Beard mascara. Dream thick curly hair

For many men, a beard is a winning weapon for attracting attention from the opposite sex. But not all men by nature get a thick beard with a rich and deep color. Most often, the color of the beard can be, if not a radically different color, then several shades lighter than the hair on the head. It is not uncommon for hairs of early gray hair to be visible in the beard.

Experts advise to correct the situation with their own efforts or with the help of stylists and barbers. To do this, dyeing procedures are carried out, you can also learn technologies on how to dye your beard yourself at home. Dyeing will help balance the shades of hair on the face and head, eliminate the appearance of gray hair, give the color of the beard depth and attractiveness, if you choose the right coloring materials.

Previously, it was believed that painting a beard is far from a man's destiny, it is not common for a man to use cosmetics and procedures. Today, fashion has taken a big step forward, helping many men to acquire a thick, long and bright beard. The problem, where the color of the beard differs significantly from the shade of the hair on the head, can now be solved within 5-15 minutes.

For reference! Men need to dye their beard, mustache and sideburns if they have gray hair, a dull shade of hair, the shade of the beard is uneven due to genetic characteristics. Only an even and deep tone of facial hair will give it a win-win. appearance.

Manufacturers of cosmetics for the care of male facial hair offer a huge selection of various coloring agents, these can be natural paints vegetable origin (basma or henna), temporary staining tonics or permanent dyes. And in order for the coloring of the beard to be pleasant, harmless and safe for the hair and skin of the face, you need to use paints specifically for the beard.

How long does the dye last?

The service life of the coloring pigments in the paint that will be used by a man can be drastically different. It all depends on the type of paint, its origin and composition, the characteristics of the skin and the structure of the hair on the beard. But on average, for each type of paint, experts can name the approximate time frame for how long the resulting beard shade will last.

  1. Henna and basma. These are coloring agents of plant origin that give a rich natural color without harming the skin and hair. The composition of the paints does not contain aggressive chemical substances, only components that are useful for the hair structure. But the disadvantage of such natural coloring is considered to be a short period of color retention, namely 7-14 days. If a man's beard hair is thick and dark by nature, basma or henna can last up to a maximum of 3 weeks, but subject to rare washing and the use of cleansers.
  2. Tonics. With the help of tonic paints, you can also change the shade of the beard, make it darker and richer by several tones. Such paints are usually produced in the form of foams and gels of a light creamy consistency. The results obtained last 1-2 weeks, as shampoos and soaps wash out the pigment from the hair structure over time. .
  3. Permanent colors for beards and mustaches. This type of paint is much more appreciated by men and stylists, and the highest quality products guarantee the preservation of the result for 4-6 weeks.

If a man has overly sensitive and allergic-prone skin, natural coloring compositions should be preferred, but coloring procedures will have to be carried out much more often. If the skin reacts normally enough to beard dyes, in this case it will be enough to have high-quality permanent paint and dyeing procedures once a month.

Can you color with hair dye?

The most common question on forums and in communities from men is as follows - is it possible to dye a beard with hair dye? In fact, it is strictly forbidden to do this, since the composition contains aggressive chemical elements - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. If you apply such a composition to your face, a man can get by with irritation, and can get a severe skin burn.

Ordinary paint, which women dye their hair on their heads, will radically change not only the shade of the hair on the beard and mustache, but can also dye the skin of the face. The result is a more than awkward and comical image. You need to understand that the oxidizing agents in the composition are extremely aggressive to thin and sensitive skin, which is located just in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oral cavity.

Important! On the beard of a man, the hair grows completely different in structure than on the head. Therefore, standard hair dyes used by women can not only injure the skin of the face, but also not be taken by thick and coarse beard hair or color the beard with an uneven shade.

Painting stages

A dyed beard will look natural and young if a man chooses the right shade and performs the coloring procedure according to the instructions. In fact, the weight of the course of action will take no more than 5-15 minutes if you use specialized coloring agents for mustaches and beards. To work, you will need a cape on the shoulders, paint, paint utensils, gloves and a brush for applying paint. The course of action includes 3 stages - preparation, coloring and washing the beard.

