Valyushka-girlfriend. childhood memories

I want to tell you about my girlfriend from childhood, you can say about my first girlfriend.
I went to first grade at the age of 6, all my other classmates were already a year older than me. I was a cowardly girl, I was not the first to make contact with the guys. But, fortunately, my mother is sociable and on the first line dedicated to September 1, she immediately met the mother of another girl. And our mothers decided to make friends with us. Moreover, as it turned out later, it was just on the way for us to go home.

Our first lessons, homework came, we looked at our teacher as a second mother, we wanted to be praised, we were afraid to blunder. My girlfriend always tried to draw the teacher's attention only to herself, she was jealous of others. In principle, I did not envy this, although I also liked it when they praised me. We played with her at recess, went home together. In friendship, as I was taught, I tried to be faithful and knew that friends should always be helped. Our Primary School was not big, the toilet was on the street. We often asked to go to the toilet in the middle of the lessons, but since it was boring to run before him alone, we always asked to go to the toilet together. And, one day, we also, as usual, asked our teacher to go to the toilet together. She let us go. We ran playfully into the street. And when they ran to the toilet, they saw that the builders had dug a huge hole near the toilet. The school planned to build a new toilet. So, we got curious. We approached the pit and looked into it with interest.
\"Wow, what a huge hole, is this all for the toilet?\" I asked.
\"Oh, but what, this is not a big hole, even if I climb into it, I can get out \" - answered the girlfriend.
\"Yes, you're lying, well, try to climb up \"-I said.
"Oh, yes, it's easy," she replied. And jumped into the hole.
I stared in amazement at her in the hole. \”And how will you get out now?\”
\" Well, look \" - said the girlfriend and began to cling to the pebbles sticking out of the walls of the pit with her fingers. But, she never managed to get out, the pebbles fell out, her fingers slipped off. Looking at such a picture, I was frightened, and told her that I was now quickly running to the class, I would tell the teacher, she would help.
\"Nooo!\" My friend yelled. \"No, if you leave, you are no longer my friend!\"
\"But, I can't pull you out, you're heavy\" — I said.
\"Then, you jump here, you'll give me a lift. Ah, I'll get out, I'll pull you out, I'm strong.\" Said a friend.
I jumped into the hole without thinking. I planted a friend, she got out. She began to pull my hand, but she couldn’t pull me out either.
\"And what are we going to do? \" - I asked, looking out of the pit.
\"I'll call for help now, sit down, I'll quickly\" she answered sharply and rushed away, not even having time to give me anything to shout.
Well, what do you think happened then ... The teacher came running, but quite our class. Everyone looked and laughed. The teacher, swearing, pulled me out of the pit, it was terribly embarrassing. But, the girlfriend was in the role of the savior of a negligent comrade who climbed into the pit, straight October, and not a friend.

My friendship with Sveta began even before kindergarten. It so happened that my parents got an apartment in the very house where her family already lived. That's how we met. walked in the yard. We were still small.
And that's how we grew up together. First kindergarten. Together in the same group. Toys, dolls, games. Years passed - we grew further. And here is grade 1. School. And again we are together in the same class. .Then they were seated in pairs - a boy and a girl.
After some time, we got a different apartment. We were in line for an apartment. She was in another area of ​​the city. Another quarter. And if we used to go to school right away together, this time I just waited for her when she came up to go further together. I came to visit her. We went for a walk together. And even In the evenings we just walked around the city.
That's how we finished our studies until graduation. Grade 9. Exams. Graduation. Reflections on the future. Where to go next.
We were not excellent students in order to enter universities, so we decided to go to college. But, going through a medical commission upon admission, for health reasons it turns out that I cannot be accepted for the chosen profession. A friend of solidarity also refuses to enter. So we decided continue studying at school in grades 10 and 11.
In the process of studying, we understand that we won’t pull it off (there was a class with a mathematical bias), and we both left school too. We got a scolding from our parents and then our paths diverged. school year I went to study at the school. I was a little capricious, I didn’t want to study, I wanted to work right away. It also didn’t work out and I spent the lost year at home. studying at the school, but different.
We didn’t see each other often, we called back more. She could always help me. Even when I quarreled with a guy, she tried to reconcile us.
Upon completion of her studies at the school, she gets married and leaves for another region. Our communication is shifted to writing. Immediately after marriage, she has a child-boy. She came to her parents at home. She came to me with a baby. We walked around the city, I carried a stroller with him. It was as good as before in my school years.
She often came then to her parents. The boy was still small. Such a good child. I played with him in locks.
I will always remember the last time I saw them. She was so cheerful, joking, smiling. My son was already in elementary school. It was summer..
And in the fall, they tell me that her family died ... All. She, her husband and son. Such a terrible fate. to the hearth. She immediately fell into a coma. I don’t remember how long she spent in this state, but when she came out of the coma, it was only a few minutes. I saw my mother, father and everything ... How terrible. What grief.
They buried her at home. They brought her to where we spent our entire conscious life together. I saw her off on her last journey ..

