How to lighten hair at home with lemon. Lightening hair with lemon

Not losing popularity home highlighting lemon juice is absolutely safe and in many cases beneficial for the hair. The procedure is suitable for owners of natural hair of light shades. To conduct a brightening session, you should prepare a mixture of natural ingredients, distribute it in your hair in any form, hold it for a certain time and rinse your head. In this case, we are discussing highlighting, that is, lemon masks should not be applied to the entire mass of hair, but only to the strands highlighted with the thin end of the hairdressing comb. No one guarantees an immediate noticeable effect of hair whitening, but after a few procedures you will notice a change in tone. Masks can be done every other day. It is advisable to apply the product in a heated form and wrap the head with plastic wrap for the duration of exposure.

Traditional lemon lightening


  • lemons;
  • conditioner balm.

This is the easiest recipe. You need freshly squeezed lemon juice in the amount of approximately one glass, the volume required for processing depends on the length and thickness of the hair. Add a quarter cup of balm to the clarifier. Using a brush or cotton pad, you need to thickly process all the hair or, in the case of highlighting, individual strands. It is ideal to carry out such a procedure when the weather is sunny, it is not bad to be outdoors under direct rays during exposure to the product. This walk should be at least an hour and a half. Some argue that such procedures can be carried out in winter, it is enough to stay about 7 minutes in the solarium. If it is not possible to treat your hair with ultraviolet light, then you can get by with the usual warming cap from a shower cap and a towel. For a successful completion of clarification, you need to wash your hair and use oil mask or balm with a regenerating and moisturizing effect. To get at least some results, you will have to regularly repeat the treatment with lemon juice.

Lemon juice: has a slight brightening effect, therefore it is included in the composition natural masks for highlighting hair

Lemon Hair Lighteners

Chamomile clarifier


  • juice from 1 lemon;
  • chamomile decoction - 3 tablespoons;
  • saffron - 3 tablespoons;
  • lavender essential oil - 3 drops.

To make safe highlighting with lemon juice, you can add others to it. natural ingredients. These products should be poured with boiling water and applied for half an hour on the preferred areas of the hair. Repeat the procedure until a noticeable lightening is obtained.

lemon vodka


  • lemon juice;
  • vodka.

The ingredients are taken equally and mixed. Such a brightening mask is designed for half an hour and is washed off with shampoo. It is worth noting that the procedure is categorically not suitable for hair that is in a weakened and damaged state or curly by nature. But with a tendency to high fat content, this recipe will be appropriate. If dryness is observed, then it is better to choose another mild home-based lightening method, for example, with chamomile.

Honey Lemon Hair Lightener


  • honey - half a glass;
  • lemon juice - half a glass;
  • cinnamon powder - 10 tablespoons;
  • kefir - 200 milliliters.

Heat the mixture of all products slightly and lubricate dry hair with it. This mask is considered harmless, so it can be kept to the maximum, even all night. In this case, too, it will not be possible to limit ourselves to only one mask; to change the tone, you will have to do it several times.

Rhubarb Lemon Clarifier


  • rhubarb roots - 30 grams;
  • alcohol - 50 milliliters;
  • lemon - 4 pieces;
  • apple cider vinegar - half a liter;
  • calendula flowers - 20 grams;
  • chamomile flowers - 20 grams;
  • honey - 50 grams.

First, squeeze the juice from the lemons, then grind the rhubarb and lemon zest by passing through a blender. Pour the apple cider vinegar into the bowl with the rhubarb and zest gruel. Put on heat, wait for boiling and maintain a slight boil for about 10 minutes. Put the flowers of the plants and leave to cook for another 5 minutes, closing the lid. Filter the cooled broth with a sieve and combine with honey, lemon juice and alcohol. For such a brightening composition, acacia honey is ideal. The resulting product is to be stored in a glass container. Such a clarifying composition can be used as a useful rinse by putting 1 large spoonful of decoction per 1 liter of clean water. If there is a desire to get light highlighting, then it is permissible to impregnate only individual strands with an undiluted agent, using a cotton swab and washing off the composition with cold water after an hour.

Home highlighting with lemon juice or complete lightening is good because it does not pose a danger to the hair. With the correct and regular use of lemon masks, coupled with constant rinsing with chamomile decoction or infusion, after some time you can achieve a change in hair tone, without aggressive dyes. For dyed hair, such masks are irrelevant, lemon acts only on natural hair. It is advisable not to arrange more than 1 session per day. It is believed that lemon techniques are useless for black and deep brown hair.

Can be done at home.

This way to become a blonde is very relevant, despite the large number of coloring products in the distribution network.

