Satin roses. Do-it-yourself flowers from satin ribbons step by step instructions

Making a kanzashi-style ribbon rose is a fun activity that any needlewoman will love.

To make a rosette, you must first prepare the elements necessary for creativity, as well as study the process and sequence of execution.

The fact is that this flower is not so easy to perform, therefore, its creation from narrow ribbons must be approached with special attention.

In order to make a kanzashi rose from a satin ribbon 2.5–5 cm wide, the following elements are needed:
  • wide satin ribbon;
  • candle;
  • scissors;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • glue;
  • sequins, beads.

A wide satin ribbon should be cut into squares 2.5 centimeters wide. It is important not to confuse with the width, otherwise the rosette will turn out small. After cutting out the squares, they should be singeed with a candle so that extra threads do not stick out. Each square is folded in half to form a triangle, and the corners of the triangle are also folded towards the middle for more volume. After folding, the open edge is cut off, and the cut part of the petal is soldered over a candle or lighter.

If it is difficult to singe the edges before gluing them, it is better to carefully look at the master class and determine for yourself how long you need to keep the petal near the fire.

There should be 20 petals in total. 1 kanzashi petal from a 2.5 cm ribbon is folded into a tube, it will be the middle, and then more open petals will follow. Bonding occurs at the bottom of the petal. The more petals are glued, the more the future kanzashi decoration becomes like a rose. This flower will be very voluminous, so it will be possible to noticeably decorate any surface.

Video tutorials on kanzashi technique

Video tutorial on creating a petal

Video tutorial on creating a flower

Video tutorial on creating a flat rose

How to glue the petals: a master class

In the MK for creating flowers using the kanzashi technique, many use a soldering iron instead of a candle, arguing that it glues better. However, there is another side of the coin. If the soldering iron is used incorrectly, it will leave black marks on the material, and burnt areas may be visible in the petals.

Rose petals are glued close, and then to the bottom of the entire pyramid. You should adhere to a checkerboard pattern and glue so that each new sheet is visible. After gluing all the petals, a circle of felt is glued to the bottom in order to better fix the entire structure. After the rose is finished, the flower can also be ennobled with green leaves. Then the decoration will be complete. For a better acquaintance with the technique, you can see additionally presented photo and video materials.

Hello dear friends! On September 1, for my daughter, I made kanzashi from a 2.5 cm ribbon right under the color of her clothes, it turned out such nice little bows, my daughter really liked them. Today I will tell and show how I made them, maybe someday this master class will come in handy for you.

Oh, how I want to show you more master classes, it seems so long ago I already published a master class on making. But some frantic time has come, all these fees for the kindergarten, and now both children, unexpectedly for me, my son, also took the kindergarten. And we found out about this in the last days of August and quite by accident, because I was doing my own thing in the city education department and there they told me that my son was sent to kindergarten on July 23, and I found out about it 1.5 months later.

The manager just somehow lost us and recommended not to look for the guilty ones), in general, now we are undergoing a medical examination, we are taking tests, and if we had known earlier, we would have gotten used to the garden for a long time, but apparently it’s necessary, I accept it like that.

Therefore, articles are published irregularly, the frequency jumps, and here they are already waiting for me at work), when I will be engaged in the blog, probably, on long winter evenings).

Okay, this is such a digression about our life offline). And now to business.

Kanzashi from tape 2.5 cm

To make kanzashi from a 2.5 cm tape, we need:

  • ribbon 2.5 cm wide lilac
  • ribbon 2.5 cm wide white
  • white ribbon about 6 cm wide with a silver trim
  • white center for a flower or any, to your taste
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • tweezers
  • candle
  • white felt
  • hair tie medium size

For one flower, we need 13 lilac petals and 6 white petals. First, we cut the ribbon into strips 7 cm long, for lilac petals we need 13 strips, for white petals 6 strips.

