When Christmas came. How do Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas? Christmas in Russia

The Christmas holiday in Russia is often perceived as one of the days in a series of celebrations, but in fact it has its own deep meaning.


The Feast of the Nativity is a church event, the full name of which is the Nativity of Christ. Thus, this day is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, born of his mother - the Virgin Mary. According to legend, the Virgin Mary was married to Joseph for a moment, and one day an angel appeared to him in a dream, announcing that as a result, Mary would become the mother of the son of God. Maria herself received similar news.

According to Christian texts, during the period when Jesus was to be born, the ruler Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be carried out, and everyone had to be in the city where he himself was born at the time of its conduct: therefore, Mary and Joseph went to their native settlement - Bethlehem. As a result of the census, there were many people in the very house where they stayed, and Mary retired to the sheep's manger, where she gave birth to a son.

The news of this was also received by ordinary shepherds, who at that moment were guarding their flocks in a nearby field. According to legend, an unusually bright star appeared in the sky above them, which led them to the manger, where Mary and the newborn were. Thus, it was these shepherds who turned out to be the first people who came to worship the son of God on earth.

Christmas celebration

In the Catholic and Lutheran traditions, the feast of the Nativity of Christ is usually celebrated on December 25th. The Russian Orthodox Church, which counts important religious dates in Julian, celebrates Christmas on January 7th. In most Christians, Christmas is considered the second most important religious holiday after Easter. In honor of this event, solemn services are held in all churches and parishes. In many religious movements of the Christian persuasion, the onset of Christmas is preceded by a strict fast. For example, in the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Advent fast lasts from November 28 to January 6.

In many countries where it is customary to celebrate the holiday of Christmas, one or more days are days off in this regard. In particular, in addition to Russia, they include most European countries, the USA, Canada, countries former USSR and many others. At the same time, citizens of Bulgaria, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Estonia have a rest in connection with Christmas for three whole days.

Christmas is a special holiday. And even people who have never crossed the threshold of the church are enthusiastically preparing for its celebration. And for true Christians, this is one of the most significant church holidays. According to tradition, the holiday is celebrated on a grand scale. But few people know why the Orthodox celebrate Christmas on January 7th. Since there are other dates for the holiday, and Christmas falls on different dates for Catholics and Orthodox.

Christmas in the Orthodox Church: reasons for the greatness of the holiday

Story miraculous birth God's baby is well known to every believer.

The Holy Virgin Mary gave birth to him, without experiencing torment and fear. The event took place in Bethlehem. This city in the kingdom of Octavia, where at that time the census of the entire population took place, belonged to the family of David.

Therefore, all who belonged to this oldest family were forced to appear for the census. The Virgin Mary and her husband, the righteous Joseph, were no exception.

Despite the pregnancy of the wife, who conceived immaculately, the family came to Bethlehem in the evening.

But, unfortunately, there were no places in the hotel for the couple. And they had to seek refuge in the cold night in the caves. In the place that was intended for the cattle stall, many people have already found shelter.

But Mary and Joseph did not join them, but found a secluded corner for themselves. It was here that Mary began giving birth. The Virgin Mary gave birth to a beautiful baby who was destined to change the fate of millions of people. To warm the baby, a caring woman put him in a manger with sheep.

The shepherds were the first to know that the Savior had come into the world. They were informed about this by an angel descending to earth. The shepherds immediately went to bow to the baby.

But the rising Star of Bethlehem told the wise men of the East about the good news.

She showed the Magi the way to the cave, where they brought for the Savior a gift of gold and incense: frankincense and myrrh.

The news about the birth of the Savior was not joyful for everyone. It was predicted to King Herod that a boy who was born would bring him death. Therefore, he decided to find and kill the baby. Since he did not know the exact whereabouts of the boy, the king ordered that all male infants under the age of two be killed.

The Son of God managed to escape, but on the orders of Herod, 14,000 babies were killed.

They were martyred, not yet knowing that the sacrifice was made to the future Savior.

The Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ has become for believers a reminder of the miraculous appearance of the Savior, of the beginning of a new era of faith and hope.

Ask your acquaintances, friends, when the Orthodox celebrate Christmas, and you will hear the statement that January 7, and the answer will be, oddly enough, not entirely correct.

After all, there are Orthodox churches that celebrate Christmas on December 25th. And there are not few of them, but 10 of the 15 that exist today.

In addition, there are Catholic churches that celebrate Christmas together with Orthodox Christians on January 7th. Why is there such confusion with the day of the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas.

To understand, you have to look into history.

And here, oddly enough, there is no definite answer, since the real date of the birth of Christ has not been established.

Familiar to many, January 6 was long celebrated as the Day of Epiphany, since this event was considered more important in the life of Christians.

When the question arose about the birth of Christ, it was calculated based on the date of the news of the conception of God, which falls on March 25 according to the old style.

In addition, on December 25, many Western countries celebrated a pagan holiday dedicated to the god Saturn.

It was convenient for the Roman church to proclaim Christmas on this date. Such a substitution helped to eradicate pagan holidays, more familiar to people at that time.

The Church of Constantinople joined the celebration of Christmas in the century.

Therefore, Orthodox Christmas was celebrated on December 25 for a long time. And this state of affairs remained literally until the beginning of the 20th century.

In Russia, at that time, a decision was made to switch to the Gregorian calendar, according to which European countries have been living for more than one year. But the church does not support such a decision.

That's why church calendar Russian church is calculated according to the Julian calendar.

And the dates of the holidays have been preserved precisely in accordance with the old style.

According to the Gregorian calendar, the dates of the holidays have shifted by 13 days.

Therefore, it turns out that Christmas Orthodox calendar and today it is celebrated on December 25, but according to the Julian calendar, which corresponds to January 7 according to the calendar more familiar to the inhabitants.

These are parishioners of the Russian, Serbian, Georgian, Belarusian and Jerusalem Churches.

Since 2014, the Polish Orthodox Church has also joined them.

Together with them, Ukrainian Greek Catholics also celebrate Christmas, but against the backdrop of recent events, the question of postponing the date of Christmas celebrations has begun to be raised.

The date of the celebration of Orthodox Christmas also coincides with the day of the holiday for some Protestants who adhere to the Julian calendar. On the same day, Athos elders celebrate Christmas. So it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer on what date Orthodox Christmas is.

Orthodox Christmas: Celebration and Traditions of Orthodox Christmas

Christmas is an Orthodox holiday, and believers experience a meeting with Christ especially sharply and deeply on this day. This is the moment when the awareness of the roots and traditions of the celebration takes place joyfully and colorfully. The holiday gives warmth and faith, kindles light in the souls of people.

Before the birth of Christ, people were far from God and there was simply no opportunity to meet the Creator.

Therefore, God was forced to overcome the line separating mortal and sinful people from eternal and joyful life, which was manifested by the appearance of God in the form of a man. He sent his son to the people, who was supposed to tell people about the Kingdom of God and lead them to faith. It is this meeting that the Orthodox celebrate at Christmas.

Orthodox fasting precedes the holiday - before Christmas, Christians adhere to Filippov or. Lent begins on November 28 and lasts until Christmas. The forty-day fast ends on Christmas morning.

The celebration begins on Christmas Eve. Families sit down to dinner only after the appearance of the first star.

Before that, on January 6, it is not supposed to eat. There should be on the tables, each of which has its own meaning and importance. Sochivo is considered the main dish, hence the name Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve begins Christmas time, which lasts another two weeks. Christmas time ends with another important holiday - Water Baptism, which is celebrated by the Orthodox on January 19 or January 13 according to the old style.

