How beautiful to make a hairstyle from 3 rubber bands. Light hairstyles with elastic bands: for long, medium hair

All mothers want their girls to be the cutest and most beautiful. The image of a young fairy or princess consists not only of smart dress And original shoes. Beautifully styled hair delights the baby, parents and others.

Hairstyles from rubber bands are a great option for everyday styling. Hairdressers and young mothers have come up with many different ways to attach rubber bands. A boring ponytail is no longer in fashion. Look at the photo, what original hairstyles can be created with bright accessories.

If you seriously decide to create interesting styling, check out some of the nuances:

  • be sure to consider the age and condition of the hair. In little girls at 2-3 years old, the hairs are thin, weak, tight rubber bands can damage fragile strands;
  • if the baby goes to kindergarten, be sure to alternate ponytails and pigtails. At home, let the curls rest: make a malvinka or weave a loose braid;
  • buy rubber bands bright colors. Devices are softer on the hair, do not squeeze the strands. Stock up on a pair of silicone rubber bands;
  • do not use styling compounds for everyday life, do not spray your hair with hairspray. The structure of baby hairs is sensitive to chemicals, which are enough in mousse, foam or special gel. Styling products can only be used for children's parties and, the less often, the better;
  • if the daughter long hair, buy the original Tangle Teaser hairbrush for children. The innovative brush will easily comb through even the longest and thickest strands, and the bright "flower pot" will delight the baby.

Hairstyle options for short hair

On short strands, you can create several interesting styling. Choose bright rubber bands, show your imagination, and your girl will come to kindergarten with cute ponytails.

funny palm trees

You will spend no more than ten minutes to create such a styling. Stock up on soft elastic bands decorated with flowers, animals or butterflies.

Step by step:

  • comb clean strands, divide into 5-6 parts in random order;
  • collect ponytails, as in the photo;
  • due to the short length, the tails resemble small “palms”;
  • ask your daughter if the hairs are not very tight, if necessary, slightly loosen the rubber bands.

Styling with elastic bands and bows

simple, spectacular styling for a young fashionista. It will be convenient for a little fairy during games or quiet activities in kindergarten: the hairs do not climb into her face. Make sure the bows are securely fastened.

You will need:

  • narrow elastic bands - 5 pieces;
  • bows - 2 pieces.

Accessories must be the same color.

How to proceed:

  • part your hair horizontally at ear level;
  • divide the front strands into three more parts;
  • the middle band should be the widest;
  • look at the photo. You will immediately understand how to separate the strips from the hair;
  • collect three ponytails;
  • divide the middle tail in two;
  • from the side tails and strands from the middle tail, make two tails at the crown;
  • attach ready-made bows to the joints or tie satin ribbons at the attachment points;
  • a photo of a hairstyle will help you understand how to attach an accessory.

Helpful Hints:

  • the easiest option is to pick up a bang, and leave the rest of the hair loose. Short strands will not interfere;
  • if the baby has wavy hairs, separate them with an even parting, collect two cute ponytails on the crown. Choose brightly colored rubber bands with fun embellishments. Cute curls look great.

Medium Length Hair Ideas

Strands to the shoulders and just below allow you to create more original variants styling. There are hairstyles that can be done in just 10-15 minutes. Some options with big amount thin rubber bands will take 30-40 minutes, depending on your skills.

A simple idea with bright rubber bands

Take a look at the photo. Surely, my daughter will like the bright colors and the original hairpin. A scythe of tails does not require a large number time. You don't even have to learn complex weaving techniques.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • prepare 4-5 soft rubber bands of different colors;
  • comb clean curls;
  • separate narrow strands with a horizontal parting, collect the first tail closer to the forehead, as for the beginning of the braid;
  • after 5-6 cm from the rubber band, pick up new strands of the same width from the sides, secure with an elastic band;
  • repeat this operation until you make a regular ponytail in the back of the head;
  • fasten in this place original bow or a beautiful hairpin with decoration;
  • at the bottom of the original braid of elastic bands, free strands will remain;
  • comb them, fix the rubber bands.

Spectacular gossamer

Creating this original hairstyle from two dozen ponytails is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. A little patience and you'll be fine.

Stock up on enough thin rubber bands. Take accessories of one shade or choose multi-colored ones. You will need one soft elastic band for the ponytail at the back of the head.


  • carefully comb the strands, separate a narrow strip of hair with a horizontal parting;
  • collect the rest of the head of hair in a ponytail;
  • divide the front strands into 7 parts, make ponytails;
  • separate another strip of strands of the same width, divide it with partings so that the next row of ponytails is between the first in a checkerboard pattern (see photo);
  • divide each tail of the first row into two parts;
  • connect the side strands from adjacent tails, add the second row of hair to the strip of hair, fasten a new tail;
  • create 5 rows of ponytails, staggered;
  • collect the tail at the back of the head or slightly higher, secure with a soft elastic band;
  • making styling is much easier than reading the description. The photo clearly shows where to attach the rubber bands in each next row.

