How to develop psychic abilities in yourself. How to develop thinking, extrasensory abilities Development of paranormal abilities

Psychics claim that all people have paranormal abilities. Someone uses their skills in Everyday life calling it intuition. Someone is a closed person, through whose armor no energy impulses can pass. And someone develops his abilities to the maximum in order to help people. If you want to develop paranormal abilities, a person can at any time. But first he must understand why he needs it.

Ability types

There are many of them - hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis .... Someone can read information from objects, someone skillfully guesses on cards, someone knows how to move things with the power of thought, and someone heals people with touch. Many people have the gift of clairvoyance.

Extrasensory perception is not a divine blessing or the machinations of demonic forces, but simply the ability to capture the vibrations of the bioenergy field of the earth in a range inaccessible to most people.

You can get paranormal abilities in several ways:

  1. Inheritance. If a woman (or a man) in the family has a gift, she can pass it on to someone from her family. In this case, the person who received it will need a lot of time to acquire the necessary knowledge. Some are born with psychic abilities that are most often passed down through the female line. If older women in the family are engaged in witchcraft, their children are more likely to receive the necessary knowledge as they grow older.
  2. Accident. Often, as a result of a lightning or electricity strike, a car accident or clinical death, paranormal abilities open up in a person. Most often, after that, he devotes his life to healing other people, because they understand that he was given a second chance just for this.

How to determine the availability of abilities

Most often they manifest themselves through prophetic dreams. All people have them, but those who are most sensitive to energy vibrations see them especially often. If you initially see some events that occur in your life in a dream, there is no doubt that you have some gift of clairvoyance.

Also, people who have every chance of becoming psychics have strong intuition. For example, some "feel" others and can immediately tell what character traits a barely familiar person has. The sixth sense also manifests itself in small things. A premonition of an early meeting with an old friend or the sound of a phone call that you hear in advance is also a manifestation of psychic abilities.

In addition, hypersensitive people can often heal others as well. If a person feels better after your touch, then you have the rudiments of the gift of healing. However, you should not do this intentionally if you do not know how to restore your own energy balance.

The following also speaks about the superpowers of a person:

  1. Electrical appliances that have been in your hands are constantly breaking down.
  2. You feel the vibes that come from other people.
  3. Animals in your presence behave strangely.
  4. Your offenders soon get what they deserve without your direct participation.

Now let's look at some effective techniques that will help develop psychic abilities.

Tuning exercises

Start simple but effective techniques. Waking up in the morning, try to guess how successful today will be, what the outcome of this or that business will be. If someone calls you, first focus and think about who it is. You are more likely to guess. You can develop psychic abilities even while standing at a bus stop. Guess which vehicle number will arrive next.

Aura perception by hands

This exercise will help you learn to feel the biofield with your palms. So, you need to sit on a chair or armchair, straightening your back and completely relaxing. Think of nothing. Spread your arms about 30 cm apart, and then begin to slowly bring them together. When you bring your palms closer, you will feel resistance.

The thing is that the space around us is filled with energy. And you can feel it if you want. After a few exercises, you will feel elasticity (in the form of a ball) or warmth. If you practice regularly, you will soon be able to feel the aura of another person.

How to learn to see the human aura?

This exercise is borrowed from an old newspaper. Its effectiveness has been proven in practice.

You need to lie down, close your eyes and carefully peer into the darkness. Soon you will see bright dashes. Follow them for 10-15 minutes. This exercise should take 2-3 days, and then move on to the next step.

In a dimly lit room, place a bright flower pot or other conspicuous object. As a background, you can use a sheet of white paper, which will allow you to clearly see the boundaries of the subject. Look at the object not directly, but as if in passing. That is, you do not need to focus on a particular point. It will feel like you are looking at three-dimensional pictures. After a while, you will notice a haze that envelops the item. Gradually it will acquire color. It will depend on the color flower pot. For example, a green flowerpot will have a red "aura".

In addition, it would be useful to spend more time in nature, regularly practice meditation practices, seek harmony in yourself and the meaning of life.

Eastern practices for the development of psychic abilities

Oriental energy pumping practices are very effective. If you practice qigong or tai chi regularly, within a few years you will discover psychic abilities in yourself. And also increase endurance and harmonize the soul and body.

Telepathy - what is it? How to develop it?

