How to give an original engagement ring. How to give a girl a ring so that she is delighted? We offer several options

Ideas for where to hide it when you propose to your girlfriend

Sooner or later in the life of every man there comes a moment when he realizes that it is time to make the one that is always next to him, a marriage proposal. And where is the marriage proposal - there wedding ring.

This event is very significant, and therefore it is necessary to make every effort so that it remains in your and your chosen one's memory for a long time.

You can, of course, just get down on one knee and make a beautiful speech, but it's better to come up with something original. Below are a dozen ideas on how to present an engagement ring to your girlfriend in an unusual way.

Wedding ring.

1. Bake the ring into your favorite dish

Surely your girlfriend has a favorite dish. Many people like sweets, like cakes, but someone may prefer pizza or something else like that. Your task is to hide the wedding ring in a piece of treat that you will treat your girlfriend to. Of course, you need to make sure that your chosen one does not swallow your gift out of excitement.

2. Insert the wedding ring into the frame

You can make a real picture out of a wedding ring, or rather a collage. Come up with a plot in which the ring will be used, create a collage, insert your work into a glazed frame. Looks very unusual and beautiful!

3. Put the ring on the bottom of the glass

In principle, the idea is quite well known. The wedding ring should be at the bottom of the glass from which your beloved will drink. The walls of the container should not be completely transparent, otherwise there will be no surprise.

4. Christmas ring

This option is suitable for you if you are going to make an offer under New Year. Decorate the wedding ring as a decoration for the Christmas tree, let your future wife look for your surprise among Christmas tree decorations.

5. Package

If your chosen one is a very busy person, and she only has enough time to come home, go to bed, get up early in the morning and go to work, you will have to interrupt her working day with your offer.

Try this option: take a large parcel box, put a small box with a ring inside, hire a postman and ask him to deliver the package personally to your loved one while she is at work.

More interesting option- take a very large box, secretly sneak into her work, hide in the box, and when the chosen one comes closer to you, jump out and make an offer.

6. Hide wedding ring in the book

You can use not an ordinary ring box, but a thick book volume in which you cut central part. Which book you use is up to you. It can be an erotic novel, a collection of love poems, whatever.

7. Use animals

Can you imagine how beautiful it will be if at the most crucial moment your faithful dog brings a box with a ring and puts it on the girl's lap? Of course, for this you need to have a faithful and very trained dog.

There is another option: rent a white dove, tie a wedding ring to its paw and let it fly around the room in which you will make a declaration of love.

If you want - use a parrot, but this is probably not so romantic.

Try harnessing two white mice into a home-made "carriage" made of paper, and put a ring in the carriage itself. Do not limit your imagination!

8. Kinder - surprise

You can hide in chocolate egg. True, for this you will first need to carefully break the egg, put instead regular toy your gift, then re-glue the chocolate and wrap it in foil.

9. Hollow tree

Lovers love to exchange secret signs and notes. One of the best hiding places for love letters has always been a hollow tree. You can find an old tree in the forest or park area near where your girlfriend lives, put wedding ring in the hollow and appoint your beloved a secret date in this place. Let her feel all the romance of what is happening!

10. Ring on a fishing hook

Imagine: you go fishing with a girl, she throws a fishing rod, and instead of a fish, she pulls out a box with a ring and your offer! Romantic and very unusual, isn't it?

Organizing such a surprise is not so difficult. You may need help good friend, which will be hiding somewhere in the coastal bushes, and at the right time will imperceptibly plant the treasured box on a hook.

But you can manage on your own if you briefly distract the attention of your beloved, for example, ask them to bring gear from a backpack that you for some reason left away from the place where you are sitting, and in the meantime put your wedding ring on a hook.

The only problem is that the box must be securely attached to the rod, otherwise your ring may remain under water, and then you will have to organize deep diving competitions.

In general, if you want the moment when you propose to your girlfriend to be remembered for a long time, and the chosen one herself answered you with consent, you need to come up with something unusual. Love and happiness to you!

And so, you've made up your mind. You are finally convinced that she is the one and only, and that she must become your wife, no matter what. Well, congratulations! You have a lot of pleasant worries and troubles ahead of you, because pre-wedding preparations are ahead!