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I rent an apartment in San Remo. The apartment is located on the outskirts of the city, in a small apartment building with a fenced area and parking spaces. 300 meters from the sea (sandy beach).

Actor Keanu Reeves, who recently celebrated his 51st birthday, has gone down in internet history as the hero of one of the most popular memes, Sad Keanu. In 2010, the paparazzi photographed an actor thoughtfully chewing a sandwich on a bench in the park - and only the lazy did not make sad keanu phototoad. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to see that now Keanu Reeves simply glows with happiness - and gives all his fans his smile. Maybe, good mood the actor appeared thanks to his companion. Yesterday Keanu Reeves appeared in...

What should be done with your child so that happy childhood memories remain for life: 1. Let the sunbeams go together. 2. Sprout the seeds together. 3. Roll down a high ice mountain with your child. 4. Bring from the frost and put a branch in the water. 5. Cut the jaws out orange peels. 6. Look at the stars. 7. Shade coins and leaves hidden under paper. 8. Shake the pencil so that it seems that it has become flexible. 9. Make holes in the ice under running water. 10...

1. Let the sunbeams. 2. Watch how the seeds germinate. 3. Roll down a high ice mountain together. 4. Bring from the frost and put a branch in the water. 5. Cut the jaws out of the orange peels. 6. Look at the stars. 7. Shade coins and leaves hidden under paper. 8. Shake the pencil so that it seems that it has become flexible. 9. Make holes in the ice under running water. 10. Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon. 11. Cut out garlands of paper men. 12. Show shadow theater. 13. Let ...

What do we read to kids? junior schoolchildren What do we advise teenagers to read? What kind of books (not today's, but those of ours, or I still had favorite books about Danka and Yanka as a child (Polish cartoons were also often shown) and Bianki's "Titmouse Calendar".

My daughter loves magazines very much, she reads children's applications for Geo and National Geographic, Pets, Cool magazine, some other crossword-entertaining ones. Basically, on plane trips, grandmothers have light, short reading.

It didn't feel like I was going anywhere. And for another month - in childhood at sea, in high school - to the camp or on a hike. Yes, but we used to live on the outskirts, and went to the Moscow River to swim with my mother. Also, as I drive through this bay now, I regularly remember that children were drowning, and ...

the trouble is that under this pretext they are surviving him from school - the girls complain to their mothers, those - to the director, he does not need problems. Well, at the same time they added a lack of attention, and poor study - by the end of the year he reads in syllables and writes crookedly ...

About absurdities in children's books. I will say right away - As a child, I was sure that we were reading Pinocchio - the song "The bird danced the polka" there is the phrase "A toad blows into her, she put steel armor on her and said how you demolish them, so come to my house on the outskirts of the forest.

