The shape of the face and hairstyle for women. How to choose a haircut for your face: the main ways

When changing the image, the hairstyle plays a key role. But you can’t approach the issue of her choice irresponsibly: “I saw this hairstyle on a model, I’ll do it.” After all, hair that is given an irregular shape can disfigure the face. How then to choose suitable hairstyle? To begin with, we note that all faces are divided into several types. Each of them has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages. Our task is to hide the first and emphasize the second. Now let's proceed to the definition of the shape of the face and the selection of hairstyles.

Determining the shape of the face to choose a haircut

There are several forms. About the features inherent in them, below:

  • Oval - an oval-shaped face (the chin is slightly narrower than the forehead), pronounced cheekbones.
  • Circle - the length of the face is approximately equal to the width, the chin is slightly pronounced.
  • Oblong - elongated face with a high forehead, long chin and "flat" cheekbones.
  • Square - the height of the face is approximately equal to its width, a pronounced jaw and a flat chin.
  • The heart is a triangular face shape with a wide forehead and cheekbones but a narrow chin.
  • Diamond is a face shape that is characterized by prominent cheekbones and a forehead and jaw approximately equal in width.

Choosing a haircut for the shape of the face

Oval face shape

Girls with this face shape are very lucky - you can’t spoil them with any haircut. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to other factors:

  • when choosing a length, make sure that the hairstyle fits the shape of your nose and glasses, if you wear them;
  • For fine hair recommended hairstyles to the middle of the chin;
  • women who have reached the age of forty should not grow their hair below the chin and cover their face with it.

Round face shape

Choosing a haircut for this face shape, we try to make it visually more elongated. This will help:

  • haircuts that will allow you to do high hairstyles;
  • short stepped haircuts;
  • hairstyles with large curls;
  • bangs combed to one side;
  • if your face is round both in profile and in front, feel free to comb your hair back.

At the same time, a list of what is contraindicated for your face:

  • too thick bangs;
  • too voluminous hairstyle;
  • too short haircut;
  • straight or heavily curled hair.

oblong face shape

A haircut for this face should visually make it not so elongated - increase the width or reduce the length. For this:

  • hair should not be longer than shoulders;
  • hairstyle should frame the face, cover the ears;
  • it is necessary to have a bang, what it is - depends on the characteristics of the face. Narrow - wide bangs, too long - straight, to the eyebrows.

With this type of face, you should not wear high hairstyles, comb your hair, and also open your forehead - all this visually lengthens an already elongated face.

Square face shape

Square faces are often very sharp. When choosing a haircut, try to soften the lines. For this:

  • try to avoid short haircuts;
  • try to choose a high or asymmetrical hairstyle that suits you;
  • make a side parting, or do not do it at all;
  • slightly curl your hair: waviness suits you.

Avoid any straight lines in your hairstyle: straight hair, a straight haircut line (especially if it is on the jawline), combs that expose straight jawlines.

Triangular face shape

A heart-shaped face characterizes the contrast between a narrow chin and a wide forehead. Our task is to smooth it out. For this:

  • the best hair length is from the beginning to the end of the neck;
  • hairstyles should be narrow at the top and widen at the bottom. This can be achieved by twisting the hair;
  • a small bang won't hurt.

Too short haircuts, as well as haircuts with straight lines, combed side hair will not work for your type of face: they exaggerate the cheekbones. Also, do not fully open your face.

Diamond face shape

When choosing a hairstyle for this face shape, try to widen the forehead and chin so that the face looks more proportionate. Many hairstyles will cope with this task, so it remains to give recommendations on what to avoid when choosing a hairstyle:

  • bangs;
  • comb hair back;
  • short haircuts;
  • central parting;
  • hairstyles with volume on the top.

Hairstyle is an important element of the image. Many women do not know what hairstyle suits them and do not even suspect how well-chosen haircut can improve appearance. Everything is important here: the shape of the face, the color and structure of the hair, etc.

First, let's define the face type.

Carefully study the reflection in the mirror or your photo to determine the type of face.

