How to fold napkins for table setting. Ways to fold napkins Beautiful paper napkins on the table: spinner

A napkin is an indispensable attribute of any feast, and many housewives want to arrange these items in the most original way possible. Diagrams showing how to beautifully fold paper napkins on a festive table help a lot with this. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to master the art of origami. In this article, we will look at illustrative examples of how you can use the simplest forms and choose the right color correctly.

Table Decoration Basics

There are many options for beautiful addition paper napkins. To choose the most suitable of them, it is necessary to build on the main principles:

  • Napkins need to be folded simply so that they do not have to be untwisted or unfolded for a long time before use.
  • Their shape is chosen based on the age of the guests and the holiday.
  • By color, they should be organically combined with serving items, especially with a tablecloth.
  • They can be folded on a plate, napkin holder or simply put in a glass.
  • Before serving the table, all napkins should be folded and prepared in advance.

If the hostess has never done this, she does not have to start with complex schemes from the Internet. To begin with, you can master the simplest shapes: a corner, an accordion or a tube. Playing with colors and having a sense of taste, it will be possible to decorate the festive table even with the help of such unpretentious forms.

Consider how to arrange a paper napkin in a glass:

  • Unfold the napkin completely.
  • Bend it diagonally so that it takes the shape of a triangle.
  • Lay the triangle with the base facing you.
  • Next, you need to carefully roll the figure with a tube.
  • Pinch the right corner of the figure between two fingers, then wind the napkin around three fingers at the same time.
  • The bottom edge of the tube should be even, and the top edge uneven.
  • Bend the top of the tube outward (about 1/3).
  • Put the figure in the glass.

If there is a napkin holder on the table, paper napkins can be folded in the form of a corner or an accordion.

The easiest thing to do corner. To do this, you need to take a square napkin and fold it diagonally - we get an isosceles triangle, which folds in half until the desired size is reached.

Much more interesting is the design in the form accordion. To obtain such a form, follow the following algorithm.

  • If the napkin is small (25×25 cm), it should be fully unfolded. At large sizes(from 33 × 33 cm) fold it four times.
  • Give the object the shape of an accordion. When folding, it is enough to observe a step of 1-2 cm.
  • Now bend the figure in half and place in a napkin holder.

Getting creative

Often, when preparing for a celebration, there is simply not enough time to learn complex schemes festive table setting. However, with a creative approach and the right choice of color, the hostess can achieve original design even with the simplest forms of folding paper napkins.

Colors should match the holiday and surrounding objects, especially tablecloths. Consider the main examples:

  • New Year: you can combine green and golden colors.
  • Halloween: The main colors of the holiday are black and orange.
  • Valentine's Day: make the simplest figures in red or pink.
  • Birth of a child: if a boy is born, use a combination of white and blue color; at the birth of a girl, take as a basis a combination of white and pink flowers.
  • Children's holiday: take napkins of several colors and decorate them with an accordion - you get a rainbow. Additionally, you can take orange napkins, twist them into a tube (this method is discussed above) and tie with green ribbon to make a carrot.

Shape examples

If you really want original jewelry, you should turn to diagrams with more intricate figures. These napkins are guaranteed to be the decoration of any festive feast. Let's look at a few examples.

Figure "Peacock Tail"

The center of any meal is a tastefully laid table. When a hostess has a question about table textiles, a tablecloth and table napkins come to mind. Why do you need cloth napkins? How to deal with them during a feast?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What is a textile napkin

They are divided into two types, based on the purpose. Substitute napkins are those that are laid on the table personally for each guest and on which the serving is organized. But the most common is the second version of table napkins, which need to be laid on your knees and wipe your hands. It is about them that we will talk. Moreover, you will learn three ways to fold textile napkins: the simplest, but effective and meeting the main requirements of etiquette.