Forming a petal is very simple. We fold the ribbons so that the bottom is an isosceles triangle, see the photo if you don’t understand. Then fold in half, laying the ribbon on the ribbon. Now we wrap inward the lower edges of the resulting "house" on the left side and on the right, grab it with tweezers and solder it on a candle. Everything - the petal is ready. In the same way we make white petals.

When 13 lilac and 6 white petals are ready, let's make a decor from a narrow white ribbon 0.6 cm wide. For one bow, we need 5 petals. We cut the tapes into strips 7 cm long. We fold the edges of the tape on top of each other with the front side, so that we get a petal with a hole, see photos and videos. And solder the tips on the candle.

Now everything you need to create a kanzashi from a 2.5 cm tape is ready. Let's start collecting flowers. For the base on which we will glue all the petals, we take a felt circle with a diameter of 4.5 cm and begin to attach the petals to the felt base using hot glue.

On the first row, you need to glue 8 petals evenly, in order to maintain this uniformity, first we glue two petals opposite each other, and then we just glue the petals between them.

In the second row we paste white petals, we try to place them between the lilac ones. In total, we will glue 6 petals, in the video at the very beginning I made a reservation, saying that we need 5 white ones, but we need six of them, forgive me.

In the third row between the whites we glue 5 lilac petals, and in the fourth row we decorate with narrow petals. We glue a white core in the middle, I recommend gluing a felt patch to the very middle, and only then glue it to the flower, so the middle will hold on tighter.

At the end, glue an elastic band for hair, a fashionable clip or a hairpin on the back, depending on what you want and on what hair. I glued an elastic band, for this I cut a strip of felt 5 cm long, 1 cm wide and pasted it through the elastic band onto the felt base. Our kanzashi elastic band from a 2.5 cm ribbon is ready, if desired, we make another one and braid the princess pigtails or tie a ponytail. They look like this on hair. I did not take this photo on the first of September, on the first, my daughter had ponytails with these rubber bands.

And you can also make cute rubber bands, they also look great, I did it for my nephew, I forgot to take a picture of the last work.

For those for whom the photo was not enough, see all the explanations in the video, in detail, everything should be clear there.

Kanzashi from tape 2.5 cm video

I hope this master class was useful for you, I hope I will prepare and show something else soon.

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

The article will tell you how to make roses from a satin ribbon using various techniques, and you can also learn the nuances and features of working with a satin ribbon.

The beauty of a rose is unique, but trying to create a similar flower with your own hands is easy and does not require significant costs - at the peak of popularity, flowers made from satin ribbons. How to create beautiful decoration for hair, a bouquet for the bride, an interior detail or a brooch with amazing and sophisticated roses - you will find out by reading this article and studying the instructions on how to make flowers from ribbons step by step.

DIY roses from satin ribbons

Not everyone can afford beautiful fresh flowers that will decorate the house every day, and sometimes you really want a small spring corner in the house and at least a small, but rose. The way out of the situation will be a rose, created with your own hands from a simple and affordable material - satin.

Satin ribbons are often used in needlework

For creating satin rose does not require large expenditures. Everything you need in the process of work:

  • satin ribbon or piece of fabric
  • wire
  • corrugated paper
  • glue moment
  • soldering iron and bulb of the right size
  • scissors
  • gelatin
  • small pad (you can use a pincushion)

Bulk for needlework

The atlas must be soaked in a gelatin solution and dried in order for the fabric to become pliable. After the atlas dries, you can begin to work.

Roses from satin ribbons

By following the sequence of work and the instructions set out in the instructions, you can quickly and easily make an exquisite satin rose:

  • Make stencils for petals from any paper

Paper blank
  • Attaching the stencil to the satin ribbon, cut out 20 petals and two flower bases

  • Pick the right size bubble

  • Moisten a small piece of cloth and wring it out well - it will be needed in order to wipe the petals before shaping them

Petal preparation
  • Put the wet petal on the pillow and use the bulb to shape it as shown in the photo.

