Birds day crafts from napkins. Do-it-yourself birds from household napkins

Not many people know that April 1 is celebrated not only as the day of laughter, the day of brownies, but also the day of birds. The history of this holiday begins in 1906 with the signing of the International Convention for the Protection of Birds. But even in more ancient times, the arrival of migratory birds was celebrated especially as a sign of the onset of spring and the renewal of nature. In honor of this event, housewives baked larks from dough, and children, under the guidance of adults, hung bird houses. In our time, the tradition of celebrating this holiday has been resumed since 1994. In kindergarten and school, children prepare crafts from the most different materials, making a symbol of spring - a bird from natural material, cotton pads, paper and fabric. Making bird crafts becomes a great way for children to show their Creative skills and get to know the world of birds better.

Craft "Birds"

We will need:


Crafts "Birds" from cotton pads

We will need:

  • cotton discs;
  • wooden skewer;
  • colored paper;
  • plastic eyes;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


Craft "Bird" from fabric

We will need:

  • thick paper for patterns;
  • remnants of natural fabrics and felt;
  • synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • pins;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • buttons;
  • braid.


  1. Let's draw on paper a pattern of crafts from two parts: the body and the wing.
  2. We fold a piece of fabric that is suitable in size in half, right side inward and circle the pattern. We pin the folded fabric with pins so that it does not move while sewing.
  3. We circle the wing pattern on a piece of felt or fleece.
  4. Cut out the body of the bird, not forgetting the seam allowances (1-1.5 cm). Since felt and fleece do not require additional processing of the edges, we cut out the wings from them along the contour of the pattern, without allowances.
  5. In order for the craft to be hung, we will prepare a piece of decorative braid.
  6. Insert the braid between the details of the body (Fig. 16) in such a way that its edges peek out a little from above.
  7. Sew the body along the contour, leaving a small opening at the bottom for turning and stuffing. In places where sharp corners are obtained, the fabric must be cut close to the seam.
  8. We turn our bird inside out, straighten the corners with a skewer or knitting needle.
  9. We stuff the bird with synthetic winterizer.

Many do not realize that a lot can be made from ordinary napkins. beautiful crafts. The material will help to create a decoration for any holiday at no extra cost.

It will take a few minutes to complete the craft and even children can create it younger age. Kids will love making napkin appliqués, and adults will help them remember their childhood and decorate the room colorfully.

But how to make crafts from napkins with your own hands using improvised materials?

Special serving

Ordinary paper napkins can be found on every table anywhere in the world. A rich imagination will allow you to create many different shapes from a napkin.

Origami is popular, with which you can make many swans or wonderful flowers. You can find many ways to create paper jewelry, which, thanks to the great possibilities, will allow you to create a wonderful craft.

On the Internet you can find many photos of crafts from napkins on any topic. Often there are figures made in the form of flowers.

Examples of creating paper flowers

Step-by-step instructions for crafts from an ordinary napkin:

  • A green napkin is laid out in the shape of a triangle;
  • We install it in a glass, leaving both ends outside the glass;
  • The yellow napkin is folded in the same way and twisted to make a tube;
  • The underside is bent and the flower is straightened;
  • The resulting rose is lowered into a glass with a green napkin.

Pocket for various cutlery:

  • The napkin from any corner is twisted into a tube to the center;
  • The tube is bent into two equal parts so that the holes remain in front;
  • On the opposite side, the edge is bent to the front.

Children's crafts

Consider a few crafts for children made from napkins.


It will be entertaining for children to create various figures together with their parents.

Dandelion requires the following supplies:

  • PVA glue;
  • Paper;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Dye;
  • stapler.

Making crafts from napkins is an easy task that even children can do. The stalk of the future dandelion is drawn on the sheet. A ball of the desired size is cut out of a yellow napkin, which is fixed in the middle with a stapler.

Scissors make cuts along the edges towards the center, and the resulting flower is glued to the paper. The green tissue paper will be the dandelion leaves that stick to the stem.

After the glue dries, it is necessary to straighten the flower, bending and pressing all the incised edges on a yellow napkin. You get a fluffy flower that will delight adults and children with its appearance.


To create a craft you need:

  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • White paper;
  • Pencil.

A butterfly is drawn with a pencil on paper. The necessary pieces are cut out of napkins so that they correspond to the size of the drawn butterfly. This will develop motor skills in kids and they will like it.

The resulting parts are glued to paper. The craft will turn out colorful, voluminous and decorate the room.



For crafts you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Napkins;
  • Pencil;
  • stapler.

Draw a branch on cardboard with a pencil. Scissors cut out the body of a bird from paper of various colors, which is glued to cardboard. A green napkin is cut into small pieces and rolled into small tubes.

The resulting tubes are glued to the contour of the branch. We cut out a ball from a red napkin, which we fix with a stapler in the center.

The edges are cut and the circle is glued to the body of the bird. The edges are straightened similarly to a dandelion to create volume.

Room decoration with napkins

From napkins and a stapler and scissors, you can create many different flowers. To make a peony, you need several napkins.

A small instruction for crafts from a napkin:

  • A circle is cut out with waves along the edges;
  • Scissors make an incision towards the center;
  • The middle is fixed with a stapler;
  • Cuts along the edges are straightened in any sequence.


Can be cut out of cardboard beautiful numbers and decorate with napkins. A number is created from cardboard and pasted over with paper. You can cover with newspaper and cover with a primer. Next, corrugated paper is glued onto the figure.

We create flowers using the peony method or in another way. For one flower, you need several colored napkins. It will take some time to practice, but it's worth it.