  1. Oval. Elongated face with wide cheekbones. The chin and forehead are approximately the same width.
  2. Elongated shape. Elongated face, the width of the cheekbones, forehead and chin is approximately equal or has an almost imperceptible difference.
  3. Square. Face with rather wide lower jaw, with clear lines, in contrast to the narrow forehead. The height of the face is approximately equal to the width.
  4. Heart-shaped (or triangular) face. Sufficiently wide cheekbones, turning into a sharply narrowed part of the chin. Pointy little chin and angular lines. Often found among Slavs.
  5. Round face. Uniform width of the cheekbones and chin, narrow or medium forehead, smooth round transition lines.
  6. Rhomboid face. The face widens at the cheekbones and has narrow forehead and chin lines. Quite a rare type.
  7. Pear-shaped face. Also applies to rare face types. Visually heavy area of ​​the cheekbones and lower jaw, combined with a narrow forehead area.

How to choose a hairstyle for the shape of the face

Perhaps the main criterion that should be followed when choosing a hairstyle is not clothes or a fashion magazine, but the type of your face. A “competent” hairstyle is a guarantee that you will be able to change (if necessary) the proportions of the face - for example, make a too round face visually more oblong, and elongated, on the contrary, give a pleasant feminine roundness.

How to choose a hairstyle for an oval face

If your face has an oval shape, you can be called lucky! After all, this is an ideal form for modeling any hairstyles. You can safely leave the bangs or remove all the hair, open and close the ears, do a high hairstyle or wear loose hair ... You can choose a parting or side parting, ponytail, braid or asymmetrical hairstyle. In a word, an oval face allows you to experiment with hairstyles indefinitely!

How to choose a hairstyle for a round face

A round face can sometimes look flat, devoid of relief. You need to visually narrow the face, stretch it in length so that it looks like an oval. To do this, stylists advise to make a rather lush and high hairstyle, leaving oblique or straight bangs. Ideally, if you look at the hairstyle in front, it should look like a cone, the tip of which is the chin.

How to choose a hairstyle for a rectangular face

The owners of such faces have a rather high forehead, complemented by a long chin. The general impression is a narrow, elongated face.

To disguise excessive elongation will help straight or semi-straight long bangs, reaching to the eyebrows. A hairstyle of semi-straight hair looks very good up to the end of the cheekbone protrusions, the ends of which, like rollers, are bent inward. Lush looks no worse, but easy hairstyle, which unobtrusively frames the oval of an elongated face.

How to choose a hairstyle for a triangular face

If you have wide protruding cheekbones and a narrow chin, your face type is called triangular. There is no catastrophe in this, you just need to learn how to skillfully mask this triangularity. You need to make the sharp transition lines from wide cheekbones to a narrow chin softer. For this, a hairstyle is best suited, the widest part of which is located on the line of the earlobes (an option is a couple of centimeters lower).

There is another, directly opposite solution to the problem. If, on the contrary, a sharp transition from wide cheekbones to a narrow chin is emphasized, a purely Slavic attractiveness will appear in the face. To fulfill the plan, it is enough to build a high hairstyle, complemented by a dense bang. middle length, and leave the ears half open.

How to choose a hairstyle for a square face

Such a face is easy to recognize: it is distinguished by a wide lower jaw, giving the impression of a heavy, coarse chin, and an equally wide forehead. Many square faces look rough, heavy and angular. It is necessary to give softness to the lines, and for this, the main volume of the hairstyle should be located not at the temples, but at the crown.

Asymmetrical hairstyles look very good - starting from oblique bangs or parting and ending with hair of various lengths on the sides of the face.

Not recommended: thick straight bangs that tightly cover the forehead. Such bangs will emphasize a wide chin even more. Discard the combed up hair that opens the forehead. Raised hair creates symmetry that is contraindicated for you! Curls on the neck will not work either - it's better to collect long hair in a classic ponytail, leaving oblique flirty bangs.

The most versatile face shape, which is suitable for almost any hairstyle, is an oval.. Its owners can rightfully be proud of their appearance, as their options for choosing haircuts and styling are not limited. Short bob, loose hair, plaits, braids and torn strands - any of these options can make an indelible impression on others. Even if you risk combing your hair back or baring your neck, such hairstyles will look harmonious and elegant.

