Lesson for the kindergarten on the topic of body parts. Summary of the lesson "man and parts of his body" senior group

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development in the first junior group on the topic "our body".

I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson on cognitive development in the first junior group. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers of the first junior group.
Subject:"Our body".
Target: form an idea of ​​the parts of the human body; clarify and generalize knowledge about the structure of the body of a person and an animal (bunny) and its functions; expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople: a boy, a girl; cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself, towards your body; to strengthen the communication skills of children with each other and with adults.
Materials and equipment: pictures depicting different people, a toy bunny, a picture depicting a hare, a picture depicting parts of a human body.
Lesson progress
1. Organizational moment
(Children look at pre-prepared pictures that depict different people.)
Educator: Guys, what do you see in the pictures? Who is depicted on them? (children's answers) That's right, different people.
2. Surprise moment.
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. The teacher opens the door and brings in a hare toy.
Educator: Guys, a bunny came to visit us. Let's tell him what we're doing here.
3. The main part.
Educator: Bunny, we are looking at pictures of different people. And we think that they are similar to each other. Guys, tell the bunny how the people in the pictures look like?
(Children's answers: they have a head, arms, legs, nose, eyes, etc.)
Teacher: That's right guys. And let's play. I will name the parts of the body, and you will show them.

Head (patting themselves on the head)
Ears (touch their ears)
Eyes (blink eyes)
spout (feeling nose)
cheeks (rubbing cheeks)
mouth (open mouth and say "a" sound)
Pens (clap hands)
fingers (show two hands)
legs (stomp feet)
Tummy (stroking belly)
Teacher: Well done guys! You have shown everything correctly. Know your body well. Bunny, show us how you know your body.
(The bunny shows the structure of his body, confusing all parts of the body).
Educator: Oh, guys, bunnies don’t know parts of their bodies at all. Let's help him.
(The teacher shows an image of a bunny and an image of parts of the human body) (The teacher shows parts of the body of a bunny, the children call it, then also with parts of the human body)
Educator: Guys, is the body of a bunny and a person different?
(Children with the help of an adult tell the differences)
Educator: Does the bunny say that the people who are in our pictures are also different? Guys, do you agree with the bunny? Yes it's true. All people are different. There are girls and there are boys. Someone blonde hair and some are dark. They have different heights different clothes.
(Children look at the pictures again and find the differences).
Educator: And now, guys, let's have a little rest.
Physical education minute
We raise our hands: "Oh!",
Let's take a deep breath!
Leaning left and right...
What a flexible body!
And clap your hands together: "Clap!"
And do not frown on a beautiful forehead.
And they smiled at each other.
How do we skillfully
With this slender strong body!
4. Final moment
Educator: The bunny thanks you for helping him figure out the parts of the body. It's time for him to leave. Say goodbye to the bunny.
(Children say goodbye to the bunny).

Abstract of the lesson in preparatory group"Body parts"

Program content:

to clarify children's knowledge about parts of the body and head;

know the purpose of each part of the head;

health protection, security measures;

development of children's speech;

development of communication skills.


mirror (according to the number of children);

boxes with odorous substances;

large flannelograph;

landscape sheet of paper (for each child);

drawn parts of the head: hair, ears, nose, eyes, mouth (for each child);

pictures from different types vegetables;

recording with different sounds of nature;

boxes with sand, peas, seeds;

natural fruits and vegetables;

punch cards, pencils.

Lesson progress:

1.- Guys, today everyone came in a good mood to kindergarten?

The teacher takes the bell and approaches the child, rings it near the ear and says:

Petya, good morning!

Petya takes the bell and does the same near the ear of another child. And so in a circle the children wish each other good morning.

2. Children sit down at the tables.

Today we will draw a portrait in an unusual way.

Name your body parts. In the lesson we will look at how important a person's head is.

Do you have a head? Touch it, stroke your head.

Who else has a head?

What is on the head? (children list).

The guys have sheets of paper on the tables, the figure of the head is drawn on them.

What does the figure look like? During the lesson, we will attach all the necessary parts to it and see what kind of portrait you get.

What color is your hair on your head? Are they all the same? Why do we need hair? (children's answers).

What should you do to keep your hair beautiful and healthy? (cut, wash, comb).

Children choose any hair layout and apply it to their head shape.

“Two windows for the night

Close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open themselves."

Children guess what it could be.

They blinked their eyes. Take mirrors, look how beautiful you all are. What color are Lena's eyes? What about Seryozha?

