Is it possible not to wash your hair at all. What happens if you don't wash your hair for a month?

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Hello dear readers of our site. Today we will tell you how often you should wash your hair, how many times a week you can do this so as not to harm your hair. How often should men and women wash their hair.

Over time, attitudes towards hygiene in general and hair washing in particular have changed over the centuries. In Rus', it was a tradition for our great-great-great-grandmothers to go to the bathhouse once a week. But for the beautiful ladies of the European countries of the medieval period, for example, it was the norm to wash only a few times in their lives: on the day of baptism and wedding day (hence, by the way, the fashion for small dogs went). What a blessing that in today's society mores have changed. Now we have the right to decide for ourselves when it is time to wash our hair, but, nevertheless, if you follow some tips, you can turn the usual procedure in favor.

Factors affecting the frequency of hair washing

There is no and cannot be an unambiguous answer to the question of how many times a week to wash your hair, because many different factors influence this. Here are the key ones:

  • structural type of hair (dry, normal, oily);
  • their length;
  • profession and rhythm of human life;
  • climatic conditions and time of year.

Dry hair

Those who have dry hair need to carefully protect and protect their hair. It must be remembered that shampooing, using a hair dryer, curling irons, ironing, chemical hair care products - all this has a devastating effect on the hair structure. Therefore, for hair of this type, weekly hair washing will be relevant. Since the main task is to maintain the level of moisture and nutrients in dry hair, the use of gentle moisturizing shampoos, as well as various oil-based balms and masks, is recommended.

Greasy hair

If your hair is oily, then it is most acceptable to wash it as it gets dirty. Indeed, in addition to the fact that stale hair looks untidy, it is also harmful from the point of view of health. The thing is that most often the rapid contamination of the hair is inseparable from oily dandruff. And although seborrhea is preferably treated medicines, there are still some universal tips. This is especially true for those people for whom this was the result of improper hair care.

  • daily shampooing has a negative effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands This will only make your hair more oily. Therefore, if possible, you should strive to contact them as little as possible.
  • exclude oily hair balms from the care system (most often, for oily hair, the problem of difficult combing is irrelevant). If the situation becomes completely hopeless, then the use of dry shampoo can be an alternative to the usual washing of the head.
  • Tar shampoo or soap perfectly help you cope with the problem of seborrhea and dandruff.

Normal or combined type

The lucky owners of normal hair are the luckiest, because their hair does not get dirty quickly, and, at the same time, they look the most healthy and well-groomed. Washing your hair at intervals is optimal. in five days .

How often should a man wash his hair?

The modern rhythm of life has taught us to take a shower every day, and this is really a hygienic norm, but this has nothing to do with hair. Washing your hair daily negatively affects the pH level of your hair.

Men, on the other hand, are now generally trying to use universal 2 in 1 products, which supposedly are both shampoo and shower gel. This is a big mistake, because the daily use of such a strong remedy will have a destructive effect on the hair. It is better to give preference to shampoos that include in their composition natural oils.

Depending on the structure of the hair, men are recommended to wash their hair no more than 1 time in 2 days.

How often should a woman wash her hair?

Women should also, if possible, avoid daily shampooing , except when they use chemical hair care products (varnishes, gels, mousses). In this case, on the contrary, it is necessary to clean the hair from the effects of these destructive elements, only then you should choose a gentle shampoo, specially designed for daily use .

Try to reduce the frequency of washing your hair to 1 time in 2 days. Give your hair time to get used to it and then it will not get so dirty.

Expert opinions on hair washing

Trichologists, categorically against daily shampooing. Why can't you wash your hair often? Here are the arguments they put forward:

  • daily washing of the head has a destructive effect on the protective lipid film of the hair, from which they become dull and brittle;
  • the risk of dandruff formation increases, since the bulk of shampoos, which are aggressive in structure, disrupt the pH balance of the scalp;
  • oily scalp under the influence of shampoo increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which leads to even faster contamination of the hair.

Cosmetologists they are more loyal in this matter: their recommendation is to wash your hair taking into account the individual needs of each specific person, that is, as far as it gets dirty. Key Tips:

  • choose a shampoo based on your hair type;
  • give preference to shampoos with herbal ingredients;
  • do not forget about the influence of the season: when wearing a headdress, the hair gets greasy a little faster.

And here hair stylists think not so much about health as about beauty. But even they consider daily shampooing unnecessary. Hair stylist tips for hair care:

  • wash your hair daily only if you have a short haircut;
  • if possible, eliminate the use of a hair dryer;
  • use chemical hair care products as little as possible;
  • use dry shampoo as needed.

How to wash your hair properly?

  1. Moderately warm water should be preferred (the fact is that hot water has a destructive effect on hair of any type, and cold water will not always be able to wash hair).
  2. Shampoo should never be squeezed directly onto the head, it should be rubbed between the palms, and even better - slightly diluted with water.
  3. It is preferable to apply shampoo twice in one wash, but do not forget about rinsing the hair in between (the remaining particles can have a destructive effect on the hair structure). In addition, a double treatment will replace the use of hair conditioner, and your hair will be easier to comb.
  4. At the end of shampooing, rinse your hair well with cool water - to give it elasticity, smoothness and shine.

How often should you wash long hair?

