Femininity: what a feminine girl she is. What is femininity and its importance for a full life of a girl

Dear Beautiful and Successful! We are starting a series of articles on such a difficult topic as . On this moment this topic is not very popular. And you know what - it's in our favor! Because there is an opportunity to stand out against the background of the general dominance of pseudo-sexuality and pseudo-femininity!

We remember that the incarnation of the Mistress carries male energy. A woman, obsessing over her, keeps the house in order, but forgets about herself. A man immediately feels this and treats a woman accordingly: with respect, reverence, but ... without love (after all, a woman is “not up to herself” too!). And femininity without love begins to wither - with all the consequences.

No less dangerous stuck in the form of the Queen- this happens when a woman takes the work environment home and becomes a "general in a skirt" for the household.

“We are not like that – life is like that,” many of us will sigh. But do we want such a life?
it’s better to make your existence a little easier, because femininity in most cases can be skillfully combined with what you have!

Why be feminine? The Benefits of Femininity

  • Feminine woman is happy because it feels like a harmonious creation. She is loved because she exudes love herself.
  • Men love feminine women and treat them like real men, even if they are not. This is because gentleness and kindness give birth to the best qualities in the male soul. Such a woman is given a seat in transport, they help carry bags, give a hand, open doors... and also make discounts, give bonuses, and so on 🙂
  • Other women often do not feel a rival in a feminine woman. and behave with her in a friendly manner, for example, they help in some way. While an emphatically sexy and glamorous person, with each of her misses, gives rise to a reaction like “so you need it!”.
  • The feminine woman attracts the Courageous and successful man because they are made for each other. Weak men they just don't stick to it.
  • Relationships with a Feminine woman are automatically more prosperous than with others, because everything is in its place. Moreover, she does not put as much effort into this as unfeminine.

The disadvantages of femininity

Yes, there are some. In our masculine world, a feminine woman sometimes has a hard time, especially in leadership positions, where power = authority, and a significant person in society necessarily has masculine features. However, there is a way out in this situation, because no one requires you to be 100% male or 100% feminine woman. You can skillfully combine everything, playing what you do best! And for example, it is better to look at the great women.

So how do you develop femininity? This will be the subject of the following articles on the topic of femininity.!

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What is femininity, how to develop it in yourself? Why do some ladies attract men to themselves, while others do not? Femininity is the ability to create an atmosphere of love around you. This is the ability to inspire a man and motivate him to action. This is respect for yourself and those around you. How to develop in yourself feminine qualities?

There are two ways. The first is external transformation. But this is only the beginning. It must necessarily entail a deeper awareness of femininity. The second way is to start with internal change, which will lead to an external transformation.

What is femininity?

The concept of femininity is so streamlined and elusive that it is difficult to articulate. This is something attractive that stands out from the crowd, makes you turn around. Femininity is the totality of all feminine qualities. It is reflected in the eyes and gestures, smile and speech, gait and clothing.

Is femininity given at birth? Or can it be earned in a lifetime? What adds femininity? Elegance, softness, charm attract the attention of men. Such a special person is a pleasure to deal with. Next to her, the best qualities of the stronger sex wake up - the ability to protect, protect from troubles, help. Such women radiate warmth, light and a special energy in which you can bask, like in the rays of the sun.

Inner manifestations of femininity

You can grow chic hair, wear airy dresses, but be tough and categorical. You can meet a girl in jeans and berets - and endlessly enjoy her natural femininity. How to develop these qualities in yourself? The true femininity of a woman stems from her inner sense of self.

First, this sincerity. The ability to easily and simply say compliments, emphasize the dignity of other people. Femininity is the absence of envy, enmity. This is the ability to present the most unpleasant truth gently and politely. Sincerity is also necessary in relation to oneself. Honesty in one's thoughts and actions is not available to every woman. But sincerity does not mean lack of tact. It is not always worth telling the truth, not everyone needs it. Sincerity is a living, emotional expression of feelings and thoughts. This is a combination of childish spontaneity, spontaneity and adult tact.

Secondly, this self-esteem. Respect and love for yourself, your body, your needs. Awareness of oneself as a person, not an addition to a man. At the same time, the flexibility of character, the ability to adapt to life circumstances. It is worthy to behave in the most unattractive situations, not to provoke them. Self-esteem is directly related to self-confidence, with a calm attitude to extraneous evaluative opinions. This is the inner integrity of character.