It just prevents me from separating the emotional "mother's" off scale from the real problem?). Question: Who chose this kindergarten for a child? We live on the outskirts and do not seem to complain about the kindergarten. Everything suits, especially the teachers.

It so happened that I was more lucky in friendship than in love. All my life I was surrounded by girlfriends who often even competed with each other for my attention. The Almighty did not give me a sister, but female friendship more than compensated for her absence. Maybe because I accept and love friends as they are, with all their advantages and disadvantages, and I forgive a lot, realizing that I myself am far from perfect. I value friendship and rarely break off relations first, only if I feel malicious envy or hostility.

I truly believe in female friendship! I even believe in friendship between a man and a woman, it was also enough in my life, since I don’t have a brother, but there is a need for such communication.

Friendship greatly decorates life, and sometimes it can even save it. A person surrounded by friends is rich without money!

Friendship can be long, for life, and sometimes very short - on a trip, on vacation, but in any case, this is one of best gifts heaven, after love.

At different periods of my life, I was surrounded by a variety of friends and girlfriends, to whom I am immensely grateful for the warmth of the soul, interesting communication, the joy of spending time together and creating.

I still have many friends that I have made over the years. Some of them are far away and we communicate by correspondence, with someone we call back and occasionally meet in the city, and with others we solve current affairs and problems together.

I want to tell you about my childhood friends, with whom I have lost contact, because I have been living in another country for a long time, but they will forever remain in my memory and in my heart.

Olya was my very first girlfriend in my life. We have been friends since the age of six, and when I moved to live in Moldova, we corresponded for many more years. In the nineties, I lost her and all attempts to find traces of Olya on the Internet were unsuccessful. Her life story has become for me a lesson in courage and resilience in the face of the blows of fate, but I will start in order.

In early childhood, I was deprived of communication with peers. I was taken to the kindergarten for only one week, and when an older boy pushed me off the porch, almost crippling me, my grandmother took her only granddaughter and left her, freeing my mother’s hands and giving her the opportunity to work in peace, since she had already divorced her father.

Grandmother lived with grandfather in the village, in a large wooden hut with a garden and a garden of twenty-two acres. In this garden, I grew up in the fresh air, chasing butterflies and grasshoppers, admiring the flowers that my grandmother bred great amount helping around the house and observing the lifestyle of pets.

I was surrounded by adults and adult conversations, they asked me not to interrupt and not to interfere, since I was still small and therefore bad in age. Grandfather liked to repeat the saying "He who was not young was not stupid." Like, you'll grow up - then we'll talk. I languished from loneliness and the need for someone to listen to me and share my childhood hobbies.

And then a miracle happened! A little girl knocked on the gate and said she wanted to be friends with me.

How brave! - the adults said, - and having learned from which family she was, they resolved this friendship, - just let Olya come to us and play with us, but you don’t go to her, because her father is sick with tuberculosis, and this disease is contagious.

Thus began our friendship. Olya was from a large and not very close-knit family. Later, I visited them many times at home. Olya's parents were front-line soldiers. Father and mother reached Berlin and brought interesting trophies from Germany. In the midst of a squalid rustic setting, on nightstands covered with embroidered napkins stood magnificent figurines of Saxon porcelain! They were museum pieces! Each time I looked at them for a long time, enjoying the marvelous porcelain lace, the finest work on the dresses of dancers and shepherdesses. They exuded a strange and very rich life!

Children played with these figurines, not understanding their value. Gradually, chips and cracks were added to them, and one after another, magnificent works of art were broken and thrown into the trash, causing me almost physical pain, because since childhood I had a craving for art and everything beautiful in this life.

Olya's mother worked on a farm. Always busy woman with many children, got up at four in the morning and ran to milk the cows. Harsh, ugly and laconic, she lived a hard life and did not have the opportunity to caress and pamper four children.

Valentina went to the front to look for a man! - they talked about her in the village, - who would marry such an ugly woman? And so she found herself a tuberculosis patient, she came out wounded.

