All the best for moms. First time in first grade: how to arrange a holiday? How to arrange a holiday on September 1

You need to add one more holiday to your family traditions - this is the first of September. And you have a reason for it! Your child is in 1st grade! This exciting and joyful event should not be forgotten during all the years that the child will attend school.

Unusual gift

Surely, your child dreamed of a dog or a cat. So make him an unusual surprise, on the first in his life, Knowledge Day - give him an animal. Believe me, the desired gifts remain in your memory for a long time. In addition, such a “live” gift will always remind the child that it was made on September 1st. Psychologists believe that the child will immediately feel like an adult and responsible, because now he must not only study well, but also take care of his friend.

Departure to nature

On September 1, after visiting school, you can have a picnic with the whole family. But so that the child does not know about it in advance. Invite the grandparents and friends your child hangs out with. You imagine the joy of a child when he sees his grandmother, who lives in another city. Here it will be a surprise! And at the end of the event, give him a gift: for example, a box in which he will find surprises every morning. This will motivate the child to get up earlier to look into the box, and thus not be late for school. Over time, when the child goes to 5-6-7 ... class, the box will become a kind of "safe" for him, in which he will put notes from girls or boys, congratulations on Valentine's Day, birthday cards, the first beads from the one he likes a boy and much more that later, when he becomes an adult, it will remind him of his fun school years.

Unforgettable walk

The second half of the day, after visiting the school, you can have a great time going to the zoo. It’s not so hot outside anymore - the beginning of autumn, and therefore it will be comfortable to “stare” at the little animals without getting tired or languishing from the heat. Or arrange a river boat trip. Everything you see must be captured in a photo, so that later, upon arrival home, to discuss the festive events.

For those who are active and make the holiday themselves! Gift ideas for first graders and seniors, ideas for games and competitions and much more!

Knowledge Day is coming. Did you love this holiday in your childhood? There are conflicting opinions. On the one hand, September 1 is sadness about the passing carefree summer and the beginning of study, work, boring duties. On the other hand, it is the joy of meeting classmates and teachers, constant communication and learning new things.

If Knowledge Day is limited to the school line and class hour, then it turns out to be some kind of formal, it seems to be a holiday, but not quite. Surely, you are already thinking about how to celebrate September 1 in family circle, what to give your student to make the day unforgettable, happy and give the image of future school days a pleasant expectation. Let's talk about it in our article.

On the eve of the holiday

Agree that the preparation for the event is even more important and interesting than the celebration itself. Let's at least remember New Year: decorating the Christmas tree, choosing gifts, cooking, carnival costumes- all this creates a magical feeling of celebration, joy and wonder. Why not organize your family traditions in preparation for the Day of Knowledge, because school still occupies most of the time of our children.

If your child is a future first grader, it would be appropriate to spend the day before family celebration childhood. Remember how in the film "Love and Doves" Vasily and Nadezhda escorted their son to the army? Father and son then crawled in a plastunsky way, dressed for a while, did push-ups, etc. Instead of a course for a young fighter, I propose to hold competitions for a young schoolboy:

  • "Collect a briefcase" - among the items you have proposed, choose school supplies and carefully put them in a briefcase.
  • "Changing Clothes" - to change into sports suit for a limited time.
  • “Find a word” - for reading children, you can give the task to make a word from letters.
  • "Count" - solve mathematical problems.
  • "Guess" - solve riddles about school supplies, the world around us, animals, etc.
  • "Whose subject?" - lay out school supplies (ruler, compasses, album, colored paper, notebook in a line, etc.) in different folders with the names of subjects: mathematics, reading, labor, etc.

To add excitement to competitions, compete with your baby. It will not be difficult for you to make a choice of games for the development of attention, imagination and thinking. As a result of the competition, award the child with a medal and finish the childhood holiday with a family tea party.