But, first, you need to get consent from your chosen one. Be that as it may: whether you are sure of a positive answer, or not, a modest ring, or a chic one - it does not matter. What matters is how you present it. It is not surprising that all women love surprises and do not mind if such a gift is presented beautifully. In this article, we will talk about different original ways to present an engagement ring.

Cup as a way to propose

The option is very popular in Western Europe and the United States of America. So far, we don't have much. Therefore, it is not a sin to use it at all. You will need to take your sweetheart to a restaurant, and order a cup of coffee, then a pie, have a nice conversation, sort of like not leading a giant surprise. And when the waiter brings you the third coffee, puts the lady in her cup, she will tear it off the saucer and see a gorgeous ring. At this moment, a silent scene will happen, she will look at you for about a second and a half, then at the ring. At this moment, in no case should you be confused: just smile good-naturedly and say, "Honey, I love you, let's get married." Believe me, your chosen one will be completely and completely delighted.

Only in order for your "operation" to be successful - you need to agree in advance with the bartender and give him the ring. Without this, there will be no moment of surprise and the whole point of the trick will come to naught.

proposal at the theater or at a concert

Suddenly fall in love with the theatre. Take your girlfriend there a few times. Believe me, even if you don't feel like going to the theater, it's worth it.

Tired of the theatre? Okay, then it could be an opera or a great classical music concert. It doesn’t matter what it is, the important thing is that you also feel good there, and the future bride is delighted. After the third trip, somewhere in the chic corridors on the red carpet, tell your woman that the theater / opera / classic warms your soul and you want to become better near with her. Fall on your knees and present the ring as a gift. Most likely, she will accept this offer.

restaurant offer

This must be a fancy restaurant. As chic as you can possibly afford. In principle, if such a trip is an unusual event, then most likely your girlfriend will guess what's wrong. But she still needs to be surprised. But it’s not worth playing in suddenness, it will seem to her “a piano in the bushes”. Play brave. Say, fall on your knees (only with dignity!) In the crowded hall of the restaurant and let everyone see and understand what's going on. This will let her know that you are not without courage.

unusual deeds

The above options are not yours? Then fantasize. Firstly, the best option is to ask a bridesmaid for help or hire an organizer. And ... fantasize! For example, write “Marry me” in front of the windows of her house on the pavement, and in the morning, after writing an SMS “Look out the window”, wait for an answer. You can have a picnic where you can also propose. If you use the services of designers, you can put beautiful composition on the table, decorate the surrounding nature with jars, ribbons, flowers, and draw arrows in front of the place where the picnic will be planned. This will intrigue, even if the beloved already guesses about your conjectures.

If there is no money for a chic offer, then arrange a romantic dinner at home, buy a lot of candles, and put them on the floor in the form of the word "Marry me." Candles always add romance and girls just melt away from such an atmosphere.

Where you do not need to give a ring

We hope that even the most simple men Those who are not very worried about sentimentality understand perfectly well that giving a ring at a bus stop, at the cinema, or your favorite pub is not at all worth it. It is unlikely that a girl will appreciate such an act.

In fact, no matter how you make an offer, if there is really real love, and you want to spend your whole life together, then in the cinema, and in the local pub, and at home in front of the TV, your beloved will agree to say the cherished "YES!"

This article, first of all, will be useful to the male part of my audience. Take ideas, tips and surprise your loved ones.

It seems to me that there is no more touching, tender and desirable gift for the fairer sex than such a sign of attention from your beloved man.

Many guys, naively believing that having bought a ring, have already fulfilled their duty, they simply hand it to their chosen one in a box, expecting that she will immediately clap her hands in delight and throw herself on her neck.

And when the desired scenario does not happen, men are sincerely surprised: “Well, what else does she need?”.

But just a little was not enough - fantasy and imagination to surprise, forcing her to remember this gift for many years, carrying warm memories in her heart.

Of course, the choice of scenario depends on the meaning of the ring. If this is a marriage proposal, you need to prepare seriously, think over the moment and the situation.

Order dinner at a good restaurant and ask the waiter to hide the decoration in the dessert. Believe me, the chosen one will appreciate such an original serving of the dish and proposal.

