Chrysolite stone, its magical properties and to whom it suits according to the sign of the zodiac. Caring for chrysolite jewelry

You can recognize this stone by its bright green color. Chrysolite has been known to mankind for quite a long time. The name of the stone, translated from Greek, literally means "golden stone". The mineral received this name for its truly unique color, which combines a basic green background with hints of gold, olives, pistachios and grass.

History of the stone

Chrysolite is a stone whose properties have been known for a long time. According to legend, the birthplace of chrysolite is the Serpent Island, which is located in the Red Sea.

In ancient times, many other golden stones, such as peridot and olivine, also belonged to the genus of chrysolites. However, in 1968, it was customary to attribute to this mineral only those that have a golden-green hue. After that, the stone became the talisman of Leo, since the conference of jewelers was held precisely in this month, corresponding to this sign of the Zodiac.

There are also unpleasant stories associated with chrysolite. Very often, its name is associated with the name of Nero, which has already become a household name. Emperor Claudius Caesar Nero was known as a very cruel emperor, an inventive sadist. In the new temple, the Palace of the Sun, a statue of Nero, about 30 meters high, was installed, which the emperor liked to look at through his emerald monocle. Through the same monocle, he watched burning Rome, which he himself set on fire. And today it is known for certain that the monocle was not emerald, but chrysolite. Moreover, even the place where this particular stone was mined was established - the island of Zeberget in the Red Sea.

Chrysolite is a stone (photo can be seen below), which gained great popularity in the 60s of the 19th century in Paris, while the second wave of popularity was at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. However, it was not the abundance of this stone that was considered fashionable, but the presence of one stone among the jewelry.

physical characteristics

Chrysolite is a natural and really beautiful stone with a unique color scheme. The color of the mineral ranges from bright green to golden with a glassy sheen.

The main deposit of this stone is the Khangai highland, which is located in Mongolia.

Because of their characteristics, stones - chrysolite and its varieties - are widely used in the manufacture of jewelry. Pairs especially well with gold. When cutting stones of small size, as a rule, they are given the shape of a circle, oval or square. Larger minerals take on a shape resembling a diamond.

One of the properties that must be taken into account in direct processing is internal stress. That is why in no case should aggressive cutting methods be used, as this can lead to damage to the stone.

The main quality for which chrysolite is so valued is color saturation and the absence of various inclusions. Also, the larger the stone, the more valuable it is.

Origin of the stone

Stones - chrysolite and its types - are the result of the action of volcanoes, associated with igneous rocks such as kimberlite and basalt. Most of the stones are small and cannot be cut due to their size and the presence of a large number of defects. If speak about chemical composition, then iron-magnesium silicate prevails here. Crystals are usually prism or pyramid shaped. Iron, which is included in the composition, provides the mineral with its bright green color, while nickel and chromium gives brightness and brilliance.

The mineral is mined, as a rule, from placers. He is considered enough rare stone, since it is almost impossible to find a large number in one place.

The main deposits of chrysolite are located in countries such as Norway, the USA, and Egypt. In Russia, it is also mined, mainly in Yakutia and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Varieties of chrysolite

There are two valuable types of this mineral:

  • Star - the rarest type of stone. It creates a special - cat effect, which is achieved thanks to a perfectly smooth surface, which at the same time is not completely transparent. This leads to the fact that the diffusion of light is observed.
  • Chrysolite Mesa, which is mined in the San Carlos Apache reservation. The main feature of this species is the method of extraction: it is mined exclusively by hand by those Indians who have exclusive rights to this type of activity. Mesa stone is individual grains up to 13 mm in diameter.

Chrysolite is a stone that heals

Like other stones, chrysolite is widely used by folk healers. Alternative medicine prefers to use this mineral to treat diseases of the human nervous system, such as neuralgia, insomnia, and nightmares. Lithotherapists believe that chrysolite is a stone that can affect vision, improve its sharpness and relieve various eye diseases. Also, the stone can help in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and kidneys, relieve pain.

