There are miracles in life! miracles in our lives. Miracles are where they believe in them! Message about miracles in people's lives

Olga was born into a large peasant family in the village of Ilintsy, 30 kilometers west of Chernobyl. During the offensive of the Nazi troops in 1941, she was left alone with her blind mother. The headman appointed by the Germans covered her and said that she was alone with her mother, whom she was forced to look after. Out of pity for them, the Germans did not take her to Germany. But in fact, Olga had three more brothers and two sisters, who all fought. One sister was a pilot and one was a nurse.

In 1943, the Germans retreated, this time their attitude towards the locals turned out to be more cruel. The Nazis ransacked the yards in search of hiding people. Olga, in fear, ran into a small closet with firewood near the house, pressed herself against the wall, crossed her trembling arms over her chest and prayed with all her heart: “Lord, if You exist, please save me. I will believe in you all my life." The door opened, and a fascist with a machine gun appeared in the opening. Looking at Olga, or rather through her, he turned without a single emotion and closed the door. Many in that village were shot or burned, all the rest were taken to Germany. Only two of the whole village survived - Olga and another boy who went to the partisans. Olga soon left the Komsomol and became a deeply religious person for the rest of her life.

Many years passed, Olga's son Sergey moved her to Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur, but throughout all these years Olga constantly retold her story and so she could not fully understand with her mind why that fascist, looking at her, immediately turned back.

So, what is it, and how should we treat it? Does a caring person participate in our lives? God's hand, or are we just seeing a cold coincidence? Do we even need to talk about anything supernatural when modern man seeks, first of all, a reasonable, rational justification?

Let's try to be impartial. If the miracle is removed from the Gospel, then nothing will remain of the Gospel. A miracle is itself from the Virgin, a miracle fills the life of the Savior and is repeatedly manifested in the deeds He performed on earth. Walking on the waters, healing the hopelessly sick with one word, resurrection of the dead, including the shining of Divine light on Mount Tabor, Resurrection on the third day after death, the Ascension and sending of the Holy Spirit to people - all these are milestones in the history of the salvation of people by Jesus Christ, and these milestones are filled with Divine miracle

A miracle, in principle, cannot be explained by science, no matter how its tools are improved.

The fact is that where God works, there is always some kind of miracle. A miracle is something that cannot be explained scientifically. And not only from the point of view of modern science, but in general can never be explained from the standpoint of science. Because science, no matter how much microscopes and telescopes are improved, is always an earthly gaze, turned to the earthly and explaining everything from the standpoint of the earthly, and a miracle given by God is a merciful gift sent down from above, from a world that exceeds our material created world, and therefore a miracle is not subject to earthly explanations.

Atheists are quick to deny miracles. “Since there is no God,” they argue, “then there can be no miracles.” And people who are accustomed to relying only on themselves believe that God cannot interfere in our lives. So, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the greatest writer with an extremely tragic worldview, compiled, from which he eliminated everything miraculous, explained the miracles of Christ only as ordinary natural situations. For example, he explained the healing of a patient who had been lying at the Sheep Pool for 38 years (see John 5:1-9) in such a way that there was a weak person who, like others, superstitiously believed in the annual descent of an angel into the water, but did not was the first to rush into the bath. Here is how Leo Tolstoy himself writes: “The patient has been waiting for 20 years for a miracle, and Jesus tells him: don’t expect anything, what you have is what will happen. Wake up. There is strength to get up and go, and go. He tried, got up and went. This whole passage, taken for a miracle, is an indication that there can be no miracles and that the person who is waiting for miracles is sick, that the greatest miracle is life itself. The event itself is quite simple, it is repeated incessantly among us. I know a lady who lay in bed for 20 years and got up only when she was injected with morphine; after 20 years, the doctor who injected her admitted that he injected with water, and, having learned this, the lady took her bed and went ”( Tolstoy L. Combination and translation of the four gospels). But if everything were so simple and everyone would rise, just wanted to, then medicine would soon disappear. How many people are in hospitals who would like to get up just as quickly, do without operations and expensive medical supplies, but the disease often happens stronger than a man, relying only on their own strength is naive.

At one time, the philosopher Hegel also made an attempt at a “natural” reading of the Gospel: in his book The Life of Jesus, he depicted Christ simply as a great teacher, but eliminated everything miraculous as something invalid. As a result, with the crossing out of miracles, the presence of God in people's lives is eliminated: God does not act, it is impossible for Him, He is somewhere out there, outside the Universe, and perhaps He does not exist at all. The Orthodox faith says: The Lord God is near us, He sees and hears, He acts and helps when there is no one to wait for help.

