Poems for husband from wife about love. Touching poems about love for your husband Poems about love for your husband

Over time, family life turns into a routine, and manifestations of feelings between spouses happen less and less often. Nice words come to mind only when you need to congratulate your loved one on their birthday or wedding anniversary, and touching notes and SMS seem like relics of the past. However, this is not yet a reason to believe that the times of romantic meetings and confessions are irretrievably lost. You just need to show a little imagination to remind each other of your sincere feelings and give the relationship a new round. It doesn’t matter how many years have passed since we met, because real love can truly live forever.

Poems for my beloved husband - a touching declaration of love

Relationships with spouses are different for everyone. Some, until old age, surprise each other with pleasant romantic surprises for any reason, while others reserve manifestations of feelings for special occasions. Be that as it may, it is necessary to talk about love, even if things are heading towards a golden wedding. The easiest way to beautifully tell your husband about your experiences is to dedicate a few poetic lines to him.

Tender words from your wife, framed in the form of a beautiful poem, will surely please you loving husband and once again they will remind you that the feelings of his soulmate have not cooled down at all since the wedding. Such a declaration of love will give the spouses another pleasant memory or even help restore the relationship during a quarrel. The main thing is that the chosen verse describes as fully as possible the entire range of the wife’s feelings for her beloved husband.

Deep meaning in every quatrain

Poems for a beloved husband are not just beautiful words. With their help, you can say almost anything, from “I love you” and “I miss you” to expressing respect and gratitude for the years you have lived together. What should be more in the chosen poem is up to you to decide. This will depend on what stage the relationship between the spouses is at. this moment. Sometimes light love lyrics are enough, but sometimes you just need to dedicate a really serious verse with deep meaning to your husband.

Although the most important thing between a husband and wife is their mutual feelings, it is not at all necessary to use poetry only for declarations of love. With the help of modern poetry, you can congratulate your loved one on any holiday or simply wish him Have a good day. A cool verse sent via SMS in the morning will certainly cheer up your husband until the evening. In addition, beautiful poems can be read aloud, sent by mail, or recited over the phone. Such a manifestation of fantasy will definitely not go unnoticed by the spouse.

You can dedicate poems to each other not only during the “flowery” period in a relationship. Even if passions in the family have already subsided a little, this does not mean at all that the wife has nothing to say to her beloved husband. You can remind us of the pleasant moments experienced together and undying love with the help of beautiful poems. They can be timed to coincide with some significant date or simply given to your beloved spouse for no reason. Such a simple and touching surprise will allow you to open up a second wind in your relationship and once again make sure that you are made for each other.

Husband is a very simple, everyday, but at the same time significant, capacious concept! A long and long life awaits you with this person. happy life, together with him you will fall asleep and wake up, experience happy and sad moments. Beautiful poems for my husband - great way once again confess your love to your spouse, emphasize his importance and irreplaceability, express your gratitude and respect. Be sure that your dearest and closest person will appreciate poems in his honor performed by a loving woman!

Do you have a lot to say to your spouse, but find it difficult to find the right words? Do you feel awkward talking about your feelings? Don't be upset about this! Poems for your beloved husband will allow you, leaving the bustle of days and everyday problems for a while, to tell your chosen one how dear and close he is to you, how much this spiritual affection means to you.

We are only happy when we make others happy! Original poems from this section will help you the best way express your thoughts and talk about your feelings!

Psychology of relationships

Family psychologists constantly emphasize the importance of maintaining a fire between loving man and a woman. Unfortunately, many couples forget about this, which leads to collapse family life. In such cases they say about the reasons for separation - “everyday life is stuck.” Remember those moments when you first met, felt an irresistible attraction to each other, decided never to part and took an oath of allegiance - is it really all in vain?

No, you just need to add a little romance to your everyday, gray life. Great idea for a surprise there will be poems for your beloved husband, in which you will tell him about your feelings. Give your spouse as many bright, memorable moments as possible, surround him with understanding, tenderness and affection! You will see, he will answer you in kind, provide support, protect, and help you cope with all the difficulties that arise along the path of life.

At all times, it was the woman who was always assigned the role of homemaker. So don’t let the fire of love that flared up in your hearts go out from a small spark!

How to survive separation from your loved one?

Life modern man full of all sorts of things to do and worries. We are constantly in a hurry, striving to achieve success, chasing material wealth. Even if, for whatever reason, you are forced to stay at a distance from each other for a long time, you should not forget about your feelings. It is important for a man to know that he is loved by you, needed by you, and idolized by you, even if for some reason you are not with him as often as you would like. In separation, a beautiful poem will come to the rescue of my husband, I miss you. Regularly receiving such heartfelt messages, your spouse will certainly not doubt your sincerity and fidelity to the promises you once made!

Where can I find poems suitable for the occasion?

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to discover their poetic talent. Once upon a time, resourceful girls and young men, in order to emphasize the depth of their feelings, quoted the classics of love lyrics. Of course, in a volume of poems by any author there will be a couple of lines about love, but you really want to make your confession unique and individual, and not heard thousands of times and regularly quoted by millions of people.

On our website you will find poems for your husband that are ideal for expressing your feelings and desires! In this section you will find poetic revelations for every taste: funny and sad, romantic, restrained, emotional, passionate, calm, tender.

Our website contains real, sincere, heart-tugging poems. Many variations on the eternal theme will not leave your heart indifferent and will be appreciated by your spouse. The best authors have tried to put their whole soul into love poems for their husband, which will help you express your boundless sympathy for to a loved one. You just have to find the right moment and take advantage of the unique opportunity to surprise and delight your spouse with sensual and heartfelt lines.