Chrysolite can be safely used to relieve pain in the spine, treat diseases of the blood vessels and colds, which are the result of complex hypothermia of the body.

It is believed that the mineral can help save a child from stuttering.

In general, chrysolite has all the properties that other green stones have.

In order to take advantage of the healing capabilities of the stone, you can not only carry it with you all the time, but also use it internally as a powder. For example, a crushed stone can relieve you of pain in the stomach, relieve inflammation of the caecum, or save you from blood poisoning.

The magical properties of chrysolite

Like other stones, chrysolite has certain magical properties. Even in ancient times, people sincerely believed that the stone was able to protect them from envy and slander. If there are products with chrysolite in the house, then there will be harmony in the family, and friendship will become much stronger.

Alchemists, on the other hand, endowed him with special power, believing that he was able to expel various evil spirits, protect the owner from the evil eye and damage to chrysolite (stone). The properties of the zodiac sign Leo will be able to fully feel and appreciate if the jewelry with this mineral is worn on the left hand.

If you are the owner of this stone, you can not be afraid of fire. You will not get burned, your home will be protected from fires. Having jewelry with this mineral with you, you will be completely protected from negative outside influences, as well as bad deeds.

If you have clairvoyant abilities, chrysolite will help develop these qualities.

If you have problems with the opposite sex, be sure to get green stone jewelry for yourself.

Talismans and amulets

Chrysolite is a stone (photo can be seen below), which has proven itself very well when used as a talisman or amulet. It is the personification of intelligence and courage, promotes all-round development, and also increases the desire of a person to transfer his knowledge to others.

We can recommend those people whose activities are directly related to creativity, people-inventors who have innovative abilities, to wear chrysolite (stone). The properties of the Leo zodiac sign will certainly appreciate when you need protection from negative energy. For example, if you hang a chrysolite decoration over the front door, it is quite possible that theft and attacks of thieves can be avoided.

Here is such a beautiful and unusual chrysolite (stone). The zodiac sign associated with him is exclusively Leo. In conclusion, we note that chrysolite is categorically contraindicated for fish.

Description of Chrysolite stone

Chrysolite or peridot is a transparent light green olivine, representing the middle member of the forsterite-fayalite isomorphic series. Chrysolite usually has a mixed composition and variable content of iron and magnesium, but it is closer in composition to forsterite.

Chrysolite is named from the Greek "chrysos" - gold and "lithos" stone.

Chrysolite usually has a yellow-green or brownish color. green color; the most expensive are evenly colored stones of bright yellow-green tones.

Chrysolite is usually transparent, but often contains small inclusions.

Chrysolite occurs as irregular isometric grains, usually from 2 to 15 mm in size, rarely up to 10 cm.

At in large numbers needle-like inclusions, chrysolite exhibits a pronounced effect of a cat's eye or moonstone and occasionally - weak asterism.

Characteristics of Chrysolite

By composition, chrysolite is a magnesian-iron island silicate belonging to the olivine group with the formula (Mg,Fe)2. Hardness 6.5–7, density 3.2–3.6. Fragile. Cleavage is average, in one direction. The syngony is rhombic. Glass luster.

The chrysolite stone was the result of deep magmatic crystallization, and its properties correspond to the features of the orthosilicate class. Chrysolite is found in mantle rocks, igneous and high-temperature metamorphic and metasomatic rocks. Often found together with pyrope in diamondiferous rocks and placers.

The bright brilliance of the mineral is due to the high refractive index of light.

The magical properties of Chrysolite

How jewelry stone chrysolite has been used for thousands of years. In the Bible, this stone is referred to as "chrysolite".

Legends say that chrysolite was Cleopatra's favorite stone. In ancient Egypt, chrysolite was mined on the island of Zeberget. Mining was carried out at night, since according to legend, chrysolite is difficult to see in sunlight.