What are our eyes for? (distinguish colors; see the world; read books, etc.)

What are the eyes? (narrow, large, small, etc.) And what about the fox? What about Sveta?

Our eyes, just like our arms and legs, need gymnastics, our eyes also get tired.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

But for your attentive eyes, you can play a game (“What is gone”).

What do you think, eyes should be protected, how to do it? (wear dark glasses in sunny weather; do not watch TV for a long time; do not read books lying down).

Working with a punch card: the guys mark the pictures with a pencil, how to protect their eyes.

After the task, the guys come up to the table and choose paper eyes for their portrait.

Phys. minute

The assistant behind the door makes some sounds.

Children, do you hear any sound? What did you hear? What helps you hear?

Which ears are better for hearing - big or small? Who has big ears? What about small ones?

And now a little task for your ears. Determine what these sounds are.

And who will name how to take care of the ears? (children name how to take care of their ears).

Add to your portrait the ears you like.

We invite the guys to come to the table where there are different paper boxes (you can mark them with color or shapes, etc.)

Choose any box you like. Your task is to determine what is in the box without opening it (there are small holes in the box so that the smell is good).

Vika, what's in your box? How did you know? What helped you determine what was in the box?

All animals, all people have noses.

Noses are important, noses are needed not only for beauty.

And we can’t sneeze or breathe without a nose.

How do you need to take care of the nose so that it works properly for us? (protect yourself from colds; use a handkerchief; do not push small objects up your nose, etc.)

The guys choose a “nose” for their portrait and attach it to their “head”.

Look at your portraits and tell me what else is missing? What is in the mouth? Why do we need a mouth, teeth, tongue?

And now we will play a game with our tongue. The game is called "Determine the taste."

The children are blindfolded, the teacher gives each child a piece of fruit or vegetable to bite off, to determine what it is.

Are you taking care of your mouth? How do you do it? (children's answers).

Children choose “mouths” and complete the portrait.

What kind of faces did you get? (happy, sad, angry, etc.) Come up with names for your little men.

Are all parts of the head important to a person or not? What would you wish all children and adults? So let's take care of our health.

hope permyakova
Summary of the lesson "Face, parts of the face" for children with disabilities of primary school age

Target: The formation of students' ideas about hearing, vision, taste.


Expansion of knowledge about the purpose of organs (parts of the face) for the perception of the surrounding reality.

Correction and development of pupils' speech through dialogue.

Education of the rules of personal hygiene.

Equipment: Presentation, toy.

Course progress.

Educator. Hello guys! I am very glad to see you again! How many of you remember what we talked about during the last meeting?

Children. We talked about the external structure of a person, learned to name and show parts of the body.

Educator. Right! And I promised you to continue working on this topic. Today we will talk in more detail about one of the most important parts of our body, in which the main sense organs are concentrated and the brain is located. What is the name of this part of the human body?

Children. Head.

Educator. Tell me, guys, why does a man need a head?

Children. To think, listen, see, eat, breathe.

Educator. Well done! And tell me what is located on the head above all?

Children. Hair.

Educator. Why does a man have hair on his head?

Children. Hair is needed for beauty, to protect the head, to perceive certain influences, to warm in cold weather and to protect from the hot rays of the sun.

Educator. We don’t think about why a person needs hair. But they are not just for beauty, but perform several very important functions: these are the original "antennas" that receive cosmic energy and accumulate the personal power of a person. It has been proven that a person with long hair intuition works better. Hair keeps the memory of a person. They have color. To keep your hair healthy, you need to take care of it. Tell us how you take care of your hair.

Children talking about hair care.

Educator. Our Ancestors did not use shampoos and washed their hair once a week, and the hair was thick and healthy, did not split or fall out. Today I want to tell you about how you can wash your hair with egg yolk: Beat the yolks, apply to wet hair and distribute evenly. But there is a little trick here. It is necessary to wash off the egg yolk gradually, adding a little water and “blurring” the yolk. After washing, it is very useful to rinse the hair with decoctions of herbs: burdock, chamomile, nettle. I myself wash my hair with egg yolk in the summer and rinse with decoctions of herbs. The hair is then clean and shiny. What do you think about combing your hair?

Children. Healthy.

Educator. Naturally, combing your hair is very beneficial, it improves blood circulation. It is better to comb your hair with natural combs: bristle or wooden. But Thick hair You can’t comb through with a bristle comb, so we use what we have at hand. Cut hair should not be thrown away, but must be carefully collected and burned. People say about hair: “They don’t sow, they don’t plant, but they grow themselves.” How do you understand these words?