On our website you will find passionate love confessions and funny poems, erotic fantasy poems and entertaining SMS that you can send to your loved one every day. We also have poems for my husband in our archive for special occasions and memorable dates.

Show your husband your affection and gratitude, express your overwhelming feelings in a beautiful poetic form, give your spouse unforgettable moments of the intercourse of souls, let him feel cared for and desired again!

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If married spouses continue to confess their love to each other, then this, as psychologists confirm, is undoubtedly a sign of healthy and strong family relationships. Even after many years life together, words of love again and again warm up the romantic mood, returning the couple to the bright period of the emergence of feelings and desires! Some ladies may rightly note that I already cook and clean, wash and iron things, that is, I fulfill all the duties of a wife and mother! Don't my actions speak louder than my words!? Here it should be recalled that a husband feels like a real man only when he can realize his main masculine tasks - he can serve the family, and is able to ensure its well-being and safety. And at the moment when a wife says to her husband “I love you!”, in fact, this is more than just an expression of tender feelings. This is also a woman’s recognition and appreciation of everything that a man does for the benefit of the family. Therefore, love and appreciate each other, confess your love to each other, and then your love will only become stronger every year! At the end of the page you will find love messages for your beloved husband that perfectly complement love messages. We also recommend paying attention to cool audio declarations of love that you can send to your husband directly to your mobile phone.

Poems to my beloved husband

Since you became my husband, I really need you like air! It’s only you that I breathe, I’m always in a hurry to hug you!

When we are not together, I miss you, I only dream about meeting you soon. And quietly in my thoughts I say, How much I love you!

Message to my husband at work

My beloved husband is at work, like a tiger on the hunt. Come home quickly, I’ll warm Mammoth for you. I’ll dance by the fire In the skin of a beast for you, And then I’ll pounce as a lioness, To enjoy you! So, honey, hurry up, Let's frolic to our hearts!

I love my husband very much

Dear husband, it happens, What fate decides for us - Where and with whom we will meet, With whom we will end up staying.

Our happy union with you is predetermined from above, my dear. Year after year, I love you more and more, more tenderly.

The best, the most glorious, You are the leader of my heart!

My husband is my favorite

With you I am the sweetest, cheerful, unique, the only and beloved... And the happiest in the world!

I will say thank you, dear, My husband, my dear, my beloved, The one and only... May you be the happiest!

I've been looking for you for so long

I've been looking for you for so long and accidentally found you online. Just a fabulous beginning – Just a kindred spirit!

It’s impossible to love more, I’m flying home on wings! And from the looks I’m thrilled as before And I want you all the time!

I want to see you next to me and touch you with my hand. Your smile is my reward, And your voice is like music!

From that moment when in the car you said something quietly to me. Dissolving in my man! And I burn in his fire.

They say it doesn’t happen! Everything is made up, everything is a hoax! And our life is of such color that it always pleases us!

They walk around, looking for their native parts. Half of their wives, husbands... You and I deserve happiness - You and I have already been found!

King and queen

You know, darling, I am a queen, From queens they don’t go to the left, From queens they only go forward: Either to the throne, or to the scaffold.

You know, good one, I am your secret, Believe me, a secret is not found by accident. You’re already thinking: “That’s it, I’ve figured it out!” But you only lifted one blanket.

You know, my dear, I am your meeting, Behind this meeting is the sky and eternity, Following them are the sea and the stars, Is everything too complicated? - Everything is very simple!

Everything is very simple, but unique, I am your tenderness, you are my beloved, We are forever, without anxiety and anger, You are my king, and I am the queen!!!

Dearest - husband

Who could be dearer than your husband? You are the cutest to me. And I don’t need anyone else, I want to be with you always.

You are my lover, friend, comrade, You can be anyone. I love you, you know it, And I can’t live without you!

Declaration of love to husband

I don’t need a prince or a knight at all. Don’t offer either a king or a king. I fell head over heels in love with my own husband And there is no one happier in the world than me!

I love you every year More tenderly, more firmly, more and more powerfully. And know that no adversity can interfere with my love!

To the best husband

Without you, what do I need the world for? You are my god and my idol, My priceless, my desired, The best, the long-awaited!

You go far away, It’s not easy for me without you, Sadness and melancholy come to me, My heart finds no place,

When you come back, I live, Not in a dream, but in reality! I don’t need the world without you, Only with you, my beloved husband!

Hundreds of times I say: How I love you!

Poem for my husband

Remember, we were children, We played until dawn, We didn’t notice, we fell in love, After a while we got married.

Even though so many years have passed, I make a vow again:

What to love, ready forever. My faith is impeccable, That you and I are a couple And we don’t need bad things!

Beloved, my husband and destiny!

We have been through a lot together, But every day the love is stronger! Soul and heart have preserved all the charm of the days that have flown by!

My love for you is so boundless, my beloved, my husband and destiny! Let your whole life be romantic, Let your dreams come true!

My smiles fly to you, My words fly to you, So let all sorts of mistakes never separate us!

Funny poems for husband

Who needs to tell this, How stupid and funny it is, To fall in love with your own husband, Once looking out the window.

Well, how can I open up to him now? So we lived happily - and then we fell in love so frivolously, As if there were no other worries.

The table hasn’t been tidied, dinner hasn’t been touched, But I don’t care to admit, Falling in love with my own husband, No, that’s really funny!

I sit all evening in a fashionable dress, And he doesn’t even glance at me. Oh, if only I were free! Oh, if only he were not married!

Who do you need to tell this to, Having lived calmly for so many years, Fall in love with your own husband? What if he answers me no?

It's time to calmly figure it out, It's time to demand an answer. In the end, what is there to be afraid of? Am I his wife or not?

