Whiskers on the face. Men's sideburns

A beard for a modern man has become an indispensable accessory and element of the image. Almost all Hollywood stars replaced a clean-shaven face with a thick or stylishly shaved beard, mustache and sideburns. As practice has shown, experts offer more than 50 varieties of beards. And among all these variations, a beard and sideburns in combination are most often presented.

As a separate element, sideburns came into fashion all over the world not immediately, but gradually, starting from the 18th century. In general, sideburns are the facial hair of a man, which begins at the temples and gradually turns into a mustache and beard. You can wear sideburns separately, as well as sideburns and a mustache or sideburns with a beard. It all depends on the preferences of a man, the type of his face and hair, according to which they select suitable look haircuts.

A sign of masculinity, solidity, status of a man in past centuries is the sideburns of a beard, mustache, it was the vegetation that determined the health, genetics and masculinity of a person.

Today, for many men, tanks are perceived as more of a relic of the past, although stylists and barbers assure that with the help of tanks you can create an original look, emphasizing the best features of the face.

For reference! When comparing sideburns to mustaches and beards, many men prefer sideburns because they have so many more varieties and alternatives, and they perfectly shape the face.

Sideburns can be combined with a mustache and beard different style, in addition, tanks merge very harmoniously with many types of men's hairstyles. And if not all men have a predisposition to thick beard and mustache, then everyone will be able to grow sideburns. There are many stars of Russian and foreign show business who have sideburns, and the mustache and beard area is clean-shaven.

When did the fashion for tanks appear?

As mentioned earlier, initially men began to wear sideburns back in the 18th century, in the memory of every person, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin remains a bright representative of men with sideburns.

Sideburns look ideal in men with thick and wavy hair, when the hairstyle smoothly turns into stripes of hair along the temples and cheeks. Then sideburns were worn separately, over time, more and more flocks of men appeared who had a beard and sideburns. Tanks today are worn in a variety of variations and styles.

Advice! To choose the perfect style of tanks for yourself, you can visit a barbershop and ask a specialist to model a 3D image on which you can visually evaluate one or another variant of facial hair.

Types of sideburns

In order for sideburns to look perfect on a man’s face, you must first choose the style of tanks for your type of appearance.

In general, stylists and barbers distinguish a huge number of tanks, but the following types are considered the most popular and in demand:

  1. Suvorov tanks- thin sideburns and mustaches that descend inextricably from the temporal zone to the area upper lip. These tanks are usually assumed to be round in shape.
  2. Franz Joseph- long and lush hair sideburns also turn into a thick and elongated mustache, giving the face volume and solidity.
  3. Friendly Mutton Chops- this kind of tanks from the temples goes down to the beard itself, runs along the jaw line and rises to the mustache. Tanks cover more face area, look spectacular with short haircuts.
  4. standard view- this kind of tanks can be different lengths, they do not imply the presence of a mustache and beard, but are necessarily performed at an angle of 45 degrees.
  5. Sail- sideburns grow in a wide line from the temples to the very bottom, stretch along the lower jaw and rise again to the mustache. The length of the hair of the tanks should be longer than that of the mustache.

Modern fashion offers many alternatives to wearing tanks. In general, every man is the creator of his own image and style, so barbers advise not to be afraid and experiment with your facial hair. At the same time, it is important not only to model the tanks, but also to constantly care for them.

How to grow?

If a man has decided on the style of tanks that will harmoniously fit into his image, special attention should be paid to the question of how to grow facial hair.

Only after that it will be possible to deal with the design of tanks, mustaches and beards. To do this, you need to give up shaving and cutting your hair for several weeks. For those men whose tanks are growing slowly, experts have come up with many means to stimulate hair growth.

Important! In order for facial hair to be thick, healthy and fully grown, doctors advise eating as many foods rich in zinc, selenium, calcium, and B vitamins as possible.