On the same day or earlier, plan how, where and with whom you will spend September 1st. There are two options for the development of events: at home or in some public place. If celebration will take place at home, then it is necessary in advance:

Prepare layout:

  • musical - a selection of school songs and phonograms;
  • video - slideshow of photos and videos of a student;
  • photo gallery of school photos of your childhood and child. If possible, invite a professional photographer to the holiday itself.
  • wall newspaper with school cartoons, funny diary clippings;
  • balls, flags and garlands;
  • themed posters and stylization for the holiday - dishes, tablecloths, wrappers for chocolates, cake decoration, dishes, etc.
  • holiday attributes, costumes and prizes.

Write a script:

decide on the theme: pioneer party, war of avatars and the military, adventures of pirates, treasure hunt, military party, pajama party, initiation into the seventh graders, puppet show, playing Indians, the magical world of magic, a holiday of growing up, shooting "Yeralash", an excursion into the past, a watermelon party, a day of home self-government, etc. We choose a topic depending on the age and preferences of the child.

Plan your holiday:

the beginning of the holiday - a solemn meeting of guests and games to relieve stiffness, tightness.

holiday development - games for attention, competitive moments.

pauses - musical and not only.

the second wind of the holiday - active games and contests.

The culmination of the holiday is an unexpected surprise.

completion of the holiday - rewarding, feast.

Homemade board games are interesting in the family circle. Now you can find themed board games for sale. Teenagers love to play Mafia and Killer with friends.

You can entrust the "celebration" to yourself or a professional. But in preparation for the Day of Knowledge, the child should take the most important part!

If you celebrate to outside the home

  • cafe, restaurant or pizzeria;
  • water park or regular amusement park;
  • picnic outside the city;
  • walk along the embankment;
  • theatre, cinema, concert;
  • bowling;
  • paintball (war with paints);
  • rope course (there are ready-made rope tracks in the parks);
  • laser tag - laser battle in fantastic light scenery;
  • oceanarium, dolphinarium, zoo;
  • museum of water, medicine or experiments;
  • excursion to a confectionery establishment;
  • sport's event, competition;
  • shopping (choose gifts);
  • horse riding;
  • quests.

Ask your child about his preferences, and, of course, consider his age. If up to 11-12 years old children like to spend time with their parents, then teenagers choose the company of peers and friends. All children, regardless of age, do not like to sit at the table for a long time. They need movement.

Gift choice

What's a holiday without gifts?! To give or not to give? Present! It seems that the child has everything, the question of choice arises. Ask yourself about the purpose of the gift: to surprise, to benefit, to give happy impressions and emotions, to fulfill the desire of the child. Now think about what the child wants, because all children are so individual. If this gift is not a surprise, you can buy it together right after the line.

Amazing Gifts

Having visited several parent forums, I compiled the following list of gifts that can pleasantly surprise a student. Choose by age:

  • original stationery (sharpener in the form of a turtle or a spiderman, an eraser in the form of a typewriter, a shark pencil case, an angel ballpoint pen, etc.)
  • chocolate tree - while the child is sleeping, decorate a tree or shrub in your yard with your favorite sweets, chocolates. Imagine the delight of a junior high school student when he suddenly sees this.
  • gift search card - the child will find the treasured surprise by the arrows and instructions;
  • soft toy or toys from your favorite cartoons and films;
  • bed with a plot from your favorite cartoon;
  • chewing gum for hands (“solid-liquid” mass for modeling, which takes any shape in the hands of a child, and in a “free” state becomes a liquid puddle);
  • dance mat;
  • spinner;
  • photo of a child on a pillow, mug, t-shirt, etc.;
  • all kinds of slimes and jumpers;
  • original lamp;
  • a gift certificate for visiting a pizzeria or movie tickets (for a teenager);
  • flash drive in the form of your favorite comic book hero;
  • loudspeakers;
  • original notebook in Lego style;
  • fun, trendy workout backpack;
  • desktop globe-ball or map-puzzle.

