Giant parachute and field kitchen: how parks will celebrate Airborne Forces Day. Every year in the cities of Russia, the Airborne Forces Day is celebrated in early August If tomorrow is a landing: how Russia celebrates Airborne Forces Day

On August 2, Russian "blue berets" will again gather in the capital's parks to celebrate their main holiday- Airborne Forces Day! In our article you will find out what program we have prepared for everyone on this day.

Events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Russian Airborne Forces will be held in Moscow on August 2 in Gorky Park and Sokolniki. According to the portal of the capital's mayor's office, a giant white parachute will be hung over the main entrance to the Gorky Central Park. A field kitchen will be set up in the park for all visitors. The celebration will take place from 12:00 to 17:00.

Airborne Forces Day in Sokolniki and Gorky Park 2018: Not an anniversary, but still a date

The airborne troops were formed on August 2, 1930, when a unit of 12 people parachuted for the first time during exercises near Voronezh. In 2018 Airborne Forces of Russia celebrates 87 years.

In 2018, the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation turns 88 years old. In honor of this event, on August 2, Moscow will host a number of festive events. In the capital, it will be possible to see the ceremonial processions of paratroopers, demonstration performances of the "blue berets", take part in master classes in hand-to-hand combat, visit thematic fairs and exhibitions. Not without holiday concerts.

And it will begin holiday program Airborne Forces Day-2018 from the procession in honor of the heavenly patron of the "winged infantry" Elijah the Prophet: its participants will proceed from the Church of the Prophet Elijah on Ilyinka to the Execution Ground on Red Square, where a thanksgiving service will be served.

Then the heroes of the occasion will be congratulated officials, after which demonstration performances will be held on the main square of the country, as well as a solemn march of the guard of honor company of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (RVVDKU). And the culmination of the holiday will be a concert on Vasilyevsky Spusk.

Gorky Park, as usual, will become the main gathering place for "blue berets" in the capital. The tradition of celebrating the Day of the "winged infantry" here appeared in the early 90s of the last century: then, every August 2, training landings from helicopters were held in the park. However, in 1997, flights over the city were banned, but PKiO remained the main meeting place for paratroopers.

Airborne Forces Day in Sokolniki and Gorky Park 2018: Blue berets celebrate their day again

Celebrations in honor of the Airborne Forces Day - 2018 are planned not only in Gorky Park, but also in Izmailovsky Park, as well as on Poklonnaya Hill.

On August 2, 2018, the main events in Gorky Park, as before, will unfold on Pushkinskaya Embankment. In particular, military musical groups will again perform there, which will perform songs that are iconic for the Blue Berets.

There will also be festivities in Sokolniki Park. For example, last year it was possible to watch the parade of servicemen and veterans of the Airborne Forces, visit an exhibition of military equipment, listen to favorite songs of the "winged infantry", take pictures in a vest and a blue beret in special photo zones.

Vests in the city - a million blue berets celebrate their professional holiday today. The highly mobile formidable force of the country, which has no equal! Airborne troops - 88 years. Throughout this time, the paratroopers performed their military duty with honor and wrote many glorious pages in the history of the country.

Today all over Russia there are festive concerts, commemorative events, folk festivals. An extensive program is also planned in Moscow. And it began with a prayer service in the temple of the prophet Elijah, whom the paratroopers consider their heavenly patron.

In the very center of the capital, final preparations are underway for the start of the celebration. Exactly at noon, demonstration performances of paratrooper parade crews will begin on Red Square. Traditionally, hundreds of people come here to the city center to see them. Final touch before performance. Right now, a company of cadets of the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne School is bringing their movements to the ideal. In addition to them, the youngest pupils of military-patriotic clubs and the combined orchestra of the Airborne Forces.

Very soon, military personnel, veterans, residents of Moscow and guests of the capital will pass the procession along Red Square to the place of execution, where there will be a solemn prayer service. It so happened historically: the day of the Airborne Forces coincides with the great Christian holiday - Elijah's Day. Early in the morning in the church of Elijah the Prophet, who is considered the heavenly patron of the Airborne Forces, a divine liturgy was held.

The history of the “winged infantry” troops began on August 2, 1930, when 12 people landed on parachutes of an airborne unit for the first time at the exercises of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh. The Day of the Airborne Troops will be celebrated brightly, colorfully and cheerfully all over the country today. Moscow is just beginning to turn into a vest-blue color.

