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The gift of nature, which is young and healthy skin, needs constant support and care. The skin is made up of the epidermis and dermis. The dermis (deep layer of the skin) contains cells that synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which give the skin elasticity. The epidermis (surface layer of the skin) has numerous layers of cells that, moving into the outer layers, die and exfoliate. If this process slows down, the skin begins to age or its surface becomes uneven (wrinkles, wide pores, scars)

Peeling is a procedure that corrects the process of skin renewal, has a good therapeutic and cosmetic effect and can be recommended both at a young and at a more mature age. Peeling (peel - husk) - a procedure that, through exfoliation of the upper layers of dead epithelium, cleanses and renews the skin. When the old layer of cells is removed, the process of skin renewal starts, its elasticity improves significantly. As a result, irregularities, fine wrinkles, pigmentation are removed.

The formulation of modern professional peels is aimed not only at exfoliation, but also at carrying active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin (dermis). This feature of the peeling technique allows you to achieve a greater rejuvenating effect without visible peeling of the skin. In our clinic, such methods are widely used, thanks to which the treatment is carried out without interruption from an active, habitual lifestyle.

Peeling classification

Depending on the destroyed skin layer, there are:

  • superficial peeling
  • medium peeling
  • deep peeling

By way of influence:

  • cosmetic peeling
  • mechanical peeling
  • ultrasonic peeling
  • chemical peeling
  • enzymatic peeling

Mechanism of action of peels

  1. Damage to the upper layers of the skin
  2. Development of a positive inflammatory response in the epidermis and dermis
  3. Activation of protective and regenerative mechanisms of cell vital activity
  4. Increased collagen synthesis in the dermis
  5. Epithelialization is a natural recovery process, after which the epidermis is renewed, and the newly formed cells correct the unevenness of your skin.

Indications for the use of peeling

  • Dry, oily skin, aging skin
  • Pigmentation, including post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Wrinkles, both superficial and deep, stretch marks
  • Acne (acne disease), post-acne scars

The effect of peeling (whitening, rejuvenation, depigmentation, cleansing)

  • Improves skin texture and color
  • The skin is smoothed and strengthened
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out
  • The oval of the face is corrected by increasing the elasticity of the skin
  • Discoloration of superficial pigment spots
  • Large pores, bumps, scars are eliminated

Our Clinic employs experienced cosmetologists who will select professional peeling for you, taking into account the type of skin, age, and the required therapeutic and cosmetic effect.


Facial peeling: reviews

From adolescence, I did not like my reflection in the mirror, and summer in general was a nightmare for me. The skin is uneven, with pimples, shines. And only at the age of 40, thanks to a chance, I met her: an experienced and attentive cosmetologist Oksana Zheludova. During the year of our meetings with her and regular procedures, I especially like peels and masks, my attitude towards myself has changed. I run my hand over my face, and I can't believe it's my skin, smooth and soft. Before, I didn’t go to GUM, because there are a lot of mirrors, although I adored this store, but now I go with pleasure and enjoy my reflection in them. Oksana, thank you very much!

I really like the beautician Trofimova Valentina Ivanovna. I especially like her light peels. Everyone will tell you what and how. All steps are carried out very professionally. And he will cleanse the skin very gently, and apply peeling gently, and always put a soothing mask. Over the mask, Valentina Ivanovna wraps her face in such an interesting way, you feel like in a cocoon, protected and relaxed. Even fatigue passes. But this is like an addition, and the main thing is the result. My skin is fragile, thin and sensitive. But at the same time, after peeling procedures, it always looks great. That's how a pro works!

Sincerely, P-va A.V.

Oily skin, blackheads or comedones, blackheads, bumps and other cosmetic defects of the face and body make female image not as attractive as we would like ... But, as you know, science does not stand still and today there are many solutions to these problems. It is one of them that will be discussed further.

Peeling is a procedure for cleaning the skin with the help of chemicals to remove the surface layer of the epidermis, as a result of which wrinkles and irregularities are smoothed out (from the English Peel - to remove a layer from something). As a result of peeling, the processes of skin renewal are launched, and it becomes more elastic, as the upper keratinized and dead layer of cells is removed.

Currently, there are several types of peeling, depending on the procedure, namely cosmetic, mechanical, physical and chemical peels.

Cosmetic peeling is the most superficial and is carried out mainly at home with the help of such products as scrub and gommage. The result of such regular "preventive cleaning" will be smooth and elastic skin. Cosmetic peeling maintains skin elasticity by cleansing pores and removing comedones (blackheads so unloved by everyone), in addition, such home cleaning - good way acne prevention. For owners of normal and oily skin scrubs should be used, based on natural or artificial abrasives, which exfoliate dead cells.

Women with sensitive skin should give preference to gommages. Such products do not contain abrasive particles that mechanically clean the skin. Gommage is basically a cream that dries to form a soft crust. If you run your fingers over this crust, it rolls off the surface of the skin along with dead cells. The only contraindications to the use of gommages are the aging process, since the skin is no longer as elastic as in youth, it can easily stretch, which will further aggravate the problem.

The frequency of cosmetic peeling mainly depends on the condition of the skin, but it should not exceed one or two times a week.

Mechanical peeling (mechanical exfoliation of the stratum corneum due to friction) is carried out manually or using special equipment. There are the following types of mechanical peeling: microdermabrasion, brossage, vacuum peeling and ultrasonic peeling.

