How to awaken your psychic abilities. How to develop psychic abilities at home: exercises, tips

To acquire the ability of a psychic is quite real! For this you will need…

In this article you will find out!

1. What can psychic abilities give you?
2. What types of psychic abilities are there?
3. What helps develop psychic abilities?
3. Why Intuition Activates psychic abilities?
4. How to gain psychic abilities through meditation?
5. Testing psychic abilities in practice!
6. Recommendations for those wishing to become a psychic!

What can psychic abilities give you?

  • find treasures and valuables,
  • search for missing people
  • learn the "history" of things,
  • read people's intentions
  • receive any information you are interested in,
  • know the future
  • awaken hidden abilities and talents in yourself,
  • telepathically read other people's thoughts,
  • inspire thoughts at a distance and influence people,
  • to know other worlds and travel through them astrally,
  • to anticipate and prevent deceit, lies, betrayal...

Think about what exactly you want.

What types of psychic abilities are there?

It is possible to receive information from the information space in different ways, which permeates the entire the world. There are four main psychic abilities:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairvoyance,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairvoyance.

There are others, but they are much rarer, and therefore little studied. Perhaps you have a predisposition to one superpower, or maybe you have several at once.

What helps develop psychic abilities?

The specific techniques that you will find on this site have already helped many people develop their psychic abilities. However, as practice shows, people get the best results when the technique suits them.

Why does intuition activate psychic abilities?

Your intuition is the golden key that will open the secret door that hides your psychic abilities. The more you develop and use your intuition, the stronger it is. Mental abilities can be trained, just like the physical muscles of your body.

A good way to develop intuition is to listen to your feelings and thoughts throughout the day.

Of course, you can use special techniques and exercises to develop intuition¹, and devote some time to classes, but it is also important to have constant contact with intuition, ask questions and consult with it on any occasion.

How to gain psychic abilities through meditation?

Meditation is a universal tool for the development of any superpowers. It calms the mind, harmonizes thought processes, relieves the brain of unnecessary information.

In a trance state, the level of vibration rises, the brain is calm and relaxed, and therefore intuitive information comes more easily.

If you find it difficult to engage in some special techniques for the development of psychic abilities, at least start meditating. It is enough to find a quiet place and half an hour of time.

In addition, in addition to activating superpowers, meditation has a beneficial effect on your physical and mental health. It harmonizes the nervous system, relieves stress, relaxes the muscles of the body, relieves energy blocks, and also helps to rejuvenate the body by stimulating the production of hormones.

Testing psychic abilities in practice!

Everyone knows the saying: “Practice is the way to mastery”?

This is true for the development of superpowers. You can study millions of books, know the theory by heart, but without practice, this information will never turn into knowledge.

Only practice gives the necessary experience and skills, so those who wish to become a psychic² should choose suitable methods for themselves and practice regularly. This will definitely bring results!

To become a psychic, it is not necessary to have outstanding abilities from birth. They can be developed!

Reading information from people, objects, receiving signals and messages from the subtle world requires large energy costs. You need to monitor the level of your energy and replenish it if necessary. regular meditation, yoga, proper nutrition and will help to keep the mood and maintain the right state of mind and body.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ You will find powerful techniques for developing intuition

² Psychic - a person allegedly possessing the ability to extrasensory perception (

All people have a certain set of abilities - physical, creative, intellectual. And these opportunities can and should be developed. You can see a lot of records, achievements, discoveries, inventions, brilliant masterpieces. But what about paranormal abilities? How to develop superpowers in yourself and what is it all about? Do they exist?

What are superpowers?

They have existed since antiquity. For some, they manifest themselves more strongly, for some, on the contrary, they are weaker, and they need efforts in order to develop their potential. Mankind uses the capabilities of its own brain only by less than ten percent. Nowadays, anyone can take a superpower test and find out what their potential is. Naturally, most of these services on the Internet are scams. However, how to develop superpowers in yourself? There are techniques designed to wake up the rest of the sleeping ninety percent. In this case, a person is able to carry out out-of-body exits (astral travel with the help of subtle bodies), masters hypnosis, the ability to enter altered states of the psyche (for example, in a trance), is able to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience, as well as many other abilities. Naturally, this requires decent work. People who have such abilities are called psychics. But who are they? How to discover superpowers in yourself?