My father worked as an accountant at a state farm. At home, he, with a gloomy look, sat in an armchair, constantly smoking and coughing. Olya was proud of her parents and showed them photos from the front, as well as medals and orders.

A friend had a twin brother Misha. She told me, according to her mother, that she did not want to give birth to a third child, and when twins were born, she cried a lot and was killed, saying: "Oh, and I will suffer grief with them!" Thus, as it were, she called trouble on herself and the children. It is not for nothing that they say that unwanted children have a difficult fate.

Their grandmother lived in their house, the father's mother, a thin, unkind old woman. My grandmother's favorite was Misha, and she loaded Olya with menial chores around the house and often punished her. Misha, on the other hand, bought sweets and gave money, secretly from Olya, who still found out the truth and was very offended for such injustice.

Look, eyeball! - the grandmother hissed at her, - go, my floor, you bastard!

Olya was a serious and early matured child. A thin, big-eyed girl with a big mouth, looked like a fledgling chick. She grew up as Cinderella home and envied my childhood happiness. I had a wonderful grandmother. I did not work much and was a carefree and cheerful child. It always seemed to me that my friend was much older than me, although the age difference between us was only three months.

You are alone in the family and all the attention and gifts are for you, - a friend told me.

But you have brothers and a sister, and I have nobody, - I answered.

We were so different, but we became friends for a long time. Olya was interested in the life of adults, she was deprived of the illusions of a young age and from childhood she knew "what a pound is worth." She loved to spy on her neighbors through holes in the fence, and those had very curious events.

The daughter of neighbors, Lyudka, brought her second husband, Yurka, who had recently been released from prison. He walked around the garden without a T-shirt, and his tanned body was decorated with intricate tattoos. A hammock was hung in the garden and a young couple twisted love in it. Yurka rocked the hammock with the bride, she laughed excitedly and offered her lips for kisses.

The neighbors bath is heated! And let's see with whom Luda will go to the bathhouse, with a child or with Yurka? Olga suggested.

What do I care about my neighbors? - I answered, - you better look at what a beautiful beetle I caught! Green with a golden sheen!

When a man and a woman go to the bath together - it can be very interesting! - did not calm down a friend. Years have passed and I am still indifferent to gossip and gossip - it’s better to go catching butterflies than to peep through the keyhole!

In the photo, Olya and I (on the right) are in the first grade.


The cool lady went to her room, which was next to our dormitory, and I was left alone with my friends. The girls immediately surrounded me and began to bombard me with questions. I immediately started talking about how good it was that I ended up not with Tyufyaeva, but with Verkhovskaya.

Hearing this, the girls pulled me to the other end of the dormitory, away from the doors of Verkhovskaya's room, saying that our conversation would not be heard here. Interrupting each other, they told me that Verkhovskaya often treated them even worse than Tyufyaeva. But I didn't want to believe. I decided that the girls themselves were to blame for this. What should I be afraid of? I was going to be very diligent and obedient so that, after completing the course, I would receive a gold medal, as I promised Sasha and mother.

And why did you suck up? Why climbed to kiss Verkhovskaya? - one of the girls suddenly attacked me, by the name of Ratmanova.

I was very embarrassed, not knowing what to answer. But then the others began to defend me, explaining that I was new and could not yet understand everything. Then they asked me to show them the things they brought from home. I was seized on both sides by the arms, and we all ran together to my bedside table, in the drawer of which my box was already standing.

To make it more convenient, we knelt down and began to take out various bundles from the box: pencils, pen inserts, a penknife and other cool accessories. This was followed by sweets, which I treated my friends to, pictures, and finally, from the bottom of the box, I took out a large box.

And here I have such a charm, such a charm, - I said to the girls surrounding me.

And, removing the lid, I showed the bird's testicles neatly laid out among the small chips.

This is the egg of a lark ... a sparrow ... a pigeon ... a crow ...