Helpful Hints:

  • A zigzag parting will help diversify styling for medium-length curls. Even the usual two tails with such a parting look much more interesting;
  • another option is a side parting. Make two high or low tails, secure with bright rubber bands. Pin the front strands with beautiful hairpins.

Ideas for long hair

If the girl's hair reaches to the shoulder blades or below, make a simple styling of two tails braided into pigtails. With rubber bands simple braids become original.

Tails plus pigtails

Take a look at the photo. Simple but tasteful. With this hairstyle you can go to kindergarten Or go for a walk with your parents in the park.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • divide the front strands with a parting obliquely, tie two ponytails at the crown;
  • for weekdays, make the usual even parting;
  • up to half the length, braid ordinary pigtails, secure with narrow bright rubber bands;
  • divide the strands in each ponytail in two, braid a pigtail from each half;
  • fasten two braids with one elastic band closer to the end of the length;
  • comb the ends of the hair;
  • decorate the upper part of the tails at the crown with bows, ribbons, original hairpins;
  • after training, you will do this hairstyle in no more than a third of an hour.

How to learn to weave beautiful? Check out fashion ideas.

Effective remedies for split ends of hair are described in the article.

Read about the use of royal black cumin oil for hair.

Luxurious braid with constrictions

Original styling for long curls. In addition to 6-7 thin rubber bands, you will need a satin ribbon for decoration or a beautiful bandage.

How to proceed:

  • divide the hair in front with an even parting;
  • separate narrow strands from the sides, curl two bundles;
  • bring the tourniquets to the crown, fix with an elastic band to match the color of the hair and invisible;
  • from the free strands in the middle, at a distance of 6-7 cm from the place of attachment of the bundles, collect the tail, picking up part of the side strands;
  • slightly pull the hair with a loop up, fix with an elastic band;
  • at the same distance, make a second tail, again gaining a little strand from the sides;
  • pull the loop up again;
  • do the same for the entire length;
  • when the side strands run out, make elastic bands, then stretch the upper part in different directions, creating a “flashlight”;
  • leave 8-10 cm of free ends of the hair;
  • stretch satin ribbon or a hoop according to the model in the photo.

Choose a suitable hairdo with elastic bands for a young princess. For different lengths hair is easy to create an original styling.

High or low ponytails, braids made of rubber bands, cute "palms" will surely please the girl and her girlfriends. Experiment, take into account the wishes of the little fairy, please your daughter with beautiful hairstyles more often.

Hairstyle from rubber bands: video

Another option for a universal children's hairstyle with hair ties:

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair look very beautiful on any person. And no matter how old, you can do it for both children for matinees and adults. The main plus of this hairstyle is that they are absolutely harmless to the hair, and are not inferior in beauty to other hairstyles. In fact, there are a lot of options for such hairstyles. They can be used for any important events, business meetings, everyday options and even for a wedding. In addition, for the implementation of hairstyles, the length does not matter whether it is medium or long hair. Below we present you with several options for creating hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair. Hairstyles are created using small silicone rubber bands, combs and hairpins.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair video:

Hair styling with rubber bands

This is a modest and elegant hairstyle. You can make it yourself using rubber bands. It can be worn not only every day, but can be used as an evening option. You will need:

  1. Comb
  2. Rubber bands
  3. Invisibles

First, select a small part of the hair on the left and connect the same on the right and tie the tail with an elastic band. Also select the left lower part and the right part, tie with an elastic band. The strands should be medium, the effect will be much better than from large or very small ones. Next, lift the lower tail above the upper one and push it into it. Take the tail, which is located below, we begin to stretch the strands to make it seem more voluminous, repeat the work on the right. We do the same until the hair at the back of the head runs out. Tie at the end with rubber bands. We bend the remaining tail inward and pin it with hairpins. It can be used as an option for work, if for an evening event, it should be decorated with a decorative hairpin or flowers. Spray with hairspray at the end. Today, wedding hairpins and jewelry are very popular (see details about wedding hair piece).

Scythe with rubber bands

To begin with, carefully comb the hair, then separate a small part of the hair at the crown and tie it with a silicone rubber band. Now we lift this strand up and fix it with a clamp so that it does not interfere. After that, we do the same, separating the lower part. Let's take the upper one, divide it into two parts, lowering it to the lower tail, while the lower one should be sent to the top and also stabbed with a clamp. We connect our two strands with an elastic band, and now we lower the upper tail, dividing it into two parts. And so, gradually I raise, dividing and connecting, we do until your hair runs out. At the end, connect the hair with a hairpin and fluff the braid, pulling out the strands one by one. After giving airiness, fix with varnish. By the same principle, you can make two beautiful lush braids. To do this, you need to divide the hair into parting.

