she always gives everyone advice on hairstyles, makeup and self-care!
Nomination: Rescuer of the Year! – this employee is always responsive and always comes to the rescue!
Nomination – courier of the year! – he always goes to the buffet and buys something for others according to their orders!
Nomination: Taster of the Year! – he often comes to work after a night at the club, and he often still smells of alcohol!
Nomination – political scientist of the year! – the working day has not yet begun, and he is already discussing with all his might yesterday’s statement by politicians!
Nomination – best designer nails! – she can come to work with some nails and leave with others!

You can make it a little more creative and come up with the following nominations:
A music lover, he always has headphones in his ears.
Sprinter - he hears this often - “take this piece of paper to the director.”
Coffee lover - starts the working day with coffee, continues the day with coffee and at the end of the working day he has coffee in his hands again.
Queen of social networks - the morning begins with communication on in social networks, at work there are also social networks, and at the end of the working day there are social networks again.

Well, that's what the nominations are about. And if you remember individual incidents with colleagues, then this should also be noted. You can award certificates and diplomas for this. Here are examples of what to reward:
For the most sweet words to your work computer that doesn’t want to boot!
For an unusual approach to a printer that chews paper!
For the most gentle voice when answering the phone!
For the best knowledge about the personal lives of all employees!
For timely response to all problems!
