Interesting scenarios for the celebration of the day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Scenario of the holiday initiation to lyceum students

Organization: GBOU Lyceum 1537 UK 2704

Location: Moscow

Children are invited to an elegant music room.


Hello guys! Do you like how the room is decorated?

Why do you think it was decorated? (children's guesses)

Now we will listen to the hymn and, according to its content, we will try to guess in honor of what holiday we have gathered here (children listen to the "Hymn of the Lyceum Student", discuss its content, put forward an assumption about the name of the holiday).

(on the basis of the presentation, children get acquainted with the history of the first Lyceum)

Slide #2

250 years ago, the first Lyceum in Russia was opened in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg. It was educational institution to prepare noble children for public service.

The first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky.

Let's look at the image of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 250 years ago and today? Can someone find the differences? Why do you think there has been or has not been a change in appearance building? (children's answers)

Slide #3

Only boys from noble families studied at the Lyceum.

Do you think noble families are rich, wealthy families or not? (children's answers)

Were the children of the poor and ordinary people? (children's guesses)

The boys studied and lived in the Lyceum for 6 years, they were not allowed to go home, their relatives could visit them only on holidays.

Slide #4

Let's go up the winding stairs and take a walk around the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The second floor contains the Great Hall, library, newspaper room and classrooms.

Slide #5

We got into class, in which lyceum students spent 6-7 hours every day studying various sciences.

What do you think boys could learn 250 years ago? (children's guesses).

The following disciplines were studied: the law of God, ethics, logic, jurisprudence, Russian, Latin, French, German literature and languages; Russian and general history, geography; mathematics, the beginning of physics; calligraphy, drawing, dancing, fencing, horseback riding, swimming.

The desks here stood in three rows, in a semicircle, gradually rising from the pulpit.

Pupils were seated at their desks, according to their performance. The excellent students sat in the front rows, those who studied the worst, in the back. The scores were just the opposite. The best score was - 1; 4 - like we have a triple, instead of deuces they put - 0.

slide 6

Parts at that time looked like this. Look, carefully, how do you think they are similar and different from modern desks. Discuss how they are more convenient or uncomfortable than modern desks. Can you tell from this photo what writing materials the students used? (children's answers).

Slide 7

Indeed, at that time they used feathers. They were sharpened in a special way, dipped in ink and written. What do you think, whose feathers could be used for writing? Why? Would you like to write more with modern pens or with these pens? Why?

Slide 8

What do you think it is? What did they serve? Why did the boys practice swordsmanship? What qualities did it develop? Do modern boys need these qualities? What games do you play to develop dexterity, accuracy, speed? (children's answers).

Slide 9

You and I found ourselves in the newspaper room. Why do you think it was called that? (children's guesses).

Think about what else they could do in this room? (children's guesses)

Slide 10

We are moving to the most interesting part of the Lyceum. What do you think it is?

(children's guesses). Why do you think so? (children's answers).

When the Lyceum first opened, the library contained only books by teachers and pupils. But almost immediately, Alexander the First donated his library to the lyceum, which he used in his youth. At the same time, various foreign publications also came here.

slide 11

These are the books that lyceum students read 250 years ago, they have survived to our time.

Let's remember the rules for handling the book. If the rule needs to be followed, then you clap your hands, if it is impossible to do so, you threaten with your finger.

  • the book can be torn, thrown
  • book to be respected
  • so that she does not get shabby, the book needs to be dressed in a cover
  • you can draw in the book
  • the book can be read

Does everyone remember how to treat a book? Well done!

slide 12

Where do you think we ended up? (children's guesses)

This is a residential building. Each door leads to the room where the lyceum student lives.

Lyceum students lived very modestly and their whole life was subject to a strict routine.

slide 13

The great Russian poet lived in one of these rooms. (children look at the slide)

Who can name him?

That's right, this is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Pushkin entered the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum when he was 12 years old. This was the first set of lyceum students, where, besides him, 29 more guys from old noble families got into it.

Slide 14

Pushkin occupied bedroom No. 14. In each room of the lyceum student there were: an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a chair, a washing table. It did not differ in decoration and the teacher's room was just as strict, before he was called a tutor.

slide 15

Lyceum students wore a uniform: a dark blue double-breasted frock coat with a standing collar, with a red piping on the cuffs, shiny smooth buttons, a blue cloth waistcoat, blue long straight pantaloons, and half boots.