  • Put the resulting curved petal aside and carry out similar manipulations with all the other petals
  • Give a curved shape to the bases of the flower

flower base
  • Use the tool to iron the petals on the other side

petal formation
  • All petals should look like the one shown in the photo.

Petals should look like this
  • Repeat the same steps with whisks.

  • Wrap the wire corrugated paper, forming the stem of a rose. After that, wrap a small piece of cotton wool on the resulting stem - this will be the base of the flower, its middle

flower base
  • From the received details it is necessary to collect a rose. First of all, wrap the stem with cotton wool with a petal and glue its edges with glue
  • Glue the second petal so that the edge of the first is not visible.
  • Glue two petals to the resulting blank at once
  • Glue all the petals in pairs in a circle
  • After that, in a checkerboard pattern, glue the remaining bases of the flower

Ready flower

From the resulting flower, you can make a brooch, hairpin or decorate a house. Having made several multi-colored roses, you can form a whole bouquet.

The splendor of the rose depends on the number of petals - there may be more of them than indicated in the instructions

Ribbon roses 5 cm

More simple, but no less aesthetic will be a rose made from thin tape 5 cm wide. Such flowers look more decorative than the first option and go very well with clothes, jewelry, and also as part of a decorative bouquet, as an interior detail.

Satin ribbon 5 cm

To make a rose you will need:

  • satin ribbon (5 cm) of any color, but preferably red, pink or orange, and green ribbon
  • needle and thread in the color of the ribbon
  • lighter
  • scissors
  • centimeter or ruler

Ribbon roses

Instructions for making a rose from a ribbon:

  1. Using a ruler, measure a piece of tape 8 cm long and cut 5 pieces according to this sample
    2. Measure a piece 13 cm long and cut 5 of these elements
    3. Using a lighter, melt the edges of the resulting pieces of tape so that they do not fray and have an aesthetic appearance
    4. Form petals from the obtained shreds: for this, bend the two edges of a piece of tape with an “envelope” and pin it with a pin, and then stitch it with a neat seam
    5. Pulling the end of the thread, pull off the petal and form 8 of them bigger size by gentle tightening. Tie the ends of the thread with a strong knot so that the petal does not fall apart.
    6. From the green ribbon, also form two petals, which will eventually become the sepals of the rose
    7. Move on to the formation of a rose: starting from the smallest blanks, glue them together, trying to give the future flower the structure of a rose
    8. After that, glue the leaves, and glue all the flaws and the ends of the tapes sticking out from below with a small piece of tape, hiding the cuts

You can glue a hairpin or elastic band to the resulting flower and use this cute decoration to create a sophisticated and elegant hairstyle.

Video: Flower from satin ribbons in 5 minutes

Ribbon rose buds

In order to form a beautiful rosebud, you need a ribbon 100 cm long. The color of the ribbon can be very different, but the texture of the satin must be taken into account: if the ribbon has a smooth shiny side and the other side is wrong side, then you must immediately put it on the table before starting work. so that the front side is on the bottom.

flat buds

For work you will need:

  • tape (100 cm)
  • needle and thread
  • super glue or other instant adhesive

Volumetric roses

Work sequence:

  1. Fold up the edge of the ribbon and sew. Without cutting the thread, twist a small tube from the ribbon - the base of the flower
  2. When folding the edges of the tape, make turns around the base and secure at the bottom with small seams
  3. So it is necessary to “wrap” the entire tape around the base, and glue the last turn with glue, after cutting off the thread and making a small knot. This will help hide seams and blemishes.

Sequence of work

Mounting can be done with glue

Bouquet of roses from ribbons

Thanks to the simple technique of creating roses from ribbon, you can form a full-fledged bouquet of flowers in just half an hour. For this you need:

  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide
  • needle and thread
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • ruler


The color of the satin ribbon from which the flowers will be formed can be anything, but for the leaves, a green or light green ribbon is the most organic.