Children express their opinions.

Educator. And tell me, guys, what is the name of the part of the face that is located below the hair, but above the nose?

Children. This is the forehead.

Educator. What can you tell about a person's forehead?

Children. The forehead of a person is narrow, wide.

Educator. There are a lot of proverbs with the word forehead among the people. Let's try to interpret some of them. (Slide)

Children interpret proverbs.

Ears do not grow above the forehead.

You can't break through a wall with your forehead.

Seven spans in the forehead.

The forehead is like a shovel, but the mind is not rich.

The forehead is wide, but the brain is small.

Fizminutka "This is my body." (Children repeat the movements after the teacher).

I have a head. Right - left, one - two. (Head turns to the right - to the left, head tilts)

She sits on a strong neck, turned - turned. (Circular turns of the neck)

Then the torso goes, Tilt back, lean forward, Turn - turn. (Hands on the belt, tilts, turns)

Everyone has skillful hands, Up-down, down-up. (Jerking hands up and down)

We need legs to run, jump, squat, stand. (Running in place, jumps, squats)

That's my body! With him you will do everything on "five"! (Sit down in their seats.)

Educator. Well done! Now listen to the riddle and guess it.

Brother and brother live across the path, but do not see each other.

Children. These are the eyes.

Educator. Where are the eyes?

Children. The eyes are on the person's face, below the forehead, on either side of the nose.

Educator. Do humans need eyes?

Children. Needed.

Educator. Now we will find out why they are needed. Everyone close your eyes and don't open until I tell you to. Tell me what am I doing? Don't open your eyes. (I show the toy)

Children are silent.

Educator. And now? (I put away the toy)

Children are silent.

Educator. Open your eyes and see what I did. (I repeat my steps). So why do people need eyes?

Children. To see.

Educator. Listen to the riddle. salty raindrop

Blurred the path

Running down the hill

What is it, tell me?

Children. This is a tear.

Educator. Do you know why people cry?

Children argue.

Educator. First of all, a tear moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eye. It protects our eyes from microorganisms. Tears are different, we cry not only from the wind or mechanical irritation. Often tears are emotional, arising as a reaction to a shock or accompanying some kind of mental condition. Tears are an expression of grief or joy, they stand out with unbridled laughter. Guys, in addition to tears near the eyes, there are also helpers and defenders.

Guess what (in case of difficulty, I read the riddle a second time and try to imitate so that the children guess):

The oyster opened its doors,

I washed my pearls in the river.

And when the night came

Oyster shutters closed

And went to the bottom.

Children. These are eyelids.

Reeds grow around the lake.

Children. Eyes and eyelashes

dark stripes

Stretched out flat

Through the field, slopes,

Through hills and mountains.

Children. These are eyebrows.

Educator. Look at each other. Blink. What organ is involved in this?

Children. Eyelids blink.

Educator. Why do you need to blink?

Children suggest.

Educator. Wave your hand in front of your friend's eyes. What did he do? So why do we need eyelids and eyelashes?

Children. The eyelids and eyelashes protect the eyes from water, dust, etc.

Educator. Thus, we found out that the eyes are the organ of vision. Eyelids and eyelashes serve to protect the eye from injury. Why do you need eyebrows?

Children argue.

Educator. Eyebrows protect the eyes from moisture, which temporarily impairs vision and can also act as an irritant. Sweat may drip from the forehead when it is hot or physical activity. Eyebrows keep sweat out of the eyes. Eyebrows of a person are involved in the expression of surprise, joy, censure, anger, contempt, etc. Guys, you need to protect your eyes. N Orlova wrote a poem for you on this occasion. Listen to him and tell me what rules you need to remember in order for your eyesight to be good?

Children. Do not poke into the eyes with sharp objects. You can't rub your eyes. You can't read lying down. The book should be held 40 cm from the eyes. You can't look at bright light. You can not watch TV close and for a long time.

Educator. Guys, our lesson is coming to an end! Today we managed to talk only about some parts of the face. Think about it and say what we haven't talked about yet?

Children. We didn't talk about cheeks, nose, ears, chin. They did not say why a person has a mouth.

Educator. We will talk about all this in the next lesson. I am very pleased with you today.

Stand up, please, those who learned something new today.

Smile those who were interested.

Wish each other something good!