Where did the napkin come from on the tables

During the Middle Ages, such an attribute of a feast as napkins had not yet been invented, and to wipe their hands from grease, people used the tablecloth itself. Only noble guests were served a bowl of water and lemon, which has disinfectant properties, to rinse their fingers in it.
Napkins came into widespread use only in the 16th century. At first, napkins were placed on the shoulder, on the arm, or were used as a bib, which was attached to the waistcoat with silver hooks or tied at the back of the neck. Gradually, the napkins "moved" to my knees. In the 17th century, when women's skirts became more puffy, the size of napkins grew to 90-115 cm. With the advent of new cutlery, the size of the napkin also changed. So, as soon as the use of a fork came into practice (and this happened only in the middle of the 18th century), the participants in the meal became more accurate and the napkins decreased in size.

Modern textile napkins: materials and sizes, style and color

According to the canons of classical table etiquette, for a banquet, a dinner party or a dinner party, table textiles must be sewn from natural linen white color. But modern table etiquette allows you to deviate from this rule, besides, there is now a huge variety of mixed fabrics for table linen: beautiful, expressive, and most importantly, more practical to use (for example, Teflon-coated fabrics that are not afraid of fat, wine and coffee ). For an informal meal, white table linens can easily be replaced with beige or another neutral hue. And if you want to create a certain mood at the table or maintain the style of the interior, then etiquette allows colored or even combined tablecloths and napkins: the fabric can be plaid or striped, with a floral or any other interesting print. Choose according to your taste! A very convenient and win-win option is the use of companion fabrics, when on one of the elements of table linen (tablecloth or napkins) a fabric with a multi-colored pattern is used, and on the other - a plain fabric that repeats one of the colors of the print; or two prints are combined (for example, flowers and stripes) with the choice of the same color palette.

The size of a modern table napkin is about 40x40 cm (from 36 to 46 cm), the tea napkin is smaller - about 30x30 cm (from 25 to 35 cm).

In the modern world, textile napkins are an indispensable attribute of table setting, so every housewife should take care of their availability.

Why do we need textile napkins if there are paper ones

For the first time, they learned about paper napkins in 1867, when their first batch was produced at a paper mill in England. The guests really liked this serving attribute, and since then their production on an industrial scale has begun. Paper napkins have a number of advantages: they perfectly absorb moisture, and most importantly, there is no need for washing, which, of course, every housewife will appreciate.
But can they completely and completely replace textiles?

Linen napkins are an indispensable attribute of any feast, their main goal is the comfort of guests and the safety of their costumes. However, paper napkins must be present on the table in sufficient quantities.

The main task of a textile napkin is to protect the guest's outfit, it should be laid on your knees. Also, a linen napkin is used when the fingers are a little dirty. What to do if the hands are very dirty, and what to use during a runny nose? Paper napkins will save you, for these purposes they were created.

How to use textile napkins

All the guests, including the hosts, took their places and the meal began. The hostess is the first to start the feast - she unfolds her napkin, then the guests follow her example.

  • take a textile napkin from the table and unfold;
  • fold it in half and place it on your knees with the fold towards you;
  • during the feast, wipe slightly soiled fingers with the top edge of the napkin, while not removing it from your knees;
  • leave a napkin on the chair in case you need to go out;
  • if you get up from the table already at the end of dinner, then put a napkin to the left of the plate. There is no need to fold it again: grab the middle of the napkin so that all the folds come together and lay it on the table. When the hostess does the same with her napkin, consider that the dinner is over.

Three ways to fold napkins

Arriving at a restaurant, we often see napkins twisted in the form of a Crown, French lily, Bishop's Miter, or other unusual shape. The art of folding napkins came to us from the 17th century. At the French court, there were special people who folded napkins for the royal table and did it simply masterfully, but it was forbidden to use such a napkin for its intended purpose, as it was considered a violation of the rules of etiquette. During the Victorian era, views on the rules of behavior at the table changed somewhat - people began to think more about hygiene. Imagine how many times you have to touch the napkin in the process of folding, and, moreover, what a crumpled look it will have after being in the form of a Fan or an Artichoke! It is unlikely that any of the guests will want to wipe their hands or lips with such a napkin.