Third, emotional inconsistency. This is by no means an instability of behavior, when a woman is thrown from one emotion to another, from screams to hysteria, from tears to laughter. Excessive manifestations of temperament are always unpleasant and have a depressing effect on others. A slight degree of inconsistency attracts men. This amazing property women with their illogicality, emotionality to attract sympathy to their side. Disarm with soft unpredictability, bewitch with gentle energy. Masculinity and femininity differ in that the first always acts within the given framework of social rules, and the second - contrary to them, captivating with natural spontaneity.

Masculine and feminine qualities

In psychology, there are concepts of masculine and feminine qualities. The separation of male and female roles is especially clearly seen in the domostroy structure. However, it is difficult to meet a man with only masculine qualities, or a woman with a set of only feminine features. Usually these essences are intertwined in the character of a person to a greater or lesser extent.

Masculinity - focus on results, competitiveness and ambition. Femininity - reaching a consensus emotional connections and care. For self-realization in society, both qualities are necessary. There are psychological tests, thanks to which you can determine the dominant features in yourself.

Masculine qualities

  • Confidence.
  • Firmness.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Feeling of freedom.
  • desire to dominate.
  • Adventurism.
  • Purposefulness.
  • The ability to focus on one thing.

These are general characteristics. They are expressed not in appearance (a courageous voice or emphasized authority), but are inherent in character and behavior. The ability to learn something new, to search for prey or knowledge - this is the main male mission. Feminine is preservation, strengthening. Therefore, it is so important to develop in girls the ability to calmly, with a desire to work at home, to create comfort and coziness.

Feminine qualities

  • Softness.
  • Compliance.
  • Sacrifice.
  • Willingness to help.
  • Submission.
  • Compassion.
  • Intuitive behavior.
  • Accuracy.
  • Passivity.
  • Ability to do several things at the same time.

Women's femininity implies a combination of masculine and feminine qualities. At the same time, it has a large share of lightness and flexibility. It has an inner creative upsurge and inspiration. This is the ability to be soft, but not to offend yourself. Do not take a masculine position, do not come into conflict with the stronger sex. Realize your creative potential based on their position as a woman.

What adds femininity?

The feeling of happiness, harmony in oneself allows a woman to be calm and peaceful. This is a combination that attracts others. A woman who loves herself, who knows how to give and receive love, creates an aura of comfort around herself. Such a lady knows how to compromise, adapt to her man and circumstances. Feels light and relaxed, allowing himself to be for the stronger sex. She respects and loves men.

Femininity is the ability to come to the rescue and the ability to accept it from others. This is trust and ease of communication. and unobtrusive sexuality. This is inner well-being and a state of comfort.

Such a woman has a sense of humor, radiating positive and good mood. She is polite and has self-respect. Take care of yourself, your body.

The development of femininity

Upbringing and society can crush femininity. The desire to make a career, raise and raise children, a lot of worries and problems make a woman strong, inflexible, able to go ahead to her goal. These are masculine qualities, and, having taken them into herself, a woman goes into internal conflict with the stronger sex. She becomes not a companion and comrade-in-arms, but an adversary who should be overcome. Therefore, entering the male path, a woman opposes herself to a man.

It is necessary to develop femininity, because the representative of the beautiful half of humanity needs affection and support, care and love. Realization of oneself as a woman is possible subject to certain rules. If there are more masculine qualities in the character, then you can modify them, starting with femininity.

The propensity for and roles makes the weaker sex multifaceted, changeable. Working on the transformation of appearance, a woman is able to change her image. Therefore, it is quite possible in the development of femininity to begin with external changes, which gradually reduce to internal changes.


Symbol of femininity - long hair and dresses. It is not necessary to grow a braid or do intricate hairstyles. But you should get rid of haircuts with a hedgehog and the like. If there is no inner femininity, such hairstyles will give a resemblance to a man. Soft curls, frivolous curls or straight ones will add charm. You can not do styling every day. But cleanliness and health of hair is obligatory.

Flowing dresses or strict skirts will emphasize the femininity of the figure, add mystery. Heels - even low ones - will introduce fragile instability into the gait, visually lengthen the legs.

Do not apply too much on the face. bright makeup, fill yourself with perfume. A slight understatement of the smell will make men come closer. It is better not to abuse cosmetics, but to prefer a healthy complexion and the radiance of a snow-white smile.