The Romans called chrysolite "evening emerald" because its color did not darken with sunset. Later, chrysolite was used to decorate churches.

It was believed that chrysolite has the power to exorcise evil demons and its strength increases if it is set in gold.

It was also believed that the effect of medicinal mixtures drunk from a glass carved from chrysolite is enhanced.

Chrysolite stone is worn more as an amulet and talisman, and less often just as jewelry.

Chrysolite is able to increase the attractiveness of men and help them with male impotence, awakening passion. This stone can simply return to its owner the joy of life and relieve melancholy and longing.

Chrysolite promotes friendship, strengthens spiritual forces.

Chrysolite Amulet

Chrysolite is considered a strong amulet that drives away demons. He is a wonderful amulet against bad dreams, fires, bad luck, when, it would seem, everything that can fail a business or even end a life is met on the way.

In ancient times, chrysolite as an amulet was attributed the ability to warn its owner against unreasonable acts, to protect him from fright at night, from obsessive states, enemies and impending danger.

The Mongols considered chrysolites to be dragon stones, as they were often found in the volcanoes of the Khangai Highlands. Just as a dragon protects people from demons, so chrysolite is able, in their opinion, to protect its owner from demon attacks and bad luck.

It is also a strong amulet against stupor situations and entities, against blocks to progress.

The Chrysolite stone is a talisman of bankers, financiers, lawyers, judges and other people who are trying to administer justice (even if it is family justice): the stone seeks to direct a person to commit the right and moral deeds and also works on his intellect.

Talisman Peridot

Chrysolite is a wonderful talisman that strengthens friendship and eliminates envy.

He strengthens the forces and gives the gift of predicting the future. He gives the owner an unusually insightful, grasping mind, the desire to renew himself, his environment and the world in general, presents the owner with new ideas and revelations, endows him with the power of an excellent speaker.

Chrysolite is the talisman of people seeking knowledge, and the more mysterious they are, the more chrysolite helps: it reveals secrets, makes them accessible, and can even teach the ability to create what the primitive mind will call "focus".

Chrysolite is a talisman of enterprising, courageous, diversified people who strive to transfer a lot of knowledge, inventors, innovators to others.

It must be remembered that chrysolite loves and gets used to its owner so much that, given to another person, it can be lost or broken.

As a talisman, chrysolite gives its owner a peaceful sleep, the sympathy of others, good luck in business. Awakens passion in men. It protects its owner from insanity, cures sexual impotence of men.

Chrysolite contributes good mood, activates the sexual sphere, gives rise to passion.

As a talisman, chrysolite enhances the feeling dignity, relieves sadness and delusions, relieves melancholy, dispels fears, serves as an indicator of female constancy.

Chrysolite is worn on the left hand, set in gold. Gold is combined with chrysolite, since chrysolite contributes to the appearance of good luck in a person’s life, and gold accumulates good luck.

Healing properties of Chrysolite

Chrysolite serves as a cure for fever, pain in the stomach and kidneys.

Chrysolite is a sedative in the treatment of eye diseases, as well as to improve vision.

It is believed that this mineral can be used for diseases of the vessels, the spine, as well as diseases caused by hypothermia and colds.

In ancient literature, a statement was found that thanks to Chrysolite, you can get rid of stuttering.

Chrysolite deposits

Zeberged Island in the Red Sea is a classic supplier of chrysolite, and most of the stones for jewelry came from there. The small volcanic island of Zeberged in the Red Sea still supplies pure and large chrysolite crystals today.

To date, the richest source of chrysolite is Burma, from where they bring large and beautiful stones in color.

Deposits are available in Australia, South Africa, Burma and Norway.

Gem-quality chrysolite comes from Hawaii (USA). Chrysolite is being developed in China and Sri Lanka.

Today, most peridot comes from the San Carlos Indian Reservation, pc. Arizona, USA, where olivine "bombs" are found in basalts, consisting of pure, interconnected grains. Some of these grains make it possible to obtain faceted stones of excellent color and quality up to 35 carats.