Who is a psychic?

This is a person who is able to perceive the invisible magical paranormal world and influence it. Translated from Latin, this word means "a very receptive person." Many are interested in the question - can a simple person discover such opportunities in himself? How to develop superpowers in yourself? Are they innate, inherited, passed down from someone, or are they natural to all people? There are several answers to these questions.

natural development

Proponents of the first point of view are of the opinion that it is possible to achieve magical abilities through constant hard training. How to develop superpowers in yourself? To work hard. This is what many magicians and psychics think. For example, you can learn to enter into a trance when a person is able to penetrate into the most unattainable and unknowable areas of the universe. From time immemorial, such techniques have been used by priests, oracles, magi, shamans and druids. To achieve a trance state of consciousness, it was necessary to perform certain rituals. And now modern magicians have developed techniques that include the inhalation of certain smells, incense and herbs, rhythmic movements, dances, drumming and so on.

A gift from above or a curse?

There is another point of view on how to develop superpowers in yourself. According to its supporters, it is possible to become a sorcerer, psychic, magician, shaman or witch only with the help or with the consent of other creatures that inhabit subtle worlds that are different from our usual physical plane being. These creatures can be both servants of the divine forces of light, and minions of the forces of darkness, gloom and death.

Basically, people who call themselves psychics, sorcerers, magicians, witchers and witches do not really talk about how they got their power and their abilities. Usually they are limited to general phrases like "he received power as an inheritance" or "discovered his gift after clinical death." No one is talking about their secret assistants (or patrons, all the more so). Usually psychics and magicians in response to questions: “Who are these helpers? Where did they come from and how do they help? are limited to responses like: “They do not allow to speak. They are Angels (Spirits/Demons/Souls)”, or something like that, without any details.

Steps on the path to unleashing magical power

Despite the fact that there are two views on the same problem, most experts agree that everyone can develop in one way or another. How to develop First you need to make your brain work differently. For example, doing exercises with the internal clock. Before going to bed, inspire yourself that you will wake up in the morning cheerful, charged with energy. It is necessary to clearly imagine how you wake up at the right time without any alarm clock. Some people find it helpful to visualize the alarm arrow scrolling and stopping at the right moment. In just a few days, you can learn to manage your internal clock and do without an alarm clock. This exercise is very simple, but it clearly demonstrates the undiscovered abilities of our consciousness.

Complete self-control

How to develop superpowers in yourself? This is not possible without self-control. The development of superpowers implies the ability to control oneself, one's emotions, thoughts and mood of the body constantly, maintaining all these parameters in perfect condition. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate any disorders or diseases of the physical body. Study esotericism, magical practices, religious and philosophical views of various peoples - do not stop searching for your own path! One day you will definitely stumble upon it. The book market is teeming with various materials on these topics. Eat great amount techniques and developments that can give results. It is very important to maintain communication with like-minded people both in real life and on all kinds of thematic sites and forums. Usually there you can find already more experienced comrades who are able to advise on various exciting issues.

Energy body workouts

How to develop superpowers in yourself? It is necessary to pay much attention to what is called the "subtle body" and its energy. On the basis of existing methods, it is possible to come up with individual complexes of classes. The development of will, memory, thinking, concentration will help in working with energy. Incorporate meditation into your workouts breathing exercises, mantras or prayers, "working through" the chakras and energy channels.

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. To predict the future, to have search abilities, to heal people, etc., but not many people are awarded with these abilities. Someone has such abilities since childhood, for someone they wake up already in adulthood, so how does a person open extrasensory abilities? Can you develop them yourself?

How does extrasensory perception work?

Psychics can be charged in various ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water, and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what individual abilities and personal preferences are.

If you do not possess the ability to restore your bioenergy, you are strictly forbidden to treat other people.

As for directly conjure, and various kinds of prayers, they are necessary for the magician for self-tuning, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only due to the concentration of one's own thought is the release of bioenergy, which, in turn, allows you to work miracles.

It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well, in the case when his nervous system balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the case when a person experiences quite strong emotions of fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. In order for the energy to be in order, only kindness should be developed in oneself.