Churches and houses are necessarily decorated with coniferous branches and other Christmas paraphernalia. Be sure to put up a Christmas tree, which is supposed to be decorated with bright toys, tinsel, lights. This tradition is connected with the origin of the tree of paradise and the "paradise" apples on it.

The Christmas carols are especially interesting. Children and young people from the evening begin to go from house to house with good wishes.

In some villages, when the Orthodox celebrate Christmas, traditions of arranging nativity scenes have been preserved. Figures are attached to a wooden box. With the help of these figurines, the participants of the nativity scene show a biblical story related to the birth of Christ. They sing songs, read carols.

In gratitude, the owners thank them with sweets, sweets, sausage, money.

Be sure to give Orthodox gifts At Christmas. This tradition is associated with the wish of good, wealth, happiness to relatives, friends, dear people.

Gifts are placed under the Christmas tree or laid out in special boots and socks.

The holiday is always fun and joyful. With feasts, songs, dances, congratulations and gifts. Therefore, the Christmas holiday is very loved by both children and adults, and even by those who are indifferent or skeptical about Orthodox traditions.

Video: Orthodox stories for children

Watch the video cartoon about the Nativity of Christ

Nativity- one of the main Orthodox master's holidays, it is considered the second in importance after. This holiday is set in remembrance Nativity of Jesus Christ from the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judea and is always celebrated on the same day - Jan. 7(December 25, old style). On this day, Christmas time ends and begins - the time from Christmas to.

About the correct name of the holiday: Christmas or Christmas

The spelling and pronunciation of the word " Christmas» differs in Old Russian and modern traditions. In the old pre-schism liturgical tradition, the name " Christmas" (without the letter "d"). In old printed books, the beginning of the festive troparion reads as follows:

Rzhctvo your xrte b9e ours

At the same time, the sound d and became the common name Christmas". Here are the comments of the Old Believer priests on this issue:

Explains the priest, rector of the Old Believer church in Rostov-on-Don:

Christmas- Church Slavonic tradition of writing this word. Among the Old Believers there is a certain tendency to preserve just such a transcription. Although it is optional. United, alternating, double consonants at the root of the word are the influence of the West Slavic tradition.

Commented by a priest, rector of an Old Believer church in Kaluga :

Word " Christmas”is written under the title, like other sacred words (God, Lord, Mother of God, etc.). At the divine service, we pronounce it as it is written in books and as is customary in the ancient Russian tradition, without “d”. At the same time, we pronounce “d” in many other cases: “The virgin today is the most significant rage d ah…”, “Jesus birth d I am in Bethlehem as a Jew…”, “From the Virgin d aye…” and so on.

It is interesting that "d" in the Church Slavonic language is sometimes pronounced where it is not present in modern Russian. In the canon of the Annunciation we read the words put into the mouth of the Virgin: “What a birth d son's?". In addition to “Christmas”, examples of other words with a combination of the letters “zhd” (affirmation, hope, before, condemnation) can be given. In liturgical books, you can find their spelling in different ways: both with the letter "d" and without it. We read as it is written in the book. So, we can safely congratulate people on d the nature of Christ, and at the prayer to pronounce "Christmas" according to the old Russian tradition. The New Believers completely abandoned this archaic phonetic form, as well as changed the pronunciation of many other words (Forerunner instead of Forerunner, Nikolai instead of Nikola, etc.).”

In this and other articles of our site, we will adhere to the generally accepted name in modern Russian language “ Christmas”, because otherwise, unfortunately, our article will simply fall out of search engines and will not be able to be found by readers on the corresponding request.

Nativity. holiday event

Christ is born - praise! Detailed story about birth of Jesus Christ cited only by the Evangelists Luke and Matthew. All the righteous of the Old Testament lived by faith and hope that the Messiah would come, who would correct the consequences of the fall of Adam, reconcile humanity with God, and save a person perishing from sin. All the books of the Old Testament contain prophecies about Christ. And now the time has come when they are all fulfilled. At that time, Judea was under the rule of Rome. Emperor Augustus (Octavius) announced a nationwide, or rather, worldwide census. According to the custom of the Jews, with which the Roman authorities reckoned, everyone had to register in the city where his family came from. Joseph Betrothed And Holy Mother of God were descendants of the king David and therefore went to Bethlehem, the city of David. All the hotels and houses in Bethlehem were overcrowded. Joseph the Betrothed and the Most Holy Theotokos, expecting the imminent birth of the Child, were forced to stay for the night outside the city, in a cave (nativity scene), where in inclement weather shepherds drove cattle.

When the Lord Himself came to earth to save man, there was no place for him in the house

The time has come for the birth of Christ. The Savior of the World, the King of Kings, whom the world has been waiting for for thousands of years, was born in a wretched cave, devoid of even modest amenities. He was born late at night. The Most Holy Theotokos swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger - a feeder for cattle. The centuries-old prophecy about the coming of the Savior was fulfilled, but the world slept. Only the shepherds guarding the flocks learned the wonderful news - an angel appeared to them with joyful words about the birth of Christ. Then the shepherds heard the angels singing:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!

Shepherds and Magi came to bow to the born God-child

The first to bow to the Lord were simple shepherds. And behind them came the Babylonian wise men - the Magi. From the time of the Babylonian captivity, when Nebuchadnezzar took the Jews into slavery, the Persian pagans learned the prophecies about Christ: A star rises from Jacob and a scepter rises from Israel"(Numbers 24:17). Seeing an unusually bright star in the sky, the Magi realized that the prophecy had come true, and went to bow to the Born. When they came to Jerusalem, they asked:

Where is the born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him (Matthew 2:1).

Eastern sages learned about the birth of Christ from an unusual star

This immediately became known to King Herod. By origin, he was from Idumea, i.e. was a foreigner. Herod received the crown from the hands of the Romans. Extremely suspicious and suspicious, unloved by the people, he was very afraid of losing power. He even killed his own children and wife, suspecting them of a conspiracy. Upon learning that the Eastern sages were looking for the newborn King of the Jews, Herod immediately called them to him and began to ask, what kind of King were they talking about? Where he is But the wise men themselves did not know where to go to bow to the Infant. Then Herod gathered the scribes - people who knew the Holy Scripture well, and asked where Christ should be born? They replied that the book of the prophet Micah speaks of Bethlehem of Judea:

And you, Bethlehem-Ephratha, are you small among the thousands of Judas? From you will come to me the one who should be the ruler in Israel, and whose origin is from the beginning, from the days of eternity (Micah 5:2).

Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem, asking them about the time of the appearance of the star. On the way back, he asked the Magi to return to him and tell him about the Baby, so that he himself could go and worship Him. In fact, Herod wanted to get rid of the pretender to his throne. The Magi came to Bethlehem, found a house where by that time the holy family had been. They bowed to the Lord and handed over their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. These were not just precious gifts, but symbols: gold meant the royal dignity of the Infant, incense used for worship - the Deity, and myrrh symbolized His future burial - the dead in those days were anointed with oil mixed with fragrant myrrh.

The Magi did not return to Jerusalem - an angel appeared to them and told them about the evil plan of Herod. The wise men returned to their country by a different route. Tradition says that the Magi were called Melchior, Gaspard and Belshazzar. It is believed that they became Christians by being baptized by the Apostle Thomas. Herod, without waiting for the Magi, ordered to kill all babies under the age of two in Bethlehem and its environs. Thus another ancient prophecy was fulfilled:

Rachel weeps for her children and does not want to be comforted, for they are not (Jer. 31:15).

Holy martyrs 14,000 infants from Herod in Bethlehem beaten, miniature Minology of Basil II, Constantinople, 985

Joseph Betrothed was warned in advance by an angel about the impending murder of babies and took the Mother of God and the Child to Egypt. Soon Herod died, and the holy family returned to Nazareth, where the Savior spent his childhood.

