Betrayal of a loved one arguments from the literature. The theme of betrayal of the motherland: arguments from the literature

What is betrayal? It's a very annoying thing to face great amount people - someone commits it, and someone is a victim of betrayal. In my essay, I would like to write what it is. In any case, it will be hard on the soul, regardless of whether you committed a betrayal or were betrayed by someone. The primary feelings after the first will be: guilt, fear of what might happen, and possibly regret. And after the second - resentment, pain, anger, in special cases even hatred.

First of all, betrayal is a violation of allegiance to someone or something. It happens different types. The most common case is the betrayal of a friend. There is also betrayal in love. This is also not uncommon. There is such a type of betrayal as apostasy - a complete departure from one's faith, accompanied by the adoption of another faith. Betrayal is severely condemned by most religions as a terrible sin, and is also punished by the moral laws of society.

For example, if you betray a friend, he will be offended. Not everyone can forgive such an act as betrayal. This is because it is one of the worst things a friend can do. And this is one of the most painful grievances that the victim of betrayal will feel. But betrayal itself is also not easy to commit, because everyone who wants to do it knows deep down that this can be an unforgivable act.

Thus, some conclusions can be drawn. For example, you can not betray your religion, friends, your soulmate. But it’s not worth holding a grudge against traitors, because friendship is more expensive. In the end, the traitor will regret his choice and, most likely, will not do this again, because friendship will be dearer to him than something for which he was even ready to betray his best friend.

15.3 OGE Grade 9

What is betrayal essay-reasoning

Betrayal is one of the worst things a person can do. Betrayal is only possible for those who are close enough. The traitor was initially given high trust, which he subsequently does not justify. He puts an end to all moral and personal values ​​that only exist in society. For profit, for money or power. Any unconditional benefit - from easy money to saving one's own life - can become a reason for betrayal.

World history has not one or two, but many examples when people, regardless of gender, nationality, age and religion, betrayed their loved ones, their friends. They betrayed those with whom they fought hand in hand. They betrayed their country. The fate of a traitor is most often unenviable. Some were subjected to public executions, so that it would not be habitual for others to repeat indecent things. Others were expelled, and could not find a place for themselves either among those who had been betrayed, or among those who pushed them to act. Many went crazy, unable to bear the burden of realizing the gravity of their crime. Only a few found an excuse for themselves and were able to live with guilt in their hearts. But these are really dark-hearted people. The ones who don't care about anyone and everything. Who lives only to please himself.

This shameful fact of human weakness is reflected in world literature. In the works of W. Shakespeare, A. Gaidar, N.V. Gogol and many other authors, the theme of betrayal is revealed very eloquently.

Betrayal cannot cause any other feelings than hatred and contempt. Unfortunately, betrayal is not eradicated, since human nature itself is weak, and where one person does what he must, despite any conventions, persuasion or threats, another, the one who is weaker in spirit, will find a benefit for himself, and once again stick a knife in the back of the one who trusted him.

Option 3

Betrayal is the most severe pain that can be delivered to another person. What is betrayal? How does it manifest itself? Why can't people be betrayed? In order to answer these questions, you need to understand how people feel when they are betrayed.

Betrayal is a deceit, a vile act, a humiliation of a person. It often happens that one friend leaves another in trouble, tells his secrets, speaks of him not very well. Such people are called traitors. Traitors are people who do not know how to value friendship, communication, trust. They only take advantage of others. Such a person is able to be friends only when everything is fine. As soon as his comrade has problems, he immediately turns away from him. A traitor is not able to come to the rescue in difficult times.

The hardest thing is to survive betrayal from the closest people. Considering a person best friend, we completely trust him, we hope for him. IN difficult situations We try to support and do everything to make it easier for him. But, unfortunately, such friendship is not always mutual, and in return you can get not gratitude, but a "knife in the back." And this pain is simply unbearable. It feels like you got hit. They hit him not in the face, but in the soul. A heartache much worse than the physical, because the wounds on the body gradually heal, but not in the soul. And even if a person asks for forgiveness, the trust will not return. You can forgive him, talk to him, but never trust him. That wound in the soul will not disappear.

By betraying people, we psychologically kill them. We kill hope, faith in friendship and devotion. And this is the most terrible and terrible act.

So what can we conclude about what betrayal is? Betrayal is a real evil that is almost impossible to forgive. In no case should you ever betray or deceive someone. We must always treat people with respect and understanding. You need to be able to appreciate true and strong friendship, because it is very difficult to find reliable and true friends. Moreover, it is important not only to find them, but also not to lose them.