Wedding hairstyle with rubber bands

We comb the hair and separate it from one side and the other along the middle strand, connecting it into a ponytail. From the hair under the tail on the left, select a strand and twist through the tail. And so we repeat 3 times. Then on the right side we do the same. Let's fluff up the bundles a little to give a little lightness and volume to the hairstyle. Then we make such a ponytail from below and alternately tighten 3 strands into it from both sides. Continue until the hair runs out. If you need extra volume , pull it out with a comb . Now sprinkle with varnish and give the correct shape to the hairstyle with a clip. Leave a couple of minutes in this position, sprinkle a little more with varnish and, when removing, you will see that the hair has repeated the shape of the hairpins. Fix your hair with hairspray again.

Wedding hairstyle video tutorial

Hairstyle with elastic bands for medium hair - "Mermaid"

We separate, as usual, the strands on both sides and connect them into a tail. Then we make the same tail below the first. Then we twist them together 3 times, getting a flagellum. We tighten the elastic bands at the base, dissolve the flagella to create volume. We leave these ponytails, create new ones, twist them together, as close as possible, pulling the ponytails to each other. Continue until the hair runs out. At the end, fix the result with varnish.

Video tutorial hairstyles "Mermaid"



We connect the tail, on both sides, twist it and pull it up, then give it lightness. We also draw out the upper hair to create additional volume . Twisting the tail again, you should get a bow. Fasten with an elastic band at the bottom. We take the lower parts of the hair and also tie it, twist it, give lightness to the hairstyle, twist it a second time, getting a bow and fixing it with an elastic band. Thus, we make the last bow, and tie the rest of the hair into a ponytail, and leave it. Finish with hairspray.

Video lesson hairstyles with elastic bands "Bows"


In the frantic pace of the metropolis, there is a catastrophic lack of time for a beautiful, original hairstyle, because most often such styling requires a lot of time, patience and effort.

However, modern fashionistas have found the perfect solution to this problem - hairstyles with simple hair ties. This method of transformation differs from others in its simplicity of execution and original appearance. Even an inexperienced beginner will be able to independently make a couple of three interesting options.

It is worth noting that the variety of models allows you to find a suitable image for both owners of straight, thick, and fine hair. Girls with curly curls will not be left without attention, there are also many interesting ideas for them.

What rubber bands to use and what else is needed?

Hairstyle with elastic bands is a great way to style your hair without complicated and expensive accessories. For such hairstyles, often, you only need a couple of tools:

  • small silicone rubber bands (preferably the color of the hair);
  • comb (comb, bouffant brush, combined comb and with a sharp end);
  • hair clips;
  • invisible (it is better to choose thin ones);
  • hairspray (any fixation).

Some women of fashion add elegant jewelry: tiaras, fresh flowers, bright scarves, silk scarves, hairpins decorated with beads or flowers.

  • They are safe for hair. Unlike, for example, stationery or metal clips, which often tangle the strands when removed, silicone rubber bands do not tear the hair and do not tangle it. And due to its elasticity and soft structure, this type of gum does not exert excessive pressure on the curls.
  • Suitable for any hair: for thick and thin, long and short, curly, brittle and naughty.
  • There are many color solutions, so you can easily choose the right shade (transparent copies also exist).
  • Such elastic bands hold hair well, so the hairstyle will not fall apart, will not “slide”, but will please the eye for a long time.
  • They have a democratic value.

Do-it-yourself styling with rubber bands

High tail "Flashlight"

"Flashlight" is great for girls with long hair, regardless of the density of the strands. This ponytail is the perfect hairstyle for the office, a business meeting, a date, or even going to a nightclub. So:

  1. Comb the strands thoroughly, then, using medium diameter curlers or a curling iron, wind the hair along the entire length. So the tail will look more voluminous.
  2. Gather the curls into a high ponytail and secure tightly with an elastic band.
  3. Close the base of the ponytail with a thin strand of hair, “hide” the ends inside the ponytail and secure with an invisibility.
  4. After that, tightly drag the hair in the tail with elastic bands along its length. Curled curls between two rubber bands form spectacular “lanterns”, and if their volume is insufficient, then the curls can be slightly combed.
  5. When the lanterns are formed, sprinkle the hair with varnish.