It is a way of transferring information from one person to another by the power of thought. Many people would like to have this ability. And it is quite real. Scholar Rupert Sheldrake believes:

Telepathic abilities often occur between people with a strong emotional connection, and even at a distance, these abilities do not weaken. I am convinced that the mind goes far beyond our brains. And by that I don't mean anything supernatural or spiritualistic, by definition alien to science. I'm talking about the natural, biological capabilities of the brain, common to humans and animals.

How to develop this ability? You will need a partner - a person you trust. Choose a quiet place, preferably in nature. Both of you need to focus on inner feelings, listen to yourself and find peace.

So you are sitting opposite each other. You will need a pen or paper. Draw something simple, then carefully create that image in your mind. Think over the smallest details and imagine how you transfer this image to your partner in the form of a bird, a flying letter, etc.

Then ask your partner to sketch the image that comes to mind. He may draw a different symbol than you sent him, but schematically the patterns will be similar.

Telekinesis - what is it? Development

Moving objects with the power of thought is very difficult, so you will have to practice for a long time and hard. So, to begin with, you should tune your brain to the fact that you have the ability to telekinesis. This is necessary so that he gives certain impulses when the time comes to move on to practice. Remember that a person is capable of anything if he believes in it.

Sit in a comfortable chair and imagine for a few minutes how easily and naturally you move light objects. Over time, you can begin to "move" the heavier ones. As a result, your brain will still believe that you have the ability to telekinesis. But this requires regular visualization.

First, try to move energy in space. Practice, you'll get it soon enough. Then move on to more material items. Tip the plastic cup on its side and try to move it from its place. At the same time, you need to concentrate as much as possible and imagine how the energy flows coming from your palms move the glass.

Develop the gift of clairvoyance

Is it possible? In extrasensory perception, clairvoyance occupies an important niche. It helps to predict the future, look into the past, and also understand the present in more detail. Clairvoyance is the perception of information through mental images.

The following exercise will help develop this ability. You need to lie down and achieve complete relaxation of the body. Don't think about anything. Close your eyes and peer into the darkness. Being in a state of hypnotic sleep, you will soon be able to see some pictures through this darkness, which will gradually form into meaningful images. To achieve this effect, it will take only 10-15 minutes.

For real results, regular training is required.


Of course, you can develop psychic abilities if you wish. However, think why do you need them? If you're doing it for fun, then don't even try. After all, the price for the development of superpowers in a person can be too high. You will learn to see and perceive the world in completely different ways, and this is not very safe for the psyche, which may not be able to bear such a shock.

Anyone can develop extrasensory perception. Of course, you will not be able to become a full-fledged psychic in a short time, but the unique technique presented here will allow you to understand that absolutely any of you has the so-called "sixth sense". Based on this technique, you can learn how to use it and apply this ability in everyday life. The bottom line is to work with the subconscious, which will answer your questions "yes" or "no".

The range of application of this ability is simply huge. For example, you will be able to successfully pass tests or pass exams, choose a suitable car or apartment for yourself, understand whether it is worth doing business with a person or work in a particular company, choose a really interesting field of activity for yourself, understand whether this or that is right for you. relationship person. Using this technique You will be able to make various choices in your life much easier.

Moreover, you can show yourself and others that. For example, to predict which of the sealed envelopes contains the item you are looking for. You can also search for hidden or missing people and so on.

This is very interesting technique, but not many people know it, although it lies on the surface. It's a really unique technique, but I think it's time to reveal it. Well, if I'm interested in you, let's get to the point.

Like all genius, it is very simple, and after a little practice, any of you can use it. It is based on the principle of the pendulum, but without its application. The human body itself is a big pendulum. In the general case, we cannot communicate directly with our subconscious, but we can do this through reflex phenomena. In this practice, to communicate with the unconscious, we will use muscle contraction and vestibular apparatus. If someone knows how the pendulum works, then it will not be difficult for him to deal with this technique at all.

So, in order to get the answer “yes” or “no” to any question through your subconscious, you need to stand up straight and close your eyes. Feet should be shoulder width apart. This is the starting position, through which we will work. Now we need to carry out the so-called "calibration of the subconscious." It is necessary to silently or aloud ask your unconscious mind what “yes” means to it.