Beauty and femininity lie in the grace and grace of movements and gestures. It is possible, without possessing flexibility, smoothness of gait. You should not allow yourself to be harsh, male movements. Do not wave your arms when walking and do not mint a step. Light, dancing gait attracts the eye.

Soft, smooth hand movements are mesmerizing. Unhurried gestures, calm turns of the head, combined with a smile, will attract hearts faster than harshness and impetuosity. And well-groomed hands and feet (with unobtrusive manicure and pedicure) will add attractiveness.


The ability to speak and listen beautifully makes a woman a pleasant conversationalist. Smooth, unhurried speech is just as important as the timbre of the voice. You should not allow yourself noisy notes, screeching sounds. Loud, clear speech is more like a commander. What adds femininity and charm? Slightly muffled voice. Velvet timbre, expressive intonations. Calm facial expressions, a slight smile during communication, tact emphasize the feminine.

Attention should be paid to the culture of speech, rude and harsh formulations should be avoided. When communicating, look at the interlocutor, listen carefully, be sincerely interested in the topic of conversation. Kindly express your disagreement, avoid categorical assessments.

  1. Learn to surround yourself with an atmosphere of peace, happiness, harmony with the world.
  2. Allow yourself to be weak and helpless, take your time, do not fuss.
  3. Do not overload yourself with work, remember about female self-realization in the family.
  4. To be able to act with dignity, self-respect, not to spend life in anticipation.
  5. Take care of your health and attractiveness.
  6. Radiate caring, kindness, gentleness, sensuality, love.
  7. Feel your uniqueness.
  8. Do not compete with a man, do not blame and do not look for the guilty.

Chapter 16

Fi, shame on you! Do not frown severely on your eyebrows, and do not try to hurt your husband and master with an evil look. Anger destroys your beauty, like cold - green meadows; blows glory like the wind buds. Never, nowhere and no one will your anger be sweet. Indeed, in irritation, a woman is like a source when he is disturbed, and deprived of purity, and beauty; The traveler will not drink a drop from him, no matter how thirsty he is.

Your husband is your master, your protector, your life, your head. In caring for you, he works on land and at sea, does not sleep at night in a storm, endures a cold while you bask in the warmth at home, knowing no dangers and hardships. And from you he wants only love, a friendly look, obedience - an insignificant payment for his labors. Just as a subject owes a sovereign, so a woman owes her husband.

When she is obstinate, evil, stubborn and not submissive to the honest will of her husband, why is she not an impudent rebel, a traitor to her master? I am ashamed of your female stupidity! You are waging a war there, where you should, bowing your knees, beg for peace; And you want to rule arrogantly where you should serve humbly. Is it not for this that we are so tender and weak, not adapted to the hardships of life, so that thoughts and deeds merge with our body in a harmonious combination.

You worthless, powerless worms! And I was arrogant, like you, obstinate in mind and heart. I responded with harshness for harshness, for a word with a word; but now I see that we do not fight with a spear - with a straw, we are strong only in our weakness. We should not play someone else's role. Moderate your anger! What is the use of absurd arrogance? At the feet of your husbands bow down humbly; And let my husband say only a word, I am ready to fulfill my duty to him.

(c) Shakespeare

Men and women have very different innate patterns of behavior. Many people do not feel and do not understand their natural essence, their animal origin. But there are rules of Nature, or rather its Laws, which must be observed.
Congenital patterns of behavior are the instincts of a person on which his whole life is built. Some qualities correspond to male instincts, others to female instincts.

A man (hereinafter referred to as "M") strives for superiority, for domination. Status matters to him. "M" does not talk about it, but the wise "F" knows and takes it into account. To a woman who does not make "M" strong, who does not recognize his dominance, interest disappears very quickly. Consciousness of superiority over a woman is the unconscious "M" - so laid down by Nature. There is nothing wrong with a man feeling superior to a woman. Women by their nature are weaker and throughout the evolution.

Therefore, the relationship of partners must be fully consistent with the Laws of Nature, including innate patterns of human behavior. Otherwise, the relationships that will be built will be unreliable. And if we do not strengthen these qualities, then our Innate needs will be unsatisfied. Without their satisfaction, we will not be able to get the maximum possible satisfaction from life.