The history of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ

The exact day when Christ was born is unknown. The beginning of the celebration dates back to the 1st century, but until the 4th century, the Nativity of Christ and His Epiphany were celebrated simultaneously, on January 6th. This holiday was called Epiphany. Separate feast of the Nativity was first installed in the Roman church at the beginning of the 4th century. Perhaps the date of December 25 was chosen because on this day the pagan holiday of the god of the Sun was celebrated, in honor of the winter solstice. pagan holiday was opposed to the Nativity of Christ - the Sun of Truth.

In the Eastern Church, the custom of a separate celebration of the Nativity of Christ on December 25 was established somewhat later, towards the end of the 4th century. According to church historians, the separate celebration of the Nativity and the Baptism of the Lord in Constantinople dates back to 377 and is associated with Emperor Arcadius. But even in the 5th-6th centuries, in some Churches of the East, the Nativity of Christ continued to be celebrated together with the Epiphany. Gradually, a separate feast of the Nativity spread everywhere, but until now the divine service of the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord is performed according to the same model. This and other holidays are preceded by Christmas Eve- the day of strict fasting, when the Charter is supposed to make the Royal Hours, and the evening service to the holiday begins with the Great Compline, called " Nephimon", during which the song of the prophet Isaiah " God is with us! Isaiah, who lived 700 years before the birth of Christ, prophesied about Christ. His words clearly testify to the Divinity of the One who will come to save the world from sin and death.

God is with us, understand the nations and repent, as God is with us! Like a child, a Son is born to us, and it will be given to us, like God is with us!

In Russia since 1991 feast of the Nativity is a public holiday, non-working day.

Nativity. Rule and Worship

The Church prepares the faithful for a worthy celebration of the Nativity of Christ forty days fast. Orthodox Christians spend the eve or eve of the Nativity of Christ in a particularly strict fast. According to the church charter, on this day it is supposed to eat sochivo, scalded wheat with honey, hence this day is called compatriot or Christmas Eve. On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, they are performed separately from the liturgy " Royal clock". The royal hours differ from ordinary hours in that they read special proverbs corresponding to the feast, the Apostle and the Gospel, and special stichera are sung. In the afternoon, the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great with Vespers. At this vespers verses are sung on " Lord cry”, in which, on the one hand, the meaning of the incarnation of the Son of God is revealed, on the other hand, the very event of the Nativity of Christ is depicted: the praise of the angels, the confusion of Herod and the unification of all people under the rule of the Roman emperors, which ended with the triumph of Christianity and the destruction of polytheism.

Eight proverbs say: in the 1st (Gen. I, 1-13) about the creation of man by God; in the 2nd proverb (Num. XXIV, 2-9, 17-18) contains a prophecy about a star from Jacob and the birth of a Man, to whom all people will submit; in the 3rd proverb (prophecy of Micah IV, 6-7, 2-4) - about the birth of Jesus Christ in the city of Bethlehem; in the 4th (Prophet Isaiah IX, 1-10) - about the rod, i.e. the ruler from the root of Jesse (i.e. about Jesus Christ); in the 5th proverb (prophet Baruch III, 36-38; IV, 1-4) - about the appearance on earth of the Servant of God, about His life on earth; in the 6th proverb (prophet of Daniel II, 31-36, 44-45) - about the restoration of the heavenly kingdom by God; in the 7th (Is. IX, 6-7) - about the birth of the Child, Who will be called the name of the mighty God and the prince of peace; in the 8th - about the birth of the Virgin Emmanuel.

The self feast of the Nativity the solemn all-night service begins with the great vigil (instead of vespers) with the singing of Old Testament verses " God is with us”, containing a prophecy about Jesus Christ, and the inclusion of lithium. After that, the all-night service is performed in the usual manner. Thoughts are expressed in litia and verse verses about the triumph of heaven and earth, angels and humans rejoicing at the descent of God to earth, and about a moral upheaval in sinful humanity through the born Christ. The Apostle (Gal. IV, 4-7) teaches that through the incarnation of Jesus Christ we have become children of the Heavenly Father. The Gospel (Mt.II, 1-12) tells of the worship of the Magi to the born Lord.

The hymns performed during the festive service were composed at different times. So, the troparion and kontakion are composed Roman the Sweet Singer in the VI century. Reverend John of Damascus(VIII century) wrote a canon and stichera, the second canon was written by the monk Kozma Maiumsky(VIII century). Holiday poems written Anatoly, Patriarch of Constantinople (5th century), Sophronius And Andrey Jerusalem (7th century), Hermann, Patriarch of Constantinople (VIII century).

Russian Faith Library

Interestingly, one of the festive stichera was written by the only female hymnographer! This nun Cassia who lived in Constantinople in the ninth century. She was born into a noble family. Brought up in piety, the girl was known for her beauty and intelligence, and received a good education. In 821 Theophilus, son of Emperor Michael II, chose a bride. The most famous and beautiful girls The Byzantines were invited to the palace, among them was Cassia. Approaching her, the future emperor gave her a golden apple with the words: “ Was it not through the wife that the evil happened?”, alluding to the sin of Eve. Cassia replied: But through the wife came salvation”, - referring to the Virgin. The prince did not like the too smart girl, and he chose another bride, and Cassia built a monastery at her own expense and took tonsure there. She composed many liturgical hymns, including the verse for the feast Christmas:

In August, the sole commander of the earth2, the many-headed people of the throne. and 3 to you as a person z t pure z, many gods and 4 down with the holidays. under 8 є3di1nem tsrtvom mirsky, hail bhsha. and 3 in є3di1no the quality of the gods, kzchtsy verovasha. Signing people, by the command of Caesar, writing faith and 4 less divine, you as a person bga ours. great is your darkness, gD and glory to you.

Russian translation:

When Augustus became the sole ruler of the whole earth, human plurality ceased. And when You, Lord, took on human flesh from the Pure Mother of God, pagan, idol polytheism ceased. Just as all people were under the rule of one kingdom, so all peoples believed in the One God. All people were described by the command of Caesar (census), and we, the faithful, were written in the name of the Deity, You, our God incarnate. Great is Your mercy, Lord, glory to You!

Troparion to the holiday. Church Slavonic text:

R zhctvo2 your xrte b9e ours, rise the world's light of reason. in 8 it is even ѕvezdam servants, ѕvezd0yu puchakhusz. to you clantisz the righteous sun. and3 lead you over the east, gD and glory to you.

Russian text:

Your Nativity, Christ our God, illumined the world with the light of understanding: because then the people who served the stars learned through the star to worship You, the Sun of righteousness, and to know You, the East, from on high; Lord, glory to You.

Holiday kontakion. Church Slavonic text:

D v7az today, the predominance of the reward, and 3 earths den bring the inviolable. ѓnGli with the pastors of glory. the magicians travel with the stars. for us, for the sake of the birth,

Russian text:

Today the Virgin gives birth to the One Who is higher than all that exists, and the earth brings a cave to the Unapproachable; Angels glorify with the shepherds, while the Magi travel after the star, because for us the Infant, the Eternal God, was born.

Russian Faith Library

Celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Folk traditions and customs

Christmas Eve was celebrated everywhere by peasants in the strictest fasting. They ate only after the first star, and the food itself on that day was furnished with special symbolic rites, which were prepared in advance. Usually, before sunset, the owner with all the household members stood up for prayer, then they lit a wax candle, stuck it to one of the loaves lying on the table. Then they brought a bundle of straw or hay from the yard, covered the front corner and the counter with it, covered it with a clean tablecloth or towel, and in the prepared place, under the very images, they placed an unthreshed sheaf of rye and kutya. When everything was ready, the family again stood up for prayer, and then the meal began.

