Master class "making a belt". Master class "Weaving belts by pulling" Weaving belts using the pulling technique

Weaving belts by jerking

Prepared by a technology teacher

Maruleva L.I.

MBOU secondary school No. 3

Art. Fastovetskaya

The belt is an indispensable accessory folk costume- both masculine and feminine. Its value as a talisman was great among all East Slavic peoples. It was believed that the belt protects from evil spirits, especially from forest household spirits. The belt served two functions: utilitarian and aesthetic. Belted clothing, tightly fitting to the figure, warmed better, provided freedom of movement during work. The belt also played a significant role in the performance of various ritual ceremonies. Among the things presented to the newborn, there was certainly a belt; at the wedding, the boyfriend was girded with a towel; the dead were buried with their belts. When divining, the belt and cross were necessarily removed. In the Don and the North Caucasus, a belt was worn over a sundress, shirt or skirt. Its length was from 1.5 to 2 m. Caftans and fur coats were girded with silk sashes. The technique of making belts is very diverse: they were woven, woven, knitted. The so-called pulling of belts is known - an ancient way of weaving on the fingers, as well as weaving on a fork of silk or woolen threads. Woven belts were made mainly without a loom - on boards, on a "thread" and "reed".

The simplest way to make belts, round cords, braids is the so-called twitching - a kind of weaving, especially often used in Ryazan, Kaluga, Penza, Tver, etc. This method does not require special equipment. Having mastered it, you can weave beautiful multi-colored bookmarks for books or braid for finishing a linen apron, skirt, etc. For work, you can use woolen threads or floss threads in two additions of two, three or four colors.

Sequence of work.

1. Prepare 5 thick woolen threads 2 m long.

2. Make 5 loops by folding the threads in half.

6. Release the ring finger of the left hand for work. To do this, remove the loop from the middle finger to the index finger, from the ring finger to the middle one.

7. Pass the ring finger of the left hand through loops 1 and 4, sorting through them as in plain weave. Pick up loop 5 from below and pull it through loops 4 and 1 towards you. This technique is called a "scrambler"

8. Release the ring finger right hand the same as in paragraph 6.

9. Spread both hands to the sides and pull the loops towards you so that the threads connect more tightly.

10. Repeat the entire cycle to the desired length of the product. The pattern is formed from the alternation of loops different colors.

11. Remove the finished work and arrange the ends.

The purpose of the lesson: to form knowledge about the belt, to reveal the meaning of the belt in the Russian folk costume through the use of handicraft skills, computer technology and historical knowledge.

Lesson objectives:


  • Practice computer presentation skills.
  • Give you the skills you need to make various kinds weaving.
  • Expand knowledge about the belt as an element of the Russian national costume.


  • To develop in students the ability to find the relationship of folk clothes with the landscape and economic activities of people.
  • To develop in students the ability to use universal learning skills.
  • Comprehensive development of children's artistic abilities by means of needlework, ICT and generalization of historical material.


  • To educate a person who knows the historical heritage of his ancestors and is familiar with the cultural values ​​​​of his people.
  • Raising students' interest in folk art through the development of creative abilities.
  • To cultivate the ability to work in a team, achieving perfection in execution and completeness in work.

Lesson type: integrated (history, technology, informatics).

Visual aids:

  • posters with images of traditional folk costumes;
  • stand with belts made in various techniques weaving and weaving;
  • exhibition of household items;
  • mini-stands with ready-made samples;
  • presentation for the lesson Presentation);
  • presentation instruction cards Annex 1);
  • instruction cards for making belts using the tugging technique ( Appendix 2).


  • demo computer;
  • projector;
  • computers for students;
  • a mannequin in a traditional Russian costume;
  • spinning wheel, spindle, combs for combing fibers.

Materials: yarn of different colors for practical work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Students are pre-divided into groups of 7-10 people, which allows the use of a group form of work, and forms an idea of ​​mutual assistance among students.

The lesson begins with setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

II. Learning new material.

History teacher block.

Guys, today we will talk about clothes. Clothing has always been functional (Slide 1).

Why do people need clothes? (Slide 2)

Children's answers: to be warm, for beauty, to protect the human body from external influences.

When did the clothes appear? Find this historical period in the table.(Slide 3)

Children's answers: several million years ago, in the Stone Age, in a primitive society.

Why did the earliest people start making clothes, and what was it like.(Slide 3)

Children's answers: because it was cold. Animal skins and plant leaves were used as clothing.