The need for male dominance is as much a need for Feminine Women as it is a need for one's own Femininity. Feminine Woman, which accepts its Nature, its Innate needs, easily recognizes the dominant position in relations for the "M" Chosen by it.

In a properly developed relationship, the dominance of "M" occurs naturally, "M" dominates the woman, perhaps not as a person over a person, but certainly like a man over a Feminine Woman.. For the Feminine F, a subordinate position means an important, responsible activity that must be done well. For immature women, a subordinate position means only a lowered position.

In fact, submission does not reduce the value and role of the Feminine F, but rather does her honor. A woman is not humiliated by her subordinate position in relation to her "M", but on the contrary, her inability to occupy it. The resistance of an immature woman to the dominance of "M" speaks only of her trouble and lack of fulfillment.

Femininity through the eyes of men- does not mean helplessness and irresponsibility. A woman can be strong, like a woman, as a bearer of Feminine Values, Feminine Qualities. Just like a real man strive for Masculinity.

"F" has an Innate need for security. But in order for "M" to want to protect "F" and take care of her, the psychological subordination of a woman is necessary. For "M" Femininity is the best bait, and then the reward. "M" is always delighted with the truly Feminine F. A feminine woman accepts the Nature of men, thereby inspiring, understanding, supporting them.

Now life has become freer and safer, and “Zh” has ceased to obey. It became difficult for them to feel and realize their weakness. Women, contrary to what is given to them by Nature, develop masculine qualities in themselves. They do things that are psychologically uncharacteristic for them. Many "F" are more and more drawn to the "M", not feeling between themselves and men big difference. Instead of accepting their Nature, they are increasingly adopting male behavior. But only a woman who lives in harmony with her Nature and acts based on it can be truly happy.

Nature's script is the kind of script that we can't get away from, it can't be bypassed or outwitted! It consists of innate needs, many of which are better satiated than confronted. The more armor a person has that protects against the influence of instincts, the more life tests this armor for strength. Remember, if you infringe on Nature, then it will certainly infringe on you!

Women often forget their Nature, they become not so much courageous as "NONE". As with men you can’t make friends with them, as with women in a relationship you won’t get satisfaction.

Femininity is a MEANINGful satisfaction by a woman of her Innate needs, which is expressed in her behavior and qualities. Feminine qualities include: delicacy, politeness, tact, tolerance, compliance, fidelity, gentleness, tenderness, balance, calmness, regularity, predictability, charm, charm and many others. The qualities of a person are a kind of building blocks from which a person's personality is formed. Masculinity is formed from the Masculine Qualities of the “M”, Femininity is formed from the Feminine Qualities of a woman.

Unlike "M", it is impossible to admire the masculine qualities of courageous women, since these qualities are a flawed likeness of the Masculine Qualities that are characteristic of "M", to which they are predisposed. "M" has protection from his own qualities, he knows how to manage and dispose of them. His Male Qualities strong and diverse, as they feed on his Innate needs, his masculine Nature.

Masculine Qualities of courageous women destroy them, their feminine inner world and behavior, prevent a favorable environment from forming around her. Nature does not supply a courageous woman with energy for qualities that are not inherent, alien to her. Eventually courageous woman remains without energy, exhausted and disappointed. The masculine woman is the most destructive and repulsive kind of immature woman.

Courageous women judge the well-being of their lives through the eyes of men, according to male criteria for success. They believe that they strive for victory, happiness, well-being, but this is their biggest delusion. Without creating their own large and bright inner Feminine world and appropriate behavior, they will be completely disappointed. A woman needs to evaluate herself in terms of what Mother Nature has given her.

Some of the women consider such behavior to be forced, someone considers it “businesslike”, but in fact the true reason for the courageous behavior of women is the lack of Femininity.

Immature women are constantly trying to justify their passivity in Femininity, in the realization of Feminine Qualities, by the fact that next to them there are no men they need. They want to become Feminine when a super hero appears in their life, for the sake of which they will be the most Feminine in the world. But this never happens to immature women, because normal full-fledged "M" appear in the life of ALREADY Feminine women.

Femininity, first of all, is needed by the woman herself and it makes no sense to shift the responsibility for her own Femininity onto men. If a woman is not Feminine, then in her life there is no Courageous “M” nearby. And this is her fault, her OWN main problem, her decision and choice. It means that she herself is not ripe for Femininity.