In order for the result from clarification to be the same as from staining with peroxide, you need to correctly apply the fruit.

Lemon is very beneficial for health. But in hair care, he firmly took his place. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins. The largest number- vitamins C, ascorbic acid.

Essential oil, which is also found in large quantities in citrus fruits, can strengthen the hair follicle and hair structure, nourish it with vitamins.

Thanks to essential oils, you can remove dandruff, restore lost shine to curls, and lighten your hair.

You can use citrus fruits fresh, or you can add them to masks like an essential oil.

But you should know - fresh fruits can cause dryness of the strands, so emollients must be added to the compositions.

As softeners, sour cream, butter, Peach oil, honey.

Lightening strands with lemon began a very long time ago. These properties of citrus have been known for centuries.

Whitening properties were applied not only to hair, but also to clothes and other items.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon with cinnamon is recommended for fair-haired girls. Dark strands of juice from this fruit may not take.

Carefully treat the discoloration of curls for those who dyed their strands in a darker shade.

The color after lightening can be unpleasantly surprising. Orange or rust color is unlikely to suit the hostess of dyed hair.

Those who used henna to change curls should also not use lemon juice to lighten.

Before exposing the fruit to the hair, you should consult with the master. He will advise what is best used to lighten the strands.

The photo shows an example of curls lightened with lemon and cinnamon, with peroxide, of course, you can get a lighter hair color, but this will not be useful for your hair.

Ways to lighten strands with lemon

To lighten hair with lemon juice at home, you can use several methods.

The most commonly used composition is juice and water, sometimes lemon essential oil is used.

The procedure for such clarification is as follows:

  • Take two fruits, squeeze the juice out of them. Hard fruit is recommended to knock on the table until the lemon is soft. After that, cut the citrus fruits into two parts and squeeze the juice;
  • Add a liter of water to a container with juice and mix the ingredients;
  • If the curls are dry, then it is recommended to add a little conditioner to the mixture, mix everything and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • Place the composition in a spray bottle and apply to the strands;
  • After the hair is moistened with the composition, it is necessary to go outside so that the sun's rays act on the curls for about two hours. So the fruit will show its properties better. In this case, you need to smear your face with a protective cream;
  • After the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the composition in the usual way: with water, shampoo.

This method of clarification can be used to obtain the effect of highlighting at home. But for this, the composition will need to be applied with a cotton pad or ball.

If there is an air conditioner in the product, then you need to take a brush and apply the composition to the curls with it.

To make the curls lighter, you will need another procedure for applying citrus juice with water. But it can be carried out only 90 minutes after the first clarification.

After the second application of the clarifying composition, you will have to sit in the sun for 30-40 minutes.

If there is not enough time to carry out the second stage of clarification, you can postpone the event for a more convenient time.

The second way to lighten at home involves the use of lemon juice, without mixing it with water and other components.

To do this, the fruit must be squeezed directly onto the hair and evenly distribute the juice over all the curls.

The strands must be dried in the sun. Only in this way will the necessary changes take place in the structure of the hair, and the hair will become light, as in the photo.

To obtain golden color strands for fair-haired girls, you can make the following composition: chamomile or honey is added to lemon juice, everything must be applied to the strands.

After the procedure, you should not expect an immediate effect as from staining with peroxide. It will take several weeks for the curls to change color.

Lightening hair with lemon is a natural process, so for 3-4 weeks the fruit will work and gradually lighten the strands.

When lightening hair with lemon juice at home, you should be prepared that the hair will be lighter only by 1-2 tones. To make the result brighter, it is recommended to apply citrus juice regularly.

When choosing a way to change hair light with lemon at home, you need to follow some tips so that lightening hair with lemon or fruit in combination with cinnamon is effective:

  • Lemon juice is very drying to hair. In order not to spoil the strands, it is recommended to add a little balm to the composition. It will soften the action of the lemon. If the balm is not included in the recipe, then after the procedure, the reviews are advised to wash the strands with an emollient;
  • It is worth remembering that the active properties of lemon appear only when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Heat does not contribute to clarification, so replacing the sun with a hairdryer will not work;
  • Reviews recommend carrying out activities to lighten curls at home in the summer. It is at this time of the year that ultraviolet rays are most active;
  • Lime has concentration citric acid the same as that of a lemon, therefore, in the absence of the latter, it can be replaced with lime;
  • A mask with lemon can cause severe eye irritation if it gets into them, so you need to be careful when applying;
  • To achieve better clarification, after the mask with lemon is removed, you need to rinse the strands with water in which chamomile was infused;
  • A mask for lightening with lemon, cinnamon, honey should be prepared only with fresh juice. The juice that is sold in bottles in the store is not suitable for the procedure;
  • If a mask was used for clarification, in which one of the components was lemon, then you should refrain from visiting the pool in the first days after the procedure. Citric acid actively interacts with chlorine, so hair can turn green;
  • Before applying the composition with lemon, cinnamon to the strands, reviews recommend dyeing a small strand to check how the composition will work. Only after that it is allowed to apply a mask to all curls;
  • It is not necessary to carry out several procedures in one day, as a mask containing lemon can damage the hair, dry out the scalp;
  • When drying curls in the sun after lightening, it is important not to forget about protective equipment for the face.