You can surprise your friend by taking her by surprise. Place the ring in a Kinder Surprise egg and casually offer a treat. For a girl, this will certainly be a surprise.

Get ready and take a photo of the moment she opens the plastic box, waiting to surprise a standard toy there. Such a photo will amuse you both for many years.

A non-wedding ring can be put in an envelope by writing nice words, and drop into Mailbox. Call and tell her to check her mail.

If you are going to give a hint of romantic feelings to your beloved, then you can present a delicate ring with a heart-shaped stone. An iridescent sapphire is crowned with a jewel studded with small iridescent stones.

Getting ready for a birthday

On her birthday, the girl expects something special from you.

Choose an original piece of jewelry for her and put it in a rosebud. This option looks very gentle and is suitable for romantic natures.
You can contrive and, having opened a box of chocolates, hide the gift there. But this will need to be done very skillfully so that the packaging does not spoil the surprise in advance.

Add a bouquet to a sweet gift beautiful roses and the birthday girl who doesn't expect "nothing special" will be delighted when she opens a sweet present.

A massive ring with a Teddy bear will be a very nice gift. Such a ring will suit a young girl who follows fashion and prefers to be the center of attention.

You can come to the birthday girl with a bouquet balloons, in each of which there will be wishes, compliments, and in one special one - a beautifully packaged ring. Just make sure that the ball "with a twist" is the last one opened.

We give a ring for the New Year

gift option for this magical holiday can be beaten in a Christmas theme:

  1. Put the ring in a Christmas toy and hang it on the Christmas tree
  2. Do New Year's composition from spruce branches, cones and tie, as a decoration, a ring.
  3. Tie the decoration to the foot of a teddy bear dressed in a winter sweater. It will look very cute and the girl will definitely appreciate your taste and imagination.
  4. You can pack a small box with a ring in 5-7 boxes. A sort of box nesting doll. Unpacking them one by one, the girl will kindle her curiosity, anticipating the gift. This option is more suitable for girls with a sense of humor and it is advisable to present it if you stay at home to celebrate.

Extravagant girls will like it? for example, a massive ring with iridescent topaz in a silver setting. Bright, original and fashionable, it will definitely be appreciated by your girlfriend.

I sincerely believe that you have learned helpful tips And interesting ideas that will inspire you to romantic deeds!

Offer your interesting ideas on how to surprise girls, share your impressions in social networks. networks and do not forget to subscribe to the blog so as not to miss the next gift idea

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Every man who decides to give a girl a ring and does it in an unusual way ask yourself this question first.

In the article we will try to highlight questions about choosing a ring, how to give it in an original way, possible holidays and events to which you can time the gift.

A few words about history

The ring has long been considered a symbol of harmony and eternal love. Gold wedding rings were presented to their chosen ones by pharaohs, patricians and lords.

Nowadays, the opportunity to give a ring has become available to almost everyone, and the film industry has made rings the most desired gift for a girl. The talent of jewelers has also grown. Now a simple gold ring with a diamond can have an unusual bizarre shape. The talent of the masters has increased many times over.

Yes, in our time, girls can think differently, but for the majority, the ring remains the most desired gift.

But how to present a gift so that a girl with hugs and a childish sincere smile rushes to you after you give the ring?

The answer is simple, you need to bring a little creativity to the gift, and then you will definitely get the result you were counting on. Your imagination and creativity can work wonders!

Not a single gift on earth could replace Jewelry. Girls are looking forward to them, whether it be a gold wedding ring, chain or earrings.

It is often difficult for men to confess their love openly and directly (and the reason does not matter - a declaration of love or a simple gift for an anniversary), they want to surprise their beloved and desired girl.

How can you choose a ring?

First of all take into account the age of the beloved. Adult women are more likely to gravitate towards jewelry with original design that complements the gem.

Young and young girls will get more pleasure from a miniature product, while the quality of the decoration should not be inferior to the first. You should not save if you really want to impress your beloved. Choose rings from precious metals whether it be gold silver or platinum. Even silver ring, in the case of a small budget, will be received with a bang if you serve it with a certain taste.