We offer you to watch a video on how to create a hairstyle "Flashlight":

Tail weaving

This weaving looks elegant and solemn, goes well with evening dresses and strict suits. Suitable for both romantic ladies and business ladies. This weaving method is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions:

  1. Comb your hair back, then collect a small ponytail of curls near your forehead, secure with an elastic band and fold it forward so that it does not interfere with further work.
  2. Separate the next strands and make a tail again.
  3. After that, divide the upper ponytail into two equal parts and lower these strands down on both sides of the lower ponytail, and lift the lower ponytail up and, for convenience, harden it with a clip or crab hairpin.
  4. Separate the next zone from free hair, add it to the lowered curls and tie another tail out of this. Remove the clip from the pinned ponytail, which is now the top.
  5. Do these steps to the end of the head.
  6. When you run out of loose hair, you will have only two ponytails: top and bottom. Put the elastic on the upper ponytail, stepping back a little from the base, divide the area between the two elastic bands in half with your hands and insert the lower ponytail through the hole. Do this step to the end of the hair.
  7. Gently straighten the braid with your hands, starting from the top, and holding the subsequent links. Apply a little hairspray to be sure.

The hairstyle is popular among brides, because it can be easily decorated with magnificent accessories: fresh flowers, amazing wreaths, beads, stones, rhinestones, etc. It looks incredibly beautiful.

We offer you to watch a video on how tail weaving is made:

Mesh on loose curls

This model is a win-win option for a date or a walk in the park. Weaving looks elegant and sophisticated. So:

  1. With an even parting, select a strand along the forehead (about three cm). For convenience, collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail or pin it with a clip.
  2. Separate the selected curls into several sections, equal in thickness. The number of sections depends on the thickness of the hair - the thicker the hair, the more sections.
  3. From each section, with the help of thin elastic bands, make a ponytail.
  4. Then, divide each section, except for the extreme right and left, into two parts.
  5. After that, connect the two “neighboring” halves of the ponytails into one. So it is necessary to do with all the curls. Also connect the extreme ponytails with the neighboring half. This will be the first row of weaving.
  6. Subsequent rows are created in the same way. The number of rows depends on individual preferences and features.
  7. The rest of the hair is left loose.

Mesh looks best on straight hair. Curly and wavy strands must be straightened with tongs before styling. Otherwise, the hair will be fluffy and the hairstyle will not look neat.

Bundle laying

This type of styling resembles a braid fish tail. Ideal for social events and other special occasions. This variety can be afforded by a lady even with not too thick hair.


  1. On the parietal zone, make a clear parting and select a wide strand on the right.
  2. Then, divide the strand into two equal parts, twist each of which towards the face into a tight tourniquet. Now twist the two strands together.
  3. Add a small strand to the bottom bundle. Twist the same strand into the upper tourniquet.
  4. In this way, twist tight bundles to the back of the head.
  5. On the other hand, do the same.
  6. Then, gently with your fingers, give the bundles additional volume, slightly stretching the upper curls. Be careful not to overdo it.
  7. Transfer the tourniquet from the left side to the right side and secure with silicone rubber. And throw the tourniquet on the right side to left side and also secure with an elastic band.
  8. Close the elastic bands with a free strand and fix it with invisibility. Spray your hair with a little hairspray.

In the form of bows

A hair bow looks playful and flirtatious, it will add charm to any look. To make a beautiful bow:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly. Select a strand at the crown and gather it into a ponytail, securing it with a thin silicone rubber band.
  2. Pulling out the last loop of the elastic, leave part of the hair tucked into the tail so that you get a “bun”. If you want to make a large bow, then pull the “bun” larger, and vice versa, if it is small, then the “bun” should be small.
  3. After that, pull the loop out of the elastic again and twist it.
  4. Make another loop out of the tail (pull loose curls through the loop). The resulting “bun” should be exactly the same size as the first one - this is necessary for the symmetry of the bow. Place them opposite each other. It is worth noting that the free ends of the tail should be in front.
  5. To create volume, gently straighten both “buns”. Give a neat shape to the future bow.
  6. Now, collect the strand and wrap the resulting workpiece from front to back.
  7. Secure the ends at the back with invisibles. The “middle” can be decorated with a beautiful hairpin, a fresh flower or a hairpin with a bead.

With this guide, you can create big bow from all hair or one small one in front, on the side. Beautifully look two small bows opposite each other.

We offer you to watch a video on how to create a hairstyle with a hair bow:

Weaving "Mermaid"

Another original and not complicated hairstyle for long hair is the “Mermaid” weaving. Following the recommendations, you can easily create a gentle, feminine look.

  1. Take two strands of the same thickness from the temporal zone, make a tail out of them in the middle and secure it with an elastic band.
  2. Then, a little lower, take two more strands again and make the same tail.
  3. After that, twist the ponytails together three times.
  4. Tighten them, making the design tighter and more reliable.
  5. Now, to add volume, gently pull out the strands.
  6. Repeat the above steps until all curls are gathered together.
  7. Finally, spray your hair with hairspray.