Here's what happened to people close to me. They, while still students of the Moscow Theological Academy, went to the Arkhangelsk region. It was a missionary expedition, the participants of which talked with local residents about faith, answered questions, baptized those who had not yet been baptized, performed prayers (there were clergy among the participants). The plans of the expedition included visiting the site of the ancient monastery of St. Cyril of Chelmogorsk.

On the way to the ancient monastery there was a large lake. On this side of the lake there was a village, in whose temple the Liturgy had not been served for 70 years. And so the priests, after so many years of desolation of the temple, performed a divine service, and then they all decided to cross over to the monastery. The day was sunny, the sky was clear, but the locals, for some reason known only to them, foreshadowed a storm. Nevertheless, our missionaries decided to go ahead by hiring four motor boats with drivers. At first everything was calm.

Alas, the observations of local residents turned out to be prophetic. It began to rain, at first lightly, then more, the sky was covered with a gray cover in a matter of minutes. Then the waves rose and began to overwhelm the boats. They were scattered from each other in different directions, they had to bail out water, and one of the expedition members, close to the author of these lines, thought that, apparently, they would have to be left without all the equipment, a camera, shoes and swim on their own. They fought the elements as best they could. And here everyone saw the worst: a dark blue cloud was approaching the boats ahead, lightning flashed, the downpour was approaching with a gloomy wall, and the wind drove a powerful wave of waves right on the boats.

People on the shore watched the unfolding tragedy. And suddenly ... all four boats disappeared at the same time

More than once fishermen died here from waves and thunderstorms. The prevailing natural conditions did not spare those who lingered on the lake. And one must imagine the chagrin of the local residents, who saw the bold, it seemed, thoughtless step of our missionaries. Now, seeing this dark wall of downpour blazing with fiery flashes, everyone on the boats prayed, even unbelieving drivers. The wall was getting closer and closer, now it will overwhelm the boats. It was at this moment that the incredible happened. People on the shore watched the unfolding tragedy, saw four dots against the background of a dark cloud - boats. And suddenly all four boats disappeared from view at the same time. By the way, this dark cloud reached the shore, the hurricane damaged trees and buildings. And what about our missionaries? They themselves did not understand what had happened: just now they were praying with all their hearts and saw a dark blue wall with lightning in front of them, when suddenly it was behind them! One recalled: as if she stepped over us, completely without overflowing and without causing the slightest harm. So the Lord God, to whom people prayed from the bottom of their hearts, miraculously delivered them from the natural elements. On the site of the remains of the monastery, the missionaries consecrated the cross, and when they sailed back, the water was smooth as a mirror.

So what is a miracle?

God doesn't break His own rules. Therefore, a miracle does not violate the laws of nature - it exceeds them.

Sometimes you can hear that a miracle is a violation of the laws of nature. But the very laws of nature - so precise and expedient - are also a miracle of God. And if someone told me that the laws of nature appeared by themselves, from chaos and emptiness, then I would never believe it. Out of chaos comes chaos, and clear laws come from the Legislator. The laws of nature are established by God (and therefore they are also a miracle), and God does not violate His own regulations. Therefore, a miracle does not violate the laws of nature, but, let's say, it exceeds them.

A miracle is a special action of God, which goes beyond the daily course of events. This is such an action of God, which exceeds the created limitations of the world. Let's make a comparison. If you take a piece of clay and leave it to the natural course of natural processes, then nothing much will happen, this clay will only dry out and crack. And if you give clay to a talented craftsman, he will be able to fashion a vessel, a vase, a decorative object, that is, he will do with clay what would not happen to it in the natural course of things. But after all, the talented master did not violate the laws of nature, he only actively influenced the material of his work. So there is a miracle active influence God's on our created world, changing it in a way that pleases God.

Here's another example. An airplane consists of elements that are all found in the nature around us, but an airplane will never appear from nature by itself; for this, the intervention of the mind, creative action is needed. So on all of us and on the world God, Who is Omnipotent, Wise, can act, He created this world and can restore health, save in a hopeless situation, pacify the cataclysms that have erupted, just as a reasonable master transforms drying clay.