Summary of classes for children with disabilities. Topic: "Parts of the body. Emotions".

Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of classes for children with disabilities for grades 1-2. This material will be useful to teachers, educators, teachers of correctional institutions.

Subject: Parts of the body. Emotions.

1. - to consolidate the ability to navigate in one's own body, to name and show parts of the body and face;
- continue to teach to perform actions according to verbal instructions;
- continue to form the ability to distinguish between right and left hand;
- fix the names of the colors: red, blue.
- activate words with diminutive suffixes in children's speech;
- to form the grammatical structure of speech;
- to consolidate the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale using a mnemonic table;
- to consolidate the ability to express emotions: joy, sadness, surprise.
2. - develop speech, speech-auditory attention, memory, thinking;
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- to develop the emotional sphere of children, empathy, mimic expressiveness.
3. - to cultivate diligence, interest in studies.
Doll, drawings with missing parts of the face, illustrations and mnemonic table for the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". Handout: “Mood” models, “Human Figure” puzzles, hand drawings, face drawings.

Lesson progress

1. Org. moment.
- Stand up straight, sit quietly.
Everyone was looking at me.
- Guys, let's say hello at the beginning of the lesson.
Good morning eyes! You woke up? (Stroking the eyelids).
Good morning ears! You woke up? (Rubbing the earlobes with fingers).
Good morning pens! You woke up? (clapping hands).
Good morning feet! You woke up? (stomp your feet).
Good morning, Sunshine! We woke up. (Smile and stretch out your hands to the sun).
- Well done guys, everyone woke up and I see that you are ready for class.
2. The main part of the lesson.
1. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- Today we have a very interesting lesson. We will guess riddles, draw, remember a familiar fairy tale and tell it.
2. Surprise moment.
- A doll came to visit us for class, her name is Olya. Olya has prepared a lot of interesting tasks for you. Olya's first task is "Guess the riddle - show the answer." Listen carefully to the riddles.
3. Guessing riddles.
- The pot has seven holes in it.
...., show me where Olya's head is? Where is your head? Tilt your head forward, back.

They don't sow, they don't plant, they grow themselves.
…., show where Olya's hair is? Where is your hair? What color is Olya's hair?

Olya looks at the cat, at the pictures - fairy tales.
And for this we need our Olya ... (eyes)
- ..., show where Olya's eyes are? Show me, where are your eyes? Why do we need eyes?

Olya listens to the cuckoos in the forest.
And for this we need our Olya ... (ears)
- ..., show where Olya's ears are? Show me, where are your ears? Why do we need ears?

Olya gnaws the nucleoli, the shells fall.
And for this we need our Olya ... (teeth)
- Where are your teeth, show your teeth. Let's chat with our teeth.

If it weren't for him,
Wouldn't say anything.
- Where is your tongue, show it. Let's show how the clock ticks: tick-tock.

People always have it, ships always have it.
- ..., show where Olya's nose is? Show me, where is your nose? Why do we need a nose?

Everything we put in our mouth
It will get to us in ... (stomach).
...., show where Olya's tummy is? Where is your tummy?

Olya takes two or three berries.
And for this we need our Olya .... (pens)
...., show me where Olya's pens are? Where are your pens? Raise them to the top. Now let's clap our hands.

Olya cheerfully runs to the river along the path.
And for this we need our Olya ... (legs)
- ..., show where Olya's legs are? Where are your legs? Stomp your feet.
- Well done, all the riddles of Olina were solved.

4. Exercise "Collect the little man."
Guys, you have figurines on your desk. Olya asks you to collect a little man from them.
- Well done! ... what color is your little man. (I ask each child)

5. Exercise "Palms"
- Put the figures aside and put the leaves in front of you, where the palms are drawn. What color are the palms?
- Place your right hand on the red hand and your left hand on the green hand. touch right hand to the nose, touch the hair with your left hand, rub your ear with your right hand, show where your eyes are with your left hand. Well done.

6. Exercise "What is missing?"
Guys, look at these pictures. Olya painted girls' faces, but forgot to draw something. What did Olya forget to draw in the first picture? (eyes)
-…., go draw your eyes. (we finish drawing the nose, mouth on other drawings)

7. Physical education.
Now let's rest a little.
We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
We give hands
And we run around.