Hair bands are also used for weaving braids.. Such models are suitable for owners of thick and coarse hair who would like to remove heavy curls.

And for girls with thin and sparse hair, pigtails will help create additional volume. It can be:

  • openwork braids;
  • diagonal braid;
  • volumetric models;
  • spiral;
  • fish tail;
  • heart, etc.


Silicone rubber bands are a convenient, versatile fixture to create simple and at the same time, original hairstyles. But in order for the process of creation perfect image was as easy as possible, it is worth remembering a few points:

  • You need to prepare everything you need in advance. This will facilitate the process and allow you to focus on the most important thing - the hairstyle.
  • Experts recommend using multiple mirrors so you can see your masterpiece from all angles.
  • Any styling is best done on clean hair, if it crumbles a lot, then the curls can be sprinkled with a spray or hairspray.
  • Do not do your hair on wet or poorly dried hair, this negatively affects their structure.
  • Try to use only high-quality products, this will avoid minor troubles.

    Cheap silicone rubber bands can break during hair styling, low-quality invisible ones can scratch the scalp, etc.

Who is suitable and in what cases will it be appropriate?

A huge variety of options allows you to choose perfect hairstyle every girl, regardless of age, physique or social status.

Hairstyles with rubber bands look quite elegant and sophisticated even on adult girls., so they will be appropriate at a business meeting, a social event or an ordinary trip to the cinema.

There are generally accepted recommendations that will help to make right choice. Depending on the shape of the face, the width of the forehead, the structure of the auricle, it is worth choosing exactly the type of hairstyle that will help emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws:

Elastic band for hair - a universal accessory for creating an outstanding hairstyle. A couple of these devices can turn a simple, boring look into a stunning and fashionable one. The main thing is to show a little imagination and patience.

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It is important for all girls to look bright. In the image, it is important that there is fashionable makeup, spectacular clothes and a neat hairstyle. It can be done not only by a stylist, but also with your own hands at home. You need a little skill, a comb, accessories and means of fixation. Fashionable hairstyles can be used for girls too. In some there are braids, weaving. There are fashionable styling of ponytails. To decorate a Greek hairstyle, you can use a headband or diadem.

Hairstyles with elastic bands are quite simple and fashionable. They go great with bangs. It is easy to do them yourself, including at home. For long, medium and short hair, it will be possible to perform styling from tails, braids, weaving. Will look great on Greek hairstyle, in which the original diadem is wrapped around the head. Laying is decorated with a rim.

Hairstyle with rubber bands/Hairstyle with elastic bands/Hairstyles with rubber bands.


  • It saves time, because the work will require elastic bands, a comb. This does not require complex installation. You can use silicone rubber bands or make them from improvised material.
  • The procedure will not take more than 10 minutes.
  • Any hairstyle for short and long hair will look original. And it is suitable for any occasion.
  • Fashion styling can be easily done with your own hands at home, even if they have never been done.
  • Hairstyle with rubber bands is suitable for all types of strands.

Hairstyle with Rubber Bands| Unusual Hair Weave | Video Lesson 2013 Step by Step Instruction

With long hair

To create an original styling for long hair, you need 8 silicone rubber bands. It won't work for short ones because of the length. Accessories perfectly keep their shape and look original. This option is perfect for girls.

  • You can not wash the curls before the procedure, you just need to treat them with mousse.
  • Then they should be separated with an even parting.
  • Each part is also divided in half to get 4 strands.
  • After that, you should take one strand, divide it into 2 parts, tie 2 ponytails.
  • The same work is carried out with other strands. As a result, 8 tails should come out.
  • It is necessary to capture the tail that is located in the temporal part. Add 1 strand of 1 bandage to it, and thread the elastic again. Everything is done in the same way with other bundles.
  • At the end, 1 tail is obtained, which is threaded into the first elastic band.

There are many rubber bands around the head. Based on them, it will turn out to make an excellent version of the Greek hairstyle with the help of a diadem. In this case, the creation of tails is performed in a circle. You can decorate with a rim. This hairstyle is perfect for girls. It can also be done for everyday use.

EASY WAY to make a braid / braid without braiding #VictoriaR

Original styling for every day

Children's hairstyles with elastic bands can be performed on long and short hair. Make the original styling with the help of simple rubber bands.

  • The curls should be combed, at the top, separate 2 strands and fix them with an elastic band.
  • Then the elastic should be lowered a little, make a hole, and thread the tail through it. Then the accessory returns to its place.
  • Then you need to take small strands on both sides, and secure with elastic bands. Everything is performed by analogy with the previous stage.