Crow eggs… eco wonder! Oh you rustic! - Ratmanova laughed and hit the box with all her might, so that all my testicles fell out of it and broke - my treasure, which I have been protecting for so many years.

I sobbed desperately.

What a wicked bastard you are! - said Olkhina, a pale girl with blue eyes, to Ratmanova.

But Ratmanova was not at all embarrassed, and with a triumphant smile on her lips, as if she had accomplished a heroic deed, she headed to the other end of the dormitory.

I felt very sorry for the tiny testicles. They were especially dear to me because I collected them with my nanny in the forest, when we cut down trees that fell down with bird nests. In addition, I did not expect such a rude trick from my friend.

Masha Ratmanova was not a bad girl by nature. Lively, witty and cheerful, for a long time she could not come to terms with the institute's rules and bureaucracy. The eternal shouting of class ladies, daily punishments, drill and severe discipline hardened her, but did not suppress her liveliness. She passionately rushed to the games and running around on holidays, but this annoyed the cool ladies. Every now and then they caught her at the scene of the crime, they tore off her apron, pushed her into a corner, to the blackboard, read the most boring lectures.

Playful, nervous, sharp and quick-tongued, Masha Ratmanova began to be rude recklessly and finally received the title of "desperate".

She annoyed not only classy ladies, but also friends whom she did not like. Most often got from her "parfettes". That was the name of the students at the institute, who were favored by class ladies for their obedience and good behavior, which often consisted in earing your girlfriends. Masha Ratmanova hated these "parfettes" with all the strength of her soul and called them nothing more than "sneakers", "slickers", "sneakers" and "moveshki". Eternally excelling in pranks, she threw a wet rag into the music stand of one and ruined a book or a completely copied notebook, while the other slowly thrust a pin or a piece of chewed paper into her bodice. During the lesson, she kept turning to the girls sitting behind her, making grimaces, mimicking a teacher, a cool lady or a friend.

Despite his restless temper. Masha Ratmanova had one wonderful feature - a sense of camaraderie.

For especially serious, from the point of view of classy ladies, offenses, the offender was punished by forbidding us, her friends, to talk to her. Ratmanova was the first to resent this custom. Despite the strict prohibition, she always talked to the punished and attacked those who obeyed this ridiculous requirement. For the punished Masha crucified as much as she could. On the other hand, she not only harassed gossips and scammers with mockery and swear words, but surreptitiously pushed them, pinched them so cruelly that they had bruises on their arms and neck for a long time.

Masha's nickname "desperate" was not invented for her alone. That was the name of the pupils, boldly daring to teachers and cool ladies. In every class there were girls like our Ratmanova. And no wonder: institute education crippled everyone in one way.

However, the children, accustomed to warmth and affection, timid and weak by nature, the institute not only maimed, but also destroyed. Such was sad story another friend of mine, Fanny Golembiovskaya.

More than three months have already passed since Fanny entered the institute, and yet she did not appear either in class or in the dormitory. All this time she lay in the infirmary. What she was ill with, we did not know, but our doctor explained her illness by melancholy.

One morning, after the bell rang, “maman” entered the German lesson, followed by Fanny Golembiovskaya. I hardly recognized the old Fanny in her - she had changed so much during this time. Her slender fingers fiddled nervously with her apron, her long neck seemed like a thread connecting her head to her torso, her narrow shoulders twitched nervously, her cheeks sagged, and her big eyes, seemed to have become even larger and ran around in confusion. The German asked her if she had learned her lesson. She replied that she did not learn lessons during her illness. But when she skimmed through and translated the page indicated to her, the teacher was delighted and gave her a twelve plus.

Twelve is the highest mark according to the twelve-point system adopted at the institute.

At the lesson French again the inspector was present. The Frenchman also forced Fanny to read and translate, which she did with ease. Then he asked her to recite some poem or fable from memory.