Feeling, understanding, acceptance by a woman of her Femininity is primary. It must be formed even before the direct construction of relations. Only then can you count on a worthy partner. Feminine Women remain Feminine no matter the circumstances. Femininity cannot be used at will from time to time. Either the woman has feminine qualities, which are deeply formed and always appear, or they are not. No need to mislead anyone, including yourself.

The Feminine Woman is the guardian of relationships, for her relationships are the main concern and area of ​​responsibility. A feminine woman perceives relationships as territory that "M" trusts her. She understands that if she does not ennoble this territory properly, is not responsible for what is happening on it, then a CONFIDENT "M" will release her from this responsibility.

Caring for relationships, their arrangement is characteristic of Feminine Women, it gives them great pleasure, their activities, thoughts and words are aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere in relations. The interests of Feminine women strongly coincide with what a man expects from them, with what is required of her in order to build a good reliable relationship with a man. Mature Feminine Women value relationships very much, as in them they satisfy their Innate needs, realize Feminine Qualities.


It is impossible to deceive the existing Laws of Nature. Only a womanly woman can build Successful Relationships with a man. Feminine F attracts a worthy "M", with her he builds a Harmonious System of Relationships.

Choose someone with whom you can feel the difference between the sexes! Acceptance and constant feeling of the Nature of the opposite sex is necessary. This is one of the most important conditions for a healthy successful life. If your partner does not accept many innate behaviors, protests internally, then beware. You never realize with this person as a representative of the sex. You will be a sexless creature thinking about food, sleep, career...

The Laws of Nature have no morals. Nature does not care about "highly spiritual", unadapted people. All of us, both men and women, need to live in accordance with our Nature and accept its Laws.

Being feminine - what would that mean?

We are constantly called to “be feminine.” What is it anyway - femininity? The combination of what qualities, external and internal, distinguishes a feminine woman from an unfeminine one? And is it really possible to be, in principle, unfeminine, having two normal X chromosomes in the gene arsenal?

True, attempts are being made to define femininity in terms of its external manifestations. Probably not the worst way - after all, the external is a reflection of the internal. And now we are told that a feminine person must grow long hair, wear pink dresses with ruffles, put on numerous bead earrings. Her behavior is silent and non-defiant, sometimes chatting cute nonsense in a quiet, melodious voice and often smiles. Well, nothing antisocial or unnatural is being imposed on us by this. A charm that meets these requirements is an undoubted decoration of any interior.

But a woman, especially a Russian woman, as a rule, is not very good at matching this Barbie image, or she doesn’t have too much time when she can look like that. And even if this occasionally appears, the habit of "feminine" behavior has not been developed. A modern woman has to earn a living, fight to maintain a certain social level, ensure order in the house ... A pink dress is not always appropriate here, and you can simply forget about trinkets in the turmoil.

Okay, it's external, it's secondary. But after all, a feminine person is also obliged to observe common (it is not known, however, by whom) moral canons, non-observance of which, as it were, deprives the disobedient of the right to be called a woman. What moral qualities Are we meant to possess in order to be called feminine?

The omniscient Wikipedia lists these qualities: tenderness, fragility, sincerity, fidelity, sensitivity, compassion, tolerance, caring, modesty ... That is, we again have the image of a “Turgenev girl”, a “muslin young lady”, looking at those around her with affectionate, understanding eyes and in addition to being able to take care of others without demanding anything in return. She humbly endures reproaches, unquestioningly obeys - first her parents, then her husband ... Oh, yes, after all, understanding and condescension to the weaknesses of others are necessary! Femininity also implies softness and unobtrusiveness. God forbid you ask someone for something - help with the housework and a regular income. Never! It's unfeminine! Network well-wishers claim that a real woman knows how to inspire a man to exploits with her appearance and certainly will never demand something, let alone “nag” hard. Well, so, slightly and casually, he will reproach that, they say, “it was not necessary to make debts on the side, it would not be worth leaving work without finding a new one ... Yes, dear, yes! But what to do - I myself will get a second job ... "!

Femininity is often (and willingly!) Is identified with forgiveness and sacrifice. Every time a man (husband, brother, son - it doesn't matter) walks up, no one knows where and with whom, tumbles home with a swollen, unshaven physiognomy and penniless in his pocket, the feminine little wife will not stun him with a frying pan, will not stomp his feet, but will gently accept , reverently wash, feed deliciously, put to bed and will never scold. Happenes… Real woman- she does everything. She herself will not eat enough - she will feed others, she will not sleep enough - and she will do all the housework. In a word, a universal housewife, daughter, wife, sister and mother ...