In this case, a lot of rubber bands will also be located around the head. You can add them with a rim. The option is more suitable for girls, because in this case it will be possible to carefully collect long and short hair.

5 quick and stylish hairstyles for every day | G.Bar | Oh My look!

Creating a braided bun

Hair bands that include weaving are more suitable for girls. In this case, braids will be located around the head. In addition to rubber bands, you will need to use invisibility.

  • It is necessary to create 2 braids near the temples, as well as 3 behind. They should be secured with rubber bands.
  • Then the weaving of the beam is performed. You will need a back braid that wraps around the base. Drop-down strands should be collected in a bundle and secured with hairpins.
  • As a result, 4 braids remained. They need to be wrapped around a bundle, forming a circle. At the end, weaving is fixed with varnish.

Many elastic bands serve as a great decoration. Weaving and braid styling is great for girls. It will be possible to decorate it with a rim or diadem, like a Greek styling. It is easy to do with your own hands, if you practice a little.

TOP 10 Bundle Options Without a Donut! Hairstyles for school every day!

air laying

With elastic bands, original easy styling for short and long hair is obtained if you use a lot of elastic bands to attach ponytails. To create it, you need a comb and varnish.

  • It is necessary to comb the strands, creating a parting.
  • Then you should select 1 strand on both sides and 1 from the center.
  • After that, they must be collected in a ponytail and fixed with an elastic band.
  • You need to create a hole in the center of the beam, and thread the tip of the strands through it.
  • Then you need to carefully pull out the strands. It is necessary to select 2 side strands, fasten them with a tail and fix with an elastic band.
  • Then the strands are pulled out of the tail.
  • Everything is done until there are no curls left. At the end, fixing with varnish is performed.

There are many beautiful styling which you can do by hand. There are clear tutorials for this. Even if something didn’t work out the first time, it will definitely work out the next. It is better to practice in advance with the implementation of complex styling, and then it can be performed for any life occasion. Hairstyles with rubber bands always look original. They usually do not require additional accessories in the form of hairpins, since the rubber bands themselves are an unusual decoration.

Hairstyle From Elastic Bands for EVERY DAY TO SCHOOL with your own hands!

Hairstyles with elastic bands are especially popular among young fashionistas. From a very young age, girls try to decorate their appearance.

  • Separate the hair of the front of the head with a horizontal parting from ear to ear.
  • Tie several ponytails at the same distance from each other.
  • With a parting parallel to the first, separate the next part of the hair.
  • Tie the ponytails in a checkerboard pattern, taking into each half a strand from the neighboring ponytails tied in the top row.
  • Do these steps the desired number of times, alternating the arrangement of the ponytails in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Finish the hairstyle of your choice: curled curls, straight strands, a beautiful bun or pigtails.

By the way, this technique looks great not only on little girls, but also on quite adult girls.

Look at another version of a quick hairstyle for a baby in kindergarten.

By all means, girls, girls and women are trying to make their image more unique and original. What are their outfits and accessories worth, not to mention hairstyles! Whatever they are! High, low, very complex and as simple as possible. But the most popular, regardless of age, are hairstyles with an elastic band, one or more.

What are rubber bands

There is a huge variety of varieties. Some are purely decorative - with bright and large decorations. Others are easily hidden under the hair. For example, such as a sponge for a beam. In order for hairstyles with an elastic band to turn out exactly as they were intended, you need to choose the right elastic band. And here it all depends on the length of the hair, and on their density. Not to mention the age of the owner of the hairstyle. With an elastic band, which is bright in color, the image of a serious and successful woman is unlikely to harmonize. But for a girl or a student, such an accessory would be most welcome.


Every day, mothers face a problem: what kind of hairstyle to do for their little princess to school or kindergarten so that she can last all day, and even be as simple as possible? Such hairstyles with elastic bands for girls, like the "flower-eight-flower", do not take much time, but they look very impressive. It will take only eight soft and not too big rubber bands and a thin single-row comb. If the child has very thick hair, then the teeth should be thinner, otherwise creating a hairstyle with the help of rubber bands will turn into torment.

How to do

First, a simple straight parting is performed. Hair should be divided into two equal parts. For convenience, one can be collected in a tight tail. The second part must be divided by parting into two more equal parts. They, in turn, also comb into equal bundles. They are tied with rubber bands. This is done with each part of the separated hair. The result is eight identical ponytails, tied with colored soft rubber bands. The tails are twisted in turn, and then the tips are passed under the adjacent gum. It turns out a neat hairstyle-hoop of hair. If you do everything right, then it will last all day, no matter how much the princess turns her head.

