The universe answers your questions! Ask a question: Schengen visas, EU citizenship How to raise your self-esteem and feel worthy of a successful man.

I continue to answer your questions. Today I take everything related to work in one crowd. Actually, I don't like to write about work. First of all, some of the things that I do cannot be told. Not because they are super interesting or secret, it's just the company's policy: everything that is not officially announced is not subject to disclosure. And as a rule, I’m not interested in talking about work - and I’m working on it anyway. My blog is about traveling around the world and about various other interesting things. This is a hobby, due to which I have a rest, including from work.

tonyshepard from Moscow:

Is it really possible to afford such trips while working several days a week as a programmer?

Artyom from Moscow

how do you make a decent living with just three days of work?

Experienced programmers are well paid. I get 60% of my salary, and that's enough for me. True, I rent an apartment, it is much cheaper there. If I lived closer to work, I would pay a couple thousand more a month. Approximately as much.

mitya78 , Moscow:

Are you a good programmer?

Don't know. Never thought about it. I am satisfied at work. But there we have such smart guys that I have bouts of "impostor syndrome" in their presence. So I'm rather average. Still, I would like to think that it is not bad.

Australian Reader:

It is interesting to know in what area you work at Google and what exactly you do technically, if it's not a secret. Thank you.

Programming student from Moscow:

Tell us more about who you specifically work for at Google, what project, what language you write in. In general, everything that is not under the NDA

Question from Cologne:

What exactly are you doing at Google? What are your professional duties?

I work in the group responsible for Google Drive. Specifically, my team deals with access settings. If you have ever shared documents, spreadsheets or other files in Google Drive, then the window that pops up where you choose who can do what is what my team is working on.

From Barnaul:

What languages ​​do you most often write code in?

grafalexphoto from Kyiv:

Question to the programmer from the programmer. In what languages ​​do you write for work and (suddenly) for yourself?

Someone on Mars (but this is inaccurate):

How are you? What do you write on? (Programming) Where next?

I write in Java (what is on the server) and JavaScript (client). Google JS is not very similar to what they write "in the world" - for example, we do not use jQuery. Can be downloaded free libraries Closure Libraries is what we're working with.

Unknown programmer on the Rock (this is the language, as I understand it) from Latvia:

1) What are you programming on? 2) What technologies / libraries do you use in your work? 3) How do you get access to Google offices in different countries(for example, a fingerprint that works everywhere or a badge)? Thank you!

90% of what we use is our own developments. Much of this is then released for free to the world.

I get into offices with a badge, it opens all Google doors. True, in some offices you must first get into the building itself (for example, if we rent only one floor in some skyscraper).

Katya in Moscow:

How is your career developing? Are you doing it? How would your life be different if you didn't have the opportunity to work the way you do now?

Indcat from Austria:

What are the prospects for growth at Google? They write on the Internet that work is more interesting on Facebook ...

Ilya from New York:

please tell us more about your work. What grade do you have in Google? Does your frequent travel and free schedule interfere with your career advancement/promotion? What programming languages ​​do you use? In general, how important/interesting is work to you - or is travel more important to you?

Zhanna from Kyiv:

How is your career at Google developing? Don't you feel like you can't keep up with the industry?

In particular, it is not easy for me to grow in my career, due to the fact that I work part-time. This is not an official barrier, but in practice it is not so easy to take on complex and important projects leading to promotions if you are out of the office half the time.

Therefore, I am not very actively striving for career growth. It is enough for me that my work is appreciated positively. And so I am satisfied with the lifestyle that this job allows me to have.

From Los Angeles:

Enough of the remaining three days of the week to follow the development of technology, interfaces, AI and all that? Or is it not necessary in Google, and you can just work? How do you turn it on/off quickly?

I don't follow. I'm just doing my job. Over the years, I learned to turn on / off quite well (it's easier to turn off).

Yuri from Philadelphia:

Hey, have you thought about transferring to a project at Google Tokyo to better travel around Southeast Asia?

Of course, such an idea slipped in my head, but I never seriously thought about it. For some reason, I feel like I wouldn't like working in Tokyo. Now, traveling to Japan is a holiday, I would not want it to become everyday life.

Question from Lviv:

Tired of working at Google?

No. The best part is working with smart people. Well, the fact that she respects my schedule, allows me to travel around the world, is also nice. Today I was working from an office in Singapore.

Brooklyn Neighbor:

How do you manage to combine with work? Why are they still suffering?

I work part time. .

imladyartist from North Carolina:

Leva, from a fan of google drive and other Google services, a question: do you feel something special when using the product you have worked on?

As a rule, imperfections, mistakes and roughness are much more striking to me. At work, I use the Russian version of Google Drive to find and correct translation errors.

Perhaps I just deceived everyone very successfully all these years!

Alexander from Illinois:

How do you yourself view some of the tensions within Google over military contracts, China's special search engine? Are these discussions visible or are journalists exaggerating?

There are discussions, and they are visible. The fact that they are leaked to journalists in real time greatly harms such a dialogue. No one wants to talk about some embarrassing things if they know that their words will be on New York Times Twitter in a minute. But in general, employees actively express their opinions on various issues, and often listen to them.

Question from Kyiv:

Do you like your job? You've minimized it and seem to be running from it.

In everyday work, there are good periods, and there are not so good ones. This is in terms of the interest of a particular project. I kept the work to a minimum, not because I don't like it, but because I like everything else more.