I really want there to be no lies and betrayal in the world, and then life will become much better, because people will sincerely relate to each other.

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This topic can be considered in three aspects of fidelity:

  1. Loyalty and betrayal in love.
  2. Loyalty and betrayal of ideals
  3. Loyalty and treason to the motherland, people.

Let's consider each aspect in detail.

"Master and Margarita", M.A. Bulgakov

Cheating on her husband

Margarita cheated on her unloved husband. But only this allowed her to remain true to herself. Marriage without love could doom her to death (spiritual and physical). But she was able to find the strength in herself to start life from scratch and become happy.

Loyalty to a loved one

Margarita loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to look for him around the world and beyond. She remained loyal to him even when there was no hope of finding the Master.


Pontius Pilate betrayed his ideals, which is why he could not find peace after death. He understood that he was doing wrong, but out of fear he betrayed himself and the person in whose innocence he believed. That person was Yeshua.

Loyalty to your ideals

The master believed in what he was doing so much that he could not betray his life's work. He could not leave him to be torn apart by envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.

"War and Peace", L.N. Tolstoy


Natasha Rostova could not remain faithful to Andrei Bolkonsky. She spiritually cheated on him with Anatole Kuragin, even wanted to run away with him.
She was pushed to betray by 2 reasons: lack of worldly wisdom, inexperience, as well as uncertainty in Andrei and her future with him. Leaving for the war, Andrei did not clarify personal matters with her, did not give her confidence in her position. Anatole Kuragin, taking advantage of Natasha's inexperience, seduced her. Rostova, due to her age, could not think about the consequences of her choice; only a case saved her from shame.

Loyalty to the Motherland

Kutuzov is presented in the novel War and Peace as a man loyal to his Fatherland. He deliberately makes unpopular decisions in order to save his country from destruction.

Most of the characters in the novel sacrifice their lives to win the war.

Loyalty to parents and their principles

Marya Bolkonskaya devoted her whole life to serving her loved ones, in particular her father. She endured reproaches addressed to her, steadfastly endured her father's rudeness. When the army of opponents advanced, she did not leave her sick father, did not betray herself. She put the interests of her loved ones higher than her own.

Mary was a deeply religious person. Neither the hardships of fate nor disappointment could extinguish the fire of faith in her.

Loyalty to your moral principles

The Rostov family showed that even in the most difficult times, dignity can be maintained. Even when the country was in chaos, the members of this family remained true to their moral principles. They helped the soldiers by hosting them at home. The hardships of life did not affect their characters.

"The Captain's Daughter", A.S. Pushkin

Loyalty and betrayal of duty, Motherland

Pyotr Grinev remains faithful to his duty and his state, despite the mortal danger. Even his sympathy for Pugachev does not change the state of affairs. Shvabrin, saving his life, betrays his country, tarnishes the honor of an officer, betrays the people who defended the fortress with him side by side.

The following situation in the novel is also indicative: when Pugachev captures the fortress, people have a choice: to remain true to duty and honor, or to surrender to Pugachev. Most of the inhabitants greet Pugachev with bread and salt, while brave people such as the commandant of the fortress (Masha's father) Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna refuse to swear allegiance to the "imposter", thereby dooming themselves to death.

Loyalty in love

Masha Mironova is a symbol of fidelity in love. In a difficult life situation, when she faces a choice: marry Shvabrin (without love) or wait for her loved one (Peter Grinev), she chooses love. Masha remains faithful to Grinev until the very end of the work. Despite all the dangers, she defends the honor of her beloved before the Empress and seeks pardon.

Loyalty to yourself, your principles, your ideals, word and promises

Pyotr Grinev remains true to the principles, honor, truths that his father revealed to him. Even the fear of death is not able to influence his decisions.

Despite the fact that Pugachev is presented in the novel as an invader, for the most part a negative character, nevertheless, he also has a positive quality - this is loyalty to his words. For the whole work, he never breaks these promises and until the last he believes in his ideals, although he condemns them. a large number of of people.

Before reading this collection, answer a couple of questions. Are you 100% sure of your loved ones? Do you think that you have loyal friends, a faithful lover and sincere parents who are ready to perform heroic deeds for the sake of their child? Did they answer in the affirmative? Well, I will upset you: betrayal by a snake is hidden in the thick of life events, and no one is immune from it.

I do not urge to suffer from paranoid psychosis, however, reading a couple of thematic works will help you figure out what's what, because the alarm bells of close betrayal and a painful blow appear in the early stages. Thanks to the books below, you will recognize the true nature of others.