In fact, it's a myth that long hair requires more complex maintenance. Just the same, most often long healthy hair look well-groomed and without any special procedures, unlike a short haircut, which is impossible without daily styling. That is why long hair and wash less often: no more than once every three days. So try to wean yourself from the habit of washing your hair often.

Little secrets for beautiful hair.

  • healthy, balanced diet;
  • correct sleep pattern;
  • daily physical activity;
  • vitaminized hair masks;
  • herbal rinses.

And remember the most important thing: beautiful hair is healthy hair!

How to wash your hair properly - this is the next video.

This is what I looked like before I started washing my hair with water only.

About insecurity household chemicals, including shampoos, many now say. I would like to take care of my hair without using any chemicals. However, the personal experience I mentioned , tells me that yolks, rye flour and other natural remedies are good as a temporary hair wash, but with constant use they can also dry out the scalp and cause discomfort. These are medicines, not “shampoo” for frequent use, I thought. Animals living in the natural environment bathe in water without any soap, and their coats are shiny and silky. The hair of young children is also able to remain clean when washed with plain water. Maybe an adult is able to maintain clean hair using only water? To confirm or refute these assumptions, I decided to conduct my own experiment.

I gave up all hair washing products to see if a person, leading a vegetarian lifestyle and eating mainly live, non-thermally processed food, can maintain the health and beauty of hair using only water. For a month, I wash my hair with ordinary tap water and talk about my impressions.

The course of the experiment on washing hair with only water, without shampoo and other means

1 day(January 12) - Washed my hair with water for the first time. There was a feeling of some unwashed hair.

2 day- In the morning I washed my hair again. Hair is not greasy, but dull, obedient.

I washed my hair in the morning. When washing, the hair seemed greasy, but it was not possible to wash off the fat with just water. I didn’t use shampoo or flour, although I wanted to)). But when the hair dried, they became fluffy and obedient. They look clean, although there is no shine and some strange, unusual to the touch. All the greasy feeling when washing disappeared somewhere. I assume that the fat could be absorbed into the hair, like a natural lubricant.

This is what my hair looked like after washing and brushing. They look clean enough in the photo, don't they? I was photographed near the window, so the lighting gave my hair some redness (I didn’t make up)). I haven't used a hair dryer for many years.

My hair is not oily at all, so at first I thought not to wash it today. However, by the evening they began to look dirtier and by the time my husband arrived, she decided to wash her hair anyway. When he entered, I appeared before him in a new image ...

On this day, I found an article on the Internet by a woman who conducted a similar experiment on herself. She also washed her hair for a month with only water without soap, however, she stepped a little further, refusing to use a comb for this period! I didn't even think about it, because usually my hair just loves to get tangled! It is worth taking a walk in a slight breeze without a headdress or hairpins / elastic bands (how else, if the hair is not long enough?) And at home it will take five minutes to unravel them ... Horror. However, after giving up hair washing products, I immediately noticed that my hair became obedient: as you comb it, it lies. In general, I became curious what would happen if I didn’t comb my hair once ...

Here's what happened. In this photo you can see my hair before brushing. They are already completely dry, although they look like wet ones.

In fact, I was shocked! I have never seen myself so curly! I turned in front of the mirror, marveling at what my hair was capable of without any curling. Usually I always combed my still wet, semi-dry hair with a comb and did not observe anything like that. The view, of course, is very shaggy and messy)) I think this is because my head, bending over and throwing my hair forward. Another time, you should try washing your hair in the shower, standing up, so that it is less tangled when washing.

And what will happen if, after allowing the hair to dry calmly without a comb, comb your hair later? See.

It's hard to say how clean the hair is. Without soap and shampoo, they are not silky, but somehow rough to the touch. Therefore, they seem to be clean, but somehow clean in a different way, if I may say so ... Not familiar. Not greasy, although when washed they feel like that. Even the water on the palms is collected in regular round droplets, as if the hands are in something greasy. The hair is sticky when washed, and after drying it is very obedient, but obviously not greasy.

Day 6- I didn't wash my hair. In the morning, the hair looked normal, but by the evening it was not so much. She noted that the appearance of itching of the head began to occur less and less after giving up shampoo. Today I hardly scratched.

Day 7 I washed my hair in the shower in the morning. Washing them in this way turned out to be harder. It is much more convenient and efficient to wash in a basin. Today, there is a feeling of some underwashing at the roots. In the photographs, the appearance of the hair after washing (first) and after combing (second).

What can not but rejoice is that the itch is finally gone!

I washed my head very thoroughly in a basin. At the same time, she paid much attention not so much to washing her hair as to her head itself - she rubbed it and massaged it well. As a result, it turned out that the fat from the surface of the skin was on the hair: when they dried, it became clear that they were oily at the roots. But the rest of the hair length for the first time in a few days from the beginning of the experiment became soft and pleasant to the touch.

By evening, the hair began to look worse, more greasy.

I understand that while you still need to wash your hair every day to look decent.

Honestly, when I washed my hair in the morning, for a minute there was a desire to use soap: the hair is somewhat sticky during washing, the fingers get tangled in them, they do not slip. After many years of shampooing, this method seems unusual and uncomfortable. But since I signed up for the experiment, now is not the time to retreat, I will continue what I started.