Lyova, did you have any desire to make your own startup, to launch a service that people lack? Maybe there are new good ideas, including life in NY, travel, photos? (I have)

There were desires and attempts. But working for yourself is like working for two rates, especially at first. I never had enough motivation to start and continue. But full of ideas. But ideas are worthless...


Is it hard to work on Google? At the interview, they ask quite complex tasks, are these actually solved at work on a daily basis, or not often? Do ordinary developers do architecture design? If not, who is designing? Thanks for the replies and interesting blog.

It can be difficult, especially when you start working on something new, which you first need to figure out how it works in general. Developers often come up with their own piece of architecture, although it is important that it coexist harmoniously with what has been written around you.

As a rule, the tasks at the interview are not because they will have to be faced during work. They simply show your ability to work through a non-trivial problem. Can you figure out how to solve it? And even if you can't, how did your train of thought go? It is important.

sahalinets777 , Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk:

I would be interested to know how the situation is with black programmers and scientists in general in the USA. In the movies, they are everywhere, but how in reality? I understand that the topic is sensitive, so I will understand the refusal.

I have worked with African American programmers more than once. They were smart guys. I would not say that there are many of them in the industry, most likely they are underrepresented compared to the number in the general population. But this is a very subjective thing.

❓I answer your questions:❓

Yesterday I was asked a good one, but this frequently asked question Why is the child crying in the arms of the mother, while the mother no longer knows what to think of to calm the baby.❓ But as soon as the child is taken to the grandmother or even just a familiar mother, the child quickly calms down. And mom stands aside and feels her helplessness and that only breasts are needed from her.

Answer: Indeed, very often mothers who have assistants can face this. And it often happens to me when the mother does not already know how to calm the baby, and I take him in my arms and the baby calms down quickly enough. Moms begin to speculate from what it could be, what could be the fact that the child likes my voice? In fact, the voice has nothing to do with it. Very often, such helpers become either a lifeline when such help becomes a system, or depression of the mother and an increase in the ambitions of this person. Mom is worried about her insolvency, and the assistant is glad that he is a lifeline. So what's the real deal?

A good helper is a household helper. This is someone who can and wants to help you in everyday matters. And if help is only in calming the baby, while you are quietly crying on the sidelines, then this is a bad helper.

The baby feels the mother both in utero and immediately after birth. The body of the mother after childbirth is busy with physical recovery, so the feeling of feeling and understanding the baby does not arise immediately for the mother, and this takes time. Until that time has come, mother is worried about what society requires of her - “you must”, “you must”. And my mother does not understand at all what she should and why it cannot be demonstrated. As a result, the baby is crying, all the processes in the body are aimed at making the mother react to her baby, and this reaction is fully observed in all mothers - the mother is worried, the mother takes the baby in her arms, the mother offers the baby a breast, strokes the baby, speaks with him. But the baby may not immediately calm down and may cry again, and then everything turns upside down inside and a persistent misunderstanding arises in the mother that she does not know what to do and probably something is wrong with her, because they still say “you must”, “you ". Well, that's it, the "nerves" button is pressed. Mom is shaking, mom is crying with the baby, mom is nervous, mom begins to feel guilty for herself. And the baby, meanwhile, cries even more and harder. And then a lifeline appears, in which the baby calms down. So, the baby cries even harder and all mother's actions do not help for only one reason - the baby does not feel confidence in the mother, while the mother herself does not feel it. The baby feels the mother's nerves and does not understand what the matter is, and therefore he cries, and therefore, being in the arms of a calm lifebuoy, the baby calms down.

This does not mean that we use the lifeline systematically. It means that Dear Mom, give yourself the right to be a mother who loves her baby, a mother who learns to adapt to new conditions with her baby, a mother who can make her own mistakes, because this is only the beginning of the motherhood experience. The baby loves his mother unconditionally. Try to calm down, tell the baby that “I’m sorry baby if I don’t succeed right away. I am learning, learning with you. I love you very much and everything will be fine with us.” Forget, please, about these phrases “you mother” and “you must”. You will definitely succeed! And remember that every mother has her own experience of motherhood, but every mother once went through misunderstanding and insecurity. As soon as you learn to be a little calmer, you will see and feel that the baby has become calmer too.

If you have any questions, you can always ask them.

Chapter 26 i answer your hearts

Dear Osho,

During the lectures you gave in Pune, you often talked about giving up. While you were silent, Sheela abused the meaning of "surrender" to make people obedient, and then at the very sound of the words "just surrender" I felt myself shutting down. Now, being here with you, the word “surrender” not only reaches my mind and being, but I am comfortable with its true meaning. Would you be so kind as to talk about giving up?

It's not just the word "surrender"... there are many words. When you hear them, they have one meaning, when you experience them, they have a completely different meaning. The problem is how to let you perceive the experienced sense of the word. It can be giving, it can be love, it can be trust.

You heard me talk about trust. Then, of course, it seemed that the word “surrender” meant submission, that the word “surrender” meant a kind of spiritual bondage, that the word “surrender” meant that you did not decide anything even in your own life; it is controlled by someone else. Then "surrender" means simply to follow, to believe, never to doubt, never to question. It hurts. All these meanings are painful. They hurt your personality, they hurt your self-respect, they hurt your freedom. That is why in the commune it was possible that while I was silent, the word "surrender" could be abused.

But when you are close to me - and I'm not talking about giving up at all - because of your very closeness, my presence and your presence fall into synchronization ...

