Are you going to the festive prayer? Eid Prayer (Namaz) How to perform Eid Prayer.

On the eve of the upcoming holiday of Uraza Bairam (Eid-ul-Fitr), we invite readers to familiarize themselves with the material that reveals the features of the holiday prayer (Salat-ul-Eid or Eid-namaz), which is an important component of this day.

According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa

‘Eid is a holiday named in honor of the fact that the mercy of Allah Almighty descends on His servants and that they return every year with joy.

Both ‘id-prayers were established in the Sharia in the first year of the Hijri. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) they say that when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) moved to Medina, the inhabitants of this city celebrated for two days. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked about this, he was told that during the time of jahiliyyah they had fun these days. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that the Almighty gave them two days better than the previous ones - this is Idul-fitr (the holiday of breaking the fast) and Idul-adha (the holiday of sacrifice).

Everyone who is obliged to perform Jum'ah prayer should perform ‘id-prayer. The holiday prayer has the same conditions as the Friday prayer, i.e. two rak'ahs and a khutbah. For ‘id-namaz, the khutba is read (sunnat) after prayer. And on Friday, it is necessary (fard) to read the khutba before prayer.

The time for both Eid prayers comes when on that day the sun rises above the horizon by the size of a bayonet. This is the start time for Zuha prayer. By the time it will be 30 minutes after sunrise. The term expires before the lunch prayer, i.e. to the zenith.

The procedure for performing ‘id-prayers

Prayer begins with the words "assalatu jamia", which literally means "come to the collective prayer."

Everyone stands in rows and makes an intention (imam and ma’mums (standing behind the imam)) for the holiday prayer. Ma'mums, with intention, echo the imam. After saying the words "Allahu Akbar" ma'mums performing prayer behind the imam fold their hands on their stomachs. Read dua "Sana" ("Subhanaka Allahuma tabaraka ismuk wa ta'ala jadduka wala ilaha gairuk"). Then the imam begins to read the takbirs. They are also called added. These are three takbirs, not counting the takbir when entering into prayer, with each of them they raise their hands, as if to enter into prayer, then lower them, but do not fold them. Each takbir is pronounced separately from each other three times, with an interval for the time for which you can say "Allahu Akbar" or read subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa illaha illallahu wallahu akbar. After pronouncing the third added takbir, the hands are folded on the stomach. The Imam reads the Surah "Al-Fatiha" and preferably sura "A'la" aloud, then make a hand 'and judgment and stand for the second rak'ah. The Imam reads the Surah "Al-Fatiha" then preferably sura "Al-Hashiya". After reading, they proceed to takbirs, they are pronounced, as for the previous rak'ah, three times and the fourth takbir for ruku'a. Make a hand 'judg, read "Attahiyatu" and, as usual, come out of prayer with salaam. After salam, they remain seated, the imam reads both khutbas. After that, he reads a sermon (about the sacrifice or the feast of breaking the fast, respectively).

Takbir read in the days of tashriq

Tashriq is the drying of meat. Therefore, the 11th, 12th, 13th days of the month of Zul-Hijja, i.e., those following Eid al-Adha, are called the days of Tashrik (ayama Tashrik). These days, after performing all farz prayers, it is necessary for men and women to read takbir. It is read until the afternoon prayer of the 13th day.

The order of reading the takbir is as follows: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar. Allahu Akbar Walalahil Hamd". It is necessary to read it once after each prayer, and it is sunnah to read it three times.

Desirable activities on both days

These days, everything that is desirable on Friday is desirable: to swim, use a sivak, perfume with incense, put on best clothes go to prayer early. But for the holiday there are also additional sunnats: before going to the festive prayer of breaking the fast, it is advisable to eat something, preferably an odd number of dates. And before the prayer of Eid al-Adha, it is advisable to postpone the meal in order to eat from sacrificial meat.

On the way to the mosque (for prayer) they read takbir (on the day of breaking the fast - to themselves, on Eid al-Adha - aloud). It is advisable to go one way, return - another. Distribute zakatul-fitr before departure for prayer. It is advisable to make ziyarats at the cemetery after the prayer, to distribute alms as much as possible.

Both festive nights are spent in vigils, time is spent in worship of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), reading the Koran, performing prayers, remembering Allah.

It is advisable to perform both of these prayers in the field, it is condemned without good reason to perform them in mosques.