But when the hair was dry and I combed it, I was in for a pleasant surprise. For the first time since washing my hair without special means my hair became voluminous and fluffy, as if I used shampoo! To the touch, they have become much softer than in previous times. At the roots, it was less pronounced, but along the rest of the length, the hair even became silky! If before the hair seemed dull, now the shine began to appear.

It should be noted that, paradoxically, when using shampoo, it was always difficult for my hair to comb, it was very tangled, that sometimes I got tired of it and did a short haircut. Now, as soon as I began to bathe them in ordinary water, the hair immediately began to comb easily.

Another plus - the head stopped itching. About hair loss, I can say that while it is present: quite a lot remains on the comb. However, there is also the process of new hair growth. Just now I noticed that when combing my hair in the middle, it no longer “shines” as usual, it looks like a thin strip. These changes indicate the active growth of the "undercoat" and cannot but rejoice.

I also found a video recording of Victoria Butenko's speech, confirming the reasonableness of my experiment.

For the past few days, I've been washing my hair every day. Hair really became more magnificent, fluffier, more voluminous, I think they really get used to the new “washing agent”, that is, to its absence. The result begins to please and every day - more and more!

Today I decided not to wash my hair: the hair seems a little dirty to the touch at the roots (not greasy, but as if tougher, in a natural lubricant), but outwardly they look quite decent. In addition, I believe that washing your hair every day, even with just water, is too much, too often, and therefore you need to slowly, as your hair and scalp get used to it, increase the intervals between washing your hair.

This is how the hair looks this morning, on the second day after washing. (The lighting is artificial, therefore I seem redder))

day 13- Half of the time I have set for the experiment with hair (a month) has already passed. So far, I have not been disappointed in the least that I started this research and look forward with optimism.

Today, on the third day after washing, the hair looks dirty, but to the touch - silky, smooth, alive! In a word, pleasant. I think now I should wash my hair less often with water - every other day, so that the skin has the opportunity to rebuild to a new rhythm, to adapt to the new conditions of hair life. The sebaceous glands are given to man by nature for a reason, think about it. Their secret is important for nourishing and protecting hair. It also gives them shine. Therefore, there is no need to fight it so carefully, washing your hair every day with soap, shampoo, and even just water.

In the photos below you can see how my hair looks before and after shampooing.

For now, I will try to wash my hair every other day, and then I plan to further increase the intervals between water procedures. Wish me good luck!

As I wrote last time, I would like to wash my hair with water every other day, but in fact it turned out that the decision is a little premature. And if you manage to be like a couple of days without using water procedures, then the next time to wash your hair with just water is much more difficult than usual. In this regard, you have to wash your hair again the next day, and there is such a regimen: every other day, every day, every other day, every day. Well, nothing. What matters to me is not the schedule, but the normal appearance and well-being. Apparently, it is still too early to increase the intervals between water procedures.

21 day- I'll start with a confession: today, for the first time in three weeks, I washed my hair not just with water, as usual, but resorted to using rye flour. I know I planned not to do anything like that whole month but felt the need for it.

Over the past three days, although I have washed my hair every day, I have not been able to adequately wash it at the roots. Yesterday, even taking a bath and diligently paying attention to washing my head and hair, I got the same not very happy result. The hair was not washed, alas ... They remained sticky along the entire length and, if you look at the strand, you could see how well dust particles stick to them. It became difficult to comb the hair, they again became very tangled the last few days, and the comb became dirty very quickly. It became clear that water would no longer help me and it would only get worse.

I can’t say for sure why, but it turned out that for the first two weeks the hair was quite adequately washed with water, and at some point it began to get dirty more. Perhaps because I changed the rhythm of washing from daily to every other day. Or maybe she ate something fatty (there were seeds) and increased fat metabolism ... Maybe, in general, she chose the wrong moment for the experiment: simultaneously with the transition to a complete raw food diet. (Shemshuk writes that during the first time of the transition, the human skin begins to remove accumulated toxins, and increases the need for bathing). I can’t say that the raw food diet is new for my body, it just became more stable, without breakdowns. Changes in well-being during these three weeks really took place (more on this in my diary), so it is quite possible that nutrition also played some role and influenced the condition of the hair.

In general, a little upset that the scheduled period had not yet passed, and after hesitating, I decided to still wash my hair using rye flour. In principle, I am not going to return to soap and shampoo from the store, and therefore I chose this natural and previously tested (read) product. I really hoped that she would help me wash my hair and scalp as cleanly as possible.

Not a bad chance to test rye flour in action, is it? Those who have not yet believed in the miraculous abilities of rye flour diluted with water as a “shampoo” - look. In the first photo, my hair is crying out for help in cleansing, although recently washed, and in the second - they are already clean and airy, after today's water procedures with rye flour. There is a difference?

The hair was washed perfectly, even at the roots (it was hard just wash off without residue all the grains of rye flour). They are again light, fluffy, clean - a very pleasant feeling! I so want to keep it longer! But the experiment continues. Moreover, I officially extend it for another month, because thirty days, as experience shows, is too short a period for the hair and scalp to rebuild to new conditions. I will continue to make do with only water to keep my hair clean and will tell you what metamorphoses will happen to me in the coming days. I want to try again to enter the washing mode in a day. What will happen - you will soon find out

For the convenience of reading, I start a new page for the description of the experiment -. See you soon!