There are two bulbs here, separate, individual - but their light is found everywhere in the room, their light fills the room as one.

Presence, in something like that. It is not material; if it were material, there would be conflict. The light of one and the other bulb does not pass through the middle of the dividing line: "This is my territory, and do not dare to invade it." They don't have their own territory. You can light hundreds of lights together and there will be no conflict, no quarrel, because light is a quality. Therefore there is no conflict.

Everything material occupies a certain space, then nothing else can occupy the same space. If this chair is here, no other chair can stand in the same place. But with regard to light, everything is different - the space is the same. Hundreds of candles can occupy the same space - not candles, but light; not the body, but your presence.

I'm not talking about giving up, but you get through it. It's no longer destructive to your self-respect, it's no longer destructive to your personality. It has nothing to do with obedience; it has nothing to do with any submission.

The word "surrender" comes from the lexicon associated with war.

When two countries fight, the losing country eventually has to surrender, capitulate. This is an ugly word. His associations are ugly. One becomes the winner, the other is defeated and destroyed.

Alexander the Great conquered the frontier lands of India. The man who fought him was a man of great insight and great power - but no physical power. Alexander had a larger army, more advanced destruction techniques.

Poras - that was the name of the man who ruled the border land of India - was truly brave. His very name "Poras" means a brave, genuine person. And Alexander was frightened for the first time; although he had a large army, he did not have spiritual quality that was in Poras, such meditativeness, such presence.

Alexander heard many stories about Poras: no one could ever conquer his land, although it was attacked by larger armies. There was something about this man, and his very presence made the army ten times larger. His people felt that their victory was certain, because they were led by Poras, and Poras did not know defeat.

For the first time, Alexander trembled internally, for the first time he behaved like a politician - ugly. Up to this point, he was just a great warrior, but when he heard about Poras, he thought: “He is a much greater warrior, not only physically, but also spiritually; one army is not enough." And Alexander played a cunning strategy.

In India, there is one day in the month of Shravan during the rainy season, the day of brothers and sisters. The sister ties a thread on her brother's wrist. It is called raksha bandhan, an agreement: "You will protect me." And the brother promises that he will protect his sister, even if he has to give his life.

And Alexander that day sent his wife to the palace of Poras. Of course, she was received with great honor. Everyone was surprised at her arrival, because on the other side of the Sindhu River, Alexander was waiting for the right moment to attack. His wife came alone. She said:

I want to see Poras.

Poras did not have a sister. She came to Poras and said:

You don't have a sister, I don't have a brother. I want to be your sister, - and she tied the traditional thread.

She tied a thread around Poras' wrist, and Poras touched the woman's feet with the words:

You don't have to be afraid of anything. As long as I'm alive, I will protect you. If you want to ask me for something, it will be an honor for me.

And she said

In this war that is about to start, please don't kill my husband, he is your son-in-law. By doing so, you will destroy my beloved. Remember this thread. You promised to protect me.

Poras saw the strategy, but he was a man of his word. He said:

Don't worry.

And she was given a guard so that she could safely get to the camp on the other side.

And for this reason, Poras was defeated. The historical books written by the West do not mention this fact; it was not a victory for Alexander, it was a victory for Poras.

The time came when Poras grappled with Alexander, and Alexander fell off his horse. Poras was on an elephant - Indian armies fought on elephants - and was about to kill Alexander, but suddenly he saw a thread on his arm. The spear, aimed to kill, deflected after a moment, and Poras said to Alexander:

I can't kill you. I promised your wife that I wouldn't hurt anyone if it hurt her, and that I would protect her.

It was for this reason that Poras lost the war. But Alexander still could not understand, because he could not understand the ways of the East, could not understand that the Eastern people were accustomed to thinking in completely different terms. It was a real spiritual victory, a great victory for Poras.

Poras was brought in chains, in chains, to the court of Alexander, but he came like a lion - in a cage, of course.

And here are the words that I want you to understand. Alexander said to him... Remember, this man Poras is undoubtedly a rare man: his spear almost reached Alexander's heart; another second and he would have been dead, but he took him away because of a promise made to a strange woman.

Alexander asked Poras:

What kind of treatment do you expect?

Poras laughed and said:

I want to be treated like an emperor treats an emperor.

Silence reigned in the hall. At the court of Alexander, they never heard such a thing - for the enslaved king to laugh and say:

There are no questions. You should learn manners. An emperor should be treated like an emperor.

For a moment, Alexander was indecisive, but his better part prevailed. He remembered seeing the thread on Poras' arm... It was still on his arm; it is not removed until it subsides on its own.

He told the people:

Release him. Give him back his kingdom. We cannot go further to India. Is it dangerous. If such an incident occurs on the border itself, we do not know what will happen in its inner parts. We are returning. It is enough that we have already conquered.

The expression "surrender" comes from defeat in battle. Something of violence remains in him. It's disgusting. But there is no other word to express what you are going through right now - especially in English.

This experience is immensely important. No one conquers you, no one defeats you. You are not subordinate to anyone. Nothing is lost. Your self-respect is not affected. In fact, everything is increasing, intensifying. With this, you are even better than before. This is a subtle meeting and merging of non-material presences.

What you are feeling right now is actually the meaning of what I called the word "surrender." I tried to explain this experience to you with this word, and now you know that this word is not adequate - not only not adequate, but also somewhat ugly.