Suitable for different different types cut metals. A traditional gold ring with a diamond is suitable in case of an engagement. Gold paired with a diamond symbolizes the eternity and inviolability of love! You can add engraving to the ring and try to find a special, unusual design of the jewelry itself.

How to give a ring

There are a lot of ways to give a ring, many have been known since ancient times, some you can think of yourself.

The choice of the way in which you present the ring depends on the occasion for the gift.

A spontaneous occasion can be wrapped up in an equally spontaneous event. A young girl will appreciate a dinner on the roof, after which you will carefully put a light silver ring on her finger or white gold.

Give a ring for the holiday also great idea and almost always guarantees you success.

The second that you fill with recognition should be unforgettable, fill it with feelings and atmosphere.

There are traditional ways to present a wedding or engagement ring.. You can place the decoration in a dessert or in a glass of wine. You can also collect a live bouquet, a girl will definitely appreciate such a gift, collect it with taste or contact a standing florist. The bouquet will emphasize the tenderness and beauty of your beloved. A ring can be placed in the center of the bouquet.

There is also the issue of size and shape. The design and shape of the ring should be selected in accordance with the preferences of the girl herself.. Just pay attention to her clothes and jewelry, without being Hercule Poirot, you can still highlight the common features, the smoothness of the images, or, on the contrary, the strict geometry of the jewelry, the color scheme of the outfits. Jewelry should be in harmony with the image of the girl.

Find out what kind of flowers the girl likes. Red roses are the most common. You should find a bouquet with buds that have not yet blossomed, thread a few petals into the decoration. You can try placing the flower stems in a ring. Such a gift will be more accepted and will almost always make the right impression. Just cover the decoration with your hand and last moment present a bouquet to a girl.

Petal ring is a great gift option

You can agree with the waiter when booking a table and give decorations during dinner. The girl will appreciate a delicious dinner and an unexpected gift.

What to do if you decide to give not a wedding or engagement ring, but just to make a pleasant surprise for your beloved?

You can use an interesting technique and give Golden ring in Kinder Surprise. This is a sweet and cheerful, unobtrusive gift, after opening which the girl will be pleasantly surprised, because we all want to feel a little like children.

Kinder ring - cheerful and bright way please your beloved

You can also put the ring in an envelope with a postcard or a letter. You can add an interesting scent to the paper or the scent of your perfume. The main thing is to hint to the girl as soon as possible that an unexpected gift may lie in her mailbox.

IN new year holidays it will be nice to wrap the ring with a branch of mistletoe or put it inside Christmas toys. You can also make a small basket of cones, fir branches and New Year's toys. Such a cute gift will definitely be remembered by your beloved, and you will be able to spend a wonderful New Year's Eve with her.

exotic way

This option is more expensive, but the return on it is almost 100 percent. Take a ticket to the picturesque country. Try to find out what the girl is interested in, maybe she likes, for example, the Game of Thrones. Take two tickets to the picturesque Alcazar in the Spanish city of Seville. Local architecture and color will add an unprecedented spice to your gift. While walking through the former residence of kings, present your beloved with a white gold engagement ring with a diamond. Unforgettable experience guaranteed!

Is it possible to give a ring for a birthday?

Of course, a girl will always be pleased to receive a sign of attention from you in the form of a faceted stone in an unusual frame. The easiest way does not require serious efforts from you. You can put the ring in the box with her favorite treat and beautiful packaging give to the girl.

Rent a car and drive around the city at night if the atmosphere of the city is conducive to romance and adventure. After the trip, kiss the girl and put the ring in her palm during the kiss.

You can also come up with a small game or quest with an interesting plot about the kidnapping of the princess. Place small clues in the house and start the game with the sent SMS. Take the girl. She will definitely not forget such a gift and at the same time demonstrate her thinking skills to you.