Education at the Lyceum lasted 6 years. There, the boys not only learned a lot of new things, but also learned to be friends. This friendship lasted a lifetime.

slide 16

What educational institution do you attend? (children's answers)

Yes, now you're walking in kindergarten, but this is part of the Lyceum. Therefore, you can also be called Lyceum students. Let's proudly wear this title!

Used photo materials of the site:

Lyceum Day Scenario

My sweet home, you are on the seven winds,
It is open to everyone, and everyone comes to you.
After all, here we forget the extra fear,
Here again we find our childhood.

These walls seem to protect us
Here, neither sorrows nor troubles are terrible.
Teachers are here for us, as mothers are waiting for us at home,
Keeping in the soul and heart all our victories.

- Celebration, dedicated to the Day lyceum student, can be considered open. I ask everyone present to stand up. (The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds).

- As you know, everything in the world has a beginning, a report, a source ... So our lyceum 66 years ago opened its doors to children who want to gain knowledge, develop and find their place in this life.
- however, the history of the Lyceum goes back far into the nineteenth century.

- In 1811, on October 19, by order of Emperor Alexander I, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, intended for the comprehensive education of the sovereign's brothers, as well as young men from the noble nobility of Russia. It was in this educational institution that Alexander Pushkin studied.

- Excellent teachers, the constant struggle of lyceum students for the title of “the best in studies”, regular training in poetic style - all this contributed to the formation of a strong circle of like-minded people who live by the ideals of serving their people and Russia.

- Every year, the first graduates of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum organized a holiday, later called the Day of the Lyceum. We, as the heirs of this proud title, from year to year preserve and honor the traditions created in the distant past. Let's open the curtain of those times……So, Tsarskoye Selo…….

... The public walks in Tsarskoye Selo. Some of the walkers may be with children.

- Something new ... heard?
- Yes! They called it Lyceum.
- What does this Lyceum mean?
- We need to find out soon!
Aristotle taught this way.
He lived in Athens then.
- And walking along the alleys,
He thought about the Lyceum.
- And in the Russian way - Lyceum.
- And there are enough alleys here.
They say they won't beat you.
How can you learn without it?
- You are a savage! Shame on you?! I feel sorry for Russia!
– Training – 6 years.
- So decided their teachers' council.
- Someone else told me - a separate dormitory for everyone.
- Correctly decided. Wonderful. One to be comfortable.



How did it all start?
I remember:
With Lyceum Time
I wish to meet.



Looking sometime at this secret leaf,
Written by me,
For a while, fly away to the lyceum corner
Omnipotent, sweet dream.
Do you remember the quick minutes of the first days,
Peaceful captivity, six years of union,
Sorrows, joys, dreams of your soul,
The quarrels of friendship and the joy of reconciliation, -
What has been and will never be...


: Honest citizens will be brought up in this temple of sciences. The words and deeds of a statesman should serve as an example for others. Acquire titles and honors only in an honest way, the opposite is worthy of contempt.
The Lyceum brought up students in the spirit of love for the Fatherland, for Russia.


: All lyceum students of the Pushkin graduation considered themselves and later showed themselves to be truly Russian.


: Us the whole world foreign land. Fatherland to us Tsarskoye Selo.

Reader :

There are 30 of them. Here is the class.
Bakunin, Broglio, Volkhovsky,
Savrasov, Delvig, Korf, Danzas,
Tyrkov, Kornilov, Malinovsky.
Here are Kyukhlya, Maslov, Esakov,
Komovsky, Guriev. Illichevsky,
Kostensky, Steven, Gorchakov,
Martynov, Myasoedov, Rzhevsky.
Here is Grevenets and Lomonosov,
Here is Yakovlev and Korsakov
But where else is someone wearing it?
Respond to the pipe manager!
Of course, we will not forget them:
Matyushkin, Pushchin, Pushkin, Yudin.


: Yes! Lyceum regime is strict - everyone is called to a lesson

Math lesson

Enter Karpov. Handing out sheets to everyone. Everyone decides. Pushkin alone does nothing.

KARPOV : Pushkin, solve the equation.

PUSHKIN : I can't.

KARPOV: Go and decide, and you all hurry up!

Pushkin is suffering at the blackboard.

KARPOV : I stand sadly and look ...