Neat voluminous baby tail

Many hairstyles with elastic bands for girls involve the creation of tails. If only because this is almost the only way to keep the child's head in order. This is especially true for restless babies attending kindergarten. Therefore, you can do a wide variety of hairstyles with an elastic band or several, which will allow you to securely remove hair from your face and make your head neat. A voluminous tail with thirteen elastic bands will come in handy. It will require only a comb and bright soft accessories.

Execution process

This tail is similar to the previous one described above, in that you need to make a neat parting first, and only then divide the hair into twelve strands of equal thickness. The partings between them should be as even and accurate as possible, otherwise it will be ugly. The strands are collected in small twelve tails, and then the ends of these tails are tied at the crown into one large tail. The higher it is, the smoother the hairstyle will be.

high ponytail

Girls can also use rubber bands to create hairstyles. For example, to decorate a high ponytail, it is recommended to use thin silicone bright or plain rubber bands and one fairly tight soft one. She ties a high and smooth ponytail. With the help of thin rubber bands, it is divided into small sections. Similar to what is shown in the photo above. By the way, such a low hairstyle is also popular. If only because it does not strain the head as much as, for example, the same ponytail.

Pigtails and rubber bands

This is the most popular combination, by the way. Modern mothers often braid their girls' pigtails, diluting them with colored rubber bands, and sometimes performing unexpectedly complex and at the same time simple combinations of hair. The photo above shows this perfectly. Such a simple, but original hairstyle with two braids and rubber bands does not require much time. It is only necessary to divide the hair with partings into six equal parts, and then weave parallel braids from the upper ponytails to the lower ones, weaving the strands neatly. Such a hairstyle is within the power of even very busy mothers who value time.

Universal Options

There are hairstyles that are suitable for any age, for example, hairstyles with an elastic band. This is such a special accessory, which is an ordinary wide strip, with which the hair is securely fixed, like a hoop. There are many such fabric headbands, so you can choose the one that suits you best. For girls, for example, with cartoon characters, and for girls - in large plain peas that are fashionable this season.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair look very beautiful on any person. And no matter how old, you can do it for both children for matinees and adults. The main advantage of this hairstyle is that they are absolutely harmless to the hair, and are not inferior in beauty to other hairstyles. In fact, there are a lot of options for such hairstyles. They can be used for any important events, business meetings, in everyday options and even for a wedding. In addition, for the implementation of hairstyles, the length does not matter whether it is medium or long hair. Below are some options for creating hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair. Hairstyles are created using small silicone rubber bands, combs and hairpins.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for medium hair video:

Hair styling with rubber bands

This is a modest and elegant hairstyle. You can make it yourself using rubber bands. It can be worn not only every day, but can be used as an evening option. You will need:

  1. Comb
  2. Rubber bands
  3. Invisibles

First, select a small part of the hair on the left and connect the same on the right and tie the tail with an elastic band. We also select the lower left part and the right part, tie with an elastic band. The strands should be medium, the effect will be much better than from large or very small ones. Next, lift the lower tail above the upper one and push it into it. Take the tail, which is located below, we begin to stretch the strands to make it seem more voluminous, repeat the work on the right. We do the same until the hair at the back of the head runs out. Tie at the end with rubber bands. We bend the remaining tail inward and pin it with hairpins. It can be used as an option for work, if for an evening event, it should be decorated with a decorative hairpin or flowers. Spray with hairspray at the end.

Scythe with rubber bands

To begin with, carefully comb the hair, then separate a small part of the hair at the crown and tie it with a silicone rubber band. Now we lift this strand up and fix it with a clamp so that it does not interfere. After that, we do the same, separating the lower part. Let's take the top one, divide it into two parts, lowering it to the lower tail, meanwhile the lower one should be sent to the top and also stabbed with a clamp. We connect our two strands with an elastic band, and now we lower the upper tail, dividing it into two parts. And so, gradually I raise, dividing and connecting, we do until your hair runs out. At the end, connect the hair with a hairpin and fluff the braid, pulling out the strands one by one. After giving airiness, fix with varnish. By the same principle, you can make two beautiful lush braids. To do this, you need to divide the hair into a parting.

Wedding hairstyle with rubber bands

We comb the hair and separate it from one side and the other along the middle strand, connecting it into a ponytail. From the hair under the tail on the left, select a strand and twist it through the tail. And so we repeat 3 times. Then we do the same on the right side. Let's fluff up the bundles a little to give a little lightness and volume to the hairstyle. Then we make such a ponytail from below and alternately tighten 3 strands into it from both sides. Continue until the hair runs out. If you need extra volume, pull it out with a comb. Now sprinkle with varnish and give the correct shape to the hair with a clip. Leave a couple of minutes in this position, sprinkle a little more with varnish and, when removing, you will see that the hair has repeated the shape of the hairpins. Fix hair with hairspray again.