That is, the positive qualities of a woman are those that are convenient for others, first of all, for men. A feminine woman is essentially a universally trouble-free deaf-mute kitchen-laundry complex in a bright, festive packaging. So that it was not only useful, but comprehensively pleasing to the eye. A bow on the lid is desirable ...

No, no, ladies, something is clearly wrong here. It is terrible to imagine a society, and even more so a Russian society, in which at least half of the women are so feminine that they would allow such a thing.

In a word, all this “femininity” is a terrible fake, an absurd prejudice that requires women to work hard from morning to evening, not to notice humiliation, forgive insults and, at the same time, in no case give the appearance that it is difficult, painful for her and there is no time to take care of her own. a person… And then suddenly her lover will be upset, fall into a blues, he will no longer feel like a man, which will lead to the most undesirable social consequences!

But just the opposite!

The widespread introduction of forced femininity - what a blessing that this will never happen!!! - would lead to the extinction of the human population. After all, a woman, in order to fulfill her main biological purpose - procreation - must be healthy, calm, well-fed and confident, and, moreover, for the next 20 years, until her offspring can take care of themselves. How is this combined with tolerance, sacrifice and compliance? Almost nothing. Thinking about others more than about herself, she will be constantly nervous, hungry and tired ... Well, the offspring will be appropriate.

... By the way, some specialist in gender psychology said that a feminine woman should - well, she simply has to! - have… long nails. Apparently, in order to scratch the face of the one who composes and puts out to the masses all these nonsense about "femininity".

There is no concept more commonplace than femininity, but try to really explain what it is? Here are some characteristics of femininity.

This is the first and main feature of a feminine woman. She does not compete with a man for a place in the sun, at work, on a sofa, in an armchair, at a table. And if you are competing, then you will never be called feminine, no matter what.

Why do you need
For a peaceful life with a man. Men always compete with each other. Even best friends from time to time they arrange brawls, intellectual or sports, to find out if the male status of each has changed during the friendship, whether the strong is still strong, and the weak is weak.
And there is no more pleasant feature for a man in a woman than the absence of a call "to an eternal battle." A feminine woman does not offer: “Come on, let's find out who is better versed in Chinese porcelain? Do you know thirty-three ways to raise the industry of Latvia to the height of the Empire State Building? She can talk intelligently and competently on all these topics. But only because she is interested, and not to show what a fool a man is. A feminine woman says to her husband: “I want to watch the melodrama A Month in Tuscany.” He insists on a movie about spies. And she agrees. And they will watch the melodrama in a week. A man needs female compliance physically. Compliant means not dangerous. You can trust her and complain about life. The aggressive chairman of the board of an influential international foundation, who even smiles as if he just ate every living thing within a radius of forty meters, hears from his compliant wife: "My poor bunny with a cold." And melts from her tenderness and is not afraid to be with her "not a winner." He knows: a feminine wife will not take advantage of his momentary weakness, will not seize power in the family, will not utter offensive barbs, will not reproach him with vulnerability. She will only bring chamomile tea. And the need for sympathy and a place where you can be weak and behave like a child are required even by the most callous and strong man. And this soft and gentle compliance is for most men the apotheosis of femininity. Everything else is attached to it.

Ability to adapt
A feminine woman chooses the style of behavior that suits the situation, and the erotic image that her beloved man likes. She always has three or four images in her “repositories”, which she uses as necessary when communicating with different men. The need to adapt does not depress her, but amuses and entertains. Why do you need
To peacefully coexist with others, to win over people, to attract and hold the attention of a partner.

Femininity is those traits of character and appearance that distinguish us from men. about 70% they are due to our genetics and hormonal levels, 30% - education and living conditions.

Enthusiasm and zest for life
A feminine woman notices all sorts of beautiful little things and receives joy from them, which she shares with others. She likes the rain and the sunset, she sees how beautiful it falls autumn leaf at her feet, she is not too lazy to bend down, pick it up and examine it in detail.

