Face masks with blue clay for oily skin. Blue clay face mask as a panacea for acne, scars and blemishes

Since ancient times, women have been using natural remedies to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. One such product is blue clay. Her beneficial features take into account when creating masks, compresses and wraps for the face and body. Blue clay is considered universal, as it is suitable for almost every skin type and does not cause allergies.

Blue clay for the face, whose properties are used in cosmetology, is used for various purposes. It is taken orally, face and body masks are made, used for compresses, body wraps and baths.

Blue clay for the face: - one of the oldest means for the beauty and health of the skin

The mineral substance has many healing properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • nutritious;
  • painkiller;
  • moisturizing;
  • tightening;
  • stimulating;
  • bleaching.

Cambrian clay is used for the following indications:

  • eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • post-acne, acne, acne;
  • seborrhea, dandruff, oily scalp;
  • deterioration of the skin of different etymologies;
  • age-related changes;
  • dull complexion;
  • cellulite, stretch marks;
  • excessive production of sebum;
  • black dots;
  • wounds and abscesses on the skin.

The uniqueness of the composition of blue clay

Blue clay for the face, whose properties have been known since ancient times, is a fine rock sedimentary layers. When dry, it is a powder, and when moistened, it becomes elastic. When added to water, clay does not dissolve, but settles to the bottom of the container.

Blue clay is also called Cambrian, as it is mined on the same layer of the Russian geological platform. Previously, this area was an ancient sea that contained blue silts, so the rocks of this region are called blue. This color is given to the mineral by the natural dye copper chlorophyllin.

Blue clay was used in ancient Egypt to embalm bodies. there are mentions of the mineral in the notes of Aristotle, Confucius, Galen. its healing properties were described by Aviczen in the "Canon of Medicine" and Pliny in "Natural History".

Louis XVI used blue clay for stomach pains. In Rus', with the help of the breed, the body was cleansed of poisons, and during the time of Tsarist Russia, it was expensively sold abroad. In the nineteenth century in Chernigov and near St. Petersburg there were hospitals where blue clay treatment was carried out. Well-known physicians also wrote about clay treatment - S.P. Botkin and the German professor Schrumpf.

Storing blue clay

To preserve the beneficial properties of blue clay, it must be placed in a clean glass or ceramic container. The powder substance is poured into a dry container with an airtight lid. In this form, the clay is left both in the open sun and in a cool place.

The wet mineral is lightly covered with a cloth or lid to allow air to enter. Keep a container with creamy clay in the refrigerator, not forgetting to moisten it periodically. big amount water.

The chemical composition of blue clay

Substances in the composition of blue clay affect its color and various properties. The content of the components depends on the place of extraction of the rock and the characteristics of the soil of the region. Dark blue clay is rich in natural radium, and light clay has kaolin impurities. The older the clay, the more saturated components it contains.

Component Content, mg
Nitrogen 4-8
Silicon 200-700
Potassium 3-6
Silver 0,3-0,8
Calcium 25-60
Molybdenum 2-4
Radium 0.006-0.012 mcg
Phosphorus 2-2,5
Copper 1,5-3
Aluminum 10-40
Magnesium 4-8
Manganese 11-30
Iron 8-15
Cobalt 0,08-0,25
Zinc 5-9
Nickel 0,5-1
Sodium 10
Chromium 3-4

Blue clay contains titanium oxide and titanium dioxide. These substances protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation and effectively remove dead skin particles. Also in the clay there is an extract of kelp, which restores the tone of the epidermis.

Blue clay contains natural minerals:

  • pyrophyllite;
  • disten;
  • nakrit;
  • andalusite;
  • muscovite;
  • sillimanite;
  • montmorillonite;
  • kaolinite;
  • monotermite;
  • diasporas;
  • halloysite;
  • corundum;
  • hydrargillite.

Useful properties of blue clay in cosmetology

Blue clay for the face, whose properties are valued in medicine, is a natural mineral that is used for health and beauty.

Blue Powder:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves skin tone;
  • fights with stretch marks;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • strengthens hair roots;
  • gives curls shine and volume;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • opens and cleanses pores;
  • accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • regulates the production of sebum;
  • kills bacteria;
  • relieves swelling;
  • narrows enlarged pores;
  • smoothes scars and scars;
  • treats inflammation;
  • helps to cope with the fungus;
  • relieves pain;
  • removes toxins from the body.

For women

Blue clay for the face, whose properties help women's health, is used to create homemade cosmetics. Various face masks, compresses and lotions for the body are made from the mineral. The powder relieves stretch marks and relieves menstrual pain.

Blue clay for women is used in case of such diseases:

  • polyps;
  • mastitis;
  • cyst;
  • inflammation;
  • mastopathy;
  • discharge;
  • vaginitis;
  • fibromyoma;
  • irregular cycle;
  • uterine prolapse.

During pregnancy, blue clay is taken 1 tsp. after eating to get rid of nausea and toxicosis. At breastfeeding make clay wraps to tighten the skin and smooth out stretch marks. It is useful to take baths with a mineral and make compresses on the lower abdomen. This prevents stretch marks and relieves tone. It is also not forbidden to apply face masks.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex use blue clay to restore sexual function and relieve swelling from the organs of the reproductive system.

For this, 1 tsp. mineral is diluted in 250 ml of water and consumed daily. From adenoma and prostatitis, clay water helps - 2 tsp. powder per 200 ml of purified water. The complex prescribes lotions with blue clay on the lower abdomen and mineral baths every other day.

For children

To relieve muscle spasms, relax and gently cleanse the skin, children from birth are recommended to take clay baths. For this, 1 tbsp. powder is diluted in warm water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. twice a week.

Clay is taken internally as an adsorbent and anti-inflammatory agent. For this, 1 tsp. the mineral is diluted in 200 ml of water and drunk 2-3 times a week. This infusion is used to wash the eyes with conjunctivitis. The water is infused until the mineral particles completely settle, after which the clean liquid is carefully drawn out with a syringe.

The amount of the mixture depends on the age of the child:

  • 6 months-1 year - 50 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 100 ml;
  • older than 3 years - 150 ml.

It is important to consider that blue clay for the treatment and prevention of diseases can only be taken with the permission of a pediatrician.

Contraindications to the use of blue clay in cosmetology

Despite the numerous useful properties, blue clay should be used only according to indications, focusing on the state of health.

Blue clay is used with caution in diseases of the kidneys and liver. It is necessary to refrain from using the product for people with sensitive skin types.

Do not use the powder for diseases such as:

  • osteoporosis;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • heat;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute phase;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the hearing organs;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • heart failure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Cosmetics based on blue clay

Blue clay is the basis of body and face cosmetics, which can be found on store shelves. Manufacturers supplement the mineral with other components with beneficial properties that fight skin problems.

Facial mask Bath Agafia with blue clay

The mask is available in a doypack of 100 ml.

Cambrian clay with cornflower extract cleans and tightens pores, giving a matte finish. Designed for oily skin. Such a mask should be done no more than once every 7-10 days. Price - 70-100 rubles.

Gel for washing Levrana with blue clay

Face gel in a package of 200 ml contains extracts of lavender, sea buckthorn and rosemary. The product has a neutral pH, so it can be used in the morning and evening. The cost of the product is 300-350 rubles.

Plant components have a beneficial effect on the epidermis:

  • gently clean;
  • regulate the production of sebum;
  • relieve irritation.

Sugar scrub House of nature with white and blue clay

Body scrub is sold in containers of 300 and 400 g. The product contains sugar, blue and white clay, as well as natural fatty oils. The product smoothes the skin, eliminates cellulite, retains moisture. Scrub particles gently massage and cleanse the epidermis. Jojoba, olive and burdock oils nourish and smooth the skin. Price - 350-400 rubles.

Cosmetic clay Koza Dereza for body, hair and face

The product is available in 175 ml containers. The product has a dark grey-blue color and a thick consistency. Blue clay combined with goat milk perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin of the face and body. Natural extracts of thyme, wormwood and almond nourish the epidermis and saturate it with useful components.

After applying the mask, post-acne is lightened, the hair becomes thicker and denser, cellulite dimples are smoothed out. Cost - 150-200 rubles.

Ways to use blue clay in cosmetology

Blue clay is actively used in cosmetology. Based on it, homemade masks, mixtures for body wraps and compresses are prepared. Blue clay replaces shampoo, and is also added to masks for hair growth. For the preparation of cosmetics, only wooden, glass and ceramic dishes are used. Plastic and silicone containers are also suitable.

Clay should not come into contact with metal, as the components of the mask may deteriorate during the oxidative reaction. Mix the ingredients with a plastic or wooden spoon.

Before making a mask, the face needs to be steamed. This is done over a container with a hot decoction of herbs. You can also make a compress with a warm towel or wash your face. hot water. This procedure will help expand the pores and allow beneficial substances to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Apply the product with fingers or a brush along the massage lines of the face. After applying the mask, you need to take a horizontal position and relax. It is advisable not to make active movements with your face so that the composition does not crack. It is important not to wait for the mask to dry, but to moisturize the face with thermal or mineral water from a spray bottle.

Depending on the components in the composition, the mask is kept from 5 to 25 minutes. Rinse off the product with a cotton pad or cotton napkin dipped in warm water.

From freckles and age spots

Such a mask brightens not only freckles, but also post-acne, scars and scars:

  1. Combine 30 g of badyagi powder with 40 g of Cambrian clay.
  2. Dilute the composition with hot water and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, apply it on your face.
  4. Leave the product on for 10-20 minutes.

Anti-aging mask

The tool reduces the severity of wrinkles, improves skin tone and smoothes irregularities:

  1. Pour 15 g of dry lime blossom into 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 60 minutes.
  2. Strain the liquid and separate 20 ml of infusion.
  3. Add to it 30 g of clay powder and the same amount of liquid honey.
  4. The mass is applied to the skin and washed off after 20 minutes.

Mask for oily skin

Normalizes the secretion of sebum and removes its excess:

  1. Mix 30 g of Cambrian clay with 25 ml of cucumber puree.
  2. Add 10 g lemon juice and 3 k. lemon essential oil.
  3. Add 5 g of almond oil to the mass.
  4. Lubricate the face and hold for 15 minutes.

Soothing mask

The composition relieves irritation and redness after peels and scrubs:

  1. Knead blue clay with hot water until thick.
  2. Pour into the mixture 5 k. lavender oil and 1 tsp. chamomile oil.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mask on the skin and leave for 15 minutes.

Nourishing mask

This mask is suitable even for dry skin. The components of the product saturate and moisturize the epidermis.

  1. Beat egg yolk with 1 tbsp. l olive oil and 1 tsp. natural honey.
  2. Enter into the mixture 1-2 tbsp. l. Cambrian clay.
  3. Mix well so that no lumps remain.
  4. The mask is applied to the skin and kept for 20 minutes.

Exfoliating mask

The tool gently removes dead skin particles and nourishes the epidermis:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. yogurt without additives mixed with the same amount of blue clay.
  2. Add some water and 1 tsp. wheat germ oils.
  3. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Healing mask

Helps heal wounds and regenerate the skin:

  1. Separate the gel from 1 leaf of aloe vera. To do this, cut off the top layer of the skin and remove the gel of the plant with a teaspoon.
  2. Knead the resulting mass and add 15 g of clay powder to it.
  3. Dilute the composition with water and apply on the face
  4. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Purifying mask

Deeply cleanses the epidermis of excess fat and pushes out comedones:

  1. Blend 20 g of boiled rice with a blender to a puree consistency.
  2. Pour 20 g of Cambrian clay and dilute with thick water.
  3. Lubricate the face with a thick layer of mass and hold for 20 minutes.