Can you imagine not washing your hair with shampoo for 30 days? At first glance, this is impossible. However, Margaret Bador decided to conduct an experiment: "31 days without shampoo." She clearly showed what would be with her hair in a month.

You will be surprised when you see her results. The only thing she drastically changed was replacing the shampoo with regular baking soda. Now she doesn't think about using shampoo again.

The girl proved by her own example that baking soda is the best alternative for texture, cleanliness, shine and health. Stopping the use of chemical shampoos restores the natural strength of the hair, as well as the ability of the hair to stay clean without the need for washing. This experiment shows that our body has its own mechanism to help each part of it.

Margaret admitted that she used to have to wash her hair every day, but now she only uses baking soda every 4 days.

Another American woman named Jacqueline Byers hasn't shampooed her hair in over five years. Strange, but over the years her hair has become healthy and strong. When Jacqueline Byers became pregnant, she decided to give up cosmetic shampoos, which contain a huge amount of various chemicals that can harm the unborn child.

Alternatives were folk remedies in the form of egg yolks, nettles, baking soda and apple cider vinegar, but they had a negative effect on the hair. As a result, the woman stopped washing her hair altogether, using only clean water. After some time, the process of regulating the release of fat from the scalp completely changed, this gave tremendous changes. Jacqueline's hair does not look dirty at all, but on the contrary, as if she had just left the salon with a chic styling. The husband of the hair-washing opponent also refused shampoo in support of his wife. To date, Byers has been organizing the no-shampoo movement, and it is gaining immense popularity.

There is nothing complicated in this procedure, but some nuances will help make washing your hair without shampoo more effective.

1. The worst thing is to endure and wait out the detox period, which lasts about two weeks after shampooing was started. At the same time, the hair gets dirty even more often, begins to hang with lifeless whips, and it seems that the glands produce fat twice as much as before. This releases toxins and other harmful substances that have accumulated in the scalp and hair roots. I really want to drop everything and grab my favorite shampoo from the shelf. Take your time: wait out these weeks, rinse your curls daily with water dipped in lemon juice, and after two weeks breathe a sigh of relief. Some people don't detox and can enjoy the results after the first treatment.

2. Rinse your hair with water and vinegar (100 ml per liter) or lemon juice (250 ml per liter). In this case, it is better to use not running water, but filtered or mineral (naturally, non-carbonated).

3. Try not to wash your hair often: only as it gets dirty. During the detox period, when a lot of sebaceous deposits form on the strands, rinse the curls with water and lemon juice. Wash your hair with water only natural product- a pleasure: no problems, no side effects but excellent results.

We all read the fairy tale about Moidodyr in childhood and we know that “we must, we must wash our faces in the mornings and evenings.” Indeed, if you do not wash your body for several weeks, very soon they will shy away from you like a homeless person, plus a characteristic smell will appear. What about hair? Is it really possible not to wash them for weeks and months? It is difficult to answer this question. Some say that washing your hair once a week is the norm for a cultured person, others suggest an experiment in abstaining from washing your hair for up to those months. Who is right, and what will happen if you do not wash your hair for a long time?

Why wash your hair at all?

It would seem a strange question - of course, in order for the hair to be clean! In addition, according to dermatologists, when washing the hair, the scalp is massaged, which favorably affects the condition of the hair. If we take into account the fact that most of us live in a city where cars drive, smoke cigarettes, and steaks and pies are fried in eateries, the smell of which is instantly absorbed by the hair, the question may seem silly. Who wants to talk to a man whose whole head smells of smoke or cheap cooking oil? Conclusion: we wash our hair primarily for the sake of our own hygiene and keeping the body clean.

Otherwise, everything will look something like this:

Live examples

No matter how experts say that if you don’t wash your hair for a long time, you can easily get a matted and greasy tangle on your head that cannot be torn apart, some daredevils still decide on such an experiment. For example, this British woman has not washed her hair for 5 years and has not done any strengthening hair masks. According to the woman, the hair looks great! Here is her photo.

And this Buddhist hasn't washed his hair for 70 years.

Several others followed suit. The general verdict is this: you really can not wash your hair for a year or a week. Nothing terrible will happen to them, they will not fall off and will not grow faster. It’s just that at first they will be very, very dirty, more like hair on the head of homeless people, but if you endure 3-4 weeks, the hair will return to its previous state. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands on the head get used to working in a certain rhythm, knowing the approximate schedule for washing the head. Abruptly deprived of cleansing, the body first with a vengeance gives the hair the necessary fat, and then everything returns to normal. A month later, the hair is dirty, but not in worse condition than it was before washing. The balance of fat is found and saved.

Trend of the Year

Bloggers write enthusiastically about the trend of the year - the movement for natural hair, which is called No Poo (in full - No Shampoo). The apologists of this movement are sure that shampoos are too unhealthy because they contain harmful substances- parabens and silicones. So, one of the active participants in this movement, a girl named Ofeli, writes on her blog that she stopped washing her hair with shampoo a long time ago and feels great. Instead of shampoo, Ofeli uses plain water and baking soda. Sometimes she rinses her hair with apple cider vinegar and applies a blue clay mask. Her friend Natalie does not wash her hair at all, preferring to clean it naturally, in the air.

