Acts of transfer of the young. Certificates, constitutions and other materials for the wedding (to help the toastmaster) A kaleidoscope of wedding toasts and congratulations

This table entertainment is chosen by 80-90% of newlyweds. Passes quite cheerfully and replaces with itself the next wedding toast. It is wonderful to precede the "Act of the transfer of the groom" the First Kiss or its sale. It looks good when the groom gets up and plays along with the host, showing certain parts of the body (do not think anything bad), and the witness helps him. It is better to shorten it by omitting the beginning (I printed it at the very bottom of the text), and the end.
Remember dear presenters and witnesses! The shorter your speech, the more entertained and less tired the guests will be, and this is IMPORTANT.

The act of handing over the groom for the exploitation of him as a husband

The transferred individual is equipped with:

The head is sober (at the time of transfer).
Hand (left, right) - 2 pcs.
Leg (right, left) - 2 pcs.

Everything else is present and in good condition. Warranty stamps have been placed on particularly important places. In addition, the groom:

The jacket and trousers are ironed.
Buttons are sewn (almost all).
The face and neck are washed.

Personal data:

did not fight;
not involved;
not fond of;
does not have;
can not;
reads with a dictionary.

Operating data:

Mode of operation - repeated-short-term.
Execution - tropical frost-resistant.
Resistant to alcoholic liquids.

Possible application:

For hauling cars.
For washing diapers.
For hanging clothes and "noodles on the ears".


If stored in the original packaging, good condition is guaranteed for 100 years.


The groom is transferred according to the act:

Witness: (…)
Drinking buddy: (…)
Iron Bachelor: (…)

Accepted by act. I promise to love:

Bride: (…)

Day month Year

We, the undersigned friends and associates of the unfortunate:
Witness (...), Drinking buddy (...), Iron bachelor (...), on the one hand, and the bride (...) on the other hand, constituted a real act in that the Bridegroom (...) having from birth, the surname (...) is miraculously preserved and quite suitable for entering into a legal marriage.

On the basis of this conclusion, the act of transferring the groom for exploitation as a husband is performed.

The commission, consisting of all the participants in the wedding, drew up and presented to the groom a real act that the bride ... the first beauty in our city, and the future deserved ... (by profession) is transferred to the groom's safekeeping.

List of storage measures.

2. At least once a year, it is possible to export to the warm sea without supervision.

Subject to the above conditions, the bride will remain in excellent condition for a hundred years.

The act of handing over the groom to the bride

A commission consisting of all participants in the wedding made up and presented to the bride this act in that: the groom ... is transferred to her perpetual use.


The head is smart, bright, cooks and sometimes digests smart thoughts.

The torso is of an athletic build, prone to obesity with regular lying down on the couch.

There are many other organs, but, unfortunately, there is no heart. He gave it to his fiancee.

The transferred object should be stored in a warm, comfortable apartment, stroked over the fur, blowing off dust particles. It is occasionally possible, but under supervision, to be taken to various places of rest.

Wedding tip: (signatures of all comers).


The last toast is a wish at the wedding.

So that for everyone who was not with us today, -

I could not sit down with us at the wedding,

We kept the good smell of bread,

which we broke down here.

So that everyone sitting at the table

For a long time saved in your blood

Smiles, toasts, this tone is invigorating,

Fun, happiness, friendship and love.

The song "So be healthy" sounds. The toastmaster "starts" the wedding round dance and captivates all the guests.

So be healthy, live richly

And sacredly keep this date in your soul.

The last toast at the wedding celebration can be said by the most honored guest.


We want this day to be remembered not only by us, but by all our guests.


According to the good old tradition, in memory of this day, we give you these small souvenirs. The newlyweds pass along the "live" corridor, handing various memorable souvenirs to the guests. Last wishes. At the exit, the newlyweds turn to the guests, thank them, wave flowers and leave. A car is waiting for them on the porch.


Friends, dear! At the moment of goodbye

Please accept our warmest regards!

Until new such pleasant dates!

We wish you happiness, health, victories!

At the end of the wedding celebration, all guests are invited to leave entries in the book of comments and suggestions about the wedding. The wedding celebration is over.

The toastmaster and the organizers of the wedding celebration give the last orders for sending the guests home. At the request of relatives, guests are invited the next day to the house where the newlyweds will live.