Wedding hairstyle video tutorial

Hairstyle with elastic bands for medium hair - "Mermaid"

We separate, as usual, the strands on both sides and connect them into a tail. Then we make the same tail below the first. Then we twist them together 3 times, getting a flagellum. We tighten the elastic bands at the base, dissolve the flagella to create volume. We leave these ponytails, create new ones, twist them together, as close as possible, pulling the ponytails to each other. Continue until the hair runs out. At the end, fix the result with varnish.

For every modern fashionista, it is important to be able to perform quick styling. They will help out at any necessary moment when you need to urgently put yourself in order. Hairstyles for medium hair are created using rubber bands. And you can complement the image with a rim. Such styling does not interfere with the eyes and is suitable for different occasions.

The most famous use of gum is the tail. It works great for medium to long hair. It can be made with or without other accessories, such as a headband. If the length of the curls allows you to collect them in a bun, then this will turn out to be a great hairstyle.

Thanks to the variety of elastic bands, there are more types of hairstyles that can be changed. Hairstyles can be created on the basis of one elastic band or several. For girls, accessory sets are often used to make many small ponytails or braids.

Ponytails can afford not only girls and girls, but also women. Depending on the image, you can change the height of the tail. For a holiday on medium hair, you can do " Ponytail”, and such a hairstyle will be complemented with a rim. For work and sports, it is desirable to create a low ponytail. With the help of such a hairstyle, you can fantasize, change it as you wish. Decoration are decorative accessories: hairpins, hairpins. Fixing agents are used for laying.

Features of hair fixation

For medium hair, you can make a hairstyle with an elastic band around the head, and then decorate it with a rim. With its help, curls are fixed, and due to the variety of forms, you can get unique images.

A thin elastic band is presented in the form of an elastic strap length in the girth of the head. It includes 2 parts: the gum itself (will be hidden under the curls) and the finish (will serve as a decoration).

The hairstyle can be created with a wide elastic band. It is presented in the form of a bandage to be worn on the hair, or a headband.

Elastic bands are decorated with stones, rhinestones, beads, cords and other decorative details. Thanks to bows and flowers, festive images. Elastic and rim styling is quick and easy to create. They are combined with business and evening wear.

The use of a wide elastic bandage

On medium length hair, you can make a hairstyle based on an elastic bandage. It must be worn on twisted loose curls. The styling option is suitable for long thin strands. Even if there is no volume, it can be created by putting on a bandage and lifting the curls as far as possible.

A wide elastic band can be passed under the hair on the back of the head, like a headband. Curls can be braided or left loose. This option is great for schoolgirls and students.

How is thin rubber used?

To date, the actual hairstyle remains styling in the greek style. It is great for girls and women. The execution technology is simple, and little time will be spent on it.

Curls need to be carefully combed and divided with a straight parting. An elastic band is put on the strands. It goes over the forehead. Then each strand needs to be separated, wrapped under an elastic band. As a result, it turns out that all the curls are wrapped in a "roller". It will turn out laying in the Greek style. You get a great image. As jewelry, you can use accessories with beads, rhinestones, stones, beads.

It takes a little practice to learn how to create simple and comfortable styling for hair of different lengths. This process will be exciting. There are some simple tips that will help fix the curls for a long time.

  • Many rubber bands will include decorative details. It is necessary that they are at the top, and not put pressure on the scalp. Some leave marks and damage.
  • Mousse is used for secure fixation. You can use pins. You just need to carefully fix the strands with accessories.
  • Bangs can be located at the top of the bandage.
  • You can get additional volume by pulling the "roller" up a little. With this movement, the gum will mix and the curls will gain volume.
  • If there is no time to create a hairstyle, then Greek styling can help out.
  • When buying accessories for hairstyles, you need to focus on quality so that they are completely safe for the scalp and hair.
  • When creating hairstyles, you need to make sure that there is no tangling of the hair. If you pull out a piece, you can damage all the curls.
  • The styling created by the rubber bands should be comfortable for the hair.

With a weak attachment of the gum, the following tips will be required:

  • it is advisable to perform styling the next day after washing your hair, since this will make the process more convenient;
  • if you need to do your hair urgently, then the curls are pre-treated with mousse, and then dried with a hairdryer;
  • to facilitate styling, you can make 2 bunches at night and treat with mousse - it will be easier to do your hair in the morning;
  • thanks to the pile, work with the hair is facilitated;
  • it is better to fix the bandage with invisibility;
  • for hairstyles, instead of an elastic band, you can use a scarf;
  • if you follow all the recommendations, then styling with a rim will look great.