Teacher's word: Millennia passed, and people tamed animals. Of course, the cattle breeder was sorry to kill animals just for the sake of clothing. And people came up with ways to take possession of the skin of an animal without killing it. (Slide 4)

What do you think people came up with?(Slide 5)

Children's answers: people have learned to cut animals.

Teacher's word: Sheared wool was spun, and then fabric was made. Fabric was also made from some plants. (Slide 6)

What else was made from wool yarn?(Slide 7).

Children's answers: they made warm clothes.

Teacher's word: We have spinning wheels in our office, which were used by residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Who can show you how to spin?

The girls come up to the spinning wheels and show. The students studied the technology of spinning at technology lessons using video.

Thanks guys for active work. From your answers it is clear that you know how primitive people lived and what they dressed in. Centuries passed, initially people were equal in status and wore similar clothes. Then came the rich and the poor, there were differences in dress (Slide 8).

Look at the slide and tell me who is a rich person here and who is poor? (Slide 9)

Children show differences in clothes on the interactive whiteboard.

Teacher's word: Of course, the rich and the poor used expensive fabrics, jewelry, and furs in their clothes. And often they began to wear foreign clothes to distinguish themselves from the common people. In Rus', for example, princes and boyars wore Byzantine costume, and simple people- traditional Russian (Slides 10-11).

But in any clothing there was an element without which it could not exist.

Today in class we will open the chest. It contains this item. It was invented back in the Stone Age, but it still serves each of us faithfully.

What do you think it is?

Guess what lies in the chest, we will help a small crossword puzzle (Slide 12).

The first letter - the name of the ancient toy of the puppet theater (Petrushka) begins with it.

The second letter - the name of the month begins with it, which in the old days was called "leaf fall" (October).

The third letter - the name of the heroine of Russian fairy tales begins with her, who has a bone leg (Yaga).

The last letter is the beginning of the name of the Russian holiday, which was celebrated at the height of winter (Christmas).

So what is it?

Open the chest, take out the belt. Look how they are all different, elegant (Slides 13-14).

Guys, why do you think our ancestors wore a belt?

Children's answers: so that the clothes do not fall off, so that it is more convenient, for beauty.

Teacher's word: That's right, and he also performed various functions: Some objects were “laid” behind the belt, while others were hung from the belt. For example, a sword, a knife, weapons were worn by warriors behind their belts. In the old days, they hung a mirror, a needle bed, amulets from evil spirits and bags for money from the belt. Such bags were called "Kalita" One of the rich Moscow princes Ivan Danilovich was even nicknamed Kalita (Presentation. Slide 15). Under this name, he went down in history.

The belt had another task - a secret ...

Tell me, what shape does the belt tied at the waist take?

Children's answers: the shape of a circle.

And what did the circle symbol represent in ancient times among most peoples?

Children's answers: the circle depicted the sun. (Slide 16)

Teacher's word:

The circle of the ancient Slavs denoted the religious symbol of the One God - the Family. And he was a guardian. So, the belt was a talisman, he protected the stomach. After all, the word "stomach" in ancient times had the meaning of "life". Thus, it turns out that the belt protected life. Therefore, it turns out that everyone should wear it.

Guys, have you ever heard the expression "unbelted"? What does it mean?

Answers of children: indulges, misbehaves.

Teacher's word: Right. This means, as it were, he lost his human form.

The belt protected from misfortunes and evil spirits.

When was born Small child, they put on a belt of warm wool, intertwined with mother's hair. The first belt - the first amulet (Slide 17). And these belts had magical powers. Children grew up and left home. Mom will take out the belt, look at it. If the belt is good and clean, then the child is doing well. And if rot appears, mold, then trouble, you need to rush to the rescue.

The belt was an indispensable element of the Russian folk costume (Slide 18). But they tied it up in different ways: front, side, back. Women - under the chest, at the waist. Men are under the belly.

and made belts different ways (Slides 19-23). Today we have a small exhibition in our office: here you see belts made in different techniques: wicker, on a needle (“in a bottle”), woven on planks, on a reed.

Now we are in for an exciting journey through time. We will fast forward several centuries ago and get acquainted with one of the types of weaving.

III. Preparation for practical work.

Technology teacher block.