Some decisions related to both holidays

If you could not perform a collective holiday prayer (behind the imam), you do not need to compensate for it yourself. If the time of ‘id-namaz has passed (i.e., the time for lunch prayer has come) and you did not have time for prayer, then you can perform it the next day. Namaz Eid al-Adha can be performed on the next three days if there was a reason why it was postponed.

The one who enters the prayer after the imam, having read the takbirs, proceeds to read the sura "Al-Fatiha", will read the takbirs, following the imam, if he does not miss a hand after him. If he does not have time to follow the imam, he, having entered the prayer, will go to the hand, and he will read the takbirs there. If he enters the prayer after the imam rises from the ruk'a, then he will restore the missed one at the end of the prayer by the imam.

It is disgraceful to perform sunnat prayers before or after ‘id-prayers. They can be done upon arrival home. Khutba begins with reading the takbir: the first - 9 times, the second - 7 times. In the days of tashriq, takbir can be continued by adding: “... Allahu akbar kabiran walhamdulillahi kasiran wa subhanallahi bukratan wa asila la ilaha illallahu wahdahu sadaka wa'dahu wa nassara 'abdahu wa a'aza jundahu wa gazamal ahzaba wahdahu la ilaha illa lla hu wala na'budu illa iyyahu mukhlisina lahuddin wa lav karikhal kafiruna. Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin wa ‘ala askhabi Muhammadin wa ‘ala azwaji Muhammadin wa salim taslima.

According to the madhhab of Imam ash-Shafi'i

The holiday prayer has two rak'ahs, and the intention to perform it is done as follows: I intend to perform the desired Eid prayer of two rak'ahs in the name of Allah (following the imam)».

After pronouncing "Allahu Akbar" entering prayer, it is advisable to read the “wajjahtu” prayer, then it is advisable to raise your hands seven times as when entering prayer and say “Allahu Akbar”, and after six read the prayer. And after the seventh "Allahu Akbar" should read Surah al-Fatiha. (If the collective prayer is first read aloud by the imam, and then the mothers read it). After Surah "al-Fatiha" it is advisable to read the surah "al-Kahf" or sura "al-A'la".

In the second rakah after pronouncing "Allahu Akbar" standing up for the second rak'ah, it is advisable to pronounce "Allahu Akbar" in the above way and read the prayer "Subhana llahi walhamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar" after four, and after the fifth read the sura "al-Fatiha". After Surah "al-Fatiha" it is advisable to read the surah " al-Qamar", or "al-Gashiya".

If the prayer was collective, after it two khutbas should be read with the same conditions that should be observed with the khutbs of the Friday prayer.

If a person cannot perform prayer in the above way, he makes an intention for the Eid prayer and does the usual desirable prayer in two rak'ahs.

And since the Eid prayer happens once a year, a Muslim should not neglect it, and if he missed it by good reason, it is desirable for him to reimburse him.

It's hard to imagine the end today calendar year in Russia without a lavish celebration. This tradition appeared in Russia not so long ago. For many years in Soviet times, after the New Year's Eve, the next day, January 1, people had to go to work.

With the adoption of Christianity by Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in the 10th century, the history of the Russian church began to exist, and with it New Year began to celebrate according to Byzantine custom - September 1. During the reign of Peter I, the system of chronology changes - since 1700, the holiday begins to be celebrated on January 1.

After the reform of Peter the Great, the Church New Year in Russia continued to be celebrated on September 1, and January 1 was considered a secular holiday.

This continued until the Great October Revolution of 1917, after which the authorities canceled all the holidays that existed in the tsarist state. The next year after the "October" events, Russia, according to the decree of Vladimir Lenin, switched to the Gregorian calendar - so February 1, 1918 turned into the 14th. From that moment on, Christmas began to be celebrated on January 7 - instead of December 25 according to the old style.

Until 1929, when the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On working time and rest time in enterprises and institutions that are switching to a continuous production week" was issued, January 1 was non-working and festive. With the adoption of this document, the word "holidays" was replaced by "revolutionary days".

The cancellation in 1929 of Christmas led to the fact that the former holidays turned into working days. With the recognition of the Christmas tree as a "priestly" custom, the following campaign slogans began to appear: "Only the one who is a friend of the priests is ready to celebrate the Christmas tree!" “Guys are deceived that Santa Claus brought them gifts. The religiosity of the guys begins with the Christmas tree. The ruling exploiting classes also use the “nice” Christmas tree and the “kind” Santa Claus also in order to make obedient and patient servants of capital out of the working people,” anti-religious propaganda said on Christmas days.