The paratroopers say that as they celebrate August 2, they do not celebrate a single holiday in the family, and even those who are retired claim that there are no “former paratroopers”. In the capital, on Vasilevsky Spusk, after the demonstration performance there will be a festive concert. But it will be possible to meet with your colleagues, celebrate the day of the Airborne Forces not only here. Festive events in almost all parks. It will be possible to go to the exhibition of military equipment in Gorky Park, and demonstration performances in hand-to-hand combat will also take place there.

Blue berets have been lucky with the weather for several years in a row - the same blue sky, which means swimming in the fountains cannot be avoided.

In Ryazan, which has the unofficial status of the capital of the Airborne Forces, this year they also celebrate the centenary of the legendary landing school named after Vasily Margelov - the famous Uncle Vasya, who is considered the founder of the "winged guard".

In honor of the centennial anniversary, balloonists raised a 100-meter St. George ribbon into the sky. It was attached to two balloons. The festivities are just getting started. The whole city will be walking today.

The holiday was also widely celebrated in Vladivostok. There was a rally "No one but us." The column with the flags of the Airborne Forces drove from Russky Island to Victory Park, where the paratroopers laid flowers at the monument to the Primorsky people who died during the war. Well, then - festivities and songs with a guitar.

Unique historical documents on the day of the Airborne Forces were published by the Ministry of Defense about the first pages of the glorious military path of the "winged guard" and not only. Previously, the materials were classified, and now they are available to the general public.

So, already at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the autumn of 1941, the airborne brigade, finding itself in the rear of the advancing Nazis, fought its way to its own, destroying a large formation of the enemy with artillery and tanks. The fighters acted boldly and decisively, instilling such fear in the Nazis that subsequently the Wehrmacht command even issued a special order - soldiers in blue caps and aviation uniforms should not be taken prisoner.

Among the declassified papers, there is also a characterization of the legendary commander of the Airborne Forces Vasily Margelov: he is disciplined, demanding of himself and his subordinates, pays a lot of attention to rallying personnel, knows how to lead a formation in a difficult combat situation - these are just some of the most striking features.

MOSCOW, August 2 - RIA Novosti. The Day of the Airborne Forces is traditionally celebrated throughout Russia on August 2, and the sweltering heat of 30 degrees this year did not prevent the paratroopers from coming to one of the main places of celebration - Gorky Park. About why it is an invariable meeting place for paratroopers, what is the reason for the tradition of "blue berets" to swim in city fountains and how many drunken "winged guardsmen" the correspondent of RIA Novosti met in the park - in his report.

Meeting point is the same

Electronic thermometers on buildings in the center of Moscow are flashing "hot" numbers - they show a mark of 31 degrees. But, despite the sweltering heat, dozens of paratroopers with flags "For the Airborne Forces!" and all in vests and blue berets.

"Hello! The meeting place is the same - in the center of Gorky, near the fountain!" one of them booms into the phone.

Gorky Park is one of the places in Moscow that have become a cult for paratroopers. Here they meet on August 2 invariably for about 30 years. This year, two field kitchens have been set up for park guests on the embankment — paratroopers are treated to buckwheat porridge with stew and tea. A musical program is also provided for them - at one o'clock in the afternoon a concert began in the park, at which the concert ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces "Blue Berets" performed, which pleased the paratroopers with their main hits - "Sineva", "Let's sit, be silent, men" and "Glory to the Airborne Forces".

Last year, the Russian military leadership came up with an initiative to move the main venue for celebrating Airborne Forces Day to Patriot Park in Kubinka near Moscow. However, the majority of those polled on Wednesday by RIA Novosti agreed that the celebration of the Day of the Airborne Forces will not move there from the center of Moscow. main reason they called the fact that it takes a long time to get to the "Patriot".

“Gorky Park is very convenient for meetings because it is located in the center of Moscow. My colleagues and I meet here every year and we are not going to change this place. The rest, apparently, too,” the agency interlocutor pointed out with a broad gesture at the paratroopers passing by.

Fountains and watermelons

"Airborne Forces Day without bathing in a fountain is not an Airborne Forces Day!" came from the central fountain in Gorky Park. Indeed, bathing in the city fountains is one of the traditions of the "blue berets", without which August 2 is indispensable.