In order to avoid drying out the curls as a result of exposure to citric acid, reviews recommend applying a clarifying agent to strands that are not pre-washed.

Natural fat will protect the hair from overdrying.

After lightening at home, it is important to thoroughly rinse the curls and moisturize them with a balm or other moisturizing mask.

You should not increase the part of the lemon in the composition, as there is a risk of ruining the strands. It is much more difficult to treat and restore curls than to take appropriate measures and keep them healthy.

Recipes for lightening curls

To lighten the strands, you can use one of the many recipes containing lemon.

Lemon plus water mask

To lighten the strands, you need to squeeze the juice of two fruits and mix it with a liter of water.

If the strands are light blond, then you can add only 2 tablespoons of juice to the same amount of water. Such a composition is considered more gentle for curls.

They can rinse their hair every day, which will help remove dandruff, restore hair shine, a healthy look.

Chamomile is added to this composition. He will fix the result, remove inflammatory processes scalp.

Lemon in such a solution is able to actively destroy the natural pigment contained in the hairs, as well as lightening with peroxide.

Unlike chemical dyes, citrus fruits have a mild effect, the hair is lightened, but there is no overdrying or excessive oiliness of the curls.

Mask lemon with cinnamon for brightening

The mask is not difficult to prepare. To do this, squeeze the juice from one fruit, dilute it with cinnamon - three spoons.

Mix everything until smooth, then add 5-6 tablespoons of conditioner.

The mixture must be applied to the strands using a brush, after which the strands should be wrapped in cellophane and kept for 5 or 6 hours.

Remove the mask with cinnamon and lemon, like any other, with water, shampoo. Be sure to smear the strands with conditioner or balm to soften them.

Lightening lemon oil

Essential oil is natural product. Together with the healing of curls, it will lighten the hair.
Applying it is quite simple.

Lemon oil should be mixed with olive oil. You can mix right in the palm of your hand.

After that, with gentle movements, you need to rub the oil into the strands and wrap it with a damp towel.

After about 30-40 minutes, the mask with oil can be removed. This is best done with a shampoo containing conditioner.

Don't be discouraged if you can't remove the oil the first time. Reviews recommend washing the strands several times.

Funds from the folk arsenal are always in high demand among girls, as everyone wants to preserve the beauty and health of their curls, without the use of harmful chemical brighteners. Lemon juice gives good results in lightening hair, so many girls use it in practice at home.

Lemon hair lightening treatment

  • Lemon juice has the ability to dry out hair. Therefore, after applying it, you should use a moisturizing shampoo, as well as conditioner.
  • The main component begins to work actively under the influence of the sun.
  • After clarification with lemon juice, you should not visit the pool. Exposure to bleach will give the hair a greenish tint.
  • It is not allowed to carry out more than one lightening procedure per day, as the curls may acquire an undesirable copper tint.
  • Lime juice can be an alternative to lemon.

To achieve the desired effect, lemon can be used in several powerful ways.