8. Exercise "Emotions".
Guys, look at the illustrations that Olya brought us. What fairy tale they are from. (Ryaba Hen) Let's remember this fairy tale.
- Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had a hen Ryaba. The hen laid an egg, not a simple one, but a golden one. Look how happy grandfather is smiling. Smile and you.
- Grandfather beat - beat did not break. Baba beat-beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. Look at the mouse. What is her face expression? (children answer). Surprise like a mouse.
- The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and the hen Ryaba cackles: “Don't cry grandfather, don't cry woman. I will lay you a different egg, not a golden one, but a simple one!”
Why were grandparents crying? What is their mood in this picture? (children answer). Make a sad face like grandparents.
- Guys, you have emoticons on your desk. Show me a funny face smiley. Smile yourself. What illustration should it be attached to? ... go attach it to the illustration where the grandfather is smiling.
- Show a surprise emoticon. Let's pretend to be surprised. What illustration should it be attached to? ... go attach it to the illustration where the mouse is surprised.
- Show a smiley with a sad, sad face. Depict sadness, sadness. What illustration should it be attached to? ... go attach it to the illustration where the grandfather and grandmother are crying.
9. Retelling the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" using mnemonic tables.
- And now let's retell the tale "Ryaba the Hen" using the table.
… retell the story. (2-3 persons)
3. Summary of the lesson.
- Guys, let's remember what tasks Olya prepared for you today? What did we do in class?
- Well done guys, you all worked hard in class today. I would especially like to point out…..
Thanks for the lesson, you can go to rest.

Summary of the lesson “Man. Body parts".
Purpose: To introduce children to the parts of the human body. Teach to educate
plural nouns. Learn how to make sentences
visual material. Distinguish between right and left hand and foot. Teach
form nouns with diminutives and
magnifying suffixes. Exercise children in coordination
nouns with numerals. Draw children's attention to
polysemy of words. Encourage children to use antonyms.
Lesson progress:
B: Take mirrors from the table. Now we will depict different
emotions. Raise your eyebrows, be surprised. Now furrow your brows
wrinkle your nose, portray Baba Yaga. What is her facial expression? /evil,
terrible /. And now portray a good fairy. Smile. What is her
facial expression? / kind, joyful /. What facial expression do you like?
What is your mood most often? /children's answers/. We start our
occupation, and let good mood accompanies us.
Q: On Earth, he is the strongest of all,
Because everyone is smarter.
Who do you think it is? /Human/. Who are we going to talk about? /about a human/
Showing a poster with the structure of the human body. The topic of our lesson: “Parts of the body
person." Today we will find out what parts of the body a person has, what they are for.
a person needs. How to keep our body clean and healthy.
A knock is heard. Pinocchio appears.
Pinocchio: Hello children! You recognized me? Why are you here?
Q: The guys and I are talking about a person. Here you know Pinocchio what parts
does a person have a body?
Pinocchio: Of course, I know, I have one part of the body - the NOSE.
Q: What is it for?
Pinocchio: To stick it everywhere.
Q: Guys, I think Pinocchio should stay so that he knows what else there are
human body parts and why they are needed.
Pinocchio: Thank you, I will gladly stay.
Q: What is the name of the largest part of the human body? /torso/
together with the children shows on the poster where they are and what they are called
body parts / stomach, back side /
Pinocchio: I know that every person has a head - she can think
look, listen, smell, taste.
Q: That's right, a person has a head, but only she can't do all this herself.
do, and with the help of the organs that are on it, listen to the riddles:
At the little animal - on top,
And below our eyes. /ears/
Q: What are the ears for? / ears are needed in order to hear, listen /