Things are much more complicated if you need to choose a styling or haircut option. women with a round face. They are categorically contraindicated in direct parting and smooth hair. If the haircut is short, then when styling it, the strands on the back of the head must be curled and combed, which allows you to increase the volume of the hairstyle and visually lengthen the face. Also welcome various options asymmetries, from curls of various lengths to side partings. For owners round face who are used to wearing long hair, it is still worth getting a “torn” bang. In this case, it would also be appropriate Various types curls. But in no case should you focus on the temples, constructing high hairstyles. It is best to let out a few curled strands that will frame a round face, visually “cutting off” the cheekbones.

Rectangular faces you also have to spend a lot of time looking attractive. A narrow forehead and chin, an elongated cheekbone line - thick and lush bangs, as well as soft curls covering the ears and framing the face, will help mask these shortcomings. In this case, it is best to give up short haircuts and long straight hair. Evening hairstyles for a rectangular face type should be chosen lush and multi-stage. Do not comb your hair smoothly or gather it at the back of your head. It is best to opt for a variant with lush temples or a tight knot around the neck and loose soft curls on the sides.

For those with a square face on the contrary, it is recommended to expose the neck and ears, while masking the forehead. Short haircuts must necessarily be with a clear and raised line of the back of the head. It is also worth giving preference to a torn asymmetrical bangs with a side parting, but in no case should it be combed back. If the owner of a square face prefers hairstyles for long hair, then in this case, the bangs should reach at least the middle of the ear. However, smooth hairstyles still have to be abandoned. The best option is styling on loose hair, which is curled in large curls along the entire length. In this case, lush bangs and strands at the temples will help to visually stretch the face, hiding the cheekbones, massive forehead and chin.

A fairly common face shape is a triangle, regular or inverted.. The first option is characterized by a narrow forehead, wide cheekbones and a heavy chin. A distinctive feature of the inverted triangle, on the contrary, is a small chin, well-defined cheekbones and a wide forehead. In all these cases, a classic bob haircut up to the middle of the neck helps to ideally brighten up imperfections, which visually evens out the face and removes protruding cheekbones. But in this case, you should refuse short bangs or combed back hair. For this type of face, a fashionable bob haircut with elongated asymmetrical bangs, which has several styling options, is also perfect. Long smooth hair, even if it is thick enough, will not be able to hide protruding cheekbones. Therefore, for their styling, it is necessary to use large curlers, which will allow you to acquire soft curls framing a triangular face. However, in general, experts do not recommend that owners of a triangular face wear long hairstyles, since it is far from always possible to style their hair so that there are large and lush curls in the cheekbones, while the forehead is only half open.

Much less common women with a trapezoidal or pear-shaped face, which is characterized by a narrow chin and forehead against the background of clearly defined and protruding cheekbones. For such a person, short haircuts and hairstyles with bangs are contraindicated, since the main task is for everyone accessible ways mask cheekbones. This can only be done if the owner of a trapezoidal face has long hair that can be gathered at the back of the head by releasing a few strands at the temples that will frame the face. In this case, the forehead should be left open, since the bangs, on the contrary, will focus on the cheekbones, noticeably weighting the face. You can try to experiment with haircuts for medium hair, but in this case you will have to style them with soft curls so that they cover your ears and cheekbones, but at the same time bare your forehead as much as possible. In this case, it is better to leave the neck open, as it will visually lengthen the face.

What hairstyle suits your face type

Those with a round face are advised to wear high hairstyles and hairstyles with extended lines of straight hair, slightly hiding the cheeks on the sides. Will look good short hair and bangs. But, in any case, not “sleek” hair sticking out behind the ears.

For an oblong face, fluffy hairstyles are suitable, slightly raised on the parietal part of the head, with hair sticking out behind the ears - this will visually expand the face. On the forehead, you can lower a straight bang or curls. Straight hair of medium length and very long hair, however, as well as too short hair, will not suit such a face shape.

Triangular face shape. Not the best option would be hairstyles that expand the top of the head. Ideal would be to hide the narrow lower jaw lush hair diverging to the sides at the level of the lower part of the face. As for the bangs, it should not be straight, but only slightly scattered.

Ladies with a pear-shaped face should expand their forehead with a hairstyle and visually narrow the lower part of the face. Bangs will also contribute to this: perky or with a diagonal parting.

For face rectangular shape- hairstyles of medium length, lush, falling on the cheeks on the sides. They will give your face a little spice. The crown of the head may be smooth. And a few more women's tricks: On a high forehead, a bang or a half-hair will look great. And for a low forehead, the winning option is to remain open. You can also simply pull your hair back or collect it at the crown (such as " ponytail»).
If you have an elongated nose, then you do not need to pull your hair back. It is better to choose a hairstyle that borders the cheeks. Let's summarize.