Preparation for staining

When choosing one or another tool for changing the color of a beard, you need to study the instructions and description for the paint, as well as whether it is possible to dye the beard with such a tool on your own at home. Further, in the place where the man will dye his beard, it is better to spread a newspaper or unnecessary cloth on the floor to protect the floor surface from stains. Now you can start preparing the beard itself for the subsequent process.

The beard must be washed under running water with detergent whether it's soap or shampoo. Further, in order not to waste time drying the beard, you can use the help of a hair dryer. If required, the beard can be trimmed and shortened with a trimmer or scissors. Next, the nasolabial folds of the face, cheeks, the area around the ears should be smeared with a greasy cream so that the paint does not damage the skin during the staining process.


When a man chooses suitable remedy than to dye your beard at home, you need to read the instructions for this cosmetic product. The process of applying paint can vary significantly, it all depends on the type of paint. Namely:

  1. If resistant paint is used, the following manipulations must be performed:
  • all the components of the product from the package are squeezed into the bowl;
  • the composition must be mixed so that there are no lumps;
  • using a brush, the composition of the paint is applied to the hair of the beard;
  • the paint is distributed evenly over the entire length of the hair;
  • remove excess paint with a cotton swab;
  • wash off the paint after 15-30 minutes according to the instructions.

The paint must be washed off with running warm water and shampoo, after which the result is evaluated. If the shade was lighter than expected, the remaining paint can be reapplied.

  1. If tonics are to be used, the man must follow several coloring steps. Namely:
  • squeeze out the entire contents of the bottles in the package into a bowl;
  • beard hair should be wetted with water;
  • a small amount of the product is applied to the hairs and foamed with massage movements;
  • the tonic should be distributed over the entire length of the hair in an even layer;
  • after 10-20 minutes, the composition is washed off only with warm water.

There are many balms, thanks to which you can fix new shade dyed beard. High-quality tint mousses and gels contain a package with a balm initially.

  1. If staining will occur using natural henna or basma paints, the following list of actions should be performed:
  • half a bag of powder is poured into a bowl;
  • a little warm water is poured into the powder to get the consistency of sour cream;
  • the mass is thoroughly stirred and applied in an even layer along the length of the hair from the roots to the tips;
  • maintain the composition for about 30-60 minutes.

It is important to wash off such paint only with clean running water, since the composition of shampoos and soaps contributes to the rapid washing out of the paint pigment. The procedure can be repeated if the new shade was not deep enough or came out uneven.

How to wash off?

As mentioned earlier, flush resistant paint you need warm water and using shampoo to clean the hair of excess dye. And here tint products and natural dyes do not accept the use of cleansers, as this can disrupt the uniformity and saturation of the new pigment of the beard hair. In this case, one running water will be enough.

Disadvantages and advantages of staining

The main difference between the coloring procedures is the ability of any man to try on different shades of beard to his image. High-quality paint helps to hide premature gray hair in the hairs of the beard, as well as a discrepancy between the shade of the beard and the shade of the hair on the head. For many men, a dyed beard before and after drastically changes the appearance, giving the face youth and freshness.

The only disadvantages can be considered the fact that it will be necessary to spend finances on coloring cosmetics, in addition, coloring will have to be done from 1 to several times a month. Not every beard dye is able to color the beard in White color, For example. Many manufacturers offer so far a limited range of palettes with shades of beard paint.

Experts do not advise dyeing a beard black for men with fair skin and Slavic appearance. In addition, a dark rich beard will look ridiculous if it is long and thick. Black color is appropriate in the case of short aesthetic beard forms, such as goatee or chinstrap. But a Viking beard or a shovel accepts only natural shades.

Many men are embarrassed by their gray hair and paint over it, but today the fashion for a silver beard is spreading exponentially. But it will be difficult to find a paint that will dye the beard gray. How to dye your mustache and beard at home, you can consult a barbershop. Stylists only emphasize that the shade of the beard should not differ from the shade of the hair on the head with an error of one tone.