Lubok Pavel Varunin

Straw and an unthreshed sheaf were an indispensable accessory of the holiday. They mark the awakening and liveliness of the creative forces of nature, which wake up with the turning of the sun from winter to summer. Kutia, or porridge diluted with honey, also has a symbolic meaning. It marks fertility and is used not only on Christmas Eve, but also at funerals and even at homelands and christenings (in the last two cases, it is served with butter).

For use in the temple, kutya (or sochivo) Old Believers cook strictly from wheat and honey, and at home it is allowed to add other goodies to taste (poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, etc.)

The very meal on Christmas Eve took place in the midst of reverent silence and an almost prayerful mood, which, however, did not prevent the peasants right there, during the meal, from guessing about the future harvest, pulling straws from a sheaf, and forcing the guys to climb under the table and “poking” chicken there to keep the chickens well. At the end of the evening, part of the remaining kutya was carried by the children to the homes of the poor, in order to give them the opportunity to celebrate the “rich kutya”, and then in the villages began carols. Kolyada consists in the fact that guys, girls and boys gather in groups and, moving from one yard to another, sing songs under the windows, and sometimes in huts, either in honor of the holiday, or as congratulations to the owners, or just for fun and entertainment. . For this they are given a penny, bread, and sometimes treated with vodka. The customs of carols varied greatly in different provinces of Rus'.


Christmas Day, as revered by one of the greatest holidays, the peasants began in the most pious way - they defend the liturgy, break the fast, and only then the reckless festivities begin. And the village children, boys and girls at this time go around the yards and praise Christ. Slavers usually sing troparia and kontakia for the holiday and only at the end insert the so-called proverbs. Here's one of those hints as an example:

Blessed Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ gave birth
She put it in a manger.
The star was shining bright
She showed the way to three kings -
Three kings came
They brought gifts to God
fell on their knees,
Christ was praised.

Lubok Pavel Varunin

The peasants received Christoslav very kindly and cordially. The youngest of them was usually seated on a fur coat, laid out in the front corner with the fur up (this was done so that the hens sat quietly on the nests and brought out more chickens), and all the rest were given small money, pies, flour and bagels. With the proceeds, the guys usually rented a hut for conversations, where, in addition to girls and boys, young people, widows, soldiers' girls and elderly people from among the non-drinkers went. Among the girls were also common Christmas divination.

Icons of Christmas

Early depictions Christmas were made by the first Christians in the Roman catacombs. Gradually, Byzantine art developed the iconography of the Nativity of Christ, which then came to Rus'. The central image on icon of the Nativity are the figures of the Virgin and the Divine Infant: Jesus Christ lies in a manger - a feeder for cattle, in a cave where, according to the Gospel, He was born.

Icon of the Nativity of Christ. From a festive occasion. Early 15th century Andrei Rublev. Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow
Nativity. Double sided tablet icon. Second half of the 16th century Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Artistic and Architectural Museum-Reserve Icon of the Nativity of Christ. XVI century. Kargopol

Magi bow before the Lord, who came at the call of the Star of Bethlehem to bow to the Messiah and bring Him their gifts. In the upper right corner of the icon, according to tradition, images of angels are written, which glorify the birth of Christ. In the lower right corner of the icon is depicted the plot of the ablution of the Divine Infant Christ after childbirth.

Adoration of the Magi. Fragment of a fresco by Dionysius
Nativity. Second half of the 17th century State Museum-Reserve "Rostov Kremlin", Rostov the Great
Nativity. Second half of the 18th century State Museum of Palekh Art, Palekh

Churches of the Nativity in Rus'

In honor of the Nativity of Christ, a church was consecrated on the Red Field in Veliky Novgorod. According to chronicles, the church was built in 1381 under Archbishop Alexy. Previously, it was the main temple of the monastery of the same name. As its founder, the name of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy is mentioned in the synodics of the church. A feature of the Nativity monastery was the existence of a skudelnitsa for the burial of those who died from epidemics. The Church of the Nativity of Christ has largely retained its original appearance and is currently a monument-museum of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

Church of the Nativity in Veliky Novgorod

The first documentary mention of the Church of the Nativity in the city of Galich, Kostroma region dates back to 1550. Some researchers date the building to the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries.

Church of the Nativity of Christ in Galicia

The erection of the most ancient architectural monument - the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (1552-1562) in the city of Kargopol dates back to the reign of Ivan IV. Initially, the cathedral was two-story, but over the course of four centuries it has significantly "grown" into the ground, so that the windows of the lower floor are almost at ground level - this violated the proportions of the building, intensifying the impression of heaviness and massiveness. The cathedral has been restored inside. Six powerful pillars support the vaults.

Cathedral of the Nativity in Kargopol

In honor of the Nativity of Christ, a church was consecrated in Moscow, in Palashi. The temple was founded at the beginning of the 16th century, rebuilt in 1573. The stone church was consecrated in February 1692. In 1935, the temple began to be destroyed, and a school building was built in its place. In 1980-1990. it contained high school No. 122 of the Frunzensky District and the Moscow Boys' Choir of the All-Russian Choral Society, then the Museum of the Revolution.

Church of the Nativity in Moscow, in Palashi

In the name of the Nativity of Christ, the refectory church of the Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery was consecrated. The church was built in 1511. The one-pillar refectory chamber, the church and Kelarsky were enclosed in a common rectangle of outer walls.

Church of the Nativity of Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery

In the village of Yurkino, Istra district, Moscow region, in the estate of the boyar Ya. Golokhvastov, at the very beginning of the 16th century, a church was erected and consecrated in the name of the Nativity of Christ. The decor of the facades of the Church of the Nativity is unusual, and especially the ceramic frieze that encircles the walls of the building under their three-bladed ends. Its details are reminiscent of the decor of Italian Renaissance churches. In Soviet times, the temple was closed and devastated.

Church of the Nativity in the village of Yurkino

After the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, Prince Dimitry Donskoy ordered to build a wooden church in honor of the Nativity of Christ on the site of the “conversation” (now a village in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region). The stone church in honor of the Nativity of Christ was built in Besedy in 1598-1599. Godunov. The temple is similar to the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye. Its brick tent top, decorated with towers and barrels, is crowned with a small dome and an eight-pointed gilded cross on a crescent. The white stone for the construction was delivered from the nearby Myachkovskaya quarry. Initially, the foundation of the temple building was surrounded by a stone open passage with one rear entrance, above which a hipped belfry towered. In the 1930s the temple was closed and its lower premises, where the church and the vast area adjacent to it, were turned into a vegetable store. In 1943, the Church of the Nativity of Christ was transferred to the use of believers and restored.

Church in the name of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Besedy

In the city of Vereya, Moscow Region, in 1552, the cathedral church of the Nativity of Christ was laid. The church was built by the personal decree of Tsar Ivan IV in honor of the capture of Kazan, as well as in honor of the Vereisk warriors under the leadership of Prince. Staritsky during the storming of the city. In 1730 and 1802-1812 the temple was significantly reconstructed, which completely changed its appearance: a refectory and a bell tower were added, cathedral iconostases were renewed, the walls were decorated with paintings Venetian style. In 1924 the temple was closed. In 1999 the church was returned to believers and renewed.

Church of the Nativity in Vereya

In the name of the Nativity of Christ, the Church of the Transfiguration Monastery in Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region, was consecrated. The temple has a wide porch. The simplicity and rationality of its structure give grounds to assume that the composition of the wooden church, probably its predecessor of 1620, is repeated in the stone church.