Haircut and care

Only after the hair branches from the temples to the very bottom of the beard and mustache, you can start cutting, shaving and modeling them. It is necessary to reduce their length and width gradually and carefully so as not to spoil the plan. Using a trimmer or simple scissors, you can shorten the length of the hairs of the sideburns, as well as eliminate any unruly hairs. Otherwise, no special manipulations for growing and cutting tanks are expected.

To keep the tanks always looking perfect, you should regularly care for them as follows:

  • wash daily with shampoo;
  • comb the tanks with a comb with thick teeth;
  • The resulting stubble must be carefully and timely shaved.

Sideburns will look spectacular only if there is no even a small stubble on the cheeks and chin. You can combine tanks with a mustache, you can with a beard, or you can with everything at the same time.

Celebrities with sideburns

Sideburns can be long and short, thick and thin, combined with a mustache or beard, straight or rounded.

Long tanks can correct the oval of a male face, for short haircut shortened tanks are suitable on the head. To view the most current types of tanks, you can view photos with Hollywood celebrities who prefer such facial hair.


Mustaches that turn into sideburns, sideburns that smoothly leave the beard, the combination of all types of facial hair or the presence of only sideburns - all these options are actively used by modern men. And even more, all these types of facial hair are of interest among the fair sex. With the help of tanks, you can add masculinity, solidity and even creative notes to your image. Some types of tanks, on the contrary, can spoil the appearance, so it is better to consult with experts in this field first.

The provincial town of Zaborsk is being torn apart by warring factions. The first of them "Capella": motley non-formals, arranging absolutely enchanting shows, mixed with sex and non-conformity. Either they march through the streets with a coffin, “burying innocence”, then they depict mass executions, then they perform a song about organs, accompanying them, in fact, with organs, so much so that modern beatboxers could not even dream of Bright, hooligan provocateurs, they are the dream of every teenager and every parent's fear. The second gang are the "Tusks", stupid jocks who train all day long in the basement, exercising on makeshift simulators from radiators, and at night they come out of the dusk, catching the gaping "chapellists".

Just getting off the train, the young man Alexander, who spent his childhood here, and then sailed off to the cultural capital, finds himself in such an environment. With him his friend and mentor Victor. Both have already become sufficiently cultivated and are ready to bring light to the masses, or rather, the ideas of the great Russian poet Alexander “Our Everything” Sergeevich Pushkin into the heads of the local cattle. Skillfully manipulating the enmity of the two factions and the mood of the townspeople, Alexander and Victor gradually take over the "Tusks" and drive away the "Capella". At first, it all looks quite innocent: squads marching through the streets in Pushkin-era clothes, poetry recitation, cultural events, night patrols to avoid hooliganism. But little by little words like "the Fuhrer in sideburns", "Pushkin Youth" seep into the newspapers. The society gradually realizes what the harmless society of the poet's connoisseurs has become. Who would have thought that fascism could be built on even the most cultural and moral platform? It would be nice if communism

The central character Viktor, played by his namesake Sukhorukov, is the same “Führer in sideburns” a very ambiguous personality. It would seem that his desire to put things in order in the city at all costs is dictated solely by ambition, but at the same time, the twinkle in his eyes betrays that Pushkin's ideas are not an empty phrase for him. What monologues he sometimes gives out, Grammar Nazis would subscribe to every word!

- Chatsky just owned the great and mighty. He knew how to confuse the noble mob not with the appearance of a bare ass, but with a strong, inspired word. And now it's funny, because not only beautiful buildings are destroyed brains are destroyed, that's what's scary.

But let's admit that a dictator is in many ways similar to a shaman. He must believe in what he says, otherwise he will not captivate others. Relying on the support of naive idealists like Alexander, it is not difficult to put together a strong backbone of stupid but muscular adherents of the regime, and it does not matter at all what the underlying idea is: cultural heritage, national superiority, or something else. The main thing at the same time is to expel dissidents, branding them traitors, and only then you can borrow a couple of ideas from them. "Capella" often flashed cowards, but did it without any ideological overtones. But if you depict Pushkin's comrades-in-arms on shorts, this is a completely different calico, sir!