Recipes for masks for lightening hair with lemon

  1. Lemon and vodka. In equal proportions, mix freshly squeezed juice with vodka. Apply the finished mixture to the hair, or individual strands (for the purpose of highlighting). The solution should not come into contact with the skin. After application, go out into direct sunlight to enhance the effect, but not more than half an hour. Rinse your hair with a moisturizing balm.
    It is worth remembering that citric acid is quite aggressive, and can disrupt the condition of the hair. You need to apply lemon juice with extreme caution to protect the curls from damage and dryness. Be sure to additionally use moisturizers and nourishing masks.
  2. Lemon and honey. Combine lemon juice (half of the fruit) with a spoonful of olive oil, and honey (4 tbsp. L). Stir, and let it brew for half an hour, in a warm place. Do not use a metal container to avoid oxidation! Distribute the finished mask evenly on clean and dry hair. Put on a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel. Withstand 30 minutes. Apply this mask once a week.
  3. Lemon and chamomile. Such a brightening mask is able to give the hair a golden hue, and make them more elastic. It is necessary to take chamomile (25 grams), and brew it with boiling water (250 ml). Half an hour to insist. Next strain. Add lemon juice (half of the fruit), as well as liquid honey (4 tbsp. L). Apply the finished composition to the strands. Keep 3 hours.
  4. Lemon and kefir. This mask is ideal for housewives oily hair. Combine 1/4 cup of fatty kefir with one beaten egg. Add cognac (2.5 tablespoons), lemon juice (1.5 tablespoons), 5 ml of shampoo and a couple of drops of rosemary oil. It is good to saturate each strand with the mixture. This mask is best done at night, and do not wash off until morning.
  5. Lemon and cinnamon. To make your hair lighter by a couple of tones, you need to prepare the following mask: combine cinnamon (enough 3 tbsp. L) with cold-pressed olive oil (6 tbsp. L). To a thick mixture, add a nourishing conditioner (60 ml), and lemon juice (2 tbsp. L). Apply the prepared mixture to the strands. Hold the mask for at least three hours.

Lemon juice not only brightens hair, but also gives them a dazzling shine, and also saturates them with useful elements. The technology of such lightening is quite simple: freshly squeezed lemon juice is applied to unwashed hair and exposed to the sun for 20–30 minutes, after which they wash their hair with cool water and shampoo. The lightening effect is achieved due to citric acid, which, penetrating into the hair shaft, partially destroys its pigment. But do not expect that in one procedure the brown-haired woman will become a platinum blonde: this will not happen. Lemon juice brightens gently: with the help of this natural brightener, light blond strands will brighten by 1-2 shades, and dark hair acquire a reddish-copper tint. And the result will not be visible immediately.

For owners blonde hair usually 1-2 procedures are enough, and for brown-haired women and brunettes, it is recommended to lighten hair with lemon juice 3-5 times

Given that lemon juice is pure form dries out hair, use this natural clarifier with caution. You shouldn't abuse it. In addition, after lightening hair with lemon juice, you need to make moisturizing and nourishing masks, as well as use balms and conditioners. Lemon juice is ideal for lightening healthy and oily hair, but it is not recommended to use it if the hair is dry, damaged and brittle. In addition, you can not lighten hair with lemon juice that was previously dyed with chemical dyes: the color can turn out to be the most unpredictable.

How to make lemon hair bleach

To prepare a "paint" for hair, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons and mix it with a liter of water. Rinse the hair with this solution after washing, and then allow the hair to dry naturally.

In addition, a mixture consisting of freshly squeezed lemon juice and vodka (1: 1 ratio) is used to lighten hair. This composition is applied to the strands, left for 27-30 minutes and washed off with cool water.

Never wash off lemon juice. hot water: it will dry out the hair

Lemon mask for oily hair type

To prepare this healing composition, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup boiling water
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3 art. l. chopped burdock root
  • 3 art. l. minced calamus root

All these components are mixed, after which the mixture is infused for 6–7 hours in a warm, shaded place. This remedy is recommended to be rubbed into the scalp: this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And if the mixture (2–3 tsp) is diluted with water (1–1.5 l) and the hair is rinsed with the resulting solution after washing, they will acquire a light shade.

Homemade conditioner for lightening blond and light brown hair

You will need the following components:

  • ½ liter apple cider vinegar
  • 4 lemons
  • 30 g minced rhubarb root
  • 20 g dried chamomile flowers
  • 20 g calendula flowers
  • 50 g acacia honey
  • 50 ml 95% alcohol

Juice is squeezed out of lemons. The pulp and peel are crushed in a blender, after which the resulting slurry is mixed with chopped rhubarb root and apple cider vinegar, bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Then half of the lemon juice is added, as well as calendula and chamomile flowers, cover the container with a lid and cook for another 3-5 minutes. After the dishes are removed from the heat and the mixture is left to infuse for another 17-20 minutes. The cooled product is filtered, enriched with honey, alcohol and the remaining lemon juice. The cosmetic mixture prepared according to this recipe is diluted with water (1 tablespoon of “cocktail” per 1 liter of water) and rinsed with hair.

Natural light hair color in nature is quite rare. This can be explained by genes and heredity, but few women will be satisfied with such an answer. Lightening hair allows you to change the color of your hair and prepare the "soil" for paint. If you want to get snow-white curls or the initial color is dark enough, you should contact professional hairdressers for lightening and carry out the procedure in the salon. But if your plans only slightly correct the existing shade and become lighter by 1-2 tones, you can lighten your hair with lemon at home.

