Oh year. New Year: the history of the holiday and the calendar issue

New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples of the world. Not in all countries they meet him on the night of January 1, but everywhere they love and appreciate him. Already from the first days of December in all villages and cities there is a feeling of the approach of this winter celebration, which is considered the main holiday of the year. This is a day off, which in Russia also marks the beginning of a common, rather long, vacation. Traditionally, it is celebrated at home, next to the closest people, the holiday is considered a family holiday.

history of the holiday

On the night of December 31 to January 1, the New Year is not celebrated in all countries of the world. Very often, the main winter holiday is Christmas, and New Year's celebrations either end the Christmas period if Christmas is celebrated on December 25, or start in countries where Christmas is celebrated on January 7. In most countries of Southeast Asia, January 1 is an ordinary day, the new year is celebrated there on lunar calendar, and in Israel, the main New Year's celebrations take place in September, when Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated. No celebrations on New Year's Eve in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Iran, India, China, Saudi Arabia.

New Year is one of the main holidays of mankind, which can rightfully be considered one of the first to appear. It was celebrated as early as the third millennium BC in Mesopotamia. Historians assure that the holiday is even more ancient, this tradition is not less than five thousand years old. The ancient Egyptians celebrated it in a manner similar to modern day celebrations, with nightly festivities. Their New Year came in September, when the Nile flooded, which was an extremely important event. On January 1, Julius Caesar began to celebrate the holiday, he also established the custom of decorating houses.

In Rus', it was celebrated for a long time in spring and autumn, until Peter I postponed the celebration to early January. It is curious that in all Christian countries the New Year is a somewhat minor holiday compared to Christmas. In our country, this celebration is considered the main one for the reason that under Soviet rule, all church events marking was strictly forbidden.

Time new year holidays- this is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of each year with the onset of winter cold. How much do you know about the history of this holiday and the traditions of the New Year? We also remember how we prepared exactly a year ago for the outgoing year of the Tiger

The New Year always gives us hope for the best, gives us many gifts and pleasant emotions. During this period, we can easily feel like the heroes of a fairy tale. We all remember childhood, perceiving what is happening around us through the eyes of a child. Everyone so wants to believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who will certainly come to visit us and that somewhere far away, in cold climes, lives a beautiful The Snow Queen. Some will disagree with me, but in my heart it happens to everyone. And the New Year is to blame for everything - the time for the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. The main thing is to tune in only to the good, the good, and all wishes will come true

The meeting of the New Year carries the brightest feelings and is associated with hope, love and support. This holiday, like most others, is rooted in antiquity. On this day everyone is going big cheerful company and meet the year so that the charm of New Year's Eve will be remembered for a very long time

The history of the New Year has about 25 centuries. The celebration of the New Year among the ancient peoples usually coincided with the beginning of the revival of nature, and was mainly timed to coincide with the month of March. The decision to count the New Year from the month of "Aviv" (i.e. ears of corn), which corresponded to our March and April, is found in the law of Moses. Since March, the Romans also considered the new year, until the transformation of the calendar in 45 BC by Julius Caesar. The Romans on this day made sacrifices to Janus and started major events with him, considering him an auspicious day.

Only since 1700, the Russian Tsar Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according to European custom - January 1. Peter invited all Muscovites to decorate their homes with pine and spruce flowers. Everyone had to congratulate relatives and friends on the holiday. At 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went to Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky. Fireworks began in honor of the New Year holiday. About three hundred years ago, people believed that by decorating the New Year tree, they make evil forces kinder. The evil forces have long been forgotten, but the Christmas tree is still a symbol of the New Year holiday.

And now a little about the traditions of celebrating this wonderful winter holiday.

New Year's winter holidays had a lot of rituals: people played games, sang songs and danced round dances. The Magi predicted the future, and the girls guessed at the betrothed. But, most importantly, everyone went to visit each other. So, having entered the house during the holiday, on the table of our ancestors one could see pies in oil, dumplings, porridge with honey, goose stuffed with milk mushrooms and jelly. And after the meal, the guests were treated to the sweet drink suritsa.