In the first half of the 30s, Christmas did not officially exist - it was considered a relic of the past.

As for the New Year, the Soviet authorities considered it primarily a children's holiday, hence the absence of the need to release adults from work on December 31 and January 1.

During the "moratorium" on the New Year, there were daredevils who secretly nevertheless celebrated the holiday - they put up a Christmas tree, tightly hung the windows. There is an assumption that the tradition of celebrating the holiday with a feast, and not with solemn dances, developed precisely at the time when the New Year had to be celebrated in secret so as not to wake the neighbors.

I had to hide until the newspaper Pravda on December 28, 1935 published a letter from the statesman Pavel Postyshev, in which the author protested common man, thirsty for a holiday and fun. In his letter, he turned to the authorities and called for "arranging collective Christmas trees for everyone." After the publication, Joseph Stalin returned the New Year to people with a smart Christmas tree, but there was no talk of a day off on January 1 yet. The next day after the holiday people went to work.

Justice triumphed on December 23, 1947, when the government of the USSR made January 1 a day off. "The day of January 1 - New Year's holiday - is considered a non-working day," the text of the decree briefly reported. However, in the case when a holiday fell on a weekend, it was not transferred to the next working day, but disappeared.

“By declaring January 1 as a day off, the authorities legitimized the actual practice. Because the,

having spent the night, citizens came to their workplaces, to put it mildly, not in best form»,

- said in 1948 the curator of the exhibition "The First Day of the Calendar", which was then held, Irina Osipova.

Almost 60 years later, in 1991, Christmas returned to the homes of Russians - then January 7 was declared a free day from work. That year they showed Christmas services on TV and told people about the rules for holding a holy holiday.

Two years later - in 1993 - the Russians were released from work on January 2. The story continued in 2004 when Labor Code made new changes and gave the Russians the right to rest for 5 whole days - from January 1 to January 5. Together with the celebration of Christmas on January 7th, there were six free days.

Someone was pleased with the reform, and someone even these six days were not enough for a good rest. These disagreements led to the fact that in 2008 the speaker of the Federation Council, Sergei Mironov, proposed to extend the May holidays, shortening the New Year holidays. At the same time, Mironov previously proposed making December 31 a non-working day so that people “do not pretend to work, do not beat the thumbs at the workplace, but rather decorate Christmas trees and prepare at home for the holiday.”

Four years later, in 2012, it was nevertheless decided to extend the holidays to eight days - from January 1 to January 8. Taking into account the weekend, the holiday "day off" was about 10 days.

The authorities of foreign countries are not so generous to their citizens in the matter New Year holidays like Russian. For example, Americans only have time to recover from holiday dinners on two separate days, December 25 and January 1. The British walk a day more - two days for Christmas and one day for the New Year. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, they will get a bonus Monday.

Japan's holiday policy is similar to Russia's. Since 1948, the Japanese have received the official right not to work from December 31 to January 3.

At the same time, some companies stop working as early as December 29. In North Korea, December 31 and January 1 are considered national holidays, but holidays for the local population are more an occasion for active homework and going to a demonstration than for relaxation.

Despite the fact that Brazil celebrates New Year and Christmas, the days off are not included in these days. Brazilians have time to relax and have fun in February, when the national carnival takes place in the country for four days. Although officially these days are not considered days off, local residents are definitely not up to work during this period.

In Germany, as in many other European countries, Christmas is very reverent. There are two days off from here - December 25 and 26. Also, as a bonus, the Germans have a day off on January 1st. According to Jewish traditions in Israel, the New Year (Rosh Hashanah) this year was celebrated from September 20-22: it is on these days that the Israelis are freed from work. In Belarus, holidays begin on December 25 - the day of celebration catholic christmas. The fun continues on December 30, and ends on January 2.

By the way, in these new year holidays you can go to the cinema to see a movie

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When the holiday prayer was completed, one of the angels said: “Let everyone know that the Lord has forgiven you. So go back to your homes with joy. Today is the day of reward.” And this is also proclaimed in heaven.”

Those for whom Friday prayers are obligatory must also perform holiday prayers. Those for whom Friday prayers are not obligatory, such as women and children, are not obligated to perform Eid prayers.

