Paper plane. Making cool paper airplanes with kids

Making a paper airplane is one of my childhood memories. Each child will definitely enjoy building it on their own and launching it high up.

This activity will instill in children a craving for creativity. The smallest designers, when folding paper airplanes, will develop fine motor skills fingers, learn to concentrate your attention, use your imagination.

There are a large number of schemes for creating paper airplanes - from simple ones in 4-6 steps to more complex models. The paper with which the airplanes are folded can be of different density and structure. Some models fly only in a straight line, others can perform turns.

Long-flying airplanes will certainly arouse the interest of any child. If parents have forgotten their childhood skills, then there is an opportunity to learn how to fold paper airplanes with your child. This is a very interesting and useful activity that will become a vivid memory for a lifetime.

The classic way to create a paper plane

Any beginner can handle this aircraft folding scheme. For its manufacture, you can use the most ordinary newspaper. To make more complex designs, the first step is to learn the basics of conventional and light scheme collection, which we will now do.

The basic steps for assembling a flying toy:

  1. Take into your arms a regular sheet of paper, preferably a rectangular one.
  2. Fold the paper in half along the sheet to make a vertical line in the middle.
  3. Bend the top corners along the line. Bend the resulting corner to the center of the sheet.
  4. Do the same for the new corners.
  5. Turn the bottom small corner in the opposite direction so that it holds the other corners.
  6. Bend the resulting structure in half along a vertical line. Next, spread the wings of the airplane along the center line.

How to make a high flying airplane

An airplane that flies high and far will certainly cause a storm of emotions. The child will have fun watching him fly. All we need is a sheet of A4 paper.

  1. Prepare a sheet of paper from which the airplane will be folded. Paper can be plain white color or colored, as you wish.
  2. Place the paper on the table in a horizontal position and fold it exactly in half. This airplane is designed using the origami technique.
  3. Next, unfold the folded sheet and lay it vertically. Bend the upper corners to a straight line, which was formed when the sheet was folded.
  4. As a result of this, the upper part of the sheet will be triangular in shape.
  5. Now fold the ends of the paper that touch the main line in the opposite direction.
  6. Repeat the steps on the bent ends again.
  7. Then align all the ends to a horizontal position, as it was originally, before any manipulations.
  8. Bend the top corners of the paper to the main line so that there are two marked lines on each half.
  9. At the base of the triangle, fold a piece of paper in half.
  10. Press down on the paper so that a horizontal line appears.
  11. Now you need to return the paper to its original horizontal position again.
  12. The next step is to fold the paper along the first top line into a triangle shape.
  13. Fold the sheet over again horizontal line that runs through the middle.
  14. Position the corner exactly in a vertical line.
  15. Next, bend the corner in the opposite direction along the horizontal line.
  16. Flip the paper over so the corner is facing up.
  17. Next, you need to bend the upper parts to the central vertical line.
  18. When assembling the structure, the paper should be folded carefully.
  19. It is necessary to bend the parts on both sides.
  20. Then you should fold the origami in half.
  21. Next, bend the wings for the future airplane.
  22. At the end, make folds on the wings of the aircraft on both sides and unfold the structure. Now she's ready to fly!

Scheme for creating an airplane "Glider"

The Glider is a cool paper plane that flies high and relatively far. Be sure to try to build this with your child unusual toy, which has more complex scheme creation compared to those described above.

Follow these step-by-step instructions and you will definitely be able to make a "Glider":

  1. Take out a sheet of paper and fold it in half.
  2. Next, unfold it and place it on the table with the intended line to the top.
  3. Wrap the corners of the sheet inward so that a mark appears inside the sheet. Thus, the resulting triangles will be even, which will enable the airplane to fly well.
  4. Make a sharp nose on paper by bending the corners in the center.
  5. Position the sharp corner so that it extends a few millimeters beyond the edges of the paper.
  6. Fold the resulting layout in half so that the back part fits inside.
  7. The final moment is the deployment of the wings of the airplane. They can be made any width you want.

Paper airplane called Swift

This design belongs to the average degree of complexity, as it consists of a large number additions. The first step is to practice on your own several times before building it with children.