In addition to the laws of our visible world, there are also the laws of the spiritual world, which exceeds our limited world. It's like two geometries: Euclidean and Lobachevsky. In Euclidean geometry, if a line and a point lie in the same plane, then only one line can be drawn through this point that does not intersect with the first line. And in Lobachevsky geometry, at least two straight lines can be drawn through this point that do not intersect with the first straight line. Lobachevsky's geometry operates with hyperbolic space, and this is in demand in cosmology. Thus, a more perfect science relies on laws that are incomprehensible at a lower level. God's miracle is the manifestation of the laws of the higher world, we call it supernatural, it exceeds our limitations, and the laws of this world the Lord, by His mercy, sometimes reveals here.

One person very close to me, Elena Alexandrovna Smirnova (she is a literary editor and prepared one of my books for publication), told the following story - I would like to quote it verbatim:

“What a miracle happened in our family. My mother has had Parkinson's disease for several years. This disease shook her to such an extent that she even jumped up and down in bed from shaking. She was already bedridden, and I took care of her. Before that, when I took her to the temple, literally everyone stood up in the subway when my mother, shaking all over, entered the car. It was Christmas 1996 and my mother had a heart attack. They called doctors who diagnosed a heart attack and a microstroke, they said that she had the most to live. more than a day two or three and that we prepare for it. I told my mother that we urgently need to call a priest so that she confesses for her whole life from the age of seven. Although she had gone to Confession and Communion before, every person can forget something. And she could forget something, because of which this disease was allowed.

As we know, the priests are always very busy during the days of the Nativity Fast, on the days of Christmas itself and the following days. But still, when the Christmas service ended, I called the priest. It was Father Vladimir Sakharov, then he still served in the church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhy. Batiushka was warned that my mother was dying and that we called him to consecrate the dying woman. In spite of being busy, he came and offered the Holy Wisdom to my mother. My mother confessed to him for a long time before the Unction, I sat in another room and heard her crying. It seemed to me that almost two hours had passed since she confessed: she told a long and emotional story. Then the priest came out and said that my mother confessed very cleanly, that every person should confess like that before her death. After Confession and Unction, he communed her, and together we went to the evening service, and after Communion, my mother fell asleep soundly. The service was dedicated to the Cathedral of the Mother of God - this is the first service after Christmas, and the priest and I prayed there fervently. There were few people in the temple.

I could not tear myself away from sleep, I only heard my dying mother get up and go to open the door

I came home, my mother was still sleeping, I kept coming up to her, I was still afraid that she would die without me, and so I did not sleep all night. In the morning I suddenly fell asleep, then the doorbell began to wake me up, but I could not understand what was the matter, I sat in an armchair and could not tear myself away from sleep, I just heard that my mother was getting up and going to open the door, and the thing is that she did not get up for a long time, I looked after her when she was lying down. Then I heard someone screaming and then finally woke up and rushed to the door. I saw that a doctor, a district police officer, was standing at the door, who was shouting: “Pelagia Ionovna, what is the matter with you?” And her mother says to her: “What? What should happen to me?" "So you're not shaking!" the doctor says in surprise. And my mother answers her - she was so witty: “I'm not afraid of you. Why should I tremble when I see you?" And then it dawned on us that my mother was standing completely straight, her hands, lips, or chin were not trembling, she was not shaking, that is, a completely healthy person was standing in front of us. We were terribly amazed, the doctor began to ask what had happened. The fact is that she got a call from the ambulance, they said that my mother was supposed to die today, and now she came. We understood that a miracle of God had happened, that the Mother of God had mercy and begged Her Son for the salvation and healing of my mother. Mom then lived until 2011, Parkinson's disease completely disappeared, and it is known that this disease is incurable, you can read about it in any encyclopedia, it shakes a person to death, a cure has not yet been found for it. However, Unction, ardent, sincere Confession, Communion and the prayers of loved ones saved a person from this deadly disease.

Many times later she was summoned to consultations of various doctors, professors, and each time my mother spoke at these consultations as a confessor of Christ, each time she began her story: “My daughter called the priest ...” Everyone was terribly amazed listening to this story, but at first no one did not believe, they tried to find out what medicines she was treated with, they thought that a cure had finally been found, but it turned out that Last year she was given only very strong vitamins, that is, they practically abandoned her, and only the Lord God healed my mother. When they unctioned her, they thought that she would die, although prayers were for healing, but the Lord heard such a prayer. After that, my mother planted a whole garden around our house, she herself brought bushes, trees, flowers, and now this garden serves as a reminder of her for all the residents of our house and for the surrounding houses, but in fact this garden serves as a reminder of the miracle of God and maybe about the Garden of Eden, to which we aspire.