My dear husband, you are the best

My dear husband, you are the best, Only by snuggling with you will I fall asleep. I don’t want to torment you for a long time, I say straight out: I love you!

Husband is so important and precious

How beautiful is love, If you divide everything in two, How rapturously the heart sings about happiness.

I will dedicate you, Dear, desired, And minutes, and years, And hearts fly!

Anticipation of great and imminent happiness, And strong impulses of beauty!

A husband is so much, so important and precious, just to be with you is my only dream!

Poems for my husband after a quarrel

It happens that we quarrel with you, We are rude at times, And we get offended - it happens, I don’t want to think about sad things!

I want to tell you “I love”, Only I could find such a husband in the world, Madly, know, I love you!

SMS to husband after a quarrel

Husband, why am I arguing with you over the stupidest trifles? The mood is in a minor key, the world seems to be in half!

Don’t shout that I’m rebellious, But read the confession: “I love you as before, You always know this!”

Waiting for my husband to get home from work

As in the spring they wait for summer, And in the winter for spring, So I wait for you from work Every day.

And I want to confess, my dear husband, that I love you! I want to be close to you!

The best husband in the world

Two halves

You and I are two soul mates, and it’s good for us to be close together. It was as if two pieces of ice had melted. After all, the two of them became quite warm.

I love to just laugh with you, And just be silent and talk... Beloved husband! I want not to part. And I love loving you so much!

My best husband in the world!

You are the best of men! You are the only one on earth! I simply adore you, I love you, I appreciate you, and I respect you!

You are my protector, my hero! I want to live my whole life with you in the close union of our souls, my best husband in the world!

Beloved, dear, I love you!

Love is like a fairy tale in this world, We should all take care of it. And know how two and two are four, That these games are worth the candle.

I love you very much, My beloved and dear husband. You are unique to me and the most, dearest!

Beautiful poems for my husband

Darling, I confess frankly And I will always repeat this: I became the happiest person in the Universe, On the day when I told you: “Yes!”

Love you. And I know that I am loved. They call us a beautiful couple. And I believe that you need me Yesterday, today, tomorrow and now.

We are together, we are married, we are spouses, anything can happen - that’s why we are a family. The years go by, the winds and blizzards rustle, But I love you like the first day.

I love you, beloved husband!

Sometimes not everything in life goes smoothly, But in the midst of the cold winter frosts, You kept me warm on the sly, I love you for that, husband!

All our quarrels and adversities Invigorate us like a cold shower, After all, in any bad weather I Love you, beloved husband!

The key to happiness

A chance gave you to me as a gift, One in a million. A key has appeared from happiness - Fate has blessed it for us.

I gave myself to you forever, On that clear day, at the altar. We are two happy people, my dear, I love you!

Poems to my husband: You are only mine!

Our union was formed in heaven, I am proud of you, beloved husband. You are smart, brave, sweet and dear, and most importantly, now you are only mine.

You and I put on two rings, And our happiness knows no end. I want to live my whole life with you, because I love you very much!

Dear, my dear husband

Dear, my dear husband, so dearly loved by me, Through the cold of winter, Through the grayness of dull days

You and I walked together, Without asking God for a miracle. They just walked the same path, despite someone’s envy.

I want to tell you that I appreciate you immensely. You cannot escape from fate - I love you, my faithful!

One unit

We are with you in joy and in sorrow, We are with you in cold and in heat, We are with you on land or in the sea, In a snowy cold blizzard,

Alone, in a large circle of friends, At work, at home and on the subway... Wherever we are, no matter where, You and I are one!

We are married before God,
You and I have a family.
And there is no woman in the world
Happier than me...

My husband, you are the best!
And this is not praise!
No wonder under the sky
I found you...

I want to confess to you:
I love you so much!
Save such happiness
Now I pray to the saints...

I want to tell you “I love you!”
I want to hug you tighter.
I'll take your hand
And all problems are easier to solve.

You made me happy
Your shoulders became your protection.
You are joy, you are my dreams,
You are my only one in the world.

Since you became my husband,
I really need you like air!
It's only you that I breathe
I'm always in a hurry to hug you!

When we're not together, I miss you
I only dream of meeting soon.
And quietly in my thoughts I say,
How much I love you!

I’ll say my favorite without hiding!
That I can’t do without you!
I don't have enough room in my heart
And it seems it will melt,
From warm feelings and tender phrases
Which you gave to me more than once!
I confess my love to you!

And promised by heaven.
I will never betray
The feeling is between us.

You are my husband before God,
We are responsible for each other.
I love your features
More than anyone else in the whole world!

I love you honey,
My unique husband.
May the earthly age last
Unity of our souls!

You are my source of happiness
You are the meaning of existence.
You are the closest, the main one, -
My husband, my family!

You are the kindest, gentlest,
And I, day by day,
I love you like a Woman
Girlfriend and wife!

Sometimes we quarrel with you,
We can be rude sometimes
And we get offended - it happens
I don’t want to think about sad things!

I want to tell you “I love you”
Find such a husband
I was the only one in the world who could
Madly, know I love you!

I want to tell you
What I will never keep silent about
About how much I love you,
And I can’t live without you!
I confess, Dear,
That there is no more love like this in the world!
My prince, I adore you
And I respect you very much!

This is a valuable gift
From a friend - fate.
I met you
Among the gray crowd!

And now it has happened
You became my husband.
I'm forever in love
In your kisses...

In these arms and shoulders,
In the depths of your eyes...
And now every evening
No one is happier than us!

Who could be dearer than your husband?
You are the cutest to me.
And I don't need anyone else
I want to be with you always.
You are my lover, friend, comrade,
You can be anything you want.
I love you, you know it
And I won't be able to forget you.