Complex folding options faded into the background, they were replaced by simpler ones. Modern etiquette adheres to the same rules for folding napkins: a minimum of touching and a minimum of folds.

They are absolutely universal:

  • they meet the requirements of modern table etiquette: a minimum of touches and folds;
  • very simple: any housewife will easily master them and will spend no more than five minutes on serving, which means that a woman will have extra time to rest - this is priceless;
  • efficient and suitable different styles serving.

When choosing a way to fold napkins, you need to take into account the occasion of the meal itself. For an official feast, napkins with lace or a fan-folding option are definitely not suitable. But to create a warm spring mood - what you need.


By the way, the method of folding napkins "Petals" will come in handy - an ideal option for an informal cozy atmosphere, which goes well with the floral print of textiles and floral decor on the table.

1. Unfold the napkin and lay it on the table with the wrong side up.

2. Take the upper left corner and pull it to the opposite corner, folding the napkin in half, forming a triangle.

3. Pull the upper corner of the resulting triangle to the left corner, but do not connect them to each other.

4. Repeat the action: fold the right edge to the left without closing the corners of the napkin.

5. The napkin is ready! We put it on a substitution plate with the petals to the right, put a snack plate on top. We complement the serving with cutlery and glasses.

Napkin rings

Today, napkin rings are used as a decorative serving element. But there were times when rings had a different function: they guaranteed ownership of a dirty napkin.

Historical note: since table linen was rarely washed, textile napkins were used many times. The rings served as an identification mark so that the guest could be sure that he received exactly his dirty napkin.

Rings are made from different materials: silver, wood, fabric, etc. But even in the absence of serving rings, you can easily improvise, for example, replace them with a ribbon.

There are many ways to insert a napkin into a ring: you can fold the napkin into unusual folds, fold it like a fan or just twist it into a tube, choose any one you like! Let's look at the simplest option:

1. Unfold the napkin and lay it on the table inside out.

2. Take the napkin by the middle with your hand and shake it to form free folds.

3. We put the middle of the napkin into the ring and straighten the folds. Ready!

The napkin enclosed in the ring can be conveniently placed directly on the plate. Firstly, it will save space on the table and free up space for dishes. And secondly, a napkin on a plate, as it were, will hint to the guest that he will not be able to start the meal until he spreads the napkin on his knees.

Envelope for cutlery "Stripes"

A napkin envelope is a great option for formal dinners in simple style. Although, if you dilute the serving with delicate decor or flowers, this way of folding napkins will also be appropriate at an informal dinner with close people.

1. Place a folded napkin on the table so that the four free corners are at the top right.

2. Take the top free corner and fold it diagonally inward as shown in the photo. Align the fold.

It is very convenient to put cutlery in the formed "pockets", thereby saving space on the table. In addition, you can put a note, flowers, a gift or even a small bun there.

Beautifully folded napkin will decorate your table. The napkin can be given a variety of shapes: from simple traditional to more intricate. Keep in mind that starched napkins are much easier to roll. But always remember that textile napkins are an indispensable element of serving, you cannot do without it, giving preference to paper napkins.

Do not neglect the rules of etiquette. Show respect for your guests by caring about them. appearance, then they will appreciate your care and in return thank you for the warm welcome!

A holiday or a long-awaited dinner is about to begin. The table is set, the interior is decorated, and mouth-watering dishes are waiting in the kitchen. But is something missing? Of course, originally folded napkins that will give the festive table a special charm and charm.

Each napkin is designed for a specific guest and cannot be laid casually on the table. This is a manifestation of disrespect and indifference. In addition, an accessory so modest at first glance can cheer you up or, on the contrary, cross out the created atmosphere of the evening. Therefore, every hostess should know how to fold napkins beautifully in accordance with the occasion and theme of the event.

We select napkins for the event

For a family breakfast, lunch or an informal dinner with close friends, ordinary paper napkins are perfect. It is better to give preference to bright colors to create a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Such napkins will look good on tables during children's matinee. Especially folded in the form of bizarre little animals and figurines. In addition, small children are not distinguished by perseverance and accuracy, so the paper version is most welcome here.