When asked where this tradition came from, the paratroopers gave different answers, from the obvious "we swim because it's hot" to the well-known "today is the day of Elijah the Prophet - we close the swimming season!". However, one of the interlocutors of the RIA Novosti correspondent connects this tradition with the indomitable temper of the "winged guards".

"Here, in Gorky Park, in the 80s, on the Day of the Airborne Forces, there was a cordon around the fountain. It was forbidden not only to swim in it, but also to come close. But we are the Airborne Forces! There are no prohibitions for us - and the guys climbed into the fountain ", the paratrooper said.

The "blue berets" have another unchanging tradition - to eat watermelons on Airborne Forces Day.

"This story is connected with the commander of the Airborne Forces, our" Uncle Vasya "- Vasily Margelov. Once he got to the hospital - it was the end of July-beginning of August - and his colleagues brought him a watermelon. Since then, for a real paratrooper to taste a watermelon on the day of the Airborne Forces - a sacred thing !" - told the correspondent of RIA Novosti a veteran of the Airborne Forces.

From other, no less revered traditions, he singled out the meeting of paratroopers at the grave of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Army General, Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Margelov at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow and the celebration of the first parachute jump.

Airborne Forces for a healthy lifestyle

The correspondent of RIA Novosti did not meet a single drunken paratrooper in Gorky Park. I did not meet any drinking companies either. "Blue Berets" rested quietly and culturally - with mineral water in hands and ice cream.

"The Airborne Forces are the elite of the army. It's just ugly to come to the park on such a holiday and openly drink beer - there are children, women here. We are for healthy lifestyle life," a RIA Novosti correspondent heard from a company of young paratroopers drinking juice on the side of the fountain.

“I come here every year on August 2. And I can say that the paratroopers began to behave noticeably more cultured. Look, everyone is sitting on the benches, no one is shouting drunken songs, everything is quiet and calm. My heart rejoices for such guys,” shared with RIA News impressions of a veteran of the Airborne Forces.

Airborne Troops Day is celebrated on August 2 by presidential decree Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 "On the establishment professional holidays And memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" as a memorable day, designed to promote the revival and development of domestic military traditions, increase the prestige military service and established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

On August 2, the "blue berets" will gather again to celebrate their holiday - Airborne Forces Day - 2018.

In 2018, the Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) turns 88 years old. In honor of this event, on August 2, Moscow will host a number of festive events. In the capital, it will be possible to see the ceremonial processions of paratroopers, demonstration performances of the "blue berets", take part in master classes in hand-to-hand combat, visit thematic fairs and exhibitions. Not without holiday concerts.

Airborne Forces Day 2018 in Moscow: program of events on August 2

As usual, Gorky Park will become the main gathering place for "blue berets" in the capital. The tradition of celebrating the Day of the "winged infantry" here appeared in the early 90s of the last century: then, every August 2, training landings from helicopters were held in the park. However, in 1997, flights over the city were banned, but PKiO remained the main meeting place for paratroopers.

What awaits those who come to celebrate in the main park of the capital?

Two field kitchens will open in the park, where visitors will be offered to taste buckwheat porridge with stew and tea. And at 13.00 the concert program will begin. The audience will perform: the band "Musical landing", the ensemble MOSCOW BAND, the famous concert Ensemble of the Airborne Forces of Russia "Blue Berets". Recall that now there are five people in the Berets: Sergey Yarovoy, Briy Slatov, Denis Platonov, Dmitry Vakhrushin, Egor Serdechny. The group sings songs of their own composition only. In Gorky Park "Blue Berets" will sing songs: "Minefield", "Everything will be fine!", "Let's sit, be silent, men", "There will be glory to us!", "Glory to the Airborne Forces" and, of course, the main hit - "Sineva ".

WHERE: Gorky Park, m. "Park Kultury", Krymsky Val, 9.

Free admission.

What events are organized in Moscow on the Day of the Airborne Forces on August 2, 2018

Main festive events in the capital of the Russian Federation - in Moscow, they will be held in the Sokolniki and Maxim Gorky parks, in the latter a field kitchen will work for guests.

The holiday in Sokolniki Park will begin at noon - the program includes an exhibition of military equipment, photo zones where you can take selfies in the form of paratroopers. The holiday will begin with a parade of conscripts and contract soldiers, members of the Yunarmiya patriotic movement and veterans of the Airborne Forces.

A big festive concert will take place in the park on Pushkinskaya Embankment. Sports competitions, a chess tournament among soldiers, a concert will also be held at the Festival Square.