Initially, men who have never dyed their beards but want a change can try dyeing their mustaches and beards with henna or basma, as these are temporary natural dyes. Through trial and error, it will be possible to choose the right shade and color of paint. The process of home staining is simple, it does not require special knowledge, skills and efforts. The main thing in the future is to tint the roots of the beard as the hairs grow. It must be remembered that dyed hair needs additional nutrition and hydration.

Complete information on the topic "how to dye a beard black at home" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

Calling all beard and mustache fans! Today only hardcore! An article for those who are not satisfied with the color of their beard and want to recolor it.

You may have experienced the fact that you have appeared gray hair that you just plucked out, thinking: “No problem! Once and done!”. Guessed?

But it was not there! These bastards breed without your knowledge, right behind you! And now they are becoming like an ashen army that is about to attack you! But don't rip them all out, right?

Some people find gray hair sexy. And of course, gray hair is a sign of experience and maturity, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. But some still want to turn the clock back. A bright and full-colored beard makes its owner look younger and more energetic not only externally, but also internally. Strange but true!

A change in beard color can be caused by various reasons (smoking, age, hormonal changes, etc.)

Hair coloring on the head and beard coloring are far from the same thing!

What you need to know before coloring your beard?

Go to a professional or not?

Beard coloring is a very bold undertaking and if you are going to entrust this task to a professional, by no means go to an ordinary beauty salon, only a barbershop! There you will be given advice on the color and types of paint, as well as tell you how to apply it specifically in your case.

The beard grows very quickly, so it needs to be tinted every 1-2 weeks. For this reason, many still want to learn how to color their own beard. Moreover, if you are able to care for a beard, then you should not have problems mastering the technique of dyeing and maintaining color.

Get ready for the comments!

A beard is still a rarity these days, but a dyed beard is a thing! You can count on your fingers when I personally saw dyed beards.

This is a great responsibility!

Remember that beard coloring is not a one-time procedure. The beard needs to be tinted. Have you seen "blondes" with sprouted black roots? This is exactly what you will try to avoid on your face.

Be careful!

It's your face, remember. No need to immediately "indulge in all serious"! Read the instructions, follow the recommendations. Be sure to test the product for an allergic reaction! Ordinary hair dye is not suitable for our purposes, since the skin of the face is very delicate. You can easily get burned! Use special paint for beards and mustaches. Color review coming soon.

Temporary beard coloring

Not sure about decision? Try Temporary Beard Dye!

How it works?

  1. Wash and comb your beard.
  2. Using the special brush that comes with the color, apply and spread the color evenly over the entire beard or just the areas you need.
  3. The paint dries and you are ready for today.
  4. Rinse off before going to bed and reapply the next day.
  5. If you want to leave the dye on overnight, be aware that the dye is temporary and it can end up on your pillow and sheets!

A big minus of such funds is that they need to be applied every morning and washed off every evening. Although it takes about 5 minutes, it would be possible to sleep these 5 minutes, for example. You also need to be careful not to get your beard wet if possible, as the paint can come off by accident.

Advantages of temporary painting

  • You don't have to do this all the time. Once you get tired of it, you can no longer do it.
  • You can dye your beard only in connection with special events. New Year, For example!
  • Temporary painting allows you to try different colors.
  • Temporary paint is handy in masking sprouted roots. It's faster than touching up with permanent paint.

permanent beard coloring

Decision is made? Great!

While you need to tint your beard every day with temporary paint, you can color it with permanent paint and forget it for a week! Or until the roots grow. With permanent dye, you can change the color of your beard altogether. Make darker, lighter or colored (red or green). With a temporary, for example, making a beard lighter is quite problematic.

Mustache painting

If you are going to dye your beard and you have a mustache, then you need to dye them too. In addition to paint, you also have the option of using mustache wax. Some waxes, for example, contain henna, which can change the color of the mustache over time. Familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of various waxes and I am sure you will find something suitable.

Choice of beard color

Apart from those who are going to dye their beards pink or green, I think most people hope that dyeing will improve your appearance without much attention from others. Therefore, I strongly advise you not to choose a color that differs from yours by more than 1-2 tones. Gray hair is better to dye in lighter colors (blond or ashy for example).