For solemn events It is better to choose plain cotton or linen napkins. So that they are in harmony with the table setting and tablecloth.

On a note! Suitable for events of any format universal tissue napkins white.

If you want to give an atmosphere of originality and originality, you can decorate the table with bright napkins. Contrasting in relation to the general serving, but combined in color scheme with separate accessories and decorative elements.

On a note! Using the same technology, you can fold both fabric and paper napkins.

Preparing tissue paper

Before proceeding to the “napkin origami”, you need to perfectly wash, starch and iron the main accessory.

When choosing starch, it is more logical to give preference to an ordinary product dissolved in water. Its aerosol counterpart will not give the fabric the desired density. And ironing is subjected to slightly damp wipes. If they dry out, you can re-moisturize them.

Practical advice! It is better to use cotton and linen napkins with a small amount of synthetics, since they do not shrink after washing, are easier to iron and have a more pliable structure for folding. Plus, they keep their shape very well.

Rules for "napkin origami":

  1. Napkins should have a square shape and standard sizes: 35x35 or 40x40 for creating simple compositions, 50x50 for complex ones.
  2. All wipes for holiday table folded in the same style. Different compositions will create the effect of disorder and negligence.
  3. It is necessary to touch the accessory with your hands as little as possible during the folding process.

Beautiful compositions from napkins

Boat for a children's party:

  1. Fold the napkin in half and place the fold to the right towards you.
  2. Fold the newly made rectangle in half again, lowering the top side down.
  3. Move the lower left corner, consisting of 4 strips of fabric, diagonally up.
  4. Expand the resulting triangle with a right angle upwards.
  5. Connect the side corners at the bottom of the figure. Their common angle should be opposite the top.
  6. Bend 2 tails at the bottom back.
  7. Fold the shape in half so that the 2 bottom corners of the triangle meet at the back.
  8. And holding them, alternately pull out the upper petals - the future sails.

Elf slipper for Christmas:

  1. In front of you is a napkin inside out.
  2. Connect the sides in the center.
  3. Fold in half. The output is a long rectangle.
  4. Lay the rectangle horizontally.
  5. Bend its edges down at a right angle.
  6. Attach the sides to the line in the center and fold the structure in half.
  7. Now you hold 2 corners, lift one of them up.
  8. And with the second, go around the heel of the shoe and fix the structure by bending it over the opposite lapel.

Easter Bunny:

  1. The underside of the napkin looks up.
  2. Fold it in half with the bottom side up.
  3. Repeat, lifting the bottom side up again.
  4. Bend over long tails down at a right angle.
  5. Attach both halves of the base to the center line.
  6. 2 lower sides of the newly made rhombus also attach to the line in the center.
  7. Fold the top corner under the napkin so that it is not visible from above.
  8. Now you have a triangle in front of you. Bend its right corner over the center line.
  9. And in the resulting pocket, bend the left corner and fix the figure.
  10. Raise the bunny and straighten his ears.

Rosette on March 8th:

  1. Lay a red or yellow square napkin inside out.
  2. Fold it in half diagonally. It should be a triangle.
  3. Flip the triangle so that its bottom side is on top and the right angle is on the bottom.
  4. Lift the right angle up, leading it over the edge of the upper side.
  5. Fold the napkin in half again, bringing the bottom and top sides together.
  6. Twist the napkin from one end to the other, giving the rose a nice shape.
  7. Now you need to take a green napkin of any shape for rose leaves.
  8. Fold it in half diagonally 3 times.
  9. Insert the leaves into the glass, and put a rose in their center.