Microdermabrasion is a gentle method of improving the structure of the skin, rejuvenating it and removing fine wrinkles by applying small aluminum particles to the face. The flow of aluminum microcrystals "knocks out" skin particles, stimulating its blood supply and collagen synthesis. It is used in combination with special cosmetics that accelerate the growth of epidermal cells. A feature of this procedure is the need to complete the full course (8-10 sessions), since even color skin is acquired gradually, over and over again.

Brossazh or brushing is a mechanical cleaning of the skin with the help of rotating brushes or sponges, spinning at different speeds clockwise or counterclockwise. Under the high-speed action of natural bristles, dead skin cells are removed, subcutaneous blood circulation improves and epidermis renewal is stimulated. As for vacuum peeling, its use causes a partial detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis, opening the pores and improving blood circulation.

Ultrasound resurfacing is one of the newest, original and safe peeling methods. Ultrasound is a type of sound vibrations beyond the threshold of hearing (frequency over 20,000 Hz). Due to this frequency of mechanical vibrations, the bonds between the cells of the upper keratinized layers of the skin are disconnected and they are easily exfoliated, the clogged sebaceous glands are cleansed of the contents.

Physical peeling methods are the most expensive procedures and include: laser, cryotherapy and AHA peeling.

Laser peeling is performed only at a professional level in cosmetic clinics. The procedure consists in "burning" the upper layer of the skin with a laser. Due to the strict control of the depth of penetration into the tissues, the laser peeling procedure is absolutely safe, which distinguishes it from other types. deep cleaning. With the help of such grinding, you can get rid of age spots and the consequences of acne in the form of small scars. The recovery period after such cleaning is a month, since deep laser peeling causes not only the evaporation of dead cells, but also blood clotting in rejuvenated skin. If you do surface laser resurfacing of the face, then the recovery period will be reduced to several days.

Cryotherapy is a medical procedure based on the treatment of the skin with ice or simply on exposure to low temperatures. As a result of a burn, redness occurs, however, after such a procedure, increased collagen production is launched in the skin, cells regenerate, and the complexion evens out.

As for ANA peeling, it is quite simple and at the same time very effective procedure carried out with the help of special fruit acids. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA - alpha hydroxy acid) dissolves and gently exfoliates the stratum corneum, brightens age spots and comedones, restores the protective function of the epidermis, penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and stimulates collagen synthesis. In order to prevent post-procedural complications, the skin is usually prepared for peeling at home using weak solutions. glycolic acid.

The last type of peeling is chemical, which, depending on the level of penetration and exposure to acids, is medium (when the acid reaches the middle layers of the skin), superficial and deep.

Superficial chemical peeling allows you to accelerate and activate natural exfoliation. Thus, the growth of the epidermis is stimulated by removing the cells of the stratum corneum. Glycolic acid is the ideal agent for superficial chemical peeling. It almost does not injure the skin and at the same time has a beneficial biological effect on the epidermis. Among other substances used for superficial chemical peeling, the safest are resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids, which are classified as minor substances. They do NOT replace glycolic acid, but are used in combination with it in various proportions, which allows you to achieve the greatest effect.

A medium chemical peel is performed with trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This procedure leads to a programmed chemical burn followed by detachment of the epidermis and dermis up to the upper part of the reticular layer. This type of peeling is used to rejuvenate the skin, allows you to smooth out scars and scars. Medium chemical peeling is used not only on the face, but also on the neck, in the "décolleté" zone, and on the back of the hands. The recovery period lasts from one to three months.

Deep chemical peeling is the most effective, but at the same time the most dangerous type of peeling, as it is based on the use of phenol, which can lead to scarring. Since phenol is not an acid, but an alkali (hence, it penetrates deeper, which can be very dangerous due to the high toxicity of the element), procedures using this component are performed only by highly qualified specialists.

Deep peeling - last step to regain youth and beauty, which only the most desperate dare, since even a minor oversight by a doctor can cost the patient his life. In addition, the recovery period lasts from three to six months, and during this period it is strictly forbidden to appear in the sun.

That's almost all the information about peeling, but of course, before deciding on a particular procedure, the consultation of an experienced cosmetologist remains indispensable.

Chemical peels are a popular non-surgical way to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. The essence of the procedure is a controlled burn of the skin with chemical compounds, in which healthy cells receive a powerful impulse to divide, as a result, the horny and underlying layers of the epidermis are updated. At the same time, the old cells accumulated in the horny and underlying layers of the epidermis gradually exfoliate, the skin takes on a fresh look and gets rid of many cosmetic problems. Chemical peeling (“to peel” in English means to peel or remove the skin), in contrast to mechanical cleaning, more gentle on the skin. There are compounds that injure the skin to a minimal extent and work as solvents for dead epidermal cells. Most often, organic acids are used for these.

Types of chemical peels:

  1. Superficial chemical peel- active ingredients work at the level of the stratum corneum and rarely affect the shiny granular layer underlying it. Usually, for light chemical peels, fruit acids are used, which gently cleanse and heal the skin, improve its structure and appearance. Find out more about the types of surface peels
  2. Medium chemical peel- active substances affect all layers of the epidermis, fragmentarily destroy the basement membrane and penetrate to the papillary dermis. For median chemical peels, compositions with a high percentage of organic acids are used - the procedure is suitable for skin rejuvenation and the elimination of visible age-related changes. Learn more about the types of median peels and the method of the procedure.
  3. Deep chemical peel- active substances completely destroy the basement membrane, penetrate into the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis. With the help of deep chemical peels, serious problems can be eliminated. cosmetic imperfections such as scars and persistent age spots. For the destruction of the skin, phenolic and trichloroacetic acids are used at a concentration of 30%. Deep chemical peeling is an extremely painful procedure, and, moreover, requires a long rehabilitation period. Learn more about indications and contraindications for deep peeling.