And the same thing happens on many levels. You will know a love that will not be the love you have heard before, experienced before. You can't say it, but you can feel it. It is almost tangible - not a word, but an unspeakable reality. The same will happen with trust.

And beyond both love and trust there is something for which there is no name. It can only be experienced in an intimate sense of oneness, in silence, without any effort and without any conditions. You are not doing it - if you are doing it, you will miss it. It's something that happens. You are just an observer. Everything that happens and you are just an observer is part of spiritual growth.

But, in translating these experiences into words, we must descend from the distant stars to the dirty earth, and much is lost along the way. And by the time you reach the world of language, if you know the experience, you will be surprised that there is not even a distant echo of reality in this word.

But this is a problem for any language in the world, because the language was developed by man for everyday purposes, for everyday purposes. It was not designed by awakened people, and awakened people don't develop it for the simple reason that they don't need to talk to each other. Their silence is song enough, their presence is message enough. It's enough just to look into each other's eyes, it's enough just to hold each other's hands.

Therefore, there will never be a language of awakened people. They don't need him. And those who need it do not have this experience. And if you use their words, naturally, these words are loaded with erroneous associations. And it's good that you felt the essence of "surrender", although we did not talk about it. I didn't even mention that word.

And that is how you will come to experience many things that I do not mention. I want you to really live it, feel it, be it. I want you to remind me, "Maybe that's what you said before, but we never understood it."

Dear Osho,

Sometimes I feel very strong and radiant. Whatever happens around me doesn't really affect me. I feel a beautiful distance from events. But at other times I feel as if my skin has been flayed and everything penetrates deep into me; a seemingly unfriendly word or gesture can offend me for many hours. I want to hide somewhere in the corner, and I feel very weak.

I have also experienced that the loving atmosphere around me when I am in this state can give me deep joy, but often I don't want to leave the corner. I know very well that I regress in these states, but often it is just an intellectual vision that does not really help in discarding this painful state (Dis-ease: Osho's pun on words; traditional meaning: physical illness, malaise; the word takes on the meaning of lack of lightness, awkwardness, tension. I do not like this infantility, but, apparently, I will have to face it in order to take this step.

Would you be so kind as to help?

This question is very important, and it has many conjugate meanings. First, when you feel good, when you shine, nothing touches you, nothing affects you. This means that nothing ever really affects you. You only lack this radiance, you lack this awareness, this detachment. Instead of becoming too obsessed with the negative thing, the regression to childhood, the desire to hide in a corner and not wanting to come out of it - and then thinking about how to face it, how to drop it - do not concentrate on it.

If you know moments in which nothing touches you, focus on the positive, spread this radiance, this detachment, this awareness, so that they envelop you more and more. The rest will disappear by itself. You don't even have to worry about it.

This is something fundamental in spiritual growth: if you care about something, then a very small thing starts to seem very big. You have a little wound and you start playing with that wound and you don't let it heal, you want the wound to heal. But touching a wound over and over again and staying focused on that wound will not help it heal. Forget all about her. The body has its own wisdom, it will heal it. Do not interfere with the ways of the body.

The mind has its own way. This regression to childhood is a problem of the mind, and the radiance you experience is an experience of being. Remember higher. Fill yourself more and more with the higher, so that the lower will disappear by itself. Instead of worrying about the lower... In some corners the higher will not appear and you will feel the lower getting stronger and stronger.

The very idea that you want to drop it is dangerous, because when you want to drop something, it means that you are very attached to it. If someone goes out every morning after picking up all the rubbish in the house and shouts to the neighbor: “I want to throw it away. I want to throw it away so much...” And this person holds the garbage tightly to himself while shouting: “I want to throw it away. I really want to throw it away." Nobody bothers you. Nobody cares. It's just garbage. Don't make such a fuss about it, just take it and throw it away.

But you can just take it and throw it away only if you are in the highest state. It's the only way to see that it's garbage. If you are in that very stage, you cannot throw it away. You can think.

And remember, thinking, "I want to drop it," is actually a way to protect it. Or think, "I don't want this." The more feverishly you scream that you want to drop it, the more it shows that you are deeply rooted in it.

There is no question of dropping anything.

Here is my understanding: instead of discarding something, why not move away from it?

These are two different things.

You are standing on the stairs. You want to drop it while you're standing on it. If you drop it, you will fall. The only way to drop it is to move further up the higher rung so that the lower one loses its effectiveness. The further you go from the lower, the more the darkness disappears.

So always remember: never focus on the negative.

But all religions have taught people negative things. They are responsible for the misfortune of mankind and the halting of its evolution.

Mahatma Gandhi had five basic principles that were taken as the basis of all religions in India. But the most important thing to notice when looking at these principles is that they are all negative.

Here are just three of them:

Ahimsa, non-violence is "not" shows a negative approach. In fact, they should take care of the violence, because that is the real problem. When they talk about ahimsa, non-violence, they are saying, "We don't want violence, no violence: non-violence."

Asteya, not false; they cannot simply say: the truth. They have to look in a roundabout way: "not true" to make it negative. But the emphasis is on untruth. Instead of discovering the true, the untrue must be discarded. The untrue will disappear.

Aswad- eating without tasting, - "a" in Sanskrit means "not", "no"; it's negative. Ahimsa, asteya, aswad: everything must be negative.

All the religions of India have adopted these principles, and no one in the whole of history has paid attention to the simple fact: why make them all negative when the positive is available? This is not just an accident.