All of the above tips will make it clear that well-chosen hairstyles will not only help correct facial disproportions of one form or another, but also add a special charm to your face. However, do not forget that the choice of hairstyle is, first of all, a matter of your taste, focused on your character, style and originality. Strive for beauty.

Face shapes

It is generally accepted that a person's appearance is classified according to the shape of his face, which resembles one of the following geometric shapes:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • circle;
  • rectangle;
  • triangle;
  • rhombus.

Hairstyles and haircuts by face type


First of all, it is worth noting oval type face, with which almost all haircuts and styling are perfectly combined. This type does not require a special approach, and therefore is most preferred by professional hairdressers. As they say, don't pile on such a head - everything will come in handy.

From time immemorial, the oval face shape has been considered classic and most attractive for artists working on portraits of noble people. In the modern world, with the development of hairdressing, it has become fashionable when creating hairstyles to strive to design any face in a shape similar to an oval.

hairstyles with this face shape, you can wear any - both high, and loose, and a braid. The length can also be any. If you are a lover of bangs, you can afford it. Concerning haircuts, then for an oval face ideal flowing hair, haircut cascade, bob, and even very short fashion options.


square figure both in geometry and in the appearance of a person, the same dimensions of the faces are distinguished. That is, the height is equal to the width. If this formula is translated into a human form, then it turns out like this: the dimensions between the lateral borders of the cheekbones and forehead are almost equal, and together with the conditionally drawn line from the upper hairline to the chin line, they form a square. To soften the angular contour of the described face shape, you need to choose a hairstyle that gives it a little roundness.

hairstyles for such a person should be rather gentle. So, for example, soft flowing curls that balance rough features are perfect. Hairstyles with slicked hair are not recommended, as they focus on the shape of the face. Haircut for square type not very easy to pick. Most suitable options with asymmetry, as well as torn asymmetric bangs. As for the length, it is better to choose the average, just below the chin.


Face round shape characterized by cheekbones and a soft chin that are barely noticeable behind plump cheeks. The rounding of slightly vague outlines can be slightly corrected if asymmetric elements are added to the hairstyle. Such a move will help to slightly stretch the face in height.

Avoid voluminous hairstyles so that your face does not appear even more round. Best Options- high hairstyles, combed hair or big curls. If you pick haircut, remember that too short is not your option. It is better to stay at medium length or grow hair to the waist. Do not cut off too thick bangs, let it be torn.


Hairstyles for this type of face need soft, flowing curls. A variant of a high hairstyle with a large volume at the crown is possible. A classic bun will work too.


triangular outline It has two shapes: heart-shaped and pear-shaped. In the first case, a wide forehead and a narrow chin are striking. Thus, the triangular face tapers from top to bottom. When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to find a balance between the width of the forehead and chin. Unlike the previous version, the shape of the pear has the opposite outline. To narrow a square chin and widen a narrower frontal part, as well as softening well-defined cheekbones, you need to add volume to the hair at the top of your head.


For owners diamond-shaped appearance is characterized by protruding cheekbones and slightly narrowed upper and lower parts of the face. In creating a hairstyle, the master should try to visually expand the chin and forehead. Categorically do not go bangs in any form, as well as any hairstyles with slicked hair. A haircut with this shape of the face should be a little careless, with broken ends that cover wide cheekbones. Ideal length- average, the best option haircuts - a cascade, with front strands starting from the line of the cheekbones.

Video: how to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of your face

It is very important for every woman to look good, our image drastically affects the success of social ties. Not the last role in building an external image is played by a hairstyle that can emphasize our strengths and hide flaws, if, of course, we pick it up competently. This choice can be personal, however, it is best to consult with your hairdresser or stylist.

A good specialist always knows how to reveal inner beauty through a successful haircut. Next, we will talk about how to independently calculate the shape of the face and find out which hairstyle fit just for you.

How to determine your type

In order not to spoil the appearance with an unsuccessful haircut, it is necessary to determine your face type with the help of a centimeter and a mirror. We are all different and unique, however, there are generalized parameters for compiling an accurate map of a woman's face. Beauty does not depend on the characteristics of the face at all, the owners of any proportions can be stunningly attractive.