Useful gifts

  • kits for creativity: engravings, stained glass flowers, handmade soap, embroidery with threads or beads, burning, etc.;
  • excavation kit;
  • children's microscope or telescope;
  • encyclopedia;
  • a set of a young biologist, physicist or chemist;
  • sets "Experiments in the kitchen", "Growing crystals";
  • myths different peoples;
  • telephone;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • pictures for coloring by numbers;
  • puzzle calculator;
  • Board games;
  • folding rooms for paper dolls;
  • alarm clock in the form of a favorite hero;
  • Wall Clock with a photo of your child from September 1 (you can buy blanks for making watches yourself and then make them together with your child using a photo);
  • lesson schedule with photos of your child and his/her school friends.

Gifts - impressions

Pleasant emotions from visiting the above vacation spots (“If the holiday is away from home”) can be better than some kind of subject gifts. If your child is fond of sports, swimming, dancing, etc., purchase a subscription to the pool for him, Gym etc.

Well, if the gift can be useful, and original, and unforgettable. The most important thing is to guess the desires of the child, you do not need to give him a very interesting book, knowing that he will not read it anyway. Give, thinking not about yourself, but about your child.

So, whether Knowledge Day will be a favorite holiday for children depends only on us adults. Do you have any ideas on this topic? Let's share in the comments.

What gifts are chosen for children in 2017?

The holiday starts in the morning. As soon as the baby wakes up, do not forget to congratulate him first. Prepare him a delicious breakfast and remind him that a surprise awaits him in the evening. In this case, from the first minutes of September 1, the baby will be in anticipation of miracles.

The baby is dressed up in his new form: tie bows for girls, and colorful ties for boys. But mom and dad do not forget about their appearance. The child will be pleased when people on the street begin to pay attention to his friendly and very beautiful family.

Unfortunately, the solemn "line" at the school from year to year is the same. Performance of teachers, their acquaintance with first-graders, congratulations, delivery of flowers to the new teacher and a small festive concert. Children are watching with interest the events taking place. But, as a rule, the holiday ends very quickly. So that the baby is not upset because of this, it is necessary to plan in advance the next steps.

Sometimes parents of first-graders agree to have a tea party in the classroom. But you need to get the permission of the class teacher. If refused, you can have a small picnic in the woods. Little students will quickly make friends and spend time with interest in each other's company.

A pleasant surprise for a child on Knowledge Day will be a visit to the zoo or circus with the whole family. Funny little animals, clowns or jugglers will give the baby a lot of amazing experiences. Just remember to buy your tickets in advance, because very often on such a day the number of visitors with small children exceeds the availability. But the kid will be very upset if he comes to the circus, but will not be able to get to an interesting performance. In this case, the holiday will be spoiled.

If you want to have a special event with your family, there are many ways to have fun. First of all, parents or grandparents decorate the apartment of a first-grader. The stores sell various posters or ribbons on which congratulations are drawn to the kids. In addition, you can hang a sign on the front door that "first-grader Sasha lives here." Then not only relatives, but also housemates will come to congratulate the little student.

Make a “real diploma” out of paper. Solemnly present it to your child during a family dinner. The kid will be proud to receive an important document.

No gala dinner is complete without a birthday cake. Many candy factories or specialty shops offer custom cakes. Give your child sweets made in the form of a textbook, a pen and a notebook, or just the number "1". And you don’t even have to buy a ready-made cake. Get creative. After all, mom or grandmother will be able to bake interesting and unusual sweets themselves.

Parents can prepare a small performance. Where main character is going to go to school, but on the way he encounters various obstacles. Act out the performance in such a way that the baby will take a direct part in it. And when the main character successfully completes the tasks, the other participants are awarded certificates of honor and tasty souvenirs.

And, of course, the whole apartment should be decorated with colorful balloons. When the day is over, don't rush to take them off. Arrange a small game - pierce balloons with a pin. But be careful so that loud sounds do not frighten grandma or grandpa, and the baby does not get hurt on a sharp needle.