Church of the Nativity of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Staraya Russa

In the village of Maly, Pechora District, Pskov Region, in 1490, a Church of the Nativity was built. According to legend, this place was once an ancient monastery of the same name, where many monks lived, but which was destroyed during the Lithuanian raids on the Pskov lands.

Church of the Nativity in the village of Mala

The Church of the Nativity in the city of Yaroslavl was built at the expense of the merchant dynasty of the Guryev-Nazaryevs. The time of foundation of the wooden church is unknown, but it existed in 1609. The stone church was built, like most Yaroslavl Posad churches of the 17th century, on the site of a wooden one. The names of the donors are preserved in the temple chronicle on a tiled frieze under the zakomar arches: “ In the summer of 7152 (1644), this church was erected in the name of the Nativity of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ under the power of the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich of All Russia, Autocrat and under Metropolitan Varlaam of Rostov and Yaroslavl, and this Ankindin Church, nicknamed Druzhina and Gurei, was erected by the Nazaryev children for their souls and for their parents, and after their father Gurya Nazaryev, his children Mikhailo and Andrey and Ivan performed this church for their souls and parents for the remembrance of eternal blessings and this church was completed and consecrated the eighth thousand 152 of the month of August on the 28th day as a memorial Moses Murin».

Temple in the name of the Nativity of Christ in Yaroslavl

In 1546, in the name of the Nativity of Christ, the chapel of the Church of the Myrrh-bearing Women on Zavelichye in Pskov was consecrated. The temple stands on a low hill in the middle of the plain Zavelichie and is surrounded by a cemetery. The church was erected at the expense of the famous Moscow (formerly Novgorod) Metropolitan Macarius. In the 1st Pskov Chronicle you can find information about the customers of the temple: “ ... the clerk Bogdan Kovyrin and Grigorei Ivanov Titov, Cyril of the soapbox, and put the name of St. Cyril in it, and about the everyday work of the priest and deacon, and made up a common life ...» With the foundation of a stone church, a cenobitic monastery was established here, the church was made a cathedral church. The Mironositsky Monastery was abolished in 1764, and the church was turned into a parish and cemetery, which operated until the 1930s, then the Rosbakaleya warehouse was located here. Now the temple has been transferred to the Pskov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Mironositskaya Church with a chapel in the name of the Nativity of Christ in Pskov

There are also churches consecrated in honor of the Nativity of Christ in Ukraine (Ternopil, a church built in 1602), Bulgaria (village of Arbanassi, church founded in 1550), Georgia (Tbilisi, built in 1500; p. Matskhvarishi, built in 1000; Martvili, built in 900) and Israel (between 327 and 535 built).

Old Believer Churches of the Nativity of Christ

In ancient times, on all great holidays, services were performed especially solemnly, throughout the night, i.e. all-night vigil. At present, in most Old Believer parishes, they pray all night only on Easter, and on other holidays they perform the service prescribed by the Charter with a break - the night before and in the morning. But in some communities they are beginning to revive the tradition of praying at night and the service of the Nativity of Christ, for example, in,

Temples of the Russian Old Orthodox Church, consecrated in the name of the Nativity of Christ, are located in (Buryatia) and (Ukraine, Poltava region).

Church of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ulan-Ude

It was consecrated in the name of the Nativity of Christ. The temple was two stories high. On the first floor there was a dressing room and a meeting room for the Community Council. The entire second floor was occupied by a temple room in the form of a large long hall without columns and partitions seven arshins high. The iconostasis was three-tiered. Outside, the temple was decorated with one dome with a cross. The building was demolished in the 1970s.

Nativity Prayer of the Pomeranian Legislative Consent

Useful on the topic:

  • ? Priest Konstantin Litvyakov's sermon on Christmas Day;
  • : Orthodox traditions of the holiday (" Christ is born praise", text);
  • . Holiday traditions

The history of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ has been known since the beginning of Christianity. Since the 4th century, the holiday was called Epiphany, celebrated on December 25 and was a combination of several events that today are known as three separate holidays: Theophany (Baptism of the Lord), the Annunciation and Christmas.

The appearance in the flesh of the Son of God, the remembrance and glorification of this event is the main and initial goal of the bright feast of the Nativity of Christ. But there is also a secondary goal, which one - we will find out in this article.

When do Christians celebrate Christmas?

What date Christians celebrate Christmas - in the modern world in different ways. Most use the Gregorian calendar when calculating the date of the holiday, which was created in the 14th century. According to this calendar, secular society lives in most countries of the world - including Europe and Russia. According to the Gregorian calendar, Christmas is celebrated on December 25 - this is the tradition of Catholics and some other faiths. In the Western Church, an amazing tradition of celebrating Christmas at the state level has been preserved - with street decorations, public festivities and sincere joy. Europeans celebrate this holiday on the same scale with which they celebrate the New Year in Russia.

In Russia, the tradition of calculating events according to the solar Church Slavonic calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC, and which bears his name - Julian, has remained. According to this calendar, following the guidance of the apostles, Christians of the Eastern Church calculate holidays. The Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ is January 7, although according to the old style this date also fell on December 25. A new style introduced in Russia immediately after the revolution of 1917, after the innovations, the time shifted 14 days ahead. This holiday is considered to be the twelfth, beginning with Christmas Eve on the eve of January 6th. On this day, Christians strictly fast until the first star, and then they eat a special dish - sochivo. Christmas is preceded by a 40-day fast. On the night of January 7, at the festive Divine Service, Orthodox and Christians of other denominations of the Eastern Church celebrate the holiday of Christmas and go home to celebrate it with all the luxury - now the fast is over, and you can have fun all night.

A Brief History of the Nativity

The history of the Church of Christ knows many discrepancies with the true teaching of the apostles, it was expressed in the distortion of general theology and, as a result, the very teaching about Christ was distorted. This also became the reason that the holiday was separated from the general celebration of the Incarnation, which combined three events, and a separate Christmas was introduced.

The separation of the holiday occurred in the 4th century under Pope Julius. By setting the date for the celebration of December 25, the Church created a counterbalance to the cult of the sun, which the pagans celebrated on this day. The celebration was so popular that even Christians took part in it, thereby sinning against the second. Thus, the introduction of the feast of the Nativity of Christ replaced the pagan tradition of celebrating the winter solstice and turned people's hearts to the true God.

The day for the holiday was extremely symbolic and logical - after all, the symbol of the sun, like no other, befits the memory of the event of Christmas, since Christ is the Sun of truth, the Light of the world, the Conqueror of death - as the apostles call Him.

According to the great Christian minds of world magnitude, such as John Chrysostom, Blessed Augustine, St. Cyril of Alexandria and others - the date of Christmas on December 25 really has a high historical accuracy in calculating the day of the Nativity of Christ.

The introduction of the chronology from the Nativity of Christ occurred in 525 and is associated with the significance that it had for all mankind. Two eras - before the birth of the Messiah, before the possibility of eternal life and the forgiveness of sins - and after. The monk Dionysius the Small, who calculated the events to make them the basis of the new calendar, made a mistake with the calculations - to be precise, now it is 4 years earlier than it is commonly believed and the current time account has this error. But the event, nevertheless, remained the main one in the history of mankind - that is why the chronology is from the Nativity of Christ.

Symbols of the Nativity

You can list the following most famous symbols of the Nativity of Christ:

  • elegant tree;
  • present;
  • Star of Bethlehem;
  • nativity scene;
  • angels and shepherds.

The history of spruce, as an attribute of Christmas, comes from the Western tradition, which did not take shape immediately, and was associated with peoples' ideas about evergreens as a symbol of immortality, eternal life. That is, exactly what became possible with the advent of the Savior into this world.