It is worth considering the fact that when gaining energy, one of the most important components in any way of accumulating energy by the body is precisely the figurative representation of the process of accumulating energy.

Gaining energy, you should feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, into every cell of the body. The brighter and more figurative this representation is, the more effective its set will be.

Tuning exercises

As for the development of your intuition and, accordingly, the sixth sense, for this you can use some tuning exercises.

For the development of the sixth sense, it is necessary to conduct physical exercises as often as possible, they will not take much time, but it is necessary to do this. You should ask yourself a task, take a deep breath and focus on your inner self. Each psychic is configured differently, but as for beginners, they are advised to mentally concentrate on a point in the middle of the forehead, above the eyes, it is there, according to Eastern wisdom, that the third eye is located . It is also recommended that by developing your intuition, it is very important to enjoy it.

  • When waiting at the bus stop or minibus, guess which number will arrive first.
  • Hearing a phone call, try to guess who it could be.
  • Before looking at the clock, try to determine the exact time yourself.
  • Waking up, try to catch what the news will be. To begin with, you should feel their mood: whether the news will be positive or negative.
With such small workouts and the like, you can develop your abilities.

According to psychics, each week of training will bring more success, you will be able to guess more and more daily little things. In these exercises, the main thing is that you will learn to distinguish psychic information from the thinking of logic.

In order to feel the power of intuition and feel self-confidence, it is quite important to keep a diary. To do this, you can get a notebook, which will not cause you much difficulty if you carry it with you. In this diary, you should record all the results of your training, noted cases of coincidence, etc. When writing down, therefore, it is not worth comprehending and editing the information received. You should write automatically, you can sketch pictures, etc. Most of all, people learn from their mistakes, and only with time you will be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as nonsense will somehow intersect with real life, since you still do not know how to decipher accurately and correctly the signals of the sixth sense. Including in the diary it is worth writing down dreams, pictures that you just wanted to portray. And do not forget that with each new entry it is worth putting a date.

Many people discover psychic abilities in themselves after such cases as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this is due to the fact that after the stress experienced by the body, their right hemisphere begins to work much better, they listen to their sixth sense, and continue to develop it. It is easier for the body to rebuild, it seems to start working again, the process of rebooting takes place, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

Every person has hidden abilities, it's just that someone is doing them. direct development, and someone simply lives according to the program of the majority, logically looking at various events, thereby dulling their intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop extrasensory abilities in yourself or just develop your intuition, then in this case, engage in your self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in it and strive to achieve your goal.

Psychic abilities are a unique gift that combines high intuition, premonitions and telepathy. Many consider psychic abilities to be a unique gift given to a person from above.

In fact, extrasensory perception is just the ability to feel the vibrations of the earth's bioenergetic field in a slightly different range, which is inaccessible to an ordinary person.
The ability to extrasensory perception is inherent in nature in every person.
However, not everyone can successfully use such a gift. Now there are many effective exercises that allow you to determine the level of development of your extrasensory perception. We will describe the most popular of them in our article.
Exercises for determining extrasensory abilities 1. Exercise-test After completing this exercise, you will be able to determine your own extrasensory profile and understand which of the areas of perception you have developed better (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile). To complete the task, a person is invited to read the following text:
“Having chosen a warm and cloudless summer day, you went to the river sandy beach. Sitting on the sand, you feel its warmth, feel how the sun's rays warm your skin. The cries of seagulls are heard from the water. You take off your shoes and feel the warm and crumbly sand with your feet. A boy is splashing in the water, you hear his voice - he calls his mother to play ball with him.
You feel thirsty and sleepy from intense heat. Reluctantly, you go to the kiosk, where they sell delicious popsicles. The kiosk beckons you with its coolness. There you buy ice cream with a wonderful strawberry flavor. Opening the package, you feel the divine smell of this berry. After tasting ice cream, you feel the taste of strawberries in your mouth .... Trickles of melting summer treats flow down your hands.
After reading the text, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. Next - try to imagine everything that was written there. After that, try to answer a few questions for yourself:
Could you imagine a body of water, a sandy beach and an ice cream stand?
Have you clearly heard the seagulls screaming and the child talking to the mother?
Did you feel the flowing sand under your feet, did you feel the coolness emanating from the kiosk. Did you manage to imagine how trickles of melted ice cream flow down your hands?
Did you feel the aroma of strawberries, did you feel the taste of goodies on your lips?
Describe your feelings when you are on the shore of a river reservoir?
The answers received will help you understand which direction of extrasensory perception you have developed more. It is on him that you will need to focus in the future, capturing intuitive premonitions.
The abilities of each psychic are based on intuition, but they manifest themselves in different ways. For example, a person capable of clairvoyance has excellent inner vision. If a psychic knows exactly what words his interlocutor will say, then he probably has the gift of an inner voice.