Here is a list of the steps you need to follow to assemble the Swift layout:

  • make a guide fold by bending two corners to the middle of the sheet;
  • we bend the corners first in one direction, then in the other, so that a bend in the form of the letter X appears on the sheet;
  • now lower the right corner of the sheet to the line coming from the left corner;
  • do the same with the left corner;
  • fold the structure in half to make an orientation line;
  • the next step is to fold the structure in half so that the top line is on the same level as the bottom;
  • bend the upper corners of the structure to a line that runs vertically;
  • turn the corners to their original position;
  • take the top edge that looks down and fold it up along the line that came from the previous step;
  • connect the upper corners on both sides with the first fold so that their edge is adjacent to the nose of the aircraft;
  • folded corners form the wings of the structure;
  • then you need to bend the wings again along the fold;
  • the next step is to lay the wings on top of the bow;
  • lower the nose down to the level of the wings;
  • fold the structure in half so that the wings are on the outside.
  • lower the wings of the airplane perpendicular to the bottom edge of the plane;
  • The paper airplane is ready to fly!

Unusual paper plane with a propeller

To build this toy, you need to arm yourself with the following tools:

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • wallpaper knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • needle with a bead for fastening parts.

Using these tools and a sheet of paper, you can construct an airplane with a propeller, you just need to follow the following instructions:

  • Fold the paper sheet twice diagonally;
  • Unfold the paper to its original position and fold horizontally to split the surface in half;
  • Unfold the sheet again and bend the left corner to the right side, outlining a line. Bend the bottom right corner up;
  • Bend the left corner again, its edges should touch the triangle that was obtained from the previous steps;
  • Bend the edge of the corner into the inside of the airplane;
  • Turn the right side to the center;
  • Fill the left part under the right part;
  • Fold the structure diagonally and make wings;
  • Make your own propeller. This will require colored paper 6 cm / 6 cm in size. With a simple pencil, draw lines from opposite corners. Cut the paper along the lines, leaving a distance of about 8 mm from the center. Bend one corner from each rectangle and fasten in the center with a needle.

To make the propeller stable, you can fix it with PVA glue or press the bends well.

  • Attach the part to the plane and your child's flying toy is ready to use!

Paper airplane in the form of a boomerang

The boomerang airplane will certainly interest your baby. It has one distinctive feature that makes it interesting. When the toy is launched into flight, it returns to its owner like a boomerang.

Let's analyze the main stages of creating this flying machine:

  • Take an A4 sheet and place it on a flat surface with the narrow side perpendicular to you.
  • Make a diagonal line by folding the sheet in half. Fold both sides of the top corners to the center line.
  • Fold the envelope down to make a horizontal line and straighten the folds.
  • Turn the design over and bend the triangular end into the middle. Rotate the wide end to the other side.
  • Do the same on the second half of the future airplane.
  • After performing these manipulations, you will get a small pocket. Bend it so, lifting it up so that its ends are located along the length of the sheet.
  • Next, you need to bend a corner into your pocket. Do the same on the other side.
  • Bend the side parts of the pocket up. Straighten the structure, place the front part in the middle.
  • Next, you will see pieces of paper sticking out that need to be rolled up. Remove the fin parts as well.
  • Straighten the structure again. Then fold in half and work through all the folds well.
  • Finish the wings of the plane by bending them up. There should be a slight bend on the wings.

The lighter the material from which the airplane is made, the farther it will fly. However, with strong gusts of wind, this structure will simply be demolished. But the wind is not a hindrance to an airplane made of thicker paper, but the flight range is inferior to a light one.

If both parts of the aircraft are completely identical, then the device will fly along straight line without making bends. When folding a paper airplane, it is not recommended to use auxiliary elements such as adhesive tape, glue or staples. These details make our airplane heavier and prevent a perfect flight.