But the basic rules that the ancient Slavs adhered to:

  • Wear something new to wear new clothes all year;
  • Throw away old things in order to cleanse the house and soul of all rubbish;
  • Have fun on the first day of the new year so that the whole year is joyful;
  • Prepare as many treats and delicacies as possible for the festive table in order to live in abundance all year;
  • Do not lend money for the new year, distribute all debts so that you no longer be in debt.

Now the New Year holiday is also full of various beliefs and traditions. In Italy, for example, they get rid of old things, and in Bulgaria, when people gather at the festive table, the lights are turned off in all houses for three minutes. These minutes are called "minutes of New Year's kisses", the secret of which is kept by darkness. An integral part of the New Year is Christmas tree(in some countries this is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas) and Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character who puts gifts to obedient children under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. There also appeared modern traditions New Year - the use of pyrotechnic products: sparklers, firecrackers, rockets, salutes, as well as the President's New Year's address to the people on television, New Year's concerts and films.

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree dates back to pre-Christian times. There is a deep ritual meaning in this ritual: the festive spruce is a symbol of the World Tree, the so-called Axis of the World, connecting heaven and earth (it is believed that the spirits of ancestors live on its branches). Therefore, decorating the fir tree with sweets, we present gifts to them. But all this applies only to living barely growing in the ground. It was strictly forbidden to cut down a tree, it was only possible to cut branches. What prevents us from making garlands of dried fruits, baking cookies in the form of birds, animals, houses and hanging them on a living Christmas tree in the forest, in the country house or in the park next to the house? And when the holiday is over, birds and even small animals (if you dressed up a Christmas tree in the forest) will enjoy treats with pleasure. So the tree can be saved from death and our smaller brothers can be fed.

What did our ancestors do to decorate their home during the New Year holidays?

They used everything that they used in everyday life. In addition, the decorations invented by them carried the function of natural amulets. To do this, they used embroidered towels, male and women's clothing, hats and scarves, tablecloths, curtains and bed linen. They painted the facades and gates of houses, doors, stoves, pottery and furniture. They collected brooms, wooden spoons, horseshoes, wreaths, braids from dried flowers, dried fruits, corn cobs, garlic and viburnum. It has long been known that those who were made relatives for each other had the greatest protective power.

Traditionally, New Year's Eve is considered a family holiday. Some people try to spend it in an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth, while others, on the contrary, plan a celebration of a more cheerful and incendiary nature, among friends, with a sea of ​​energy, dancing and boundless fun. Some extreme lovers are in a hurry to spend old year and meet the new one as brightly and dynamically as possible. In our time, celebrating the new year on a mountain top or in a cave has become a common thing for thrill-seekers and hardcore lovers. History remembers people who celebrated this holiday in scuba gear on seabed, in flight with a parachute. Everyone wants something unusual and memorable, they strive to surprise themselves and others. This is what makes the holiday of the change of year beautiful.

We live at the time of the birth of new traditions. Communication with the carriers of the old ones has long been lost. Create your own family traditions, which strengthens the connection of family members with nature and each other!

It will be true to say that the place of celebration of the New Year is not so important as the company of people who will surround everyone during the celebration is important. Although, it is worth noting that the competent combination of the venue, the selection of the company and the planning of the event will make each meeting of the Year a bright and colorful event. This is what will bring a little goodness, happiness and joy into the life of every person, and also charge him with positive for the next year.

And now the year 2009 has almost passed… The new year, 2010, is inevitably and exciting. And once again we are waiting for magical dreams and indescribable feelings of expectation of extraordinary miracles and fabulous events. 2010 is the year of the Metal Tiger according to the Eastern calendar. An old Burmese legend says that once the Buffalo defeated the Tiger in a fight and laughed at him. Since then, the Tiger cannot stand Bulls (and Cows), therefore, seeing off 2009, one cannot praise him. But the New Year 2010 should be met with respect and hope - this is the Tiger's liking. The tiger always goes forward, despises conventions, hierarchy and conservatism of the mind. The tiger is a sign of extraordinary action, unexpected situations and exceptional fate. In any case, the year of the yellow metal Tiger is the year of outstanding personalities and the battle of the strongest human ambitions, the year of achievements and testing the strength of all life.