Today we will focus on one of the ancient types of belt weaving - weaving using the “Jerking” technique. The technique of "pulling" is a very ancient method of making braid. As far back as the 10th century, the Slavs wove such narrow, strong ribbons for trimming ponies (skirts), for buttonholes, for “gashniks” (strings for pants), for “ruffles”. Ribbons of thick woolen threads were used to make bracelets. This ancient type of weaving has not been forgotten over time. At the beginning of the 20th century, braid and belts were made in this way in Russian villages. Now in some cities in Russia and abroad, as part of the program for the revival of crafts, classes are being held to make belts from “twitchy” braid. Mastering the technique of "twitching" is easy. They “pulled” the threads together, moreover, one worker held the end of the finished braid and tightened the weaving, and the second put her fingers on which the loops of the woven threads were put on. Rearranging the loops, we got a pattern - any, as far as the imagination and the number of threads were enough. According to the conclusion of experts, up to 4.5 m of braid could be “pulled” per day. Such “pulling” can also weave flat thin belts, ribbons, ties. This method is convenient for making small children's belts and all kinds of ties for the household. Our grandmothers wove belts themselves, but we live in the modern world. And more often we use not home-made belts, but purchased ones. Yes, the clothes have changed.

Tell me, guys, where can we find information about national Russian clothes?

Children's answers: from grandmothers, in books, on the Internet.

Teacher's word: That's right, now we move on to the practical part of our lesson.

One group will work in modern time. The guys will come to the computers and will create presentations about the belts.

Another group will go back in time and try to weave the belt with their own hands.

Students are divided into groups and disperse to complete the practical part.

IV. Practical work (introductory and ongoing briefing).

Informatics teacher's block.

Presentation coaching

Today we will consolidate your knowledge on the topics "Formatting and editing documents", "Working with pictures and text". But we will not fulfill simple job, but creative. On each desktop of the computer there is a folder with materials for today's lesson. All materials are united by one theme - "Belt". Your task is to select from the proposed material information relevant to your topic and present it in the form of a presentation. Instructions for working with the presentation is located at the computer. Try to use both textual and graphical information. Do not forget to design the first (title) page of your work and choose the right background (design). Save your work in the same folder.

Topics for individual works:

  1. The role of the belt in the national costume.
  2. Belt as a talisman.
  3. Methods for making belts.
  4. Belt in modern clothes.
  5. The use of various types of weaving in the manufacture of accessories.

Instructions for working with the PowerPoint program - Annex 1, Annex 2.

Technology teacher's word.

Briefing on the implementation of the element of the belt in the technique of "pulling"

Today we will learn how to make a belt element using the “Twitch” technique, which can be used as a bookmark for books or hand baubles.

Pay attention to the finished patterns of weaving.

Demonstration of a video about "Weaving by twitching" -

Consider the stages of weaving. (Slides 24-28)

Before you are the instruction cards on which we will work ( Annex 3).

Students perform practical work within 15-20 minutes.

Summing up (demonstration of finished samples and presentations).

A word to teachers of history and technology.

Here are our completed works. We are back with you now.

You probably remember how primary school elementary school girls had fun at breaks with the game of "strings". A string or elastic band is pulled between the spread fingers of the hands; two players try to rearrange their fingers so that they get the most beautiful and complex geometric figure. It cannot be ruled out that this game retained an echo of the ancient method of weaving - “pulling” the braid.

Everyone Thanks a lot. This concludes our lesson.

Pulling with four loops

Four threads are taken: a B C D(Fig. 3 A). One end of the threads is fixed, and the free ends are intertwined as follows: thread (A) overlaps the thread (b), a thread (G) overlapped with a thread (V), but she covers the thread (A)(Fig. 3 B). Then thread (A) overlaps the thread (V), a thread (G) overlapped with a thread (b), a thread (V) overlaps the thread (b)(Fig. 3B). After that, the entire base should be pulled towards itself, nailing the resulting weave.

ill. 3. Pulling using five loops.

Loops at one end are put on the fingers of both hands, and their other end is fixedly fixed. On the right hand, the loops are located on the index, middle and ring fingers (loops a B C), on the left hand - on the middle finger and on the index finger (loops d, e)(Fig. 4 A).

With the free ring finger of the left hand, the extreme loop (A) pulled through two other loops (b, c), then the entire base should be pulled towards itself, thus nailing the resulting weaving (Fig. 4 B).