There are 5 conditions for performing a festive prayer: mysr (the presence of a city or a large village), iznu ‘am (public accessibility of a place), imam, collective, time.

The time of holiday prayers is counted from the moment when the sun rises to a height of three arshins after sunrise until midday prayer.

If, for a good reason, the Eid al-Fitr prayer was not read on the first day of the month of Shawwal, it can be performed on the second day, but not on the third.

The festive prayer consists of 2 rak'ahs, but unlike the Friday prayer, it is read without adhan and iqamat and is always collective.

For prayer ‘Eid al-fitr, the intention is made as follows: “I intended to read 2 rak'ahs of prayer ‘Id al-fitr, I follow this imam. For the sake of Allah Almighty. Allahu Akbar."

The festive prayer is read as follows: after the intention, takbir is pronounced, then both the imam and those behind him read the san (praise), after 3 times in a row, raising their hands to the earlobes, they say takbir. Hands between takbirs fall, do not rest on each other. Then the imam, as in other prayers, reads the surahs aloud, bows to the ground and bows to the ground and again stands on the qiyam of the second rak'ah and reads the surahs loudly. After that, having finished reading, as in the first rak'ah, he raises his hands three times and pronounces the takbir, and on the fourth takbir he falls into a waist bow. After performing the waist and earthly prostrations, he ends the prayer as usual.

A person who is delayed, but has time for prayer before the imam uttered greetings, finishes his prayer on his own. If the latecomer did not have time to join the imam before greetings, then one should not read the prayer himself, since the holiday prayer has no replenishment.

After performing the prayer, the imam reads a sermon and instructions to people twice, which tells about the duties of a Muslim on the day of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, as well as the Sunnah of the Prophet associated with this day.

Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “I saw how on a holiday the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcome him, before addressing (to people) with a sermon, prayed without uttering a call to prayer. And then he got up, leaning on Bilal, and commanded (the people) to beware of the punishment of Allah Almighty and prompted them to submit to Him. He exhorted the people and reminded them (of Allah), and then he started to leave. And when he reached the women, he began to exhort them and remind them (of Allah), after which he said: "O women, give alms, for verily you will be the greater part of the inhabitants of Gehenna." Then one of the women with tanned cheeks stood up and said: ″Why, O Messenger of Allah?!″ Then he replied: ″It is because you complain a lot and show ingratitude (toward) your husbands″. And then they began to distribute their jewelry as alms, throwing their earrings and rings on Bilal's clothes.- [al-Bukhari, 978; Muslim, 885].

In the Friday prayer, one of the conditions was a sermon; in the holiday prayer, the sermon is Sunnah. If in the Friday prayer the sermon is read before the obligatory prayer, then in the holiday prayer the sermon is read after the prayers. It is reported that 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Abu Bakr and 'Umar used to pray the Eid prayers before preaching." - [al-Bukhari, 963; Muslim, 888].

In a hadith narrated from Jabir bin Nafir it is narrated: “When they met on Eid, the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to each other: “May Allah accept from us and from you.”

So let us believe and hope for the mercy of the Almighty, asking Him for forgiveness, that our fasts and good deeds in this holy month of Ramadan will be accepted.

0 September 20, 2016, 11:45

Organization of any holiday is quite a laborious process. After all, we all want the long-awaited birthday, bachelorette party, theme party or any other important day were perfect and, most importantly, extraordinary.

Someone turns to professionals for help, while others decide to organize everything on their own. And at this moment, the main thing is to understand how strong your nerves are, whether you have enough patience and whether everything will go to waste due to the lack of the necessary options. The company selection service has collected several useful tips, and also picked unusual places for a holiday that will be remembered for a long time and not only a headache from preparation.

Key points

Decide right away what you want from the event - a warm friendly meeting or cheerful large-scale festivities of the rich and famous. Based on this, it will be possible to determine the number of guests. Check with your friends right away - whether they will be with children or you can count on an exclusively "adult holiday" with the same "blackjack".

Create a general chat in a messenger convenient for you to save time on a detailed explanation of each important item from the program of the upcoming holiday.

Manage your budget responsibly and be sure to think about unexpected expenses that arise at the most inopportune moments. For example, someone may come unannounced +1 and you urgently need to deal with the issue of enough drinks or food. Having decided on the number of guests and the theme of the upcoming event, you can start looking for a suitable venue.