If the family holiday is not over yet, the whole family can go for a walk. Many cafes arrange special holidays dedicated to the first of September. Find out in advance where and when they will take place solemn events. Usually clowns or illusionists are invited to cafes. They entertain the little spectators, while moms and dads get a chance to relax a bit and have a cup of tea.

And be sure to take your camera or camera with you. This coming weekend, the whole family will gather at the table in order to once again remember this significant day. And even when the baby grows up, the very first “first of September” will forever remain in his memories.

And despite the age of the child, I want this day to be remembered only by pleasant emotions. And here everything, as they say, is in your hands, parents. We have prepared for you some simple and useful ideas that will turn the day of the first call into a real holiday.

The bell is ringing

Solemn line and the first lesson in the class behind. Parents can relax and children can enjoy the holiday to the fullest. But in order for this to be possible, it is necessary to think over a plan of action in advance.

You need to start a few days before the important date, because the right attitude is the key to a pleasant day.

Creating a festive atmosphere

Where to start? In fact, everything is very simple:

First of all, parents should forget about fears and discontent. Yes, you may have to spend a lot of money to provide your child with all the necessary educational materials, but you should not even mention this in front of the child. Get him ready for another one to begin interesting year during which he will be able to gain a lot of new knowledge and impressions.

To create a festive atmosphere, give your child the freedom of choice in the process of buying school supplies first, and then decorate the house together. The most affordable option - balls, beautiful autumn leaves, wall newspaper and photo collage.

On the wall newspaper, you can display the expectations of the child from the upcoming school year, "seasoning" all this short rhymes own composition.

In a photo collage, it would be appropriate to use photos from previous solemn rulers or collect the most bright moments the life of a child from birth to the present time, if it is a first-grader.

Go for a walk

It’s worth saying right away that you should have two options for celebrating September 1, in case the weather fails.

So, if your plans do not violate the weather conditions, then you can please your child with a hike:

  • To the picnic. This is a real treat for kids. In addition to jointly prepared goodies and songs around the fire, you can easily hold family competitions, interesting contests and end the holiday with bright fireworks.
  • To the amusement park. Such entertainment will be of interest not only to younger children, even teenagers are often not averse to having fun in such a place. A significant plus also lies in the fact that while the child is enjoying the games, parents can be distracted by a coffee break.
  • Walk on the water. Have you ever had a picnic on the water? Then Knowledge Day is the time to do it. Firstly, you will be able to fully enjoy a warm autumn day, and secondly, it is truly an unforgettable experience.
  • Horseback riding. Communication with animals is one of better ways get rid of stress. The beginning of the school year is always a little exciting for schoolchildren, so leisurely rides on beautiful, stately horses can perfectly defuse the atmosphere.

But if the solemn line had to be held under umbrellas, you should not despair. There are many more ways to celebrate this day:

  • Cinema. Popcorn, an interesting movie or cartoon, and a long time to discuss impressions. This is sure to please the child.
  • Dolphinarium. If your child has never swum with dolphins, give him such an opportunity. No weather will prevent you from getting a hurricane of positive emotions.
  • Holiday at home. Who said celebrating the start of the school year at home is boring? Favorite delicacies will definitely cheer you up, and interesting quizzes will awaken the spirit of competition. Another one interesting idea- Video interview. Make it a tradition to record a video every year where you ask the same questions. For example, who does the child want to be, what do they like most about school, a few words about friends, etc.

It is worth noting that such entertainment is usually suitable for elementary and middle school students. Do not be offended if a teenager after the line asks you for some money for personal expenses and goes for a walk with friends.

Nice presents

September 1 is a holiday, and it is worth celebrating. Gifts, of course, are an integral part. First, let's think about teachers. good class teacher it's a sin not to give a nice present. But this does not mean that you have to fork out for expensive equipment or precious jewelry. Great options for this are:

  • Candy stand;
  • original diary (for example, nominal handmade);
  • cup with good wishes from students;
  • souvenir tea or coffee sets.