Whatever I tell you -
Remember, I say lovingly!
Whatever I promise you -
I will do everything just for you.

I have one husband - my beloved,
For the rest of my life, I hope,
The only one, irreplaceable,
I love you madly!

I confess to you, dear husband,
I love you alone, my dear!
I can't be silent about this anymore
I want to shout to the whole world!
My love knows no boundaries
And my heart burns with passion for you!
Accept my love, don't reject it!
Always wish for me alone!!!

I hasten to confess to you:
You are the most important in life!
to meet you
I got lucky one day!

Now I'm happier
Can't find my wife...
And there is no wider smile
And sincere love!

My husband, thank you
What happiness he gave!
Love you so much,
How do I have the strength...

Like an unearthly miracle,
Fate gave me a chance
Loving a dear man
And be with him every day and hour.

You are my beloved husband, wonderful,
I love you so much.
Not for a moment, to be honest,
I will never stop loving!

You are the best of men!
You are the only one on earth!
I just adore you
I love, appreciate and respect!

You are my protector, my hero!
I want to live my whole life with you
In the close union of our souls,
My best husband in the world!

Your eyes shine so bright.
They attract me with their beauty!
I didn't think that I would ever
I can love you so much.
One person to treasure so much!
I will always be by your side!
You are my destiny!

To be married to you -
Like a lottery prize!
Now I'm a grandmother
And life is behind us...

But I still love you
My husband, I adore
For giving you hope
I was able to justify my...

That there is happiness in marriage
Perhaps for centuries...
To confess my love for you
I want in my poems...

My beloved, good one,
Be with me always.
You are the most precious thing to me,
Like in my youth then...

I'm happy when
I look into your eyes
When in your hand
my hand rests...

My dear, gentle husband,
don't you ever forget,
How strong and how tender
I love you!

Our union was formed in heaven,
I am proud of you, beloved husband.
You are smart, brave, sweet and dear,
And most importantly, now you are only mine.

You and I put on two rings,
And our happiness knows no end.
I want to live my whole life with you,
After all, I love you very much!

I want to tell you
About what's on my soul.
My heart is beating so fast,
He misses you and is sad!
I want to confess to you -
I love you madly!

I love you like before
In those young years.
And between us there are falsehoods
There will never be!

I'm talking about a husband like this
I didn't even dare to dream.
You got into my soul
To become a part of it!

It won't be a secret to you
That my beloved is only you.
Please: always remember this,
Make my dreams come true.

You are worthy to be my husband,
And I deserve to be a wife.
Sometimes I'm weak, I won't hide it,
But behind you is like behind a wall.

“How much I love you!”

Since you became my husband,
I really need you like air!
It's only you that I breathe
I'm always in a hurry to hug you!

When we're not together, I miss you
I only dream of meeting soon.
And quietly in my thoughts I say,
How much I love you!

"Beloved husband"

Whatever I tell you -
Remember, I say lovingly!
Whatever I promise you -
I will do everything just for you.

I have one husband - my beloved,
For the rest of my life, I hope,
The only one, irreplaceable,
I love you madly!

“Our union was made in heaven”

Our union was formed in heaven,
I am proud of you, beloved husband.
You are smart, brave, sweet and dear,
And most importantly, now you are only mine.

You and I put on two rings,
And our happiness knows no end.
I want to live my whole life with you,
After all, I love you very much!

“I want to confess”

As spring awaits summer,
Autumn - spring...
So get you out of work
Every day I wait.

And I want to confess
My dear husband,
What I love, I want
To be close to you!

"I'm happy to be called your other half"

I'm happy to be called your half,
Lifelong companion, faithful wife!
I don't know any other man like him,
Which is just as mine in spirit!

When I return to our house in the evenings,
I’m wildly happy to see you!
I will go to great lengths, I will try my best,
May we continue to live lovingly!

“In love with you, my gentle one!”

Husband, why am I arguing with you?
Over the stupidest trifles?
Mood in minor key
The world seems to be in half!

Don't shout that I'm rebellious
And read the confession:
“In love with you, my gentle one,
You should always know this!”

"Warmth, attention and affection"

Warmth, attention and affection -
I need more than anything from you.
Being with you is just a fairy tale,
Out of all human envy.

My eighth wonder of the world!
Beloved husband and the best,
I love you not unrequitedly,
But I won’t stop waiting for “I love you.”

"Two hearts beat in unison"

Two hearts beat in unison -
And this is the truth, not a dream.
Read my confession -
This is the main desire.

I'm happy that you are my husband
And I’m not afraid of thunderstorms or cold.
I love you alone -
And we are destined to be together.

"How beautiful is love"

How beautiful is love when you divide everything in two,
How enthusiastically the heart sings about happiness.
I will dedicate it to you, dear, desired,
And minutes, and years, and hearts flying!

Anticipation of great and quick happiness,
And beauty is strong in emotional impulses!
A husband is so much, so important and expensive,
Just being with you is just a dream!

“I love you madly!”

Sometimes we quarrel with you,
We can be rude sometimes
And we get offended - it happens
I don’t want to think about sad things!

I want to tell you “I love you”
Find such a husband
I was the only one in the world who could
Madly, know I love you!

“You and I are two soul mates”

You and I are two soul mates,
And it’s good for us to be close together.
It's as if two pieces of ice have melted
After all, the two of them became quite warm.

I just love to laugh with you,
And just be silent and talk...
Beloved husband! I want not to part.
And I love loving you so much!

"To my beloved husband"

Today I want to tell you the main thing,
To give you an open heart -
To my beloved, best, glorious husband,
With whom to live comfortably and joyfully!

Does such luck happen in life?
Is fate ever so generous!
You are my happiness and my inspiration,
And in the magical world everything is just for you!