Then we relax the muscles of the legs a little and do not try to maintain balance. And after a while, your body will lean back or forward a little. This deviation will be the answer "yes" to any subsequent questions. For example, if you deviate forward, you will have “yes”. Although for many, including me, “yes” is expressed by a deviation back.

After that, for the purity of the experiment, we again stand in the starting position and ask the subconscious mind what “no” means to it. When we ask a question, we relax our legs and do not keep our balance. This time we must involuntarily deviate in the opposite direction. If this does not happen, then try until the unconscious shows you exactly where is “yes” and where is “no”. And of course, without fail, these must be opposite sides.

A similar calibration should be carried out before each session of communication with the subconscious. After all, one day the position "no" or "yes" can be one, and the next day - another. Therefore, every time you repeat the calibration. To test your subconscious, you can also ask questions to which you know the answers.

Suppose you ask: “Twice two - four?”, And if the unconscious answers in the affirmative through the tilt of your body, then you can ask questions that interest you, the answers to which you do not know. But remember that you must ask any question that can only be answered with "no" or "yes".

An example of the application of extrasensory techniques

Let's analyze this technique using the example of searching for a missing person. You ask the subconscious, "Is this person still alive?" If it answers yes, then you keep asking: "Is he in my city?" If the answer is no, then you start sorting out neighboring cities that a person could get into. If the answer is yes, then narrow down your search and ask, "Is he in my area?" If the answer is also yes, then you start listing streets and houses until you find a person.

As you can see, there is one small minus in this technique: sometimes the subconscious mind has to offer great amount options before finding the desired answer. But the accuracy of the answers is quite high and will only increase with your training. Therefore, you can use the technique to solve any issues that interest you.

You will be amazed how accurate the answers given by the subconscious through your body can be!

Moreover, this technique is also convenient because it can be done impromptu. After all, only your body is needed, and any fortune-telling accessories are not required. The people around you will not even understand how you do it if you practice with your eyes open, ask the unconscious mentally and do not lean too much.

In terms of speed and accuracy of answers, this technique surpasses even the same pendulum. How and for what purposes you will use your new psychic abilities is up to you. Just try it and you will understand that our world is not limited to the usual senses. This world can be effectively explored

There is an opinion that the ability to clairvoyance is inherent in a person from birth. To open them, you need to practice diligently, performing special exercises. Methods and techniques will help you understand how to develop extrasensory abilities.

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How to determine the ability to clairvoyance?

Signs that will help identify paranormal abilities:

  1. Luck. If a person is constantly lucky, this is a clear sign of an unusual gift. So he is protected by a guardian angel - a faithful companion of a psychic.
  2. Strange animal behavior. If a person is afraid of animals, then he has a strong energy. It is a well-known fact that pets (especially dogs and cats) subtly feel otherworldly forces.
  3. Technological problems. Technical devices, if you get close to them, begin to act up or work better. Such energy is able to influence the world around us.
  4. Fear of open space. A person always closes the door to the room and does not like it when it is left open. By closing the door, he unconsciously tries to protect his energy. This indicates the presence of abilities.
  5. The ability to empathize. A person subtly feels the emotions and experiences of other people. This suggests that he acutely feels someone else's energy.
  6. Prophetic dreams. One of the main signs of the gift of clairvoyance.
  7. The power of thought. The offenders get what they deserve without any involvement of the person they offended. This means that the latter can unconsciously influence other people.
  8. Materialization of thoughts and desires. A person attracts what he thinks about. Some people get this ability from birth, while others develop it all their lives.

This video goes into more detail about the signs of psychic abilities. Filmed by Elizaveta Lileeva channel.

There are two ways to become a clairvoyant:

  1. Learn from an experienced psychic. This method consists of theoretical and practical exercises. At every step the teacher will help and give instructions. Of course, training will bear fruit, but it will cost a lot.
  2. Independent development of extrasensory abilities. In this case, the learning process will take more time and effort, but with due diligence, the result will not be long in coming.