Even eminent dermatologists are shocked by this. They believe that this movement is just some kind of sect that instills in people a sloppy lifestyle. Doctors do not get tired of repeating that the ecology in the city is no longer the same for hair to be cleaned and restored by itself. In this age of the latest technology and worldwide pollution, hair simply needs to be cleaned forcibly. And here is what the ardent adherents of the new method look like. At first glance, the hair does not hang like icicles, but it does not shine either. What will be next? Maybe it's better to wash?

Folk remedies

There is another way to do without washing your hair, but it is not as radical as the No Poo system, although it has a similar name - Low Poo (literally - “little shampoo”). Perhaps this is a compromise between the complete denial of shampooing and shampooing with parabens. Adherents of Low Poo wash their hair either with organic cosmetics, without parabens and sulfates, or with natural products - soda, lemon juice, a decoction of chamomile and rose hips, water with burdock oil, and so on.

And yet, as women themselves admit, the choice between No Poo and Low Poo is sometimes difficult to make even for the most advanced lady in terms of the struggle for naturalness and ecology. But the main thing, after all, is that she does not appear in society with a dusty and greasy tow on her head. If the hair is thick and healthy, do not refuse to wash. Just increase the interval between this procedure.


In the past, washing your hair every day was considered the norm. But today, when various dry shampoos and other hair care products continue to gain popularity, the breaks between shampoos are getting longer.

Many hairdressers and stylists argue that washing your hair every day is too often. “You have to let your scalp balance and repair itself,” says Ellie Kinney, hairdresser at a beauty salon in New York. “It is best to wash your hair once every two or three days, and if your hair does not become oily during this time, you can increase the interval even more.”

In this article, we will tell you about the changes that can happen to your hair if you start washing it less often.

1. Your hair won't be as dry.

Your scalp produces sebum, which serves to moisturize your hair. But daily shampooing can destroy this beneficial natural substance. “This is a great hair mask! Kinney says. “Sebum for silky curls is as effective as any store-bought conditioner.”

2. Your hair will become more shiny

Another merit of sebum. “Your hair will become shinier as a result of oil production,” says Kinney, who advises making the most of your natural reserve and using a boar hair comb to distribute natural oils from hair roots to ends.

3. Your curls will be softer and more defined

“Curly hair tends to get dry because natural oils have a harder time getting from the roots to the ends,” says Kinney. “If you stop washing your hair every day, it will allow your hair to be nourished naturally and make your curls silkier.” Also, the stylist advises on the second day after washing to massage the scalp, and then comb the hair with your fingers - this will help the sebum to be distributed along their entire length.

4. Your hair dye will look better and last longer

If you tell your colorist that you wash your hair every day, it will make her shudder. “Hair is like clothes: the more you wash it, the more it fades,” says Will Francis, a New York-based colorist.

The main culprit in this case is the water itself. “Even if you wash your hair without shampoo, water will dull the color,” says Francis, who recommends washing your hair at least a couple of days apart. Wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo designed specifically for color-treated hair, and not too much. hot water. “Cool and warm water will prevent hair from fading,” he says. “Hot water also opens up the hair cuticles, which makes the dye wash out faster.”

5. Your hair will last longer

The less often you wash your hair, the longer your hair will retain its style. Also, ask your hairdresser to use less styling products and different oils. In the following days, apply a small amount of dry shampoo to your hair to absorb the oil that is secreted by your scalp. Pull your hair into a ponytail the day before washing to keep it fresh longer.

6. It can increase dandruff

According to Annie Chiu, a California dermatologist, excess sebum can increase skin flaking and therefore dandruff - as ironic as it sounds.

7. There may be excess cosmetics on your hair.

If you are using various means for styling, with irregular washing, they tend to remain on your scalp. This can make your hair look dull and also cause inflammation of the hair follicles, leading to pimples on your scalp.

To get rid of excess styling products, hairdresser and co-founder of New York salons Lauryn Cairns recommends shampooing your hair once a month for deep cleaning(or “clarifing shampoo”). “These shampoos are The best way get rid of any accumulations on the hair, she claims. “But try not to overuse them, as they can dry out your hair.”

8. Your hair may look greasy (but only temporarily!)

For all their benefits, natural oils can also make your hair greasy, especially if you have thin hair. “What can happen to your hair if you wash your hair less often depends on the type of hair. In some cases, this will make them greasy, but no matter what type of hair you have, natural fat will still benefit them!”

“When you try to wash your hair less often, your skin will start to release more oil, but over time, its production will normalize,” says Cairns. “The first few weeks can be difficult, but your scalp will soon adjust to the new schedule.” And for the time of “addiction”, Kinney advises to collect hair in a ponytail the next days after washing.

As you can see, there are still more positive points among those listed. Therefore, we advise you to try to gradually increase the interval between washing your hair - this will save you a lot of time, money and allow your hair to remain healthy and beautiful.

Hair washing is a necessary component daily care, however, many of us perform this procedure incorrectly. Do you know how much shampoo to apply, what conditioner to use, what frequency of washing is optimal for hair? Professional trichologists dispel the prevailing myths, explaining what kind of care our curls need. Consider how to properly wash your hair.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but washing your hair, first of all, is not aimed at maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the strands, but at maintaining their health. It is in vain to believe that the less often you resort to this procedure, the more beautiful and healthy the curls will be. Since not only the strands, but also the scalp itself needs regular cleansing and care.