Equalizing mask

It is used to eliminate dull complexion and age spots:

  1. Whip the egg white until stiff.
  2. Mix with 0.5 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. clay.
  3. Dilute the composition of 1 tbsp. l. water.
  4. Keep the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes. and gently remove from the skin.

Antibacterial mask

Dries acne and inflammation, disinfects the skin:

  1. Sift 1 tbsp. l. clay powder and add to it 1-2 tbsp. l. lime or lemon juice.
  2. Include in 1 tbsp. l. tinctures of calendula flowers.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, stir with a little water.
  4. The mask is kept on the face for 5-7 minutes. and wash off with warm water.

Acne Scrub Mask

Rigid mass treats acne and reduces traces of healed inflammation:

  1. 1 st. l. ground coffee or coffee grounds mixed with the same amount of Cambrian clay.
  2. Add a little water and 1-2 k. essential oil of cloves to the mixture, then apply to the skin of the face.
  3. In 10 minutes. the mask must be washed off.


Purifying clay shampoo normalizes sebum production, removes oily hair and prevents dandruff.

  1. 3 tbsp clean warm water mixed with 3 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add to the liquid 2 tbsp. l. clay.
  3. Apply the product to the hair roots along the partings.
  4. Leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the composition with water, carefully massaging the scalp.
  6. Apply moisturizer to hair length nourishing mask.
  7. Rinse off the product and rinse the curls in water with a few drops of lemon juice.
  8. Pat your hair dry with a towel and brush the ends with a little coconut oil.

Hair Growth Mask

Such a clay mask helps to wake up dormant bulbs and accelerate the growth of curls:

  1. 1 tsp mix honey with 1 tsp. dry mustard and 1 tsp. clay powder.
  2. Pour into the mass 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  3. Mix thoroughly and apply curls on the parting on the head.
  4. Cover your head with a shower cap and then with a towel.
  5. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes. and wash off with shampoo.
  6. Be sure to use a hair conditioner.

Hair loss mask

The tool eliminates hair loss and strengthens the hair roots:

  1. 5 st. l. dilute the blue mineral with warm water to a thick consistency.
  2. Add 10 k. essential oil of rosemary and mix well.
  3. Apply the product to the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes.
  4. You can repeat the procedure 3 times a week. A visible result will appear after 5-6 applications.

Dandruff mask

The mixture helps prevent dandruff and remove existing crusts:

  1. 1 garlic clove minced into a puree.
  2. Combine the garlic mass with 2 tbsp. l. clay and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  3. Dilute the composition with water until thick.
  4. Massage the mask into the scalp with massage movements.
  5. Leave the mixture for 20-40 minutes. and remove with water and shampoo.

Body mask

The product cleanses the skin, tones it and saturates it with nutrients:

  1. Mix in a container of 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, cucumber juice and honey.
  2. Pour in 6 tbsp. l. clay to the resulting liquid.
  3. If the mass is too thick, you can pour in a little purified water.
  4. Apply the mask on the body and hold for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off in the shower with a massage mitt.

sugar scrub

Body scrub with sugar cleanses rough skin particles and makes the epidermis smooth:

  1. To 3 tbsp. l. sugar add 2 tbsp. l. blue clay and 2 tbsp. l. any fatty oil - almond, shea or coconut.
  2. Mix the composition with 10 k. of ylang-ylang essential oil.
  3. Apply the scrub to the steamed body and massage each part of it to remove dead skin particles.
  4. Rinse your body with warm water and pat dry.

Salt scrub

Salt-based cleanser detoxifies, soothes skin irritation and reduces perspiration:

  1. Mix 50 g of Cambrian clay with 30 g of ground sea salt.
  2. Add a few drops of grapefruit, orange and sage essential oils.
  3. Dilute the composition with water to a mushy state.
  4. The product is applied with massage movements, carefully massaging the problem areas of the body.
  5. Rinse off the scrub in the same way as a regular cleanser.

hot wrap

This wrap with blue clay helps to remove toxins and excess fluid:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. powder with a pinch of dry red pepper.
  2. Add water to the ingredients until the consistency of thick sour cream (up to 100 ml of liquid).
  3. Apply the composition to the problem areas of the body.
  4. Wrap your body in cling film and a towel.
  5. After 1 hour, the agent is washed off with cold water and a body correction lotion is applied.

Cold wrap

The cold wrap treatment eliminates cellulite and lightens stretch marks:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. mint leaves pour hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Strain the liquid and add to it 3 tbsp. l. blue clay.
  3. Apply the mixture to areas of the body with stretch marks and cellulite.
  4. Wrap the indicated areas in polyethylene and cover with a blanket.
  5. After 45-60 min. remove the composition from the skin.
  6. The course of the procedure is a session every 2 days for 30 days.

Hand mask

The tool heals microscopic wounds, brightens and nourishes the epidermis:

  1. In a container, beat the yolk and add 1 tbsp. l. mineral.
  2. Mix the resulting composition with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. olive pomace.
  3. Heat the composition to 40-45 C.
  4. Apply the mask on your palms and put on plastic gloves.
  5. Over it is worth wearing warm mittens to create a greenhouse effect.
  6. The mask is kept for at least 2 hours, and for the best effect, it should be left overnight.
  7. The mixture is washed off with water, and then a hand cream is applied.
  8. After the procedure, hands are not washed for 2-3 hours.

Mask for legs

The composition softens rough skin of the legs, removes salts and eliminates bad smell:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. clay, 100 ml of mineral water and 1 tsp. melted or liquid honey.
  2. Apply the mask on clean skin of the feet and wrap with a film.
  3. Wrap your feet in warmth.
  4. After 1 hour, rinse off with warm water and apply nutritious cream.
  5. Repeat once a week for 1 month.

Blue clay - universal natural remedy, which has many properties. The mineral returns youth and elasticity to the skin of the face, deeply cleanses and gives a beautiful even color. The use of clay will help to cope with the imperfections of the body and gain self-confidence.

Video about the benefits of blue clay

Beautician's opinion about blue clay:

  • Mask Recipes
  • How to use correctly
  • How to apply on the face
  • Contraindications

Among the variety of cosmetic products for the care of the skin of the face, it is difficult to decide and buy a product that really brings desired results. In addition, the product description does not always indicate an exhaustive list of ingredients. But there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction to various components. As an alternative to purchased products, blue clay has become widespread, masks with which it is easy to create at home, using only those substances that will be useful. At the same time, the cost of care is significantly reduced.


Blue clay contains a large amount of silver ions. It is due to the fact that this substance is included in this natural material, it has a blue tint.

In addition, the composition of the Cambrian clay includes the following useful micro and macro elements:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • nickel.

These components are necessary for normal skin care and have a therapeutic effect in some diseases of the internal organs.

Existing contraindications

With all its extensive positive properties, blue clay also has harmful characteristics. You should stop using it if you have the following problems:

  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, revealed heart failure.
  • Open tuberculosis, asthma of any type.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision and hearing.
  • Strong fever, SARS and acute respiratory infections.
  • Gynecological diseases.

Beneficial features

This tool is used for external and internal use for various pathological conditions. The beneficial properties of this natural material include:

  • maintaining water balance;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • elimination inflammatory process;
  • slowing down the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • normalization of blood circulation.

For internal use, a remedy is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and nervous systems, oncological processes, pathologies of joints and bones. External use is recommended for dermatological diseases, burns, wounds, stretch marks and cellulite.

This natural component is also used for baldness, dandruff. Clay stimulates hair growth, restores their vitality and volume.

Using a hair keel

You can use the drug not only for facial care, but also to improve the condition of the hair. Thanks to unique composition This drug can achieve significant benefits for curls:

Cosmetic procedures with blue clay are useful for any type of hair. They can be used by both men and women, including during pregnancy. Before using such a cosmetic procedure, you can not wash your hair, since the clay itself has a good cleansing effect.

Facial skin benefits

Soapstone masks provide facial skin smoothing. Potassium and magnesium, which are contained in clay, help to normalize the water balance and blood circulation in the skin.

Blue clay helps to eliminate black spots, pimples and blackheads on the face. It effectively dries the skin, resulting in relief from dermatitis, eczema and dermatosis on the face. Keel perfectly whitens the surface of the face and rejuvenates the skin.

In addition, the tool has the following effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes the face;
  • improves color;
  • restores firmness and elasticity;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • saturates cells with nutrients;
  • eliminates oily sheen;
  • removes excess pigmentation;
  • cleanses pores;
  • reduces freckles;
  • tones the skin;
  • has a disinfecting effect;
  • smoothes wrinkles;

The properties of blue clay also include blocking inflammatory foci and rapid healing of skin lesions.

  • beriberi in autumn and spring;
  • eczema;
  • burn;
  • psoriasis;
  • black dots;
  • boils;
  • allergic rash;
  • wounds;
  • increased pigmentation.

Blue clay is excellent for treating acne in teenagers and women. In addition, she is considered effective tool from wrinkles.

What is blue clay used for in face care?

Clay blue color recognized as the most sought after. The reason for this is an extensive list of its useful properties, thanks to which this type of clay can be used to solve the following problems: the presence of microscopic impurities and enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, sagging and decreased skin tone, decreased vitamin content in the skin in spring and autumn, sebaceous gland disease in the form of acne, black dots of a non-inflammatory nature, heterogeneity of skin color (freckles and other age spots), allergies that appear on the face, some dermatological problems (eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis). Consider some indications for use in more detail.

Blue clay for acne

Blue clay is an active "rescuer" from acne in the advanced stage due to antiseptic qualities, anti-inflammatory properties. An important role is played by zinc contained in this natural material, because it fights skin infections.
Applying a clay mask with aloe juice or aloe vera gel brings almost instant results. Already the first procedures will remove irritation, redness.

Also add herbal decoctions, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) to disinfect inflamed areas on the face, thereby getting rid of acne.

Blue facial clay for skin whitening

Summer is the time to activate the sun's rays, which lead to the appearance of dark spots on the skin. Such spotting on the skin of the face is especially unpleasant. Blue clay is able to return the skin to a uniform, familiar color and protect against ultraviolet radiation.
Copper contained in the blue grade of clay promotes the formation of melanin, which forms even tan. However, the incorrect distribution of this pigment manifests itself in the form of age spots.

To lighten the skin on the face, add lemon, cucumber, potatoes, melon, parsley, grapefruit, sea salt, milk, vitamins PP, K, E to the mixture.

Blue clay for oily skin

Oily skin requires additional cleansing of pores from toxins and any other impurities in order to improve cell metabolism, improve oxygen enrichment and other elements important for their functioning.
Oily skin on the face requires special components that would provide it with a thorough cleansing and narrowing of pores, eliminating oily sheen. Such components are rice, oatmeal, mineral water, aloe juice, lemon juice, alcohol tincture of calendula, egg white, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, puree from various fresh fruits, vitamins E, B, A.