If you decide to take such an important and responsible step as an offer, then think about how to make this moment truly unforgettable for yourself and for your soulmate. And this is unthinkable without original way presenting the ring:

  • At the restaurant. In this case, you need to agree in advance with the staff that at a certain moment the waiter will take out the ring. It can be placed on a plate with dessert (but by no means inside) or in a glass of champagne.
  • Along with cake. Order an option that is suitable specifically for the engagement. Ask the confectioner not only to provide for the placement of the box with the ring on the cake, but also to write on it main question"Will you marry me?" and separately mark the boundaries of the two pieces, on one of them there will be the coveted “yes”, and on the other “no”. Some choose to skip the no option and order a cake with just one answer.
  • During the quest. IN Lately reality quests are gaining more and more popularity. You can organize one yourself within the walls of the apartment, or turn to professionals (in this case, so that your beloved does not suspect anything, go through the quest with her). Most importantly, at the end of the test, a beautiful box with a treasured ring and a marriage proposal should await the girl.

How unusual to present a ring on the eve of the new year

The New Year is a time of fulfillment of desires and real miracles! Therefore, the way in which the ring will be presented should be just as magical:

  • Inside the Christmas toy. Find detachable Christmas ball it's not that difficult (there are even special boxes in the form of balls), and the reaction of the second half is definitely worth it! Just imagine how happy she will be when she discovers a gift hidden inside a Christmas decoration.
  • In a traditional Christmas sock. Hanging a beautiful sock at home in anticipation of gifts from Santa Claus is a Western tradition, but it has also taken root in our country. Buy such an accessory, put a ring in it, hang it in a conspicuous place and invite your loved one to find your gift. In addition to decoration, you can fill the sock with sweets.
  • On a Christmas wreath. A well-made wreath of spruce branches (artificial), decorated with sequins, toys and bows, is in itself great gift. But it also serves as a great way to place a ring. Attach the decoration to one of the branches with a satin ribbon - at first glance, your beloved will not even pay attention to it, but upon closer inspection, she will be pleasantly surprised!

We give a ring on March 8

On International Women's Day, many girls expect to receive as many flowers and sweets as possible, so if you decide to present your beloved with a ring, this automatically adds sympathy points to you. You can make this holiday more ideal for your beloved only by giving jewelry in one of the following ways:

  • As part of a bouquet / flower box. Imagine such a scenario - your beloved sees a banal bouquet, in her soul she is already upset by such a trivial gift, but then her eyes fall on something brilliant ... After such enthusiasm for the ring, there will be a lot. Place the decoration in a regular bouquet (in this case, you need to choose large flowers for it) or organically fit into flower arrangement in the box.
  • Along with a beautiful mug. Tea/coffee in bed great way start international women's day. Choose the most beautiful porcelain mug for your beloved, fill it with your favorite drink, and tie it to the handle beautiful ribbon ring. And the morning of March 8 will be remembered by her for a long time!
  • As part of a box of chocolates. All girls love sweets, so surely your chosen one has a favorite box of chocolates, which she allows herself only on big holidays. Buy it, but put a ring instead of one of the candies. And be sure to insist that the girl immediately unpack the sweet present so that you can enjoy her surprise and delight!

How to present a ring on Valentine's Day

February 14, unfortunately, is not recognized as a holiday at all by some young people. And completely in vain, the day of all lovers is very interesting story, it is not easy to celebrate it all over the world. Your girlfriend will be in seventh heaven already for the reason that you consider February 14 a holiday, and if you receive a ring as a gift in one of the following ways, her joy will have no limits:

  • Along with a plush toy. It's kind of a scam. According to a recent survey, only 3 girls out of 10 want to receive a teddy bear as a gift, so it is unlikely that your girlfriend will be very happy to see you with a toy. But if a ring goes along with a plush banality, then it will immediately change anger to mercy.
  • Inside a heart shaped box. Implement the principle of nesting dolls, the smallest box should be the most beautiful and romantic (that's why the heart shape is chosen), put it in storage a little bigger size and so on. With all the variety gift boxes It will not be difficult to find suitable shapes and sizes.
  • Inside an envelope. This method is available only if your loved one has a reliable mailbox. Write a love letter, but in addition to it, put a ring in the envelope. The point is small - put it in the mailbox and call the girl with a request to check the mail! She will definitely appreciate such a romantic gesture.

As you can see, in order to give a girl a ring in an original way, it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts at all, the main condition is the desire to please your beloved!