As astrologers note, New Year 2010 should be celebrated under the auspices of hope and dignity. The tiger, similar in liking to the royal lion, loves this: admiration and exaltation, emphasizing its significance. He himself carries strength and action, power and ambition, while despising conservative rules and hierarchies built over decades. If you are an extraordinary person who is not afraid of strength tests, this is your year. It portends struggle and ups, grandiose battles and unattainable heights.

How to decorate a house? The decoration of the rooms and the table should include things made of metal: silver dishes, metal trays, ceramic-metal decorations. On the Christmas tree, it is better to make toys with your own hands and make hidden wishes. And, although, of course, the main decoration of the apartment is an elegant Christmas tree, you can complement the festive atmosphere with green branches, making winter bouquets out of them or New Year's compositions. IN color scheme decorative accessories should be dominated by white, black and yellow colors- "tiger color".

Festive table

Let's start with its decoration. This year one of the main attributes New Year's decor become candles. They should be of two colors, the preferred range is stripe, gold, purple or pure white. Cover the table with a tablecloth and serve it with your best service, while not forgetting the symbolism of the coming year. Place one in the center big figure Tiger or place a few small ones between dishes. You can buy napkins with the image of this beast - it will also turn out original.

New Year is the most for many of us. What is it worth pre-holiday fuss! Choose and beautifully wrap gifts for family and friends, buy a new outfit, decorate the Christmas tree and paint a delicious and unusual menu. And how this holiday is waiting for the kids! And no wonder - after all, on Santa Claus and his assistants, led by the Snow Maiden, obedient kids lay out coveted gifts under the tree.

And of course, no preparation for a magical night passes without some innovation. Someone decorates the Christmas tree in the latest fashion, someone arranges theme party, and someone conjures in the kitchen, inventing a culinary masterpiece. And despite the fact that traditional gatherings in front of the TV and a vase of Olivier are still observed in many families, each of us wants to bring something new to this holiday that will make New Year's Eve special and unique. Fancy and interesting ideas New Year's Eve celebrations can be found in this article.

Excursion to the past

According to scientists, the custom of celebrating the New Year originated in ancient Mesopotamia 3000 years before our era - and this is almost 25 centuries ago! True, among the ancient people the year lasted 10 months, and the beginning of a new one was celebrated at the end of March, when the rivers flooded and a new agricultural period began. The celebration lasted as long as 12 days, and on these days people were strictly forbidden to work. In addition, everything was allowed to everyone, slaves became masters and vice versa. The strictest taboo was imposed on the trial, punishments and executions - it was a period of a kind of anarchic permissiveness.

Innovation of Julius Caesar

The celebration of the New Year on January 1, or rather on the night of December 31 to January 1, is considered quite common in our time, and few people know that this tradition appeared thanks to Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. It was he who, in 46 BC, increased the annual cycle from 10 to 12 months, adding January and February, and signed a decree that the year should begin on January 1. On this day, the inhabitants of the Roman Empire brought gifts and sacrifices to the two-faced god Janus, the patron of entrances and exits, as well as the end and the beginning. Over time, they began to be used in all corners of the globe, and the celebration of the New Year began to be carried out in accordance with it.

First day of the year

Until the Julian calendar appeared in Rus', the year of the Russian people began in March, and the holiday itself was called nothing more than "The first day of the year." This continued until 1492, when a deeply believing Christian, the great Tsar John the Third, with the assistance of the Moscow Cathedral, signed a decree appointing September 1 as the first day of the annual cycle. On this day, it was customary to pay tribute, collect duties and dues. The New Year, the celebration of which was accompanied by monetary donations for ordinary people, nevertheless, despite this unpleasant moment, was loved by many of them. After all, only on this one day of the year any commoner could come to the Kremlin before the royal eyes of the tsar and seek justice and mercy from that one.

Emperor's New Year's Decree

The decree on the celebration of January 1 in 1700 was signed by the great innovator - Emperor Peter the Great. It was he who introduced the Julian calendar, which was used with might and main in Europe.

In addition, the sovereign ordered to celebrate the beginning of a new annual cycle within a week and personally checked whether the subjects were complying with his decree. So the New Year familiar to us entered the Russian Empire. The traditions of the celebration of Peter the Great "peeped" all in the same Europe: it was thanks to him that this holiday became the way we know it to this day.