PUSHKIN : But the equation is zero.

KARPOV : You always have everything equal to zero. Yes! You're not good at math. You sit on the last desk, compose your own poems. Here's your only advice.

The very old Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin appears.


Old Derzhavin noticed everything.
I didn't hide my excitement then.
After all, a miracle in Pushkin noted
And, descending into the coffin, he blessed.

I want to hear everything again.
Come on, honey, come closer.
Hurry up, (hearing aid)
And Sasha is a stronger mouthpiece.


Pushkin runs into the garden.


Lyceum has become a second home and real family. Here he met people who became his lifelong friends - Pushchin, Kuchelbecker, Delvig. And there was no other poet in Rus' for whom friendship would play such a role. His friends were smart, funny, interesting guys who later became famous people in Russia: Matyushkin was a navigator, Yakovlev was a composer, Gorchakov was a diplomat. Studying at the Lyceum continued for six years, and friendship remained for life.


Our lyceum has become our home too. And we are proud of our lyceum students of the past and those who still defend the honor of the lyceum at olympiads, competitions, sports relay races.
- Now 816 lyceum students are studying in our lyceum, each of them is proud to study at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 000!


In 2013, he graduated from the Lyceum with a silver medal - Maxim Slyusarenko and three graduates received 100 points in various subjects in the Unified State Examination!!!

As you know, every year our lyceum students win prizes at regional and city Olympiads.

- In addition, they are diploma winners and winners of city and regional scientific and practical conferences.

- Our sportsmen win on regional, city sports and athletics.

- And the merit of our beloved, respected teachers is that our graduates have a 100 percent rate of admission on a budgetary basis to the best universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow


Our teachers deserve special attention and a sense of pride, who from year to year also defend the glorious name of Lyceum No. 000.

Your applause goes to all our teachers!

- The floor is given to the director of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum….


1. Fanfare sounds.
2. Anthem of Russia.
3. Removal of the banner

1. Our sweet home, which is on the seven winds,
You are open to everyone, and everyone comes here.
Here we forget unnecessary fear,
And again you take with you to childhood.

2. These walls seem to protect us
Here it is easy for us both in sorrows and in troubles.
And here they are waiting for us, as mothers are waiting at home,
Rejoicing in victories big and small.

1. The gala evening dedicated to the Lyceum Student's Day, let me consider it open (the anthem of Russia sounds).

2. Attention!

Prepare for the removal of the banner of the Lyceum

Alignment to the banner.

(A march sounds) The banner group brings the banner of the lyceum.

(many students enter the stage - change (sketch))

(leader reads)

1. Everything in the world has a beginning,
Your report, your exit, your source -
10 years have gone by so fast
Like a moment! - It's ringing, the bell is ringing.

(A girl runs through the hall, ringing the bell, stops near the presenters)

At the call, everyone scatters (change)

2. Today we are celebrating the 10th anniversary, but the history of our lyceum goes back to the 19th century.

/ In the century before last, it was ... /

A young man comes out / dressed as a civil servant, reads out a decree (Tchaikovsky's music sounds - two couples dance) /

On October 19, 1811, by order of Emperor Alexander I, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened not far from St. Petersburg, designed to provide a comprehensive education for the sovereign's brothers - the Grand Dukes, as well as boys from noble noble families of Russia. The twelve-year-old Alexander Pushkin was also enrolled in this educational institution.

3rd Excellent teachers, constant competition of lyceum students for the title of "the best in studies", regular tests of a poetic pen - all this led to the emergence of a friendly circle of like-minded people who live by the ideals of serving Russia and their people.

4th Every year, the lyceum students of the first graduation, who were on the opening day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in St. Petersburg, gathered for a holiday. A.S. Pushkin dedicated the poem “October 19” to this holiday.

/A.S. Pushkin and several lyceum students appear on the stage. He goes to the table, lights the candles, sits down, writes a poem with a quill pen. Then he puts down his pen, gets up and, reading fragments of the written text, moves to the foreground of the scene /

A.S. Pushkin

My friends, our union is beautiful!
He is like a soul, indivisible and eternal.

(The official rings the bell. Lyceum students and Pushkin quickly run away).

(The bell rings again.)

1. By order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1994, the secondary general education school was reorganized into a technical lyceum, and from April 1, 2000, the technical lyceum is referred to as the municipal general education lyceum No. 8 of the city of Tynda.