Production of a military aircraft "Hawk"

Let's analyze each stage of assembling this military aircraft:

  • Take a sheet of rectangular paper and place the side that is shorter towards you;
  • Traditionally fold it in half. Make one from the two upper corners, bending them towards the center;
  • The result should be a drawing on paper in the form of a cross. Press the sides of the paper against the vertical line that bisects the sheet. Lower the two upper corners down to the same level with the top. Leave 1 cm from this fold to the center line.
  • Thus came out the form in the form of horns, which must be placed together. Pieces of paper that interfere, hide inside.
  • The corner that is at the bottom is gently turned in the opposite direction. It is necessary to bend to the point from which the horns come out.
  • The final step will be folding the structure in half. It will be very interesting if you and your child paint the paper layout with paints in order to bring the airplane as close as possible to the military one.

There are many different schemes for assembling military flying toys. The figure below shows some of them.

How to make a bulldog airplane

This aircraft got its name due to the fact that the shape of its nose is similar to the muzzle of a bulldog. This paper toy one of the easiest to assemble.

You can start creating this aircraft right away with the child, since there are no complex folds and elements in its scheme. If you follow the instructions, the child will enjoy and benefit from this lesson. In the future, it will not be difficult to add more complex and advanced models.

What should be done? See below:

  • Make the first fold - fold in half diagonally.
  • Next comes a step that is present in almost every collection scheme. Lower the top corners down.
  • Put the leaf on the other side and bend the corners again as in the second paragraph.
  • Take the top corner you just made and fold it over so that the corners meet in one place.
  • At the end, as usual, fold the structure into two halves to form a snub nose.
  • Next, we spread the wings of the aircraft, do it as evenly as possible.

It is desirable to send the Bulldog flying with smooth, not sharp jerks. The flying paper structure will instantly fly through the air over long distances, causing delight and joy for your child.

Aircraft Eaglet of medium complexity

The Eaglet aircraft has a more complex assembly scheme than the Bulldog model. One of its components is a special triangle that stabilizes the entire structure.


  • Follow the first two steps that are described in the instructions for the Bulldog aircraft. In both cases, he draws the main line, from which we will dance further.
  • Fold the paper sheet into an envelope. Pay attention to the fact that the distance from the folded corner to the bottom edge of the structure is at least a centimeter. These two parts should not be on the same line.
  • Bend the corners that are located at the top towards the center. Next you will see a small triangle with folded corners, which will serve as a stabilizer.
  • We need to bend the triangle up so that it secures the other parts of the sheet.
  • Then traditionally fold the structure in half, so that the triangle is outside.
  • Align the right and left wings of the airplane. That's all! The flying toy is ready to use. If you build an Eaglet according to all the rules, then he will be far and confident.

Strike Eagle is an F15 aircraft model that has a beautiful appearance. At the heart of its creation is an ordinary sheet of paper, which is folded accordingly.

All bends should be done very carefully so as not to spoil the appearance of the airplane. This aircraft can be used as a children's toy by launching it into the air, or you can put it in a sideboard as a souvenir.

This paper airplane will appeal to both adults and children.

Paper plane Lightning

  • fold the paper in the manner described in all the initial paragraphs;
  • bend the upper tips to the center;
  • then bend the paper so that you get the shape of an arrow;
  • you need to make another fold to create narrow wings.

So that the wings do not diverge in different directions, an ordinary paper clip comes to the rescue. They pierce the body. This allows the aircraft to fly long distances. To change the direction of flight, you just need to slightly bend the wings up.

In this article, you will be presented with several popular aircraft schemes that differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in flight properties. To create origami, you only need a sheet of paper 20x30 cm or A4. All models may well be assembled by a child of 5 years old with their own hands without the help of an adult. Waiting at the end of the article detailed description a paper airplane very much like a modern fighter.

How to make a flying paper plane popular schemes.

1. Planes made according to the first and second schemes are the most common. Such an origami is going to be done with your own hands quite quickly, despite this the plane flies far enough due to its design.

2. As mentioned above, such a paper plane is the basic model. Almost all children and adults know it.

3. A feature of this model of the aircraft are wide wings, similar to a paraglider. This design allows it to soar high in the air. With proper, uniform folding such a paraglider can fly long, far and, most importantly, beautifully. Don't expect super speeds from him.