For a person, the visible, tangible is of great importance. After all, we are not only a soul, we live in a body, we are in the world of the senses, and a miracle is such an action of God that becomes obvious and visible in the material world evidence of God's presence.

Every miracle is a special grace of God, which confirms that God really cares about us and does not forget about us in our suffering. The miracle shows that the Lord God is not indifferent to us, He loves us, and He is also so close to us that it is very naive and strange not to turn to Him in sufferings and troubles. Well, we entrust the fulfillment of the request into the hands of God, because the Heavenly Father knows better than us what is really useful for us.

As soon as I stopped expecting something from myself, from life, from others and began to feel life and just live, life, in turn, revealed amazing ways for me that I did not notice, expecting something else ...

Recently, one thing happened to me that helped turn my life around 90 degrees, and miracles began to happen almost daily, often and a lot at a time. Many already live from such a state, for some it is natural, for me it was a discovery, honestly, I did not expect such an effect.

I just stopped waiting and expecting something ... And at that moment it suddenly felt so easy in my soul, it was as if I began to live, before that I seemed to be thinking more about how to live, and then I took it and started.

Read also: : the first - as if miracles do not exist, the second - as if there are only miracles around! Miracles happen when you believe in them! Believe!!!

I stopped expecting something from myself ... before, I expected that all my potential would be revealed, and I would become such and such, write 100 articles, and preferably 10 books, create something cool, etc.

I stopped expecting results from myself, that I will give them out, give out and give out again, that I will achieve something, that tomorrow I will earn more money, I will do this, then, 5th, 10th ...

I stopped expecting something from others - that they would suddenly appreciate me, do something, be kind and responsible to me ...

I stopped expecting from my partner that he would suddenly begin to understand me and do what I want ...

I stopped waiting for money, accepted the amounts that I have and stopped tormenting myself with the question of how I could finally radically change my financial situation - I simply expressed my intention that when I was ready, ways would open up and come to me. It will happen at the right time, in the right and the best place for me, and in the best way for me ...

I stopped expecting from life and demanding that it give me something ... I had a feeling of being unfairly deprived inside - they say, I do so much, but someone does nothing at all and gets such results.

I also stopped expecting that tomorrow everything will suddenly become great and there will be no problems. My naive childish aspect wanted peace and serenity. Until the adult aspect realizes that peace and serenity is within, and not in the absence of external affairs or issues that need to be resolved.

I generally stopped waiting for something ... it didn’t matter to me what would happen. Previously, it was important for me that only good, blissful things happen, that everything simply has to be okay, because there was a fear inside that something would suddenly happen that I could not cope with (again, a matter of trust in myself) ...

How to let in miracles or life without expectations

It’s not that I didn’t care at all, rather, I let go of expectations about the future: what should be there and how everything should be there. But I let it go, saying to myself: “What will be, will be. Everything will turn out for the best for me.”

No, I have some plans, what I want to implement, but it turned out that my plans and what I think about them are very ridiculous, compared to what opportunities life has prepared for me and how everything begins to unfold in life as you let go of control and stop expecting and imposing how you think things should happen.

Read also: ? The inability to enjoy the here and now is the scourge of humanity. We are always running somewhere, leaving happiness for later.

Expectations imprint energy on one thing, at most on several options, as a rule, on what is already built in the mind, not allowing energy to move, not allowing life to bring all the best for you ... and this is the best - as a rule, what don't expect at all.

I had a constant expectation inside, and, therefore, a chain “how everything should be” was already built in my mind - and my mind worked hard to follow this chain and, God forbid, miss something. Beyond that, I didn't notice anything.

In this chain, I constantly needed to know “how”: how do I do this, how do I do that, how do I tell my husband, how do I contact strangers, how will I earn more money, how will something happen, how will I get to where -how do I do something.

And in most cases, before doing something, I needed to know how I would do it (well, in order to control the process, exclude the possibility of making a mistake, etc.) and preferably in advance so that I would prepare (I wanted to add “and did everything perfectly, just perfectly and herself).

The question “how” was constantly scrolling in my head “how, yes how? How? How?"