2. For 10 years, the glory of Lyceum No. 8 was created by its teachers and director Khmelev Viktor Yakovlevich and Gorozhankin Yuri Aleksandrovich. All of them made a worthy contribution to the formation of the lyceum.

1. There are 30 lyceum and prolyceum classes in the lyceum, 704 students study in them.

1. For 10 years, the lyceum has released more than 700 students into a big life.

2. Of these, 15 gold and 35 silver medalists.

1. Every year, lyceum students win prizes at city and regional olympiads.

2. Lyceum students are winners and diploma winners of regional and city scientific and practical conferences of students.

1. Our athletes for 2 recent years- Winners of city sports contests.

3. At the lyceum every year almost full academic performance and a high percentage of graduates enter the universities of the Russian Federation.

(The telegram of the first director of Lyceum No. 8 Khmelev Viktor Yakovlevich is read out).

1. The floor for congratulations is given to the first director of the lyceum, a brave man who was not afraid to become the first 10 years ago. - Khmelev Viktor Yakovlevich.

2. The word for congratulations is given to the director of the lyceum Gorozhankin Yuri Alexandrovich.

(Conducts an award).

Waltz. Three couples are dancing.

1. Celebrate a birthday
They accept congratulations
Birthdays now.

2. And for the tenth time!

1. Bring in a birthday cake!

(There is a pie and 10 candles on the towel)

2. We ask Yuri Alexandrovich to put out the candles ...

/Director, blows out the candles/ (take a picture)

1. They say that teaching is light

2. Then the teacher is a candle that shines on everyone.

/Dance with candles/

1. It has always been a pleasure for a birthday person to give gifts.

2. How many gifts, congratulations the lyceum students sent to the lyceum. The teachers also prepared their gift.

1. To present a gift poem, the teacher of the lyceum Shikir O.Yu. is invited to the stage.

I enter under the school vaults,
That filled 10 years.
The spirit of free science reigns here,
He remembers all the students.

Climbing up the ringing stairs,
As if I hear voices and steps,
Those boys and those girls
That have been going on here in different years.

And I am proud that I teach lyceum students -
The best and smartest guys,
That they keep traditions
Knowledge is valued not for rewards.

10 years is a very young age!
But our successes cannot be counted!
I congratulate you, lyceum,
It's an honor to be your teacher!

/Give flowers/ /Students come out to sing/

An unknown star shines
Looking through the telescope window
Sharpens the heart of an old dream
since the biblical flood.
That would reach for the star
Become a real lyceum student
As every student knows
Without a lyceum, the world will fade quickly

The teacher is our friend dear
Takes us to knowledge higher and higher

Hope is calling
And takes us to the stars in the sky
Let our contribution be small
Brings prosperity to the country.

The floor is given to the guests...

1. Newton sat under an apple tree
This is where the idea comes in.
And the fruit over him is already ripe
To the earth with the whole mass gravitate.

2. And the students of our lyceum also discovered their law -

Law of attraction.

Wherever they are, they are always drawn to their native lyceum.

1. The word from the graduates of 2004 is given.....

/ word to the graduate /


There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young
We remember all our teachers
Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.
They are in the fate of each of us
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

2. Today is our 10th anniversary, but this is not the whole history of the lyceum, the lyceum, which is always young, beautiful, full of strength and energy. He does not age, but is updated each time with new faces, shining eyes. Every year a new young energy flows into the lyceum.

1. We are building the law of conservation of energy. The school does not age, thanks to our newcomers.

2. It is today, on the day of the 10th anniversary of the lyceum, that we accept new lyceum students into our ranks.

So, Attention! Gathered in the hall!

The solemn and important moment is coming!

Two older centuries, nineteenth, twentieth,

The 21st century is the first in the lyceum students dedicate.

(Pushkin and the first lyceum students come out)

/ sounds of polonaise are heard. A.S. Pushkin picks up a candlestick standing on the table. From the Pushkin candlestick, 4 high school students light candles (hosts) /

/beginners approach the stage, line up in two rows, light candles from Pushkin's candles and 4 leaders/

1. Traditionally, every year on the day
When the Pushkin Lyceum opened,
Together we pronounce the words of the oath,
To never forget about her!