Having prepared everything necessary tools and materials you can get started:

  1. Measure pieces of ribbon 10 cm long and cut them with scissors. There should be 10 such patches in total.
  2. Carefully melt all the tips of future petals with a lighter
  3. To make the heart of the rose, take one of the pieces of ribbon and lay it face down on the table (the one that is smooth and shiny)
  4. Bend the right corner as shown in the photo
  5. Holding the resulting corner, wrap the right side to the left again
  6. Next, make the bends as shown in the photo with a dotted line.
  7. Using a needle and thread, secure the fold point without breaking the thread.
  8. Fold the left corner so that the edges match.
  9. From the first fold, make a row of stitches to the second and pull the thread. Three such cores must be made
  10. Start creating petals: lay the flap face down on the table and pull the corners with a thread, as shown in the photo. After that, tie the thread into a knot and cut off the excess
  11. You need to make seven such petals
  12. Assemble the bud: wrap the bud with the petal and sew at the bottom
  13. To create a half-blown rose, attach another petal in this way
  14. The second rose will be more lush - another petal should be attached to it
  15. The third rose is in full bloom. Attach all remaining petals to it according to the above principle.
  16. Cut the green ribbon in half (you should get a ribbon 2.5 cm wide and 12 cm long)
  17. Fold the resulting tape so that you get a triangle. Cut off the bottom corner as in the photo
  18. Connect the two cut corners of the triangle with tweezers and melt with a lighter so that they stick together in this way
  19. Place a bud in the resulting leaf and glue it with glue
  20. The rest of the leaves must be turned inside out.
  21. Combine all elements into a composition of flowers and leaves using glue

The dotted line shows the folds

The thread does not need to be cut

Bud formation


The base must be connected to the petals

Unopened rose bud

If you want to know, then there is nothing complicated about it. For this, the above technique is quite suitable.

This technique will allow you to create a bouquet

Kanzashi flowers from satin ribbons

Making kanzashi is a pleasant activity with benefits, because with a little time and effort you can make a beautiful hair ornament that no one will have. There are many various techniques making kanzashi from satin ribbons, designed for different levels of skill, but we will consider the technique for beginners.


To make a kanzashi rose, you need:

  • ribbon of any color
  • lighter
  • thread and needle
  • beads
  • elastic band or hair clip

Hair ornament

To create a beautiful hairpin flower, you need:

  1. Cut the tape into six pieces of 6-8 cm
    2. Bend the upper right corner and secure with a pin, do the same manipulation with the left corner
    3. Sew the resulting triangle from the bottom and pull the thread a little, then tie a knot and cut it off
    4. Repeat with all patches to get six identical petals
    5. Connect the petals to each other with a thread
    6. Sew one large or several small beads into the center
    7. Sew the flower to the elastic band or stick it to the hairpin with glue

This rose will transform your hair

Using a satin ribbon and your own imagination, you can create the most various crafts and decorations. Create, create beauty and decorate your life and the lives of people close to you with the fruits of your own creativity. Satin ribbon roses are beautiful and original, and an unusual activity will become a wonderful hobby for the soul.

Video: Flat rose from a satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide

The kanzashi technique is the art of creating flowers from fabric. Japanese beauties decorated their outfits with handmade colored roses. Modern girls They also like to add variety to their wardrobe and decorate clothes and accessories with various products in the form of roses to give femininity and elegance. Craftswomen especially love to use satin ribbons in their creations, with which you can create beautiful roses. Moreover, the kanzashi technique allows you to form both small buds and blossoming flowers. Mk on kanzashi roses will help you quickly master the technique.

Starting small

The presented master class on a rosebud will help you understand the manufacturing technique and step by step consider each stage of creating roses with your own hands.

For the master class you will need: an atlas from a ribbon 5 cm long; scissors, glue, tweezers; matches or lighter. It is very comfortable to work with a burning candle or a small soldering iron for burning.