This is how our mind functions. Just a little thing is enough for him to make her big, concentrate on her, want to drop her, start fighting with her, and in this struggle she becomes bigger and bigger. The more you fight with her, the more you give her energy, the more energy she gets, and the more often you find yourself defeated.

And thus a strange vicious circle. You fight and you fail: each time you fail, your courage decreases to fight on. You know it's not simple work you've fought before; defeat is imprinted in your mind - whatever you do, you will fail in it. You can try again, but you will still fail. No one can fight any negative state.

So don't think in terms of throwing this regression back into childhood. You already know that there are moments when you don't regress, so why not focus on this state and spread it throughout yourself. Focus on the positive and the regression will disappear because it is only a memory. You are no longer a child. Nothing serious, just an inscription on the water.

You left this child far behind. It's only a memory. Don't make it too tangible by fighting it. The best thing you can do is ignore her. Don't give her any juice. Even if occasionally it happens, ignore it; just make it clear to yourself that it's just a memory and nothing more. You can't regress, it's just a childhood memory. You cannot become a child, but this memory is there.

In childhood, every child experiences moments of helplessness. He is small, dependent, everyone around is big and strong, and he finds a small corner in the house and hides in it, cries in it. That memory is still there, but it is just a memory. It can be erased, and an easy way to erase it... Your moments of radiance are real, not a memory, they are happening now. They have power. Spread these moments more.

Just consider these moments: what causes them, what brings them. Walking on the beach helps them, sitting by the pond helps them, sitting silently under a tree helps them, playing the guitar helps them. Whatever helps them, find those elements, figure them out, and let them get stronger and stronger. But memory has no power, you give it power. She will disappear.

I don't want you to drop it. I would like it to disappear by itself. Then it won't leave a scratch behind. If you drop it... first of all, no one has ever been able to drop anything.

I categorically declare: no one in the entire history of man has succeeded in discarding anything. Those who tried failed. And if somehow they managed to drop one thing, they had to replace it with something similar. Someone quits smoking and starts chewing gum. Nothing is discarded. People were discarding - at least they believed that they had discarded something, they had renounced everything - but in a certain situation, what they considered discarded pops up again.

Ramateertha, a very famous Hindu sannyasin, traveled all over the world and was very respected everywhere. He was a good speaker and handsome man. But to get respect all over the world... because before the Christians he glorified Christ, before the Jews - Moses, before the Muslims - Mohammed, and spoke about the Koran. Naturally, he was respected. He thought that he was respected, but in this he was mistaken. If he criticized Muhammad, the same Muslims who revere him would kill him; then he would know what it was they respected. These Muslims reveled in the Hindu sannyasin giving glory to the Qur'an, their holy book, their prophet, their God. Naturally, they will respect such a person. This is a mutual phenomenon.

Ramathirtha came to India from a world tour and deep down he expected that if he was given such respect in other countries, it would be even more so in India. He wanted to start his movement from Varanasi, the center of the Hindu religion.

And when he got up to speak, a learned Brahmin stood up and said:

Before you start talking, I would like to ask a few questions. First, do you know Sanskrit?

Ramatirtha grew up in the border provinces of India, now in Pakistan, where both Persian and Urdu are spoken.

He said:

No, I don't know Sanskrit, but I have read all the Sanskrit scriptures translated into English, Persian or Urdu.

This learned brahmin laughed and said:

First learn Sanskrit because it cannot be translated. It is a divine language and cannot be translated into ordinary languages. First learn Sanskrit, then come here. Secondly, who gave you sannyas?

Ramatirtha did not take sannyas from anyone. When he was a professor at the University of Lahore, Vivekananda made a tour throughout India. Vivekananda spoke at the University of Lahore, where Ramathirtha was a professor of mathematics, and made such an impression on him that he simply quit his job and changed clothes. Ramatirtha had no idea that sannyas had to be taken. He simply became a sannyasin in orange clothes and went to the West, from where Vivekananda returned. There were already people there who were interested in Vivekananda, and they immediately gathered around Ramatirtha.

And Ramatirtha said:

I have not taken sannyas from anyone.

And the people gathered around laughed.

They said:

Look at this idiot. He does not know Sanskrit, he has never been initiated. You should be ashamed of yourself. And you have also become a global messenger of Hinduism!

Ramathirtha found himself in such situations many times outside of India, but they never touched him. Nothing ever hurt him. People insulted him, people opposed him, fanatical Christians shouted slogans against him, but nothing moved him. Something happened that day. He was in such agony that when he got home he threw away his orange clothes, changed into ordinary clothes and asked the Brahmin to teach him Sanskrit.

If he really was a realized person, he would say to them:

Nothing is divine when it comes to languages. No language is divine, although all languages ​​claim to be divine.

Language has nothing to do with experience. Do you think that just knowing Sanskrit makes you self-realized? Then all these pundits are realized people. Then Buddha and Mahavira were unrealized people because they had no knowledge of Sanskrit.

And who do you think gave initiation to the Buddha? Initiation or not, sannyas is your own decision. You can get it from someone else, or you can take it yourself.

But he couldn't say simple things. He felt ashamed in front of simple Sanskrit experts who knew nothing about self-realization or sannyas. He moved from there to the Himalayas, and this shock was so great that, in the end, he committed suicide - he jumped from the mountain into the Ganges.