You need to choose a color that will go well with your present.

  • Lighten beard: If you try to match your real color, be careful! Very often, natural hair has several shades. It's very easy to make the mistake of choosing a color that seems to match yours, but once dyed, your beard will turn out to be much darker than you expected. Therefore, professional stylists advise choosing a paint color a few tones lighter than yours. natural color. This approach has its advantages. For example, you don't overdo it with color, as you will probably need to paint several times to cover the gray hair completely.
  • Darken beard: If you are a gambler by nature and adventurism still lives in your soul, you can bet on more dark tone and hold the paint for less time. The trick with this method is that the gray hair should be dyed quite well, while the rest will remain almost the same color. While coloring, remember to check your hair color every few minutes.

Preparing to dye your beard

1. Gather all fixtures and materials.

  • Paint for a beard. Make sure you have an oxidant (oxidizing agent) if the product says so in its instructions.
  • Latex gloves. Paint can be caustic to your skin!
  • Applicator. In other words, it is a toothbrush, a mascara brush, a small comb with fine teeth, or a beard brush. Quite often, hair dye has this tool included.
  • Paper towels. You can, of course, use ordinary towels if you are not afraid of a hard collision with stains.
  • Petrolatum! Yes, yes, you heard right! For what? To protect the skin from aggressive paint. You can also use mineral oil.
  • Stain remover. If the product so requires in its instructions. (There is also a homemade bleach and water solution, but be very careful to test for skin sensitivity first.)

2. Preparing the beard.

  • Sensitivity test. Mix some paint and apply it on the skin behind the ear or on the forearm (just a little) and let dry. If you use a stain remover, test that too. Wash off after a while and see if there is any redness or inflammation. If so, then other means must be chosen.
  • Wash your beard. Your beard should be washed with shampoo and dried. Do not use hair conditioner, as it prevents the dye from penetrating the hair.
  • Trim your beard. In other words, trim, freshen up and shave off the unnecessary. This will make it easier for you to pick desired color, as well as rinse the beard and skin after painting.
  • Protect your skin with Vaseline or oil. Apply it to the skin around your beard so the dye doesn't burn.
  • Wear rubber gloves.

3. Direct painting.

  • Prepare your paint. Depending on what kind of paint you have, you just need to open it and use it, or first mix the paint with water and an oxidizing agent (oxidant). Follow the instructions (in it you will find the necessary proportions). Mix enough paint to cover the beard once and touch up a bit if needed. Most packs will last for several uses.
  • Apply color to your beard. Using the applicator mentioned earlier, coat every hair of your beard, but be careful not to get it on your skin.
  • Wait and check. You will find information on how long to wait in the paint instructions. Check the color after the minimum waiting period recommended in the instructions. Using a paper towel, wipe off the dye from a small area of ​​the beard and evaluate how well the hair is dyed. If not enough, apply paint again and wait a while. Continue like this until your beard is the color you want. Keep a close eye on the time so that it's easier next time (you won't have to check many times). Be aware that the color of the beard may change slightly after the first few washes. So don't worry if it turns out a little darker than you originally wanted.
  • Rinsing. Rinse the paint off your beard until the water drips clean. Dry your beard with a towel.
  • Check the color. Not enough color? Repeat the above steps. Too many colors? Wash your beard a couple of times with shampoo to remove excess dye.
  • Spots. I hope that the vaseline helped you, and there are no spots on your face, but if there is, then use cotton buds and stain remover.

Care for a dyed beard

Coloring a beard looks like a rather complicated process? Luckily, caring for a dyed beard is not that difficult.

A dyed beard retains color longer if washed less often. I recommend using shampoos for colored hair. Sometimes, the chemicals in the dye can make your beard look tougher. Use beard oil to soften. Otherwise, trim and groom your beard as usual.


When the roots sprout - it's time to touch them up! But this time it's easier because you don't have to dye your entire beard! Follow the guidelines above and apply paint only where necessary.

After a few months, coloring your beard will become a habit and will be part of your regular grooming routine. Others will also get used to it and the comments will dry up. Everything will fall into place.