Every day, the epidermis layer secretes about 2 grams of sebum, if you add to this figure the plaque from the use of sprays, mousses and hair sprays, then we get a very impressive plaque on the head. Do not ignore external factors - daily pollutants and dust settle on the skin and curls.

The result is "fatigue" of the hair, their sluggish appearance, split ends, thinning of the strands. Without proper care, the curls look lifeless and sluggish, they become naughty, increased loss begins. All this can be avoided if you know how to properly wash your hair.

6 golden rules for effective hair care

Decide on the frequency

It is necessary to wash curls as often as required by the condition of the hair. If you wash your curls too often, then you run the risk of washing off even the minimal lipid coating from the skin, which is necessary to nourish the curls. This can also lead to the formation of a magnifying glass. excessive chemical composition shampoos are also alarming and makes you think.

If you resort to using the procedure too infrequently, then you run the risk of clogging the pores of the scalp, “thanks to which” the balanced nutrition of the curls will be disturbed, which will lead to the development of various problems.

  • hair type;
  • season;
  • necessary nutrition of the epidermis of the head;
  • the condition of the curls and their length;
  • the type and composition of shampoos, the use of additional care products and styling products.

Drawing conclusions

Focus on shampoo

Photo: Washing hair with shampoo

How to wash your hair with shampoo? Proper care based on hair type. Therefore, tirichologists recommend choosing a shampoo based on this. Modern means care products are divided into the following types:, for dry, for normal strands, anti-loupe products, shampoos to strengthen strands, for colored curls.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate the purpose of the shampoo on its packaging, so with the choice the right remedy care is no problem. It is recommended to make purchases in verified places (pharmacies, large sales offices). Otherwise, you run the risk of acquiring a fake, which obviously will not improve either the appearance of the curls or their health.

An important aspect is the composition of the selected tool. The less chemical elements it contains, the better and safer the shampoo is. It is not recommended to choose universal products, which are both shampoo and balm at the same time. Since the action of these products cannot be combined, otherwise the curls and scalp will not receive either high-quality cleansing or proper hydration.

Trichologists advise changing shampoo regularly. No matter how good the remedy is, the epidermis of the head gets used to it, and the former effect becomes impossible. You can occasionally resort to using other brands for a couple of weeks, after which you can return to your favorite skin care line.

Photo: Washing your hair with shampoo

Shampoo analogues

A more natural and useful means of care can be considered homemade shampoos. The following components are required to create it:

  • eggs;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • warm water.

Mix these ingredients until smooth. We use the resulting mixture as a shampoo - apply to the hair and rinse after a couple of minutes.

Some ladies prefer to take care of their curls with soap. To do this, you should choose economic and children's models. Although they are distinguished by a high content of alkali.

Photo: Washing hair with soap

Adherents of this method are confident that this method of washing makes the curls softer, more manageable and silky. Use pre-grated and mixed with warm water. Thus, we get a soapy solution. Rinse off the soapy shampoo very carefully, otherwise the curls can stick together and become covered with a greasy coating. The optimal end of the soap washing procedure is washing the strands with water and lemon juice.

Extra care

Proper care of the strands is impossible to imagine without the use of balms and conditioners. They contribute to smoothing the scales of curls, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, make curls softer and more manageable. The following should also be used:

  • conditioners;
  • cream;
  • sprays;
  • masks.

All of them are used after shampooing. Some types do not need to be washed off. They are applied to dried strands.

Water - does it affect the health of curls?

Many girls desperately monitor the quality of shampoos, conditioners and styling products, but completely forget about the water with which we wash our curls. Tap water is extremely dangerous because it contains a high concentration of chlorine.

Trichologists recommend choosing boiled, bottled or filtered water, which has a mild composition and favorably affects the external condition of the strands. If you still use tap water, then add herbal decoctions or a small amount of soda to it.

These components neutralize some harmful substances. Pay attention to the temperature of the water you use. The best option is a temperature of 40-50 degrees. If you have oily skin type, then you can choose cooler water.

Photo: Washing hair with water

How to properly wash your hair - an effective technique:

  • prepare the necessary care products and a couple of towels for the procedure;
  • before washing, comb the strands well, this will allow you to better clean your hair and remove dead scales;
  • set the correct water pressure with the recommended temperature;
  • wet the hair along the entire length, evenly;
  • squeeze out the shampoo and rub it in your palms;
  • apply the product to the roots, smoothly distributing it over the entire length, use massage movements;
  • regular shampoo should be washed off immediately, if the product has a specialization for “recovery”, then hold the shampoo on the strands for several minutes;
  • rinse off the product well, taking a few minutes to do this;
  • repeat the washing procedure - this will help eliminate pollution completely, and will also have a positive effect on appearance hair;
  • when using a balm, apply the product to already washed columns, wait the indicated time and rinse.

During shampooing, you can use additional techniques that will improve the blood circulation of the epidermis. The most common option is massage in the form of stroking (carried out with fingertips). No less effective are the rubbing techniques (circular movements with the fingertips), stretching (with the gaps between the fingers, grab thin strands and gently pull them up), tapping (lightly tapping the scalp with your fingers).