Look at the spark

Cafe, restaurant, bar, banqueting hall or a country club - there are a lot of suitable places for a holiday or a party, and you won’t immediately understand which one is better. In this situation, you can only rely on the opinion of visitors. For example, on the "Flamp" service, you can find a bar in the area you need and choose a suitable place by rating, location, average check, cuisine and other parameters.

However, you can celebrate well at home. So if you organize small holiday"for your own" and your house (apartment) allows you to arrange a home party, then why not take advantage of this? For example, you can arrange a regular friendly meeting with cocktails and pleasant music. Just take care of a sufficient number of light snacks in advance and try to surprise your guests not only with excellent musical accompaniment, but also, for example, with an unusual punch.

Costume parties also do not lose their relevance. And it doesn't have to be Halloween. There are many places in Moscow where you can rent carnival costumes and for one evening feel like Superman, Andy Warhol or Marie Antoinette.

Non-standard approach

When none of the restaurants and cafes are suitable, and the "home party" does not fit into your interior and plans, then you can arrange a holiday in a photo studio. Many Moscow studios work around the clock and provide their premises for events. And so that guests do not remain hungry, order catering, which will take all the worries of cooking from you. So, by organizing a holiday in a photo studio, you will get a cozy and atmospheric place, the opportunity to get beautiful photos as a keepsake and save yourself the hassle of organizing.

in striped bathing suits

If your holiday does not coincide with beautiful sunny weather conditions, but you really want a marine theme, then you can go to the water park. A few hours spent on steep hills will set a cheerful mood for the holiday. After this, you immediately want to continue the fun in some good bar or nightclub. You can, of course, choose a cool place in advance, book a table there, and after the water park, slowly go there. Or you can trust fate and act according to the situation. For example, find a suitable institution nearby using the mobile application "Flampa" (0+).

Pleasant trifles

On the eve of the holiday, you should take care of sending out invitations to all guests. They will be electronic or printed - you decide. Numerous printing houses and photo centers will help you print beautiful invitations, which are able to print invitations both according to your sketch, and create a completely new and original version. Sometimes, guests receive not just an invitation to a holiday, but also some kind of pleasant surprise. For example, you can additionally send out cupcakes or macaroni cookies to everyone.

Thinking about ourselves

Take some time for yourself a few days before the holiday. The most enjoyable part of the preparation is going to a beauty salon to shine at the holiday. Do not experiment with yourself on the eve of the event. Go to trusted masters and do the usual procedures to avoid unnecessary irritation, redness on the skin and not to hide failed coloring under the hat.

As you can see, organizing a solemn and unusual event is not so difficult. The main thing is to know where to look for everything you need. You can, of course, choose suitable places in in social networks, follow the recommendations of friends, go to the websites of the institutions you like, call them ... But, you see, in this way it can take a lot of time to prepare the holiday. It is much more convenient if all companies of interest are collected in one service - with search, reviews and complete list offered services.

Photo Arina Mostovshchikova

Celebration of the celebration in the form that is pleased with Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

The very word "Eid" comes from the word "Avd" ("repetition", "return") - perhaps because of the repetition of the holiday every year, or because of the many rewards prepared by Allah Almighty for His servants on this day, or from -for the return of joy upon his return. The word "al-fitr" means "breaking the fast".

Allah Almighty replaced for Muslims the holidays that were celebrated during the Jahiliyyah (the time of ignorance before the advent of Islam) with two great holidays of Islam:

1) a holiday at the end of the holy month of Ramadan,

2) the feast of sacrifice.

One of the significant features of the holiday was the performance of a collective holiday prayer.

The performance of the Salatul Eid Eid prayer was established in the second year of the Hijri, and the first Eid prayer that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) performed was the Eid al-Fitr prayer in the second year from the resettlement. Anas ibn Malik said that when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to Medina, the Ansar had two days in which they rejoiced and celebrated. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked them: what are these two days? They answered: these are the two days in which we rejoiced and celebrated during the jahiliyah. And the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Truly, Allah Almighty has replaced these two days for you with the best of the other two days: the holidays of conversation and sacrifice.”

The holiday prayer according to Shariah is sunatun muakkad (highly desirable prayer).