The bottom line: Mamin turned out to be a good film, which, contrary to the forecasts of the then critics, did not go into oblivion, becoming irrelevant. By the way, somewhere I heard the word "jugend", standing next to with the name of a well-known political figure. What would that mean, huh?

Say the word "whiskers", and before your eyes will stand vivid images And they don't necessarily have to be successful. From Saturday Night Fever to British cyclist Bradley Wiggins stuck in the mod and rocker era, these images can become terrifying very quickly.

But done correctly, discreetly, carefully, they allow you to get away from unpleasant associations and add originality to your image. Leading master Aveda Stel Nicolaou gives advice on how to use sideburns not to spoil, but only to improve the appearance.

If you like the idea of ​​letting your hair fall down, start with a conservative option. The safest solution is short and neat sideburns no more than an inch (2.54 cm) wide. This option will make your colleagues look back at you, but at the same time they will not understand what exactly caught their eye.

Did the first attempt to let go of the sideburns give you confidence? From now on, you can look for the shapes that best suit your face. For example, men with square face may let the sideburns go a little lower to balance the proportions and lengthen the jawline. If you have an oval face, which is proportional by nature, you should not make sideburns too long, medium length is enough.


So that sideburns are not just facial hair, choose the right hair length. Reduce the length of the hair in a graduated, gradual manner, reducing the length to nothing towards the end of the sideburns. Playing with the length of the hair, you can visually hide the bald spots in the sideburn area.


When the hairdresser inevitably asks you whether to leave the sideburns natural or shape them, you will have to choose between opposing ideologies, so choose very carefully.

Natural does not mean wild and unkempt. They are simply sideburns that grow along the natural growth line of your beard. And shaped sideburns can be where you want. You will have to work more carefully on the formed ones, getting rid of the bristles where it should not be. But you will get sideburns that you like.

A haircut

When choosing the shape of sideburns, think about how you will care for them. Sideburns with short hair require more frequent grooming. The hair in the sideburns grows faster than in other parts of the face, so some men have to trim the length every three days.

Experts advise buying a good hair clipper with different attachments. Your hairdresser can advise you on a specific model, based on the type of hair and the shape of the sideburns. Good decision for starters, Babyliss Super Stubble XTP. This device guarantees high precision and flexibility for excellent results.


If you are not going to grow huge sideburns, buy special agent for a few square centimeters of your face is silly. But since the hair in this part of the face is quite coarse and thick, some products can have a noticeable effect.

We recommend multi-functional products, such as Aveda Men Composition Oil. Massage oils can be rubbed into the sideburn area to add moisture. This is an excellent beard conditioner that softens and moisturizes. Sideburns should not look like a scruff - show them from the soft side.

In the modern world, it is rare to find a man who wears sideburns. Some say that sideburns for men are unfashionable and uncomfortable. But despite these assertions, a large number of people between a beard, mustache and sideburns, it is the latter that are chosen.

They may vary in appearance and design. Sideburns look great with mustaches and beards, complement the hairstyle and emphasize the style of a man.

Long sideburns correct the oval of the face and chin. Narrow, oblong sideburns visually stretch the face. And shortened ones look individually and harmoniously with. This part of the male image gives the young man masculinity, seriousness and increases his age.

IN Lately beard and mustache are gaining fame, undeservedly relegating sideburns to the background. But in vain! With their help, a man can add to his appearance brutality and elegance. The young man who wears them has a sense of style and a cheerful disposition.

The popularity of sideburns began in eighteenth century England. Somewhat later, the fashion for them came to Russia. Their most famous owners were: A.S. Pushkin, Elvis Presley, Emperor Frans Joseph.

Gradually, the type of sideburns changed, today there are more than fifty of them. Many men prefer classic style, but there are also lovers of creative options.

If desired, sideburns can be given any shape and look. Listening to your wishes and mood, feel free to experiment. The main condition is that sideburns should fit the type of face and the overall image. The presence of sideburns distinguishes a man from the crowd of others.