Universal lily for a glass:

  1. Starting position - square inside out.
  2. Bend 4 corners of the square to the center.
  3. Turn the structure upside down.
  4. Repeat point #2.
  5. Holding all the corners in the center with one hand, use the other hand to pull the petals out from under the bottom of the napkin.
  6. Spread the flower petals and place a glass or decorative decoration in the center of the structure.

royal lily:

  1. Lay the triangle down in front of you.
  2. Connect the corners of the base to the top.
  3. Lift the bottom corner up. But not to the end - it should not reach 2 cm to the top.
  4. Bend it down to the base of the figure.
  5. Connect the side corners at the back and secure the structure by inserting one of the lower corners into the resulting pocket.
  6. Drop the lily petals down.

Jacket for February 23rd:

  1. Place the triangle upside down in front of you.
  2. Bend the base under the bottom by 1 cm.
  3. Lower each corner of the base down so that it connects to the top of the triangle.
  4. Fold the bottom of the figure back.
  5. The jacket can be decorated with a tie or bow tie from a contrasting color napkin.

Tie for men's evening:

  1. Place the napkin in front of you, inside out. But not a square, but a rhombus.
  2. Holding the top corner with one hand, with the other, take the right corner to the left so that it goes beyond the middle of the napkin. Let's go.
  3. In the same way, take the left corner, but to the right. The left side should lie slightly on the right.
  4. Bend the right side again, and then the left.
  5. Bend the pointed tip at a 90° angle.
  6. Wrap around her tie and secure it in the pocket.
  7. Turn the napkin over.

Table fan:

  1. Lay the rectangle in front of you with the fold up.
  2. Fold a third of the napkin accordion from right to left, tucking each strip of fabric under the bottom.
  3. Fold in half so that the harmonica is on top, not inside.
  4. Expand. The free ends of the accordion should look up.
  5. Bend the straight part down at a right angle and fix it.
  6. Place the fan and it will open on its own.

Heart for Valentine's Day:

  1. Lay the napkin upside down.
  2. Fold the bottom side towards the center.
  3. Fold the top to the center as well.
  4. Fold in half to hide the center seam.
  5. Lift the right edge up at a right angle.
  6. Do the same with the left.
  7. Check that the ends of the napkin are at the same level.
  8. Fold sharp corners under the bottom to give round shape heart.

Festive Candle:

  1. Make a triangle, the wrong side should be hidden inside.
  2. Bend 1 cm. The base of the triangle.
  3. Turn the structure upside down. Curved section at the bottom.
  4. Roll the napkin from one corner to the other.
  5. Hide the remaining end in the base and fix.
  6. Peel back one top piece and form a festive candle.

Christmas tree:

  1. Fold the original napkin 2 times. Should be a square.
  2. Fold each of the 4 layers up. But not completely - there should be a gap between the layers.
  3. Flip upside down.
  4. Connect the side corners just above the center. It turned out to be a rhombus.
  5. Flip the napkin back over and fold over each edge, inserting it into the pocket of the previous one.
  6. Now decorate the Christmas tree with any elements of the New Year's decor.

From any beautifully folded napkin, you can create a real composition with a little time and imagination. The main thing is not to forget about their main purpose on the festive table.

It is not necessary to create overly complex structures, because the guests still need to somehow unfold the ingenious creation. Spare them embarrassing situations and enjoy a pleasant evening at a beautifully and artfully decorated table.

Napkins in their utilitarian meaning have a long history. In ancient Greece, fig tree leaves served as napkins, with which slaves wiped their master's lips. Cloth napkins are first mentioned in ancient Rome. During the Middle Ages, napkins appeared in Europe.

Nowadays, when serving a festive table, the hostess will never forget to put a napkin near the plate of each guest. Currently, two types of napkins are used: fabric and paper. Cloth ones are usually laid on their knees, and lips and fingers are wiped with paper ones.

Sometimes paper napkins are not served on the table, but only fabric ones are present. In this case, one napkin is used both to protect clothes and to wipe.

Today, napkins are a table decoration!

Here are some ways how to fold cloth napkins when setting the table beautifully:

  • Lily

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the left and right corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. 4. Bend the top of the upper triangle.