Why do we need
Estrogens make a woman sensitive and sentimental, she easily rejoices, laughs easily and cries easily from an excess of feelings. It is much more difficult for a man to experience happiness than for a woman - he has almost no estrogen and, in addition, less "joy neurotransmitters" are produced. And when there is a creature nearby who pulls his sleeve and says: “Look, what a sky, what a cloud, what a flower!” he looks and sees: "Yeah, really good." When a creature jumps for joy just because a man suggested going to a restaurant after a concert, it puzzles and fascinates him. He feels like a magician: once - and gave a person joy. And he rejoices.
The taste of life is a concept very close to enthusiasm. A feminine woman knows how to enjoy life and create comfort around her. She is curious, interested in many things and involves everyone in the pleasant, including a man. And it becomes fun, comfortable and delicious to live with her. One of my acquaintances married a woman because she knew how to make coffee. Of course, she had other virtues as well. But the thought of how great it was to live with her dawned on him when she stirred freshly brewed coffee with chocolate and cinnamon in a Turk with a juniper stick before pouring it into cups. And she did it so enthusiastically that he asked her to marry him.

This is a very special feature that men rarely talk about, but which they feel very subtly. Feminine woman inspires. It does not load any diseases, or problems, or suffering for all of humanity, or bad mood. And when she has PMS, she says: “I take a broom and fly into the forest. Please don't chase. Today I have a bad day. I'll be back in the evening." Trouble? Cry - and went to live on. This is not frivolity, but the ease with which a woman makes the most serious and difficult decisions and does not regret what has not come true.

Why do you need
A man tends to get stuck on difficulties, problems and tasks. And only a light woman is able to move him, entertain and distract him, after which everything will clear up in his head, his thoughts will fall into place and there will be a good solution! Feminine lightness carries a man through insoluble problems and allows him to forget about them.

Good memory for all good things
It implies the ability to collect bright memories and bestow a wonderful past on your man - and at the same time all your loved ones.

Why do you need
Feminine "memory for all good things" creates a feeling among others that they live among pleasant events and bright feelings. A man understands that it makes sense to try, give and create - they remember and appreciate it for a long time. A womanly woman walks past a park bench and says to her lover, “Do you remember how we ate ice cream here last summer?” He doesn't remember anything, but he stops and listens attentively. She continues: “And then you kissed me and said that my lips were chocolate!” He smiles - he feels like he's being scratched behind the ear. A feminine woman will tell her husband in detail how he got his first promotion ten years ago. She remembers what color blanket he brought to the hospital when he took her with her newborn daughter, and what music was played on the radio in a taxi. A feminine woman never itchs: "I forgot our wedding day again!" She will simply remind you a week before the event how they once prepared for it together. And her husband will certainly congratulate her.

A feminine woman thinks less and feels more. Her head is not loaded with statements like "checked - no mines." She notices a lot of nuances unimportant, but unusual. And does not believe in any checks and any technique if she has a premonition. She will go in a roundabout way and remain intact, and the one who moves in a straight line will suffer.

Why do you need
To form an ideal tandem with a man - she notices, he analyzes. The advice of an intuitive woman never infuriates a man. Now, if she said: "I decided that ..." - he would be furious: does she really believe that she is able to decide more effectively than he! And when a woman says: “I feel that tomorrow is the time to send your scientific work to referents,” he understands that she was informed about this by some internal navigator, which he does not have. And he obeys without argument. Or does not obey - but without aggression.

Don't be quick to get angry. The fact is that for a feminine woman, a person is always more important than an idea. She can pity the enemy, because he is unhappy, respond with all her heart
for a good deed of the one whom the whole world considers "walking evil", and marry him. And the choice - to do well to someone close due to the fact that it will be bad for another, or not to do it - is elementary for her. Do!

Why do you need
For the survival of her kind and family. Ideas and principles make it very difficult to survive. The need for a principled professor of mathematics in exile will force him to work as a taxi driver - and he will die of a heart attack in the second year. And the teacher of economics gets a job in a foreign land to take care of sick old people and after a few years organizes a “nursery” for grandparents. It is difficult for a man to step over pride, through his word given to someone. And it is difficult for a woman to see how her loved ones suffer, and for the sake of the well-being of the family, she will jump back and forth a hundred times through her word. Unscrupulousness is useful when choosing a partner. He is bad for everyone - but good for her. It's scary to think how many men would have remained unclaimed if a woman had her own indestructible principles!