Tuning exercises

Experienced psychics advise as often as possible to conduct tuning exercises that contribute to the proper development of extrasensory abilities. To solve any problem, try to focus on your inner "I".
To do this, close your eyes and mentally concentrate on a point in the middle of the forehead (it is there, according to many clairvoyants, that a person has a third eye). Using the following recommendations, you can tune in to extrasensory sensations and even enjoy it.
* Waking up in the morning, try to catch what news awaits you today and what information you will have to face (positive or negative);
* If your phone rings, try to guess (without looking at the screen) who is calling you?
* Going out into the street, try to predict who will be the first to meet you, a man or a woman. Later, you can complicate the task by predicting what he or she will be wearing.
You can develop psychic abilities even while standing at a bus stop and waiting for the arrival of transport. It is necessary to guess which bus (trolleybus, tram) number will come first.
Try to intuitively guess the exact time, and then look at the clock.
Regular performance of tuning exercises will allow you to feel an increase in the level of extrasensory perception in a week.

Question exercise

At the beginning of the day, come up with some kind of question that can be answered yes or no (for example, “Will I be able to see a certain person today”?).
Adjust your answer to this question, and then, when the event occurs, see how your answer matches the current state of affairs. To answer an imaginary question, try to ask it while in a relaxed, meditative state. Psychic information, which is the key to your question, may enter consciousness after some time. The student needs to catch and comprehend it in time.
Psychics with extensive experience claim that regular practice allows you to reduce the time to get an answer to the questions posed to a minimum.

mediation exercise

Mediation exercises will help a person decide with the help of extrasensory abilities more difficult questions. In order to perform such exercises, a person must choose the most appropriate moment so that no one can disturb him.
For better meditation, you can light candles next to you and put an aromatic lamp. Meditation consists in performing the following series of actions:
* Sit comfortably, back straight, take a deep breath, then slowly exhale. Try to relax as much as possible;
* Close your eyelids and let your imagination imagine the bright sun caressing you with warm rays. In the center of the solar disk is the number "3". The sun descends on you, filling every cell with warmth. Sunny warm light fills the head, passes down the arms, through the palms reaches the fingers. When the sun is down to the toes, let it leave the body;
* At the next stage of meditation, imagine the sun, in the center of which a deuce is drawn. Let it also pass through your body. After doing this exercise, you will feel even more relaxed;
* Complete relaxation will come when you pass the third sun through the whole body - with the number 1;
* After completing this meditative exercise, a person should give himself the setting that in order to reach the main extrasensory level, he needs to count from three to one. By doing the above exercise, in a week you will be able to learn to tune in to the wave of your inner voice. Experts recommend performing the same exercise in the field of a hard day's work, for relaxation.

Exercise "Stimulation of prophetic dreams"

Try before you go to bed, give your body the installation to see a prophetic dream. Psychics advise you to think before going to bed about what tomorrow will be like, what events will happen?
At first glance, this exercise seems simple, but in fact, it will take a lot of time to properly perform it. A person needs to learn to fall asleep with one thought - that he wants to know about tomorrow.

Development of intuition

This exercise is aimed at understanding the emotions and desires of another person. It is very difficult to learn to intuitively recognize the emotions of another person, because you have to literally transform into him, put yourself in his place.
Seeing the world through the eyes of another person is not so easy, but with the desire and regular training, this can be learned.