The oath of lyceum students

PSSL. (gets up in front of newbies)

We swear to be honest and fair.
Help each other always and in everything!

- (All) we swear!

We swear to be stubborn and try
The cherished goal can only be obtained with the mind!

- (All) we swear!

We swear to work for the good of Russia,
To master knowledge and temper the spirit!

- (All) we swear!

We swear always and in everything without fail
Do not lose your honor of a lyceum student!

- (All) we swear!

/Memos are handed to lyceum students, certificates/

PSSL. And now we will sing the Lyceum anthem. I ask everyone to stand up!

/ The anthem of the Lyceum sounds, everyone sings, everyone sat down /

PSSL. Attention! Prepare to take out the banner of the Lyceum,

Alignment to the banner! (A march sounds, the banner is taken out)

1. Dear Lyceum!
10 years, the most beautiful date!
It's time for eternal youth
Your youth is your guys
Your years are kids.

2. Anniversary - a step for flight,
So fly, fly always forward.
Hard work ahead
A new generation is calling...

1. May our lyceum never grow old.

2. Let children's voices and jokes ring in our common house,

Laughter, songs, poems.

1. May teachers never grow old and leave our

At home, because we really need it!

2. And all of us will help to live warmly

Kindness, love and memory!

(Ending song)

Through the years and past days
Shine school childhood lights
And the bell rings through the years,
Lyceum students are invited to the lesson.
10 years - a small anniversary,
Do not age the birthday man with a soul
And as a gift, let the song sound
Breaks into the sky, flies under the dome.

Lyceum, you are not dearer!
The lyceum brings light to the teachings.
You in all years and times
Proud of the city and country

10 years we've been coming here
We know every office here
And the teacher meets you
Any question will be answered
Here the road to knowledge leads
And care will surround you
We will go to college with you
And glorify the Lyceum for centuries

Lyceum - consonance of hearts!
The lyceum is the creator of my soul.
We are proud of your name
Lyceum, so always be like that!

Lyceum Day Scenario.

2 host: On this day, the first graduation took place at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There was no celebration. The parting was sad.

Lyceum student: Engelhardt (director of the Lyceum) presented us with iron rings - a sign of the strength of our friendship. And they will call us cast-iron workers.

Lyceum students (sing the hymn): Six years have passed like a dream

In the arms of sweet silence.

And the calling of the Fatherland

It thunders to us: march, sons.

Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!

Let's hug one last time!

Fate of eternal separation

Perhaps here we are related.

1 host: 203 years ago, on October 19, 1811, a special revival reigned in Tsarskoye Selo: the solemn opening of the Lyceum was scheduled for this day.

2 host: Carriages and carriages drove up to the building of the Lyceum every now and then - prominent dignitaries and teachers of St. Petersburg, relatives of the lyceum students gathered. Alexander I was supposed to be present at the celebration.

1 host: The imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - a privileged educational institution - was called upon to train youth, "specially intended for the most important parts of the state service."

2 host: Emperor Alexander the First personally approved in 1811 the list of the first pupils of the Lyceum and personally handed out awards and diplomas to them six years later.

Lyceum student: Do you remember when the Lyceum arose,

As the king opened the palace of the queens for us,

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings between royal guests.

Lyceum student: The lyceum has become our home, our republic with its own laws, brotherhood and friendship.

Lyceum student: The opening of the Lyceum took place on Thursday. Regular classes began on Monday, the usual lyceum life began to flow. "Six Years of Association".

1 host: Daily routine at the Lyceum.

    Wake up at 6 o'clock.

    From 7 to 9 hours - class, that is, training sessions.

    At 9 - tea with a white roll.

    Immediately after tea, the first walk until 10 o'clock.

    From 10 to 12 - class.

    From 12 to 1 - the second walk. Walked necessarily in any weather.

    Then a repetition of lessons or an auxiliary class for those who are lagging behind.

    At half past nine, the call for dinner.

    After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest, entertainment.

    On Wednesdays and Saturdays there was evening dancing and fencing.

    At 10 o'clock - evening prayer, sleep.

2 host: Lyceum students were accommodated in separate rooms. Pushkin settled in number 14. The room was only necessary for rest and study.

