Children's Day: history, traditions and facts. International Children's Day (Children's Day) And when is Children's Day

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for being stupid.
The evil of your bad days
Never rip on them.

The first day of summer brings smiles to the faces of schoolchildren. After all, the longest vacation begins, three whole summer months. Day 1 June remarkable not only for this. On this day many countries celebrate International Children's Day(International Children's Day), or .

Why did people suddenly decide to protect children? And from whom, or what?

After the Second World War, the issue of disadvantaged children around the world worried and excited many. As never before, the number of orphans, starving children and having no permanent shelter has increased.

The history of the holiday originates from 1949, when the issue of protecting all disadvantaged children was raised in Paris at the Women's Congress, and already in the next 1950 on the day of June 1 For the first time, a holiday dedicated to this issue was held. Many countries picked up this tradition, and since then International Children's Day celebrated in Europe, Asia, and not only.

Along with this holiday, there are several more dates dedicated to children's topics. This World Children's Day, which has been celebrated on November 20 since 1956, Africa Children's Day(June 16).

Exists symbol international day child protection- a flag depicting the symbol of the planet on a green background, and five multi-colored figures around its circumference. The green background symbolizes fertility, growth and harmony, the planet is the common home of all children, and the colorful figures symbolize tolerance and diversity.

In the era of the USSR, countries with a socialist course of development actively supported the newly introduced holiday. Since then, the children of the countries of the former Soviet republics habitually spend this day in parks, where numerous events and concerts are organized in their honor. On the streets of the city on this day there are many children with balloons. As never before, it is noisy and crowded near the attractions, many families relax in nature.

This day is not a holiday in the working days calendar, so if June 1st falls on a weekday - most grandmothers take their grandchildren to concerts and buy treats.

In addition to this, it should not be forgotten that Children Protection Day Not only fun party but also an occasion to think about needy and orphaned children and provide them with all possible support and assistance.

On this day, actions and rallies are traditionally held against abortion, in support of unborn children. They also care for disabled children and orphans. As a rule, all willing and permanent volunteers bring gifts to orphanages, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, where they become spectators of concerts with the participation of the children themselves.

Every year in International Children's Day concerts and theatrical speeches that touch upon the pressing problems of children in the region. In countries that are in a state of war or its threat, actions are held to call for a peaceful existence. Traditionally, they organize meetings with refugee and internally displaced children, as well as prepare meals and other assistance for disadvantaged and needy children.

On this day, all children's creative teams strive to show their skills and the results of children's creations. Performances of musical, theatrical, sports sections, art and creative exhibitions of children's works are held in all settlements.

IN International Children's Day It is customary to think about the instability in the world, and to show care and support to children who find themselves in a difficult situation by the will of fate or through the fault of adults. The slogan of such meetings and actions should be the words “there are no other people's children”!

Peaceful sky above your head and a well-fed childhood to all children on Earth!

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for being stupid.
The evil of your bad days
Never rip on them.
Don't be really angry with them.
Even if they are guilty
Nothing is more precious than tears
That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.
If fatigue falls from the legs
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, your son will come to you
Or the daughter will stretch out her hands.
Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is it happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.
After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will fly by
And leave the hearth of the native
Your grown up children.
Flipping through the album
With photographs of childhood
Sadly remember the past
About the days we were together.
How will you want
Back at this time again
To sing a song to them,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.
And while children's laughter is in the house,
Nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world
Please take care of your childhood!

The favorite time of the year for all schoolchildren - summer - begins with International Children's Day. This bright and joyful holiday appeared a long time ago and has an interesting history.

International Children's Day - the history of the holiday

At the beginning of the last century, the Chinese consul decided to gather on June 1 children who had lost their parents and arrange a holiday for them. IN Chinese traditions this celebration was called the Dragon Boat Festival. On the same day, a conference was held on the problems of the younger generation. Thanks to these two events, the idea arose to establish a holiday dedicated to children.

In the post-war years, concern for the health and well-being of children around the world was very important. During the war, many of them lost their relatives and friends, remained orphans. In 1949, at the Congress of Women in Paris, its representatives called on all people to fight for peace. After all, only he can ensure the happy life of our children. During this period, the International Children's Day was established, the first time the holiday was celebrated on June 1, 1950, and since then it has been held annually.

In 1959, the United Nations proclaimed the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, whose recommendations for the protection of children were accepted by many states of the world. And already in 1989, this organization approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which defines the obligations of all states towards their minor citizens. The document spells out the duties of adults and children's rights.

International Children's Day - facts

For more than half a century international children's holiday got my own flag. The green background is a symbol of harmony, growth, fertility and freshness. In the center is the image of the Earth - our home. Around this sign are five stylized multi-colored children's figures holding hands, which represent tolerance and diversity.