Blue clay for wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles on the skin is associated with age-related changes, deterioration of metabolism, and the presence of active facial expressions. Blue clay restores all metabolic processes in the skin, helps to saturate the cells with useful elements, moisturize the skin. The action of blue grade clay can be called rejuvenating, toning, tightening. Restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin leads to a decrease in the number of wrinkles.
To accelerate the appearance of a rejuvenating effect, enrich blue clay masks with auxiliary components. For example, add vitamins in the form of butter (E, PP, A, C, B), cocoa, sea ​​buckthorn oil, yeast, kefir.

Blue clay for dry skin

Blue clay can dry out the skin. To avoid additional degreasing and dehydration of dry skin on the face, it is worth enriching the solutions with additional components.
For improved nutrition, hydration, toning and smoothing fine wrinkles on dry skin, use cream, sour cream, olive oil, egg yolk, apricot, grape or peach oil, honey, avocado, argan oil, rose hips, vitamins E and B. Complex of the described ingredients helps to speed up the healing process of small cracks and deeply moisturize the skin.

After the blue clay masks, treat your face with a moisturizer.

Action on various skin types

It is important to know that the use of Cambrian clay face masks is not always advisable. It depends, first of all, on the type of skin:

  • If a woman has oily skin, then the effect of blue clay is maximum. It promotes drying, as a result of which it treats various skin diseases on the face, eliminates acne, blackheads and other rashes.
  • With normal skin, a face mask is also very effective. It whitens and rejuvenates the face well.
  • When the skin type is dry, the use of blue clay as a mask is not recommended, as overdrying is possible, which can lead to various undesirable effects, such as flaking. In the case of dry skin, fatty ingredients (sour cream, olive oil) should be added to the clay mask.
  • With combination skin, clay is recommended to be applied to oily areas, but dry areas should be avoided.

Before using the mineral, it is important to know the type of facial skin. In addition, when using a mask with additives (essential oil, herbal infusion, food products) it is also important to consider whether the excipients are suitable for the skin type.

How to use blue clay for face at home

The use of blue clay at home is an inexpensive way to refresh, moisturize, rejuvenate, protect, cleanse the skin of the face. Clay procedures do not involve the use of any special equipment or inventory. To succeed in self-care facial skin care, follow simple recommendations on technology and recipes.

Recipes for blue clay face masks

Considering the number of possible ingredients additional to clay, it becomes clear that there are even more varieties of masks with blue clay. However, do not get carried away by saturating mixtures with a large number of ingredients. It is better to use ready-made recipes:

  1. Moisturizing mask for dry skin
    . Combine and mix 1 tbsp. l. cream and sour cream, add a quarter teaspoon of peach or apricot oil. After achieving uniformity, add 20 g of blue clay. This mask is applied for 20 minutes.
  2. Nourishing Blend for Dry Skin
    . Achieve a uniform consistency by mixing the yolk with olive oil (20 g). Add blue clay (20 g), mix the solution and apply immediately. Leave to act for 15 minutes.
  3. Refreshing mask for dry skin
    . 10 ml olive oil dilute 10 ml of fresh cucumber juice, rub with a tablespoon of blue clay. Treat the face and soak for 15 minutes.
  4. Cleansing mask for oily skin
    . Take 1 tbsp. l. rice flour and blue clay powder. After adding a small amount of water, stir the ingredients. Apply the prepared mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. Anti-acne mask for oily skin
    . In warm milk (15 ml), add blue clay (15 g) and tea tree oil (2 g). The exposure time of the mixture is 10-15 minutes.
  6. Whitening mask for all skin types
    . It consists of blue clay and kefir. For one tablespoon of powder, take as much kefir to bring the solution to the desired density. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.
  7. Whitening formula for oily skin
    . Add 5 ml of lemon juice and blue grade clay to 20 ml of vodka. To bring to the desired density, use clean water. The effect of the mask is limited to 20 minutes.
  8. Anti Freckle Blend for Normal Skin
    . Mix 1 part sea salt with 3 parts blue clay, add whipped protein and fresh milk. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.
  9. Disinfectant mask against acne and irritation
    . It contains the following ingredients: 3 tbsp. l. clay, 1 tsp. talc from a pharmacy, 5 g of glycerin, 5 g of salicylic alcohol, mineral water. Such a complex, used regularly as a mask, allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process on the skin of the face and, accordingly, from purulent rashes.
  10. Nourishing mask for normal skin
    . Composition: 3 tbsp. l. clay powder, water, yolk, 1 tsp each. lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes.
  11. Rejuvenating mask
    . The composition includes 2 tbsp. l. clay powder, a few drops of aevit and 0.5 tsp. cocoa. This mixture is applied in two layers for 20 minutes. Use cool water to rinse off.

How to use blue clay for face

For the correct preparation of masks with blue clay, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To break the caked lumps, sift the amount of clay indicated in the mask recipe. Sometimes, with the help of such actions, it is possible to weed out unwanted elements that enter the package at the production stage. The sifted powder will be enriched with oxygen and will be easier to mix.
  • Use only natural ingredients for any type of mask.
  • Do not exceed the content of additional components allowed by the recipe.
  • Use only fresh solutions, during storage the mixture loses its properties, so do not prepare for future use.
  • The solution should be plastic, not thicker than sour cream, so that the applied mask does not drain from the skin.
  • It is preferable to first mix the clay powder with a liquid (water or decoction) until smooth, and then add auxiliary ingredients.
  • Do not use metal utensils to mix ingredients.

How to apply a blue clay face mask

Mask application technology includes following rules and recommendations:

  • Pre-cleanse the skin on the neck and face, you can even use a scrub to remove dead elements and improve the penetration of the beneficial ingredients of the mask into the skin.
  • Solutions with clay can be applied to both dry and moisturized skin.
  • Start applying the solution from the bottom of the face. You can start at the neck and work your way up to the forehead. The effect of the blue clay mask is to expose the entire skin of the face, with the exception of the area around the mouth and eyes.
  • To cover the face with the mixture, use a special brush or spatula. Keep in mind that the brush is the safest applicator option, the last one, the spatula, can injure existing pimples.
  • The amount of applied solution should not be large. Big weight clay drying on the face can lead to its stretching and other mechanical damage, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. Any mimic movements produce a similar effect. Therefore, they should be excluded at the time of exposure to the mask. It's best not to even talk.
  • The best body position during the clay procedure is lying on your back.
  • To avoid premature and uneven drying of the solution, moisten boiled water those areas of the face where the solution begins to lighten.
  • After 15-20 minutes of exposure to the clay mixture (or other period of time provided for by a specific recipe), rinse the mask thoroughly with clean warm water. Then rinse your skin with cool water. You can also use wet wipes.
  • Each recipe provides for the frequency of application of the face mask. Sometimes the type of skin can act as a limitation: dry skin - 1-2 times a week, other types - 2-3 times.

Masks for blackheads

To get rid of blackheads, blackheads and acne, as well as to clean and relieve the inflammatory process on the integument of the face, the following keel masks are used:

  1. Take clay, agave juice and milk whey in a ratio of 3:1:1. Add tea tree oil (1-2 drops) to the mixture.
  2. Mix clay, coffee and mineral water until a creamy mixture is formed.

These masks are applied to the face for 20 minutes. After the procedure, they are washed off with water.

Clay-vegetable masks also get rid of black dots. It is recommended to add chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula decoction.

Effect of use

Regular use of blue clay cosmetics effectively affects the condition of the dermis. Acne, black spots gradually disappear, scars that remain after acne are leveled. The pores are narrowed and the greasiness of the skin is normalized. Freckles and age spots become lighter. After applying the masks, the skin becomes elastic, elastic, and its color improves. The epidermis is saturated with useful macro- and microelements. The face acquires a fresh look, the oval is tightened, small mimic wrinkles and scars after pimples disappear.

Clay for skin cleansing

For the purpose of cleansing, the following additives can be used in the mask:

  • Rice flour. To get such flour, you need to grind rice with a coffee grinder. To prepare the mask, clay and rice flour are taken in a ratio of 1: 1. Add rosemary oil in the amount of two drops.
  • Honey and coffee. Honey is combined with keel in equal parts, coffee and lemon essential oil are added. The facial cleanser is ready.

You can mix clay with milk and honey. The cleansing mask eliminates impurities and inflammatory foci, smoothes wrinkles.


The tool is a natural natural product that has no contraindications. But some components that make up the composition can cause an allergic reaction in women. An allergy can also be caused by a product in pure form if applied to sensitive or dry skin.

Before using any cosmetic mixture for the first time, a small amount of it is applied to the inside of the elbow bend. If after 20 minutes there is no allergic reaction in the form of redness and itching, then it can be applied to the face.

Using blue clay for rejuvenation

This mask helps to refresh the skin of the face:

  1. Dilute blue clay in water.
  2. Pour in the egg yolk and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add olive oil, lemon juice and honey to the mixture in equal proportions.
  4. After preparation, the mass is applied to the skin.
  5. Keep for 20 minutes, then wash off.

A mask based on keel and protein will also help to cope with wrinkles. These components not only prevent facial aging, but also contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

How to use the tool correctly

To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to know some of the subtleties of using a drug such as blue clay for the face:

  1. The properties of the drug will become much more noticeable if you prepare a mask based on decoctions of medicinal plants.
  2. Before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics and all kinds of contaminants.
  3. The contents of the package must be carefully sieved before use. This will allow the mask to be applied as evenly as possible.
  4. It is not recommended to mix the components of the masks in a metal bowl or use a metal spoon. For the preparation of preparations with keel, dishes made of glass, clay, ceramics or wood are suitable.
  5. Water or vegetable decoctions should not be hot. It is best to use settled or filtered water without traces of chlorine. Too hard water can be softened by adding a little baking soda to it.
  6. Owners of dry and sensitive skin are advised to add cosmetic oils to the mask - this will help moisturize and nourish the skin.
  7. Before applying the mask, you should carefully read the instructions for use, do everything in accordance with it.
  8. Apply the finished mask to the skin with careful strokes along the massage lines.
  9. The application time of the composition should not exceed 15 minutes. During this time, all useful components have time to be absorbed into the skin and bring maximum benefit.
  10. During the procedure, you should not laugh or talk. It is best to lie down, relaxing as much as possible and keeping the mimic muscles immobile.
  11. Product applied to the face may dry unevenly. Those areas that have dried out earlier than others can be moistened with water.
  12. The prepared product should be used immediately, because after a while the mineral salts in the composition of the keel will begin to disintegrate, and the cosmetic mask will lose its useful qualities.

For whitening

  • Lemon juice. One and a half tablespoons of keel are diluted in the juice of half a lemon. You can add vitamin E to the mixture.
  • Apple juice. Clay is diluted in apple juice by adding two drops of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Cucumber and protein. Cucumber juice and egg white should be added to the diluted clay mass.

Another recipe is suitable for whitening the skin: a few tablespoons of the mineral are diluted in lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and alcohol (0.5 tablespoons). Alcohol can be replaced with vodka. So that the mass is not thick, non-carbonated mineral water is used. She can dilute the mixture to the desired state.

To eliminate pigmentation, you can mix the mask keel with egg white, purified sea salt and warm milk.

Medicinal use

Blue clay is also actively used in medicine to eliminate some problems:

  • Pain in the joints;
  • With varicose veins;
  • Various skin diseases;
  • For the treatment of teeth and gums;
  • With psoriasis.

In most cases, it is enough to mix clay powder with water and apply to the problem area. Leave for a few minutes, rinse with warm water.