Gifts were brought to Christ by the Magi - Persian healers, representatives of Zoroastrianism - the world's first monotheistic religion, intended for all peoples, and not just for the Jewish. They practiced astrology and calculated the birth of the Messiah, which was predicted in their religion. The Magi brought with them gifts to the Infant Christ - attributes that symbolized three important qualities that He possessed. It was:

  • gold - to the King;
  • incense - to the Priest;
  • myrrh - The man who must die.

Smyrna is a very fragrant resin that was used to pray over dead people and was a symbol of burial. After returning to their homeland, the Magi preached the birth of the Savior. The Church venerates them as "three holy kings". In memory of these gifts, it is customary to give gifts at Christmas - not because a person has behaved well, not for any other reason, but out of love, for the sake of Christ.

The star of Bethlehem is a mysterious celestial object that led the Magi to Christ. According to one version, an unusual celestial phenomenon happened when Jupiter and Saturn converged at one point. According to the calculations of the astronomer Johannes Kepler, who lived in the 17th century, such a phenomenon could be possible during the gospel events. Exists different tradition in the image of the Star of Bethlehem - a 5-pointed star is known, characteristic of the Arab Church, the 8-pointed one is considered a symbol of the Virgin and is depicted in the Orthodox tradition. There are also 6-pointed and other types of the Star of Bethlehem.

It is authentically known from Tradition that there was no place for Christ in the hotels of Bethlehem, where the Holy Family came for the census, and He was born in a cave (nativity scene) and was swaddled and laid in a manger - a feeder for cattle. Therefore, pious Christians place a figurine of a nativity scene with the Baby and the Holy Family under the Christmas tree - in memory of the great event.

According to the gospel story:

“In the vicinity of Bethlehem, there were shepherds who lived in the field and, replacing each other at night, guarded their flock. And the angel of the Lord appeared before them. The radiance of the light of the Lord illumined them. They were very frightened, but the angel said to them: “Do not be afraid! I bring you good news - the news of great joy for all the people: today in the city of David your Savior was born - Christ, the Lord! And here is a sign for you: you will find a swaddled child lying in a manger. (Luke 2:8-12)

The shepherds saw the angels, heard the Great Praise, the angelic song that people have preserved, believed and were the first to come to bow to the Creator.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men!” (Luke 2:14)

In remembrance of this event, shepherds and angels became symbols of the Nativity of Christ. They are depicted on Christmas gifts, as decorations on the Christmas tree, Christmas figurines and other symbols that are traditional attributes of Christmas.

Christmas: Traditions and Customs

At Christmas, carols are sung, houses and streets are decorated, festive treats are prepared - these attributes are present, perhaps, in all nations. But how else is Christmas celebrated, and what traditions exist?

It should be noted that in European countries, Christmas is taken very seriously: this holiday is considered the main holiday of the year, it is celebrated at home in close family circle and invite someone is not accepted. Preparation for the Nativity of Christ includes refreshments and gifts. On the eve of Christmas decorations, the whole city is dressed up.

On the eve of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ in Rus', Christmas fairs are held, where you can buy everything related to the theme of Christmas. The Orthodox holiday begins on Christmas Eve and ends on Epiphany Christmas Eve. All this time - special days of joy, Christmas time.

Christmas Eve is the eve of the holiday, when, according to pious tradition, sochivo is cooked - a sweet dish made from wheat cereals with honey and dried fruits. Sometimes wheat is substituted for rice. On this day, Christians try not to eat anything until the first star, and then, in a pre-holiday atmosphere, they solemnly set the table and eat juicy. The table for sochi is decorated with hay and elements symbolizing Christmas. After the meal, the faithful prepare for the nightly Christmas service.

Christmas time is holy days that take place from January 7 to 18 and are a time of intense joyful prayer, fun pastime with feasts, singing carols and other happy moments. In Rus', Christmas was celebrated with carols and active attendance at Christmas services. Today, these traditions are being revived among young people and are becoming a popular leisure activity, as you can see by visiting the temples.

Nativity - great holiday familiar from childhood. It is the second largest after Easter, and the first children's holiday- a time of magic and miracles. It is filled with an atmosphere of expectation of a miracle. Children whose hearts are always pure feel it better than others. The history of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ teaches us to rejoice and wait for unexpected gifts - for nothing, just like that. Because Christ was born - our common gift.

January 7 marked new life of all mankind. Now the worship of pagan idols is a thing of the past. There were no more human sacrifices to please these gods. Today, the only "Sacrifice" offered by an Orthodox Christian to the Lord is a candle and sincere prayer.

The history of the holiday is shrouded in mysteries, as it is one of the oldest on earth. Meanwhile, there are facts that are precisely established by modern science and are practically not subject to doubt. Agree: it is difficult to imagine that this day has never been honored at all. And, meanwhile, there were such times. To understand how it was, you need to plunge into the fascinating and mysterious world of history.
1. This holiday is set to honor the birth of Jesus Christ in the ancient city of Bethlehem. It happened in 5508 from the day of the creation of the world.
2. In the 4th century, the principles of celebrating Christmas were only being established. They did not have 100% similarity with modern ones. And in terms of singing, too.
3. In the 5th century, the foundations of chants were just beginning to be laid. This was facilitated by the Patriarch of Constantinople Anatoly. His work was continued in the 7th - 8th centuries by Andrew and Soffony of Jerusalem, as well as by Kozma of Mayum, Patriarch Herman of Constantinople and others. It was the chants of that time that are practiced everywhere by modern clergy.
4. This great holiday was held in high esteem by believers from the very moment of the Savior's birth. Over time, it gained popularity, and more and more believers joined the celebrations. Already in those days, the custom was born to celebrate this day in a special way. However, all this was subjected to persecution and was not recognized by the then official authorities for a very long time.
Christmas Day January 7th.
5. The first who decided to congratulate Christ, and all the people, were simple shepherds, to whom an angel appeared, informing them of the greatest joy: a savior came to earth, and everyone who believes in him and adheres to his commandments will get a chance for salvation his soul and blissful heavenly life for all ages. The shepherds presented gifts to the baby, and the wise men (magi) hurried after them. It was they who were entrusted with the honor of informing people about the birth of a child of God.
The history of the emergence of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is briefly outlined for children. After all, children should know and need to tell everything correctly and clearly.
Thus, the foundations of this holiday, which we celebrate now, were laid. And not only at the religious, but also at the official - state level (in more than 100 countries of the modern world.
A bit more interesting facts relating to historical!
Christmas holiday in different countries the world is celebrated not exactly the same way. This was influenced by the customs of those local peoples who lived on those lands when it was just laid.
It is celebrated by both the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church, and is also honored by many related religious denominations.
In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated only in the 10th century. And her baptism itself was, for the most part, forced. The pagan beliefs of the local peoples were too strong.
Already closer to our time in the villages, Christmas time was celebrated "With the Whole World", moving from one hut to another. This custom has been preserved to this day. Merchants in those days rode in troikas, and noble nobles liked to arrange balls.
Holy evening or Christmas - traditions and customs.
In fact, long before Christmas, Home Troubles began. And each one had their own. So, the owner had to feed the meat, put wine for maturation, cook smoking, and so on. The hostess was engaged in embroidery, cleaning, preparing new dishes, cooking. The children helped them in all this.
On the second of January (on Ignat) the final cleaning was done, the houses were decorated with Didukh, spruce branches.
On the fourth of January (at Anastasia) the preparation of food for the festive table was finally completed.
On the sixth day, from the very dawn, the hostess collected water for kutya, uzvar, drowned the hearth, on which dishes were then cooked. Until the evening of the sixth day, a strict fast continued. And here is the first star of his relative "The end heralded."
And in order to emphasize all the idleness of this moment, they took up such a long-awaited festive meal. But, she, without fail, was lean. The table was incredibly rich. And on it should have been, of course, 12 dishes.
12 dishes for Christmas.
It was not necessary to eat every meal in its entirety. Yes, and it was not very realistic after a strict fast. But little by little - it's a completely different matter. They started the meal with kutya - the central, main dish of the Christmas table.
Among other things, it is also a memorial dish, so a bowl filled with it, and next to it - an uzvar, was also placed for deceased relatives, who, as it was believed (and is considered to this day), visit the living at this magical time.
Kutya was also brought to those people who were not relatives or lived in other houses to wish them well-being, prosperity, good health, happiness and joy, and also to wish them a Merry Christmas. The same wishes were carried to godfathers.
"To wear the Supper" is the name of this rite. For her, adults give gifts to children from the heart.
Let's return to the festive home table. It was covered with fresh fragrant hay, but which, in clean beautiful dishes, food was placed. Each of the dishes has its own meaning. It is believed that dishes from all the fruits and vegetables available on the farm should be put on the table, so that next year they will be even richer.
Why exactly 12 dishes must be prepared for Christmas?
This is justified by the fact that there are the same number of months in a year. And yet, it was the 12 apostles who were directly involved in the famous Last Supper with Christ.
1. Kutya, as already mentioned, is the main dish of this table. This is cereal porridge.
2. uzvar (var. Special compote, the main ingredient of which are dried fruits.
3. chilled fish.
4. cabbage.
5. boiled peas.
6. Lenten borscht.
7. fried fish.
8. lean dumplings.
9. Lenten pies.
10. Pancakes or donuts (for borscht.
11. Millet or buckwheat porridge.
12. Cabbage rolls with vegetables, cereals.
After the meal was over in the family circle, it was possible to wear the supper. At this time, young people could carol, adults, and with them children, old people, young people (everyone who wanted to) began to gather for church. The girls took to fortune-telling. However, they were officially banned by the church!
How to cook Christmas kutya.