1 host: Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves "cattle brothers" and, as usual, endowed each other with nicknames:

    Wilhelm Küchelbecker - Kühla

    Anton Delvig - Tosya

    Mikhail Yakovlev - Buffon

    Ivan Malinovsky - Cossack

    Alexander Gorchakov - Prince

    Konstantin Danzas - Bear

    Ivan Pushchin - Big Jeannot

    Fedor Matyushkin - Matyushko

    Alexander Pushkin - Frenchman, A mixture of a monkey and a tiger.

Lyceum student: We do without fear with the bosses, we joke with them, we laugh.

Lyceum student: Competitions are held in foreign languages: whoever accidentally speaks Russian is fined.

Lyceum student: Birthdays are not skipped.

2 host: They were ordinary boys, they liked to play pranks.

Scene. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky)

And I started to drink mogul-mogul.

Pushchin: I got rum, got eggs.

Malinovsky: They pushed sugar.

Pushkin: And work began at the boiling samovar.

Pushchin: Then interrogations and searches began. We three came and announced that it was our business and that we alone were to blame.

Pushkin: The resolution is as follows: kneel for two weeks during the morning and evening prayers.

Malinovsky: Move us to the last places at the table, where we sat on the behavior.

1 host: In January 1815, a public examination was scheduled at the Lyceum.

Lyceum student (reads a newspaper): The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has the honor to announce that on the 4th of the next month from 10 to 3 in the afternoon there will be a public test of pupils of the first admission on the occasion of the transfer from junior to senior age.

It was an exam - a review of what we have learned in more than three years, because we have reached the middle.

Pushkin: Derzhavin was a lifetime legend. When we learned that Derzhavin would be with us, we all got excited.

2 host: The exam tired Derzhavin very much. Pushkin read Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo, standing a stone's throw from Derzhavin.

Pushkin: I don't remember how I finished my reading, I don't remember where I ran off to. Derzhavin was in awe. He demanded me, wanted to hug me... They searched for me, but they didn't find me.

Lyceum student: It was said that Gavrila Romanovich exclaimed: "I did not die!"

Lyceum student: Study for two more years.

Lyceum student: May 1817. "Saint Petersburg Vedomosti" invites the public and parents to the final exams of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Lyceum student: 17 days, 15 exams.

Lyceum student: June 9, 1817 was an act. Its character was completely different: just as the opening of the Lyceum was magnificent and solemn, so our graduation was quiet and modest.

1 host: No, they didn't finish the Lyceum. The lectures ended, the Tsarskoye Selo time of awakening at dawn, of wandering with incessant verse all day, ended, all this, but the Lyceum did not end. Couldn't end... Didn't end. That's all.

2 host: A class as a class... Boys like boys, who will become poets and ministers, officers and "state criminals", rural homebodies and restless travelers.

Pushkin: I remember school at the beginning of my life

There were many of us, careless children,

An uneven and frisky family ...

Presentation of lyceum students (read by presenters)

1 host: On October 19, 1836, gentlemen of the lyceum students gathered in Yakovlev's house and feasted.

Lyceum student: They all gathered at half past five and dispersed at half past ten.

2 host: The cattle-breeders dispersed, wishing a good journey to the pupil of the Imperial Lyceum, Alexander Pushkin, a Frenchman.

Pushkin: Praying earnestly to God,

Lyceum shouting Hurray!

Farewell, brothers, I'm on the road,

And it's time for you to go to bed.

1. The student performs an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin “October 19”, 1825

My friends, our union is beautiful!
He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal -
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
Wherever fate takes us
And happiness, no matter where it leads,
We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us;
Fatherland to us Tsarskoye Selo.

2. Leader's word.

At the beginning of my life, I remember school;
There were many of us, careless children;
An uneven and frisky family ...

These poetic lines will be written by an adult, wise A.S. Pushkin, recalling the years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the school that became his home.

I remember school at the beginning of my life...

Today, October 19, marks 198 years since the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. For everyone who studied with A.S. Pushkin and in subsequent years, this day became one of the main holidays. And the poet spoke about October 19: "Lyceum cherished day."

So we called today's holiday, which is also doubly a holiday, because October 19 is the opening day of the Pushkin School. And even, I think that for all those who have gathered here, this is a triple holiday, because today students of several grades will be able to call themselves young Pushkinists with good reason. Indeed, today, in a solemn and festive atmosphere, your initiation will take place.

Fanfare sounds.
On the screen are slides with views of Tsarskoe Selo.