Father of the bride toast

Toast is a genre of oral art. It is a kind of visiting card of the one who pronounces it; he speaks of the maturity, wit and erudition of the speaker. There are no ready recipes. The main thing is to say what a person thinks. In a toast, not only the meaning and content are important, but also the form of its presentation, that is, the rhythm of pronunciation, pauses, manner of speaking, semantic stresses, etc. You can decorate the toast with poems, proverbs, aphorisms. You should not be too original, and even more so, pronounce it in an edifying tone. One minute is enough to make a toast. Do not abuse the time and attention of those present

According to tradition, the speech at the wedding is made first by the father of the bride, then the groom and then the best man. For many, the speech at the wedding is the most difficult thing. They are shy, afraid to say something wrong and not in the best light to appear before those present. This usually does not happen if the speech is well prepared, as very few people can make a toast without preparation.

In the event that the father of the bride is nervous and thinks that he can say unsuccessfully, he can be replaced by an uncle or brother of the bride. If there is no toastmaster at the wedding, then the best man provides the floor for the speech. He decides when to start. Most often this happens around the middle of the feast.

The main goal for the speaker is to express gratitude to people, proclaim a toast or respond to someone's words. It is not recommended to use someone's ready-made speeches and toasts and memorize them, since nothing can replace the manifestation of one's own sincere feelings, even if they are said clumsily and in a modest manner.

You should speak for no more than three or four minutes. In preparation, when the speech is written, it must be read, noting the time, then retell it in front of the mirror, paying attention to your facial expression and gestures. You should not drink too much "for courage". A drunk person, as a rule, introduces everyone present into confusion and finds himself in a difficult position.

Before you start speaking, you should calmly stand up, pause to draw the attention of the guests and address them. The form of address depends on the degree of formality of the atmosphere. The most commonly used address is "friends". In conclusion, you should ask the guests to stand up and raise their glasses in honor of those toasted. He should wait for everyone to fill their glasses and stand up.

At the wedding celebration, the toast is usually proclaimed:

For the bride and groom;

For the parents of the bride and groom;

For the happiness of the newlyweds.

During the wedding, as a rule, the tradition of wedding kisses coming from the depths of centuries is used. So, after pronouncing a toast, they taste the wine and then loudly announce: “Bitter!” At the same time, the newlyweds must kiss. It is believed that the kiss symbolizes the merging of human souls. A kiss (from the Slavic root "tsel") carries the wish to be whole, whole, healthy. Therefore, a kiss in the etiquette behavior of the Slavs, unlike some other peoples, contains a wish for health.

The father of the bride can build his appeal to the guests in different ways. For example, he can say that he and his wife are happy that they raised such beautiful daughter. These words will give him the opportunity to tell something from her life - at first funny case and then a more serious story that will highlight the best sides character of the bride. Then he can say a few words of regret about the transfer of his daughter to another family and express pleasure at the adoption of his son-in-law and his parents in the circle of his family.

Since his speech is semi-serious, the father of the bride can give good advice to the young for the future.

So, the main points of the father's speech can be as follows.

He is happy that he has such a daughter.

one or two funny stories, as an illustration of some of the daughter's character traits.

His daughter is starting a new life.

Greets her son-in-law and his parents as new members of her family.

Brief advice-wish to the newlyweds for the future.

The bride's father then proposes a toast to the bride and groom. Usually everyone stands up for a toast, except for those to whom it is dedicated.

The word of the young spouse

The young husband answers the words of his wife's father, thanks him for his wishes, for his toast, thanks the bride's parents for raising such a wonderful daughter, thanks his parents for their kindness, patience and care, thanks the guests and wedding participants.

In his story, he can jokingly talk about how he met his wife, what difficulties they had to overcome in preparing the wedding, etc.

He then thanks the best man, the bridesmaid and everyone who helped organize the wedding celebration.

So, the speech of the young spouse may contain the following main points: words of gratitude to the parents of the bride; words of gratitude to their parents; playful stories about meeting his wife and preparing for the wedding; words of gratitude to the best man; words of gratitude to the guests, to all those present for sharing the joy with them; a toast in honor of the bride's parents and their parents.

The word of the best man

The best man should speak briefly, witty, humorous and in a cheerful tone. Avoid tactlessness and some details. He can joke about the organization of the ransom of the bride, the character of the groom, etc. In conclusion, he congratulates the young spouse, his wife, approves of their choice and wishes the newlyweds happiness and health.

In addition to the obligatory performances of the father of the bride, the groom and the best man, at the wedding celebration, of course, with congratulations, short stories, playful impromptu, toasts will be made by both the organizers of the wedding and the guests. The main thing is that the words should be cheerful, spoken from the bottom of the heart. It is these words that give the wedding a special warmth and fun.

Examples of short speeches-toasts of the participants of the wedding celebration.

The given toasts can be changed, improved, supplemented, include your own wishes, thoughts, etc.

You can not only solemnly read all these materials at the wedding, but also, having beautifully issued them on paper, give them to the newlyweds as a keepsake.