4. This model was obtained as a result of the modernization of the first and second schemes. A distinctive feature of the aircraft model is its fast and uniform flight. Due to the front supporting wings, the nose does not collapse, providing a long flight.

5. Also a very interesting paper airplane design. It assembles very quickly and easily with your own hands. In terms of speed, it is certainly inferior to some previous schemes. But a good, stable, long flight will give your child.

6 . The model looks like a large passenger plane. It cannot boast of a flight range, but it flies quite beautifully from a great height.

7. A very unusual paper fighter. It assembles easily, flies quickly and for a long time due to the balanced design.

8 . Sleek design and wide fenders will delight you long, fast flight.

9. The plane looks very unusual, looks like a fighter. Don't expect any superpowers from him. He will delight with his unusual and complex assembly process with his own hands.

10 . The scheme is very similar to scheme number 8. However, the nose of such a model is very steep, it folds much more accurately. It doesn't affect the flying properties in any way.

11. The shape and design resembles model number 9. Only it is a little easier to assemble and flies a little further, due to the ribs on the wings.

12. One of the varieties of a fighter with fender liner down. The launcher of such an aircraft will enjoy a steady, fast flight very much.

How to make a far flying fighter plane out of paper.

The above have been provided step-by-step schemes airplanes. Finally, we have reached the best. Now you have to get acquainted with the step-by-step origami photo instructions, assembling the farthest flying fighter. The aircraft not only has good flying properties, it also looks great and will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Detailed, step-by-step photo instruction, wonderful origami.

1 . We need an A4 sheet, it is advisable to take thin paper, so a do-it-yourself plane will fly even further. You can choose the color of your choice. Fold and unfold the sheet in half along the short side.

2 . Fold the sheet in half along the long side.

3 . We bend, iron one corner as shown in the picture.

4 . With the second corner, we do the same as in step number 3. It should turn out as in the photo.

5 . We turn the resulting corners in half again, iron it well with our own hands.

6 . Open each side and fold inward.

7 . You should get the following.

8 .

9 . We bend the upper part of the plane out of paper on both sides.

10 . Flip the piece over and do the same on the other side.

11 . Open both parts along the fold line. Look carefully as shown in the photo.

12 . On the other hand, we do the same, we should get an isosceles triangle.

13 . Fold the figure in half along the fold line. We will receive as shown in the picture.

14 . We outline a line on both sides about 2.5 cm from the base of the aircraft. We will bend our future wing along this line.

15 . Gently bend and iron one wing from the beginning.

16 . Folding the second wing

17 . Draw another parallel line. We will need it for precise bending of the stability wings.

18 .

19 . On the second side, in the same way, draw a line and bend a corner along it.

20. At your discretion, you can make small flaps, if they are done carefully and slightly bent, your fighter will fly a little further. Also, these fender liner will keep the stability wings at right angles.

Congratulations, you just learned how to make a paper airplane. If necessary, you can glue the base of a far-flying aircraft with your own hands.

Everyone folds paper planes. Only they fly close and not for long. More often they nod off and this inglorious flight does not cause anyone delight in the children. How to make a paper airplane (step by step instructions) that really flies?

Believe me, it's not difficult at all. The main thing is to know how and in what sequence to do it. Your paper airplane, one of three or all three, will fly beautifully and far, to everyone's delight.

There are many things a father has to teach a child. And one of them is how to make a paper airplane that will definitely fly. And laugh all together and cheerfully jump for joy. With dad, everything is more interesting. Step-by-step instruction an airplane that really flies, and does not poke a paper nose on the floor immediately after launch.

Far flying crafts will bring pleasure to the child. If you don't know how to make such airplanes yet, you have a great chance to learn this together with your children. It's exciting and useful. The moments of joint creativity will be remembered by the children for a lifetime. They, in due time, will be able to teach how to fold far-flying paper planes to their children, and those to theirs.

Airplane Bulldog

Apparently, he received such a name for the cut-off shape of the nose, and, indeed, it looks like a bulldog muzzle. This is the simplest paper plane. And you need to make paper airplanes from it, if you don’t already know how. If you do everything right, you will get real pleasure from his flight and an incentive to make the next two, more difficult ones.