The way the rays they shine
That covers them with tears,
Sometimes they read or blink,
And then they suddenly laugh ... / eyes /
What are the eyes for? /eyes are needed in order to see, look/
And now Pinocchio we will tell you and show you what other parts of the body are
in a person. A child comes out and, pronouncing a poem, points to
parts of the body, the rest of the children repeat the movements in their places.
We have nails on our fingers, we have nails on our heads
On the hands - wrists, elbows, two ears and two earlobes
Crown, neck, shoulders, chest. Eyebrows, cheekbones and temples
Hips, heels, two feet And eyes that are so close
Have knees and back Cheeks, nose and two nostrils
But she's only one Lips, teeth - look!
Chin under the lip, that's what you and I know.
Q: What are teeth, tongue, legs, arms, nose, eyelashes for? /children's answers/
What else is on the head? /hair/The torso has arms and legs.
Guys, tell me the parts of the arm / shoulder, elbow, palm, fingers, nails /. A
what parts of the leg do you know? / thigh, knee, shin, foot, fingers, nails,
sole, heels/.
Pinocchio: Guys, I know what animals don't have - faces. Do you know what
Pets don't have body parts yet, but humans do? /palm,
fingers, nails, elbows, hands/.
Ball game: "One - many."
Q: Now we will play the game "One many", I name one object, and you
a lot of.
Ear - ears, neck ..., eye ..., hair ..., head ..., forehead ..., mouth ..., nose
…, cheek …, finger …, elbow …, eyebrow ….
Game "Think and answer"
Pinocchio: Malvina asked me questions, but I could not answer them,
help me, please, otherwise she would ban me in the closet.
How many eyes do two children have? /two children have four eyes/
How many ears do three boys have? /those boys have six ears/
How many fingers are on the left hand? / there are five fingers on the left hand /
How many noses do three girls have? /three girls have three noses/
Pinocchio: Thanks guys.
B: Stand behind your chairs, let's do a little exercise.
Who can tell if the children can repeat these movements? I will put my hands up.
Children: I can do that too!
B: Right to left I will scout.
Children: I can do that too.

B: And I will fly like a bird.
Children: I can do that too.
B: I'll turn my head.
Children: I can do that too.
B: And now I will sit down, I will get up and I will not get tired at all.
Children: I can do that too.
B: I will jump a little.
Children: I can do that too.
B: And on foot I will go on the road.
Children: I can do that too.
B: And I'll run on the spot.
Children: I can do that too.
B: Everything in the world I can.
Up palms! Clap clap!
On the knees - slap, slap!
Now pat on the back
Slap yourself on the sides!
We can clap behind! Clap clap!
Let's clap in front of us! Clap clap!
Right we can! We can go left!
And we'll put our hands crosswise.
Left hand - on the shoulder,
Right hand - twist,
On toes and heels
That's the end of charging.
Q: Sit down in your seats and listen to the story called "Two
There lived two brothers. One was called IK, he was small and thin. Another -
ISCH, he was tall and fat. Everyone had their own home. IR had
small house. ISCH is a big house. Speech therapist draws on the blackboard at home
brothers and asks the children questions: what kind of house did the ISCH have? /big/. How is he
called? /house/. What house did IK have? /small/. What was his name?
I will tell you what these brothers were like. And you will help me. (story by
drawing on the board). One brother did not have a nose - but ... / nose /, and the other
/nose/. One brother did not have a mouth - but ... /mouth/, and the other /mouth/. (hands,
legs, forehead, eyes, hair…)
What was the little brother's name? /IR/. What was the other brother's name? /ISCH/. Which
was ISCH? /big/. If IR is heard in a word, this means that the subject
small, and if ISCH - then the object is large.
Game: "Say the other way around"

Q: Let's compare the brothers now.
LOOKING for a sad face, and for IKA / cheerful /
ISCHA has dark hair, and IKA has / light /
ISCHA has long hair, and IKA has /short/
ISCHA has straight hair, and IKA has /curly/
ISCHA has a big nose, and IKA has /small/
IS is thick, and IR /thin/
IR is high and IR is /low/
Q: Guys, there are words that sound the same but have different meanings.
Nose - at the plane, at the ship, at the teapot;
Pen - at the door, at the bag, a fountain pen;
Peephole - in the door, near the potatoes;
The neck is at the bottle, at the child;
Back - at the chair;
Brushes - paint brush, grape brush;
Tongue - at the boot, cake;
Legs - by the chair, by the mushroom.
Pinocchio: And once I got into the ink with my nose and got dirty all over, that's how it was
Q: You probably do not know what can happen if a person does not follow
the purity of your body. Here, listen to an excerpt from a poem by K.I.
Chukovsky "Moydodyr".
“Oh you, ugly, oh you, dirty,
Unwashed pig!
You're blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself.
You have wax on your neck
You have a blob under your nose
You have such hands that even your trousers have fled,
Even trousers, even trousers
They ran away from you."
Q: Children, who do you think these verses are about? / about a slut, dirty / What do you need
do to be clean? / wash, wash hands, body, brush teeth,
comb your hair, clean and iron clothes, clean shoes ... /
Pinocchio: Malvina makes me wash my hands and also gave me a whole
a bag of some items. And I don't know what to do with them, why do I need them
Q: Guys, let's help Pinocchio.
Game: "What things a person needs to be clean and tidy"
(speech therapist shows body care items, and children make up
sentences /a comb is needed for combing hair…/)