Union of tenderness, friendship and love!
Valid - no expiration date
Release date - (date of birth of the groom)
Model - husband
Series - (F.I.O. of the groom)
Specialization - (specialty of the groom)
NET weight - (weight) kg
GROSS Weight - (weight) kg
Date of issue - (wedding date)
Model Feature:
This unit can only work in an atmosphere of love, harmony and mutual understanding. The unit is unique and in conditions of inattentive attitude to it crumbles to dust. The Two Rings company guarantees normal operation for 70 years. In the event of a unit failure, the company does not guarantee a replacement.

Union of tenderness, friendship, love!
Valid - indefinitely
Release date - (date of birth of the bride)
Model - wife
Series - (F. I. O. of the bride)
Specialization - (specialty of the bride)
NET weight - (weight) kg
GROSS Weight - (weight) kg
Release date - (marriage date)
Place of issue - (name of the locality of the settlement where the wedding takes place)
Model Feature:
The model is fragile, it is forbidden to use for heavy work. The model works only with a loving attitude towards it, otherwise, the effect of using it drops sharply. In the event of a model failure, the company does not guarantee a replacement, since the model was released for the first time and in a single copy.
Firm "Two Rings".


Women who shoot with their eyes should be held criminally liable under Art. 208, as for the use of prohibited weapons.
Men caring for other people's wives should be prosecuted under Art. 3, as for hunting in the restricted area. The groom, not taking his eyes off the bride, to call for criminal liability under Art. 209, as for the use of hypnosis for personal gain.
A bride applying for a separate apartment should be called to criminal liability under Art. 210, as for undermining the generally accepted morality: "With a sweet paradise, in a hut."
Guests who are fond of the contents of the plates, to call for criminal liability under Art. 314, as for plundering people's property.
Girls who have reached the age of 25 and are not married are to be prosecuted under Art. 120 as per
Men who do not want to marry before the age of 30 should be held criminally liable under Art. 15, as for the downtime of machinery during business hours.


ACT of acceptance-transfer of the groom to the bride

Transferred for eternal storage to the bride:
1. Torso - 1 pc. (sports)
2. Head - 1 pc. (smart)
3. Eyes - 2 pcs. (brown)
4. Ears - 2 pcs. (whole)
5. Nose - 1 pc. (Greek)
6. Arms and legs - 4 pcs. (in place)

Attached to this
1. Jacket - 1 pc. (with pockets)
2. Shirts - 1 pc. (new)
3. Comb - 1 pc. (without three teeth)
4. Boots - 3 pcs. (two right, one left)

ACT of acceptance-transfer of the bride to the groom

Transferred for eternal storage to the groom:
1. Torso - 1 pc. (do not turn over!)
2. Head - 1 pc. (combed)
3. Eyes - 2 pcs. (cunning)
4. Ears - 2 pcs. (pierced)
5. Mouth - 1 pc. (small)
6. Hands - 2 pcs. (gold)
7. Legs - 2 pcs. (slender)

Attached to this
1. Seven-season coat - 1 pc. (new)
2. Dress - 2 pcs. (one on her)
3. Tea cup - 1 pc. (without handle)
4. Bag - 1 pc. (reticule)


Guaranteed 100 years of operation from the date of issue of the coupon

Technical data:
Height - depending on the heels
Weight - from 20 to 60 kg
Eye color - depending on the mood
Not subject to exchange! Precautionary measures:
Do not network mood variables
Do not overheat or bring to a boil
Protect from physical overload
Limited use at home
To extend the shelf life, top up with ice cream, cake, etc. every Sunday. and so on.

Carry out preventive maintenance every summer on the Black Sea coast.


Friends! Can we have a word? We also want to wish our

brother………, and our sister………….. Do you want to always be young? Then take a few recipes for eternal youth and mood!!!

Do not leave youth fellowship under any pretext (with the exception of illness). While doing this, always be cheerful in body and soul.

A microbe called "old age" loves an indifferent, passive life. You can prevent it from entering your soul under the following conditions:

A) On any work (physical or spiritual) to be the first. Do everything in such a way that others are ignited for this business.

B) Do not look indifferently at the people, they are tormented by the soul, living on earth. Talk to them about God, show them by your life God.

do not live in step with the world. Loving the world, you will approach old age with giant steps. Holy living by the word will deliver you from that.

They say that one hearty smile makes a person 10 years younger at once. So, the next recipe for mood will be joy. Rejoice and still say you rejoice!!! Not only today, on this solemn day, but also a month later, a year, 10 years later. Always rejoice!

Do you want to always be young? Read the Bible constantly and do what is written in it. Let it lie not only on your table, but also in your heart.