Chemical peels: mechanism of action on the skin and active substances

When a peeling composition is applied to the skin, a chemical burn occurs, in response to which regenerative processes are triggered and skin cells begin to actively renew themselves. It is important that fibroblasts are drawn into the process, which leads to the activation of the production of collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans and enzymes. The result is natural hydration (due to its own hyaluronic acid) and compaction (due to collagen fibers) of the skin.

For chemical peels, alpha-hydroxy acids, enzymes and biologically active substances (retinol and peptides) are used:

Beta hydroxy acids (BHA)- These are chemicals consisting of large molecules with a low ability to penetrate tissues. In cosmetology, salicylic acid, which belongs to this group, is used, which is characterized by high activity, long-term action and slow elimination from the body.

Chemical peeling: indications

Chemical peeling is a universal procedure that is used with pleasure by both young and old patients, who often have similar problems. In adolescence (usually the procedure is performed on patients who have reached the age of 18, but in some cases cleaning can be recommended from the age of 14), chemical peeling is done to get rid of acne and reduce oily skin. In middle age (up to 35 years), chemical peels are mainly used to eliminate post-acne, hyperpigmentation and to prevent age-related changes. In adulthood, chemical peels are most often used to refresh and improve skin texture.

The main problems that chemical peels can solve are:

  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands (oily skin);
  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones and sebaceous plugs;
  • acne and acne;
  • dull complexion;
  • dark spots;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • decrease in turgor;
  • hyperkeratosis and uneven skin relief;
  • small scars, including those left after acne.

Chemical peeling: contraindications

  • any skin diseases, including dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of the chemical composition;
  • hypersensitivity and tendency of the skin to irritation;
  • the likelihood of keloid scars;
  • herpes rashes;
  • fresh wounds, scratches and other skin damage in the treatment area;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the first days of menstruation;
  • exacerbation of acne and fresh pustular rashes;
  • some cardiovascular and mental diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • neoplasms (including warts, moles, nevi) in the treatment area.

Chemical peeling: negative consequences of the procedure

  • persistent erythema (redness);
  • swelling of the face;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • excessive peeling;
  • irritation and inflammation of the skin;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • herpes rashes;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • "marbling" of the skin;
  • demarcation line (clear boundary between treated and non-treated areas of the skin);
  • keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • exacerbation of acne.

Complications after chemical peeling are directly related to violation of the rules of the procedure, neglect of contraindications and improper skin care in the post-peeling period.

All complications after chemical peeling can be divided into two parts: some arise through the fault of the cosmetologist, others - through the fault of the patient. The first group can include erythema (redness) that does not go away for more than two days. You should be aware that after superficial peeling, redness most often disappears within a few hours, and in case of deep peeling(for example, phenol) can last for several months. Causes of prolonged redness (and possibly inflammation of the skin): too high concentration of the active substance, incorrectly selected exposure time and inconsistency of the composition with the type of skin. All these problems can be avoided if you entrust chemical peeling to an experienced cosmetologist.

As for complications such as hyperpigmentation, in most cases the patient himself is to blame. After chemical peeling, the renewed skin reacts violently to the sun's rays with excessive production of melanin pigment, which is deposited in the form of spots that worsen the appearance of the skin, so chemical peels are recommended to be performed in the autumn-winter months and must be applied to the skin after the procedure. sun protection.

Attention: Some prohibitions on chemical peels are associated with a temporary altered skin reaction. For example, during pregnancy or during menstruation, the sensitivity of the skin increases, so even light formulations can cause a negative reaction - long-term redness, swelling, spots, and too active peeling.

Chemical peeling of the face: video

How much does a chemical peel cost? Prices for chemical peels

The price of a chemical peeling procedure depends on the composition used and the depth of exposure to the skin (although the prestige of the cosmetology institution and the skill level of the cosmetologist should be added here). The following table will help you navigate the prices of chemical peels:

name of chemical peel

Type of peeling according to the depth of exposure

The price of the procedure, from

superficial median

2 000 rubles


5 000 rubles

Session with a beautician, during which the protocol specialist performs a skin cleansing procedure with a chemical composition. The active substance, its concentration and exposure time are chosen by the cosmetologist based on the goals of the procedure and the condition of the patient's skin.

Post-peel care. The main task of this important stage is to prevent complications and consolidate the result. At this time, it is necessary to use special cosmetics prescribed by a beautician (without fail - sunscreen), as well as not to sunbathe or go to the sauna.

Is it possible and how to do a chemical peel at home?

It is best to entrust any chemical peel to a professional. If the price of the procedure stops or there is no opportunity to visit the salon, some types of peelings can be done independently, for example, peeling with calcium chloride. Although it is better and more reliable to use ready-made "proprietary" formulations for home use, developed by leading cosmetic brands. Learn more about Renofaz peels

Let's take a look at ten of the most popular such applications.

Foursquare's Swarm

In 2010, Foursquare was an app with one function: location sharing. It was fun and trendy back then, but a lot has changed since then, just like the app itself. The original Foursquare is still available and its main use is to find where you are at the moment. Swarm is a newer application with communication components with social networks, which was lacking in the original application. At the moment, still the best application for its tasks.

What mobile phone do you want to find?

For example, you can view common location services, methods, and applications for protecting your phone from loss or theft, or protecting yourself from unwanted cell phone location. In chapter. In addition, you can lock your devices, play a sound, or delete all data. If you're signed in, click the My Phone button and select Find My Phone from the pop-up menu that appears. You will then be shown a map with the phone's current location.