However, from the vast majority of the material it is possible to cut stones that do not exceed 5 carats in finished form.

Material from San Carlos has a wide color scheme- from pale green to bright and dark green tones and from brown shades to pure Brown.

In 1994, a large deposit of peridot was discovered in the western Himalayan mountains in the Pakistani part of Cashmere. One of the found peridots was 300 carats! The discovery of this deposit and the increasing fashion for lemon green brought the attention back to peridot, which increased its popularity.

In Russia, chrysolite is found in Yakutia, in Eastern Siberia.

Chrysolite Stone and Zodiac Signs

Chrysolite suits the signs - Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces.

Not every stone boasts such a poetic name. Chrysolite received it for an amazing optical property that amazed the ancient Romans. In the evening, the mineral changes its greenish-yellow color and becomes emerald green.

The "cunning" of the stone has disappointed many treasure seekers. In the sun, the "emeralds" they found became chrysolites. The name comes from the Greek: "chrysos" - gold and "lithos" - stone. In France, it is known as, jewelers call it.

Origin story

Chrysolite was known about 4000 BC. e. The roots of the mineral date back to Ancient Greece. More often it is found in diamondiferous rocks. He is mentioned in the Bible. Chest sign The Jerusalem High Priest is made of chrysolite.

The most famous stone was the Emerald of Nero, kept in the Vatican. The stone was little studied, it was confused with emeralds. The source of the mineral was its deposits on about. Zabargad (Red Sea). They were developed 3500 years BC. e. From early records it is known that in Egypt chrysolite was mined on it, affectionately calling it the "stone of the sun." It is also known under the name "evening emerald", because in the evening it becomes bright green. Researchers believe that some of Cleopatra's "emeralds" are chrysolites, cut cabochon (the only known method of cutting during antiquity and the early Middle Ages, after which it acquires a smooth convex polished surface without facets).

It was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages by European knights who participated in the Crusades. They were decorated with chasubles covering the icon board over the paint layer. It gained particular popularity during the Baroque. in Paris in the middle of the 19th century. he was fashionable because of the rumor that gives strength to men and relieves male impotence.

Colors and varieties

The color range of chrysolites is narrow. They are always green. The young green color mineral has an amazing sunny hue, which is determined by the presence and different proportions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ iron ions. It is contained in the stone up to 10%.

Many shades of green are possible: emerald, yellow, olive, brown, golden, tobacco, herbal. The most traditional is light green. It is considered a semi-precious gem. It is inexpensive. The yellower and lighter the stone, the cheaper it is. Basically, it is used by jewelers. It is transparent, becoming green in dunites due to serpentine appearing along cracks in the chrysolite. Luster glassy, ​​greasy.

A golden gem (green garnet) is a special rarity. This mineral gives the impression or asterism (stellation), which is explained by the scattering of light on its surface. Such samples are golden-green. They contain magnesium salt of silicic acid and iron. They have a high refractive index of light, which explains their extraordinary brilliance. Their large specimens are cut. They are expensive, so they are considered gemstones of the II category. These are transparent minerals of rich color and without cracks. Green chrysolites of saturated color are very expensive. The price per carat of a 10-carat faceted chrysolite with good clarity and color reaches a thousand dollars. They are used for exclusive jewelry.

The raw crystal is colored evenly and unevenly. Minerals extracted from the earth have a more intense color than those found on surface placers. Among them, you rarely see crystals, more often grains of irregular shape from 2 to 15 mm come across. But there are also large specimens.

Deposits and production

Chrysolite deposits are located in many parts of the world. The mineral occurs at a depth of up to 400 m, but not all specimens are suitable for jewelry.

In the products that are sold with us, there are stones weighing up to 3 carats from China. Its color is light, there is not enough green in them, it is almost yellow. Higher rated crystals from Pakistan, USA. It is also mined in Sri Lanka. Burma is rich in the most unique and largest chrysolites (from 30 carats). The mineral is also mined and exported by Australia, Brazil, Zaire and Myanmar.