The penultimate recipe, but very important: always live in harmony. Never quarrel. Give in to each other. Love each other all your life as if you were the bride and groom.

And the last recipe, it will be only for the groom.

It is always known that they are very flattering and pleasant when their wives look good and young ... So that your wife is always beautiful and young, always call her Tanya, but not “mother” or “old woman”, and give her flowers more often, even in winter at 400 frosts ... Suddenly, you appear on the doorstep with a bouquet of white roses and yours ... .. already the mother of several children smiles sweetly and looks younger immediately for ... ten years !!!

Take these elixirs constantly throughout your life. Recipe 1 to take for 4, 5 years, immediately after marriage, then take a break for 15-20 years until the children grow up and take again in a double dose.


The basic law of the family union .... And ……..

Article 1
Spouses have the right to connect their roads and create a healthy, growing and exemplary family. Spouses are obliged to keep it to the end.

Article 2
The husband is the main legislative body. The wife is the main executive body, the chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Article 3
The husband is the Minister of Defense, Electrification, gas industry, agriculture, assembly and construction works.

The wife is the Minister of Trade, Food Industry, Finance, Health, Cultural and External Relations.

Article 4
The wife has the right to approve the family budget.

Article 5
The wife is obliged to give her husband the honorable right to earn money, and the thankless but important task of spending it must be taken over.

Article 6
The husband is given the right to audit the financial activities of his wife ... at her discretion.

Article 7
The wife has the right to rest. The husband has the right to work.

Article 8
Spouses should remember that, yielding to each other in small things, they have a chance to win in big ones.

Article 9
Spouses are required to receive guests annually and report on the implementation of the family work plan.

Article 10
Husband and wife have the right to: a) celebrate after 25 years silver wedding; b) in 50 years - gold.

The law comes into force on "____" __________2002.


the right to drive a baby stroller

Bearer of this


has the right to drive baby strollers of all types, as well as other vehicles equated to them without limiting the passenger capacity

Currently, the workflow in our lives is gaining more and more momentum. So in the act of acceptance and transfer of documents for the wedding, unique features of the documents are recorded, if any: serial and serial numbers, the text content of the documents.

Therefore, choose one of the options below, but it's best to come up with your own option deed of transfer, enter the data in the transfer certificate template and print.

The act of handing over the groom to the bride
Option number 1

We, the undersigned associates and friends of the unfortunate: Witness __________, Iron Bachelor __________, Drinking Buddy __________, on the one hand, and the bride on the other hand, have drawn up a real act that the groom has a surname from birth (groom's last name) miraculously preserved and quite suitable for entering into a legal marriage.

On the basis of this conclusion, the act of transferring the groom for exploitation as a husband is performed.

The transferred individual is equipped with:

  • Torso (sports) - 1 pc.
  • Head (smart, bald) - 1 pc.
  • Eyes (blue) - 2 pcs.
  • Ears (own and whole) - 2 pcs.
  • Nose (with a hump, large) - 1 pc.
  • Arms and legs (as always in place) - 4 pcs.

Attached is:

  • Sheepskin coat (with holes) - 1 pc.
  • Shirts (almost new) - 5 pcs.
  • Comb (without 3 teeth) - 1 pc.
  • Boots (2 right, 4 left) - 6 pcs.

The groom is transferred according to the act:
Witness: _____________________
Iron Bachelor: _____________
Drinking buddy: ___________________

Accepted by act and pledge to love:
Bride: _______________________ (

The act of handing over the bride to the groom
Option number 1

We, the undersigned commission, consisting of: relatives and friends of the bride, on the one hand, and the groom, on the other, have drawn up this act stating that (Name of the groom) the universal system "Wife" is transmitted. Date of issue (year of birth of the bride).

After careful study of the biography (Name of the bride) the commission testified that the bride is ready to overcome life, physical, social, housing and other difficulties.

Characteristic data:

  • high growth,
  • sable eyebrows,
  • warmly loving heart
  • crazy eyes
  • soul is sensitive.

The wife, with all the details, can perform the following operations:

  • Spend your husband's salary, save yours for a passbook.
  • Perform a supervisory position in washing floors and dishes.
  • Sew two maxi caps from a miniskirt.
  • Boil a soup of seven grains and a roast of mouse tails.
  • Love and respect your husband.

Precautionary measures: In order to avoid the appearance of shortcomings in the aforementioned person, approach her without having loving heart, is prohibited. Complaints are not accepted. Not subject to exchange.

To the owner, upon receipt, carefully unpack with a "kiss", check the completeness and begin operation.

Accepted by act and pledge to love:
Groom: _______________________ (