Unfortunately, today, all over the world, many children need treatment and die without receiving it. Many kids are starving without having their own home. They don't have the opportunity to go to school. And how many children are used as free labor and even sold into slavery! Such outrageous facts call on all adults to stand up for childhood. Moreover, you need to think about these issues not once a year, but every day. After all, healthy children are the happy future of our planet.

International Children's Day - events

On the occasion of the International Children's Day, many schools and kindergartens hold traditional holidays. Various activities are organized for children sport competitions, concerts are arranged, the guys participate in competitions with gifts and surprises. In many cities competitions of drawings on asphalt are held. Most parents arrange this day for their children family holidays and entertainment.

All over the world, in honor of Children's Day, charity events are held to raise funds for kids, who have no parents. After all, these children are completely dependent on us adults.

Visits to children's institutions by sponsors who provide material assistance to children have become traditional for this holiday. Children's homes, hospitals and hospices with seriously ill children deserve special attention from adults.

Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time in life. However, unfortunately, not all adults have such joyful memories of their childhood. Therefore, it is so important to make every effort to ensure that our children and grandchildren in the future have only warm memories of their childhood years.

Every year on June 1, the world celebrates International Children's Day, which is designed to draw attention to the protection of the rights of the child. This important and wonderful holiday is traditionally held with cheerful laughter and good mood.

Most likely, for many Russians it will not be difficult to name the date of the celebration of Children's Day, since this holiday is very loved in our country. Of course, it's June 1st. It just so happened that on this day the long-awaited summer holidays. Therefore, the little heroes of the occasion have twice as many reasons for joy. But adults usually do not rest on June 1, for them it is a full-time working day. Meanwhile, the children's holiday was created primarily for them, because its main goal is to tell all people about the problems and difficulties faced by the small and defenseless inhabitants of our planet, and to remind them how important it is to protect their rights.

A little history about the holiday of childhood

Although the International children's day is not an official holiday, in many cities and countries this holiday is celebrated with discussions and lectures on the rights and protection of children.

Also, the scenario for Children's Day includes a variety of mass entertainment and cultural events, sports competitions, concerts, contests, performances, entertainment and other festivities for children and parents.

Charitable events and events are dedicated to this day in favor of problem children, seriously ill children and those in need of treatment, children with disabilities, orphans and children from low-income families. Also on June 1, Children's Day, in many countries, opponents of abortion hold actions in defense of the rights of unborn children to life. Thus, they draw public attention to the problem of abortion and try to achieve a ban on this procedure.

After all, Children's Day aims to draw public attention to the problems of the child, to the protection of his rights, to the opportunity to grow up in a protected world, to receive proper development, medical care and education, rest and leisure, in order to ultimately get a happy childhood and grow up in full-fledged and prosperous citizens of their country.

Children's Day traditions

On this holiday, in many cities of the world, various events are usually arranged, the main characters of which are the little heroes of the occasion. These are exhibitions of children's drawings, and performances by children's creative teams, and sports competitions, and contests with prizes. At such events, all children are usually given bright air balloons and gifts. In other words, they do their best to please the little members of society.

June 1 TV channels also try to please the little viewers: by tradition, they include programs for kids in their programs. But to please the kids is not the only goal of adults on this day. They also want to help children in need. To do this, it is customary to organize various charity events and concerts on Children's Day. All money raised at such events goes to orphanages and hospitals (or other similar institutions). For example, in 2012, the action " White flower which aims to help children with cancer.

Also on this day, volunteers and volunteers usually come to "visit" orphans who have lost their parents and left without guardians, disabled children, babies who are forced to be under the constant supervision of doctors, and give them gifts. In addition, guests often hold educational seminars for children, at which they talk in an accessible form, for example, about legal and legal literacy. In addition, on Children's Day, " round tables”, to which experts, high-ranking officials and journalists are invited. Very important issues are usually decided at these meetings: how to help sick children, how to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged kids, and many others.

Meanwhile, educational events on this day are arranged for everyone. At them, those present are reminded how important it is to take care of the younger generation, and they talk about the problems of minors. Moreover, adults on this holiday try to help not only babies with non-childish problems, but also unborn children: on June 1, protests against abortion are traditionally held.

Holiday, dedicated to the day Child Protection, celebrated on June 1. And this holiday is one of the “oldest” among those that are of an international character. History tells that back in 1925, a decision was made in Geneva to hold this holiday. At that time, a conference on the welfare of children was being held there.

There is another accompanying version of the origin of the children's holiday. On the same day and year, the Consul General of China in the city of San Francisco gathered Chinese orphans and organized a holiday for them - the Dragon Boat Festival or Duan Wu Jie. It so happened that both events were held on June 1, which is why they began to celebrate International Children's Day on the first day of summer.