Types of sideburns

Today it is difficult to name all types of sideburns that exist. However, there are three main, most famous types of "tanks":

  • Standard. They are performed with scissors or a typewriter at an angle of 45 degrees, which is measured in relation to the end of the auricle.
  • fused. Their shape extends to the cheeks and cheekbones, connecting above the lip.
  • Sail. These are large sideburns that are combined with a mustache.

Among the many sideburns, the most popular are:

  • Suvorov. These are thin "tanks" that merge with the same thin mustache.
  • Franz Joseph. Luxurious, long "tanks", connected with an elongated mustache.
  • Friendly Mutton Chops. They cover most of the man's face, wear them with a small mustache.
  • French fork. The line of "tanks" closes the cheeks and connects with a voluminous beard.
  • Wide. Sideburns grow from the temple to the lowest point of the corners of the mouth, to the bottom they expand.
  • winnfield. The composition descends slightly below the ear and mustache, the corners of which frame the mouth to the lower jaw.

How to grow sideburns

How to grow sideburns, we will tell below. Anyone who wants to have an original look must follow certain rules that will help grow beautiful sideburns.

  • Remove the razor. In order to grow sideburns, scissors and a razor are not required.
  • The entire process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. To increase growth, you can buy a hair growth product in the store. For example, . It must be applied every evening to the area where the "tanks" will be.
  • It is necessary to decide on the style of future sideburns.
  • Remove all excess facial hair, without affecting the sideburns. To align the sideburns, you need to use an electric razor.
  • To grow sideburns, it is better to use your free time on vacation.
  • For the growth of beautiful and healthy "tanks", take additional nutritional supplements in the form of fish oil and vitamins.

  • If itching and irritation appear on the skin, then treat these places with a 1% hydrocortisone solution.
  • Once the hair has branched to the desired length, you can shape it with scissors. First, leave the sideburns wider than planned, and then gradually reduce their length and width.

Sideburn Care

Growing and shaping sideburns is not enough. It is necessary to constantly look after them: regularly cut, monitor the condition of the hair.

The first thing that is important for a man with sideburns to know is how to properly maintain their shape. Do a little test to determine the right length. Place your index fingers on the bottom of the sideburns on both sides. Look in the mirror to see if your fingers are parallel. If any finger is located above or below, then the length should be trimmed.

To maintain the shape of the "tanks" it is best to use a trimmer. Trim sideburns every three days.

While maintaining the volume, they are cut from the temples to the chin. To grow long sideburns, you don’t need to buy expensive ones at all. cosmetical tools. Suitable universal options that are designed for hair, beards and sideburns.

Beard - essential attribute style of every modern man, a universal accessory and an element of the image. If you look at the stars of show business, many of them have already managed to change their clean-shaven face to a sexy beard. Practice shows that today in the fashion world there are more than five dozen types of beards. And it is worn in combination with sideburns.

Sideburns are another sign of style and courage. Under the "tanks" understand the vegetation, starting with the temples, ending in the area of ​​the beard, mustache. You can wear them in combination with a classic hairstyle or choose smooth transition in the chin. It all depends on the facial features of the man and his personal preferences.

Sideburns - a sign of style and courage

Types of sideburns

There are several styles and models. In order for them to fit perfectly into the style of a gentleman, you should choose the types of sideburns. Modern stylists distinguish a huge number of directions. We will consider only the most popular of them.

Modern fashion is ready to offer a wide variety of wearing these style attributes - long and short sideburns, lush and restrained, classic and alternative.

How to grow

Bucky is not just whiskey, but whole hairlines that adorn both sides of a man's face. The steps below will help you understand and provide an answer to the question of how to quickly and easily grow sideburns.