If you're not a Swarm fan, here's another great location sharing app that lets your friends see exactly where you are in real time. Much like Snapchat. You can share the location with your friends at some time because it changes all the time.

Find My Friends

This application is from Apple developers, so it works with maps and contacts on your iPhone. The application will work if it is also installed on your contact's iPhone. A pretty useful tool for meeting up with friends, monitoring your kids at school, or seeing exactly where your spouse is stuck in traffic.

What placement methods are available?

For example, you removed the cell phone in the house and turned it off, or deleted all the data on the phone. A cell phone or smartphone can be positioned in two different ways, which differ in their requirements and accuracy. Cell phone number lookup over the cellular network uses location information via radio towers. This is possible because the cell phone always logs on to the nearest transmission tower and this information is stored by the control center. In fact, you don't get the actual location of the cell phone, but rather the location of the next transmitter tower.


The application is similar to the previous one and to view the location must be installed on two phones, such as family members or close friends. You will start by building a basic circle in which you will place only the next of kin, then you can create more circles, adding other people to them - non-close relatives, friends, colleagues, and so on. For each of the circles, you can set your own settings. In addition, you can send messages to your contacts in the application.

However, from the positions of the 3 transmission towers and the time it takes for the signals from the phone to the respective broadcast towers, the location of the mobile phone can be determined quite accurately. This method is also called triangulation. In large cities or towns where there are many masts, the location is quite accurate because the individual masts are far apart and the cell phone always dials the next mast. In a country where there are fewer transmission towers, you may already be several hundred meters away from the corresponding transmission tower, making it impossible to accurately locate this method.


If you're already familiar with location-sharing apps, you've probably noticed that they run in the background, which can shorten battery life. Jink features a minimalized interface without a lot of unnecessary information. At the same time, the functionality of the program is quite large and can help track the location of your children.

If you want to know exactly how location works over a mobile phone network or communication between a mobile phone and a transmitter pole, you will see in the following video a section of the program sequence with a mouse in which this is delayed. Although this video is a bit older, the technology used hasn't changed much.

Application installation or any other pre-configuration of a mobile phone is necessary in large cities or metropolitan areas, in particular, with a high density of transmission towers.

In addition to the location services of network providers and manufacturers, such as, or, or, or services integrated into the operating system, for example, or, there are also many third-party applications currently available. In many cases, these apps not only allow you to host your own smartphone, but also offer many additional features.


This program allows you to see not only which of your friends is nearby, but also to get more information about this person. She is able to transfer photos, mutual acquaintances and much more. Also, the application works in the background and can send you a notification when one of your friends is nearby.

Legal Issues About Cell Phone Tracking

Motives for determining the location of a mobile phone, smartphone, or other mobile device include. If your phone is lost or stolen, it is important that you respond quickly. What exactly you have to do, you will find out. Although the legal situation in Germany is not always clear, mobile phone tracking has clear rules.

It is therefore legal to host one's own mobile phone as well as its minor children. It is also permitted to locate or control a cell phone if the person using the device is informed and agrees. For example, a boss can control the cell phones of his employees, but must obtain written consent from the employees. If they do not agree with this, it is wrong to play the software on the respective mobile phone.

Yik Yak

For people who wish to remain anonymous. You choose your own login. When the program is running, you receive short messages from your region. Naturally, everything is anonymous, so there is a chance to remain invisible in a faceless society.


The application is similar to the previous one, but it allows you to choose a pseudonym for yourself or put real data. The program gives you the ability to communicate with people based on a single location. At the same time, it is possible to expand or narrow the area where you are, for example, to find out what people say about a concert that takes place nearby, school event, festival and so on.

Apps similar to Direction finder for mobile phone

If a cell phone is illegally located or controlled, this is not a trivial violation. Our constitutional state provides privacy for the people. Those who disregard this rule should expect high fines. In the worst case, you may even be sentenced to prison.

A great opportunity to find a person through a mobile phone, without any effort

The police can only find cell phones in exceptional cases, for example. For example, when there is a crime or an acute danger to the life and face of a person. But even in these cases, the place must first be approved by the prosecutor or judge. While it may be tempting to find your partner, find out where they are, and deceive them, this is only allowed with their explicit permission. If you detect your partner's mobile phone or control it with spy apps, you may be held liable.

Drop messages

Drop Messages is a messenger, but with the location of the interlocutors. You can send a message to anyone in the world, but he will only be able to read it when he is in a specific geographic location. For example, you can leave a message for people at a certain event with clear instructions on what to do, or write greetings for those arriving at a graduation ceremony.

If you feel the need to control your partner, you can take a closer look at your relationship, behavior, and your partner's behavior because this need shows that something is not right in your relationship. The batteries of modern smartphones in most cases last less than a day without the need to recharge them. Therefore, if you miss your phone for a long time, the chance of it coming out every hour increases. The question of whether it is possible to find a switched off cell phone is quite justified.

I am posting one unique program for free distribution - "Direction Finder", which was given to me by my friend who works at the Beeline Head Office. I think it's not a secret for anyone that the Special Services, upon request to the Mobile Communications Company, can calculate the location of any person by mobile phone! She helped me a lot recently! When I figured out the whereabouts of my girlfriend and found her with her lover. I hope you figure out how to use it!
P.S. The program finds subscribers of almost all telephone operators with an accuracy of 10 meters.

For a location to be successful, the cell phone or smartphone you want to locate must send signals. Typically, this data is only sent when the device is turned on. So the location is usually not performed when the phone is turned off.

