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Everyone knows that temperament and charisma are two character traits without which no person will be successful. And people born under the auspices of the constellation Scorpio are more than endowed with these qualities. Therefore, it is not surprising that most Scorpios always achieve their goals and never see obstacles that can interfere with them.

Next year, the situation will not change much - the ardent natures of Scorpios will still attract attention and play an important role in the events taking place around. And they will be protected from sorrows and misfortunes by a good-natured dog, a symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Dog.

The astro forecast for Scorpions has prepared in the future a lot of interesting events that can radically change the attitude of Scorpios, both to the people around them and to life, which has long been in need of change. The main changes will be related to the professional sphere.

In the foreseeable future, Scorpios may decide on an amazing adventure with a change of profession, which, to the surprise of all the spiteful critics, will lead to success. Therefore, if you have a unique opportunity to try your hand at an alien area for you, feel free to take risks. The result and the opened prospects will be a pleasant reward for you and your loved ones who believed in your victory.

Scorpio in 2018 should be prepared for the fact that the year will pass under the slogan: "Who, if not me?". Indeed, in the coming year, Scorpios will be forced to take responsibility in the most difficult moments in order to provide support to those who need it. The experience gained as a result of the events taking place will forever turn the Scorpios' idea of ​​personal responsibility and make it clear how strong their will is.

The amazing fortitude, organization and ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a great goal will pay off handsomely and allow Scorpions to change the rules of the game for themselves. However, even under successful circumstances, it is worth remembering the old Japanese wisdom:

There are trees that break, but there are also those that change the direction of the branches and remain just as strong. So Scorpios may also face the fact that they want to “bend”, but those who wish will not succeed, because most Scorpios are exactly the tree that turns any winds in their favor.

Auspicious colors: red, burgundy, black, brown, violet, purple, yellow (and all fiery colors).

LUCKY NUMBERS: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100.

LUCKY DAY FOR SCORPIO: Tuesday. It is on this day that important things should begin.

love sphere

Pending true love people often spend years or even decades. Unfortunately, Scorpios belong to that group of people who are constantly on the lookout and never put up with anything.

The impatience of Scorpios has long been legendary, and in this case, it can play against them - such an ideal life partner that Scorpios want to see next to them simply does not exist, which means that you need to return from heaven to earth and choose from simple mortals.

It's not about "lowering the bar" as some might think, but about how Scorpios need to learn to watch." V» person, and not on" him. Yes, they are met by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind, but not looking beyond this “clothes” is a fatal mistake that can turn into “unhappy” happiness for representatives of the signs. Fate, you know, is unpredictable.

Women Those born under the protection of this sign should pay special attention to the representatives of the opposite sex who surround them. It is too likely that among them there will be the very man of dreams who will take the hand and lead to a brighter future.

A career is the result of personal talents and achievements that will not disappear anywhere, and a reliable and faithful partner is more luck than something really up to you. Therefore, when faced with such a choice, do what your heart tells you: in the end, no matter how the relationship ends, the moments of happiness that you experienced will not replace anything.

However, the astrological forecast of the romantic sphere of Scorpios is positive and possible love relationships have every chance of developing into a deep affection that can be carried through life.

Concerning men, then their attitude to personal life will also undergo significant changes. Ardent opponents of marriage and supporters of open relationships run the risk of meeting a woman for whom he will appear desire turn the world upside down, get a star from the sky, kill a mammoth and throw his skin at her feet. But the main thing that will attract Scorpio men is the rebuff that this woman will give them.

You need to fight for your happiness, and this is exactly what those representatives of the sign who want to be happy will do, because, despite external resistance, the girl they like will also have a non-idle interest.

Family Scorpions the stars strongly recommend going on a long journey with your other half. Children have already grown up and build their nests, so it's time to regain your youth - see the country, the world, arrange a romantic boat trip or ride elephants.

In general, everything that will wake up old feelings and return you to the time of youthful love. And there it will be seen, maybe in life there will be a place for another fruit of love. Anyway, moon calendar does not rule out such a possibility.

  • The best compatibility in love and marriage for Scorpio with the signs of the Zodiac of the water element: Cancer, Pisces And Scorpion. Between partners there is a strong mutual attraction, it can be love at first sight. The depth of passion and love for such a couple is immeasurable, they are able to heal each other, both physically and spiritually.
  • Well compatible with Virgin And Capricorn. Spiritual unity between them is possible at the highest level. These people understand and complement each other. A love affair can be full of passion and lead to a successful marriage.
  • Union with Aries can be quite durable and passionate. In such a pair, both partners subtly feel each other and look in the same direction.
  • union with lion may be useful for a career. There is little romance in such a union, but they can be a good married couple and create a long-term partnership.
  • Union with Gemini more suitable for short-term romance and falling in love, because it is a bright cocktail of feelings, a real explosive mixture. Here is a sea of ​​passion and romance, jealousy and quarrels.
  • Union with Aquarius- for emotional support. These people meet on each other's path in order to grow spiritually.
  • Compatibility in love with Sagittarius ambiguous - either a storm, or a calm. But relationships can bring financial benefits.
  • Taurus may become one of best picks for marriage and matrimony. A strong physical attraction to each other will provide partners with mutual interest. Both are serious about marriage, they know how to be truly faithful.
  • Partnership with scales more fruitful for spiritual development. Such a couple can be called truly bright, and the union is hot and passionate. Such relationships are more suitable for a period of romance and love. But, if the partners listen to each other more and give in, then the relationship has a chance to develop into a strong alliance.


The horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio, as already mentioned, predicts a lot of everyday work that will bring pleasure.

Scorpions, born in the first decade of the zodiac cycle, expect serious career growth - it is likely that in a short time you will grow from a middle-level employee into a brilliant manager. Thank you for this you can say to your exceptional mind, the ability to organize the workflow and amazing foresight, which day after day does not cease to amaze others.

Those who already occupy leadership positions may receive an offer to change their job, which will entail the opening of new prospects. The offer may look too tempting and seem like free cheese in a mousetrap, however, you should not worry - by agreeing, you can really get an unforgettable work experience that will not only make your resume even more attractive to potential employers, but also reveal the inner potential of your personality, which had nowhere to turn.

Representatives of creative professions should think about changing their place of residence - it is likely that your talent will attract more attention among foreign art connoisseurs. In particular, this remark concerns painters and ballet dancers, whose talent has been highly appreciated abroad for centuries.

Stars also recommend writers, journalists and musicians not to stop there and go towards their goal, despite the fact that the road sometimes seems meaningless. In moments when there is a desire to give up a dream, refer to Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" and everything will immediately fall into place. Remember, “the road appears under the feet of the walking one,” and if you don’t believe in yourself, then no one will believe.


In terms of health, Scorpions will remain unchanged. The next year will allow you to avoid serious injuries, but you will not be able to run away from chronic diseases, so if something bothers you, you should immediately go to the doctor and not delay treatment.

Due to the fact that many Scorpios have a busy year ahead, you should prepare for this in advance: at least a few months should be given to harmonization internal state- sign up for yoga, go to the pool and start getting enough sleep. A change in the environment, the working atmosphere, and even the climate of the country itself, can have a negative impact on the state of the body, and a decrease in immunity (at best) will be more than ever welcome.

In the new 2018, Scorpios should also pay attention to their physical form - unstable schedules, changing places and frequent flights can cause problems with metabolism, and in this matter, as you understand, it is better to prevent a problem than to fight it long and hard. Therefore, if possible, it is worth doing at least minimal health-improving physical education and trying to control calorie intake.


As already said, next year will be very successful in the career field, which means that financial question will not appear on the horizon for at least a couple of years.

In order to increase the existing savings, the stars strongly recommend investing in stocks or organizing your own enterprise - this way you can create a good reserve for the future and forget about insufficiency forever Money.

It will be easiest for creative Scorpios to start a business based on personal skills and talents - a photography studio, a tailoring studio or teaching dance, all this is in high demand, but not developed enough, so you should hurry up and occupy the cherished niche.

Scorpions with a technical mindset will have to earn their own intelligence. If working for "uncle" is no longer attractive, you can always provide services based on your own competence.

Particularly successful businesses can be developed in areas such as law, dentistry and construction. A "male" view of things (regardless of whether a man or a woman is the owner of this look) will more accurately tell you what to do, so listen to yourself and remember that true talent always doubts, and this is normal.

Summing up, we can say that in the coming 2018, the water sign of the zodiac will have many events that will have a beneficial effect on the future of the Scorpios themselves, both in the professional sphere and in their personal lives. The Year of the Dog is the time when every person has the opportunity to change their life not easily, but to do it in better side and get closer to the state that people usually call happiness.

To take “fate” into your own hands and regulate the processes taking place in life, take into account our prediction - it will allow you to avoid many mistakes and prepare you for future achievements.

By nature, Scorpios have magical properties and are able to predict the future, so it is difficult to surprise them with astrological forecasts. But still, it will not be superfluous to read the Scorpio horoscope of 2018, suddenly you will learn something new about yourself. In the previous year, the Water sign had a minimum of problems and worries. I wonder what 2018 will bring to the Scorpios, which is going to be ruled by the benevolent and businesslike Yellow Dog.

The horoscope for Scorpio for 2018 predicts good luck in business in March and April. Even if competitors and envious people loom on the horizon, the Dog will help to deal with them. But Scorpios themselves should not just contemplate what is happening. You need to act and take the initiative in your tenacious hands. Financial problems in the spring of 2018 will not be so serious, so there will be enough money for everything. Moreover, Scorpios will learn to “make” money, literally, out of thin air.

The horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio promises harmony and tranquility in your personal life. If there are problems in love, then these are temporary difficulties. Interesting acquaintances are expected in March and April romantic dates. Scorpio can plunge headlong into the love sphere without fear of being rejected or abandoned in the midst of a romance. Lonely Scorpios can fall in love so passionately in the spring that in the summer they will submit an application to the registry office with the chosen one.

In the family of Scorpio, everything will depend on patience and poise. Not very pleasant surprises are expected from close relatives. Many of them can come to visit so suddenly that Scorpio will feel out of place. Although, in early May, it is possible to receive a rich inheritance from a grandfather from Italy. The horoscope for Scorpio for 2018 of the Dog predicts replenishment for married couples. You have been waiting for the birth of a child for so long that you have long bought everything you need to meet him from the hospital.
Yellow Dog recommends in 2018 to beware of dishonest and flattering personalities. They can provoke Scorpio to illegal actions and adventures with money. But by September the situation will improve for the better, and profitable offers will fall one after another. The main thing is to keep your eyes open, as the smart and cautious Dog taught you.

The horoscope for 2018 advises Scorpio to open a personal business and thoroughly engage in trade. You will definitely be lucky in this area, and competitors will not even dare to resist the implementation of grandiose ideas. Creative Scorpios will be able to create a theater or art studio for children. The issue of funds will disappear by itself, because the Dog at the beginning of the year took care of the profitable investment of your money. Scorpios will even be able to get good interest on deposits, and donate some to charity.

What will be the horoscope for 2018 Scorpio, what awaits your zodiac sign. Will Scorpio be lucky in work or in love, what will his mistress of the year, the Yellow Earth Dog, meet him with?

For the purposeful and strong-willed Scorpio, 2018 will be very dynamic and full of promising opportunities. This water sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Pluto, will be especially lucky in the financial sector. Natural intuition will help Scorpio find the only right way to accumulate capital.

However, this is far from everything in life. In the love sphere, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will also bring its surprises to Scorpions. However, the horoscope warns that even the most frivolous flirting in 2018 may end in the Wedding Palace. Therefore, if such an ending does not suit you, then think about it - is it worth getting too close to the object of your sympathy? Many Scorpios who are already in a relationship will be tormented by feelings of jealousy. Do not succumb to the provocation of raging passions!

With the right approach, you can achieve any goal you set. But the horoscope for the zodiac sign Scorpio for 2018 warns that obstacles and all sorts of difficulties will “grow” in your path. So the end result will depend entirely on your ability to act with lightning speed and make the right decisions. Engage in self-education, improve the level of professional training - and the result will not be long in coming!

Health and Wellness

The horoscope for your zodiac sign says that this year will not bring you unpleasant surprises in the form of illnesses and ailments. Of course, this is provided that you follow a reasonable diet and healthy lifestyle life. With the onset of spring, as well as in the autumn period of 2018, Scorpios will be especially susceptible to infectious diseases. Try to use public transport less often and appear in crowded places, take vitamins. Sometimes, for prevention, a glass of strong liquor will not hurt, the main thing is to know the measure in everything.

Most of your health problems are psychosomatic, in other words, they come from nerves and wrong mental attitudes. Try to be in the fresh air more often, observe the optimal sleep pattern, do not go to bed after midnight. Try to eliminate from your life all the negative factors that cause emotional distress.

Love and family

The horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio says that the representatives of your Zodiac Sign in the next 12 months will try to do everything possible to find their soulmate. The Yellow Earth Dog is ready to give you plenty of opportunities to get to know interesting people try to use them wisely. But, since the Dog is a serious animal, light flirting can easily turn into serious relationship. Get ready for it!

Family Scorpios will also have the opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. But try not to cross the line of what is permitted - otherwise you yourself will become an object for the jealousy of your soulmate. And for a Scorpio, this is a very strange role.

Finance, career

During the year, the horoscope predicts several large expenses for you, some of which will be unexpected. But there is no reason to worry, since your financial situation will be stable, and the trend towards an increase in funds will continue. At the end of the year (approximately in October-November), you will realize that you have collected a fairly large amount necessary for the implementation of long-planned plans.

Now comes auspicious time to improve professional skills and for career growth. The only thing that can interfere with you is disagreements and conflicts with colleagues and with management. Try to restrain your temperament and not succumb to provocations. Now it is very important for you to save your energy and direct it in the right direction, and not “spill” over trifles.

If you are running your own business, then the horoscope advises you to make connections with colleagues from other cities, as well as expand your client base. Think - maybe you have already become cramped in your region and it is time to reach a fundamentally new level? Only teamwork gives the best results, so part of your efforts will have to be directed to the formation of a friendly, close-knit team.

The powerful energy of your zodiac sign allows you to have a significant impact on the world and on the people around you. Use this gift wisely. You can become the center of creation or destruction, and it is up to you to decide whether to switch to the "dark" or "light" side of the force.