In ancient times, the whole family set to work to prepare this unique dish. Each of its members, from young to old, for several evenings in a row, sorted through wheat in order to use only the best grains in the cooking process. Barley was used a little less often than wheat.
Modern kutya is usually made from rice, but recipes that use wheat and barley are gradually returning to us. The dish is served to the table, seasoned with poppy seeds and bee honey. Sometimes she was refueled and full. This is also honey, only diluted. It's not as sweet and much more liquid.

Poppy milk was gradually added to kutya later. Actually, it's not milk. pure form, and pre-steamed and carefully crushed poppy.
In the event that there is no honey, you can simply add sugar to the dish. Also, the trend of modern cooking is raisins and nuts in kutya. Previously, only nuts who had them could be added.
There are a lot of recipes for this dish. Here is one of the most popular, still used by our ancestors.
It uses wheat or barley grains, previously crushed in a wooden mortar. But, they should not be fragmented. The main task is to remove the husk with which they are covered.
Further, these grains were poured into a pot, filled with water and placed in the stove. They cooked until done.
Ideally, if the water, after that, did not need to be drained, that is, it was completely boiled out.
The finished grain was poured with dried fruits: pears, apples, plums, sometimes - apricot fruits. The grain is laid out in bowls separately, a bundle is added there, you can put a spoonful of honey. Grain can be poured and full.
In the modern interpretation of kutya, nuts, raisins, sugar are added to it instead of honey (but not necessarily.
January 7 - bright Christmas.

On the first day of Christmas, the 7th, an early lunch was set on the table. Meat dishes were allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities.
However, everyone knew that it was impossible to abuse it, since the gastrointestinal tract must be rebuilt for a new diet after such a long fast. Blood and meat sausage, porridge with roast, lard with boiled pork, and so on were allowed. At lunch, there should have been one (at least) dairy dish on the table. It could have been vermicelli with milk.
They served church services, fasted, and after that they went to visit guests. Sleeping at night is an unaffordable luxury, this applies specifically to Christmas night. Why? It was believed that whoever falls asleep, he can oversleep all his happiness and good luck. But, it was not possible to get much sleep even with all the desire: carols under the windows, the ringing of church bells, noise and din, talk about bright holiday people returning from the service (from the church)!
On a bright Christmas, it was necessary to have fun and rejoice, spend time with the family, and then at a party. And, what is extremely important, to forgive any insults, letting go of them and not remembering them anymore. Only joy, because the son of God was born.
By the way, all the customs and traditions mentioned above have survived, in one form or another, to this day. And soon it will be time to remember them again. After all, the Christmas holidays are at stake.
Fortune telling on the night before Christmas.

Guessing at this time everywhere. And even though the church officially forbade doing this, this practice did not lose its popularity. And it has not been lost to this day.
The most common were fortune-telling on a bow in the name of one's betrothed, fortune-telling with a golden ring, with a comb, with glasses, fortune-telling with the help of a cat, with a rooster, and so on. And each of them is a whole rite, which has a lot of features. Let's take an example of one of them.
Fortune telling on the betrothed on the bulbs. Before Christmas night, a week before it, the girl selected several bulbs, on each of which she made a note with the initials "Candidate". I put them in water. And during fortune-telling, at night, she whispered over the bow: "onion - onion, whisper to me, who is my fiancé?" Then the size of the shoots was measured. The longest one, with initials, pointed to the groom.
Christmas christ tradition and customs.
January is the month of holidays, after Christmas there will be a baptism on January 19th. But continuing the theme of Christmas, I cannot but mention interesting signs for Christmas.
Christmas omens.
The main signs that they believed in then, and which continue to exist now:
Morning snow on January 7 - for wealth and good luck.
It is forbidden to sew for Christmas so that all family members have excellent eyesight.
A snowstorm that day - early spring and lush foliage on the trees.
The starry sky is a big crop of peas.
Kutia cooked by the main mistress of the house - good health to those who eat it. On the eve of Christmas, it is better not to take light and fire out of the hut. Not a single plate should be empty on the table. And most importantly: as Christmas passes, so will the whole year! These, of course, are not the only signs. A few volumes are not enough to list them all. But, before you, the most interesting of them.

Christmas for children

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays. In the Catholic Church, it is celebrated on December 25, and in the Orthodox Church, on January 7. On this day, temples are decorated, priests put on the best and most elegant vestments, all the lamps are lit in the temples.

Before Christmas, a strict fast is required to prepare for the meeting of this holiday. The day before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. Orthodox believers do not eat anything on this day until the evening, waiting for the first star to appear in the sky. This is connected with one of the episodes of the birth of the little Christ.

When he was born in a cave near the city of Bethlehem, a bright star immediately shone in the sky. From it, everyone learned about the appearance of the Savior in the world. The wise men in the East, when they saw this new star appearing in the sky, went to Bethlehem to bow to the Savior. This is how it is described in church books.

At Christmas, candles are lit in the houses on the Christmas trees and everyone congratulates each other on the birth of Christ, who came to earth to rid the world of sins.

Previously, Christmas was celebrated on January 6 along with Epiphany and Epiphany, and only in the 4th century it was moved to December 25 for Catholics and January 7 for Orthodox.

Boy-God in a manger was born

Among donkeys, lambs,

And lit up with a star

Bethlehem courtyard and garden.

And the gray donkey thought,

Looking into the baby's eyes

"He came with goodness and faith,

Compassion and kindness!

A lazy puppy

Peeped from the kennel

How the magi came from the East,

They brought their gifts.

Christmas star

Illuminated the whole earth

And even from behind a cloud

She sent her beam.

And lit up the magic -

Birth of Christ.

We've been celebrating Christmas ever since

We are always in January.

And people remember from that distant

Christmas time

How the Magi from the East went to Christ

Carry your gifts.