“I love you very much! »

My dear husband, I want to tell you,
That I love you very much!
That I will support you in everything,
Mysterious, affectionate, tender!

When you're near I don't need words
After all, this is that strong love,
Which inspires us with you,
Which connects hearts!

"I adore you!"

I don’t just love you – I adore you!
The season of low-degree cold is not scary:
With the warmth of our hearts we save each other.
You are forever my lover and husband!

I agree with you to be obediently followed,
In the traditions of a faithful eastern wife,
I'll take care of all the housework,
May we always be in love!

“I won’t get tired of repeating”

My husband, I love you very much!
I won't get tired of repeating this,
At any time of the year, day or night,
I’m ready to give all of myself to you!

And if bad weather suddenly happens,
I will remove her with my love!
Nature gave love and happiness,
I am very, very grateful to her!

"To my beloved husband"

I wake up in the morning and admire how you are dozing
In the arms of the dawn, closing my eyes.
I myself wake up so early only then,
To be on the lookout for a thunderstorm.

But no, everything between us is quiet, calm,
You say my name in your sleep.
And I relax, like a cat, happy.
Darling, please dream about me!

Men do not cry. Almost 70% of people are convinced of this. Perhaps you are convinced too. But you need to understand that if you did not see tears flowing down his cheeks, this does not mean that these tears never happened. No, that's not true at all. - these are the same people, just because of public opinion they cannot afford to cry in public. However, tears of happiness are a completely different matter, and you can easily cause them if you want.

There is no shame in crying with happiness. Especially if you cry in front of your loved one. Of course, by crying we do not mean a profuse roar with a sea of ​​tears, but only one or two stingy male tears. Do you want to see them on your husband’s face? Then. Do it beautifully, touchingly, sincerely and from the heart. Use the declaration of love to your beloved husband to tears, taken on our website, and you will be able to realize your plans.

This section contains many confessions that, if properly executed, will be able to evoke a real whirlpool of feelings and emotions in your husband. He will be filled with joy and sincere happiness. He will understand that he is still dear to you and loved by you. What else does a man need to be happy? Probably nothing.

I'll show my feelings to my husband.
Symphony in the soul is important.
I confess my love and say,
That the human connection is so strong.

Let recognition come
Like a ray of sunshine in the cold darkness.
I confess my love - and here it is
We are no longer alone in the world.

Congratulations on mobile

You pass by and your heart skips a beat,
Look at me - I'm burning in fire...
When you're near, my blood plays,
It's getting so hard for me to breathe...

You are a smart, attractive man,
There are countless people who dream about you.
But I have a reason to open up:
I love you - it was, will be, is!

If it suddenly starts to rain,
Bring me an umbrella.
If it's hot, give me some water,
If you're bored, give them a book.

You are my faithful, dear friend,
Yes, and a master of love sciences.
You often give me flowers,
Only you are worthy of my love!

My husband, I pray to heaven every day,
What fate met me.
I love you with all my heart, with every part of my body,
I will live my life in love, with you.

Beloved, dear, you are my good one,
I am glad that you are always with me.
Let happiness be dusted with the snow of years,
You are still dear to me.

Years dare not bring destruction
In our sweetly simple family life,
Family happiness, they tell me, is science,
And for us, my husband, love always protects us.

Cupid fell into my heart,
And I fell in love with you
Why? Yes because
I can't even live a day:

Without a mysterious smile
And without the shine of these eyes,
I need them everywhere
Every day and every hour!

My cheeks are red,
And I'm embarrassed to say
That from now on I will be there,
That from now on I am yours!

Beloved husband, you are the best in the world.
The only one, reliable and dear.
This list needs to be expanded
Into your whirlpool immediately with your head.

You are strict, faithful to me, and gorgeous,
You are on friendly terms with any problem.
The life scenario is real with you,
Where all my dreams came true!

Love you! Although I'm embarrassed to admit,
But I cannot continue to languish my feelings in my soul,
It’s better “No!” than to remain in obscurity,
And I believe you can appreciate the recognition.

I hope that you love me too,
That we will meet tomorrow, holding hands tenderly,
And I can become everything dearer to you.
Tell me what to do to make my dream come true?!

I'm very lucky to have you,
You give care and joy,
It's absolutely easy with you,
You are my strength, brightness and sweetness.

You are the one for whom I will go to the ends of the world,
I will be with you in sorrow and in happiness,
And without words, of course, I will understand you,
And together with you we will share the bad weather.

And I give love only to you,
The wedding ring warms my finger,
You are my beloved husband, I live by you,
With you, life became more beautiful in an instant.

Confess your love to your husband more often!

Many spouses view the relationships that have developed in the family as something permanent and indestructible. They are sure that everything has already been achieved, that life has “settled down” and there is no need to bother about it. However, practice proves that even marital relationships change daily, because nothing in the world is permanent. And for these changes to be only positive, the tender feelings through which the family was formed must be nourished. This is a declaration of love.

And not only a woman needs to hear words expressing tenderness, affection, and respect. Men no less need proof of their irreplaceability and importance; they also need to be constantly reminded that for their spouse they are the best, that their relationship is important not only for themselves, but also for their chosen one. It has been proven that in those families where romantic moments with declarations of love take place, warmth and mutual understanding reign. And the more often men hear from their significant other “three words, like three fires,” the brighter and deeper the mutual feelings. And if a woman is embarrassed so simply, for no reason, for no reason, having lived side by side for more than one year, to suddenly confess her love, then she can be advised to do it in an original way:

  • 1. send a lyrical love poem as an SMS;
  • 2. send your spouse an email;
  • 3. put the poetic vocation written on the “Valentine” in a bag with a small “present”, which can be trivial purchases - socks, razors, tea glass;
  • 4. write poems about love and pin the piece of paper in the place where notes with tasks for the day are usually left: on the refrigerator, on the mirror, by the front door.