Now let's figure out what you can give a student. The first thing to consider is whether useful gift. Of course, it’s great if the theme of the holiday continues in this case as well. But if you know that some other option will be more useful - then why not:

  • High school students will certainly appreciate a new computer desk or some modern gadgets and devices (tablet, e-book, fitness bracelet).
  • For first graders and elementary school students, childhood does not end, so you can safely please them with board games or creative kits. And for parents who are ready to share with the baby the responsibility for our smaller brothers, we recommend presenting a pet as a present.
  • A funny gift for children of any age will be an unusual alarm clock - jumping, glowing, with a special glass surface, where you can leave wishes daily.

Pleasant experience with which a new one begins academic year This is the engine that will help you gain knowledge with pleasure. Do not be too lazy to make a holiday, because it's so simple.

September 1 for a child going to first grade becomes the beginning of a new stage in life. This day is important not only for the first grader himself, but also significant for his parents, who will have to go through 11 years of success and failure with their child and support their child in everything.

Your child will remember the Day of Knowledge for a long time if, in addition to the solemn line and the first lessons, he receives impressions from the holiday that you arrange for him on this day.

Photos from the school line

Of course, all parents accompanying their child to first grade want to capture this moment in a photo or video. On the line itself, you can freely take a hundred pictures of your child surrounded by a teacher and classmates, but after the solemn part is over, you will most likely not be allowed into the classroom to take a picture of a student at a desk. Therefore, try to arrange in advance with the teacher or school management to go to the first lesson yourself, or invite a professional photographer. You also need to explain to the child in advance that from now on you will have to leave for the time of the lessons, that on the first of September he will go to his first lesson. Well, if your little student is already familiar with one of his classmates, then it will be easier for him to adapt to a new environment.

School uniform

It is important to pay due attention to the purchase of clothes on September 1st. Although many schools are now introducing their own uniform, however, even formal school clothes should be convenient and comfortable. Otherwise, an uncomfortable blouse or tight shoes will forever spoil the impression of a newly-made schoolboy about the holiday and the first lesson. Concerning everyday form, then also consider the following: how easily soiled the fabric is, whether it will be convenient for the child to take off and put on the uniform (for example, in physical education). look not only at appearance backpack, number of pockets, material quality, design and price. Of course, these parameters matter, but pay close attention to safety - a first grader's backpack should weigh no more than 1-1.5 kg when empty and 2-3 kg with textbooks and notebooks.

First-graders rush to their first school line happy and smart, and hold in their hands beautiful bouquet for the teacher. Choose flowers together with the child so that he holds the bouquet and makes sure that he will be comfortable and not hard. On the way to school, you can rehearse the moment of presenting flowers to the teacher, tell the child the words with which he should address, and ask him to repeat the name and patronymic of the teacher.

Children's Cafe

Knowledge Day is an important day for a child. Try to be with him throughout the day, ask him about everything, and spend time after the end of the lessons in a cafe or amusement park so that your first grader relaxes a little.

The child will be much more fun if you can arrange a joint holiday with the parents of other children: book a table in a cafe, decorate it balloons, treat children with sweets, fruits, cocktails. Time spent together with classmates will help children to get to know each other better, and parents to establish friendships. Exchange phone numbers so that you can call each other in an emergency. For example, to find out the unwritten homework or seek any other assistance related to school affairs.

Entertainment Center

Another way to have fun on September 1 is to take your child to an amusement park. It will be the best option for the most active children who are used to moving a lot, jumping, running, playing. Of course, after the first lessons, where the child had to sit still, he will want to throw out the accumulated energy to his fullest. By the way, you did not forget to explain to your first grader that from now on he will have to obey another adult and behave in a certain way at school.

A field trip or a walk in the park

Also a great continuation of the Knowledge Day will be a family outing for a picnic. Of course, you first need to go home to change school uniform on sportswear. While the kebab or barbecue is being prepared, play badminton, ball or run kite. If there is no suitable picnic spot in your area, go cycling or rollerblading. Just try to shape your leisure time so that the child is not very tired. Still, the next day he will go to school again, and before classes he needs to rest and sleep!

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