Christmas tree, candles, New Year

Thanks to the decree of Peter the Great, the doors of all houses were open for any guest for 7 days, whether it was a simple hard worker or a boyar. Holiday bonfires were lit every night in all courtyards and streets, and in the windows of the houses the lights of lit bowls of oil flickered merrily. At the same time, a tradition appeared to put up a Christmas tree, which was decorated with everything that the soul desired: nuts, sweets, homemade toys and apples. It was such a fun celebration. New Year in Russia quickly became favorite holiday all people.

First New Year fireworks

By the way, Peter the Great also approved the New Year's fireworks, signing a decree to arrange a big fireworks display on Red Square, and also ordering everyone who has a cannon or a gun to shoot three times. More than 300 years have passed since then, but on the night of December 31 to January 1, we still celebrate the New Year. Celebration traditions and festivities, fireworks, richly laid tables and gifts - all these innovations of Peter the Great are still alive.

Following in the footsteps of Santa Claus

Without what, in a family with children, not a single New Year can do? The celebration for kids begins with gifts that the kind Santa Claus brought to them personally or quietly left under the Christmas tree. Do you know who he is and where he came from?

They say that the prototype of Santa Claus was quite a real man who lived in the 4th century. His name was Nicholas, and besides the fact that he had a good soul and a warm heart, he was an archbishop. According to legend, this holy man helped poor people by throwing bundles of gold into their windows, and if there were children in the family, then in addition to gold, toys and homemade sweets carved from wood turned out to be in the bundle. After the compassionate Nicholas ascended to heaven, he was canonized and declared a saint. Nikolin's day (the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker) began to be celebrated on December 19, and the saint's admirers continued the good tradition. In connection with the change of calendars, the dates were mixed up, and the custom of giving sweets and gifts to children was shifted to the New Year. Appearance Santa Claus has acquired new details over the centuries. The familiar image of a kind old man, without which not a single celebration of the New Year can do, was acquired in 1860.

New Year's chores

New Year is not only everyone's favorite Holy holiday but also very troublesome. On the eve of New Year's Eve, you need to solve a lot of issues: finish important things, come up with a New Year's menu, buy gifts, go to the hairdresser, buy a new outfit. But the most important: how, where and with whom to spend the New Year? The celebration scenario can be different and vary depending on what kind of impressions you want to get. After all, one thing is suitable for married couples with children, and completely different for unmarried boys and unmarried girls. Here are some ideas that will make your New Year's Eve celebration a happy and unforgettable one!

Idea #1: Restaurant

Let's make a reservation right away: for kids, celebrating the New Year in a restaurant will be too tiring: they will be capricious and cry, and their parents will get annoyed and nervous. As a result, the holiday will be hopelessly spoiled. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant without children.

If you decide to spend a magical night in a restaurant, the algorithm of your actions should be as follows:

  1. Choose a restaurant in advance, get acquainted with the cost of the entrance ticket and the show program, ask about the menu and learn about the dress code.
  2. Decide on the company for the New Year, discuss the details.
  3. Book a table at your favorite restaurant.
  4. Think over your image in accordance with the dress code approved by the restaurant program.
  5. Make time and sleep before a long day New Year's Eve and also visit a beauty salon to look perfect.

Idea number 2: a rented apartment

Celebrating the New Year in a rented apartment is a favorite practice of young people. And no wonder: the budget of most of them will not stand the test of a restaurant, and celebrating a holiday with their parents is no longer interesting. The main thing is to develop a plan and strictly follow it:

  1. Gather a group of friends with whom the New Year will be celebrated.
  2. Find an apartment that will meet all the requirements (it is desirable that it has several rooms for those who want to retire).
  3. Select the person who will be responsible for the rented apartment.
  4. Think over the menu and make a list of products.
  5. Divide the budget among all guests.
  6. Come up with a scenario for the holiday and, in accordance with it, decorate temporary housing.
  7. Decide in advance who does what and schedule tasks for everyone.
  8. stock up mineral water and activated charcoal tablets.
  9. After the New Year's Eve, cooperate and remove the traces of the celebration together.