Step-by-step photos - the initial level of difficulty

Description of work

  1. Fold paper in half. This is the first fold.
  2. In the classic way, like all paper airplanes, fold the corners towards each other.
  3. Turn the paper over and fold the corners again, as shown, towards the center of the fold.
  4. The view after you folded both corners.
  5. Then bend the upper corner, as shown in Figure 5, so that all the corners meet at one point.
  6. Fold everything in half so that the side of our plane looks like its name: an airplane with a snub-nosed nose, like a bulldog's.
  7. We bend the wings. Smoothly, like a ruler.
  8. That's it. Our plane is ready for its first flight.

This airplane is the easiest, so parents can teach little kids how to make a paper airplane called Bulldog.

You need to start it not with sharp, strong movements, but with smooth and soft ones. He must catch the air currents under his paper wings and fly a sufficiently large distance. If a paper airplane like Bulldog turns out to be successful, you will definitely want to make another, more difficult one.

Airplane Eaglet

Step-by-step instructions for a paper airplane with a stabilizing triangle. Its design is more intricate, but not so much that it turned out to be too difficult. Do exactly as described, make sure that the folds are accurate, that's the whole secret.

Paper Airplane Step by Step Photos - Intermediate Difficulty


  1. The first two operations are exactly the same as when adding up the Bulldog airplane. As there, the first fold line is needed only in order to correctly do the following.
  2. Fold everything from top to bottom so that the sheet begins to resemble an envelope. Make sure you leave about a centimeter or so at the bottom. The sharp corner of the envelope should not line up with the edge of the paper.
  3. Fold the top corners so that they meet in the middle. There should be a small triangle of stabilizer under the tail of the paper airplane.
  4. Lay a small triangle so that it holds all the other folds. And bend everything in half, so that the small triangle is outward.
  5. Fold the wing down very evenly. Repeat on the other side. Ready. You can launch your paper airplane. If everything is done carefully, then it will stay in the air confidently and fly for a long time.

Paper airplane Swift

This paper airplane has many more lines of folds and folds. Therefore, it is more sophisticated than the first two. Rather, this is an ideal version of an airplane of good flight qualities, of medium complexity. That doesn't stop you from doing it with your kids.

Practice alone first. Children are interested in the result, only after it there is a desire to make the same, well-flying, airplane. All draft and unsuccessful options should remain behind the scenes. You will definitely succeed. This is more of a paper airplane model than a simple paper airplane.

Step-by-step photo of a flying paper airplane model

  1. The beginning is a little different than the previous two airplanes. Bend two corners towards each other. This will be the guide fold.
  2. Then crosswise we make two other folds. It looks like the letter X.
  3. Now fold the top right corner down so that its edge meets the fold that goes from the top left corner to the bottom right.
  4. Do the same with the left corner. The upper left point must exactly correspond to the diagonal of the right edge of the aircraft.
  5. Fold the plane in half on itself, and then unfold. You will use this middle crease as a guide.
  6. After you have completed the previous step, fold from top to bottom so that its edge meets the bottom edge.
  7. Bend the top corners down so that their points meet at the middle crease.
  8. Open sheet. As with many steps in the creation of this aircraft, these folds are indicative only.
  9. Now take what was the top edge that you previously folded down (3 pics) back and fold it back up at the point where its edge matches the crease from the previous step.
  10. Connect the corners again so that their edge matches the edge of the top flap and a two-step back fold.
  11. Both corners fold in to meet the top flap and the previously made creases. This is the wings.
  12. Fold the wings one more time, this time just folding along the fold, as you already did. After this step, your plane should have straight lines down from top to bottom.
  13. We fold both wings again; straight edges from top to bottom.
  14. Fold from top to bottom from where it meets the top of the flaps you created in the previous step.
  15. Fold it all in half. You must make all the wings on the outside of the airplane. Folding will be a little tricky at this point due to the thickness of the paper, so take extra care to get nice, clean folds.
  16. Fold the wings down so that their edge meets the bottom edge of the plane. It turns out a small upturned nose. It has to be tough, so be precise and take your time.
  17. Ready. This paper airplane will fly easily and far, just like a thought or a dream.