  • royal lily

1. Initial form - the napkin lies face down. 2. Bend in turn all its corners to the center. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend its corners to the center again. 5. Holding the corners in the center, pull the corners from the bottom so that they form “petals”.

  • Artichoke

1. Initial form - the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Bend all four corners to the center. 2. Bend all corners to the center again. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend all corners to the center again. 5. Pull out the tip of the napkin that is inside the rectangle. 6. Pull out the rest of the tips. 7. Pull the remaining four corners from under the folded figure.

  • Handbag

1. Initial form - fold the napkin vertically in half (fold on the right). 2. And fold in half again from bottom to top. 3. Bend the two layers of the upper left corner to the center. 4. Bend the upper right corner to the center. 5. Bend the resulting triangle down along the line just below the middle. 6. Bend the upper right and left corners to the middle. 7. Bend the resulting triangle down to the first triangle.

  • Horizontal sachet

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half with the front side inward (fold at the bottom). 2. Bend a third of the top layer down to form a central crease. 3. Turn the opposite side towards you. Bend the sides so that they touch in the center. Fold the same again.

  • Diagonal sachet

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold back the corner of the first layer of fabric 2 inches (5 cm), repeat the operation. 3. Fold over the second layer of tissue paper, tucking a corner under the diagonal bolster to form a second 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide roll. 4. Fold the top and bottom of the napkin and lay it on the table, orienting it vertically so that the folds remain diagonal.

  • Tiered corners

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the left point. Bend the second layer so that the second corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the first. 3. Repeat the above with the third and fourth layers of fabric so that all corners are 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. 4. Fold the sides down and place the napkin on the table.

  • Everest

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half horizontally (fold from above). 2. Fold the top corners diagonally towards the middle. 3. Align the sides of the triangle so that their sharp corners are at the bottom. 4a. Turn the figure over and bend the ends, which will become a support for it. 4b. Bend along the vertical axis with folds inward. 5. Stand the napkin upright.

  • Calla

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally with the front side out (fold at the bottom). 2. Finish the upper corner, forming a "bag" 3. Turn out about 1/3 of the "bag". 4. Straighten the resulting figure and give the napkin a vertical position.

  • Column

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Bend the base up, then back about 2-3 cm. 3. Starting from the left, roll the napkin into a tube. Lay the remaining edge in the lower folded edge of the napkin.

  • Hat with lapel

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded with the wrong side inward (left fold). 2. Fold the napkin in half again to make a square (fold at the bottom). 3. Wrap the lower left corner, leaving 2-3 cm to the top. 4. Bend the side corners inward and fasten in each other. 5. Place the napkin vertically to make a “hat” with a folding collar, bend one of the upper peaks down.

  • Fan in the ring

1. Initial form - a napkin in a straightened form lies face down. 2. Fold the napkin "accordion" (2a). 3. Bend it in half in the middle. 4. Fill the napkin in the ring (or put it in a glass) and straighten the “fan”.

  • table fan

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half with the right side out (fold from above). Collect three quarters of its length into an "accordion", bending the first fold down. 2. Fold the resulting figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and not the folded part on the right. 3. Take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds look up. 4. Fold the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to make a “stand”, as shown in the photo. After that, tuck the “stand” between the folds and place the napkin on the table.

  • Rybka

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the top). 2. Bend the bottom corner up. 3. Bend the left protruding corner down. 4. Fold the right corner in the same way. 5. left side fold to the middle vertical line of the figure. Fold the right side in the same way. 6. Turn the figure over and decorate it with a small shell.

  • Shirt

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Fold up a small strip of fabric at the base of the triangle and turn the napkin right side out. 3. Bend the right corner to the left down, the left corner to the right down. 4. Straighten the corners strictly symmetrically and fold the bottom edge back. "Shirt" can be decorated with a bow or candy.

Have a nice holiday!