  1. Stop using a razor. Just throw it away or hide it until the so-called "better times".
  2. The growth rate largely depends on the physiology of the man. On average, this stage lasts from a couple of weeks to 3-4 months.
  3. To speed up the process, it is necessary to lubricate the growth sites of hairs with burdock oil. It helps speed up the appearance of tanks.
  4. Decide on the type and shape: if the face is round, it is advisable to stay on short sides, if it is square, it is better to choose average length and great width. For narrow-faced fashionistas, you can choose long models.
  5. Shaping is done on regrown hair. Therefore, in no case is it recommended to correct the shape as soon as barely noticeable hairs appear in place of the expected tanks.
  6. The choice of growing time is an important point. Worth doing this while on vacation. Indeed, during this period, a man will have to deal with regrown hair that looks careless and not aesthetically pleasing.
  7. Get ready for the fact that at the time of growing facial hair there is a possibility of itching, redness. Pharmaceutical products that have a calming effect will help solve these problems.
  8. Grow out the sideburns and then shape them. After that, you will have to cut them using a trimmer, scissors or an electric razor. Make sure that the density of vegetation on both sides is the same.
  9. Properly grown tanks on the face are the key to your style and beauty. By following these rules, you will get an excellent image that will certainly delight others.

    What to do if sideburns do not grow

    Genetics and heredity sometimes plays a cruel joke with men, and it is these factors that largely determine the amount of facial hair. Of course, sideburns are the real pride of any macho, but what if sideburns do not grow on the face? Here are some tips to help you overcome this problem.

    1. Contact a specialist. Take tests, and the doctor will determine what substances your body lacks so that it can please you with rich facial hair.
    2. Watch your nutrition. There is a possibility that this is the reason. After some time, all the processes in your body will return to normal, and your hair will begin to grow better.
    3. Take vitamins. Nutrients are what your body needs the most. Pay special attention to groups A, C, E, B3, B5. Their reception will help grow tanks evenly and quickly.
    4. Take care of your scalp and face. Use nourishing oils, masks, all this will normalize blood circulation and accelerate hair growth.
    5. Follow emotional background. It is important to avoid stress factors and prolonged depression, as this directly leads to hair loss. Engage in healthy sports, this will help to strengthen the overall immune system.
    6. Normalize the hormonal background. Go to the doctor and get the necessary tests. Perhaps the reason is the lack of testosterone.
    7. Transplant hair follicles. Another a good option obtaining dense vegetation in the face area. This procedure will become your lifesaver if other measures have not helped. But first you should consult with a plastic surgeon.
    8. Some hairstyles look organic with sideburns

      Haircut and care

      As already mentioned, the design of tanks consists of several stages, including growing the desired length, shaping. This is followed by a sideburn haircut, which also meets a number of requirements. Here are some tips for regular tank maintenance:

  • decide on the type of model that suits you;
  • shave off the rest of the face, leaving just in case a little large quantity hair than needed for sideburns;
  • trim lines with a beard trimmer;
  • make sure that they are symmetrical, this is very important.

Remember that too short or long sideburns look unnatural and ruin the look instead of beautifying it. Any tanks need proper care, otherwise their expressiveness will be lost. Excess vegetation should be shaved periodically, and if it is also long, then neat combing should be ensured. Remember that hair in any scenario should have the same length, otherwise, instead of the original image, you run the risk of encountering “bushes” that will deprive your appearance of harmony and masculinity.

Famous whiskers of all time

On the windows of barbershops and in many other places you can meet world-famous celebrities who wore tanks.

A.S. Pushkin with whiskers

Here are some of the brightest representatives of the stronger sex who had lush and sexy facial hair:

  • A. S. Pushkin;
  • E. Presley;
  • Franz Joseph the First;
  • Hugh Jackman.

Some of them wore short-cut, and some - long sideburns. But one thing unites these people: they all looked charming.

Thus, sideburns are a stylish attribute of a man's image. If desired, they can be given any shape and length. Focus on your own tastes and wishes, as well as individual facial features. Do not be afraid to experiment and show imagination, it will benefit you and your hairstyle.

Decided to finally grow sideburns?

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