And the most interesting thing is that there was no answer, I received most of the answers when I didn’t think “how” at all. After all, I wanted to know ahead of time how everything would happen. But it doesn’t happen (maybe it happens, I don’t have the ability to foresee yet), because it turns me off from the flow, and the answers just come in the process, in the flow.

Read also: When you loosen the bit of control, it opens great amount inspiration that flows like a turbulent stream from within.

It turns out that I was preparing to take some kind of action. That is, before doing something, I had to go through the process of preparation, and it is long and painful, and it sometimes dragged on so much that there was no strength left for action. So I verified that I didn’t want to do anything after.

It's like when you study hard for an exam. You study so hard, so hard, that when the moment of the exam itself comes, there is no strength left for it, you don’t want anything at all, and you are not able to show the best that you know what you are capable of.

Tired of this complex of an excellent student, I allowed a revolution to happen inside:

  • As it happens, it will happen...
  • I will start to do and in the process I will find out what and how I need to do ...
  • When I need to know the answer to a question, it will come...
  • When something needs to happen in my life, it will happen...
  • As an event needs to happen, so it will happen. Let everything work out for the best for me ...

My God, how easy it became at that moment - it didn’t matter “how”, what’s the difference ... I relaxed - everything will be as it will be ... I will do as I do, and not as if I should be on top, make everything perfect...

As it turns out, it will turn out ... as I can, so I can, I don’t want to try harder, strain and make a thousand efforts to complete one action and break off, because I didn’t get a result, and an incredible amount of effort was invested ...

Since then, miracles began to happen in my life:

  • I began to hear myself better, ideas began to come to me (more precisely, they were, I just didn’t notice them hard, trying to build something in my mind).
  • I started listening to the ideas that I have and realized that I could implement them without even knowing how to do it yet. But I went into them and realized, in the process there were ways and means.
  • God, I started to do a lot more, because before I prepared for the action and "merged" into the action itself. I was surprised that it also turned out much better than when I checked everything and prepared.
  • I started asking for what I needed at the right time and refused what I didn't need without expecting other people to understand/not understand.
  • Events, one after another, poured into my life, that I do not have time - there is so much to do, and with minimal effort everything turns out and succeeds. I used to wait for something to happen.
  • I began to shape some events myself, and not just react to what “happens” to me.
  • I’m not talking about how many interesting acquaintances have happened over the past two weeks, which I’m surprised because I meet people on the streets, in supermarkets, in elevators, wherever possible, and I don’t suffer from the question “How can I get to know each other, where to do this?” - what to do to eliminate the strongest lack of communication in which I found myself.
  • And how many times have I been at the right time and in the right place! Events began to line up in a chain in such a way that they led me to what I needed at that moment.
  • My average check in the supermarket has decreased by 2 times. Previously, I managed to buy so many things and I didn’t have enough, now I manage to buy quality products at a normal price. I used to be surprised by my mother when she was at the counter at the moment when the price was the best for what she wanted. I managed to buy the same thing, but much more expensive.
  • I began to have free money that I can spend on my beloved ...

Many things began to come into my life. Even something that did not work before, no matter what intentions, wishes I expressed.

In one of the laws (in my opinion, in the law of manifestation) I read the following phrase: “ Responsibility- this is the ability to respond to what life offers or provides you right now (responsibility = ability to respond - for those who know English). I liked this definition of responsibility so much, but then I did not understand how to apply it in life.

August 29, 2011

How often do we ask ourselves the question, are there miracles in life? I'm sure miracles do happen. And they happen right before our eyes almost every day. But we do not notice them at all, although we so want to believe in miracles. And we do not notice that they are happening, because we do not believe in the very possibility of a miracle. Just like, quite often, we do not believe in our own strength. That is why I want to tell you: "Believe in miracles, they happen."

I always say that in order to get what you want, you need to really want and at least do something. Think it's easy? Not at all, judging by how many losers and just unfortunate people live among us.

Why is it so hard to just want? Because first you need to believe in yourself. Believe that you have the right to want and get what you want. Get, simply because it is important to you.

Of course, if you want to get something important, you do not commit any meanness towards other people. Why not believe in your ability to get what is so important to you.

Working with clients, I saw how miraculously life changed just because a person began to believe in himself and allowed himself to want what he had not dared to do before. Even just believing in the possibility is already a miracle. Allowing yourself to want something that you never dared to do is also a miracle. And I have been a part of such miracles more than once.