Friends, I really hope that you liked the article and found it useful. I will be very grateful if you share it with a bearded friend who will also appreciate it, thus you will greatly help the development of the project

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If in some places the beard areas are colored unevenly, you can repeat the procedure exactly on the necessary areas to even out the color. As you can see, the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. And it is quite possible to dye your beard at home without the help of professional hair stylists. The main thing then is to maintain the color, and make sure that the growing roots of the hairs or other problems with the growth of the beard are not noticeable.

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Secret tricks for painting a beard: at home with paint or henna

If you have the patience and strength to grow a decent beard, then painting it will not be something difficult and tedious. Hair fades over time, turns gray, changes color. There are quite enough reasons for this: a change in the hormonal background of the body, the effect of nicotine, hair burns out in the sun.

With maintaining a uniform color, only regular staining will help. Remember that the beard grows quickly, you need to tint it weekly. Otherwise, a curious situation arises, the regrown roots will stand out brightly from the bulk of the dyed hair.

Decided to use hair dye - expect problems

Can I use hair dye to color my beard? Professionals do not recommend. And there are reasons for this.

If you do not go to extremes from green to bright red, your choice of paint should not differ from yours. natural color more than 1-2 tones. Choose a color that matches your natural color.

How to get natural colors?

If you decide to use regular hair dye, use soft, non-aggressive shades (ashy, light blond). It is likely that the chestnut color will turn into a burning black on your beard.

  • To cover gray hair, use only light colors. Gray hair tends to be dyed in a more intense color than indicated in the dye instructions.
  • If you want to achieve more dark shade than your natural color, then try a shade darker than your natural color. Reduce the exposure time on the hair by half the time indicated in the instructions.

    We choose black!

    I would like to say that the black color is tempting, but it is not suitable for everyone. Not every beard shape will go well with black. Not every hair coloring product can give a permanent black color without an additional shade.


    What do you need at home?

    Now that the surface to be painted is ready for the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the inventory. You will need:

    • paint directly.
    • Disposable gloves.
    • Plastic bowl for paint.
    • Paint brush.
    • Comb.
    • Cotton discs.
    • Paper towels.

    Now let's talk a little about paint. The fact is that this is a real deficit!

    Would regular hair dye work?

    Painting material

    Any tool has instructions for use.

    I understand that a Russian person reads instructions only as a last resort - when he realizes that something is going wrong.

    In the case of painting a beard, everything is completely different. If everything is done on hastily the result may not meet your expectations. And most likely you will have to part with the beard that you have been growing for more than one month.

    Any coloring preparation has two bottles - paint and developer. So, let's begin…

    1. Put on gloves.
    2. Remove the ink and developer from the box.
    3. Open the paint tube.
    4. Remove the protective film from the tube (pierce it with the convex side of the cap, as if turning the cap inside out).
    5. Squeeze the right amount into a bowl (when the surface to be painted is not large, you can use half of the coloring agent and developer).
    6. Add the same amount of developer.
    7. Stir the mass with the prepared paint brush or wooden stick.
    8. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.


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    Step by step instructions

    Finally, we come to the most interesting. Let's take a closer look at the whole process, from A to Z!

    How to dye your beard with permanent paint?

    • The coloring mixture is applied to the beard area from the upper contour. Then, with short strokes, you can move to the side edge of the beard. Having painted over the contour, you can apply the mixture to the main part of the beard.
    • If your beard is thick, comb it with a fine-toothed comb. Thus, the coloring matter is evenly distributed along the entire length.
    • Make sure that all hair is dyed. Otherwise, you will end up with a beard with obvious bald spots.
  • When you finish applying the coloring mass - remove possible smudges on the skin with a cotton pad or paper towel.
  • In the instructions for the paint there is information about the time of its exposure. Be sure to check the resulting color after a minimum period of time. For example, if it is recommended to withstand the paint from 15 to 25 minutes, then you need to check the color after 15 minutes.
    • To do this, take a paper towel and wipe off the paint from a small area of ​​the beard.
    • If you are not satisfied with the result, increase the staining time.
    • On the erased area, apply the coloring mass again.