Idea number 3: a country house

Celebrating the New Year in a new place is unusual and a lot of fun. And a country house, especially if it is located in the forest, is a great solution for both a couple with children and teenagers.

Fresh air, snow-white fluffy snow, clear stars and close people nearby - this is truly fabulous! Unlike the metropolis, where the snow turns into a gray mess, outside the city you can go sledding and skiing, sculpt funny snowmen with carrot noses and play snowballs. New Year's menu can be both exquisite and the simplest. And what could be better than hot mulled wine and shish kebab grilled in the middle of a quiet winter forest? By the way, you can decorate a Christmas tree right in the forest - the main thing is to take toys with you. And if, instead of traditional plastic balls, you hang corn cobs, apples, nuts and cookies on Christmas tree paws, you can become a real Santa Claus for squirrels and other forest dwellers. So, to celebrate the New Year in country house, need to:

  1. Decide on the number of people who will celebrate the New Year with you.
  2. Use the Internet or reviews of friends and choose a country house.
  3. Negotiate with the landlord, if required - make an advance payment.
  4. Collect a bag with things and, in addition to festive outfits, grab more warm clothes.
  5. Think over and take a first aid kit with you (note that situations are different, and you will have to get far to get to the pharmacy).
  6. Discuss the menu of the New Year's table and decide whether you will cook everything in a country house or buy it already prepared in a supermarket.
  7. Think of a Christmas tree outfit.
  8. If you will be driving to your destination, make sure that the fuel tank is full and that there are all necessary items in the trunk. necessary tools in the event of an unexpected breakdown.
  9. Don't forget to bring hygiene products with you!

Idea number 4: home comfort

Celebrating the New Year at home is a tradition loved by many. This is a great opportunity to isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle and have a good time with your family. Indeed, in the cycle of events there are so few such moments! Celebrating the beginning of the year at home is not only cozy, but also fun! For example, you can cook dishes that are usually not prepared in your family, come up with a new one, decorate the house together with hand-made toys, paint windows with New Year's patterns.

You can invite your parents, grandparents, and close friends to visit. If you have pets, do not ignore them: you can tie holiday ribbons with bells on cats and dogs, stick snowflakes on an aquarium, and hang a couple of bells on a cage with a parrot or a rodent. Here are some tips for celebrating the New Year in your native land:

  1. Sit down as a family and discuss home council how exactly and with whom the family will celebrate New Year's Eve.
  2. If there are children in the family, ask them to make invitation cards for all guests (aunts and uncles, and especially grandparents, are very fond of crafts from kids).
  3. Ask each family member what dish he would like to try at the holiday (you can use an old cookbook or the Internet).
  4. Think up or contests, don't forget to buy small prizes (handkerchiefs, lollipops, wet wipes, fridge magnets)!
  5. Buy funny costumes for the kids (you can get kind and funny masks for yourself).
  6. Decorate your home with colorful garlands New Year figurines and balls, don't forget the Christmas tree.
  7. Arrange lit candles throughout the house - this will add magic (remember about fire safety!).
  8. Prepare holiday meals 5-6 hours before the arrival of guests - this way, the whole family will have time to walk in the park, relax and clean up.
  9. Don't forget to charge your camera and camcorder!

Idea #5: Visit

If you were invited to visit - you should think about etiquette. To come to a welcoming house empty-handed is bad manners. Let's not forget about politeness and good manners, especially on New Year's Eve! So, if you are invited to visit, then you should consider the following details:

  1. If the holiday will be held with close friends, discuss the menu in advance (you can agree that each invitee will bring some food with him).
  2. Alcohol tends to run out, so take a bottle of champagne, wine or cognac with you.
  3. Remember that there are never too many fruits and sweets; tangerines and sweets are especially popular.
  4. If there are children in the house, do not forget to buy them small surprises: girls will like beautiful hairpins, hygienic lipstick for lips or a cute bracelet, and boys will be delighted with cars, dinosaurs or a laser keychain.
  5. If the hostess of the house is not an avid tidy woman, you can bring confetti, crackers and serpentine, they will perfectly fit into the New Year's mood;
  6. In the event that the owners of the house completely take over the festive table, we recommend buying them good gifts: Choose a present according to their preference.
  7. If you are taking any medications, do not forget them at home (the same goes for feminine hygiene products).
  8. Ask the owners of the house about the dress code if new Year party will be themed, take care of the proper costume.