So, let's start measuring:

  • stand near the mirror with collected hair and take a centimeter;
  • measure, stepping back from the edge of the chin 10 millimeters, its width - ShP;
  • we calculate the maximum distance between the cheekbones or cheeks - AL;
  • we calculate the width of the forehead from the left to the right temple, where the hair begins - SL;
  • we measure the vertical length of the face, drawing a conditional line from the tip of the chin to the extreme upper point of the forehead - VL.

Having made the necessary measurements, we draw up a portrait according to the type of face:

How to choose the right haircut for a certain type of face?

To do this, you need to learn the principles of selection in accordance with your characteristics. We will find out which haircuts are suitable for owners of various facial structures according to the accepted scheme.

Type 1. Square face

The main task of the hairdresser for this form is to soften the corners and reduce the sharpness of the cheekbones. Also, a haircut for a square type of face should visually stretch the roundness of shapes and curves.

For girls with pronounced cheekbones, pointed bob and shoulder-length hairstyles are suitable.

How is this achieved?

Curls, especially wavy styling, can perfectly soften the features of a square face.

If you don’t like curls or just don’t have time to curl straight hair, the multi-layer texture “cascade” and “ladder” will do the job.

It will also help to increase the volume and highlight individual curls along the contour of the face.

Type 2. Round face

Long haircuts will suit a round face type, if the hair is not too thin. Otherwise, your face will appear even more moon-faced. But do not despair, the bob and other voluminous short hairstyles will fix things. The secret of the "bean" is that it visually stretches the top of the head due to the additional volume on top. It is advisable to leave elongated curls from the sides, but we cut the temples short.

If the proportions allow, it will not be superfluous to add asymmetry or create a beveled bang.

Here are some basic rules:

A completely different principle works for thick, coarse hair in moon-faced girls.

Here it is better to refuse short asymmetric beans, otherwise you will just get a nest on your head. On the other hand, long straight and curly hairstyles will suit you perfectly.

The natural volume of the structure of the strands perfectly hides the fullness of the cheeks and gives the image airiness and richness. We do not recommend opening whiskey, it is better to open your forehead.

Type 3. Oval face

Choosing a haircut for oval-shaped faces is not difficult. The thing is that the oval is the most culturally accepted and, from the point of view of European aesthetics, the ideal form of the skull for women - remember the portrait of Nefertiti. It should be remembered that all ovals are different, there are more elongated, drop-shaped, heart-shaped and other faces. That is why it is better to choose a hairstyle individually, not focusing on the heroines of films and actresses.

For example, a too elongated contour can be hidden with a long straight bang from the crown or forehead. This technique will reduce the vertical line. Forget about the side strands, they will “stretch” the face even more. Wide cheekbones can be easily hidden with curls. If the oval is round, discard the bangs and emphasize the chin.

Type 4. Rectangular face

When choosing a haircut for a rectangular type, remember that such a face needs to be outlined as much as possible. We will need to visually expand the zone of the cheekbones and temples, and reduce, hide parts of the chin and forehead. The use of symmetrical bangs, thinning of the tips, additional volume on the cheek area will help you. For a rectangular look, it is best to choose a simple, natural texture, such as a straight "square" or long curls.

What to avoid:

When performing haircuts according to the type of face, keep in mind that a lot of factors and individual characteristics have a great influence:

  • For a low forehead, voluminous bangs are needed below the level of the eyebrows;
  • If the forehead is high, give preference to short bangs;
  • A long lush bang will help to hide a long nose, an emphasis on the back of the head. Discard the hair collected in a ponytail and an open forehead;
  • Lush bangs will hide a wide nose;
  • It is better for owners of a small nose to refuse bangs;
  • A multi-layered “square”, curls under the “cascade”, bouffant at the back of the head, long hair in several layers at the crown will help to remove the flat back of the head;
  • If your chin is irregular, face lengthening techniques with strands on the sides will help;
  • For people with pronounced brow ridges, a “square” with bangs and all kinds of long free hairstyles are suitable;
  • To visually reduce the length of the neck, use long curled hair;
  • Raised edging will help to lengthen a short neck;
  • Lancet "square" will allow to hide a wide neck;
  • Large ears are able to hide a long loose mop.