Fanny began to recite the poem "Prayer". In these verses, the child turns to God, begging him to prolong the days of his mother. Fanny's voice trembled more and more, she recited poetry with great feeling and enthusiasm. But suddenly tears were heard in her voice, and she stopped without finishing her sentence, as if a spasm had squeezed her throat. The Frenchman looked at the inspector with amazement, and then asked Fanny if she could write a letter in French.

With trembling hands, the girl took the chalk and quickly wrote a few lines. The teacher read aloud what was written. It turned out to be a letter to her mother, in which Fanny begged to be taken out of the institute, saying that otherwise she would die.

As Fanny returned to her bench, the inspector, leaning towards her, said tenderly:

My child, you are excellently prepared. But what can we do so that you do not yearn?

Fanny should have felt less than all of us the difficult conditions of institute life. She slept in a warm infirmary room, ate hospital food that was much better than ours, saw her mother twice a week, and was surrounded the best people at the institute - an inspector, a doctor and a sister of mercy. However, this did little to console her. As soon as she got into the classroom for even a day or was in the dormitory, she again felt sick.

Although the shouting and scolding of classy ladies most often did not apply to her, she still shuddered and turned pale every time. She did not get close to her friends - and answered their questions languidly and reluctantly.

How cold you are! How bad you are! said Fanny, shrugging painfully and looking around.

What do you all say: you have yes you have. We have the same thing as you, Madam Princess, inexpensive, ”Ratmanova blurted out, looking at her mockingly.

Evil, rude, - answered Fanny and burst into tears.

When meeting Fanny, the inspector always kindly asked her about her health. Verkhovskaya also treated her well, only Mademoiselle Tyufyaeva did not like the general attention to Fanny of those around her, and she kept grumbling at her or throwing malicious glances in her direction.

In her free time, Fanny always wrote something, and then one day, when she, as usual, was bending over a piece of paper, Tyufyaeva tore the covered pages out of her hands and shouted:

What is it?

Mom a letter.

Here's another lie! What can you have - letters to your mother when you see her twice a week. And if you write to your mother, with whom do you send?

When my mother comes, I give it to her myself.

Tyufyaeva put aside the stocking that she always knitted, put on her glasses and began to make out what was written.

How? You deign to correspond in Polish!

But I'm Polish," Fanny explained.

Fine, - Tyufyaeva hissed with indignation, - I myself will take your letters to the headmistress and ask you to explain to me whether the pupils dare to write to their parents in a language that no one here understands. Do they dare to give letters to their parents without first giving them to the cool lady to read. Since I've been here, no one has been pampered like you. For what? Is it not because you always lick with your mother, who, as soon as she crossed the threshold of the institution, caused a lot of trouble for everyone, even the boss! Is it not for the fact that you only turn sour here, sniff and faint...

But Tyufyaeva failed to finish her speech. She was interrupted by Fanny's hysterical weeping.

Rubbish! Crybaby! - Tyufyaeva threw in her direction and, turning on her heels, swam to the door.

We surrounded Fanny, gave her water, moistened her whiskey, but she was so weak from tears that she had to be taken to the infirmary.

A week or two passed, and Fanny still did not show herself in class. One morning, when we were just getting up, we heard running in the corridors and rushed headlong to see what had happened. Maids, hospital servants, classy ladies scurried past us.

Do not dare to leave the dorms! - they shouted to us, and we, like mice, hid in our holes.

At the same moment a pepiniere ran into our dormitory and announced to Mademoiselle Verkhovskaya that the inspector asked her to come to her immediately. We, kofulki, devoured by curiosity, again ran out to explore. Stopping a maid running past, we begged her to tell us what was the matter.

How is that possible, she said decisively. - When something like this doesn't happen in our country, we are even forbidden to tell you ... And then this, this ... - And, pushing us aside in order to pave her way, she quickly disappeared.