When training psychic abilities on your own, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Relax. Make sure the internal energy is cleared. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts and experiences, tune in to the positive. Be in harmony with yourself. Yoga and meditation can help you achieve this.
  2. Don't be lazy. Fulfill psychic exercises daily, otherwise there will be no sense from classes. The acquired skills must be constantly improved.
  3. Read esoteric literature. There is no practice without theory. But be careful in choosing books and trust only trusted authors.
  4. Get rid of bad habits. Try not to overeat and stick to healthy eating, give up smoking and alcohol. Good health and lightness in the body contribute to better circulation of internal energy.
  5. Keep your activities private. Do not talk about the fact that you develop paranormal abilities in yourself. This is purely a personal matter.
  6. Develop concentration. Learn to focus and notice details. These skills will be very useful in the future.
  7. Trust your intuition. Listen to the inner voice - it will guide you on the right path.
  8. Train the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing). Skillful management of these habitual sensations will help to open up new possibilities.
  9. Keep a diary. Make an exercise plan, write about successes and failures. This will help to analyze the shortcomings and develop in the future. You also need to write down your dreams.
  10. Mentally reproduce pictures and images in your mind. You can use any photos and images. Look at them for a few seconds and then try with your eyes closed.

Learn to focus

The future psychic needs to be able to focus on his body and sensations in order to be better imbued with the nature of the unknown in the future.

To develop the ability to concentrate, you should start with this technique:

  1. Try to feel how the blood circulates through the body. Relax, put unnecessary thoughts out of your head, take a comfortable position and listen to your body. The main thing is not to lose patience.
  2. As you look at your palms, feel your fingertips pulsate. Imagine how energy envelops your hands, charging your body with strength. Feel the warmth emanating from your hands. It may not work the first time, so train daily until the result appears.
  3. Put your palms together and feel the warmth. Then disconnect and reconnect them. You need to repeat until the heat emanating from the hands becomes clearly visible.


It is with the help of meditation that the psychic tunes in to the right mood, opens energy channels and makes the most of power.

When conducting meditation at home, make sure that no one and nothing will distract you from this activity.

It is advisable to do this when no one is at home, in complete silence. Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and imagine a place where there are no people, such as a forest or a deserted beach. Breathe less and deeply. The main task is to free the mind and feel the energy that fills the body. Learn to meditate at home first, and then you can practice anywhere.

This video is about meditation. Filmed by the Simple Thoughts channel.

Feel the energy of objects

At the heart of this stage of training is a practical lesson. For its successful implementation, settle in a comfortable place, preferably at a table or on a sofa.

Close your eyes and try to feel the energy of things nearby. Close your palms a little so that the energy accumulates in the center of the hand. If it doesn’t work out, you can first try with your eyes open, and then, complicating the task, close your eyes. In the future, learn to define a thing without touching it. There is hard and painstaking work that requires patience.


To develop supernatural abilities in oneself, constant practice is necessary.

There are several special exercises, which will help to reveal the magical potential:

  1. Clairvoyance exercise. For him, you need a transparent vessel (bottle or glass), complete privacy and silence. It should not have any patterns or decorations. Concentrate on the vessel, look at it and ask an exciting question. The main thing is not to be distracted and focus on this thought. After a while, in the vessel you can see an image that will be the answer to the question. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time - this exercise requires multiple repetitions.
  2. Card exercise. Aimed at the development of intuition and the ability to foresee. Take cards (playing cards, children's picture cards, or any other) and lay them out face down. After that, try to guess what is shown on each card. Try the same thing with items: ask someone to put the item in a drawer or box. Then try to feel what is there.
  3. Photography exercise. For him, you need a photo that captures unfamiliar person. At the same time, there must be a relative who communicates closely with him. The point is to tell about a person using only a photo. This exercise requires a lot of practice, insight usually comes after a few days. Then be sure to check the assumptions with the facts and evaluate the result.
  4. Candle exercise. In a quiet and dark place, light a candle. Gaze into the flame, mentally asking a question. The flame should be at eye level. Wait until you see an image or vision in front of you. The result is possible at the first training session.

This video covers several clairvoyant techniques. Shot by Sergey Ratner's channel.

How to learn to see the aura

At the first stage, for several days, look at the small dots and lines that appear when you close your eyes. Do it in the evening or at night before bed. Just 15 minutes a day of exercise is enough.

To proceed to the second stage, follow these steps:

  1. Take an object, preferably plain. The thing should be on a light background, so use a white sheet of paper.
  2. Start peering into the object, but do not look directly, but as if through it. After a while, a barely noticeable haze will appear around the object. Then you can see its color, which depends on the color of the object. For example, a yellow item has a blue aura, while a green one has a red one.