And you don’t have to wait for a holiday to give a gift - any everyday day can be turned into a joyful event. Love is the very feeling that, by proving it, people become closer to each other. And not only actions are decisive here. Words in love mean no less than actions, touches, kisses and gifts. Therefore, every woman should adhere to this rule: a day lived without words of gratitude addressed to her spouse is a day lost in family life.

Every girl, almost from childhood, dreams of a prince on a white horse. And one fine moment he appears, it’s very good if he also became your spouse. Many girls forget about romance after marriage, but this should not be done. Your man needs to confess his love as often as possible; he should feel happy next to his wife.

If a girl really loves her betrothed, then she herself will want to constantly compliment him, say the word “love”, because when you love someone, you repeatedly want to admire this person. You can compose a poem about love for your loved one and read it to him during a romantic dinner, he will be pleasantly surprised. If you can’t compose it yourself, then try to find some touching confession on the Internet, now, this is not a problem at all. But, if your man doesn’t like poetry, then the solution is prose. Just sincerely say kind words to him.

Declaring your love to your husband is a very touching moment. Men, they are much more impressionable than women, in order for him to believe in your love, you need to tell him these words very beautifully. He will not accept the usual word “I love”; a man wants to hear from you “my dear kitten, I love you very, very much.” You are my Everything". Yes, having heard such words, he will definitely begin to rejoice, and his mood will lift.

Tell your loved one different beautiful phrases, for example, “you will always be my support. I'm behind you like behind a stone wall. Since we started living together, I have truly felt like a happy woman. I realized that you are the dearest person, and I can’t live without you. And even if I were allowed to live this life again, I would choose you again. Now, you have become for me the best man in the world.”

The confession could also be like this: “my beloved, the minutes spent with you are best moments my life, I want them to become more numerous. You are my best, my only one. I want to be with you all the time, always everywhere. Go to the store with you, relax together. I don’t want to be left without you, and when I have to be alone, when you go to work, I wait for you with impatience, and every minute I look at my watch.”

You can also tell your loved one the following confession: “my boy, you are as gentle as the morning sun, waking up before me, you stroke my cheek so tenderly that I cannot help but smile. You are a ray of sunshine in the darkness for me. I feel so warm and good with you.”


Every loving wife should give beautiful poems to her beloved husband at least once in her life. . Poetry inspires, distinguishes from the prose of life, elevates our men in their own eyes, especially if recognition is presented mutually loving person, if it is selected with all the trepidation of a loving soul. In these piercing lines and between the lines, your husband will read what cannot be said to anyone but him, for marital happiness loves silence...

Poems for husband from wife

Poems to a husband from a wife in this article are provided in numerous versions on a given topic of love. They were written from the entirety of a huge female sensual heart and will definitely fall as a fertile seed into the soil of your lover’s soul. This poem is essentially a conspiracy that will transform what is written and said into reality. So, “Be afraid of your desires, for they can be fulfilled,” and do not forget that all of us, women, are a little bit of a witch from the noble word “to know,” that is, to know...

Love spell :)

The night looks at me with insomnia
Like snowflakes - poetry is a mountain,
I swore to be your lover
I swore to be your sister

I vowed to be a faithful wife,
A gentle mother for children,
Just happiness in the chest, immeasurable,
It became cramped from those passions

That my soul is being torn apart
For a hundred thousand crystal words,
I won't break my oath
In this eternal war of the sexes,

Lost by me. In "defeat"
A white flag on a sheet -
I'm lost in exhaustion
From your love for me,

You are a shield for me, a shelter,
By force - wild and forest,
Demigod and Celestial,
a solid stone wall,

You have everything: thunder and lightning,
And radiant warmth
Everything from Lithium to Plutonium
From Warrior to Christ,

How complex and simple you are, beloved,
How immeasurably - incomprehensible,
Hops, once sipped from the lips,
Became a source of living for me,

At this moment, as a sign of mutual love,
I will whisper my conspiracy to you:
"I love you my man,
You love me alone!)

Word. Key. Lock. Amen.)))

Poems for my beloved husband about love

Poems for your beloved husband are what you typed in the search... And it’s so great, so touching, so wonderful that you love and are loved, that fate turned out to be favorable to you and bestowed you with the great happiness of mutual love. Every man is pleased to know that he is the only one of all whom you have chosen as your life partner from huge amount fans. Let these lines touch his stern masculine heart.

I'm happy that we live as a family

I'm happy that we live as a family,
That we met one day not by chance,
That you and I are favored by fate
Beautiful, golden, extraordinary,

That I am called your wife,
That every evening I wait for you from work,
I am happy to surround you with care
Under the sun and under the tender moon,

I love you immensely, forever,
Behind my husband I am under careful protection,
Your love is spilled in my soul
Like a clear and stormy river...

There's no better lover in the world

A poem for a husband - this is how I briefly had to title my congratulations, but the very essence of this poem is much longer, brighter and richer, conveying the full depth of the husband’s admiration for his loving wife. Let your husband’s eyes shine with rays of delight, and never be afraid to exaggerate, centuries-old wisdom says: “It is impossible to over-praise a man.”

I think autumn is beautiful because of love

And the winter snowstorm caresses the eye,
And the slush of March sparkles like crystal,
And chaos turns into a pattern

Which we wove in love and bliss
My beloved gentle man
Of the most genial elegies
There is a better one - which is played by fate...