He came with great expectations that he would be respected, that he would be hailed as the greatest Hindu of the age - but the exact opposite happened.

Ramatirtha's followers say that he took samadhi in the Ganges. It was not samadhi; samadhi is possible only when you are enlightened and feel that the body is no longer needed, that it has done its job and needs to rest. It is a decision of fulfillment that comes neither from disappointment, nor from despair, nor from a sense of defeat. But at this time Ramatirtha was not blissful. All his bliss is gone. He felt great bitterness, great anger, and out of shame committed suicide.

And there is still a small group that continues to follow the books of Ramatirtha. I have seen these books, there is nothing in them. He was just a good speaker. None of his statements give the slightest indication that he was enlightened.

And what happened at the end makes it clear that his life was just... he was a good professor, he had the power of expression - he could speak. Seeing Vivekananda being accepted as a great man, he became ambitious. It was an ambition.

People say he disowned his family. I won't say it because when his wife came to see him in the Himalayas he said to his companion Puuran Singh:

Close the door. I don't want to see this woman.

Even Puuran Singh could not believe his ears. In his diary he wrote: “I told him if you have disowned your wife, how will you recognize her then? If you have renounced, there is no question of recognition, all women are the same. You've seen every possible woman, but you can't see this one who came from afar?

She sold all her jewelry - you left her no money at all - just to get to you, just to touch your feet, and you're acting so rude. So if you tell me that you want me to close the door, then I'm leaving you. Enough for me! What you did in Varanasi and are doing now is enough for me to understand that you were only posing and acting. Otherwise, let this woman come in.”

And immediately after that, Ramatirtha jumped into the Ganges.

If you have renounced a woman as your wife, then she becomes an ordinary woman again, just like everyone else, and there is no distinction for you. If there is a distinction, it means that the renunciation was false.

And here is my understanding: every renunciation is false until things fall away by themselves, whether it be money, or childhood memories, or some mental problem. Don't try to drop them. By discarding them, you give them importance. They should be ignored.

Put all your energy into what's grown up in you, what's growing bigger and bigger. When there is no energy left for these childhood memories to come to life, they will disappear. No direct action needed.

Let me repeat again: no direct action against the negative thing, otherwise you will always remain caught in its web. Focus on the positive, the affirmative. If it is positive, affirmative, it will bring you freedom, freedom from these problems.

Dear Osho,

If the heart does not know how to ask questions, then does not my mind bleed like a heart when I ask you about certain things?

The heart cannot ask questions, but it can provoke the mind to ask questions about itself. The heart itself has no language, but it has its own way of provoking the mind to ask its own questions. Of course, in this transmission from heart to mind, the question changes form, it is no longer exactly the same. Sometimes it can even become the opposite.

That is why the heart can cry and weep. It feels helpless. It doesn't know how to ask. He has to use the mind, but the mind can only ask in a way that belongs to the mind and not to the heart.

It's like giving poetry to a mathematician and asking him to translate poetry into mathematics. If the mathematician is intelligent, he will refuse: “This is nonsense. This cannot be done. How can poetry be translated into mathematics? But if it's some eccentric mathematician, he can take the job. This will be the butcher's job.

You will be surprised: books of poems about medicine and grammar are written in Sanskrit. What does grammar have to do with poetry? What does medicine have to do with poetry?

It has puzzled me since childhood. There were several Ayurvedic doctors in my small town, and they wrote their names on nameplates, preceded by the word kaviraj. Kaviraj means poet, king of poets. It was incomprehensible to me that the doctor... why? - and all of them ... It is possible that a doctor can be a poet at the same time. But no, it was a degree. After receiving all the degrees, this was the last. In the same way that modern doctors write before the name - "doctor", they wrote - "kaviraj", and kaviraj means "king of poets."

Even as a child, it bothered me. I told my father

It's all right, but if I get sick, please avoid these kavirajas - because what does medicine have to do with kavirajas?

One of his friends was himself a famous doctor. I used to go to him. And I asked him:

Read me the verses you wrote. I would like to hear them.

What verses? - he asked. - It's just a tradition. In the past, books on medicine were written in verse, and this has become a stable combination. Only poets wrote books on medicine. And of course they were the kings of poets, because an ordinary poet cannot write a book on medicine. What is romantic about medicine, describing all sorts of herbs, roots and potions? What's romantic about this? But linguistically it can be arranged: instead of writing in prose, it is possible to write it in verse.

And he said to me

It's just a tribute to tradition. Don't think that all these people are poets. We know nothing about poetry, but from the distant days of the past, the most ancient books were written in poetic form, not in prose. And those who wrote these books really became the kings of poets. And now it has become an honorary degree. The one who wrote the thesis on these ancient books is awarded the degree of "kaviraj". But this is stupid.

The heart will weep and wail because it has only a vague desire to ask a question. It cannot explain to itself what the question is. Maybe it's not a question. Maybe it just wants to express itself, its gratitude, its love, its trust, its feelings in my presence. In the process of putting it into the mind, the mind makes a question out of it. The mind is a factory for the production of questions: put anything into it, and the output will be a question.

I heard about one poor man who never came to the big city. He was old. He had never seen a big city, never seen an elevator. He saw an old woman enter the elevator, a very old one, and the elevator doors close. He stood and watched what was happening, wondering where this old woman had gone. The elevator moved up. He said:

Lord, what happened to that old woman? She has no one to help, what will happen when she lands?