Not a single festive table can do without napkins today. They have like practical use(wipe lips or cheeks from fat, clean the outfit from stains), and serve as decoration. Beautifully folded paper napkins in a napkin holder will add originality to the table and attract attention. And multi-colored products with patterns will make it even more solemn. In order to properly lay these attributes of the feast and maintain their shape, it is better to use special devices - napkin holders. They can be of different designs.

To understand how to fold napkins into napkin holders, it does not take much time and labor. All these accessories for the holiday can be conditionally divided into round-shaped products, similar to a glass, and flat ones. Each has its own way of posting.


Paper in a napkin holder? For example, in the form of a candle. To do this, you need to take a paper napkin of any shade. First, it should be unfolded in the form of a square, folded diagonally to make a triangle. After you need to roll the resulting triangle into a tube, starting from the wide edge, moving to the top.

Approximately in the middle, it should be bent, after which the product can be inserted into the napkin holder. In the same way, you need to fold the rest of the paper handkerchiefs and put them next to each other in one vessel. To do this, it is best to use napkins of the same color. Otherwise, it turns out not very festive: such a design does not please the eye at all.

Second option

How to put napkins in napkin holders? Now let's look at another way. The napkin must be unfolded and folded diagonally. Then we bend the lower part as if we were folding a boat. We fold in half, after which we fold each side towards the middle with an accordion. All is ready. Now you can insert the resulting figure into the napkin holder.

Third way

How beautiful to fold napkins in a napkin holder? Now we'll tell you. It will take a little longer to make the next composition, but the result will be very elegant. To begin with, you should unfold the napkin, preferably plain, fold it in the form of an accordion with a bend of about one and a half centimeters and bend in the middle. Roll the fold tightly enough and insert into a round napkin holder. For these purposes, you can also use a glass or a glass.

colorful extravaganza

In flat-shaped napkin holders, napkins are usually folded one on top of the other. With this method of serving, it is better to take not monophonic products, but to alternate different shades. They will add sophistication to the table, and improve the mood of the guests. With a classic serving, it is better to take napkins of the same tone.


And how beautiful is it to fold napkins into a napkin holder if it is vertical and flat? The ideal option is as follows: all products must be bent in the form of a triangle and laid out in the form of a fan.

In this case, paper handkerchiefs can be taken in two or three shades of the same color to make the transition from light to dark tone. You can also alternate different shades. Do not pack the napkins too tightly.


How to put napkins in napkin holders? The next method can be conditionally called "sultan". For him, you will need to roll one paper napkin into a bag, fixing it in a vertical napkin holder. Then, in the same way, other paper handkerchiefs are stacked and placed in each other. Do not worry if the resulting design is very high. You can divide the "sultan" into three separate parts and place them in a frame next to each other. Some flower with a lush inflorescence, such as a chrysanthemum, will look great at the top.


How beautiful to fold paper napkins in a napkin holder? The following scheme is called "cockscomb".

First, the napkin unfolds and folds into a book. After the workpiece is bent in half to the right. All four paper layers must be folded lengthwise. Having outlined a line in the middle, you need to lower the corners of the resulting triangle down, after which they are turned upwards with a “mountain”. Then you need to fold the napkin in half. Four "scallops" are pulled out separately. The design is placed vertically on a napkin holder.


Let's figure out how to fold paper napkins into a swan-shaped napkin holder. To do this, one product is taken and placed in the form of a rhombus in front of you. Two opposite corners are folded towards each other. The napkin is folded in half lengthwise. For one napkin holder, about ten such blanks are made, which represent the body of the future swan. A long bird's neck is made from another napkin and twisted with a tourniquet.

Along the edge, this figure is bent at an angle to make something like a head. If you wish, you can make the beak sharper and glue the eyes. But then the napkin will only serve as a decoration. Again, you can use different colors paper handkerchiefs.

Several will be well combined on the festive table. various types napkin holders. Some containers are filled with napkins that you can wipe your hands with. Others are for serving. It should be remembered that napkins are primarily a means of hygiene and only then serve for decoration. Any guest should easily take a paper towel and use it. Now you know how to put napkins in napkin holders. So, you can prepare the table for the celebration.