In Russia, it is found as part of the diamond rock in Yakutia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Kola Peninsula, but there are few valuable specimens among them. The most expensive is the Ural chrysolite.

The gem is inexpensive, many can afford to buy it. At the same time, he is not ennobled.

physical characteristics

Large chrysolites, called "evening emerald" - a rarity. They have a green tint. In the sun - bright green, but changing in the evening light. Appreciated by connoisseurs of stones and jewelers, decorate crafts.

Consider the physical properties of this precious crystal of volcanic origin:

  1. Color. The ore is golden, yellowish, green, olive, brown. The color is dull, with a sheen.
  2. Compound. Contains iron and magnesium silicate.
  3. Hardness. On the Mohs scale, it is 6.5-7. Fragile.
  4. Form. Flattened crystals or grains.
  5. The fracture is conchoidal.
  6. Specific gravity 3.3-3.5 (increases with increasing content of iron oxide).
  7. Melting. When the surface is heated with a blowpipe, it will not melt. It is not afraid of hydrochloric acid, but dissolves in sulfuric acid, precipitating (silicon dioxide).

Medicinal properties

These green stones are known healing properties inherent in ores of this shade. Lithotherapists (specialists who treat diseases with stones) and traditional healers Chrysolite is widely and successfully used in the fight against many diseases:

  • Its main property is that it has a positive effect on the central nervous system (central nervous system): relieves feelings of excitement, anxiety, restores sleep, relieves nightmares.
  • Used as a means to stabilize the work of the CCC (cardiovascular system). Mineral cores are advised to wear regularly.
  • It is widely used in diseases of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract), healing ulcers and eliminating digestive problems. Heals the gallbladder and liver.
  • Often they are treated with eye diseases, correcting myopia, and hyperopia, stopping cataracts and glaucoma.
  • The stone restores the functions of the lungs and respiratory tract.
  • It is recommended to treat them with diseases of the spine, blood vessels, acute respiratory infections.
  • Relieve allergy symptoms.
  • Slow down aging.
  • Amenable to treatment with chrysolite is stuttering, which caused fright.
  • The mineral is used for problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The magical properties of chrysolite

Green has a special magic. It is explained by a powerful energy field. The energy from the mineral is so great that you feel it very quickly.

Chrysolite protects the owner from wrong actions, gives strength and awakens the gift of clairvoyance.

It cheers up, helps to notice the little things and enjoy them. It inspires a person with love of life, faith in the future, helps to find solutions to important issues.

Previously, amulets were made from crystals that protected from fires, dangers, and injuries. Many believe that he protects the family, brings peace, understanding, respect and happiness to it. Magicians say that men who wear it are more courageous and stronger.

How to wear a gem

In order for chrysolite to fully manifest its healing and magical effect, you need to know a few rules:

  1. His power is stronger when he is rimmed in gold.
  2. It is recommended to wear a ring with chrysolite on the left little finger. If the assessment of oneself, one's merits or a depressive state is underestimated, then its place is on the index finger.
  3. It's good to be the first owner of the stone.
  4. The gem should be closer to the problem area.
  5. It is better to buy chrysolite on the 28th day of the lunar month.
  6. The stone of the color of a ripening grain field is combined with white, yellow, green, brown and black. This is taken into account when buying clothes, shoes, new jewelry.

The meaning of chrysolite for the signs of the zodiac

The horoscope of astrologers says that chrysolite is not for all signs. To whom is it most useful? It should be worn by Leo and Sagittarius. It will bring good luck to representatives of the signs of the element of Fire and save the overly bold from unjustified risks.

Pisces and Cancers, belonging to the elements of Water, are advised to be on their guard with him. It can bring trouble and failure. Although there is information on the Internet that, on the contrary, he patronizes them. With him, they will be more calm, get away from conflicts, and will do the right thing in difficult situations.