A few minutes later the elevator returned and a beautiful young girl stepped out. He said:

I understand now. But I'm an idiot. I left my wife at home! So this car... they're investing in it. old woman, and five minutes later she turns into a young girl who comes out of it. My old lady would love this.

Next time, he said, when I come here, I will take her with me.

He didn't think of himself because he was standing in front of an elevator that said Women Only. He thought maybe this machine only works on women, not men. But there is no harm in this; at least my wife can become young, and maybe there is somewhere some kind of machine that makes men young too.

The mind constantly creates questions. He receives a certain vibration from the heart and immediately translates it into a question. And the heart is crying, because this is not at all what it wanted.

But you don't have to worry. I am not answering your questions, I am answering your hearts. Therefore, I am trying to establish what a harmful distortion the mind has caused this question, and to extract an essential part of it, which the heart may have wanted to express.

So don't cry and don't cry. This question is from Chetana - she is the ultimate expert on crying and sobbing. Just wait for my answer; do not start crying and sobbing from the very question. The mind knows nothing else.


Surrender also means "surrender"

That is, here, “psychologically returning to childhood”

From the book The Master is a Mirror: The Tantric Ecstasy of Unity author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

From the book The Amazing Power of Conscious Intention (teachings of Abraham) by Hicks Esther

Chapter 26 adult daughter, which in relation to me is behaving simply terribly. I spend so much time and effort on her - everything is not enough for her! Even when we are together, she does not stop crying that I do not give her enough

From the book Money and Abundance by Burbo Liz

Chapter 28 Some new needs constantly pop up, for which I have to spend almost all that I earn. In addition, I have to make a lot of loan payments. Here

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 08 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

I answer your letters Question. I was born in 1945, but at the age of sixteen, when I received my passport, I corrected my birth year to 1943 myself. What year should be called by the master in the treatment. Answer. Of course, your real year of birth, that is, 1945. Question. If given at baptism

From the book Future Modeling Map. How to find the true meaning of your destiny and create a new reality author Byron-Reed Colette


From the book Extrasensory abilities. See clearly, hear clearly, know clearly by Sawyer Heidi

CHAPTER 5 Your Magical Allies This inner voice has both softness and clarity. To get to authenticity, you really have to get to the bottom of it, to the honesty and inevitability of something. Meredith Monk Wisdom begins with interest. Attributed

From the book Wish Fulfillment Technique author Sunlight Elinaya

Chapter 10 psychic abilities Exceed Your Expectations Many people ask me how to control their abilities when they are so strong that it causes discomfort. Most people have a psychic gift

From the book Fundamentals of Corrective Palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand author Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Here it is… A ready answer to all your questions Are you surprised? Me too... Are you surprised that the chapter title page is blank? And I am surprised that you still want ready-made answers ... Let this blank page remind you that life is a blank slate, and there is no

From the book Beyond Enlightenment author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

Chapter 6 Fingers indicate your abilities We have examined how the features of the structure thumb a person's hands reveal his character and behavior. Now let's move on to considering the abilities of a person, based on the structural features of his little finger,

From the book Conversations on Karma author Ivanchev Alexey Viktorovich

Chapter 10 I Answer Your Questions to Destroy Them The first question is: Osho, What is the difference between obeying a master and following his instructions? This is a difficult question. no instructions. In his presence

From the author's book

Why do I so rarely answer questions? I get asked this all the time. Indeed, in class I ask you more questions than I answer them. And there is no trick, no malice here. And believe me, I do not fill my worth in this way. It's all about the specifics

2011-10-26 11:56 (UTC)
uhh! Great! Please tell me, when sending applications, did you aim specifically at scholarship places? or did not comment in any way that you are not going to pay for your studies?
It depends on where you apply. In most cases, technical postgraduate studies at universities are paid for by the university itself. This is due to the fact that Americans do not go to graduate school in technical fields. In order to develop the science of their country, the Americans came up with great amount different programs, on the admission of foreign citizens to universities so that they work where there are not enough Americans. This is a great opportunity for a citizen of any country to move to the states, work steadily and receive a salary, of course, taking into account the fact that everywhere there are nuances and difficulties. Therefore, there are many Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis and citizens from overpopulated countries in the states.

2011-10-27 10:36 (UTC)
a couple of questions: is the scholarship enough to live on?

Enough for household expenses. Difficulties arise with the purchase of a ticket to Moscow, it is about $ 1000 in both directions, which is not a little. In the states, the economy works differently. On the one hand, they give a lot, and on the other hand, they immediately take away a lot. Rent, insurance, taxes, any payments. There is a constant cash flow and the velocity of money circulation is very high, which generally contributes to the growth of the country's economy. You can answer from the series that not enough is enough for someone who has a lot, but for someone who has enough.

A similar procedure was performed when I was a third-year student.

There are different sources of income and funding.

Tuition (tuition fee) is covered, in this case, by the university itself. It often happens that a student could not defend himself in five years (the average time for graduate school in the states), then the university stops paying tuition and offers the student to teach, that is, to take a certain subject and conduct a course of lectures on it. This is beneficial for the university, in the sense that it is not necessary to pay a high salary to a qualified professor for teaching, and to a student, in that he can stay at the university for another year.

The scholarship has its own sources, it can be the Faculty, in most cases the scholarship for graduate students in the first year is paid by the faculty / university, while the student decides on the choice of professor.