I want to start with the 2015 graphic novel, which Stephen King himself had a hand in creating. For the first time a vampire was born on American soil, Skinner Swift is different from his European counterparts. The demon of the night is much stronger and is not afraid of daylight. Due to circumstances, the main character fell into hibernation, the noisy 20s brought the guy out of suspended animation. Fate brings him to Pearl Jones, aspiring to become an actress, but faced with the worst features of human nature. The girl's movie dream turned into a bloody nightmare, only the monster showed a drop of sympathy for her.

This is not another Twilight or Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. You will not see sugary handsome men on the pages - dangerous, but vulnerable deep in their souls. This is a betrayal crusade with all the details that implies. A full-fledged tragic work, dressed in the shell of comics in the noir style.

It is impossible to find such dissimilar friends as Amir and Hassan. A bottomless abyss stretched between the guys. One comes from a local aristocratic family, the other is a miserable renegade, a representative of the most despised estate. Amir is educated, his father is handsome and influential, the boy inherited the good genes of his parent. The illiterate Hassan has a cleft lip, but a kind and sincere heart. As usual, behind the outstanding external data, a vile little soul is hidden. One day, Amir witnesses the bullying of his best friend, but does not stand up for his comrade, even when he is raped.

A novel about betrayal and the lust for redemption cuts to the bone. This is one of the most striking phenomena in the literature of the XXI century. I strongly recommend reading it, regardless of gender and age.

The story is based on true facts. Back in 1823, under the leadership of General William Ashley, an expedition was organized to explore the Missouri River and get to its source. Among the pioneers was Hugh Glass, a mountain man and a man of incredibly strong character. Main character falls under the hot paw of a grizzly bear, but the pain from bodily wounds is not as excruciating as the realization of the fact that cowardly friends in the squad left him to certain death.

Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar for the role of Glass for a reason, but even such a great actor failed to fully convey the character's character. It's not a lack of talent, but a rigid cinematic framework. The book pays much attention to the description of the hero's thoughts, his biography and the prerequisites that form the desire for revenge.

A chilling tragedy happened in a small provincial town. Nothing foreshadowed trouble on this bright weekday morning, as one of the students of the school showed up for lessons with an impressive arsenal and opened fire to kill. What prompted the teenager to take up arms, and whether he had the right to lynching, the reader will find out when he reaches the last chapter of Jodi Picoult's novel.

The heavy dramatic plot will appeal to a wide audience, ranging from rebellious young personalities to mature men and women. The novel vividly shows what it is like for outcasts, what goes on in the minds of unpopular children, and how parents are ready to protect their offspring no matter what.

Will you dare to betray the love of your life for the opportunity to achieve fabulous wealth? David Maury did not hesitate at all. The protagonist, who comes from a poor family, went through a half-starved childhood and youth. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and was faced with a choice - either to stay to practice in a provincial hospital, or to strive up the career ladder. Now David owns a small estate in a picturesque area and collects works of art, but is he happy?

Well-being is not measured by zeros in a bank account. Maury learned this the hard way. Now the hero remains tormented by doubts and torturing himself with dreams of how things would have turned out if he had chosen a different path.

Girl Tony lives in a small Irish town with her mom and dad. From the outside, the family seems absolutely normal, but in the evenings, the father likes to go into the bedroom to his own daughter and not at all to read her a bedtime story. A man has been raping a girl for many years, her attempts to tell her mother about repeated incidents stumble upon a blank wall of misunderstanding and distrust. The truth is revealed when, at the age of 14, Tony becomes pregnant and almost dies during an abortion.

The novel "The Story of a Betrayal" is autobiographical, therefore it is extremely important for society. Maguire dared to tell the whole world about her grief and show that the victims of violence are innocent of what happened. They are able to resist offenders, fight public opinion and get back on their feet.

Franz moves to Berlin to live with his uncle, who owns a small but profitable shop. The relative has a wife, Marta, who married him solely for the sake of calculation. A romance begins between a young man and a woman, she is thinking of killing her disgusted husband. Fate shuffles the cards and gives out a completely unexpected alignment.

Vladimir Nabokov's pen makes a trivial line love triangle unconventional and delicious. The virtuoso of the word weaves colorful metaphors and deep thoughts into the logical narrative. "King, Queen, Jack" will satisfy your intellectual hunger.

If you haven’t watched the movie yet, then quickly type in the title in the search bar, and then grab the book and compare. Evil heroes were not always such, betrayal made a genuine witch out of a naive and charming girl, but a spark of light remained in the depths of her dark essence.