Therefore, if you ask me today, are there miracles in the world? I will answer you without hesitation, of course, YES. And I sincerely advise you to always believe in miracles.

Today I want to talk about what I consider a miracle that happened in my life. Probably, for someone this event will not seem like that, but not for someone who was in the same position as me.

I have always wanted to learn how to work on a computer. But at first it was not possible to acquire it, then there was no time, then there was confidence that I could no longer master it.

When I turned 50, my daughter gave me a laptop for my birthday. It sat well with me for 2 years with almost no use. I used it as a phone for communication. And no more.

Once, quite by accident, I was shown a blog of a psychologist with interesting posts. Then I didn’t even know such words: post and blog. I thought: “After all, I am also a good specialist, I have excellent results.

I can help a huge number of people, suggest, support. To do this, you just need to understand the computer. For some it was “just”, but for me it was completely unrealistic. At the same time, I decided to make a blog myself. .

That is, do not order its creation from a specialist, but DO IT YOURSELF. Because I knew exactly what I wanted, but I could not explain. Words were not enough. Anyway, I thought it was easier to do than to explain what I want.

With such a very strong desire, I rushed into this, as I now understand, adventure. Today, when you see my blog, I want to tell you how it was created. And why is it a miracle?

At first, quite by accident, I found out that you can study on the Internet and that there are webinars for this. Then I signed up for one of them, with great difficulty figuring out how to do it. There I met my current great friend, Nikolai from Astrakhan.

It turned out that he is well versed in copywriting and agrees to help me. He knew what to do and how to do it, but he still had the patience to explain it all to me. Sometimes ten times in a row.

Nikolay taught me everything that was necessary for blogging. And not only technical secrets, he taught me not to be afraid to do something wrong, make a mistake and ruin everything. He corrected my mistakes a thousand times and never got angry.

Then, somehow imperceptibly, he introduced me to Lena from Kazakhstan, who, like Nikolai, patiently and purposefully turns me from a person with a diagnosis of "computer cretinism" into a person savvy enough to work independently.

And they needed a lot of patience. To explain elementary things so many times without getting angry or losing your temper, you need not only patience, but also a huge kind heart. What course would I take? Yes, no, even for a lot of money. Today I am grateful to life and fate, which brought me together with these wonderful people.

Lena and Nikolai introduced me to Vitaly. He lives in Kyiv. He creates websites. It is he who easily understands what I want, what I am trying to explain to him and how to bring it to life. Vitaly is a great professional. This is how our international team was formed.

Since then, my blog has changed a lot more times. And the people I work with have changed too.

But even today I am friends with these very important people in my life. When I open my blog today, I myself am surprised at what came out of a simple formula, to really want, and at least do something.

Yes, and I myself, suddenly began to understand what and how to do, stopped asking again a thousand times, and stopped worrying and getting nervous if I didn’t understand something. Today I am calm and confident.

This is how miracles happen. Yes, I have helped many people, I am an excellent specialist, but before I never believed that a simple desire, though very strong, brings miracles to life.

And today I answer YES even to the question, are there miracles of healing? Even though I didn't believe it myself. But that is another story.

I am sure that miracles have also happened in your life and more than once. Maybe you noticed them, maybe not. But the fact that they were and will still be, I can guarantee this with 100% certainty.

Only you need to notice them, pay attention to them and be glad that they happen. And it is also worth thanking life for the fact that they happen. And then miracles will settle in your life forever.

I wish you to receive and notice miracles in your life! After all, they are nearby and even on our website:. Read and learn to work miracles.

Are there miracles in the world? Someone in response sarcastically grunts: "I don't know, I haven't seen it." Another will dismiss: "miracles, miracles, but who needs them?" But there is a special type of people among us who believe that miracles exist. And although the expectation of a miracle often breaks down with the reality of a cruel life, we, real romantics, still not only believe, but also look forward to meeting with a miracle. Subconsciously, we know that, although rare, absolutely amazing, beautiful and incredible miracles happen in the world.

Why do some people tend to believe in miracles? Where are the psychological roots of the belief that miracles exist?
Do miracles really exist? Can an ordinary person, if desired, meet a miracle?
How to make miracles happen in life? To not just believe in miracles, but to see in practice that miracles exist?