    But if after the allotted time you are not satisfied with the result, color saturation, you can re-stain after half an hour. It is for this purpose that it is advisable not to throw away the remnants of paint immediately.

  • After the time allotted according to the instructions for staining has elapsed, you can wash off the paint. It is recommended to work with gloves, so that the skin of the palms does not stain.

    Wash away coloring composition running water until it runs clear. Then you need to dry your hair with a regular towel. If the color of the beard turned out to be too saturated, you can wash it several times with shampoo, the excess coloring pigment will be washed off.

  • In principle, the painting process is completed. It remains only to wipe off the remnants of the protective cream or petroleum jelly from the skin and remove possible stains on the skin. Ways to solve this problem are described a little higher.
  • We use henna - an algorithm of actions

    Henna is natural dye. Henna is sold in powder form. The kit does not include an oxidizer or developer. Plain water is enough.

    The main feature of henna is that, once it enters the hair structure, it cannot be washed out. Over time, the color, of course, will fade, but it will never be completely removed. Henna is used to obtain reddish shades.

    Depending on the natural color, bright red and dark chestnut shades can be obtained. On blonde hair you will get bright shade, but henna does not affect black ones in any way.

    Fresh henna is more active and blonde hair color faster. The amount of powder to obtain paint will have to be determined "by eye". For short ones, 50 grams will be enough, for longer ones, more powder will be required to obtain paint.

    So, let's start painting the beard with henna:

    1. wear gloves.
    2. Open the henna package.
    3. Pour the contents into a bowl.
    4. Add hot water(The temperature should be about 90 degrees).
    5. Stir the powder to the state of a thick slurry, there should be no lumps in it.
    6. For even glide through the hair, add chicken yolk to the cooled gruel.
    7. Apply the gruel along the contour then color the rest of the hair.
    To make the color uniform, distribute the gruel, make partings in the hair. After application, remove possible smudges from the skin with cotton pads.

    The exposure time of henna depends on desired shade and natural hair color.

    Henna works faster on light hair. After 5 minutes they take on a golden hue, after 10 they become a reddish tint. After 15 minutes, a light titian color is obtained, and after 60 minutes of exposure, fiery red.

    If you want to experiment and are ready to amaze others bright colors, you can advise the following additives to obtain rich shades of henna.

    • If you add beetroot juice to the prepared henna gruel, you get a purple tint on your hair.
    • Red color will be obtained by adding hot red wine or hibiscus tea instead of water to the henna powder.
    • For a dark shade, add kefir.
    • For a light yellow color, add brewed tea.

    My wife forced me to dye my beard and hair, which suddenly began to turn gray sharply despite my relatively early years. At first I resisted this very much, denied it in every possible way, but then I gave up, painted it and did not regret it. First, he began to look ten years younger. Secondly, the former valiant energy and prowess appeared, which immediately had a positive effect on work and relationships with others. Thirdly, as all relatives and friends noticed, after that my character changed - for the better.

    And my friend, a very strong and strong-willed person, when he saw me painted, was very surprised and immediately hastened to condemn: this is not a man's business. But, after talking with me for a few minutes, I finally noticed: it suits you, and you look just fine!

    Now let's talk about the technical side of this matter. There can be no talk of hair coloring, everything is clear here. Beard dye also exists, but it is not easy to find, and it is relatively expensive and does not abound with shades. If we take into account that it is necessary to tint the beard weekly, then the option of painting in beauty salons or hairdressing salons (price 300-500 rubles) also disappears.

    There is only one sure remedy - to paint with hair dye. Experience shows that this is the best option. The only thing worth considering in this case is that you need to paint a graying beard of any color with light colors (light blond, ashen, and so on). The fact is that on the beard these colors behave quite differently than on the head, that is, the color is much darker. If you dye your beard dark, you will get an unnaturally black color that will shock others and cause you great disappointment to the point of wanting to immediately shave off your beard (and what remains in this case?)