Consider the influence of chrysolite on the signs of the zodiac:

Ideal "evening emerald" Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius. Virgo will awaken creativity and develop it, protect it from evil spirits and black magic. The stone will enhance insight, the sixth sense. Chrysolite will help them feel the imminent danger and find out the lie, give them luck. With him, they will achieve their goals.

Lions chrysolite will give self-confidence. He will help them achieve success in business, develop communication skills. With him they will find contact with anyone.

The mineral is suitable as a talisman for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius. He will protect from evil witchcraft, curses, the evil eye, and will help those born under these signs.

Although chrysolite is the strongest magical remedy against diseases, misfortunes, it is fragile, therefore it requires careful handling. Then it will serve the owner for a long time.

Talismans and amulets

Chrysolite is perfect for athletes, everyone who has an active life, who wants to start a family. A fish or an animal made of stone will become a magical item for good luck. The entrance hall is decorated with figurines, they will attract prosperity and happiness. Mediums prepare crystal amulets to protect against negative energy, damage, evil eye and fears.

As a talisman, a mineral can do a lot. It is necessary for people who consider themselves a loser. If you feel that troubles do not leave you, then buy a piece of jewelry with chrysolite, and troubles will recede. The gem protects its owner from rash actions leading to losses and troubles.

Chrysolite is needed for those who have lost faith in friends. He will attract new acquaintances, help to establish contacts. The stone is necessary for those who have achieved a lot in life on their own, without anyone's help. Such people are surrounded by ill-wishers who can harm. Earrings or a ring with chrysolite will save. Decoration will direct all envy at itself.

For bankers, financiers, stockbrokers, lawyers, judges, he is a talisman. He helps the latter to judge according to the law, not to succumb to temptations, to see things impartially.

The stone is "attached" to the first owner. If the owner changes, it can split. This is the last resort. But he certainly will not benefit the new owner, although he will not bring misfortunes.

It is better to make a ring or other jewelry in a gold frame with dark chrysolite as a talisman.

Applications and stone products

Chrysolite is used by jewelers, inserting it into gold or silver. They are decorated with accessories, icons. It is processed by cutting (step, emerald, brilliant). This is done carefully, because it is quite gentle and sensitive to heat.

The rare chrysolite of the Russian crown can be seen in the Diamond Fund (Moscow). It has a unique olive green color and amazing purity. The top is surrounded by stepped facets, and the bottom is unusually faceted with many quadrangular ones. The stone is oblong, dimensions 5.2x3.5 cm, height 1.05 cm. Its weight is impressive - 192.75 carats.

The largest chrysolite (310 carats) is kept by the Smithsonian Institution (Washington). A rarity weighing 146 carats amazes visitors to the Geological Museum of London. According to tradition, chrysolites were used to decorate metal linings of icons. It is on the golden robe of the Holy Trinity by A. Rublev.

Green specimens are valued. Green-dominated yellow-greens are also popular, but they are cheaper. Little attention is paid to yellowish-brown stones.

Designers, jewelers, and fashionistas loved it for its color changing from lighting, making it look like an emerald. There are thousands of models of products with it in the catalogs. They feature high quality materials and inserts, original design. The collections are updated regularly. Models are being developed for women, men, even children.

Rings with chrysolite inserts are rarely produced, there is a risk of quickly scratching the stone. Preference is given to earrings (including studs, called carnations), necklaces, brooches, bracelets, chains, pendants, beads.

Jewelers working with it love to combine it with amethyst, topaz, cubic zirconia and pearls, emphasizing its color. It can be olive, pistachio, depending on the cut of the stone. Silver products with a gem are covered with enamel. They look interesting, suit everyone and adorn any woman.

Jewelery with chrysolite remains bright and relevant for many years.