Idea #6: Enjoy Your Bath!

New Year can be celebrated not only at a party, at home, in a restaurant or in the forest, but also in a sauna. The main condition is not to drink too much alcohol, as in conditions of hot steam it is dangerous to health. This option is suitable for people without children, as well as a bachelorette party or a purely male company. The hardest part is finding a free sauna. Everything else is just up to you. You can cook your own food, order it in a restaurant, or buy it in the ready-made meals section of a supermarket. A birch broom placed in a vase and hung with garlands can act as a Christmas tree. Champagne can be drunk from beer mugs, and the menu can consist of sushi, rolls and sashimi. The simplest is new Year costume: snow-white sheet.

By and large, it is not so important at all where you will celebrate the New Year. The most important thing is to have those whom you love and by whom you are loved by your side. It's the best thing to have on the most magical night of the year. The rest is just decoration.

Almost all countries of the world like to celebrate the wonderful night of transition from last day December to January 1st. This is a magical period. The night is loved by both children and adults.

What kind of holiday is the New Year: history, traditions

One of the first (around the III millennium BC) decided to celebrate the onset of the New Year in ancient civilization- Mesopotamia. The great Julius Caesar did this a little later. In the forties of our era, he decided to start the New Year on January 1. On this day, the inhabitants of the Roman Empire started major important deeds (this was a good omen) and made sacrifices to the great Janus. Gifts and praise of officials were also timed to coincide with this holiday. They were presented with fruits in gilding, copper coins and other expensive things. Patricians received special gifts. This custom for a long time "settled" in Rome.

The ancient Romans dedicated this day to the god Janus. These are doors, entrances and all beginnings. And the first month is named after him.

It starts its course in the Pacific Ocean, and ends in the same in the Pacific Ocean - on Midway Island. But there are countries that celebrate this night in different days and even months. For example, in China, it is related to the lunar cycles.

Israeli traditions

What is the history of the New Year in Israel? Traditions are honored from antiquity. In this country, the holiday of Rosh Hashanah (means "head of the year") is celebrated during the month from the fifth of September to the fifth of October. Usually after Passover, 163 days later. From this day on, the time of self-deepening and spiritual repentance begins for the Jews. It lasts ten days. The next ten days are called the "days of teshuva" (or repentance and trembling). And they end with the so-called Yom Kippur. The Israelis believe that these days a person's fate is guessed a year ahead. Therefore, they meet each other with parting words: "May you be in the Book of Life signed and written on good year!" At the festive table, an apple or challah is dipped in honey (a symbol of happiness and prosperity).

Chinese traditions

How do people celebrate New Year in China? History and traditions are fraught with a lot of unknown. The features of the celebration have deep roots. In the People's Republic of China, it is customary to celebrate the New Year at the end of the full cycle of the moon, the first after the winter solstice. Consequently, a countdown is being conducted from December 22, and after the second new moon, a festive night begins. The inhabitants of this country call the change of year the "Spring Festival". It has been considered the most important celebration since time immemorial.

By New Year's Eve in the northern part of China, they like to decorate the house with flowering peach branches or fruits. Apricot and almond trees bloom on the streets. In the south of the country, to attract good luck in the new year, the altar is decorated with watermelons. On the eve of the holiday, mass magnificent processions take place on the streets of cities and towns - dragon dances. This action is especially spectacular at night.

In Russia

What is in Russia? For a long time (until the 15th century), New Year's festivities began on the night of the first of March. And since the 15th century, Russians have been celebrating September 1. Around the same time, the first mentions of the emerging traditions of the celebration appear.

John Vasilyevich III (Grand Duke) in 1492 made a firm decision and decided to start the church and civil year in September, the first day, that is, on the day of collecting dues, tribute and duties.

To give it solemnity, the tsar personally appeared in the Kremlin. Then simple people or noble boyars had the opportunity to seek mercy, truth and justice from him. The Byzantine celebration of the church new year became a prototype of the celebration of the new church year in Rus'.