Long hair always visually reduces growth, while a short "bob" and a lush "square" make their owners visually taller.

If you want to highlight classic look Turgenev girl, use long braids and simple hairpins. Remember, long hair is always a big responsibility and trouble, they need constant care. To reveal the dynamic side of your personality, short haircuts for a rectangular type of face, a variety of "square" and "bob" will help. Oblique "cascades" and bangs, straight hair to the shoulders will allow you to highlight your eyebrows. The business image is wonderfully combined with a sharp aristocratic "square" and ultra-short hairstyles.

Torn ends, thinning and corrugation will help maintain the image of a hooligan and casual. Voluminous, layered curls will emphasize your sensual nature.

The main thing to remember is that all types of haircuts require proper care and maintaining hair health.

Do not dry your hair with a hair dryer, use irons only when absolutely necessary, do not forget about nourishing masks and systematically trim split ends. Your flawless image will be completed thanks to a well-chosen appearance.

A new successful haircut can emphasize nice shape faces to hide minor flaws. It is equally important to choose suitable color, hair volume to look irresistible with a variety of styling. However, for many, trips to the hairdresser or beauty salon end in complete disappointment. Now the problem of how to choose a haircut taking into account the type and shape of the face has been solved - an online hairstyle selection program will come to the rescue.

No more flipping through fashion magazines, explaining to masters desired result and color. Just take a photo, download it to your computer and follow the instructions. The selection of hairstyles online in the program is free of charge, does not require registration and data entry.

Program No. 1

To learn how to choose the right haircut, just read the simple and understandable rules. Just upload your photo (icon "your photo" at the top left) and choose your hairstyle.

There are several services similar to this, be sure to try them:

  • (in Russian)

In addition, there is a convenient program that can be installed on a computer, called jkiwi, its size is 27 mb, you can download it from the link: jkiwi selection of hairstyles.

Instructions on how to choose a haircut with program No. 2:

  • First you need to take a photo good quality with hair combed or smoothed to the head. The program for selecting various hairstyles will select haircuts according to the type of face, taking into account its shape according to the uploaded photo.
  • Upload the photo to the computer, press the button Browse. Select the size by aligning the photo to the black oval. You can zoom in or out using the buttons at the bottom of the photo.
  • We press the button Done and start the selection of hairstyles online. You can choose any men's or women's styling completely free of charge, taking into account your own preferences.

A man can pick up a high, can change the length and color of curls. The finished photo can be saved or printed.

home selection program trendy hairstyles will allow you to easily choose an oval, square, triangular or elongated rectangular face. It is enough to determine your type at the mirror and take a high-quality photo with clear contours. The selection of hairstyles will take only a few seconds. To create stylish look and choose the desired length of hair, you should take into account the type of face and its shape.

Oval face: styling rules

There are several rules on how to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of a face close to an oval. This type is suitable for most styling with different hair lengths, but there are some nuances:

  • it is not recommended to braid a high ponytail, make a tight bun;
  • it is advisable not to leave straight hair fluffy;
  • skin imperfections can be masked with bangs, curls,;
  • oblique or straight bangs will help shorten the oval, lengthen - asymmetry with torn strands;
  • it is better to cut it shorter, leaving the length to the middle of the chin;
  • a wide oval will mask the tips curled up to the cheekbones.

A woman or a man with an oval face type will suit almost any hairstyle. The choice depends on the structure, length of the hair, your own preferences.

There are several tips on how to choose the right haircut for chubby men and women. In this case, it is necessary to narrow the width using the bulk of the strand. Should be considered important rules when choosing a styling:

  • you can lengthen the oval with the help of oblique bangs, long loose curls;
  • the strands at the crown should be left shorter, adding splendor to them with the help of multi-layered haircuts;
  • it is desirable to make a parting in the middle of the head;
  • it is recommended to perm with the effect of wet strands or curl wavy curls;
  • graduated transitions, straight bangs, ponytail should be avoided.

The ideal option is lush with tips curled inward or long wavy curls. A man needs to pick up a short voluminous haircut with bangs, strands slightly elongated on the sides.

Triangular face: masking a narrow chin

Experts give several recommendations on how to choose a haircut for a triangular face. It is necessary to visually narrow the wide cheekbones, adjust the width of the forehead. Suitable, milled ends. A bob, medium-length bob, styling with wavy curls will look great.