This video talks about one of the techniques that will help you see the aura. Filmed by the Enlightenment channel.

How to feel the aura with your hands?

Try the following exercise:

  1. Sit in a chair, keeping your back straight.
  2. Try to relax completely and not think about anything for a few minutes.
  3. Spread your palms about 30 cm apart, keeping them parallel to each other. Then slowly bring them together until they touch.
  4. Slowly open your arms again.

After a few sessions, you can feel the borders of the aura with your palms, which will manifest itself in the form of warmth or a feeling of elasticity.

This video shows an exercise to help you feel the aura with your hands. Filmed by Esoteric channel secret knowledge.

How to start seeing prophetic dreams?

Give yourself a clear intention to see in a dream what will happen tomorrow. Practice for a month.

Over time, the ability to see fragmentary events that will soon occur will appear. More practice and dreams will come true. Memorize each dream in detail or write them down. In the future, you can create your own personal system for interpreting dreams.

Learn the technique of lucid dreaming - it will help open up new possibilities.

This video is about the method of lucid dreaming. Filmed by the Kostik and Gek channel.


Being engaged in extrasensory perception, it is necessary to study the relevant literature on esotericism and parapsychology. It will provide theoretical material, without which it is impossible to start practice. Books will also help you understand how strong the desire to have paranormal abilities is.

Selectively approach the choice of literature: there are many charlatans among the authors of works on extrasensory perception and esotericism. Refer only to reputable and trusted sources.

You can study the following books:

  1. Jane Roberts, Psychic Powers. This book tells about how to develop the ability to clairvoyance, to foresee the future, to master the art of telepathy. It will help awaken hidden possibilities and get on the right path.
  2. Gennady Kibardin, "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory abilities." Psychologist by education, the author talks about personal clairvoyant experience.
  3. Alexey Pokhabov, "Vertical Will". In this book, the winner of one of the seasons of the Battle of Psychics program teaches how to feel the world and its energy.

Gennady Kibardin "Secrets of Clairvoyance"

Helpful Hints

Become a psychic (or improve your intuition enough to develop the ability to foresee) - it's not as difficult a task as you think. Moreover, this is an interesting process that will allow you to know yourself, learn to live in harmony with the world.

But, as with any new venture, developing clairvoyance will require some effort, time for practice and, of course, appropriate patience. Subject to these simple rules you will soon discover new opportunities in yourself that you could not even dream of before.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance: five effective exercises

Pump up your psychic abilities!

Developing your "psychic muscles" is a process that is very similar to physical training. With regular training, you will achieve results faster than, for example, pumping the abdominal muscles. Remember: no way don't give up in the first weeks of classes, and then you will succeed.

The most difficult thing in this business is to take the first step, and then stick to the regularity in training. Usually for beginners hardest thing to learn to concentrate. Are you ready to face these challenges? Then let's get started!

Practice One: Develop the Ability to Visualize

All clairvoyants have the strongest ability to visualize. Based on this, it is worth spending your time to become an excellent visualizer. And the more often you develop this ability in yourself, the easier it will be for you to develop it.

Remember: when they say that clairvoyants see, they mean that they "see" with their inner vision! If it's for sure, it's about the third eye- the chakra located just above your eyebrows, between them.

In other words, you are learning to see images, pictures and symbols, figuratively speaking, in your head. receive information and to see the images is possible only then when your chakra, that is, your third eye, is open. That is why it is extremely important to practice visualization regularly to help open this chakra.

How to develop the ability to visualize?

It is necessary daily, within a few minutes, to visualize various images, pictures and scenes using your mind's eye. This is a very effective, fun and even relaxing way to develop clairvoyance.

Imagine, for example, that you are on stage and singing along with your favorite performer during a concert. Or imagine you are arranging the furniture in the house of your dreams on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

More like a dream? Exactly. You should start learning visualization with such plots, as it will be more pleasant and easier for you to imagine them. Regularly visualize your dreams and other plots, you will contribute to the opening of the third eye, helping the development of clairvoyant abilities. Are you having difficulty with this? Start with simple things.