Our curiosity flared up with might and main. By all means, the secret must be discovered. As always, our "desperate" decided on a feat. Going down into the lower corridor, where we kofulks were not allowed to go out alone, risking being caught at every step, Masha Ratmanova, for a five-kopeck piece, found out everything from the stoker without concealment. It turned out that Fanny Golembiovskaya had fled from the institute. Putting on a morning hood and throwing a servant's scarf over her head (she must have expected that she would be mistaken for a maid who was sent to a shop), she ran out of the infirmary into the street early in the morning, but the porter realized what was the matter and caught her not far from institute entrance.

We did not have time to recover from this stunning news, when a pepinier came in and, instead of Verkhovskaya, led us to the dining room, where the inspector immediately appeared.

I hope, children, that you will not talk about this sad event either among yourselves or with your relatives.

Obviously, not knowing what to add to this, she looked around us with a bewildered look and, pressing her palms to her temples, as she usually did during migraines that often tormented her, she left the room.

What can't be talked about? What happened? - asked the institute girls, who had not yet had time to find out the news.

How!? Don't you know? - shouted Tyufyaeva. - Oh, you magicians, filthy! You were picked up from the dirty nooks and slums here out of mercy, groomed, cherished, and you ... that's how you thanked your benefactors! If you please, kill yourself on the nose, - she continued, choking with anger, - so that from now on you will not dare to come close to the infirmary, and even more so - to the room where this creature lies.

In spite of the strict prohibition to talk among ourselves about an event that had never happened before in our country, we only talked about it. All the "desperate", both older and younger, embarked on the most risky actions in order to find out some details about this case. Hiding behind corners and columns, they peeped and eavesdropped at the doors of the infirmary, watched who entered it, and several times a day passed the news to each other. Thus the story of poor Fanny soon became known to us in all its details.

As soon as the porter caught Fanny, she was put to bed. She was shaking all over, as if in a fever. The inspector, then Mademoiselle Verkhovskaya, then the headmistress, even Mademoiselle Tyufyaeva, who considered it her duty to stick her nose into everything, would run into the infirmary. When Fanny saw Tyufyaeva, whom she hated with all her soul, she screamed and lost consciousness. Leontieva ordered to call a doctor and bring her to her senses. But then the girl's uncle and her mother, already notified of the event, entered the room, sobbing, she threw herself on her knees in front of her daughter's bed.

Our boss, depicting contempt on her face and solemnly stretching out her hand towards the patient, slowly, rapping out every word, said:

This minute I ask you to deliver me from your shameful daughter.

Golembiovskaya, as if stung, jumped up from her knees and, looking straight at the boss, shouted passionately and sharply:

For my daughter, there is no shame in the fact that she, unable to endure the institute's drill, ran out of the gate, but for the institution it is really shameful that you have to run out of it!

At the same time, she stated that, despite Leontieva's order, she would not take her daughter from the infirmary until the doctors said that this would not be dangerous to the life and health of the child.

The boss, as they said, stood at that time, raising her faded eyes to the sky, that is, to the ceiling, wanting to show that, in her high position, it was not proper for her to pay attention to this impudent speech.

But Tyufyaeva, trembling with excitement, ran up to Golembiovskaya.

How dare you talk to our adorable boss like that! she squealed, stamping her feet on her. “Do you know, miserable woman, that even the entire royal family treats our boss with reverence!

The doctor prevented the continuation of this scene. He asked the boss for permission to say a few words to her in private. Apparently, he told her that the girl must not be moved from her place for the time being, since the headmistress no longer came in that day to the patient.

Fanny did not regain consciousness for long: she soon developed a fever, and then delirium, and she lay in the infirmary for about a month. Her mother sat by her bed all the time.

Greatly emaciated even before her illness, Fanny was now melting like a candle.

Our inspector, who visited the sick woman more often than others, often shed tears at the sight of the unfortunate child. But in such cases, obviously afraid of Tyufyaeva, she clutched her head and complained of a migraine.