Do not spare precious time, practice and you will be rewarded with joy in the eyes of a child or delight in the company of children. Joint creativity brings together. You can consider that a paper airplane, according to our step by step photo and descriptions will be the first step towards great friendship and mutual understanding.

Since childhood, we all know how to quickly make a paper airplane, and we have done it more than once. This origami method is simple and easy to remember. After a couple of times you can do it with your eyes closed.

The simplest and most famous paper airplane pattern

Such an airplane is made from a square sheet of paper, which is folded in half, then the upper edges are folded towards the center. The resulting triangle is bent, and the edges are again bent towards the center. Then the sheet is bent in half, and wings are formed.

That, in fact, is all. But there is one small drawback of such an aircraft - it almost does not soar and falls in a couple of seconds.

Experience of generations

The question arises - which flies for a long time. This is not difficult, since several generations have improved the well-known scheme, and have significantly succeeded in this. Modern ones vary greatly in appearance and in terms of quality.

Below are different ways to make a paper airplane. Simple circuits will not confuse you, but on the contrary, will inspire you to continue experimenting. Although they may require you more time than the one mentioned above.

Super paper plane

Method number one. It does not differ much from the one described above, but in this version the aerodynamic qualities are slightly improved, which lengthens the flight time:

  1. Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the corners towards the middle.
  3. Turn the sheet over and fold in half.
  4. Fold the triangle up.
  5. Change the side of the sheet again.
  6. Bend the two right vertices to the center.
  7. Do the same with the other side.
  8. Bend the resulting plane in half.
  9. Raise your tail and straighten your wings.

This is how you can make paper airplanes that fly for a very long time. In addition to this obvious advantage, the model looks very impressive. So play to your health.

Making the plane "Zilke" together

Now it's time for method number two. It involves the manufacture of the Zilke aircraft. Prepare a sheet of paper and learn how to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time by following these simple tips:

  1. Fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Mark the middle of the sheet. Fold the top in half.
  3. Bend the edges of the resulting rectangle to the middle so that a couple of centimeters remain to the middle on each side.
  4. Turn over a piece of paper.
  5. Form a small triangle at the top in the middle. Bend the entire structure along.
  6. Open the top by folding the paper in two directions.
  7. Bend the edges so that you get wings.

The aircraft "Zilke" is finished and ready for operation. This was another easy way to quickly make a paper airplane that flies for a long time.

Making a plane "Duck" together

Now consider the scheme of the "Duck" aircraft:

  1. Fold a piece of A4 paper in half lengthwise.
  2. Bend the top ends towards the middle.
  3. Turn the sheet over to the back. Bend the side parts again to the middle, and in the upper part you should get a rhombus.
  4. Bend the upper half of the rhombus forward, as if folding it in half.
  5. Fold the resulting triangle with an accordion, and bend the bottom top up.
  6. Now bend the resulting structure in half.
  7. At the final stage, form the wings.

Now you can make those that fly for a long time! The scheme is quite simple and understandable.

Making a Delta plane together

It's time to make a Delta plane out of paper:

  1. Fold an A4 piece of paper in half lengthwise. Mark the middle.
  2. Turn the sheet horizontally.
  3. On one side, draw two parallel lines to the middle, at the same distance.
  4. On the other hand, fold the paper in half to the middle mark.
  5. Bend the lower right corner to the topmost drawn line so that a couple of centimeters remain intact at the bottom.
  6. Bend the top half.
  7. Bend the resulting triangle in half.
  8. Fold the structure in half and bend the wings along the marked lines.

As you can see, paper airplanes that fly for a very long time can be made different ways. But that is not all. Because you will find several more types of crafts floating in the air for a long time.