3. Leader's word

The place for the Lyceum was chosen in Tsarskoye Selo, a city of beautiful gardens and parks, not far from the capital, St. Petersburg.

Boys from noble families who passed the exam were admitted to the Lyceum. There are thirty of them - just one class. They are not of the same age. The youngest is eleven years old, the oldest is fifteen. They are called "undersized". It's a shame? No! Indeed, they have not yet grown up to serve in the state or military, and therefore must study.

And they will be taught the best teachers! Educated and well-read, they were specially prepared for teaching in new school! They are not called teachers, but professors or assistant professors. They dream that their students become honest and noble people, bring benefit and glory to their Fatherland. And they are waiting for the beginning of classes with the same impatience as the boys.

... So we, with impatience and excitement, were waiting for this first big festive meeting with you, young Pushkinists. From today you can call yourself students of the Pushkin School. And I think it would be very interesting for you to know what the Pushkin school is and what the children who are brought up here learn ...

We will try to answer your questions. So…

4. slide presentation

(A story about the history of the creation of the Pushkin School, its traditions, holidays, competitions, trips, about the communications infrastructure ...)

The first Pushkin School in Russia was opened in the glorious Tula land, in the city of chemists, where Pushkin, of course, had never been, a city hundreds of kilometers away from Pushkin's museums and centers of Pushkin studies. Opened in "Lyceum Treasured Day" in 1996.

You see a photograph of the teaching staff of the Pushkin School - "mentors who keep youth." Some of them have been working at the school since its foundation. We cannot but be proud of our wonderful teaching staff. The best philologists of Novomoskovsk and the Novomoskovsk region gathered under the shadow of the Pushkin School.

Our teachers are, first of all, spiritual people, full of creative burning. Able to teach and educate by Pushkin, “not bothering with strict morality”, without teaching. Able, with the help of the “amazing Alexander Sergeevich”, to light the light in the souls of their pupils.

Our special pride was the library - the best Pushkin library in the Tula region. Today it contains more than four thousand books on the subject of Pushkin, a rich collection of magazine and newspaper publications about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin.

This collage helps us to remember the various and amazing events of our history. Many of them took place here, in the Pushkin living room. This is for example:

  • reading contests,
  • various living rooms
  • holiday-competition "Natalie",
  • Pushkin readings.

In this photo you can see how the family readings are going. By the way, parents are frequent guests at our school. It has become a good tradition for parents to perform together with their children.

Excursions are one of the forms of work of the Pushkin School. In what only Pushkin places our students have visited! We are happy that we were able to organize more than sixty trips of pupils to Pushkin's places (and this is undoubtedly one of the most effective forms of instilling interest in studying Pushkin!)

We are proud that the pupils of our creative studios - theatrical, musical, expressive reading studios - performed with great success on the “highest” stages:

  • and in the famous State Hall of the RFK,
  • and in the Central House of Scientists;
  • and in the Central House of Art Workers,
  • on the famous poetic glade (the main Pushkin stage in Russia!),
  • in living rooms, halls, near the memorial objects of the Pushkin museums in Moscow, Moscow, Pskov, Kaluga regions;
  • performed in the apartment of the descendants of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow - in the family of G.A. Galina,
  • on People's Radio.

We hope that the numerous traditions established in the past years will be supported by you.

5. Leader's word

Today is a special day. And on days like this, whatever you want is possible. Oh, how I want to be in Tsarskoe Selo on October 19, 1811 and see what they were like - lyceum students of Pushkin's time. Let's listen, maybe we can hear their voices!?

6. A knock on the front door is heard. The voices of young lyceum students are heard from the corridor:

- It's great that today, on the opening day of the Lyceum, it snowed!
- A-a-a-a! - a scream is heard, several cotton snowballs are flying into the hall.
- No, you can’t escape, Kyukhlya!
Guys, let's catch up with him! Behind me! - run through the living room to the library.

7. Leader's word

One way or something like this ended this day on October 19 in 1811 for lyceum students of the first Pushkin graduation. Yes, they became pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, they had to prepare for state service ... But let's not condemn them for pranks, because today, October 19, 1811, they are still just children.

8. Heads of lyceum students peek out from the library into the living room. Conversation:

- It is a holiday today!
- You feel: the professors are worried, even the director Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky is worried!
- Friends, carriages are driving up to the building. The parents have arrived!
“Look: the chairs have already been arranged for the guests.
- Everyone is here?
- No! The king is waiting!