The following tips should be taken into account:

  • hairstyle should be shorter or longer than the shoulder line;
  • a cascade or ladder should start just below the chin line;
  • bangs should be left long, descending to the eyebrow line;
  • bouffant will help to add volume to the strands;
  • the ends of the bangs and strands should be curled inward to give a rounded splendor.

Long bangs are recommended to be left beveled or asymmetrical. It looks very stylish and fashionable. Hair can not be combed smoothly at the crown, leaving the forehead open. It is desirable to make men's styling lush, highlighting bangs combed to the side on a side parting.

Square face: soften the lines

It is difficult for owners of a square face shape to decide how to choose a haircut, taking into account sharp lines. The ideal solution would be to choose a lush styling with voluminous curls or waves:

  • layered haircut with lush curls will smooth out the corners;
  • cascade, thinning ladder will cover wide cheekbones;
  • a square with graduation and torn bangs will add femininity to the features;
  • the tips tucked inward will hide the protruding cheekbones.

It is advisable not to leave short hair, curls should cover the forehead and cheekbones. The bangs should be grown to the line of the eyebrows, making it torn or oblique. The top of the head needs to be lifted with a hair dryer, achieving high splendor.

Rectangular face: shape correction

If you have a rectangular elongated face, you should wear oblique asymmetrical bangs, curl the ends of the hair at the chin inward. Haircut should be free and voluminous:

  • short hair will open the forehead and cheekbones, making the oval even sharper;
  • do not make an even parting in the middle of the head, braid a smooth tail;
  • the ends of the hair should be left torn, making a strong thinning;
  • at the cheekbones, add splendor to the styling with a curling iron or a hair dryer.

To narrow the chin and expand the forehead will help a lush bob with elongation, an elongated bean, a cascade. The tips should be curled inward to give the styling roundness, volume.

All these tips will help you choose the right hairstyle for a photo using an online program. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the type of face, the direction of hair growth and skin tone. The online service is completely free, suitable for women and men of any age.

I want a haircut! Stacking! And be sure to like in the latest magazine on the cover! How not to fit? Sadness! Maybe try? Admit it, such thoughts visited every woman at least once in her life.

Everything else is predictable. The master works, but does as the client ordered. Disappointment. Of course, there are lucky women for whom the chosen or newfangled model suits on the fly. But this is rare. How to avoid disappointment at the hairdresser? The answer is simple - choose a haircut according to the shape of the face. The main task of hair is to emphasize strong facial features, hide flaws. Then you will look harmonious. Let's figure out how to do it - we have collected tips from the experience of our hairdressers that will help you to accurately determine the haircut and hairstyle.

From this article you will learn:

Selection of haircuts according to the shape of the face. Simple facial geometry

The shape of the face depends on genetics, the location of the muscles and bones of the skeleton. Currently, hairdressers distinguish 7 main types of faces:

  • oval;
  • circle;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • rhombus;
  • pear or inverted triangle;
  • triangle.

Calculating the shape of your face is easy. No complicated mathematical calculations and tools are required. The absolute and sufficient condition is a mirror and a cosmetic pencil.

Let's do the facial geometry:

  1. Carefully pin up hair or collect them in a ponytail or bun.
  2. Put a mirror in front of you and be honest with it and with yourself.
  3. Circle your own reflection with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. Compare the resulting contour with known geometric shapes.

Also, to determine the type of face, you can use the more geometrically accurate method shown in the video below from beauty blogger Olga Belyaeva. To do this, you will need a centimeter or ruler, as well as paper and a pen.

How to determine the shape of the face using a ruler:

Haircuts for an oval face shape

If you have an oval on the mirror, the question of how to choose a haircut according to the shape of your face disappears by itself. This is the ideal! Any haircut, styling suits you. You are open to various experiments - hairpins, hair bands, headbands will be appropriate for an oval.

What is not suitable for owners of an oval face? All that will hide this ideal shape is too voluminous bangs, falling long strands.

The lucky owners of this face shape among the stars are Hollywood actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Eva Longoria, Courteney Cox. And the classic square, and long curls, and a strict bun look great on their heads!

If If you want to know what styling and hairstyles suit the oval shape - .