Aura perception by hands

The basis of all extrasensory abilities is the ability to feel someone else's aura with the help of open palms. Surely many have seen the now popular program "The Battle of Psychics".
There, each participant uses their own ways of seeing the future, but many of them have a common gesture - palms turned towards the object of interest (photo, some thing or person).
Those who are just getting acquainted with extrasensory perception can try to feel their own aura. To do this, follow a few sequential requirements:
* Sit on a chair, keeping a straight posture;
* Sit quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxed and not thinking about anything;
* Spread your palms to the side, removing them from each other by 30 cm (they should be parallel to each other). Gradually bring your palms closer to each other until they touch;
* Also slowly spread your palms, returning them to their original position.
A few weeks after the start of such training, you can learn to feel the boundaries of your own biofield (a feeling of warmth or elasticity).

Eye impact

Many psychics have an amazing feature - they can influence the people around them with the power of their own gaze. Everyone can master this ability by regularly performing the following exercise:
Draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm and completely paint over it with a dark marker;
* Fix the sheet with the picture on the wall at a distance of 90 cm from the eyes;
* Look at the drawing for about 1 minute, then move it to the left (90 cm). Try to keep the drawing in sight;
* Next, move the sheet to the right at the same distance, and fix your eyes on it for another minute. Training using this exercise should be carried out daily, gradually increasing the duration of gaze fixation to a maximum (5 minutes). When the result is achieved, you will be able to influence others with your eyes.
It should be noted that the science of extrasensory perception is not only a prediction of the future, it is also the ability to heal and find happiness.

In the society of Mages, a very definite explanation of the term "magic" is accepted. This is the science of changing the world around with the help of the willpower of the Magician. Many people feel the desire to touch the mysterious and unknown. Often they do not know where to start in order to become part of the magical world.

Rice. Effective exercises for the development of psychic abilities

Magic is the art of working with consciousness. The first thing that every person interested in superpowers should learn is attention control. Attention is an instrument of consciousness.

The very first quality on the spiral of development of Mages is extrasensory perception. This is the basis. In order to read information from any object, the magician focuses his attention on it. Therefore, in order to comprehend the basics of extrasensory perception, you should start with.

The exercise is simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. You need to draw a black dot on a piece of paper. It should be of a size that will be comfortable for the eyes and perception, so that it can be seen without straining. A sheet with a dot should be hung in front of you at eye level. It's on the level. If you place the sheet higher or lower, this will create unnecessary tension. Next, you should begin to concentrate on the point. But it is not easy to look at it with the vision that we use in Everyday life. It is necessary to imagine a ray of attention emanating from between the eyebrows (the so-called third eye), and pin a point with this attention. It is necessary to concentrate attention, not vision.

After some time of practice, all sorts of visual effects with this point may appear. They have nothing to do with practice. The purpose of this practice is to enter a slightly altered state of consciousness, in which the world around is unfixed.

The point of this exercise is to learn to fix your attention on one object. That is, in ordinary life, a person's attention rushes from object to object, keeping the world the way a person is used to seeing it. With the right concentration of attention on the black dot, the world should, as it were, dissolve and disappear. This is the effect of absorption of attention by only one object.

The next stage of this exercise is touching the point with attention. This is a very strange feeling - as if you are touching a point, but not with your hands, but with your attention. Feel it. This practice is necessary for the development of psychic abilities. Working with a dot is safe because it does not carry any information. In the future, when working with other objects, it will be easy for you to feel how and how deeply you need to concentrate your attention to achieve certain goals.

After mastering this practice, you can move on to a more difficult exercise. This . To see what is not there is only one way - to imagine this object. In this case, you do not need to imagine this point on the retina of your eye. Also, you don't have to think about it. Attention is used to clinging to objects. And in the case of a white dot, an object must be created. All that is needed is to concentrate attention in the space in front of you.

Choose a distance of about 30-40 cm from yourself, namely from the head, at the level of the forehead. That is, it is necessary to concentrate attention with a direct beam extending forward from the point between the eyebrows, and at the end of this beam imagine white dot. Attention should not dangle in different directions. The eyes in this exercise should be turned off, as it were. See not with your eyes, but with your attention.

With the right approach, you will be able to see a white dot. But not visually. It seems to appear inside the head. When focusing on an object, energy begins to accumulate. And with a certain amount of this energy, it begins to glow. At first, you can see a dot of any other color, but the goal of the practice is precisely the white dot.