I don't notice rain and thunderstorms
When your hands are squeezed in a vice,
Roses drop in my soul from your caresses -
Petals of delight at my feet,

There is no better lover in the world
No best man on the ground!
Let the third one come to the two of us as a child,
And a twig will break through the trunk

Spreading family tree,
Let its roots grow deeper,
Let the Angel sanctify the empty womb
And the Gods will lead...

I want to extend our happiness with you

The beautiful poems for my husband in this blog are shrouded in a mystical flair; they are a little esoteric, because they have the ability to magically materialize an idea into matter. You know that in the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God. The word itself has amazing property change reality, program destiny, and what is said correctly - it carries incredible power and strength. This poem sounds like a talisman from a beloved woman for a beloved man.

I will reveal all the secrets of my fortune telling
You are water, well, I am like a ringing bowl...
With a gentle brush the gray clouds of fate
I’ll paint it with colorful paint for you

I'll make you friends along the way,
I will conjure health and eternal luck -
So that you can overcome all difficulties with ease,
So that you don’t be upset (after all, men don’t cry)

I will conjure you to unprecedented heights,
So that everything you have in mind always works out,
So that your strength never ends,
To make time slow down a little,

I want to extend our happiness with you,
Linger in moments of love and delight,

I want to kiss you for a long time, for a long time,

And love, love endlessly with all my soul...

Sleeping so sweetly on your shoulder...

​A beautiful verse to a husband from a loving wife can forever remain an imperishable memory of family history, a family heirloom, if you write it beautifully, and preferably by hand, on a postcard carefully selected for the occasion, or even better, on a printed photograph that captures one of your moments love. One day, your adult children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will look through the family album and admire these times when lovers still wrote with ink on paper...

Sleeping so sweetly on your shoulder...
You are my harbor, my priceless pier,
And every day there are only hot feelings,
And there is no happier me in the Universe,

And if the rivers turned back
And the film reel of life rewound -
Then I would tie my life again
With you alone and here are all the arguments:

You are courageous, you are strong, you are like that
With whom to be safe and not scary,
And my character, often reckless,
Sometimes your peace is so wisely extinguished...

And we came together like ice and hot fire,
Like prose and poetry, needle and thread,
Like heaven and earth, water and fire,

Like yin and yang. And we cannot be separated...

Short poems for my beloved husband

A short, but very touching, warm, cozy poem for your husband will definitely touch your soul, and make your lover’s heart tremble. Men, they are so... weak, fragile and vulnerable creatures))) They are simply unable to resist women's admiration, women's delight, women's declarations of love. The more often you tell your husband how much you love him, the more confident and stronger he will become in this huge competitive world. It is very important for a man to know that he is the best for you.

Trust you. On the shoulder -
Smile, catch your breath,
You are my salvation, ark,
Both reward and punishment,

To fall asleep on your chest,
Waking up - without avoiding,
Hug you, kiss you,
Two wrists locked together,

And look into your eyes without breathing,
Freezing, getting lost in you,
Feel like there's a soul in your soul
Dissolves to remain...

Touching poem for my husband

A touching verse for a husband is necessary for this very husband - like oxygen, like a sip of life-giving water, like spread wings in the sky, in order to soar above a world that constantly questions male significance, relevance, competitive survival and in general - if you constantly confirm the superiority of your husband at any opportunity, believe me, even if this is not entirely true - he will begin to correspond, he will try his best, just go out of his way to prove to you that yes, he is exactly like that!) ))

Grow up to you, reach you,
Reach out like a sprout towards the light,
I would like to be forever
The oxygen of your planet,

And fall asleep on your shoulder
So, to sew yourself in forever,
For the softness and heat of the nights
Without me they would be harder than ice,

So that YOU can't live without me,
At least for a day I would become weak,
Well, for a little bit))). You are my God,
And to Goddess me - from a woman,

From my anxiety to peace,
From the drooping corners
Lips into a smile. Covered it with my hand
Out of care I created an alcove,

I am your ark, and you are my Noah,
And the manifestation of the main truths,
It's happiness to be your wife,

Because you have no equal!

Poem of congratulations from my wife

The verse of congratulations to the husband from the wife in this article is suitable for any celebration, holiday, wedding anniversary, because it sounds like a declaration of love, and you don’t need a special reason for love. So just confess your love to your husband today, just like that. Just congratulate him on the fact that you are madly in love with him)

I am grateful to fate for our union,

You are happiness and the meaning of my entire destiny
By right of the strongest you hold the load

And I'm behind you under your protection

You are smarter than me, much calmer,
And I am more patient, weaker, more gentle,
But the essence, if we put ours on the scales -
The balance will be equal to the life line

We complemented each other
Warlike Yang and obedient Yin
Hot summer, cool winter,
Crimson flames and blue lakes,

We are so different, and so in love,
That even my friends envy me
We are terminally ill with each other
And this “disease” is quite pleasant to us,

Congratulating you, I write that “I love you”,
And you will be able to read everything between the lines...
Please accept my congratulations on my loyalty.
And life. And all the best that I have...

Women praise men
Man for the praise
The month will reach from the clouds
And it will sweep away the dust in the corner!

Igor Guberman

Beautiful poems for your beloved spouse to tears

Poems to bring tears to my husband... this is the touching request they receive loving wives, wanting to find the most reverent poem in the open spaces to confess my love to my spouse. This poem is exactly that. It enthusiastically recognizes the strength and superiority of men over women's fragility and weakness. As practice shows, a strong, responsible, huge man always has a small and fragile woman... and now I’m not talking about appearance, but about the internal component.