Dictionaries of the 16th century interpreted the name of this celebration of those years as follows: "The first day of the year." Since 1700, by decree of the great Emperor Peter I, the New Year is celebrated in Russia, as in European countries, that is, according to And when is it? Of course, January 1st.

What is the New Year in the XX century? Continuous metamorphoses: from January 1, 1897, this day is declared a day off. In the period 1930-1947. he becomes just a worker again. And in 1948 they again made it a day off and a holiday!


What is New Year? Traditions and features of New Year's Eve public holidays in many houses of the world are important, sometimes fateful. In addition to numerous festivities and feasts, coniferous trees are dressed up, houses and city streets are decorated. Everything glows, shimmers and shines. And almost every nation has its own new year grandfather. In the Christian world, grandfather is called Santa Claus. This name comes from the name of St. Nicholas, thanks to a distorted Dutch transcription. He gives gifts to children for Christmas. Santa Claus is more like a Christmas grandfather. Although it is also welcomed on New Year's Eve.

What does this holiday mean to us? What is New Year? A holiday that brings loved ones together. And of course, our dear Santa Claus comes to us! This fairy-tale character appeared from distant Slavic myths. personifies winter frosts and blacksmiths who forge water. The image of Frost, of course, is a collective one. The main motif of Grandfather is St. Nicholas, diluted with the magic of the deities of the ancient Slavs: Zimnik, Pozvizd and Korochun. Our own grandfather comes in felt boots, a blue, less often red coat embroidered with silver, with a magic staff. And always with a bag of gifts on his shoulder. He usually moves on three horses.

old New Year

In modern Russia there is a special - the old New Year. It appeared after the abolition of the Julian time reckoning. And it is celebrated at night from January 13 to 14.

New Year traditions

Before New Year's Eve, according to an ancient Cuban tradition, all kinds of basins, jugs, bowls, etc. are filled with water in houses. And at midnight, this liquid pours from all windows, as if seeing off the year, wishing him an easy and bright road.

In the Japanese islands, the New Year is accompanied by the ringing of bells. 108 strokes symbolize all shades of human vices.

Use all kinds of fireworks, started in China. The noisy, loud and bright tradition made it possible to drive away numerous evil spirits. Now, without exception, all countries of the world. In the New Year's fun, sparklers, fireworks, Roman candles, crackers large and small, etc. are used.

IN last years the capitals of some countries are invited to attend New Year's pyrotechnic shows. The largest shows are held in London, Sydney and various cities in China.

In Sweden, for example, before the New Year they choose the beautiful Lucia. Kids do it. Having chosen the queen of light, they dress her in a white outfit, and put a crown with burning candles on her head. Queen Lucie gives gifts to children and treats to pets.


Now you know what the New Year is, what are the features of this holiday. We hope that the article was useful to you.

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Every nation, every country has its own history, its own important events that started it all. Or natural phenomena, after which you can draw a line, draw conclusions, rejoice and count down the new year.

website He will tell you about several countries where the traditions of celebrating the New Year are so different.

China celebrates New Year in February

Chinese New Year - Spring Festival. Its onset is determined by the phases of the moon. And each year is dedicated to one of the 12 animals.

There must be an abundance of red in clothes, in the decorations of houses and streets, and it must be very noisy. Explosions of firecrackers, loud crackers, fireworks - all this scares away evil spirits and attracts good luck. They tidy up the houses, make room for happiness. And for a hearty dinner, even those who work or study in other cities are sure to return home.

New Year's Eve in Japan is celebrated for almost a month

But in Japan, the New Year is celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar. The holiday begins on December 25 and lasts almost a month. The Japanese decorate their homes with compositions of bamboo, plum and spruce branches - this symbolizes prosperity, prosperity and love.

On New Year's Eve, the Japanese must visit temples and ask the gods for happiness and health. And on New Year's Eve they treat each other with white and pink rice cakes - these colors bring good luck.

Thailand celebrates New Year on April 13

Thai New Year Songkran marks the change of year in ancient Indian astrological calendar and the onset of the rainy season.