Feminine appearance
It is provided by an excess of estrogens - female sex hormones that make us fertile, like rabbits, and turn the body into a kind of hourglass or pear. Skirts and dresses are suitable for a feminine woman, she wears high-heeled shoes and looks light and slightly unstable - you want to grab her by the elbow and support her. She doesn't like to cut her hair short. Often wears long hair, despite the demands of her friends to immediately rejuvenate through a haircut. Occasionally, he even makes a hairstyle out of them, which every man wants to dishevel.

Not only merit
There are also typical female flaws. These include the ability to throw tantrums, the habit of being constantly late and absent-mindedness.

Hysteria is sobbing and screaming, designed to ensure that a man goes towards a woman and does what she wants. Men hate screaming and are afraid of women's tears. But they will never divorce a woman just because she periodically throws tantrums. For them, women's hysteria is like summer bad weather: it's disgusting to get under a downpour, but summer is summer. A feminine woman, throwing a tantrum, always watches a man out of the corner of her eye, sees when he begins to get seriously angry, and immediately turns off the tantrum: “Who just sobbed and banged his head against the wall? .. No, it’s not me!” She tends to sweet compliance in order to use it to lure her husband out of the promise she needs and maintain good relations with him.

A woman because she has no sense of time. She always took care of the house, where one thing smoothly flows into another. This man is programmed to control time - how long to sit in ambush, when to return home from hunting.

Absent-mindedness is the reverse side of the female ability to soar and get carried away. Woke up and read. And then you have to look for a mobile phone for an hour and a half to find it in a shoebox. A man is angry at a woman's absent-mindedness only when he himself suffers from it - she salted his coffee and poured too much pepper into the salad.

Femininity and sexuality
These concepts are distant relatives. A feminine woman is always sexy and not always sexy.
Sex appeal is our attraction to men.
Sexuality is the strength of our physical attraction to them. The female hormone estrogen is responsible for sex appeal. Thanks to him, we speak with a gentle voice, move gently, and have a feminine figure. For sexuality - male testosterone, which is also produced in the female body. The more it is, the more we are attracted to men. Sometimes we have a lot of both hormones, and then we get a feminine, sexy and sexy Elizabeth Taylor. Sometimes a woman has a lot of estrogen, but little testosterone, and she attracts men, but she herself does not feel passion for them. These were Marilyn Monroe and Madame de Pompadour. In Marilyn Monroe, many men were quickly disappointed, because, apart from compliance, there was not a single pleasant female trait in her. And Madame de Pompadour was distinguished by ease, knew how to entertain the king, and he loved her until her death, which he bitterly mourned.

Femininity and strength
They don't contradict each other at all. Many very feminine women have tremendous power. After all, strength is the ability to withstand the blows of fate and move forward towards the goal. The resilience of a feminine woman is simply incredible - she bends, but does not break, dodges, slips and gets her way. Like Scarlett from Gone with the Wind. Or Sophia Loren, who studied acting, stubbornly exterminated the Neapolitan accent, withstood scolding and criticism for her affair with the married Carlo Ponti, waited for his divorce for many years, refused novels with recognized handsome actors like Mastroianni and Delon - and waited for her happiness, left married to her beloved and is royally beautiful to this day.

How does she live
It is easy for a feminine woman to get married and difficult to build a career. At work, you need to behave in a way that is contrary to her nature - to run into, compete, insist on her own. Such behavior is alien to her - she does not have such an amount of testosterone to happily fight for the boss's chair or to powder her opponent. Men take her not for a feminine woman, but for a "weak man." Although these are two completely different concepts. And all the time they are trying to besiege, not to let them go further, to put them in their place.
And the trouble turns out: as a woman, they appreciate you, adore you, feed you cakes and serve you a coat. As an employee - constantly pushed into a corner. And it's hard to solve this problem.
Some ladies manage to temper their character and go berserk. And here I would like to quote Margaret Thatcher: “When a woman shows character, they say about her - “tsuka”.
When a man shows character, they say about him - “ great guy". But some people do not want to radically change themselves, since nothing can erase the masculinity acquired at work. It will remain in the blood, inadvertently appear at home and disturb peace and tranquility. There are two career options. The first is to work in a women's team, which is usually more chaotic than men's, but also more tolerant. And the second is to build a professional career: a doctor, a lawyer, a designer, an artist, in order to do your job and improve in it. Of course, you can stay at home - but this requires at least a love of household. And it’s not at all a fact that a feminine woman likes pots and a vacuum cleaner more than banking.