Where to get clay

This cosmetic product is recommended to be purchased at pharmaceutical points of sale or in the relevant departments of stores. It is desirable that the clay was in powder form. This is more suitable for preparing light and uniform masks.

In the pharmacy, you can also buy a body scrub or soap with the addition of this product.

The cost of funds may vary depending on where the mineral was mined. Baikal, Valdai clay is a little more expensive.

Sometimes a piece of clay can be bought in the market. Once purchased, it is ground into a powder and used for its intended purpose.

In order not to make a mask at home, you can contact beauty salon where, depending on the type of skin, the optimal composition will be selected.

When is Blue Clay Used?

The properties and use for the face of this product depend on the type of skin. Most often, such cosmetic procedures are done with the following problems:

  1. Increased oiliness of the skin, acne.
  2. Aging skin with small wrinkles.
  3. The appearance of blackheads and acne.
  4. Pale or sallow complexion.
  5. Microscopic wounds, cracks and burns, traces of irritation.

In addition to indications for the use of the main component, it should always be borne in mind that the mask contains additional ingredients.

Contraindications for use

Blue clay has a minimum list of contraindications for its use for cosmetic purposes. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug.

In addition, if a woman has sensitive skin, it is necessary to test whether this substance will cause allergic rashes on her face. Before applying clay to the face, it is important to first smear the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist with the product.

If side effects not observed, so you can make a mask.

Do not apply the remedy to open wounds, as well as to those places where the covers are inflamed.

It is important to remember that it is not allowed to do the procedure often even with oily skin. The best option is 1 time per week.

User Reviews

Recently I read on the Internet about how blue clay is useful for the face. The use of this tool interested me, the reviews were good. I decided to try a mask to tighten my chin and improve the shape of my face. The result was satisfied. Now I will do this mask regularly.

Olga, 48 years old

The benefits of clay for the face are undeniable. This is an excellent care for very reasonable money. Improvement in skin condition occurred after the first procedure. Removed oily sheen and blackheads.

Svetlana, 23 years old

I am very pleased with the results - the skin became better from the first time. I want to try the hair mask again.
Inna R., 33 years old

What is the blue variety

Today, in any cosmetic store (online or offline) you can see a very large variety of clays: pink, yellow, green ... Each variety has its own spectrum of action. The most versatile clay is white, pink and red varieties are more suitable for dry skin, and blue, gray, green are more suitable for oily skin. Each type of hair has its own grade of clay.

Table: colored clays and their main properties

For what type of skinSensitive, tired, prone to rosacea and rednessDry, tired, fadingCombined, dry, sensitive, ageAll skin types, including dry and matureDry, sensitive, irritatedOily, acne proneMature, fat
For what type of hairStained, emaciated, prone to greasyDry, brittleBroken, fragileDry, brittleSensitive scalpFatty, dullDry, discolored, dull
Main propertiesBalances, tones, cleansesSmoothes, cleansesTones, oxygenates, exfoliatesCalms, healsCalms, cleansesRemoves toxins and cleansesMoisturizes and oxygenates
Main advantagesSoothes irritations, absorbs excess sebumRemoves toxins, restores the softness of the skin and hairDetoxifies, stimulates collagen growth, saturates cells with oxygen, restores skin and hairRemoves inflammation, heals, fights bacteria, moisturizes the skin and hairSoftens, heals damage, smoothes hair, softens skinFights acne, shrinks pores, fights dandruffRemoves toxins, saturates with oxygen, nourishes, protects from external factors

Blue clay for the face how much to keep. The benefits of clay for the face

Cosmetic clay has a porous structure, due to which it absorbs sebum, impurities. Deeply and gently cleanses, removes dead cells, makes the complexion more fresh, eliminates inflammation.

Any kind of clay has these properties, but there are differences. They are connected with the fact that they are dominated by different microelements. This is the same reason for the fact that clay is multi-colored.

  1. White Due to the fact that it is based on a mineral called "kaolinite", white clay is often referred to as kaolin. One of its properties is skin whitening. Masks with white clay for the face at home help to even out the tone of the face, make freckles less pronounced. Its ability to narrow pores and provide a lifting effect is also appreciated. At the same time, it is an excellent absorbent and a good antiseptic.
  2. Blue It is mined in Bulgaria and in the Crimea. Clay has a bluish tint due to the fact that it contains silver. Due to this, it has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Therefore, masks based on it are recommended for acne. Improves cellular metabolism, due to which it has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Green Recommended for mature skin. Smoothes wrinkles, increases the elasticity of the dermis, its elasticity. Thanks to zinc, it has pronounced antiseptic properties, mattifies the skin, and dries up inflammation.
  4. Yellow Famous for its ability to remove toxins. Improves blood circulation, saturates epithelial cells with oxygen. Tones the skin. Suitable for aging skin.
  5. Red Contains trace elements (iron, copper, manganese), which improve the condition of capillaries, saturate the epithelium with oxygen. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  6. Pink Combines the properties of white and red clay. Also suitable for delicate skin care.
  7. Black Contains quartz, calcium, iron. Stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes. Helps to get rid of toxins, fat deposits, accelerates regeneration. Helps to restore a clear contour of the face.

Areas of use

Blue clay is used not only to improve appearance skin. It also becomes an indispensable tool for maintaining a slim figure and correcting the most problematic areas.

Now clay is mined to a greater extent in the Crimea

Special wraps carried out at home help to reduce volumes, and also have an amazing effect in the fight against stretch marks and hated cellulite. In addition, the product can be used in complex hair and scalp care.

Blue clay exfoliates the dead skin cells of the face, leaving the surface smooth and fresh.


Another great clay mask for acne can be made using red clay, which gets its color from its high content of iron, aluminum, copper, and magnesium silicate oxides. Powder of this type returns a healthy glow to a pale face, and also strengthens skin vessels. This mineral is recommended for owners of dry skin, because it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes it.

Red clay is designed to soothe delicate skin that is prone to frequent allergic irritations. Masks made from it relieve constant itching, peeling and eliminate all kinds of irritations.

Clay mask: reviews

According to people, this remedy works much better than any expensive bubble clay mask. The black clay moisturizer does a great job. As noted by women who regularly use this recipe, the positive effect is noticeable after the first application. The face becomes fresher, acquires a healthy tone and no longer seems so dry.

According to statistics, this type of clay mask is most often used by women, although there are also fans among men. They claim that due to the unique composition, they began to attract the opposite sex and feel more attractive.

Blue clay face mask. Blue clay: composition and useful properties

Clay is a sedimentary rock. In dry form, it has a dusty structure; when moistened, it becomes a plastic mass. Since time immemorial, mankind has used various useful qualities of this gift of nature, including for cosmetic purposes. Archaeological finds confirm that baths with dissolved blue clay were used by Cleopatra herself to maintain her beauty.

This product is a valuable storehouse of minerals, micro and macro elements: iron, copper, silicon, nitrogen, zinc, silver and many others. Because of this, it is considered a unique remedy for solving a wide variety of skin problems.

The following properties make blue clay useful for the face:

  • Antibacterial. The product perfectly fights against various rashes and inflammations on the skin, it is used to combat acne, boils, as well as for their prevention.
  • Painkiller. Clay soothes the skin, eliminating the pain of acne, blackheads.
  • Nutritious. Useful trace elements, minerals, salts, which clay is rich in, saturate the skin, making it fresh, velvety. In addition, they improve the complexion, which is especially important if the body receives an insufficient amount of the necessary substances with food.
  • Stimulating circulation. Skin cells are saturated with vitamins and oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the epidermis.
  • Moisturizing. This action is long-term, since the substances contained in the clay help not only retain moisture, but also restore the lipid balance of the skin.
  • Cleansing. The product provides deep cleansing of pores and elimination of black spots. In addition, drying on the skin, the clay promotes the separation of dead cells. The epidermis is scrubbed: it becomes smooth and more receptive to useful substances.
  • Normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. This is especially true for oily or combination skin.
  • Pull-up. Clay smoothes fine wrinkles, which allows it to be used for age-related care.
  • Brightening. The product is able to fight skin pigmentation.

How to apply the remedy?

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to purchase a quality product with a normal expiration date at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

  • If the cosmetic composition dries unevenly, then the cracked crust is sprinkled with water so that it does not cause irritation.

Cosmetic Tips and Cautions

To make sure of all the valuable properties of Cambrian clay, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  1. The most common form of blue clay release is powder. If the dry product is not exposed to moisture and open sunlight, it will retain its beneficial properties for as many years as Cambrian clay exists. Less commonly, the Cambrian variety can be purchased as a stone or briquette. It is easily crushed and turns into powder. Often the clay is diluted to the desired consistency into a thick paste and sold in this form. This product has a short shelf life and should be used immediately after unpacking.
  2. Buy clay from trusted manufacturers who have good feedback. It is quite easy to fake blue powder, so beware of scammers.
  3. When preparing masks, clay is most often mixed with water. Do not use too cold liquid, the release of nutrients from the masks will slow down, the product will not have time to give the skin or hair all its benefits. High temperatures are also undesirable because they will prevent some minerals from working. It is best to take water that is slightly warmer than room temperature.
  4. Clay mined in different places, has different densities. That is why there is no exact recommendation in what proportions to mix the powder with water. You'll have to experiment to get the right consistency.
  5. Blue clay rarely causes an allergic reaction. But it is possible. Therefore, before using a new product for the first time, test it for a reaction. Make a small amount of slurry of clay and water and apply it on your wrist. If in the next half an hour the skin does not itch and turn red, then you can use clay for the face and hair.
  6. Blue clay is valuable because it combines well with other cosmetic products. You can add it to ready-made skin and hair masks to enrich your skin care products.
  7. To make the masks work more effectively, use cling film. Once the clay composition has been applied to the scalp, cover with a film. And on top - a towel. For the face, it is enough to use one cellophane.
  8. Do not keep clay masks longer than 20 minutes! Heavily dried clay can injure the skin and hair.


Mineral powder of this type is extremely rare. Its composition is unique, as it suits sensitive and delicate skin without causing irritation or allergic reactions. Yellow kaolin contains potassium and iron, due to which this shade is obtained. In addition, other elements are present in the clay: manganese, zinc, chromium, sodium.

The presence of absorbents in the powder makes it a truly healing panacea for oily skin types. The particles are able to absorb excess fat, while drying inflammation and eliminating acne.

Clay can be used for both young skin and aging skin. This mineral powder is able to tighten sagging tissues and restore their former tone.

Among the main properties of clay:

  • lifting effect;
  • the establishment of oxygen exchange;
  • nutrition of cells with valuable microelements;
  • return of a healthy complexion.


The natural fossil has a unique emerald hue due to the high content of iron. Green clay masks for acne, reviews of which there are only good ones, give an incredible effect. They are usually used to nourish the skin, as well as restore the water balance in the skin.

Green kaolin is a real storehouse of such trace elements:

  • cobalt;
  • silver;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum.

The substance perfectly absorbs the remnants of sebum, decorative cosmetics and dust. Green clay consists of large particles that eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin. Due to this, the powder is often used for peeling.

The main properties of this variety of colored clay are:

  • cleansing the dermis;
  • giving the skin a matte effect;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • tightening of pores;
  • improvement of capillary blood flow;
  • elimination of allergic irritations.