Steps after washing your hair

It is necessary to comb the strands, but doing this on wet curls is strictly prohibited. Under the weight of water, they easily fall out and break. For combing, choose smooth combs, not combs. The best option is a wooden comb that bends easily and does not scratch the epidermis of the head.

Natural bristle brushes are a valid option. Their use is recommended for increased loss of curls. Please note that combs can also collect grease and dirt, transferring them to curls after washing. Therefore, clean them from time to time with an alcohol solution.

Long strands must be combed from the tips, gradually moving to the roots. If you have short hair, then the pattern of movement of the comb will be reversed - from the roots to the tips. If during washing the curls are too tangled, then first you need to divide them into small strands and start scratching from the periphery to the center.

Then there is the question of drying the hair. Let the strands dry naturally or use terry towels to speed up the process. To do this, take a quality towel, pre-heated on the batteries. Wrap curls around them, tilting your head down, and start rubbing. The towel will absorb excess moisture and allow the hair to dry much faster.

A hair dryer should be used only in emergency cases, since thermal exposure leads to damage to the strands, they become dry and easily damaged. The best option is to use the cold setting of the hair dryer. You should also use various oils and sprays that will protect your hair from exposure to temperatures.

How to train your head to wash less often:

  • use shampoos for dry curls;
  • try to touch the curls less, as you leave a lipid coating and dust on their surface;
  • comb your hair regularly, especially before bed;
  • rinse thoroughly with shampoo and other care products;
  • use quality products, preferably with a professional bias;
  • in your free time, collect the strands in the tail - so dust and dirt get less on them;
  • keep the use of fixatives to a minimum.

What happens if you stop washing your hair? Do not rush to wrinkle your nose: saying goodbye to Moidodyr for an indefinite period is now fashionable. And, most importantly, it is good for health. The blogosphere is reporting brilliant results.

Some beauty bloggers and their followers believe in the usefulness of not washing your hair. The main argument is simple: there are too many harmful and dangerous substances in shampoos, balms and masks.
Baking soda and vinegar instead of shampoo
“You wouldn't eat or drink that. Then why are you putting this on your body?” - a typical argument for those who choose organic cosmetics for themselves and do not recognize any other. But there are girls who go even further.
“Hello, my name is Opheli, and I don’t wash my hair,” is the title of the blog of one of the fans of the popular No Poo idea. The name came, as you might guess, from No Shampoo (no shampoo, - approx.
Modern shampoos still contain unhealthy parabens, sulfates, ethyl alcohol and silicones. Of course have organic cosmetics. But fans of the No Poo idea are sure: shampoos are not needed at all, you just need to make a little effort and give them up.
Blogger Opheli, for example, hasn't shampooed her hair for 5 years. This, however, does not mean that she does not clean them in any way. The girl invites everyone to try washing their hair with plain water without shampoo. Well, once every 4 weeks you can pamper your hair with a special drug: as detergent baking soda is used and rinse aid replaces Apple vinegar. Ylang-ylang oil is used for a pleasant aroma and regulation of the oiliness of the scalp. If you need to urgently refresh the hair roots, green clay is used, which, by the way, is part of all dry shampoos. Surprised? But this is not the most radical version of No Poo.
What if you don't wash at all?
Blogger Jacqueline Byers, another fan of life without shampoo, has not washed her hair with anything for 4 years. The issue of safety used cosmetics the girl became concerned when she became pregnant. At first, she used baking soda and vinegar to wash her hair, but then she realized that she could do without them.
Ophel and Jacqueline have many associates around the world. Girls post photos of their hairstyles on blogs: their hair looks really good - it’s impossible to guess that they haven’t been washed for years.
Over the years of blogging about “living-unwashing”, fans of the No Poo idea, as is usual on the Internet, have already received a lot of insults, accusations of sloppiness and even mental abnormality. But the young ladies stand their ground and invite everyone to remember: what happens to the hair if you start washing it more often? Of course, everyone knows: they start to get dirty even faster! break vicious circle, in their opinion, there is only one way: to abandon the products imposed by the beauty industry.
Expert opinion
Meanwhile, experts are not thrilled with No Poo. Their arguments are as simple as two and two: if you live in a metropolis and are daily exposed to polluted air and not the best water, then your hair needs a thorough cleansing using modern products designed for urban residents. Dermatologist Pierre Buanna thinks that a mixture of baking soda and vinegar cannot be used for washing hair, although he agrees that the mix has a right to exist as a rinse for shine. One of the creators of hair products of the famous luxury brand Opalis is even more categorical: “Soda and vinegar are an explosive mixture that irritates the scalp. If you want to give up shampoo, try co-washing - replace the shampoo with silicone-free conditioner, and the mask with natural oil.
Low Poo
The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Low Poo fans think that not washing your hair is too much, and in general, why do we need to go back to the Middle Ages. But hair washing products, of course, must be chosen more meticulously: look for paraben-free, sulfate-free, silicone-free, alcohol-free, but labeled organic and bio. And in what sequence and how you will use them - it's up to you. If you want, wash it the old fashioned way with shampoo, but if you want, clean it with balm.
And which approach is closer to you? How long are you willing to go without washing your hair?

Since childhood, we have been taught that it is simply necessary to wash daily, wash your face, hands and, at least once a week, wash your hair. If you don’t take a shower for at least two or three days, then even if you don’t feel the stench, people will definitely start to shy away from you in transport, and your body will itch and look careless. What will happen to the hair?