It would seem that the work of Elizabeth Rudnick is designed for children, but adults will also learn a valuable lesson from the book. The author rehabilitated Maleficent in the eyes of readers and successfully moved away from the overextended pattern of "prince-kiss-wedding". It shows what true love really looks like - real and priceless.

The girl was friends with the boy, the boy loved the girl, the girl made a mistake, the boy decided to take revenge. You will face bullying, chase, emotional pressure, physical abuse and many other stunning aspects of the unhealthy relationship of a downtrodden house girl and a notorious bully.

The writing style is a little odd, but it's up to par with the newfangled current of online novels. In some places, the story resembles a diary with its insignificant details, in the manner - "woke up, washed, combed her hair." However, such moments make the book more naturalistic and lively.

In his youth, Arthur Burton's mind was full of illusions and romantic ideas. The protagonist's naivety led to him being brutally slandered, deceived and expelled from society. The only way out is to fake suicide and disappear forever. After 13 years, Arthur returns under the guise of a cynical journalist writing under the pseudonym Gadfly.

Voynich's lines pierce the reader's chest with knives. Let many accuse the author of an overly grandiloquent and pretentious style, but until the end of my days I will remain a devoted admirer of her work. So, as I sobbed over the "Gadfly", I have never cried before.

The main character is over 50, he works as a private detective. Instead of searching for especially dangerous criminals, the man is busy spying on unfaithful wives and husbands. Talent finds application in everyday affairs. George easily creates psychological portraits, guided by first impressions and attention to detail. One day, Sarah knocks on the office door. The woman is not just another client. She is the one that George, without realizing it, was waiting for.

"Light of Day" is a precious relic and nothing else. I want to retell it to my friends, read it aloud in the squares and pray to the printed lines in splendid isolation. A storm of diverse emotions will take you into an unrestrained tornado. Although the events affect only one day of the protagonist, the impressions will last you a lifetime.

A guy named Richard arrives at a Vermont college who wants to master the ancient Greek language perfectly. The protagonist quickly acquires new friends - smart, educated, rich and relaxed. The company consists of four young people and one girl. The guys seriously consider themselves the last keepers of ancient culture. The murder puts an end to the carefree and exciting pastime of young idealists.

I fell in love with the drama about crime and guilt at first sight. People always wear masks that hide their real appearance. However, one has only to push and the handsome men turn into freaks, the intellectuals into dullards, and the demigods into primitive worms.

Windy Kitty, in order to get ahead of her sister, thoughtlessly jumps out to marry the intelligent bacteriologist Walter Fane. The newlyweds go to Hong Kong - the place of the main work of the scientist. The girl does not like the climate and the peculiar culture, she is bored. Kitty cheats on Walter with the governor's assistant. Upon learning of the betrayal, the man puts an ultimatum before the unfaithful wife - either she accompanies him on a dangerous journey through the Chinese outback, in which a cholera epidemic is rampant, or he immediately files for divorce.

How often fate brings absolute opposites together. Walter is a cracker with a clearly defined range of interests, Kitty is a cheerful and slightly limited laughter. Mistake changes character main character She becomes head and shoulders above her former self. This novel is not so much about betrayal, but about the formation of personality.

An affair begins between a fifteen-year-old teenager and a thirty-six-year-old woman. After a couple of months, the protagonist's beloved disappears. For eight years, Michael Berg has been tormented by conjectures. Until he gets to the trial in the case of the concentration camp guards. Hannah sits in the dock. She is accused of participating in the death of three hundred Jewish women. However, the evidence is clearly falsified.

Michael is not surrounded by a halo of false romance and chivalrous nobility, which is why the hero is so realistic. A man is honest with himself and others, he perceives reality without embellishment. Acceptance of one's past becomes the primary theme of the novel.

A group of teenagers chooses a peculiar location for their vacation. As their classmates pack their bags, imagining blissful sunny days at sea, they carry booze and snacks to a World War II bunker. According to the condition, the guys will be locked up and released only after three days. But after a specified period of time, one single girl is selected from the dungeon. So what happened at the bottom of the pit?

The dark story will repeatedly make you think and doubt. A social experiment in a cramped room reveals the nature of the characters. They squabble like spiders in a jar, get hysterical and quickly give up. The ending is left open, leaving the reader to choose who is to blame.

Be extremely careful when choosing friends, because who knows, maybe new acquaintances hide a knife behind their back and look forward to the opportunity!