For people working in offices, to relieve stress and tension, it is recommended to take mineral baths with the addition of green clay in addition to a face mask. Such relaxation will instantly relieve all signs of fatigue and restore peace of mind.

Opinions of real people

At any time, many people have suffered from acne, as well as marks after removing them. Such a mask has been actively used by people of different sex and age since ancient times, since its effect is truly miraculous.

For some, the effect was expected, and someone was not even ready for such an incredible result. Despite the fact that in the modern world people are accustomed to using expensive cosmetical tools in order to remove acne spots, there are still fans of folk remedies.

According to reviews, a white or blue clay mask not only eliminates all unpleasant spots, but also helps to smooth fine wrinkles and gives the face a healthy shade.

Some people even mixed both powders (half a tablespoon) and thus got an even greater effect. This mixture helps to whiten the face, eliminate acne, unpleasant marks from them, as well as eliminate small black dots and even get rid of cuts, which men especially like.


The first advantage and reason for respecting this kaolin is the fact that it is mined in the regions of Russia. It is for this reason that the white clay mask is widespread and in demand in this area. It perfectly whitens the skin, eliminates traces of acne and promotes the fastest treatment of acne.

After a clay mask of this type, it will no longer be possible to suffer from oily and problematic facial skin. Although you should know that it is strictly forbidden to use it in the presence of rosacea, because white kaolin is characterized by maximum activity and can easily contribute to even more skin irritation.

Among other things, the clay mask, the recipe of which is presented below, perfectly tightens flabby and mature skin. Its components nourish natural tissues with essential vitamins, and also contribute to the production of collagen.

Blue clay face masks. Types and benefits

Clay (loam) is a sedimentary rock, powdery in a dry state. When mixed with water, it acquires a viscous structure. There are several types of natural product depending on the ratio of mineral components. In cosmetology, its various types have different properties from each other.


Improves blood circulation, which saturates tissues with oxygen. Aligns color, whitens, eliminates greasiness, dries. Cleans pores, adsorbs polluting particles. It has antiseptic properties, reduces wrinkles, improves elasticity.


Loam is known for its antiseptic properties. It contains in in large numbers aluminum, calcium, zinc, manganese, silicon, silica.


It is formed from volcanic rock, which is rich in iron, copper, silicon. Excellent helps to achieve the effect of lifting, toning the epidermis. Used for rosacea. Can serve as a shampoo.


It is formed by mixing the two previous ones, combines the properties of both, but in a milder form. Due to this, it does not dry out the skin, narrows enlarged pores.


Contains a lot of potassium and iron. It also cleanses the face, absorbs impurities, oxygenates.


It contains calcium, aluminum, sodium, iron, silicon, zinc and silver. It is the content of the latter that determines the shade. This is a super tool for equalizing tone.


It is also a volcanic rock, composed of quartz, magnesium, iron, calcium, carbon. It is oily in structure, thanks to which it helps to reduce wrinkles, eliminate flabbiness of the epidermis.


It will help in restoring the regulation of the sebaceous glands on the face and head.

It should be said that masks for oily skin are made on the basis of water, herbal decoctions. With dry dermis - on a milk basis.


  1. Homemade masks based on blue and blue clay have a whole list of useful properties. They eliminate skin rashes, cleanse the pores of impurities, even out the complexion and smooth mimic wrinkles.
  2. The healing effect of the rock is due to the rich content of macro and microelements useful for the skin. In addition to nutrients and antiseptic substances, clay also contains antioxidants that prevent premature photoaging of the dermis.
  3. Before applying the prepared mixture on your face, do not forget to check the quality of the purchased powder. Good blue clay does not stain the skin, and when interacting with water does not turn into lumps.
  4. For the best effect, enrich the composition of the mixture with additional components of natural origin. For dry type choose base oils with an intense nourishing effect, and for combination and oily skin, products based on clay, active acids and essential oils with an antiseptic effect will become indispensable.

Recipes for problem skin

  • With rice flour. Mix 2 tablespoons of blue clay with the same amount of rice flour. Gradually pour clean water into them until you achieve a density like a regular mask. Spread the mixture in a thick layer over the surface of the face. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

  • With tea tree oil. 3 drops of this oil should be added to 30 ml of low-fat sour cream, stirring until evenly distributed. Pour 1 teaspoon of clay powder to the components and stir the mass again. Spread the mask over your face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • With rosemary. Take 1 tablespoon of clay and dilute it with a little water to make a smooth and thick mask. You also need to add rosemary oil to the mixture - 5 drops. Mix again and apply the mass on the surface of the skin of the face. Exposure time: 15 minutes.

Interesting: Aloe anti-wrinkle masks

  • Coffee mask. You will need finely ground brewed coffee - 1 tablespoon. Combine it with the same amount of clay powder. Slowly pour in the water until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. Apply it on the skin and complete the treatment after 15 minutes.

Important! Since the clay, as it were, “pulls out” all the toxins and toxins from the epidermis, at first you can observe a greater number of rashes. Then the skin will clear up.


This substance is mined at the bottom of the deep sea. Black kaolin is highly concentrated with mineral salts of large seas, and this is the reason for its most powerful biological activity.

The black clay mask is rich in such minerals:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen;
  • quartz;
  • strontium;
  • selenium.

Black clay is sometimes called gray because it becomes lighter in color when it dries. It is a real find for any woman who has been struggling with fat folds and cellulite for a long time. But besides this, it has good features. Clay has a number of advantages that no one can pass by. Among them:

  • moisturizing dry skin;
  • treatment of acne and boils;
  • improvement of lymph and blood circulation in tissues;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen and vitamins;
  • elimination of bruises under the eyes;
  • relaxation and rejuvenation;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • the establishment of metabolic processes in the epidermis.

In order to treat acne or narrow pores, you can safely purchase this clay. She copes with her task perfectly, and the first results become noticeable after the first use.

The chemical composition of clay

Blue clay contains a whole complex of active trace elements that are necessary for the human body for the smooth functioning of all vital systems. It is due to the presence of a huge amount of useful substances that reliable care is provided for the skin of the face and the whole body.

Chemical composition:

trace elementSignificance in cosmetology
SiliconRestores metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis; saturates the cells with oxygen;
Activates collagen synthesis.
IronHas a powerful rejuvenating effect;
Eliminates cells from harmful toxins and pollution;

Improves the processes of blood supply.

ZincIt is characterized by antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating actions;
Removes redness of the affected areas of the epithelium;

Combats inflammatory elements.

Copperimproves the basic protective functions of the skin;
Participates in the production of elastin and collagen;

Strengthens the weak walls of blood vessels, thereby relieving the skin of telangiectasia.

Potassium· removes puffiness;
It has a moisturizing effect, and also heals minor wounds and abrasions.
Seleniumpromotes more effective absorption of active ingredients by the skin;
Prevents the development of cancer cells and various neoplasms.
MagnesiumIt is part of the basis of ATP molecules, which saturate the cells with the necessary energy;
· smoothes deep facial wrinkles by increasing the density of the dermis fibers.
ManganeseHelps cells to absorb various active components;
Normalizes water balance at the cellular level.
Titanium dioxidenatural broad-spectrum antioxidant;
blocks the negative effects of UV radiation; whitens age spots and post-acne;

Reduces the amount of secretion produced by the sebaceous glands.

Aluminium oxideremoves the keratinized layer of the epidermis due to an effective exfoliating action;
Evens out the skin texture, improves the overall complexion.

Application rules

Before doing the procedure at home, do not forget to take into account a few tips for the correct use of the finished composition:

Scheme of movement and location of massage lines

  1. Diluted clay should have a uniform creamy consistency. The presence of lumps indicates a low quality product.
  2. The mass is applied to cleansed skin, avoiding sensitive skin around the eyes and mouth. In the process of overlay, all massage lines are observed.
  3. Do not allow the mask to dry out on the face. To do this, periodically sprinkle the surface of the skin with mineral or thermal water. The exposure time of the clay mixture is 10-15 minutes.

Clay masks are prepared exclusively in glass or ceramic dishes. It is forbidden to use metal containers and spoons for stirring, so that the finished mixture does not undergo subsequent oxidation.

Blue clay is one of the most effective and available funds in face care cosmetology, which has a whole range of useful qualities: it saturates, nourishes, cleanses and exfoliates the skin of the face, giving it a fresh and healthy look. You can find this tool in any pharmacy, and making homemade masks with your own hands will not take much time.

Benefits of blue clay for the face

It is very difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of clay. It contains a whole complex of components useful for the skin, such as iron, kaolin, potassium, silver, zinc, sodium and calcium. Regular use of blue clay for cosmetic purposes can give amazing results:

  • Saturate the skin with micronutrients;
  • Moisturize and restore the lipid balance of the skin;
  • Start metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis;
  • Deep clean clogged pores and blackheads;
  • Dry pimples and heal wounds from them;
  • Normalize the secretion of sebum;
  • Smooth out fine wrinkles and other defects;
  • Lighten age spots;
  • Remove inflammation and disinfect infected areas;
  • To tone the skin and tighten it;
  • Give your face a fresh look.

The use of blue clay for facial skin: benefits and harms

Before you start preparing homemade masks, you should weigh the pros and cons to avoid unwanted consequences.

Indications for use:

  • Skin prone to acne and oiliness;
  • Wrinkles and age spots;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Age-related skin changes;
  • Loss of elasticity and tone of the face oval;
  • Allergic reactions on the skin in the form of a rash;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin.


  • dehydration of the skin;
  • Dryness;
  • Individual intolerance.

As you can see, blue clay is absolutely safe to use and has no particular side effects. This is explained by the fact that it is natural and environmentally friendly.

Recipes for homemade blue clay face masks

Folk recipes for masks based on blue clay amaze with their variety and quantity, the main thing is to choose the option that suits your skin.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate.

These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances.


Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. Sole Producer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru.

If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Blue clay mask against acne and blackheads

Result: removal of inflammation and elimination of greasy shine.


  • blue clay;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • cucumber;
  • aloe leaf.

Preparation and method of application: Take a tablespoon of dry powder and dilute in a warm decoction of chamomile to a slurry.

Then add the juice of 1 cucumber or aloe leaf to the resulting mixture. Apply evenly on face and leave on for 20 minutes. Remove with wipes and wash.

If you have combination skin, apply the mixture on the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin.

Video recipe: Homemade blue clay face mask

Another recipe for acne:

Dilute blue clay in natural grape juice and some honey. Drop some rosemary or tea tree oil to the mask. Leave on face until dry.

These masks will help dry out pimples and blackheads, as well as remove excess fat and normalize oil production. Due to their antiseptic properties, the use of these masks not only treats skin defects, but also prevents their further occurrence.

Blue clay mask for blackheads

Result: clean and smooth skin without black dots.


Dissolve aspirin in lemon juice until gruel. Add to blue clay diluted in mineral water.

Optionally, you can add a few drops of rosemary, bergamot or mint essential oil. Apply to acne-prone skin, avoiding the delicate areas around the lips and eyes.

Wait for the clay to dry and rinse with a warm decoction of chamomile, then wipe the cleaned areas with a tonic that narrows the pores (based on salicylic or other acids).

For the best cleansing effect, before the procedure, take a steam bath with the addition of medicinal herbs, which will expand the pores and help the blockages come out. While applying to the wings of the nose, forehead and chin, actively massage the skin: the abrasive particles of aspirin will help exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells.