It looks like it does, but still sends the data. However, alerts are no longer sent when the phone is turned off due to a low battery. With these programs, you can only prevent the device from being stolen and the thief turning it off to prevent the location. If you can remove the battery on a cell phone, the thief can do it so that the location is no longer possible.

Name: direction finder
Version: 2.0
Platform: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Year of issue: 2016
Interface: Russian
Tablet: Need not
Size: 10 MB

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On an individual basis, depending on the condition, age-related problems of patients, the most optimal type of cleaning is selected using various special tools.

The main thing in skin care after peeling is moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Grinding always leads to deliberate injury, which leads to peeling and inflammation. Superficial peeling is the most gentle type of peeling, which entails slight redness. After this procedure, you need to treat the skin with a tonic to narrow and cleanse the pores. For daily recovery, it is better to use a tonic along with a moisturizer.

Median deep peeling already entails a more serious and lengthy recovery course. After such sessions, the skin begins to inflame, pull, redness appears and edema forms. Some discomfort may be felt during the week. This period is best spent at home.

Deep cleaning is considered the most unhealthy (due to the use various kinds acids), but at the same time of the highest quality. The procedure is performed in a hospital by a dermatologist. In this case, special attention should be paid to hygiene, because during the treatment period, the skin, more than ever, becomes sensitive and vulnerable. After a chemical peel, it is best to use gentle foams or gels.

Before choosing cosmetics For restoration, be sure to consult with specialists. Especially carefully read the reviews about the safety of using facial peels. Also pay special attention to the composition. If irritation occurs, emollients and moisturizers are required. In case of severe irritation, it is possible to use a protective dressing. This promotes faster healing. In case of severe pain or feeling unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Peeling makes the skin more sensitive and easily irritated. Because of this, it is best to postpone all planned visits to the sauna, swimming pool and normalize physical activity. Avoid during the recovery period and direct sunlight on the skin of the face.

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what is cell phone peeling?

I must grieve, nothing like this cellular communication equipment can produce. It is only possible to determine the area between the points of base stations (inside the cell) in This moment. And this area can be with a square kilometer. Whether you were in this area yesterday, if no one was specially engaged in this, it is impossible to determine. Don't watch movies!

phone peeling

Phone peeling by number

In the Technique section, the question is what is cell phone peeling? given by the author Yuhrat Rasulov the best answer is First, write CORRECTLY.

Peeling is when the skin is exfoliated. The mobile phone does NOT have skin.

And what you mean is direction finding. Only the relevant services will be able to determine, no one just Vasya from the next entrance will do this.

About facial peel

You take care of your skin and take care of it, following the recommendations of your beautician or studying the nuances on your own. But suddenly there comes a moment when all the tools used stop working. The skin loses its protective properties, becomes dull, dry and lifeless. Or a greasy sheen appears, and it becomes more difficult to remove pollution every day. In this case, you need to undergo a facial peeling procedure!

It is an effective cosmetic solution for many skin problems. The advantage of the procedure is that from the variety of peels, you and your doctor choose exactly the one that suits your skin type and affects those of its properties that, for some reason, have ceased to function properly.

The main stages of any peeling are as follows: exfoliation of the keratinized layer of the epidermis, treatment of skin problems and diseases in the foci of development, restoration and activation of regeneration and protective properties of the skin.

The Institute of Medical Cosmetology offers the following types of peeling: chemical peeling (which has several variations) and laser peeling (represented by a carbon laser). They will be discussed further.

Chemical peeling of the face

This type of peeling is an effect on the skin of varying degrees of penetration using special peeling components (mainly organic acids). Thus, all three stages of facial peeling are carried out due to the action of acids, excluding a rough mechanical effect on the skin. There are 3 types of chemical peeling of the face (at the Institute of Medical Cosmetology we perform only 2 of them, and the third - deep peeling is too serious and painful procedure).

Superficial peeling. Does not affect the deep layers of the skin, working only with the topmost layer. This is the easiest and safest peeling that can be used even at a young age for treatment problematic skin. You can return to work immediately after the procedure, as the skin does not require a recovery period. However, the effect of superficial peeling will not please you for very long. With problematic skin, repeated procedures will be necessary.

Medium peeling. Provides a more serious impact compared to the surface. The median facial chemical peel works with the stratum corneum, descending to the basement membrane. Such a procedure is a fairly serious effect on the skin, causing significant changes. Therefore, after a median peeling, recovery within a few days is necessary. Be prepared for the fact that the face will blush and peel off, renewing cellular processes. This peeling is recommended for the treatment of problematic skin, as well as the elimination of signs of aging. Median peeling is quite effective, it is usually performed once a year.

Chemical peeling effectively solves skin problems such as post-acne, acne, comedones, hyperpigmentation, skin laxity, aging and photoaging.

Retinoic facial peeling at the Institute of Medical Cosmetology

This type of peeling is quite popular. It belongs to the superficial median, that is, it provides a fairly serious effect, treatment and renewal of the skin, without requiring a long recovery period. Retinoic peeling got its name from the acid used in the procedure. It is retinoic (also known as retinoic) acid. In addition, this peel is often called yellow - because of the color effect when applying the peeling components to the face.

What is the benefit of retinolic acid for our skin? The fact is that it contains an analog of vitamin A, obtained by artificial means. It helps the skin "remember" the natural processes of restoration and production of natural collagen. This means that it returns its ability to function as it was at a young age, providing a sufficient level of hydration and regeneration.