Then loop (b) is transferred from the middle to the index finger of the right hand, and the loop (V) from the ring finger to the middle one. Then with the ring finger of the right hand, the extreme loop (e) is pulled through the loops of the left hand (d, a), the upper and lower loops are interchanged, then the resulting weave should be nailed again. Thus, each time the last loop is pulled through the two nearest loops, either from left to right, then from right to left.

ill. 4. Deposition of weaving

ill. 5. Weaving "on the bottle".

In this case, one common thread (A) the warp threads are tied, then the thread (A) tied around the neck of the bottle. Now the extreme warp threads, acting as weft, are sequentially intertwined with all the other warp threads, passing either under them or overlapping them (Fig. 6).

ill. 6. Weaving "on the block".

Pins are stuck around the hole of the shoe with a hole in the middle or the coil. A thread is looped over each of them, which is then threaded through the hole in the shoe and tied in a knot. Then the same thread in the form of a loop is thrown over each pin in turn, while the previous loop is removed from the pin and pulled through the newly formed loop. After the row is completed, the finished cord with the lower knot must be pulled down through the hole (Fig. 7).

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To begin with, we will weave a short bookmark into a book about 30 cm long, using colored floss threads in two additions (not split) for this. You can take threads of two, three or four colors, coloring them well.

Before you start tugging, the threads need to be prepared, i.e. make five loops of the same length out of them, given that the weaving will turn out to be one and a half times shorter than the loops. To make a bookmark about 30 cm long, the length of the prepared loops must be at least 45-50 cm. On one side of the loop, we firmly tie it together and attach it to some fixed object: a nail in the wall, a door handle, etc. We dress the free ends of the loops on the fingers: three loops - on the index, middle and ring fingers of the left hand, two loops - on the index and middle fingers of the right hand (hands should be turned with palms facing you, fingers slightly bent, Fig. a). The ring finger of the right hand remains free to work.

a - the first stage; b - the second stage.

Let's pass the free ring finger of the right hand into the loops, dressed on the fingers of the left hand, pick up the far loop down up and we will drag it through the other loops towards ourselves, after which it will be dressed on the ring finger of the right hand (Fig. b). The ring finger of the left hand was freed for work. Now we will pass this free finger through the loops dressed on the fingers of the right hand, but this time differently than the first time - changing the lower and upper halves of the loops in places (we pass the free finger top down), we pick up the far loop and drag it towards ourselves - the loop will be on the ring finger of the left hand again. Now let's repeat the whole cycle from the beginning. We drag the far loop through the loops of the left hand in the usual way, and through the loops of the right hand - each time changing the upper and lower halves of the loops in places. Having dragged the next loop, you need to spread both hands to the sides and pull on all the loops to tighten the braid. This should be done evenly so that the bookmark is even, does not expand or narrow. The pattern is formed by alternating loops of different colors. Having made the desired length of the bookmark, cut off the rest of the loops, but leave a few centimeters on the brush (from 3 cm to 5-6 cm). We do the brush like this: we take a thin thread of one of the colors taken in the work, we wind it very tightly on a bundle of threads at the very end of the weave, gradually shifting down to the ends of the threads. After winding 1-2 cm, thread the tip of the thread with a needle into the middle of the winding and cut it off. Align the tip of the brush and also cut off. The same brush must be done on the other side. The bookmark is ready.

In this way, you can also weave a round cord. To do this, you need to pull the loops equally from the left and right hands, without swapping the upper and lower halves of the loops (for example, always threading your finger into the loops from the bottom up).

For a flat cord knitted from seven loops, on left hand put on 4 loops, on the right - three. tab. 2, (Figure 1-1)
On the right hand, move the loops from the ring finger to the little finger, from the middle to the index finger, thread the middle finger into the loop on the index, as a result, the upper loop will be located on two fingers. (Figure 1-2)

Then insert the index finger of the right hand into the loop on the little finger of the left hand, pass through the loop on the right finger and the finger along with the loop, as a result, the old loop is on the middle finger, the new one on the index finger of the right hand. (Table 2, Figures 1-31, 1-32, 1-33)

Half time is over. The number of loops in each hand has changed, there are three loops in the left hand and four in the right. The process must now be repeated in a mirror image, the loop passes from the right hand to the left. (Table 2, Figure 1-4)

If the length of the cord or braid should be more than one meter, then you need to work together, since the large length of the loops does not allow one person to spread their arms to the desired width to tighten the braid. In this case, one actually pulls, and the second helps to tighten the loops (two in one, three in the other direction). In this way, you can weave a narrow patterned belt of woolen threads of different colors for a summer dress made of one-colored or harsh linen fabric.