Anti-wrinkle blue clay mask

Result: smooth and even skin, removal of age spots.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of blue clay;
  • egg;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
  • olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: Rub the clay with melted honey. Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of olive oil.

Combine both mixtures into one and apply to clean skin, keeping for 20 minutes. After removal, apply a nourishing anti-aging cream or serum.

Blue clay mask with lemon

Result: uniform clear skin without age spots and acne marks.


  • lemon;
  • blue clay;
  • apple.

Preparation and method of application: Grate a small apple on a fine grater and add dry powder to the puree.

Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice into the mixture. Apply a homogeneous gruel with massage movements for 15-20 minutes.

The mask not only helps to remove the heel and improve the complexion, but also nourishes the cells with active substances and vitamins.

Blue clay and honey mask

Result: cleansed and firm skin.


  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • egg;
  • blue clay.

Preparation and method of application: If you have oily or normal skin, take a few tablespoons of yogurt and stir with blue clay. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Action time: 15-20 minutes.

Owners of dry skin should dissolve clay in milk, and add egg yolk and a spoonful of honey to it. Apply a thin layer for 20 minutes.

Blue clay mask with essential oils

For dry skin:

Dissolve a few drops of juniper essential oil in warm milk. Add a teaspoon of olive or castor oil and one ampoule of vitamin E. Mix with clay and apply for 10-15 minutes.

For oily skin:

Take two drops each of tea tree oil and mint. Dilute them in a decoction of chamomile and mix with clay. Keep on the skin until the mask dries.

Video recipe: Clay-based homemade mask for improving and whitening facial skin

  1. Use only natural clay: without dyes and impurities;
  2. Before preparing masks, pass the powder through a sieve, there should not be large lumps in it;
  3. Apply masks to cleansed skin, and moisturize the skin after use;
  4. Dissolve oils in milk or yolk before adding to the mask, otherwise you may get a face burn;
  5. Do not abuse masks: 2 applications per week are enough;
  6. Avoid the skin around the eyes.

Blue clay for the face: application reviews

Oksana, 34 years old

I started using blue clay masks after the first wrinkles appeared. I mixed dry powder with thick sour cream and added essential oils. The effect was noticeable almost immediately: fine wrinkles were smoothed out and the oval of the face was tightened.

Anastasia, 24 years old

For a long time I had very oily skin and blackheads. For a month of regular use of blue clay, black dots almost disappeared, and the skin on the nose and chin no longer shines.

Video Recipe: Cosmetic Blue Clay Purifying Facial Mask

Clay masks for wrinkles on the face: 12 best recipes

Every woman would like to stay young for a long time, but time is merciless and leaves its “traces” on the face in the form of wrinkles. Of course, one should not put up with this, and it is necessary to start the fight against wrinkles, starting from the age of 25-27. One of the home remedies is a clay anti-wrinkle mask.

The beneficial properties of clay for the skin have been known since ancient times. It is part of a variety of cosmetics, including homemade masks.

Cosmetic clay is a natural remedy that is ideal suitable for all skin types. It contains many useful minerals that not only rejuvenate, but also heal the skin. Thanks to the rich composition of the main component, the clay face mask increases elasticity, stimulates collagen synthesis, and evens out the relief.

The main ingredient in clay is silica. This substance has the most favorable effect on the walls of blood vessels. This improves blood circulation, cell nutrition, and also stimulates their regeneration.

In addition, clay contains a large amount magnesium. This active ingredient eliminates unwanted pigmentation (freckles, post-acne, age spots), and also smoothes wrinkles. Copper- another active component of clay, thanks to this trace element, collagen production is stimulated.

Clay can be used to solve many cosmetic skin problems, including:

  • eliminate excess greasiness;
  • reduce the number of rashes and inflammation;
  • remove peeling;
  • retain moisture in the cells, that is, counteract drying and the formation of wrinkles;
  • provide nutrition to cells with minerals;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • smooth mimic and age wrinkles;
  • restore elasticity and natural contours.

In any cosmetics store, customers will be offered several varieties of clay. The general properties of all products are the same, but since the composition different options is still different, then before starting the procedures it is worth deciding which type of clay suits you best.


This kind of product ideal for skin prone to fat content with enlarged pores. Masks with the addition of a white variety of clay allow you to matte the skin, as they have a beneficial effect on the work of the skin glands that produce oil.

In addition, masks tighten pores, so the skin looks more even and beautiful.


The blue product is the best choice for those with skin problematic. This tool has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the cosmetic product normalizes the course of metabolic processes, so the skin acquires a healthy look and normal tone.


Used for the purpose recovery water balance so it is also suitable for dry skin. In addition, the green product perfectly evens out the relief and smoothes wrinkles.


This is one of the products for rejuvenation, with the help of masks you can improve elasticity, tone and remove wrinkles. The red product is suitable for use on sensitive skin, it relieves irritation and inflammation well.


Has a moisturizing and nourishing effect recommended for use with normal and combination skin. It perfectly rejuvenates and moisturizes.


By choosing this product for the course of masks, you provide your skin with toning and nourishment. In addition, this type of clay relieves inflammation and irritation well, and also improves complexion.


This product is called marine, as it is mined from the bottom of the sea. It has a special composition well nourishes and moisturizes suitable for ladies with dry skin.


This type of clay contains a lot of iron. Therefore, masks based on it stimulate blood circulation and perfectly cleanse the pores. It is no worse than the most expensive scrub gently removes dead cells, so the face looks younger after completing the course.

Application rules

For home procedures to be effective, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • for the preparation of compositions you need to use crockery made of glass or faience, for mixing it is worth using a wooden, plastic or silicone spatula. Do not use metal objects; upon contact with metal, some of the useful substances contained in the clay may be destroyed;
  • if the skin dry, then use not water to dilute the base, but milk;
  • before applying the composition carefully clean your skin;
  • it is enough to apply compositions thick layer;
  • Important to remember: clay masks for wrinkles under the eyes are not used! Avoid applying formulations to this area of ​​the face, as this can lead to even more wrinkles. You can not apply the composition on the lips.
  • keep the composition on the face for 20-30 minutes, no more. To prevent the top layer from drying out, prepare a gauze mask on your face with holes cut out for the eyes and lips, moisten the gauze and apply over the applied composition. You can also periodically irrigate the top layer of the mask with water from a spray bottle;
  • during the procedure, you can not make faces and talk, it is important that everyone facial muscles were as relaxed as possible;
  • wash off the mask very carefully, at the same time, the use of additional means for washing is undesirable, but possible. For example, if the skin has enlarged pores, then clay particles can penetrate inside, so it is recommended to use a soft scrub to remove them. But this advice is only suitable for oily and porous skin; owners of dry skin should not use a scrub;
  • after stripping be sure to apply cream suitable for skin type
  • in order to achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary make masks in courses, 2-3 times a week, the total number of procedures in the course is 15-20. After completing the course, you need to take a three-month break;

Here are a few of the most effective recipes, which can be used for rejuvenation at home.


Anti-aging white clay anti-wrinkle mask is suitable for owners of normal and combination skin. For cooking, you will need a fermented milk product (kefir for oily skin or sour cream for normal skin), as well as aloe juice.

This product can be prepared independently. To do this, the bottom leaf of the plant is washed, dried and placed in the vegetable section in the refrigerator, previously wrapped in parchment.

After ten days of aging, you need to cut off the spines and skin from the inside of the leaf. Use a spoon to collect the pulp, and squeeze it through cheesecloth.

For one mask, you need a teaspoon of this valuable product.

We stir a couple of spoons of white clay in a fermented milk product, achieving a sufficiently thick creamy mass, then pour in the juice and mix. The composition is ready.

Lifting effect

We take green clay and potato starch one spoon at a time, mix. Mix with a spoonful of thick sour cream (fat content of 20% or higher) and one protein whipped into a steep foam. After removing the composition, be sure to apply a moisturizer.


This composition effectively nourishes and smoothes fine wrinkles. It is prepared using blue clay. We take a spoonful of flower honey and heat it up a little in a water bath so that the product becomes more plastic, but it heats up too much. Pour a spoonful of clay and pre-pounded yolk into warm honey, knead everything thoroughly.

Eliminate forehead wrinkles

An effective clay mask for wrinkles on the forehead is prepared on the basis of cosmetic kaolin white color and olive oils. It is necessary to heat the oil to 40 degrees and mix it with clay so that a fairly thick mass is obtained.

Before applying the composition, it is necessary to lie down. Apply on the forehead with a thick enough layer, cover with a paper towel, a piece of cling film, and put a thick terry towel on top. After 20 minutes, remove the composition, it is advisable to use not water, but chamomile infusion.

For excessive dryness

On skin prone to dryness, wrinkles begin to form at a young age. To prevent their appearance and eliminate wrinkles that have already appeared, it is recommended to use the following recipe:

  • rub the yolk of a chicken egg, adding a boat of freshly prepared applesauce to it (grate a piece of fresh apple on the smallest grater);
  • pour a spoonful of red clay and half a teaspoon of jojoba oil into the prepared mass, rub everything, achieving uniformity.


To give the skin tone and healthy color, you can apply the following composition:

  • first you need to prepare an infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile, put a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass and pour boiling water up to half the container. Cover the top of the dish with a saucer and let cool;
  • we filter the infusion, carefully squeezing the plant material;
  • we take a couple of spoons of yellow clay and dilute it with infusion so that we get a mass resembling sour cream in density;
  • add half a teaspoon of avocado oil, rub.

Purifying and eliminating wrinkles

To prepare this composition, we use black cosmetic clay. For dilution, we use milk (if the skin is dry or normal) or a decoction of St. John's wort (if the skin is prone to oiliness).

Pour in enough liquid to make a creamy mass. Additionally, add half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil to the mass.

This composition perfectly renews the skin, the face looks younger after the first procedure.


This option is suitable for skin prone to peeling. We will need pomegranate, as well as essential and base oils. First, prepare a mixture of oils, for this, pour a tablespoon of almond oil, a teaspoon of shea butter and five drops of lemon or red orange ether into the dishes.

Separately, prepare pomegranate juice (a tablespoon) and mix it with red clay until a thick mass is obtained. Then add a mixture of oils to the mixture, grind.

Nutrition and elasticity

This is a very simple but powerful anti-aging composition. It only takes three ingredients - natural oil sea ​​buckthorn, yolk and clay yellow color. We mix them until a mass of cream consistency is obtained, add the yolk and knead until smooth.

Effective prevention

This composition can be used to prevent the formation of wrinkles after 25 years. To prepare the composition, it is recommended to use pink clay. To dilute the product, we use milk or cream. The last option is chosen if the skin is dry. Do such a preventive procedure weekly, conduct courses twice a year.

To relieve irritation

If rashes and redness often appear on the skin, then the following composition will help to solve the problem and smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • Hercules flakes (choose cereals that need to be boiled for at least 20 minutes, quick-cooking cereals and those that boil millet with boiling water will not work) Grind cereals into flour using a coffee grinder, we need a spoonful of such flour.
  • The clay is green, we will take it twice as much as oatmeal;
  • We mix the two dry ingredients and dilute them with warm milk until a mass of sour cream consistency is obtained. Let it brew for about half an hour. If the mass is very thick, add a little more milk;
  • Just before application, add five drops of tea tree ether to the composition, stir.