Facial laser peeling

Laser, and in our case - carbon peeling differs in its effect from chemical peeling of the face. Here we use a laser beam as well as a carbon nanogel. The laser cleans the pores well and exfoliates. In addition, there is a thermal effect on the deep layers of the skin. It stimulates metabolism and collagen production.

The laser peeling procedure is easily tolerated and suitable even for sensitive skin. You will not feel pain and discomfort, but to completely cleanse the skin, you will need to take a course of 4-6 procedures. The result of laser peeling will be deeply hydrated, smooth skin without black dots and other problems.

To choose the facial peeling procedure that suits you best, sign up for a free telephone consultation with a beautician.

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What does the face look like after peeling - everything you wanted to know about the post-peeling period

Facial peeling is a popular, effective facial treatment. Depending on the age of the patient and the depth of penetration of the chemical composition, various tasks can be achieved from skin transformation and getting rid of acne, to the elimination of uneven skin turgor and wrinkles.

The basic preparation for the procedure includes avoiding alcohol two to three days before exfoliation. This is necessary so that unforeseen reactions do not occur in the skin with the chemical components of the peeling.

If medium or deep peeling is performed beforehand, a whitening cream can be used 2 weeks before the procedure. This measure will help minimize the prerequisites for hyperpigmentation of the skin by reducing the production of melanin.

Facial care after peeling

Skin recovery after peeling can vary slightly from patient to patient, and depends on several factors:

  • Type/type of peeling (for example: after PQ Age peeling there is practically no recovery period and already on the day of the procedure the skin looks fresh, hydrated and rejuvenated),
  • skin condition,
  • Proper post-peel care
  • How well the correction of the skin is carried out.

So let's talk about how to care for facial skin in the post-peeling period.

1. Washing - the most common question on the Internet: "Is it possible to wash after peeling"? The first 12 hours are not. Then, starting from the next morning, you can wash your face - twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, you need to use a mild moisturizing, slightly foaming, sulfate-free product.

For a period from a week (superficial peeling) to three weeks (medium, deep peels), we exclude any products with abrasive particles (scrubs, home peels). After washing, you need to blot your face with a towel, but do not wipe it - this injures the skin.

After washing, do not use tonics, lotions and any other alcohol-containing, AHA-acid products that require the use of a cotton pad.

2. Care cosmetics - to replenish moisture in the skin. The first stage of moisturizing can be spraying with moisturizing essence - this way you do not work on the skin with your hands, which is especially important for medium or deep peeling.

It is very good to use a product with hyaluronic acid, it is close to the skin and replenishes the moisture balance well, creating a protective barrier on the skin.

All the same hyaluron can be in a moisturizing gel / cream. Good moisturizers are: aloe and collagen.

It is better to give preference to delicate textures with a hypoallergenic composition. Can be purchased special remedy or a whole post-peel treatment designed specifically for best recovery skin.

In pharmacy care, they work well: bepanten cream, panthenol spray (not an aerosol - it contains alcohol). You can moisturize the skin three or more times a day, the main thing is not to overload it and not to use too dense textures.

3. Sun protection after peeling. A must-have item, even if it seems to you that the street is cloudy and safe. Not without reason, autumn and winter are considered the safest time for peeling, not all types of peeling can be performed in spring.

So, after any peeling, it is required to protect the skin with an agent with SPF factor from 30 before going outside (even if it is a trip to the store by car). After superficial peeling - SPF, we use at least two weeks, then you can use the appropriate care cream with SPF.

After medium or deep peeling, sun protection is required for a month or more.

Also do not forget about sunglasses, hats and caps.

What is considered the norm after peeling

  • Pimples after peeling are not uncommon and not an exception, especially if exfoliation was carried out just to get rid of them. The first way to eliminate - acne rash. What to do - consult a beautician - with a strong rash, antibiotics and vitamins can be prescribed;
  • Peeling after peeling is more than normal - it is with exfoliating skin that tissue renewal occurs. In no case should peeling be torn off and even gently removed, this can lead to complications. All crusts will fall off on their own. By the way, if the face does not peel off, there is nothing wrong with that either: firstly, after some peelings there is no peeling, and secondly, skin features could affect.
  • Redness, as a result of a burn, gradually disappears in the healing process.
  • Swelling of the face - especially after a median peel lasting up to 3-5 days, in the case of a deep peel a little longer.

What is not considered the norm and requires consultation with a cosmetologist:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • cracks in the skin (as a result of poor hydration);
  • pigmentation (may appear if there was no sun protection or the patient has a high predisposition);
  • erythema;
  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • scars of hypertrophic and keloid type.

Answers to important questions

It is more or less clear with the departure and the consequences, but here is how things are with the return to normal life.

  • Is it possible to go to the bath or sauna, to the pool and take a bath after peeling?

No. Water procedures in the pool are fraught with infection, and chlorinated water is dangerous for irritation, the possibility of getting burned and overdrying the skin.

Bathing, saunas and bath procedures are dangerous high temperatures, and this, in turn, is sweating - that is, skin irritation, plus active reproduction of bacteria occurs in a warm environment. Back to loved ones water procedures possible after complete healing of the skin.

Any workout leads to sweating, which, as in the case of bath procedures, leads to burning and irritation of the skin.

Sunbathing, both natural and artificial, is highly likely to cause hyperpigmentation, so you should refrain from sunbathing for the period of the peeling course and for a month.

It is this factor that lies in the preferred peeling during the period with minimal solar activity.

Absolutely not - at least a week or two, if peelings are carried out as a course - refrain for the entire period!