The slightest caress, every kind word spoken by the inspector to some girl, acted like poison on Tyufyaeva. Her face twitched, an evil smile appeared on her lips, and she immediately sailed away to the boss to report on the criminal weaknesses and self-indulgence, which, in her opinion, flourished at the institute.

As soon as Fanny got a little better, her mother announced that she was taking her out of the institute.

A month later, she entered our dormitory elderly woman, a relative of Fanny, and asked us to return the girl's casket that we had left. She told us that Fanny had died a few days ago of fulminant consumption.

New house and old friends I was brought to the Inskoy boarding house at two o'clock in the afternoon and, as expected, they brought me to the isolation ward. Hey, the insulator! A luxurious room, two toilets, two beds, a sofa. They put me on it. I fidgeted, trying to cope with the excitement that gripped me - I so wanted to

MY FRIENDS The cool lady went to her room, which was next to our dormitory, and I was left alone with my friends. The girls immediately surrounded me and began to bombard me with questions. I immediately started talking about how good it was that I ended up not with Tyufyaeva, but with Verkhovskaya. Hearing this,

EINSTEIN: FRIENDS, WIVES, CHILDREN Biographical materials cited by various authors show that Einstein's characteristic feature was the use of close people for his own purposes, and as a result - complete ingratitude. A typical example of this is in 1895 Einstein

From the friend of a thief in law to Princess Anna Samokhina was born in the city of Guryevsk, Kemerovo Region, on January 14, 1963. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to the city of Cherepovets. When Anya was seven years old, her father died (he was in his early 30s) and his mother had to raise the children alone.

New girlfriends At the end of 1986, another unpleasant story happened to him in Leningrad. She is associated with “love-operational” goals and an attractive girl named Irina, as he called her in his book, who was twenty-five years younger than him. For the first time he saw

Chapter 5 Girlfriends future pension“, they lamented. After the institute, I was distributed to the Izvestia publishing house, located in the center of Moscow, where I was even allocated

“On the balcony, two friends danced boogie-woogie…” The strengthening of the weight of patriotic ideas was manifested in the moral condemnation of people who were too fond of modern Western pseudo-art and mass culture. In January 1949, Pravda sharply condemned the “anti-patriotic

AM Nigmatullina FIGHTING FRIENDS I look back, into the smoky distance: No, not a merit in that ominous year, But schoolgirls considered the highest honor to be the ability to die for their people. Yulia Drunina Alexandra Maksimovna Nigmatullina was born and raised in Stalingrad. Here her and

The Queen's Friend Leonora was the only friend of the Queen from Florence. Very soon, Marie de Medici made friends with the three most noble ladies of the French kingdom: the Duchess de Guise, the Princess de Conti and Madame de Montpensier. The Duchess de Guise was best friend

Chapter seventeen. Frenemies According to the final results of the “Sound Track” in “MK”, neither Rotaru nor Pugacheva entered the top five performers of the past year (Valeria turned out to be the leader there, Zemfira was in 2nd place, followed by Christina Orbakaite, Zhanna Friske and

When girlfriends come to mom And when girlfriends come to mom (not about a holiday, but just to chat), they only talk about their illnesses! Always about diseases! About diseases, about diseases, and again about diseases. Every day is about illness. Spring, summer, autumn and winter - oh

GIRLS IN THIS big house they moved on the same day, six years before the war. Then he stood almost on the outskirts of Moscow and seemed solid and handsome. In a narrow yard littered with construction debris, the sun fell on only one side - it was enveloped on three sides by

G. Frolov FRIENDS Not so long ago, getting acquainted with the documents about the exploits of our Soviet intelligence officers, I learned about the exciting fate of patriotic girls Evgenia Zenchenko and Tamara Aksenova. Their exploits are so fearless, and the educational value of the military deeds of young scouts is so great that

Chapter 4 A Friend's Advice For many years, every morning Frances Kelly and her best friend Betty Lamm attended early morning mass at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Westwood. From 1940 to 1955, Betty worked for Fawcett Publications, at first