On the screen - the Great Hall of the Lyceum.

Lyceum students appear in the living room.
The facilitator announces, addressing those present:

– Ladies and gentlemen, His Imperial Majesty Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich!

Fanfare sounds.
The actor playing Alexander the Great enters and takes pride of place.

On the screen - the Charter of the Lyceum.

9. Leader's word

On the opening day of the Lyceum, the lyceum students saw the Charter for the first time - a large red book in an elegant binding. On the cover is the letter "A" - the monogram of Emperor Alexander. The Charter contains all the duties of pupils and their rights. Let's give an example of them:

  • All pupils are equal, like children of the same father or family!
  • It is forbidden for pupils to shout at ministers or scold them, even if they were their serfs!
  • Corporal punishment is prohibited!

(With each new rule, the “lyceum students” whisper and comment on them.)

Pay attention to one of the teachers. How closely he looks at future pupils. This is Professor Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn. Years will pass, and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin will remember his favorite teacher and the solemn moment like this:

Do you remember when the Lyceum arose,
As the tsar opened the palace of the tsaritsyn for us.
And we came. And Kunitsyn met us
Greetings among royal guests…

Fanfare sounds.

10. Leader's word

- Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn.

11. Kunitsyn comes out and addresses the lyceum students:

I appeal to you, young pets, future pillars of the Fatherland! From parental embrace you now enter under the shelter of this sacred temple of sciences. Time will pass, and you will have influence for the benefit of the whole society... The roads of honor and glory are open before you. Always remember that there is no higher rank than the high rank of a citizen. Love for glory and the Fatherland should always be your only leader!

12. The students perform an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin “October 19”, 1825

Bless, jubilant muse,
Bless: long live the Lyceum!
To the mentors who guarded our youth,
To all honor, both the dead and the living,
Raising a cup of gratitude to your lips,
Remembering no evil, we will reward for the good.

13. N.Ya. Borodin.

Fanfare sounds.

14. Leader's word

The day of October 19 has become a special day for all lyceum students for the rest of their lives. “The cherished day of the Lyceum” - this is how A.S. called it. Pushkin, followed by his friends. So we call it, and those who will live after us.

Years will pass, fate will scatter around the world those who studied with Pushkin, but every year on October 19, they, bound by ties of friendship, lyceum fraternity, will strive to meet their narrow circle. Let's just name six of them...

Scene: the names of the lyceum students of the Pushkin graduate are heard, each of them approaches the emperor, bowing, greeting him. At the same time, accompanying each name, a brief historical note about the lyceum student sounds.

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin is one of Pushkin's closest friends. “My first friend, my priceless friend,” Pushkin called Pushchin so. He became a judge of the Moscow court court, a Decembrist, sentenced to eternal hard labor. The author of Notes on Pushkin, one of the most reliable memoirs about the young Pushkin.

Anton Antonovich Delvig is a baron, a wonderful poet, one of the three lyceum students who visited Pushkin in Mikhailovsky exile.

Konstantin Karlovich Danzas, a lyceum comrade who became a second at Pushkin's last duel, rose to the rank of major general.

Wilhelm Karlovich Küchelbecker is a lyceum friend to whom Pushkin will dedicate the following lines: “my brother by muse, by fate.” A remarkable poet, literary critic, publisher of an almanac, Decembrist, participant in the uprising on Senate Square, sentenced to 20 years in hard labor.

Volkhovsky Vladimir Dmitrievich - "suvorochka", the best student of Pushkin's graduation, graduated from the Lyceum with a big gold medal, chose a military career, rose to the rank of major general, was involved in the case of the Decembrists.

- Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin!

The emperor leaves.

15. slide presentation(the story is a brief note about some graduates of the Pushkin School).

16. A gift from graduates of the Pushkin School to young Pushkinists: they perform poems by A.S. Pushkin.

17. The graduates of the Pushkin School, who are present at the celebration, address the young Pushkinists with parting words.

18. Solemn moment of dedication.

The name of each student of the Pushkin class is read out by name, the class is built in the center of the living room, the graduates hand them badges.

19. The anthem of the Pushkin school is performed.

20. All participants of the holiday are invited to Pushkin Square to the monument to the poet.

Poems are heard, flowers are laid.