All the stars are in the sky for you
And clouds of twisted lace.
Let them fall like snowflakes in your palms
Sparkling rhyming words:

May the angels shelter our happiness
Huge wings to the sky,
Love is coming filled with passion,
And next to him, with an arrow at the ready,

Cupid flies, I thank him
Because we are struck on the spot,
You love, and I love you forever,
And there are probably no such praises,

To describe how beautiful you are,
How witty and smart
For friends - a shoulder, for enemies - dangerous,
And how strong you are morally and spiritually,

You are the best! You are my support
A wide back and a ray of sunshine,
Protection from bad conversations
And the key to my heart has been found

You alone. I don't need anything else
No happiness, no man, no love,
YOUR love is a priceless reward,
And in our mixed blood

Everything is mixed up - yours, my desires,
Two halves of a whole forever,
Just you and me... And even distances,
Not kilometers, not miles, not parsecs,

There's nothing that can destroy
My Love, born of you,
I bow my head to Fate,
What could disarm me like that?

And make it weak, tender and simple
For a strong and wise man,
Let the Lord himself be an invisible pilgrim
The saint will cover us with protection...

Winter poem to husband from wife

​These poems are called “winter”, but at the same time they carry a cozy homely warmth. That state when a blizzard is swirling outside a window painted with frosty patterns, and at home there are crackling logs in the fireplace, a kind dog lies at your feet, a warm and fluffy sleepy cat is on your lap, and a child (preferably two) is snoring in the crib, and the husband... ... think for yourself in your reality map what your beloved and loving husband is doing at this time)

Quiet - quiet... you sleep snoring
And you laugh at something in your sleep,
Like rain, words drip down,
Read them when you wake up...

Quietly - quietly the snowflakes are spinning,
I extended my warm hand,
Somewhere in the cold, destinies are crumbling,
Behind other people's, other glasses,

And it’s so warm and caring here,
That Winter will not dare to enter,
December smells like pine, believe me, but
This morning seems like spring...

Here is another “winter” love poem:

When you're near, there are no disturbing thoughts,
And let the winter swirl with frost,
In your huge and reliable hands
My love lies like snowflakes

And melts from your touch,
They are fire, I am warm water,
And I will never become a piece of ice
While you see a reflection in me

For the most beloved in the world
I scattered words like stars:
With you, danger will not whip you,
Love will not rewrite its chapter,

With you my heart beats faster,
You are strength, you are broad back,
A man, the best, the real one,
My love, support and wall!

Poems for a real man and husband from his wife

Your words are weighty and quiet
I always take them with me everywhere
And so, I lay poems at your feet
Trophies that I took without a fight,

Treasures extracted from the depths
The depth that Alpha and Omega -
The warmth of the sand, the needles of snow
And trembling lips are born in me,

I look into the eyes - dark and deep,
And falling to the bottom of your wells
I'm walking along it as a pioneer,
Where did you give me support for my hand,

How poisonous is the spear of envy,
She flares her nostrils so greedily
What am I afraid of, what if someone suspects
What a treasure you are, my treasure...

So generously covered with milk
Your sheet of soul, which is folded into origami,
A priceless gift sent by the Gods
And I read it all, secretly,

I will lock my mouth with a thousand locks
In the world - silence, but here - careless,
Everything is hidden and it is simply impossible
Look beyond the fort on our shores,

A beautiful verse for a real man

It's so easy for me to be weak next to you,
Although I could have a galloping horse,
And into the hut burning with a furious woman,
And pour poison into the enemy’s dinner,

It’s so easy for me to be meek next to you,
And everyone laughs in surprise: “Looooooff”
I was so stunned by this find,
Looking down into the overgrown moat...

I knelt down and took out a coin,
I shook off the blades of grass and wet sand,
I remember everything... how the heat burned my palm,
How a vein trembled, burning the temple,

How the empty pocket was filled with gold,
And the hole was patched with a thin thread,
How “here and now” let go of “yesterday”
And with it sadness and heartache,

It's so easy for me to be quiet next to you,
Although I can stun half the world,
But you, without teasing the devil and the dashing in me
He easily managed to strangle them in the bud.....

And I became warm, homely, even,
Dissolved in love wiser and more mature,
And where the fold between the eyebrows loomed -
It’s been smooth for a long time now from your caresses...

In order to sincerely express the fullness of their tender feelings, beautiful ladies often simply do not have enough words, the soul sings, the heart beats and sweetly skips in anticipation of a future meeting. But how can you please your spouse and give him, albeit a small, surprise? The ideal solution in such a situation is short poems about love for your husband. Such a small message will definitely please your man, so he will know how dear you are, how much you miss him and how strong your love is.

Don't be afraid to take the first step and send short poems to your chosen one. A beautiful love verse of a couple of lines can be sent as an SMS message when your loved one is at work. Such a short love poem will pleasantly warm the soul and give more tenderness and sensitivity to your attitude. You can also send short love poems for your husband by message to social network or write it by hand on a beautiful piece of paper and attach it to the mirror so that your man can find it and read it in the morning.

Receiving signs of attention and statements of sympathy are pleasant not only for women, but also for men. With the help of a short poem on a love theme, you will take a step towards your destiny and express in beautiful words all those emotions and feelings that overwhelm your soul and thoughts. A short poem in the middle of the day will be a kind of promise for a pleasant evening in each other’s romantic company. Leave aside all the everyday fuss and show your man that you truly love him and your feelings are strong and indestructible for many years.

You can send a short poem about love to your spouse on the occasion of some memorable date for you, for example, on the day you met or on your wedding anniversary. Or can it be done just like that, without any reason? Do you really need a reason to reveal your feelings to your loved one again and again? Even if your poem is short, it will contain all the necessary words that you want to express and that your dearly beloved husband so wants to hear. A small text message with a short verse will be an original gift for your spouse.