To level the terrain

Oily porous skin does not look too beautiful, to make it more even and smooth, it is worth conducting a course of masks using a composition based on gray clay.

It is necessary to beat the protein to a strong foam and stir it with a spoonful of kefir and gray clay. We add clay to the mass a little, achieving the desired consistency. When the mass acquires the density of sour cream, the mask can be applied. If you add the contents of two capsules of pharmacy vitamins Aevit to the prepared mass, the effect will be even more pronounced.

Precautionary measures

Before starting a course of anti-aging procedures using clay at home, you should get acquainted with the contraindications to the use of this product.

First you need to make sure that your skin responds adequately to all the components of the mask. Even if you are not allergic to clay components, other components of the mask can cause a negative reaction.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, do not be too lazy to do it in advance sensitivity test. Just apply a little of the finished mask on the skin behind the ear or on the elbow for one hour.

If after washing off there are no traces on the skin (redness, rash) and there is no unpleasant burning sensation, you can proceed with the procedure.

With caution, it is worth using masks with the addition of clay to people with heart disease and suffering from hypertension. In no case should they keep the masks on the skin for too long, in addition, you need to carefully consider the preparation of the compositions. It is important not to violate the recommended proportions when preparing and not to exceed the exposure time.


Women who use clay for a course of rejuvenation at home leave positive feedback on the use of this cosmetic product.

Olga, 41 years old:

I prefer to use black and blue clay, I dilute them with milk. My skin is problematic, and if you periodically make masks with clay, then the condition of the face improves noticeably: peeling disappears, pimples do not pop up, pores narrow.

Maria, 35 years old:

I often make different masks with clay. When the mask dries, a feeling of tightness may appear, but if you sprinkle your face with water, there will be no discomfort. Red clay is more suitable for me, it perfectly smoothes wrinkles and moisturizes.

Blue clay for the face: reviews, anti-aging masks, remedies for wrinkles and acne, recipes and rules for use

Whatever preparations modern cosmetology presents, homemade folk recipes will never lose their relevance. Blue clay is another proof of this. Using this tool to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, you can easily make sure that the forces and possibilities of nature are endless.

Blue clay: composition and useful properties

Clay is a sedimentary rock. In dry form, it has a dusty structure; when moistened, it becomes a plastic mass.

Since time immemorial, mankind has used various useful qualities of this gift of nature, including for cosmetic purposes.

Archaeological finds confirm that baths with dissolved blue clay were used by Cleopatra herself to maintain her beauty.

This product is a valuable storehouse of minerals, micro and macro elements: iron, copper, silicon, nitrogen, zinc, silver and many others. Because of this, it is considered a unique remedy for solving a wide variety of skin problems.

The following properties make blue clay useful for the face:

  • Antibacterial. The product perfectly fights against various rashes and inflammations on the skin, it is used to combat acne, boils, as well as for their prevention.
  • Painkiller. Clay soothes the skin, eliminating the pain of acne, blackheads.
  • Nutritious. Useful trace elements, minerals, salts, which clay is rich in, saturate the skin, making it fresh, velvety. In addition, they improve the complexion, which is especially important if the body receives an insufficient amount of the necessary substances with food.
  • Stimulating circulation. Skin cells are saturated with vitamins and oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the epidermis.
  • Moisturizing. This action is long-term, since the substances contained in the clay help not only retain moisture, but also restore the lipid balance of the skin.
  • Cleansing. The product provides deep cleansing of pores and elimination of black spots. In addition, drying on the skin, the clay promotes the separation of dead cells. The epidermis is scrubbed: it becomes smooth and more receptive to useful substances.
  • Normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. This is especially true for oily or combination skin.
  • Pull-up. Clay smoothes fine wrinkles, which allows it to be used for age-related care.
  • Brightening. The product is able to fight skin pigmentation.

Blue clay is a rich source of trace elements and mineral salts, which are of paramount importance for the health and beauty of our skin.

The color of blue clay can vary: have a greenish, grayish or even yellowish tint.

It all depends on the amount of one or another component in its composition, because the process of formation of funds proceeds in different ways (depending on the territory). You can buy clay in pharmacies, cosmetic departments and stores.

Most often it is sold in the form of a powder, but you can also find ready-made masks with a diluted product, they usually contain additional additives.

Indications for the use of the product in cosmetology

Blue clay is used in its pure form or as a component of masks to solve any skin problems, so the indications for its use can be very diverse:

  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis);
  • age-related changes;
  • acne, acne, post-acne;
  • increased oiliness or dryness of the skin;
  • black dots;
  • loss of skin elasticity and deterioration of its general condition (as a result of stress, beriberi, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, cold wind).

In order for blue clay masks to bring maximum effect, you should use the following recommendations:

  • for the preparation of homemade masks, only natural clay without impurities should be purchased;
  • before use, it is better to sift the product to avoid lumps;
  • masks are recommended to be applied to pre-steamed skin to increase their effectiveness;
  • blue clay should be used only on clean skin, the presence of makeup residues and other contaminants is unacceptable;
  • it is better to mix the ingredients in glass or ceramic dishes, as they can oxidize in metal;
  • if the skin is prone to dryness, the clay on the face should not be allowed to dry out, for this you need to moisturize it with a conventional spray bottle;
  • all multi-component masks should be used freshly prepared (especially in cases where they contain essential oils);
  • the exposure time of the clay mask on the face is best spent lying down, as it tightens the skin a little;
  • the consistency of the composition should be like that of thick sour cream, otherwise it will blur.

Features of the procedure:

  • the mask is distributed over dry or slightly moistened skin;
  • application starts from the neck and moves towards the forehead;
  • when distributing the composition, avoid areas around the eyes and lips;
  • apply the mask with your fingers, brush or spatula (the procedure must be carried out carefully, especially if there are rashes on the skin, such as acne);
  • distribute the agent with a layer of no more than 2 mm, so that the epidermis does not stretch under its weight;
  • the mask is washed off with warm water, then washed with cooler water;
  • after removing the clay, a cream is applied to the face, suitable for the type epidermis;
  • the procedure is carried out 1-3 times a week (if the skin is dry - 1-2, if oily - 2-3).

The use of clay to solve various problems of the skin of the face

Blue clay can be applied to the skin both in its pure form, previously diluted with water, and in the compositions of various masks. This product goes well with almost any ingredient: you can use vegetable and fruit juices, essential oils, etc. They not only complement, but also enhance the effect of blue clay.

Essential oils greatly enhance medicinal properties clay

From wrinkles

The following recipes will help to cope with age-related skin changes:

  • Two tablespoons of blue clay are mixed with a tablespoon of rice flour. The resulting mixture is diluted with warm water to a creamy consistency. The mask is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. This procedure can be done 2 times a week. Rice flour has long been used by Chinese women to whiten the skin and help maintain youth
  • The yolk of an egg is mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil, then a tablespoon of blue clay and honey are added. The mask is left on the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream or anti-wrinkle agent is applied. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Natural honey effectively nourishes and softens the skin
  • Two tablespoons of clay mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa powder and diluted with a tablespoon of butter grape seeds. 3-4 drops of vitamins A and E are added to the resulting mixture. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. Grape seed oil has antioxidant and rejuvenating properties
  • A tablespoon of oatmeal is crushed, a tablespoon of blue clay, egg yolk and 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt are added. The mask is applied to the face with massage movements, gently scrubbing the skin, then left for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water. The composition is used 1-2 times a week. The composition with curdled milk is one of the most gentle cleansing products

Before using a multi-component homemade mask, you must make sure that there is no allergy to each ingredient.

From acne, blackheads, oily sheen

The following recipes will help you quickly get rid of acne, inflammation and oily sheen:

  • A tablespoon of dry clay powder is diluted with two tablespoons of chamomile decoction, a teaspoon of aloe or cucumber juice is added. The composition is applied to the skin of the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Such a mask can be distributed only on problem areas. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week. Chamomile decoction has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and soothing effects on the skin
  • Mix three tablespoons of clay and lemon juice with a tablespoon of vodka. The composition is applied to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, washed off after 20 minutes. This mask is done once a week. Lemon juice is known as a whitening and drying agent, ideal for improving the condition of oily skin.
  • A tablespoon of dry clay is diluted with two tablespoons of chamomile decoction. Two drops of tea tree and peppermint esters are added to the composition. The mask is kept on the face until completely dry and washed off with warm water. Tea tree oil makes the skin clean, while simultaneously relieving inflammation and irritation, and also relieves acne
  • A tablespoon of clay is diluted with 1.5 tablespoons of warm milk, 2 drops of tea tree ether are added. The mask is applied to the skin for 15 minutes. Milk intensively softens and soothes the skin
  • 3 tablespoons of clay are mixed with a teaspoon of talcum powder from a pharmacy. 5 g of glycerin and salicylic alcohol are added to the composition. The mixture is diluted with mineral water to get the consistency of sour cream. This composition allows you to get rid of pustular rashes. Mineral water protects the skin from overdrying

The use of blue clay is shown primarily to owners of problematic and oily skin.

For excessive pigmentation

Blue clay masks can brighten the skin. To do this, you can use one of the proposed recipes:

  • A small juicy apple is rubbed on a grater, a tablespoon of dry blue clay, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and honey are added to it. The mask is applied to problem areas with massage movements and washed off after 20 minutes. Apple face masks are suitable for any skin type
  • A tablespoon of clay is diluted with kefir to a state of thick sour cream. The mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Kefir masks can fight freckles, age spots and acne
  • A teaspoon of sea salt is combined with three teaspoons of clay, whipped egg white and enough milk are added to make the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes. Egg white to prepare the mask must be whipped into foam

Lightening masks should be done twice a week.

For dry skin

In its pure form, it is not recommended to apply clay to dry, dehydrated skin, as it has a drying effect. However, as a component of the mask, it can help restore the water balance of the epidermis and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For dry skin, the following recipes are suitable:

  • A teaspoon of olive and castor oils are mixed with a tablespoon of milk. 3–4 drops of juniper essential oil and 6–8 drops of vitamin E are added to the composition. 1.5 tablespoons of blue clay are poured into this mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes twice a week. Castor oil has a softening, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • A tablespoon of blue clay is mixed with 1.5 tablespoons of liquid cream and a teaspoon peach oil. The composition is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated once a week. Peach oil has a delicate texture and pleasant aroma.
  • A tablespoon of blue clay and olive oil are mixed with the yolk. Apply the composition on the face for 15 minutes. The mask is used once a week. Unrefined olive oil has many beneficial properties, which is why it is often used in home skin care.
  • Olive oil is mixed with cucumber juice (10 ml each), a tablespoon of clay is added. The mask is kept on the skin for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated no more than 1 time per week. Cucumber juice effectively moisturizes and refreshes the skin.
  • The crushed pulp of a small fresh tomato is mixed with a tablespoon of clay powder. The mask is applied to the skin and washed off with water after 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out once a week. A tomato face mask relieves inflammation, removes unnecessary pigmentation, and neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Two tablespoons of clay are diluted with slightly warmed cosmetic oil (olive, almond, jojoba, grape seed or avocado) to a thick cream and applied to the face for half an hour. This procedure is carried out twice a week. Almond oil has a rejuvenating, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, softening effect.
  • Two tablespoons of blue clay are mixed with egg yolk and a tablespoon of rosehip oil. The mask is applied for 15 minutes twice a week. Rosehip oil softens, moisturizes and refreshes the skin of any type.
  • Two tablespoons of blue clay and olive oil are mixed with a tablespoon of avocado pulp. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Apply the composition 2-3 times a week. Avocado pulp contains many antioxidants and moisturizing ingredients that are necessary for facial care

To cleanse the epidermis

To cleanse the skin and get rid of blackheads, you can use the following recipes:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of blue clay powder are diluted with mineral water to a state of sour cream. Two aspirin tablets are dissolved in a teaspoon of lemon juice and poured into clay. 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary and tea tree are added to the composition. The mask is applied to areas with clogged pores. When the clay dries completely, the mixture is washed off with warm water or a decoction of chamomile. After that, the skin is wiped with a tonic based on salicylic acid. Aspirin helps to tighten the skin and makes it more elastic.
  • Two tablespoons of blue clay are diluted with three tablespoons of kefir. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. The procedure is repeated twice a week. This recipe is recommended for normal or combination skin.
  • Two tablespoons of blue clay are diluted with three tablespoons of milk, egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey are added. The composition is washed off after 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. This recipe is recommended for dry skin. Yolk mask helps to rejuvenate, nourish and moisturize the skin
  • Two tablespoons of blue clay are diluted with the same amount of mineral water without gas. 2-3 drops of rose oil are added to the composition. The mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Rose ether gently cares for dry and sensitive skin

To achieve maximum effect, cleansing masks should be applied to pre-steamed skin.