    And finally, it’s worth dyeing your beard in this way: rinse it with water, apply paint, which must be kept according to the instructions, say, 30 minutes. We prepare the paint with the calculation of double application, and it is after fifteen minutes that we do it. But that's not all: leave a little paint just in case, because after washing it off, sometimes suddenly (it is not clear why) unpainted areas of the beard or mustache appear, very insignificant, and yet they require a little paint.

    As a rule, with the same paint that you paint a beard and mustache, you can also dye graying hair, everything turns out very harmoniously: blond hair and a slightly darker beard. At the same time, half a tube is usually spent on a man's hair and beard, so one package is enough for two full colorings and another tint of the beard, which has to be done weekly.

    Paint for beard and mustache - cosmetic product capable of changing the color of vegetation. The beard is a real trend, but what if you don't like it? Or satisfied, but you do not like the color of your vegetation? This circumstance can be corrected. How to choose the right paint so as not to regret it? What are the selection criteria and trustworthy brands? Now more about this.

    This is how the beard looks after dyeing

    Selection criteria

    Before choosing a shade, you should be very careful about the quality of the product. According to their type, coloring agents are divided into persistent and temporary. Temporary products are divided into gels, foams, tonics, while professional dyes belong to persistent products. First you need to decide on the end result: do you need a temporary change in the color of the vegetation or a more reliable and long-lasting result.

    Temporary staining

    Temporary beard dye is designed to color the stubble, giving it a certain shade, has a short-term result lasting up to seven days. This category of dyes includes tint gels, tonics for coloring, balms, foams. These products are widely used in women's cosmetology, they are completely safe and affordable. In addition, this type of coloring agent is ideal for a person who has not yet decided on the shade of bristles. For them, this is the perfect opportunity to experiment.

    Permanent staining

    If in the case of temporary coloring it is possible to use women's lines of tonics and other things, then in the case of a lasting result, hair dyes are contraindicated for coloring bristles, eyelashes, and eyebrows.

    To the persistent safe paints include the so-called natural product, dyes such as henna and basma. The use of these products can give reddish, brown and black colors.

    The best solution is a specialized product for beards and mustaches. The products are designed taking into account the characteristics of the chin zone of vegetation. They are gentle and some even provide extra nourishment to the skin and bristles.

    beard coloring steps

    1. Prepare the necessary auxiliary items: gloves, dishes for the coloring mass, brush, comb, towel, warm water, shampoo.
    2. Before staining, make sure that the vegetation has the desired shape. Correct the contour, if necessary, wash, dry.
    3. Apply the product in accordance with the instructions for use.
    4. Wait for the time required for staining and wash off the remaining dye. If there are poorly colored areas, repeat the procedure again.

    Pros and cons of staining procedures


    • image update;
    • the ability to equalize the shades of hair and beard (this phenomenon is quite common);
    • the ability to get rid of gray hair;
    • bristle refreshment, color saturation, shine.


    • binding to staining, when the procedures are repeated at regular intervals;
    • material costs;
    • a meager set of colors.

    What to look for when choosing a color

    A stylish beard is not only a competent haircut, but also the right color of the vegetation. A fair-haired blond with a black beard looks somehow ridiculous, although this option has the right to exist.

    When choosing a color, consider some of the nuances:

    1. To achieve your natural color, choose shades that are a tone lighter than stubble.
    2. Light tones do a much better job with gray hair than dark ones.
    3. When coloring gray hair in dark or bright colors the tone after painting may be darker than the rest of the vegetation.
    4. Avoid extreme combinations like black + , it will hurt your style.

    Who is black suitable for? Owners of chestnut and dark hair. A black shade will spoil the face of a Slavic appearance. Moreover, if you choose black + a thick long beard, keep in mind that this combination will look extremely rude and defiant. If the vegetation is not bulky and neatly trimmed, it will definitely decorate you.

    Natural shades of the beard always look more beneficial and harmonious. For them, it is enough to use tinting or products based on natural ingredients.

    Popular manufacturing companies

    The most popular beard coloring brands are:


    Gentleman consists of a creamy mass. It is not difficult to use even at home, the composition will not cause any harm to either the skin or hair. The manufacturer guarantees permanent staining with a result of up to one month.