After the end of the Second World War in 1949 in the capital of France - Paris - a congress of women was held, where an oath was voiced for the constant struggle for peace, which is an obvious guarantee happy life children. And a year later, in 1950, on June 1, for the first time, a children's holiday was celebrated - Children's Day. Since then, it has become a tradition that most countries have followed rigorously for more than sixty years every year.

Holding a holiday

Today, Children's Day is celebrated in more than thirty countries around the world. Various entertainment events, competitions with gifts are arranged. There are a lot of concerts with the participation of world stars. Exhibitions and other cultural and educational programs are an integral part of the holiday.

Purpose of the holiday

Children's Day is aimed at solving children's problems that have accumulated a large number of in different areas. Children make up 20-25% of the population of any country. The dangers that lie in wait for them in different states differ significantly from each other. For example, in developed countries, this is a negative influence and excessive predilection for it. Computer games, which develop into, so negatively "program" the still weak children's psyche that they quite freely transfer virtual cruelty to the streets. Western Europe is horrified by too early start sexual life of their teenagers. The Japanese, who honor traditions and their way of life, are extremely negative about the penetration of "Western" values ​​into the market of the "children's" industry. The countries of Africa and Asia are not able to protect the health of children who are threatened by hunger, AIDS. The younger generation does not receive education and is constantly in the zone of armed conflicts.

Children's Day, as the name of the holiday speaks for itself, is a reminder to all those who have reached the age of majority and the older generation of the need to respect the rights of children to life, to the opportunity to believe and identify themselves with the religion that they choose themselves, to receive education, leisure and rest. These little inhabitants of the planet must be protected from psychological and physical abuse. There are still "organizations" that use slave child labor. And this must be fought.

Let every adult, before inflicting any kind of trauma on a child, remember - after all, he also “appeared” from childhood. And he also went through many difficulties, misunderstandings and problems. What did he feel then? How worried? And was there always a person nearby who could help him, who knew how to do it? Children are the future of our planet, and it is they who will have to correct everything that the older generation has done because of ignorance and negligence. And only a mentally and physically healthy baby will be able to grow into someone who will embody all the wildest hopes of their ancestors.

International Children's Day has been celebrated on June 1 in more than 60 countries for several decades. It was officially celebrated for the first time in 1950, but the origin children's day happened in the 20s of the last century.

Few people know that in 2016, Patriarch Kirill, on the occasion of the International Children's Day, timed a special appeal with an appeal to make donations to support women in a life crisis. May 29, at last sunday month, it was read in every temple, accompanied by a collection Money to create humanitarian aid centers for women who are expecting a baby. Fundraising, which took place throughout the country, brought 38 million rubles, which should be used to create new humanitarian aid centers.

Importance of International Children's Day in Russia

In Russia, the holiday continues to be celebrated on a large scale. It has never been and is not a day off, but it is on this day that schoolchildren's favorite time starts - summer holidays. Sports competitions, competitions, concerts, film screenings and other entertainment events are traditionally held in schools and preschool children's institutions.

Following good traditions, children's drawing competitions are held in city squares and parks. Like decades ago, kids draw the sun, the peaceful sky, mom and dad holding hands on the pavement. Loving parents try to spend this day with their child and give him a festive mood with the help of affordable entertainment.

Authoritative adults gather to solve pressing issues, and generous sponsors time financial assistance to coincide with the holiday. Particular attention is paid to helping orphanages, large families children from dysfunctional families and children suffering from serious illnesses.

Background and history of the International Children's Day

History knows that in 1925, on the very first day of summer, the Consul General of China in San Francisco found children who had lost their parents and organized a national holiday for them - Duan Wu Jie, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. In parallel with this event, the first international conference was held in Geneva on the first day of June, considering the pressing problems of the well-being of the younger generation. These events contributed to the birth of the idea of ​​a holiday dedicated to children.

Officially, the holiday was established in the post-war 1949 at the November Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. The first Children's Day in world history was celebrated on June 1, 1950, events dedicated to it were held in 51 countries of the world. The purpose of these events was to draw attention to the non-childish problems of those who cannot fend for themselves on their own. Above all, the organizers wanted to protect children from hunger and war. At this conference, they vowed to do everything possible to maintain peace throughout the planet.

The UN approved the initiative and contributed to the protection of the younger generation. In 1959, she drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which includes a number of articles that ensure the legal protection of underage citizens. The Declaration had no legal force, but its recommendations were readily accepted in many states.

After 30 years, in November 1989, the UN prepared the Convention on the Rights of the Child - the main document that defines the obligations of states to children. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the convection on July 13, 1990, and on September 15 it entered into force. In total, the document contains 54 articles regulating the rights of children and the obligations of adults towards them.

International Children's Day is also unique in that it has its own flag. On a rich green background, the planet Earth is depicted, around which there are multi-colored figures symbolizing children holding hands.