Plump cheeks, a soft chin, a perky smile - this is all the owner of a round face can boast of. But it is this form that makes the face flat. The task in this case is to visually turn the circle into an oval, to draw out the face.

Shoulder-length hairstyles will cope with this task. Asymmetry in everything is perfect, as well as side parting and bangs, you can also choose styling in the “wet hair” style. Ears should be open.

What to avoid- haircuts without bangs, tightly combed back hair, any horizontal lines, large curls, haircuts and styling with a flat top.

This face shape boasts Catherine Zeta-Jones and Miley Cyrus.

As an example of choosing the right hair shape for a round face, we suggest watching a video clip - a clipping from a TV show, where a professional stylist tells in detail how you can visually correct a circle:

Haircuts for a square face type = self-confidence!

Nature rewarded the owners of a square face with a heavy chin and a high forehead. Artists and stylists believe that prominent jaws are a sign of courage and self-confidence. That is why many stars like to emphasize their square. Like Demi Moore. Why not?

But how to choose a haircut in the shape of a square face, if your confidence suits you perfectly and without emphasizing the cheekbones and chin.

So, if you still want to make your face softer and bring the shape closer to an oval, it is recommended to experiment with a haircut in the form of a ladder. The maximum volume is in the upper part of the head at the crown.

Don't cut your bangs down to your eyebrows! This will only reduce the face and visually increase the chin. Open ears only partially, do not comb hair back. Asymmetric haircuts and partings do a good job.

A bright representative of girls with a square face - evil Belatrissa from Harry Potter - Helen Bonham Carter, as well as Sandra Bullock. Look at the great haircuts they chose!

Haircuts for a triangular face shape (or in the form of a heart)

Wide forehead, narrow chin, mischievous smile. This face shape is also often referred to as a heart, in the case of a more rounded upper forehead.

Girls with triangular face you should choose short haircuts with medium volume at the crown. Haircuts based on squares of various lengths will look good. Girls with this type of face can comb their hair back, but not tighten it, but leave it in soft waves.

Don't do it- unnecessarily lush and high crowns, lone strands licked back.

Owners of a triangular face shape - Scarlett Johansson, Victoria Beckham and Reese Witherspoon.

Rectangular face shape or English stiffness

A rectangular face shape is easy to disguise with a chin-length haircut. When laying, the maximum volume should be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears. Soft curls and a strict straight parting also look good. Do not make tight, obviously unnatural, curls and haircuts that are too short. If you have chosen a long haircut, then create volume at neck level.

Shouldn't be done styling with an open forehead, combing hair around the temples. Soft elongated bangs in the shape of an arch will help to visually round the face.

A typical representative brilliant and talented Angelina Jolie, Katty Perry, Sarah Jessica Parker.

Pear or inverted triangle

Girls with a pear-shaped face have a wide, heavy chin, plump cheeks, and a narrow, elongated forehead. The maximum volume should be at the crown, and soft curls can go down to the chin. Haircuts with volume in the lower part of the face should be avoided.

What not to do - short haircuts with a voluminous top, slicked strands combed back.

The typical owner of a pear-shaped face -


Owners of a diamond-shaped face are distinguished by a narrow forehead and chin. This is a kind of variation between an oval and a rectangle. The task of the hairdresser and the owner of this form is to smooth out wide cheekbones. Suitable and long haircuts based on a bob and voluminous bangs, and short with maximum volume at the top of the head.

A typical owner of a diamond-shaped face -

Conclusions: Preview

Even after reading our tips on choosing a haircut for your face shape, you are not 100% sure what to choose? Doubt and fear? Do not trust your own instinct and skill of a hairdresser? If things have come this far, then there are sites on the Internet where you can see how you will look with this or that hairstyle. Typically, such sites do not require registration and services for choosing hairstyles are free.

The principle of operation for all such portals is the same. You carefully pin up your hair, take pictures and upload photos to the site. And then you just try on one or another image. I liked it - go to our hairdresser! And if you are still undecided, we will help you determine the shape of your face and choose the best haircut for it!

And also for any face shape, the shine and health of the hair is important, which also depends on whether you comb them correctly - find out the secrets in the article.

And finally, the most important advice When choosing your hairstyle, focus on what suits you. Yes, you need to watch fashion trends, listen to the opinion of the hairdresser and others, but wear new hairstyle only you will have to.

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