    The package contains two components of the paint. Before use, they are mixed, the resulting mass is applied to wet vegetation, the bristles must be painted immediately after opening the vials. Staining time - 15 minutes, then the paint is washed off.

    The cost of funds is quite affordable - 150 rubles.


    Godefroy - men's beard dye, has a rich color palette. The kit includes capsules with a coloring pigment, an antioxidant, a device for applying the product, and a container. The principle of action is simple: the capsules are mixed with an antioxidant substance, immediately applied to wet beard or mustache hairs. Holding time - 15 minutes. Before use, it is worth testing for a possible allergic reaction.

    The cost is 500 rubles.

    Just for man

    Just for man is positioned as a safe, almost completely natural remedy.

    Composed of: essential oils, additional trace elements, coloring pigment. The manufacturer presents enough wide palette shades. The paint easily copes with gray hair. For this reason, the tool is very popular among men.

    The result from use will please up to six weeks.

    The cost is from 550 rubles.

    cameleo men

    Cameleo men is well adapted to individual use. A simple layman can easily dye his beard without outside help. Ideal for painting over gray hair, while the components included in the composition act in a gentle mode.

    In the package you will find two components on the basis of which the finished product is created: emulsion + coloring pigment. Application: a well-mixed mass of dye is applied to wet hair, evenly distributed, washed off after ten minutes.

    The cost is about 300 rubles.

    american crew

    American crew is an economical beard dye that hides gray hair. Saturated color after staining lasts up to six weeks.

    Application: a coloring mass is applied to wet bristles, evenly distributed along the entire length, held for five minutes and washed off. One package is enough for six procedures, which fully justifies the high cost of the product (on average - 1300 rubles).


    The product consists of two tubes of dye, which is quite economical, since it is enough for two procedures. In addition, the manufacturer completes the package with two pairs of gloves. The paint acts like a professional paint - the effect of the application lasts up to six weeks. The paint has only one shade - brown. You must first test the product for a potential reaction of the body to the components.

    The cost is democratic, only 300 rubles.

    Bigen men's beard color

    Bigen men's beard color has a creamy texture, making the process of painting much easier.
    The nourishing hypoallergenic composition pleases: olive oil, aloe vera, coloring pigment.

    Herbal ingredients have a beneficial effect on the skin and stubble. After application, the hairs acquire a healthy shine.

    The cost is 1200 rubles.


    Delia is intended for eyebrows and eyelashes, in combination and for a beard. The product has a gel-like texture, so you can easily apply it yourself. The product in its line has only dark shades, since its direct purpose is to fight gray hair.

    Application: gel is applied to wet vegetation, washed off with shampoo after ten minutes. The effect of the application lasts up to four weeks.

    The price of the product pleasantly surprises - only 150 rubles.

    Can you dye your beard with hair dye?

    Definitely not. It is dangerous to use hair dyes, as they contain substances such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

    The epidermis on the face is much more sensitive than on the head, and hair dye can be harmful. So, in particular:

    1. When used, the skin under the bristles will inevitably be colored, and in this situation, burns and irritations are provided.
    2. It can partially stain the bristles, it will look, to put it mildly, unattractive.
    3. After using a conventional product, the hair structure can also suffer, causing brittleness, cross-section, stiffness, and even loss.
    4. Also, the occurrence of a reaction to the components of the composition is not excluded.

    Even if you use the professional-level tools described above negative consequences can't be avoided.

    Eyebrow dyes

    Well, what if, for example, you dye your beard with eyebrow paint? This option is quite acceptable when there is no special product at hand.

    An analogue for eyebrows and eyelashes will come in handy, since this paint is delicate compared to women's hair. The duration of the result is one month.

    The disadvantage of these paints lies in the poor assortment of colors - usually it is only brown, red, black.


    If you have just embarked on the path of dyeing vegetation, start with lightweight dyes such as henna and basma, and for competent painting, contact a professional barber. As you gain experience, change looks with professional paints for a beard. Don't take risks just because you want to save money. Do not forget that dyed hair always needs nutrition and extra care.