It would seem, why ask such a question, because the same rule seems to apply as with the body. You need to take care of yourself, and even more so for your hair. But there are cases when a person may refuse to wash their hair. There are forced measures, for example, you ended up in a hospital in a serious condition, and suddenly with a bandaged head. The other case involves a conscious refusal.

On the forums, many girls ask: how to make your hair stop getting greasy quickly? Indeed, in many girls, the hair seems to get used to it, and if you do not wash your hair daily, then the hairstyle looks terrible, and the hair is greasy and greasy. Therefore, many people suggest giving up shampoo, or even completely washing your hair for a whole month, then washing your hair once a week and that's it. To be honest, sometimes I also try to reduce the amount of shampooing during holidays and vacations, when you don’t have to leave the house often or you can do it in a hat. But I definitely can’t stand it for more than a week, because my head starts to itch terribly, plus this terrible smell.

Moreover, there is a whole trend on the Internet that advocates refusing to wash your hair at all. They claim that the hair restores itself, cleanses itself. And there is a trend that is not so radical, which advises simply to refrain from washing your hair for a month, and then start washing your hair with either just water or decoctions of chamomile, nettle. In general, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did, without shampoos and chemicals.

Why do you need to wash your hair at all?

Only now the girls forgot one thing: modern ecology is not as good as it seems to us. Hair in the wrong century lives to be cleaned by itself in the air. Hair must be clean! People are more comfortable talking to you if you smell good and your hair looks soft, fluffy and fresh. You will not feel itchy, the skin is not greasy. In addition, hair absorbs various harmful odors, substances floating in the air, which we may not inhale, but absorb with hair.

But if you still decide not to wash your hair

There are people who have not washed their hair for five years, and some monks for 40!

What will happen? As experts say, at first your sebaceous glands, accustomed to frequent washing, will work twice as hard and after about 2 weeks the hair will become a single sebaceous lump. The head will stink and itch terribly. If you get used to it, after a while the sebaceous balance will be restored and will remain in this mode. Many say that after that the hair begins to regenerate itself, become dirty, but not much worse than before washing. Your hair won't fall out, but it won't grow back either. It will not add health and strength to them either.

So the verdict is this: there will be nothing terrible, except for an aesthetically ugly appearance and neglect of hygiene. In addition, you should not expect any amazing healing effect either. If, nevertheless, you decide to give up shampoos, all kinds of terrible chemicals, go to shampoos made at home, on your own.

Almost half of the girls admit that they wash their hair every day. And half of them can't take a break even on weekends.Let's agree, since dry shampoos appeared on the shelves of cosmetic stores (and then in our cosmetic bags), living in this world has become much easier. But still - how safe is it to wash your hair every day?

“Daily hair washing is not best idea, says Elle Kinney, a New York-based hair stylist, to Prevention. "It's important to give your scalp a rest to maintain a healthy balance."The fact is that natural oils, which we regularly wash off with shampoos, are necessary for the beauty and health of hair. And it is they who can make curls without the use of miraculous remedies.

If you feel that you are not yet ready to dodecisive step, then perhaps our text will convince you. It contains five things at once that will happen to your hair as soon as you stop washing your hair every day.

Your hair will be hydrated...

We have already said that on the scalp, as, for example, on the face, sebum is formed, also known as sebum. The composition of sebum includes fatty acids and esters, which are considered the best. But daily shampooing disrupts sebum regulation, so your hair is more likely to be dry and brittle.

…and more shiny

And again about natural oils. Of course, the curls will become more shiny when there are enough oils on the head, and you, without noticing it, will distribute them along the entire length of the hair in the process. Experts say that the best comb for this procedure is with natural bristles, but the effect will be noticeable in any case, whichever tool you choose.

Curls will gain elasticity

Curly hair tends to be dry, which is why curls often stick out in different directions, and do not lie as you would like. Of course, you can achieve the desired effect with the help of styling products for curly hair or leave-in conditioners. But isn't it better to do it on your own? Massage your scalp with your fingers twice a day - morning and evening - and you won't recognize your curls. In less than a week frequent washing they become unusually elastic.

Hair color will become brighter

The color of dyed hair is similar to the color of bright clothes: the more often you “wash”, the paler it eventually becomes. And, accordingly, vice versa. That is why, if you cannot refuse daily shampooing for one reason or another, but are a happy owner of one of the options - a shade of hair, choose shampoos with the most gentle formulas, without aggressive components in the composition.

However, even in this case, it will not work to keep the color for a long time. Simply because the main culprit here is the water and not the accompanying agent. Also, try to wash your hair with cool water if you want to preserve the brightness of the shade, as hot water opens the hair cuticles and therefore the color washes out faster.

Hair will grow faster

Perhaps your mother or grandmother told you as a child that the less you touch your hair, the faster it grows. Well, they were absolutely right. The less you wash your hairas well as styling, the healthier and stronger (= long) they will be. Moreover, you will see positive changes after 7-10 days, which will create additional motivation for refusing to wash your hair frequently.

So that the operation to protect the hair from mechanical damage does not turn out to be too complicated, purchase an Invisibobble-type silicone hair tie. And on the second day, as soon as the hair seems dirty and heavy, take it into a sloppy bun or ponytail- as you like.