Thais treat Buddhist monks holiday meals. Buddha statues are bathed in water with rose petals and jasmine. These days it is difficult to stay dry - people use water pistols, basins and hoses to pour water on passers-by and those passing by. Smear with white clay and talc. This symbolizes purification, renewal and getting rid of the negativity accumulated over the year.

The Burmese also celebrate the New Year in April, on dates set by the government.

From about April 12 to April 17, the New Year comes in Burma (Myanmar). The holiday is called Tinjan. The more noise and fun - the better, because this way you can attract the attention of the gods of rain. A real flood is arranged on the streets, plentifully watering passers-by with hoses and buckets.

Young people pay respect to the older generation, washing old people
head with bark and bean shampoo. It is also customary to save a fish from a drying
reservoir and release it into a large lake, saying: “I release 1 time,
to let me go 10 times.”

In India, New Year is celebrated several times a year.

In India, they celebrate the New Year more often than in any other country in the world. The traditional Indian year, Gudi Padwa, is celebrated in March. In many states they celebrate the New Year according to the traditional calendars of the peoples living there.

One of the most bright holidays- Bengali New Year, Holi. Festival
colors passes in early spring. On the first evening they burn an effigy of the goddess Holika, drive the cattle through the fire and walk on the coals. And then fun festivities begin, shedding each other bright colors and pouring colored water.

Ethiopia celebrates New Year on September 11

On September 11, when the rainy season ends, the New Year is celebrated in Ethiopia
- Enkutatash. The Ethiopians build tall bonfires of eucalyptus and fir trees. In the main square of Addis Ababa, the assembled townspeople watch in which direction the charred top of the main fire will fall. On that side in the coming year there will be the most abundant harvest.

Wear during the celebration traditional clothes go to church and visit.
Children in bright outfits hand out wreaths of flowers, go to the neighbors and for a monetary reward, the girls sing, and the boys draw pictures.

In Saudi Arabia, there is no fixed date for the New Year at all.

In Islamic countries, where years are counted from the Hijra (the time when the Prophet Muhammad led the Muslims from Mecca to Medina), the year begins on the first day of the month of Muharram. The start date is floating - every year it shifts by 11 days. Therefore, there is no specific date for the New Year.

But this does not bother anyone - in most Muslim countries, the New Year
are not noted at all.

In Israel, the New Year comes in the fall

The Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah occurs in September or October. On this holiday, it is customary to greet each other with the wish to be inscribed in the “Book of
life." During the celebration period, it is supposed to eat apples with honey so that the coming year will be sweet.

During the service, the horn - the shofar - must be blown. This symbolizes the challenge to the Divine judgment and calls for repentance. It is believed that it was on Rosh Hashanah that the first man Adam was created and the expulsion from paradise took place.

In Italy, the New Year is celebrated on the street with kisses.

On New Year's Eve, Italians throw out unnecessary trash and old things from the windows. It is believed that the more junk you throw away, the happier you will be in the new year. Italy celebrates the beginning of the New Year on the night of January 1st. People come out onto the streets decorated with garlands, traffic is blocked, and performances and fireworks are arranged in the squares.

In Rome, there is a tradition on a festive night to jump from a bridge into the Tiber River for good luck. And in Venice there is a custom to kiss on New Year's Eve. St. Mark's Square is full of hundreds of kissing couples to the sound of the clock and the roar of fireworks.

Greece celebrates Saint Basil's Day

January 1 in Greece is not only the New Year, but also Saint Basil's Day,
patron of the poor. Main course holiday table- vasilopita, pie
with patterns of dough, berries and nuts. A coin for happiness is baked inside -
whoever gets a piece of cake with a coin will be the happiest in the new
year. According to legend, this is how Saint Basil distributed his property to the poor.

The Old New Year is celebrated in Russia, in all the former republics of the Soviet Union, in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. In Macedonia, it is customary to celebrate the old New Year on the street - the neighbors take out and set the tables and together celebrate the onset of the New Year in the old style. In Switzerland, the old New Year is called "Old Saint Sylvester's Day". And in Serbia it is called the Serbian New Year. In Japan, the old New Year is Risshun, the celebration of the beginning of spring.