Benefits of Lemon Hair Lightening

Lightening hair with lemon juice was invented a long time ago and was practiced in ancient states. With its help, not only curls were whitewashed, but also the skin. Compared to chemicals, lemon is safer and healthier. It contains vitamins and beneficial essential oils that help:

  • Fight dandruff and hair loss;
  • Strengthens the core and nourishes it;
  • Gives shine and smoothness.
  • You can use citrus on your own, making masks for yourself or adding juice to rinse water. This is especially useful for blondes, whose strands are prone to oiliness.

Disadvantages of highlighting strands with lemon

Lightening hair with lemon cannot be considered a miracle procedure, after which you will get snow-white strands. homemade recipe not able to compete in efficiency with the salon. Its result will depend on several factors:

  • Initial color: the lighter your curls, the better the citrus will perform. It is worth remembering that we are talking only about natural curls: dyed strands of citrus will not lighten.
  • The thickness of the hairs: the thinner they are, the more noticeable the result will be.
  • Exposure time: the longer you hold the mixture, the better and deeper it penetrates the structure of the rod and acts on it. To lighten hair with lemon, you need to keep it for at least 15-20 minutes. The maximum time is strictly individual and depends on the condition of the hair.
  • Number of procedures: real reviews say that on average it is necessary to carry out at least 2-4 procedures in stages to get the result.

To sum it up a little: you don't have to think that lightening your hair with lemon juice will turn a brunette into a blonde in a few minutes. It will take time and patience to see the difference before and after.

The easiest way to lighten hair with lemon juice

The easiest way to try lightening your hair with lemon is during the summer, using a spray bottle and the sun, plus 2 hours of free time. You will need a glass of fresh lemon juice (it will take about 4-5 fruits) and a quarter cup of warm water if you have normal to oily hair, or conditioner if the strands are dry or badly damaged.

  1. Squeeze the juice from a citrus and mix it with water or conditioner. In the second case, wait 15 minutes, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  2. Apply sunscreen to your skin to keep it outside for the required 2 hours without burning. Even if you decide to sunbathe, it is better to protect yourself in advance.
  3. Apply the mixture to the entire hair or to individual strands if you want to create. In the second case, it is better to use a moistened cotton swab. If you mixed the juice with the conditioner, you need to apply it with a flat, wide brush, like a normal coloring paint.
  4. Stay in the sun for 2 hours. To make the effect more noticeable, after 1.5 hours, reapply the mask and wait another half hour.
  5. Then you need to wash off the mask and be sure to use a nourishing balm to minimize harm.

If you have little time, you can lighten your hair with lemon step by step in another way. To do this, apply the mixture for a shorter period, but every 1-2 days. The instruction also advises using additional ingredients to mitigate the withering effect of citrus: olive oil, chamomile and honey.

The lightening effect will not appear immediately, but within 2-4 weeks. Real reviews even specify what result can be expected: for example, when dark blond hair you will get light blond, with light red and light blond - blond with a golden hue. But dark brown and black curls will remain unchanged.

Other recipes for highlighting strands with lemon

There are other recipes for changing hair color.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon

  1. Mix an equal amount of lemon juice and liquid honey and apply to the strands.
  2. The mixture turns out to be quite liquid and can drain, so it is better to cover your head with a towel on top.
  3. You can keep a brightening mask for several hours, many advise leaving it overnight, but in this case it is better to lay a cloth under your head that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon, however, is not very popular: the effect is rather weak, it is often used to give curls a golden hue.

Lightening hair with chamomile and lemon

For cooking, you will need lemon juice, 2 parts of dry chamomile, part of dry saffron and 2-3 drops essential oil lavender.

  1. Mix all the ingredients, brew with boiling water and wait half an hour.
  2. The application scheme remains the same: you can use a spray bottle or a wide brush.
  3. Lightening hair with chamomile and lemon takes place within 20-30 minutes.

Vodka + lemon = hair lightening

You can also use vodka mixed with lemon juice in equal amounts. The mixture is great for oily hair that needs a little "dry".

After each procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hair and use a nourishing balm to restore the hair shafts. If the result is not noticeable or weaker than we would like, you need to increase the exposure time.

A small conclusion about lemon for highlighting curls

The question "How to lighten hair with lemon?" excites many women who are dissatisfied with their own color of curls. If your strands have not been exposed to paint, henna, basma or chlorine, you can use citrus juice - lemon or lime. By acting on the hair shafts, they allow you to get a lighter shade without injuring the strands.

However, the method also has some disadvantages: with a strong pigment, the result may not be noticeable. Also, the mixture should not be used on dyed strands or dyed after - this can lead to a color change up to a greenish tint.

Video: Lightening hair with lemon and other home remedies