Circles are cut out of colored napkins, fastened in the middle and straightened along the edges. Flowers are glued to the number in random order.

The created craft will serve as an excellent decoration for any holiday.

Photo of crafts from napkins


Many here wrote that they have an optigrill from Tefal in the kitchen. I probably bought it a couple of years ago, in a well-known German store. But somehow I did not develop a close friendship with him. In my dreams, for example, such neat cutlets were drawn, but in real life it turned out that all the juice flows out of them and they look like some kind of inedible napkin. Sometimes I fried meat and vegetables in it, but you need to buy good meat to make it tasty, and the vegetables on our menu are all kind of non-grilled. When...


Thanks for the idea, I'll definitely try it. Can you tell me where to buy this paper? And can you tell me more about the "snowflake"? For some reason I never used it.

Well, I don't know, I always have perfect cutlets in this grill, even without paper.

I posted schemes in little birds in the album (work for one hour) in an album, maybe someone will come in handy for napkins or miniatures

Oh, yesterday in the kindergarten puzzled. My 3-year-old beauty will play a fly-sokotukha in a play in a kindergarten in December. They said to make wings so that they also hold tight. We don’t have a dad, I broke my whole head. Well, I’ll make rims out of wire, wrap them with transparent cling film, which of course will turn out for 15 minutes in terms of strength, but I can’t figure out how to attach it to a child. Does anyone know where you can buy ready-made wings like this? Or maybe someone will rent for denyushku?


We went through this, now I'll try to explain. You draw these wings on cardboard (it turns out like 4 petals fastened at one point, cut out to make a cardboard frame, about 1-2 cm wide. Then you paste a transparent fabric on this frame. Or a film, but the fabric looks prettier. And then on two pins you fasten the structure to the middle of the back (just at the connection point of the wings. If you are afraid of pins, you sew it on with a couple of stitches right before the holiday. And on your head a headband with a wire antennae, if you are not too lazy to do it. Eh, there is no scanner at hand, I would I sent you a photo, you can see everything there.

and if you do it on your hands, and not on your back? and they will definitely hold on, and it’s beautiful when they swing their arms up and down ... And you can do without a wire :)

Natalya Plakhteeva

A small bird lives with me,

In the morning he chirps, sings songs.

Spring has fully come into its own. The warm sun warms the earth with its rays, flowers bloom, birds sing everywhere.

I offer a very simple way to make beautiful little “Small Birds” with your own hands. At the same time, it is not necessary to use in your work sewing machine, or you can just sew them with a needle and thread. This will give the finished bird a very original look.

For work I needed:

Multi-colored household napkins;

bird pattern;

bird wings template


Preparation method

Using the template, draw the contour of a bird on a napkin and cut out two blanks

In the same way, cut two blanks for one wing of a bird, which will give it rigidity

Choose the color of the wings for the bird to your liking. I did it like this

Take a needle and thread and sew two blanks of the bird's body, leaving room for filling it with synthetic winterizer. Don't forget to sew on the beak!

Fill the inside of the bird with synthetic winterizer

Sew up the hole through which the bird was filled with padding polyester. Sew wings and eyes on both sides. Use braid, lace, beads or sequins to decorate a bird

Here are such cute little "Birds-small" I got!

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Attribute for music lessons with your own hands. Master class "Little Birds"

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director, MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Tale", Petrozavodsk

Description: this master class created for music directors, educators and creative people who love to create with their own hands.

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Purpose: creating an attribute for dance compositions, games; interior design

Target: production of attributes for dances, games in kindergarten

- develop creativity, imagination
- use available materials in the work to create children's attributes
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Children really like it when they are offered various attributes in their hands during music lessons. For the dance composition "Birds" with the kids, I needed 25 pieces of birds. In stores, the cheapest one costs 100 rubles. Buying for a whole group is a little expensive ... I decided to make them myself. Moreover, the material from which I decided to make them, affordable, is very pleasant to the touch and the children are happy to hold such birds in their hands - they are soft, light.

I want to bring to your attention the option of making an attribute from the most accessible materials, which can be used in dances, outdoor games with preschool children.

Materials for work:
- kitchen household napkins in yellow and blue colors 30 * 30 cm.
- synthetic winterizer
- scissors
- threads of yellow, white, black colors
- needle
- satin ribbon 0.6 mm
- pen (for tracing the stencil)
- bird pattern

Cut out the necessary templates

We take a napkin yellow color, bend the edge (to immediately cut out 2 parts of the body of the bird) according to the size of the template. From one napkin I got 4 blanks of the body of a bird.

we impose a template of the torso (for whom it is convenient, you can circle the template with a pen, and then cut it out).

I cut right out of the pattern.

On a napkin blue color apply the template of the tummy and the wing

cut out 2 wings and a tummy of a bird

now we begin to sew the details - the tummy with the first part of the body below. The seam is simple - a stitch over the edge. The material does not fray around the edges.

sew the details to the base of the tail

sew the second part of the body with the tummy on the bottom

that's what happens

two parts of the body must be sewn from above. We start sewing from the place where the bird's beak is located

reach the middle of the back of the body

to give the bird volume, we insert a synthetic winterizer inside

sew the back of the body to the base of the tail

take a colored satin ribbon 0.6 mm wide. We measure the length of 25 centimeters, cut off the desired length

tie the ribbon with a bow to the tail, pulling it together

sew wings on each side of the body with white threads

we take a needle with a black thread and sew the stitches several times on one side and on the other - we get eyes.

our bird is ready

(the color scheme of the birds can be varied)