Why and what is fraught with:

  1. increased burn when interacting with chemical residues in the skin;
  2. intense erythema;
  3. increased swelling of the face and eyes;
  4. inefficiency of some types of peels, the appearance of unwanted reactions of the body.
  • Can you make face masks?

Natural masks are completely prohibited, as they can cause inflammation on burned skin, injure particles and cause allergic reactions.

It is better to pay attention to professional masks designed for post-peel care - mainly aimed at deep moisturizing, soothing and restoring the skin.

  • When you can paint, use foundation after peeling?

After superficial peeling, as a rule, it is allowed to apply cosmetics (tone, highlighter, powder, etc.) every other day. After medium and deep peeling, you should refrain from 7-14 days. It is worth noting that mascara and lipstick are not included in the prohibited list.

In some cases, there is such an opportunity, after some light types of exfoliation, it is also possible to combine procedures. Only a beautician can answer with accuracy.

  • Is it possible to do peeling after biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

As a rule, there is no ban on carrying out, the procedures often go in parallel or at intervals. The exact answer can only be given by a beautician in accordance with the desired result and the condition of the skin.

  • Is it possible to peel after Botox / Dysport and filler?

Only a cosmetologist can give an answer, taking into account the time elapsed after the procedure and what kind of peeling should be performed. The fact is that after Botox or the introduction of a filler, the vessels in the treated area are squeezed, this condition slows down the process of skin regeneration.

The same applies to holding laser hair removal on the face and tattooing of eyebrows and lips after peeling. First you need to wait for the complete healing of the skin and then go to the master for beauty.

The view of cosmetologists on restorative care may vary somewhat, there are general rules and recommendations, but the cosmetologist knows better (the type of peeling is known, the condition of your skin and its type, as well as other nuances, have been studied).

Therefore, do not neglect the prescribed care of a specialist and do not try to act independently, contrary to the recommendations, if you have questions, it is better to seek clarification from a specialist. Do not forget that the peeling procedure does not end in the cosmetologist's office.

Superficial peeling: everything you wanted to know about the procedure

Superficial peeling - popular today cosmetic procedure designed to gently cleanse the skin of the face. In comparison with others chemical peels, it has a mild effect, does not spread deeper than the basement membrane, and does not injure the skin.

Operating principle

Superficial chemical peeling affects only the upper layers of the epidermis. During the procedure, keratinized particles and cells are exfoliated. Thanks to this, the skin looks healthy, its tone is evened out, the face acquires a pleasant shade.

In addition, under the influence of acids and alkalis, the processes of cell renewal and regeneration, as well as metabolism are accelerated, and the production of natural collagen and elastin is stimulated.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face in beauty salons is used as an independent procedure or is part of a complex of measures to cleanse the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for a superficial peeling procedure:

  • the appearance of the first signs of aging;
  • the appearance of mimic and age wrinkles;
  • the presence of pigmented areas on the skin;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • uneven tone of the face;
  • inflammatory rash;
  • the presence of scars and scars;
  • weak skin tugor.

Regular professional peeling helps to quickly get rid of these shortcomings in 90% of cases. Chemical composition means it has a cleansing, exfoliating, whitening and rejuvenating effect, so after a few sessions the rash disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin surface acquires a healthy shade and radiance.

Despite all the advantages, such a cosmetic procedure also has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dermatological diseases in the acute stage (herpes, demodicosis);
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • allergy to the active substances or components of the peeling;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the skin (warts or papillomas);
  • fresh tan;
  • the presence of wounds, scratches and other damage on the skin surface.

Varieties of surface peeling

According to the mechanism of action, there are 3 main types of surface peeling:

  1. Mechanical (microdermabrasion). It involves the removal of dead skin cells with the help of solid particles (scrubs, diamond chips) or with a special metal brush. Also, microdermabrasion includes vacuum cleaning with a machine. During this procedure, under the action of negative pressure, the pores are cleaned of dirt and sebum.
  2. Hardware. Includes laser and ultrasonic peels, diamond dermabrasion, fractional phototheromolysis (using a special laser).
  3. Chemical. It is carried out using fruit acids and various alkalis.

Today, the most popular is chemical peeling, as it allows you to achieve desired result already after the first session and without the risk of injury.

There are several types of chemical peels:

  • Enzymatic (enzymatic). The main active ingredient of such peels is not acid, but enzymes of animal and vegetable origin. They gently affect the surface of the epidermis, cleanse it of protein contaminants, keratinized cells. Suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Most often, enzyme peels include the following types of enzymes: papain, bromelain, sorbain, ficin, pepsin, lysozyme, pancreatin, travasa.
  • Acid. The composition of such products includes fruit, glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids. The procedure is indicated to prevent the appearance of premature signs of aging, mimic wrinkles, in the presence of pigmented areas on the skin surface, with hyperkeratosis and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Combined. They are carried out using AHA acids and enzymes.