How to make a "Shuttle"

Using the following method, it is quite possible to make a small model of the Shuttle:

  1. You will need a square piece of paper.
  2. Fold it diagonally to one side, unfold and fold it to the other. Leave in this position.
  3. Fold the left and right edges towards the center. It turned out to be a small square.
  4. Now fold this square diagonally.
  5. At the resulting triangle, bend the front and back leaves.
  6. Then fold them under the central triangles so that a small figure remains peeking out from below.
  7. Fold the top triangle and tuck it in the middle so that a small top peeks out.
  8. Finishing touches: unfold the lower wings and tuck in the nose.

Here's how to make a paper plane that flies for a long time in an easy and simple way. Enjoy the long flight of your Shuttle.

We make the plane "Gomez" according to the scheme

  1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  2. Now fold the top right corner to the left edge of the paper. Unbend.
  3. Do the same on the other side.
  4. Next, fold the top so that a triangle is formed. The bottom part remains unchanged.
  5. Bend the lower right corner to the top.
  6. Turn the left corner inward. You should get a small triangle.
  7. Bend the design in half and form wings.

Now you know that he flew far.

What are paper airplanes for?

These simple aircraft schemes will allow you to enjoy the game, and even organize competitions between different models, finding out who owns the championship in flight duration and range.

Boys (and maybe their dads) will especially like this activity, so teach them how to create winged cars out of paper, and they will be happy. Such activities develop children's dexterity, accuracy, perseverance, concentration and spatial thinking, and contribute to the development of imagination. And the prize will be those made that fly for a very long time.

Launch airplanes outdoors in calm weather. And yet, you can take part in the competition of such crafts, however, in this case, you need to know that some of the models presented above are prohibited in such events.

There are many other ways that fly for a very long time. The above are just some of the most effective ones you can do. However, do not limit yourself to only them, try others. And perhaps, over time, you will be able to improve some of the models or come up with a new, more advanced system for making them.

By the way, some paper models of airplanes are capable of making aerial figures and various tricks. Depending on the type of design, you will need to launch strongly and sharply or smoothly.

In any case, all of the above airplanes will fly for a long time and will give you a lot of fun and pleasant experiences, especially if you made them yourself.

Making absolutely any paper airplane is not so difficult - any sheet of plain or colored paper, a sheet from a school notebook, can also be used as a material for a flying craft.

Schemes and lessons for making airplanes can be found on various sites for those who like to make everything with their own hands, there are also a lot of sites on this page useful information. A do-it-yourself airplane can be launched from the window of a house or school by folding it out of simple notebook paper.

You can arrange exciting competitions between children for the flight range of airplanes that they will make with their own hands from paper.

You can color the paper airplane with the most different colors using felt-tip pens, pens, pencils, watercolors or gouache paints for work. But you can take a colored sheet of paper and fold an airplane of one color or another with your own hands.

Let's look at the most popular options for making a paper plane for long-range flight :)

In order to fold an airplane with good aerodynamic properties from a sheet of paper, you can use a variety of schemes. Some are very simple, and some are quite complex. For the manufacture of some aircraft, it is desirable to use cardboard or thick paper, while for others it is better to take a thin and soft sheet of paper. Some paper planes can fly in a winding path, and some only fly straight ahead.


We put a sheet of thick A4 paper in front of us. Fold at an angle of 45 degrees to the center of the sheet the upper corners of the short side of the sheet. Be sure in the middle of the sheet of paper, the sides are adjacent to each other closely.

Then, where the folded corners end, fold the sheet of paper along the line (across). The folds should be inside. Then we fold the corners to the center, as it were, a little obliquely - so that they are on the line of symmetry of the craft. We turn the triangle that appears under the folded corners up in order to make a retainer for the wings of the aircraft.

Then we fold the figure in half lengthwise - folds should remain outside. On each side, we bend the wing of the aircraft to the center. The wings should form an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the body of the homemade aircraft.


In this version, the paper sheet must be placed with the long side towards you, and then folded in half lengthwise. Next, fold the corners of our aircraft 3 times to the edges. It is necessary to fold each time so that the angle after the next laying decreases by half. This is not so difficult - each time the corners must be folded to the bottom edge of the paper plane so that the lines match. Folding the corners a third time, fold them back up to 90 degrees to create the wings of our fighter plane.