Church of the Prophet Elijah on Ilyinka, st. Ilyinka, 3/8s2, metro station Revolution Square (or metro station Kitay-gorod)

  1. Gorky Park, Krymsky Val Street, 9, metro station Oktyabrskaya.
  2. Sokolniki Park, Sokolnichesky Val street, building 1, building 1, Sokolniki metro station.
  3. VDNKh, Prospekt Mira, 119, metro station "VDNKh".
  4. Izmaylovsky park, avenue of the Big Circle, 7, m. Partizanskaya (or m. Shosse Entuziastov).
  5. Poklonnaya Gora, st. Brothers Fonchenko, 7, metro Park Pobedy

Traditions of celebrating the Day of the Airborne Troops

Many people know about the tradition of the "winged assault" to put on their blue berets with vests on August 2 and meet with comrades in city parks. For example, in Moscow, the traditional gathering place for VDVs is Gorky Park. Also, many people know that on Airborne Forces Day it is customary to swim in fountains and eat watermelons. It’s clear where the tradition of eating watermelons came from: it’s just that these berries ripen just in time for August.

The "watermelon habit" appeared among the paratroopers in the late 1980s - after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the Therussiantimes website writes. But where the love for bathing in fountains came from is unknown. There are many versions. According to the "blue berets" themselves, in this way they want to be closer to the sky, the reflection of which they see in the water of the fountains.

In addition, on August 2, the Airborne Troops drive around their cities in cars with symbols and flags of the Airborne Forces. However, this is not all the traditions of the Day of the "winged assault". Also on this day, it is customary to reward the best paratroopers: they are awarded medals and give valuable gifts.

Particularly distinguished receive extraordinary titles and new positions. Moreover, “blue berets” receive congratulations on their holiday not only from their family members, but also from the Minister of Defense and even the President. On Airborne Forces Day, the main heroes of the occasion usually arrange demonstration performances and demonstrate weapons and equipment that they are armed with.

In addition, festive concerts, master classes in hand-to-hand combat and parades are organized on August 2. Also on this day, the airborne troops remember their dead comrades: as a rule, not a single August 2 is complete without a flower-laying ceremony at the memorials to paratrooper soldiers.

Interesting facts about the Airborne Forces, whose holiday is celebrated on August 2, 2018

Everyone knows that the abbreviation VDV means Airborne Troops, but the paratroopers decipher it as Uncle Vasya's Troops. So they call the famous commander of the Airborne Wax Vasily Margelov, who led this branch of the military from 1954 to 1959 and from 1961 to 1979.

It was thanks to "Uncle Vasya" that the landing troops acquired their vest and blue berets (before that, the berets were crimson), and the paratroopers began to land directly in combat vehicles, and not just on their own with parachutes.

Military equipment, descending with paratroopers inside, could immediately go into battle - she did not have to stand and wait for the crews to descend on their parachutes. They say that in the first BMD, which was supposed to be thrown out of the plane, Margelov put his son and personally closed the hatch behind him.

So, under "Uncle Vasya", the Airborne Forces acquired their unique and irresistible mobility. Margelov, who led the landing troops for more than 20 years, was able to create in them that special spirit, thanks to which service in the Airborne Forces began to be considered the most prestigious.

On August 2, the "blue berets" will gather again to celebrate their holiday - Airborne Forces Day - 2018.

In 2018, the Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) turns 88 years old. In honor of this event, on August 2, Moscow will host a number of festive events. In the capital, it will be possible to see the ceremonial processions of paratroopers, demonstration performances of the "blue berets", take part in master classes in hand-to-hand combat, visit thematic fairs and exhibitions. Not without holiday concerts.

Airborne Forces Day 2018 in Moscow: program of events on August 2

As usual, Gorky Park will become the main gathering place for "blue berets" in the capital. The tradition of celebrating the Day of the "winged infantry" here appeared in the early 90s of the last century: then, every August 2, training landings from helicopters were held in the park. However, in 1997, flights over the city were banned, but PKiO remained the main meeting place for paratroopers.

What awaits those who come to celebrate in the main park of the capital?