Storage and care

Chrysolite is not a hard mineral, it is quite fragile, so it is necessary to properly care for it and store it. Care is not difficult:

  1. Clean the stone by washing with soapy water. Then wipe with a soft cloth. Do not use brushes detergents, sharp objects.
  2. Wear products carefully so as not to mechanically damage it.
  3. Working with acids, alkalis, household chemicals, jewelry is removed.
  4. They keep it wrapped in soft material, placing it in a box.
  5. In rings and rings, dirt accumulates under the stone. To clean it, use cotton swab dipped in cologne. The frame and the gem are wiped. Then it is polished with flannel, suede. They produce liquids, cleaning and polishing products with stones. If the beads have a clasp, they clean it more thoroughly, dirt accumulates here.

How to distinguish a fake

Although chrysolite belongs to gems, its price does not “bite”. But cheaters do not sleep, and by acquiring jewelry, you can become their victims. It is unprofitable to grow a gem, so you will most likely not come across a synthetic one. For imitation use plastic or glass.

There are ways to find out whether artificial chrysolite or natural is in front of you, so as not to incur losses and feel its properties on yourself.

They begin to investigate the authenticity of the gem, assuming that it is made of plastic. Run something sharp across it. Natural minerals have high hardness, they will not be damaged by a sharp object, they will not be scratched. If the chips are separated - there is a fake;

Glass can imitate stone. Then look at its color. In natural chrysolites, it is even. In imitation, an uneven color is noticeable, saturated in some places and faded in others. A glass fake, if you hold it in your hand, will instantly heat up and will be warm for a certain time. The mineral will remain cool, because it will immediately give off heat.

Look at the size of the gem. Natural large ones are a rarity, which means that they cannot be found in stores either. It does not look like other green stones in hardness, yellow tint and bright oily sheen.

It is better to entrust the evaluation of exclusive jewelry with chrysolite to a professional if there is no certainty in the authenticity of the product. Small ones are hard to go wrong.

A green stone that has a delicate, translucent color and is a variety of olivine is called chrysolite. There are several main shades of chrysolite, which are most common today:

yellow green,

olive green,

Emerald green.

The emerald green gem is often called the evening emerald, due to the fact that in the evening, the stone acquires its characteristic shade.

The green mineral, of course, represents lightness, aristocracy and beauty. Wearing jewelry with a gem is best for people who have a clear, pure mind, and a kind soul, who have real spirituality and honor. It is better for fussy, restless and overly active people to refuse this stone, as they will not be able to endure its calmness, balance and harmony. However, if a person strives to acquire all these qualities, then it is best to purchase earrings, a necklace or a pendant with a green gem.

Its magical properties also actively extend to love relationships and relationships, improving them and strengthening feelings in a couple. Chrysolite amulet protects against various kinds of negative emotions, is a stress-relieving amulet, relieving its owner from anger, anger, jealousy and apathy.

The chrysolite talisman stone is also considered in Buddhism as a symbol of wealth, power, money and success. Having honored the gem to be in the center of the house or dwelling, the family will attract positive energy, prosperity, well-being and financial protection.

Evening emerald creates balance, a balance of mind and body, so if you need to create harmony, resume the work of the whole body, get rid of stress, then it is best to wear a ring or earrings with chrysolite. Talisman chrysolite, on which finger to wear? Its energy of calm will help relieve any tension and an excess of negative emotions if worn on the index or ring finger.

A pendant or a druze will help to find long-lost things or objects, involuntarily attracting its owner.

Chrysolite stone: who suits according to the horoscope

Chrysolite stone and its magical properties for the sign of the Zodiac Leo is best suited. It is this sign of the Zodiac that needs a green gem, being natural leaders, managers and leaders, Leo needs its powerful support, which makes this sign stronger, bolder and betrays confidence in all actions.

A product with this crystal is also perfect for Sagittarius. This sign will feel the magical effect of the mineral in the field of health.