Precautions and contraindications

Before using blue clay masks, an allergy test must be done. To do this, a drop of the product diluted with water is applied to the inner bend of the elbow and left for about 20 minutes.

It is not recommended to use clay for very dry and dehydrated skin, as this can only aggravate the situation. It is also not applied to the area around the eyes and to areas with open bleeding wounds damaged by acne.

All women, regardless of age, dream of beauty and attractiveness. Unfortunately, over the years, the skin fades, becomes dull, covered with an annoying network of wrinkles. At first, the folds are only slightly pronounced, but over time they become sharp and almost impossible to hide. Is it possible to correct the situation at home? Or without salon procedures not enough? Do not rush to spend money on the services of cosmetologists. Visible rejuvenation will help to achieve blue clay. It is sold in any pharmacy, and masks based on it are prepared very easily. Try it and evaluate the result!

What is useful blue clay?

This popular beauty product really has anti-aging properties. Clay improves the general condition of the skin, softens, improves tone and elasticity. But care should be started as early as possible, while there are no obvious signs of aging on the face yet. The problem is much easier to prevent than to try to get rid of it later.
Clay masks have many benefits:

  • Contains medicinal mineral salts.
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • Penetrate deep into tissues, stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
  • Cleanse the skin from dead cells.
  • Align the relief, give the face smoothness.
  • Lighten up.
  • Improve complexion.
  • They have a mattifying effect.
  • Removes toxic components from the skin.
  • Protect from external influences.

Due to the presence of oxides of magnesium, copper and silicon, clay is considered a valuable cosmetic substance and is widely used in professional salons. Due to these important elements, the tone of the capillaries increases and more oxygen, vitamins, and nutrients enter the cells. The skin comes to tone and blossoms before our eyes!

Features of home use

Knowing a few rules will help you get the most out of clay:

  • The tool is not used in its pure form, but in combination with various anti-aging ingredients. It can be herbal infusions, hydrolates, agave juice. Clay also goes well with honey, oils, esters, dairy products, eggs, fruits, berries, gelatin.
  • Clay masks must be applied in a thick layer so that the clay does not have time to dry.
  • During the session, you need to relax and, if possible, limit facial movements.
  • Clay is not suitable for delicate skin near the eyes and lips. Never apply clay masks to these areas.

3 great recipes

Any woman will ever face such a problem. Not everyone is ready to resort to radical methods. Often helps at first. ethnoscience. Let's make an anti-wrinkle mask with blue clay. The main thing is to apply it regularly. To see the result, take the course for 1 month.

  • 1. With amaranth oil and honey
  1. Amaranth oil - 1 tsp;
  2. Honey - 0.5 tsp

1. Mix oil and honey to a uniform consistency.

2. Gradually introduce clay. At the same time mix well so that no lumps form.

3. Apply the finished mask immediately to cleansed skin. We leave for 10-15 minutes. We do not store.

  • 2. Anti-aging mask with olive oil

Let's prepare another anti-aging blue clay anti-wrinkle mask. You can easily repeat the recipe at home. The effect does not come immediately, only after 4-6 months you can see the result, but perseverance and regularity will definitely bear fruit.

  1. Clay powder blue - 2 table. false;
  2. Olive oil - 1 tsp;
  3. Honey, flower, natural - 1 tea. false;
  4. Mineral, sparkling water - 2 table. lodges


1. Mix clay and oil.

2. Add honey.

3. Gradually introduce mineral water and mix well.

4. Apply for 10-15 minutes. The mask must be used immediately after preparation.

  • For dry skin, aging skin with linseed oil

Dry skin requires special approach in care. Clay has a drying effect, but if it is properly mixed with other ingredients, you can get an excellent nourishing mask for dry, aging skin.

  1. Blue clay - 1 teaspoon;
  2. Flaxseed oil - 0.5 tsp;
  3. Milk - 1.5 tbsp.

1. Dilute clay with warm milk.

2. Put butter.

3. Apply and hold for no more than 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Use these affordable masks regularly and your skin will soon be radiant with beauty. But do not forget that facial care should be comprehensive. Therefore, every day it is necessary to use everyday cosmetics. And the right way of life is of great importance. Give up bad habits, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep. And of course stick to the principles healthy eating. Take care of yourself and let your soft skin shines with natural beauty!

Blue clay is one of the most effective and affordable face care products in cosmetology, which has a whole range of useful qualities: it saturates, nourishes, cleanses and exfoliates the skin of the face, giving it a fresh and healthy look. You can find this tool in any pharmacy, and making homemade masks with your own hands will not take much time.

Benefits of blue clay for the face

It is very difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of clay. It contains a whole complex of components useful for the skin, such as iron, kaolin, potassium, silver, zinc, sodium and calcium. Regular use of blue clay for cosmetic purposes can give amazing results:

  • Saturate the skin with micronutrients;
  • Moisturize and restore the lipid balance of the skin;
  • Start metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis;
  • Deep clean clogged pores and blackheads;
  • Dry pimples and heal wounds from them;
  • Normalize the secretion of sebum;
  • Smooth out fine wrinkles and other defects;
  • Lighten age spots;
  • Remove inflammation and disinfect infected areas;
  • To tone the skin and tighten it;
  • Give your face a fresh look.

The use of blue clay for facial skin: benefits and harms

Before you start preparing homemade masks, you should weigh the pros and cons to avoid unwanted consequences.

Indications for use:

  • Skin prone to acne and oiliness;
  • Wrinkles and age spots;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Age-related skin changes;
  • Loss of elasticity and tone of the face oval;
  • Allergic reactions on the skin in the form of a rash;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin.


  • dehydration of the skin;
  • Dryness;
  • Individual intolerance.

As you can see, blue clay is absolutely safe to use and has no particular side effects. This is explained by the fact that it is natural and environmentally friendly.

Recipes for homemade blue clay face masks

Folk recipes for masks based on blue clay amaze with their variety and quantity, the main thing is to choose the option that suits your skin.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Blue clay mask against acne and blackheads

Result: removal of inflammation and elimination of greasy shine.


  • blue clay;
  • cucumber;
  • aloe leaf.

Take a tablespoon of dry powder and dilute chamomile in a warm decoction to a pulp. Then add the juice of 1 cucumber or aloe leaf to the resulting mixture. Apply evenly on face and leave on for 20 minutes. Remove with wipes and wash. If you have combination skin, apply the mixture on the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin.

Video recipe: Homemade blue clay face mask

Another recipe for acne:

Dilute blue clay in natural grape juice and some honey. Drop some rosemary or tea tree oil to the mask. Leave on face until dry.

These masks will help dry out pimples and blackheads, as well as remove excess fat and normalize oil production. Due to their antiseptic properties, the use of these masks not only treats skin defects, but also prevents their further occurrence.

Blue clay mask for blackheads

Result: clean and smooth skin without blackheads.


  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • blue clay;
  • essential oils.

Dissolve aspirin in lemon juice until gruel. Add to blue clay diluted in mineral water. Optionally, you can add a few drops of rosemary, bergamot or mint essential oil. Apply to acne-prone skin, avoiding the delicate areas around the lips and eyes. Wait for the clay to dry and rinse with a warm decoction of chamomile, then wipe the cleaned areas with a tonic that narrows the pores (based on salicylic or other acids).

For the best cleansing effect, before the procedure, take a steam bath with the addition of medicinal herbs, which will expand the pores and help the blockages come out. While applying to the wings of the nose, forehead and chin, actively massage the skin: the abrasive particles of aspirin will help exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells.

Anti-wrinkle blue clay mask

Result: smooth and even skin, removal of age spots.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of blue clay;
  • egg;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
  • olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: Rub clay with melted honey. Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of olive oil. Combine both mixtures into one and apply to clean skin, keeping for 20 minutes. After removal, apply a nourishing anti-aging cream or serum.

Blue clay mask with lemon

Result: uniform clear skin without age spots and acne marks.


  • lemon;
  • blue clay;
  • apple.

Preparation and method of application: Grate a small apple on a fine grater and add dry powder to the puree. Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice into the mixture. Apply a homogeneous gruel with massage movements for 15-20 minutes. The mask not only helps to remove the heel and improve the complexion, but also nourishes the cells with active substances and vitamins.

Blue clay and honey mask

Result: cleansed and firm skin.


  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • blue clay.

Preparation and method of application: If you have oily or normal skin, take a few tablespoons of kefir and mix with blue clay. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Action time: 15-20 minutes. Owners of dry skin should dissolve clay in milk, and add egg yolk and a spoonful of honey to it. Apply a thin layer for 20 minutes.

Blue clay mask with essential oils

For dry skin:

Dissolve a few drops of juniper essential oil in warm milk. Add a teaspoon of olive or castor oil and one ampoule of vitamin E. Mix with clay and apply for 10-15 minutes.

For oily skin:

Take two drops each of tea tree oil and mint. Dilute them in a decoction of chamomile and mix with clay. Keep on the skin until the mask dries.

Video recipe: Clay-based homemade mask for improving and whitening facial skin

  1. Use only natural clay: without dyes and impurities;
  2. Before preparing masks, pass the powder through a sieve, there should not be large lumps in it;
  3. Apply masks to cleansed skin, and moisturize the skin after use;
  4. Dissolve oils in milk or yolk before adding to the mask, otherwise you may get a face burn;
  5. Do not abuse masks: 2 applications per week are enough;
  6. Avoid the skin around the eyes.

Blue clay for the face: application reviews

Oksana, 34 years old

I started using blue clay masks after the first wrinkles appeared. I mixed dry powder with thick sour cream and added essential oils. The effect was noticeable almost immediately: fine wrinkles were smoothed out and the oval of the face was tightened.

Anastasia, 24 years old

For a long time I had very oily skin and blackheads. For a month of regular use of blue clay, black dots almost disappeared, and the skin on the nose and chin no longer shines.

Video Recipe: Cosmetic Blue Clay Purifying Facial Mask

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the Academy of Beauty Industry "LOKON". Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I always try various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy.