To understand the psychology of romance, belief in a miracle, expectation of a meeting with miracles, we invite readers to rely on Yuri Burlan's knowledge of system-vector psychology. This science speaks of 8 vectors. Vectors have their own desires and characteristics, which are manifested in life by various preferences, actions, and choices. Only about 5% of us have a visual vector, and they, and only they, are able to truly believe in miracles.

Visual belief in miracles is the basis of human fantasy

Everything starts in childhood. Visual children absolutely trust adults and believe in all the fairy tales that they are told. Of course, everyone else also listens to fairy tales and also perceives them, but only a visual child is able to imagine this in invented pictures, see images, fantasize, imagine. He sincerely believes in Santa Claus, expects to meet a little mermaid in the sea, and in the forest he may be attacked by a panic attack of fear due to the fact that he saw the shadow of a Baba Yaga in the dark bushes. Do not feed visual children with bread, but let them fantasize about transformations into animals or mythical characters, about fantastic abilities, like Spider-Man or Superman. A visual child is able to see the fabulousness of the world. Gradually, from an early age, he learns to swing his emotions, enjoying the imaginary world. And since miracles happen all the time in fairy tales, why not expect to see them in real life too?

In adulthood, viewers often continue to believe in miracles, this pleasant feeling smoothly passes from childhood to adolescence, and then - and beyond. No, of course, most people understand that Santa Claus does not exist, just like mermaids, but the feeling of the fabulousness of the world often remains in the heart and accompanies the viewer all his life. And what is a fairy tale without a miracle? Especially this feeling of desire to meet a miracle manifests itself where there is pressure on the visual vector, for example, stress or tension, the need for an important choice.

During difficult exams, we hope that a miracle will happen and a simple ticket will come across. Visual girls, when love does not come into their lives for a long time, believe that there is a miracle and very soon a prince on a white horse will appear on the horizon, who will become a soulmate for the rest of his life.
But, unfortunately, such a belief in a miracle very often plays a cruel joke with us. Life is shown to us from a different, reverse side. And often the more we believe in a miracle, the more we see its absence in our lives.

As a result, faith in a miracle gradually turns into a premonition of the bad, sadness from the fact that the world is cruel and unfriendly. With age, in visual people, that bright faith in a miracle that warmed them in childhood, gave them optimism, good mood, joy, begins to lose its brightness. This dream seems to be moving away, farther and farther, so that it is no longer visible what it is. And the saddest thing about all this is that it’s not true, because the world is beautiful, and miracles really exist, it’s just that we are not able to see this real picture because of that very blind faith, because of the idealization of the world, because of the downed priorities, wrong values.

Miracles exist, or the obvious incredible from the lives of ordinary people

No matter what, a person can live a life full of simple miracles - every day to feel what actually brings happiness and joy. Miracles in the life of the spectator begin to appear when a person feels very necessary for others, when there is not a single minute of the heavy burden of loneliness. The feeling that miracles really exist in the world appears when you fall asleep and wake up in the arms of a loved one. When you hold your baby in your arms, when the whole world lights up with the laughter of your first-grader who got an A for the first time. Yes! Miracles exist, and the world is not just filled with them, it is filled with love to such an extent that with the first rays of the sun you want to get out of bed, sing songs, smile and hug the whole world with your arms.

But we, visual people, often simply cannot see all this - a real miracle that permeates our lives. First of all, this is due to an elementary misunderstanding of oneself, one's desires. Our world is permeated with a huge number of stereotypes, focusing on which we completely lose ourselves. The pursuit of false goals set before us by society, parents, friends, small, but such annoying obstacles, life failures that constantly appear on our way - all this leads us astray. And this is especially manifested precisely in visual people, who are by nature very impressionable and easily suggestible.

Is there a miracle in the world? There is, only it is waiting for us to create it

Miracles don't exist on their own, they never happen if we just sit and wait for them. Visual people should not just believe in miracles, they can create them.

blind faith- this is the laziness of the visual vector, this is the most destructive what can be in the life of a visual person. This is his curse, his problem. The belief that a miracle awaits us ahead, that it will arise by itself somewhere - discourages us, it deprives us of responsibility for ourselves, for our actions.

Today, it is the spectators who can and must bring miracles to life, not only for themselves, but also for others. Through my creativity, through the knowledge of the beauty of the world, through empathy and emotional connection with other people. All that is needed for this is to know yourself, your desires and the reasons for your actions. The latest science is a great help in this matter -