Also, some scholars said that the holiday prayer is “farzul kifayat” due to the greater attention and diligence of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) over its implementation. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) never left him before his death, and the companions after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) were zealous over his commission, due to the fact that he is considered one of the signs of Islam.

It is advisable to perform the Eid-namaz collectively, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) performed it, for all those who are obliged to perform the Friday prayer. It is also desirable to perform Eid-namaz individually for those who failed to attend the collective prayer. Collective prayer is considered better for everyone, with the exception of the pilgrim performing the Hajj. For him, it is considered desirable to perform an individual Eid-namaz.

Eid prayer times

The beginning of the time for the performance of Eid-Namaz begins with the sunrise on the first day of the month of Shawwal, and it lasts until the lunch adhan of the same day. The hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is transmitted by Al-Bara ibn Azyba: “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say:“ Truly, the first thing we start today with is prayer, ”and the day begins with sunrise the sun."

The one who missed the performance of id-namaz collectively with the imam, let him perform alone, and his prayer will be considered perfect if he managed to perform it before the lunch adhan; if he did not have time, then he missed the time of its completion. But it is desirable for him to perform it as a compensatory prayer, since it is desirable to compensate for Eid-namaz, like other desirable prayers.

On a holiday, it is advisable to postpone the performance of Eid-namaz a little until the sun rises in height to the size of a standing bayonet. So did the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

This is the wisdom that on a holiday it is desirable to distribute zakat-sakh (obligatory alms) before the holiday prayer, and moving the prayer back a little expands the time for distributing alms - zakat.

Eid prayer consists of two rak'ahs. Companion Umar said: "The festive prayer of sacrifice consists of two rak'ahs, the festive prayer after the month of Ramadan also consists of two rak'ahs."

Ethics and desirable actions on the day of the holiday

Bathing and cleanliness.

It is advisable to bathe on both holidays, just as one bathes on the day of Friday prayer. They say that Abdullah ibn Umar "did bathing on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr until dawn."

It is advisable to bathe the person who will be present at the collective prayer, and the one who cannot attend it. It is advisable to prepare for the holiday: shave hair from places where it is desirable to shave hair, cut nails, remove bad smell from the body and clothes. This is a holiday, and in it everything that is desirable to do on Friday is desirable.

Eating food.

It is advisable to eat something before Eid-namaz on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. The best is to eat what a person eats on ordinary days, or dates, if a person does not find what is mentioned, it is advisable to eat on the way or at the place of prayer, if there is an opportunity to distinguish this day from other days.

The hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), narrated from Buraidat, says: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not leave the house on the day of Eid al-Fitr without eating something ...”.

Wearing beautiful clothes.

It is advisable to wear the best of clothes on a festive day. The best color for clothes is white. Holidays, like Friday, are equal in desirability to wear nice clothes, on keeping cleanliness, on incense, shaving hair, removing unpleasant odors.

It is also desirable to participate in the holiday prayer for small children with their parents.

It is advisable for someone who goes to the Eid prayer to go to the mosque on foot, except if there is a reason not to do this: for example, illness or the distance of the place where the Eid prayer is performed, etc.

It is also desirable for someone who goes to the Eid prayer to go to the mosque or to the place where the Eid prayer is performed, one way, and return the other way. It is advisable to go there by the long road, and return home by the short route.

Presence of women at Eid prayer.

It is desirable to attend the festive prayer and women, except for those women who are the owners of beauty. For those women who are beautiful and who attract the eyes of men because of their beauty, clothes or incense, then it is undesirable for them to attend the holiday prayer.

In the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said: “You do not keep the slaves of Allah Almighty from the houses of Allah Almighty, let them come out without scented with incense.”

Staying in worship on a festive night.

It is advisable to revive both festive nights with worship: performing namaz, reading the Koran, remembering Almighty Allah (dhikr), turning to him with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins or something else, praising the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by reading salavat. This is how it is said in the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), narrated by Abu Umamat: “Whoever revives both festive nights, the heart will not die on the day when the hearts die.”

Imam al-Shafi’i (may Allah Almighty have mercy on him) narrates: “It has come to me that they say: indeed, a prayer is answered in five nights:

1) Friday night

2) on the night of Eid al-Adha

All of us should strive to follow the path established by Islam and move away from all prohibitions so that Allah will accept our fasts and other worship. May Allah accept our fasts and good deeds, illuminate our hearts with the light of iman and make us from among His righteous servants. Amen!