Christmas story holiday tradition. About the correct name of the holiday: Christmas or Christmas

The spelling and pronunciation of the word "Christmas" differs in ancient Russian and modern traditions. In the old pre-schism liturgical tradition and among the Old Believers, the name "Christmas" (without the letter "d") is now accepted. In old printed books, the beginning of the festive troparion reads as follows:

Rzhctvo your xrte b9e ours

At the same time, in the modern Russian language and in the post-schismatic (Nikonian) church, the sound d was added and the name "Christmas" became common. Here are the comments of the Old Believer priests on this issue:

Priest John Sevastyanov, rector of the Old Believer church in Rostov-on-Don, explains:

Christmas is the Church Slavonic tradition of writing this word. Among the Old Believers there is a certain tendency to preserve just such a transcription. Although it is optional. United, alternating, double consonants at the root of the word are the influence of the West Slavic tradition.

Priest John Kurbatsky, rector of an Old Believer church in Kaluga, comments:

The word "Christmas" is written under the title, like other sacred words (God, Lord, Mother of God, etc.). At the divine service, we pronounce it as it is written in books and as is customary in the ancient Russian tradition, without “d”. At the same time, we pronounce “d” in many other cases: “Today the Virgin, the Most Essential, gives birth ...”, “Jesus is born in Bethlehem to Judaism ...”, “Born of the Virgin ...”, etc.

It is interesting that "d" in the Church Slavonic language is sometimes pronounced where it is not present in modern Russian. In the canon of the Annunciation we read the words put into the mouth of the Theotokos: "What is the birth of the Son?" In addition to “Christmas”, examples of other words with a combination of the letters “zhd” (affirmation, hope, before, condemnation) can be given. In liturgical books, you can find their spelling in different ways: both with the letter "d" and without it. We read as it is written in the book. So, we can safely congratulate people on the Nativity of Christ, and say “Christmas” in prayer according to the old Russian tradition. The New Believers completely abandoned this archaic phonetic form, as well as changed the pronunciation of many other words (Forerunner instead of Forerunner, Nikolai instead of Nikola, etc.).”

The history of the feast of the Nativity of Christ briefly. A Brief History of the Nativity

The history of the Church of Christ knows many discrepancies with the true teaching of the apostles, it was expressed in the distortion of general theology and, as a result, the very teaching about Christ was distorted. This also became the reason that the holiday was separated from the general celebration of the Incarnation, which combined three events, and a separate Christmas was introduced.

The separation of the holiday occurred in the 4th century under Pope Julius. By setting the date for the celebration of December 25, the Church created a counterbalance to the cult of the sun, which the pagans celebrated on this day. The celebration was so popular that even Christians took part in it, thereby sinning against the second commandment. Thus, the introduction of the feast of the Nativity of Christ replaced the pagan tradition of celebrating the winter solstice and turned people's hearts to the true God.

The day for the holiday was extremely symbolic and logical - after all, the symbol of the sun, like no other, befits the memory of the event of Christmas, since Christ is the Sun of truth, the Light of the world, the Conqueror of death - as the apostles call Him.

According to the great Christian minds of world magnitude, such as John Chrysostom, Blessed Augustine, St. Cyril of Alexandria and others - the date of Christmas on December 25 really has a high historical accuracy in calculating the day of the Nativity of Christ.

The introduction of the chronology from the Nativity of Christ occurred in 525 and is associated with the significance that it had for all mankind. Two eras - before the birth of the Messiah, before the possibility of eternal life and the forgiveness of sins - and after. The monk Dionysius the Small, who calculated the events to make them the basis of the new calendar, made a mistake with the calculations - to be precise, now it is 4 years earlier than it is commonly believed and the current time account has this error. But the event, nevertheless, remained the main one in the history of mankind - that is why the chronology is from the Nativity of Christ.

The history of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, even briefly for children, is of interest not only to them, but also to adults. This interest has not disappeared for 2000 years. Hearing the name of Jesus Christ, you will not be able to forget it. The sooner children are told about the Son of God, for which he was born, the easier it will be for them to understand and feel how much God loves people.

Hearing the name of Jesus Christ, you will not be able to forget it

The story of the Nativity for children

For children, a brief history of the feast of the Nativity of Christ should be told in an adapted way so that they remember the meaning of the celebration and the meaning of this day. What is the peculiarity of the birth of Jesus Christ and why this baby became the most famous person worldwide.

If you are a parent of preschool children, you can tell a short story of the birth of Christ in this format:

One day on Earth, a special boy was born. His mother, the Virgin Mary, named the baby Jesus. A bright star in the sky announced to the whole world about His birth. The star was so unusual that three ancient scientists decided to go to the place over which it shone and find out what kind of event happened there. When they got there, they saw that in a small cave, next to their mother, in a manger on hay, a baby was lying and they realized that the prediction about the birth of the Savior had come true for all people. This is how Jesus Christ was born.

The arrival of Jesus into the world was accompanied by a bright celestial phenomenon - a moving star in the sky

Below is Short story Christmas for schoolchildren.

The history of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ began a very long time ago, 2000 years ago. This day is celebrated every year on January 7th. The night before Christmas is the most magical. It's called Christmas Eve. On this day, songs glorifying the birth of the Mission are sung.

The coming into the world of Jesus was accompanied by a bright celestial phenomenon - a moving star in the sky, which was visible from everywhere. It was named the Star of Bethlehem, after the name of the town near which Jesus was born. She helped three magi find the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

The Magi were ancient magicians, sorcerers, in those days their opinion was the main thing, both for ordinary people as well as for kings. History has preserved the names of these Magi: Caspar, Melchior and Belshazzar. As expected, on his birthday, they brought gifts (gifts) to the baby Christ, thereby recognizing that little Jesus is a special person and he has an important saving mission for all people. In those days, gold, frankincense and myrrh were considered the most valuable gifts.

Magi were ancient magicians

The mother of Jesus Christ is called Mary. She was also an unusual person, because it was Her God who chose to give birth to His Son, which is why Mary is called the Virgin. And he helped the Virgin Mary very kind and good man named Joseph. He was the earthly father of Jesus Christ and cared for the Virgin Mary and the son of God. Joseph knew that the Lord had given him a great responsibility.

The mother of Jesus Christ is called Mary

When the time came for the baby to be born, Joseph and the Virgin Mary were on their way to the city of Bethlehem. It was already late and they had to stay in a cave for the night. Where, usually, shepherds hid with animals if bad weather caught them. Little Jesus was born in unusual conditions, instead of the usual arena, little Christ was placed in a feeder where they put hay for animals. By the way, it is called a nursery, just like the group in kindergarten for the little ones.

Christmas: listen, watch, feel

All these events are displayed on the icon "Nativity of Christ". Although the situation is very different from traditional conditions the birth of children, this did not prevent his parents from surrounding the baby with maternal care and paternal warmth. And the fact that Jesus was born in a cave suggests that it is not so important where you were born, it is important for what. Jesus Christ became the Savior of all people who desire to be with God forever.

What is Christmas Eve and why is it called that?

What is Christmas Eve and how it should be celebrated - The name itself is believed to come from the word "sochivo" (the same as "kolivo" - boiled grains of rice or wheat). It is supposed to eat "sochivo" or "kolivo" on the eve of the holiday only after the liturgy, which is combined with the vespers.

How did the feast of the Nativity of Christ come about?

In 337, Pope Julius I approved the date of December 25 as the date of the Nativity of Christ. Since then, the entire Christian world has been celebrating Christmas on December 25th. The exception is the Armenian Church, which celebrates Christmas and the Epiphany as a single feast of the Epiphany on January 6th.