Two field kitchens will open in the park, where visitors will be offered to taste buckwheat porridge with stew and tea. And at 13.00 the concert program will begin. The audience will perform: the band "Musical landing", the ensemble MOSCOW BAND, the famous concert Ensemble of the Airborne Forces of Russia "Blue Berets". Recall that now there are five people in the Berets: Sergey Yarovoy, Briy Slatov, Denis Platonov, Dmitry Vakhrushin, Egor Serdechny. The group sings songs of their own composition only. In Gorky Park "Blue Berets" will sing songs: "Minefield", "Everything will be fine!", "Let's sit, be silent, men", "There will be glory to us!", "Glory to the Airborne Forces" and, of course, the main hit - "Sineva ".

WHERE: Gorky Park, m. "Park Kultury", Krymsky Val, 9.

Free admission.

What events are organized in Moscow on the Day of the Airborne Forces on August 2, 2018

The main festive events in the capital of the Russian Federation - in Moscow - will be held in the Sokolniki and Maxim Gorky parks, in the latter a field kitchen will work for guests.

The holiday in Sokolniki Park will begin at noon - the program includes an exhibition of military equipment, photo zones where you can take selfies in the form of paratroopers. The holiday will begin with a parade of conscripts and contract soldiers, members of the Yunarmiya patriotic movement and veterans of the Airborne Forces.

A big festive concert will take place in the park on Pushkinskaya Embankment. Sports competitions, a chess tournament among soldiers, a concert will also be held at the Festival Square.

Church of the Prophet Elijah on Ilyinka, st. Ilyinka, 3/8s2, metro station Revolution Square (or metro station Kitay-gorod)

  1. Gorky Park, Krymsky Val Street, 9, metro station Oktyabrskaya.
  2. Sokolniki Park, Sokolnichesky Val street, building 1, building 1, Sokolniki metro station.
  3. VDNKh, Prospekt Mira, 119, metro station "VDNKh".
  4. Izmaylovsky park, avenue of the Big Circle, 7, m. Partizanskaya (or m. Shosse Entuziastov).
  5. Poklonnaya Gora, st. Brothers Fonchenko, 7, metro Park Pobedy

Traditions of celebrating the Day of the Airborne Troops

Many people know about the tradition of the "winged assault" to put on their blue berets with vests on August 2 and meet with comrades in city parks. For example, in Moscow, the traditional gathering place for VDVs is Gorky Park. Also, many people know that on Airborne Forces Day it is customary to swim in fountains and eat watermelons. It’s clear where the tradition of eating watermelons came from: it’s just that these berries ripen just in time for August.

The "watermelon habit" appeared among the paratroopers in the late 1980s - after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. But where the love for bathing in fountains came from is unknown. There are many versions. According to the "blue berets" themselves, in this way they want to be closer to the sky, the reflection of which they see in the water of the fountains.

In addition, on August 2, the Airborne Troops drive around their cities in cars with symbols and flags of the Airborne Forces. However, this is not all the traditions of the Day of the "winged assault". Also on this day, it is customary to reward the best paratroopers: they are awarded medals and give valuable gifts.

Particularly distinguished receive extraordinary titles and new positions. Moreover, “blue berets” receive congratulations on their holiday not only from their family members, but also from the Minister of Defense and even the President. On Airborne Forces Day, the main heroes of the occasion usually arrange demonstration performances and demonstrate weapons and equipment that they are armed with.

Interesting facts about the Airborne Forces, whose holiday is celebrated on August 2, 2018

In addition, festive concerts, master classes in hand-to-hand combat and parades are organized on August 2. Also on this day, the airborne troops remember their dead comrades: as a rule, not a single August 2 is complete without a flower-laying ceremony at the memorials to paratrooper soldiers.

Everyone knows that the abbreviation VDV means Airborne Troops, but the paratroopers decipher it as Troops of Uncle Vasya, Ros-Register informs. So they call the famous commander of the Airborne Wax Vasily Margelov, who led this branch of the military from 1954 to 1959 and from 1961 to 1979.

It was thanks to "Uncle Vasya" that the landing troops got their own vest and blue berets (before that, the berets were crimson), and the paratroopers began to land directly in combat vehicles, and not just on their own with parachutes.

Military equipment, descending with paratroopers inside, could immediately go into battle - she did not have to stand and wait for the crews to descend on their parachutes. They say that in the first BMD, which was supposed to be thrown out of the plane, Margelov put his son and personally closed the hatch behind him.

So, under "Uncle Vasya" the Airborne Forces acquired their unique and irresistible mobility. Margelov, who led the landing troops for more than 20 years, was able to create in them that special spirit, thanks to which service in the Airborne Forces began to be considered the most prestigious.