Today in beauty salons the most popular are acid peels, since the effect after their implementation is immediately noticeable, and the result is long-lasting. The following options are especially popular among women:

  • With the use of lactic acid. Products based on lactic acid are very gentle and hypoallergenic. They help restore a healthy complexion, even out skin tone and make it supple. Suitable for women under 30 years old, when the signs of aging are not yet very pronounced.
  • Almond. Carried out using phenoxyglycolic acid, extracted from the extract of bitter almonds. Effective for acne and signs of photoaging, safe for hyperpigmented skin and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Glycolic. Based on glycolic acid, which is obtained from sugar cane. Glycolic peeling increases the permeability of the basement membrane, due to which beneficial substances penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, the complexion improves, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Salicylic. In this case, the main active ingredient is salicylic acid, which has a pronounced comedonolytic effect. It is used for acne and rashes.
  • Retinoic (yellow). Suitable for women over 35 years old. Retinoic acid actively fights the signs of aging, allows you to get rid of age spots, scars and scars, as well as the effects of acne.
  • Peeling Jessner. It bears the name of an American doctor who first proposed using a mixture of salicylic and lactic acids, as well as resorcinol, for skin rejuvenation. The procedure is effective for seborrhea, hyperpigmentation, lentigo, freckles, hypercreatosis, blackheads and acne. It is also worth noting that, depending on the concentration of active substances, such peeling can be superficial-median or median (ie, affect the deeper layers of the epidermis).
  • TCA peel. A rather traumatic variant of superficial-median peeling, in which trichloroacetic acid is used. It has a bactericidal, antioxidant, lifting, whitening and regenerating effect.

Each of the acids has a specific effect on the dermis, so before the procedure it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist who will select the best option.

So, for example, for young combination skin without pronounced signs of acne and acne, sparing almond and glycol peels are used, with the appearance of the first wrinkles and signs of photoaging - preparations with retinoic and phytic acids, with rosacea - with phytic and azelaic acids, to eliminate pigmentary spots - with koi and milk.

Procedure steps

The first stage is preparatory. First, the cosmetologist cleans the skin surface from cosmetic residues and dirt particles using a soft gel and foam. After that, the skin is degreased with a special lotion. Sometimes a gel with a small concentration of acids is applied before the main remedy to prepare the dermis for intense acid exposure.

The second stage is the main one. At this stage, a directly acting composition is applied to the epidermis. The beautician can apply it in two ways. The first - with light and quick movements, this is a more gentle method. The second is more aggressive, using a cotton pad and pressing on the skin surface. The retention time of the drug depends on the condition of the epidermis and the expected results.

The third stage is neutralizing. During it, a special gel is applied that neutralizes the action of the acid. After that, all preparations are carefully removed with warm water.

Stage four is the final one. After the main procedure, a soothing and nourishing mask and then a light cream.

In the video you can see how a superficial chemical peel is performed in a beauty salon:

Care after superficial peeling

The face after superficial peeling can be very flaky, and the skin becomes dry. That is why it is very important to properly care for the epidermis and adhere to certain rules:

  • After the session, apply a restorative cream to the skin, which the beautician should recommend.
  • In the post-peeling period, scrubs and other products containing abrasive particles should not be used.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen.
  • It is forbidden to tear off the crusts that may appear in order to avoid the occurrence of scars and scars.
  • It is recommended to wash with gels and foams, which have an intense moisturizing effect.
  • Special healing agents will help speed up the regeneration process and relieve redness: panthenol, retinol and bisabolol.
  • Regularly it is necessary to make moisturizing and regenerating masks.
  • To refuse for the recovery period from decorative cosmetics.
  • Do not smear red areas with alcohol-containing products.

As a rule, the peeling procedure goes without complications. Peeling and slight redness is a natural skin reaction to drugs. Such symptoms in most cases disappear 1-3 days after the session.

Procedure results

Superficial peeling helps to cleanse the skin of the face. Already after the first session, the dull shade disappears, the natural color returns, pimples, blackheads, and the effects of acne disappear.

The course of procedures helps to smooth mimic and age wrinkles. After several sessions, the skin becomes smooth and even, severe inflammation disappears, enlarged pores narrow, and active processes of cell regeneration and renewal take place in the deep layers of the dermis.

How much does a peeling cost in a salon?

The price of the procedure largely depends on several conditions: the type of peeling, the city (in the capital, the cost is an order of magnitude higher than in the provinces), the qualifications of the beautician, etc. So, for example, almond peeling in beauty salons costs from 2000 rubles. per session, and for retinoic you will have to pay at least 5,000 rubles.

Facial peeling at home

Superficial peeling, unlike medium and deep peeling, can be done at home on your own. This procedure is quite safe, so with the right approach there is no risk of damaging the dermis. There are several ways to cleanse and rejuvenate the face at home.

Scrubs and gommages

Superficial mechanical peeling at home can be done using scrubs and gommages.

Gommage, in turn, does not contain abrasive particles and is more suitable for dry and sensitive skin. The composition of gommages includes fruit acids and plant extracts that gently affect the dermis.


Brushing is a popular procedure that can be easily performed at home today. In this case, a special apparatus is used to clean and rejuvenate the skin - brushing, which consists of several brushes (made of natural pile, sponge and pumice stone). The nozzles help to remove dead skin cells, as a result of which the processes of dermal renewal are launched. Unlike scrubs, brushing works more evenly and allows you to quickly clean your face.

Chemical option

Today, in professional cosmetic stores, you can buy many preparations for dry cleaning of the face. All of them are made on the basis of AHA acids, mainly azelaic and glycolic, therefore they are safe.

Among them, the most popular are the following:

  • PREMIUM PeelingHour is a line of peels from a well-known Russian manufacturer. The range includes preparations based on acids for the procedure, pre-peeling care, neutralizers and much more.
  • Bb Laboratories - a series of Japanese peels based on glycolic acid, sold with a neutralizer.
  • NeoStrata is a line of preparations made in the USA, professional cosmetics for skin cleansing and rejuvenation.

In addition, at home, you can independently prepare a multi-acid peeling using glycolic, grape, malic, succinic, salicylic, mandelic and other acids. You can buy acids in cosmetic stores or on special sites. However, before carrying out such a procedure, it is worth consulting with a cosmetologist who will select the necessary composition and dosage of acid for your skin type.