A variety of olivine will also have a positive effect on the zodiac sign Pisces. These too insecure people, who often doubt everything they do and fuss endlessly, certainly need a stone and all its properties.

In St. Petersburg, you can get jewelry with natural chrysolite by visiting the online jewelry store with natural stones website. We have the widest selection of stylish and bright products with any gems.

A brilliant member of the green gem mineral family, chrysolite is loved for its upbeat color and affordability. Its features were appreciated by folk healers, yogis, people with increased aesthetic demands.

Chrysolites are mentioned by Pliny the Elder (1st century AD), the Indian Vedas, the first Christian books. The crusaders brought them from the East.

This is Cleopatra's favorite gem, which was first mined in her homeland, in Egypt. Gems chrysolite was dug up at night, believing that it was impossible in the light.

The mineral is revered by religions:

  • one of 12 on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah;
  • decoration of Christian church paraphernalia;
  • special attitude, as to everything green, in Islam.

Its origin is volcanic or cosmogenic, that is, it is found in magma or meteorites. This causes awe and reverence among the Mongols, who call the mineral chrysolite the Dragon Stone. There is also on the moon.

Large specimens are rare, there are few commercial-scale deposits. Often mined together with diamonds or emeralds. Present in kimberlites, basalts, heterogeneous placers.

Since the end of the 19th century, it has had a reputation as a stone-helper for men.

Name confusion

According to science, chrysolite as a mineral is a precious variety of olivine (peridot in English-speaking countries and Germany). Some call Peridot or Olivine.

Popular literature and collectors apply the term "chrysolite" to a light green garnet ("Ural emerald"). Minerologists are against, gemologists too, although they cite as an argument the centuries-old tradition to call aquamarine beryl chrysolite, topaz Saxon chrysolite, and Brazilian chrysoberyl.

Until 1968, olivines and peridots were classified as chrysolites. Jewelers and gemologists, having gathered for a congress, decided that chrysolites were only specimens of a golden or green hue.

National treasure

The world's largest treasure troves boast precious green exhibits.

Chrysolite is revered in Russia. The country's diamond fund has two:

  1. Ranked among the seven "historical stones" is an olive-green crystal from Zeberget. It is larger than a quail egg, weighs 192 carats, superbly cut, of exceptional purity.
  2. Bow brooch and girandol earrings.

Light green stones complement the gold frame of the Trinity icon by Andrey Rublev.

Thanks to the color, revered by the Muslim world:

  • rulers and the rich adorn the turban with it;
  • a collection of chrysolites from the fabulously rich treasury of the Ottoman Empire - the largest in the world;
  • the throne of the Sultan in Istanbul is inlaid with thousands of stones.

The Vatican keeps Nero's monocle. According to Pliny, the emperor who set fire to Rome contemplated the fire and gladiator fights through it.

The Smithsonian Institution in the US capital owns the world's largest crystal at 310 carats.

  • Indecisive Pisces will help to take quick right decisions, avoid conflicts, be more confident, assertive. The crystal is necessary for people suffering from self-discipline to raise self-esteem.
  • Those who love to be the center of gravity and win, Leos often lack fortitude and confidence. The gem will tell them the right decisions, enhance their attractiveness, and reveal positive qualities.
  • It will make overly rational demanding Virgos more condescending, patient with people. At the same time will help in intellectual development, strengthening attention, memory, attractiveness.
  • Libra - this is what sign of the Zodiac needs a stone to establish family relationships, get rid of melancholy, phobias.
    • Aquarius will exacerbate dislike for work and contacts with others (see suitable stones);
    • Cancers will become lazy, indifferent (look for effective minerals for Pisces);
    • Scorpions will fall under the influence of others, which others use for their own purposes (suitable for scorpions).

    For other signs, this is decoration.

    Video: Chrysolite brings money and success

    The affordable price of chrysolite makes it possible for people with different financial capabilities to purchase it. Who knows, suddenly a green fish at the entrance to the house will attract wealth and prosperity to it.