The source of the scholarship may be a grant that the professor wins for his project. After that, he determines which of the students will work on this project, and the payment of expenses, for example, for conducting experiments, as well as a scholarship for students, comes from the grant.

The third option is Teaching Assistant, this is not teaching, but helping the professor who teaches. It is necessary to check the homework of students, control and help students in mastering the material. The student can come to the TA at the designated time and ask any questions about the DL, or on the topic covered. It is not uncommon for a grant option and TA to go together.

This is how it works in Notre Dame, it may differ from university to university, but the idea is the same everywhere.

Is it true.

2011-10-27 20:59 (UTC)
Tell me, did you indicate this somehow in your statements or letter, or anywhere else? How exactly was this issue resolved in practice?
Did you immediately discuss somewhere separately that you want to receive financial support, or do universities always offer it themselves? I think you understand that this question is one of the most important...
Do you pay for your studies? If not, how did you achieve this?
2011-10-26 17:04 (local) Select:
did you get a scholarship or did you pay out of your own? How many?

In some applications it was necessary to indicate, but in most cases it is understood that the student is applying for funding as well. A rare foreign student will be able to pay about $40,000 a year. In fact, there are three levels of response letters to the application: 1. Refusal. 2. Invitation with out-of-pocket tuition. 3. Invitation with tuition fees paid by the university.

Of course not, these are astronomical sums, and half of infinity is also infinity. The question was very simple, if yes, then with the full package, if not, then no.


Thank you, it's true important point. I went to graduate school, not to bachelor's degree. On the other hand, it is unlikely that I would start re-entering the university for a bachelor's degree, having already practically received it here.


Really. If I had the information that I have now, then I probably would have started preparing for admission while still at school. In general, of course, now I would do everything differently. I often hear that it is much more difficult and almost impossible to enter a bachelor's degree without paying for studies, since all education in the states is paid. It's harder to do, but it's possible. I know three guys from the countries mentioned above who have completed their bachelor's degree with full tuition fees. One guy from Nepal said that when he entered, he went to the local library and at first communicated with universities by fax, since there was neither a computer nor the Internet at home. Then he switched to emails and entered Scolarship for all four years of study. Further, he also entered Notre Dame, on the economy.


There are different application deadlines for international and local students. The table may contain data for local students, but I think you can find universities with a late deadline if you wish. If the application is strong, then the faculty can accept it even after the deadline.

I started in the third year, received an invitation in the fifth. It is not necessary to have the required degree at the time of application. The fact that at the time of submission the student does not yet have documents on graduation from the university is taken into account, it is enough to indicate in the application the planned date of receipt of the diploma.

Books and electronic tests on the computer for a while.

Yes, it is possible for postgraduate programs.

No. This is the most important thing. For some reason, we people from Russia are very eccentric. We either unreasonably have a very high opinion of ourselves, or vice versa, we greatly belittle ourselves, our capabilities, we do not believe in our strengths. We are either satisfied with something and admire it, or vice versa, we are unreasonably very angry at everything around.

2011-10-26 20:01
I would like to point out that math at Notre Dame is not in the top 20 at all, but rather somewhere in the 40-50 region. It's also not bad, of course, but still you should not mislead people.
Sorry for taking the second level
... but Notre Dame Mathematics 46 ( ), and not at all 19. This is what is important, the college as a whole has little effect on the quality of teaching specifically in mathematics. So you entered the Top 50, for which, of course, you can also be congratulated.

There are a huge number of ratings and they vary greatly in meaning. There is a rating of Graduate universities, there is a rating of Undergraduate universities, there is a rating of Graduate programs (for example, applied mathematics), and there are ratings of Undergraduate programs. In all these rankings, the university/program will be ranked different places. Rating is a subjective concept, but in general it provides an overall picture of the university and appropriate conclusions can be drawn. Of course, I did not try to mislead anyone or wishful thinking. The ranking that I have given is the national ranking of universities. The ranking you provide is the national ranking of university programs.


2011-10-26 23:38 (UTC)
What about students over the age of 30? I heard it's the norm in the US.
2011-10-27 05:55 (UTC)
Very good style letters + structure. All clear.
Question: Is there a chance to go there at the age of 26?
2011-10-26 17:53
Thanks for sharing, very interesting =)
by the way, what average age students of the same Notre Dame? Your post is very motivating, but alas, I'm already 27;) Although ZheZhe recently had a story from a 35-year-old girl, she really studies at Canadian McGill.

It is not uncommon for a student to come to a graduate program being over 25 years old. This happens, for example, because in his country he studied for four years for a bachelor's degree (22 years), and then three years for a master's degree (each country has its own rules), and came to receive a Ph.D. Situations are different, the range of ages on the program is very large, 22-32 years old.


From the comments:

no subject

The decision to act was not made against the background of statements in blogs about Russian lawlessness and cruel Russian reality. At the time of admission, the second or third year of university, I thought little about politics, and Putin in my mind was a kind of Peter the first and I sincerely believed in the revival of Russia, its sovereignty, was not better opinion about Americans and felt free thinking person. All these myths were dispelled after a month's stay in the states, but the idea to leave arose long before that.

2011-10-27 23:38 (UTC)
very helpful post, thanks!
Did I understand correctly that you chose 20 universities to submit documents, and some of them were outside the top 80 and 100 because you fit their requirements? And from the TOP-20, you were the only one who came to Notre Dame based on the results of the exams?
and by the way, you can also order envelopes, designs in a printing house, so as not to waste time yourself..html

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