1) From the tape it is necessary to cut an even square with a side of 5 cm. You will need as many squares as there will be petals for a future rose. There may be very few of them if you need a rose in the form of a bud, or 20 or more for a lush and blossoming flower.

It is better to scorch the edges of the squares with fire so that the tape does not crumble (it is very convenient to use a candle).

2) For further work, you need to fold and fasten the opposite sides of the square.

Kanzashi rose professionals deftly connect the corners without fastening, while beginners the first is better time to help yourself and fix the part as in the photo.

3) Next, you need to make a petal - two side corners are bent to the central sealed corner. Petals can be made in different shapes, given that the narrower petals are placed at the beginning of the flower formation, and the wide ones create the appearance of a large blossoming rose.

4) The combined corners must be cut off by approximately 5 mm, while the petal itself is best held with tweezers, and then the cut is sealed with fire. The accuracy of the product also depends on the quality of the tool - it is better to use tweezers without bends and kinks, with a straight edge, of course, metal, since it will be in direct contact with the fire.

5) Having made the required number of petals, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of a flower. We twist the first petal.

6) The first finished petal turns into the second. The bases must be evenly in contact with each other.

Then you need to repeat the same with the rest of the petals. Instead of glue, you can use a needle and thread and simply sew the prepared parts to each other. At this stage, the master class on making a rosebud can be considered complete.

To create a blooming flower, you need to glue a new petal until you get the desired rose.

The larger and wider the petals, the more blossoming the rosette will appear and vice versa.

If desired, flowers can be decorated with ribbons of different colors in the form of leaves.

Using Templates

In addition to the above technique, to create roses from satin ribbons, you can use the technique of making petals according to patterns. To the listed tools, you need to add cardboard, according to which templates of different sizes will be cut.

The manufacturing principle is quite simple:

1) Templates are laid out on a satin ribbon and the required number of petals is cut out.

2) The edges of the cut petals are singeed over the candles, and then the petals must be kept over the fire until they spin slightly. In this way, the petals become very similar to real ones.

3) To create a bud, you need to twist and glue small petals according to the same principle as before. For convenience, you can use a cotton swab.

4) Each petal is glued to the bud, also placing it to the very base of the flower.

5) If used cotton swab, then it can be cut off.

It turned out a lovely flower:

You can use such cute and delicate products not only to create paintings and interior items. Roses will decorate hair clips, headbands and many other accessories, clothes, shoes and even a bride's bouquet.

Video on the topic of the article

In more detail, the process of making kanzashi roses can be seen in the videos presented.

We begin the creative process by cutting squares from ribbons. For triple petals, we need 8 squares of each color, but there are also single black petals - they need 8 more blanks, and for the silver middle, prepare plus 5 brocade cuts.

Bend the pink square diagonally.

Then fold it again in the middle

Create black and silver squares in the same way.

The next step in creating a petal is to bend the workpiece in half and fix it so that all three corners different colors aligned in one straight line.

We cut off the base with a burner and slightly equalize the bottom of the petals.

Then we sew all the petals. As soon as the first tier of the flower is formed, it must be attached to a satin circle with a diameter of 3 cm. On this basis, the flower will gain a foothold and it will be more convenient to work with it.

Now we create sharp petals from brocade.

We cut the bottom of the petals more with a burner.

Next, unscrew the petal and you can glue it in the middle.

Now we form black petals in the same way as the previous ones and paste them between the triple petals. They are smaller in height, so try to glue them below, then the second tier will be slightly recessed and such a black addition looks unobtrusive.

In the middle, be sure to glue a rhinestone or a white bead. Kanzashi flower from ribbons 4 and 5 cm, ready! But now we will make an elastic band with it with our own hands.

Turn the work over and glue the elastic, for greater fixation, you can apply a small piece of black tape.

Now an amazing kanzashi-style flower can be tried on as a hair tail decoration or a neat pigtail.