Visualize numbers and bright colors

Close your eyes. Imagine as clearly and distinctly as possible the number "1" in front of you, "see" it with your inner eye. Try to hold the image of this number for ten seconds, make it stable and clear, and then move on to the number "2", "3" and so on - up to "10".

Can't imagine again? Take a brush and bright colors, and then draw a large, bold "1" on the paper. Don't hold back your fantasy get creative. Paint a unit of bright yellow, and then apply bright red stripes, or blue spots.

After carefully look at the product of your creativity. 30 seconds or so is enough. And then close your eyes again and repeat the number visualization exercise again. This approach will help your mental eye begin to visualize. It is also useful to start with beautiful flowers, objects of bright color.

The development of psychic abilities at home

Practice Two: Play Clairvoyant Games

Did you play games designed to develop a person's memory as a child? If yes, it will be much easier for you. If not - you need to work on your memory. The easiest way to train memory is in game form- no matter how old you are.

The fact is that part of these trainings is working with pictures. An important point of such work is your desire to “see” the corresponding picture with your inner vision. Don't just try to guess: after all, the goal of your classes is to develop “clear vision” in yourself. So what are these games?

The first game for the development of clairvoyance

Take two identical decks of cards. Choose eight identical pieces from each deck (this is for starters): for example, from six to eight of each suit. Mix the chosen cards from both decks together. Then arrange them neatly, shirt-side up, in four rows.

Turn over the cards looking for matches (i.e., find two sixes of spades, two sevens of clubs, two sixes of hearts, and so on). To start flip no more than two cards at once. The cards are flipped back regardless of whether you found matching pictures or not.

Your task is not only to remember, but also to try to “see” with your inner eye where the cards of the same suit and value lie. When 16 cards are not enough insert additional cards from both decks gradually increasing their number. You can also use a set of pictures from the children's game Memory or similar with duplicate cards.

The second game for the development of clairvoyance

Here is another interesting game that will perfectly help develop the "sixth sense". Ask your friend or girlfriend to arrange ten items on the table in a completely random order and leave the room or turn away.

Then go into the room (or turn around) and carefully look at the table - ten to twenty seconds. Close your eyes and try using mind's eye imagine each of the objects you see. Do not just remember, but "see" each object, its place, size, color.

How to develop clairvoyant abilities throughout the day

Describe each of the items, remembering as many details as possible. Then open your eyes, look at the table again and check how you coped with the task. This game, among other things, forces you to resort to the practice of visualization, which will undoubtedly also help you master it.

You can do the same exercise on your own. For example, if you are sitting on a park bench, in a new room for you, or drinking coffee in a cafe, capture what is around you V this moment. Then close your eyes and try to visualize what you just saw, remembering as many details as possible.

The third game for the development of clairvoyance

This is an extremely interesting and extremely useful way for a future clairvoyant to develop his abilities. However, for this you will need the so-called Zener cards. We are talking about a deck of cards (or, more precisely, cards), consisting of five repeating patterns. The drawings are simple - a square, a star, a cross, a circle and three wavy lines. You can print such cards on a printer.

For this game you will need a partner - you can't do without it. It can be your friend, a close relative, or just a casual acquaintance who is interested in this kind of experiment.

Your task is to look at this or that drawing, visualize it, and then try to send thoughts about it to your counterpart. Partner's task feel your vibes and guess the picture. You should also do this procedure in reverse: then your friend sends you signals, and you try to catch them.

Practice Three: Using the Crystal to Open the Third Eye

For this exercise, you must have a regular transparent quartz crystal, which can be purchased at any souvenir shop. The crystal has long been considered an attribute of extrasensory perception and esotericism, since this solid body has the unique ability to accumulate different types energy and transform them.

The crystal exercise is a great way to open the third eye. The practice of developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal is that it should almost always be with you, accumulating your energy(for example, in moments of meditation), and then, at the necessary moment, to give you its transformed part.

The ability to relax is the key to the development of psychic abilities

Don't let the word "meditation" scare you. Of course, filigree mastery of this practice gives you undeniable advantages in the development of psychic abilities. That is why mastering meditation included as a separate and important item in the list of exercises necessary for the development of clairvoyance. But more on that later.

It is important to understand that at the initial stage (at least at the stage of interaction with the energy of the crystal) it is enough, being in a quiet and peaceful environment, try, by relaxing the body, to achieve at least some degree of internal concentration and concentration of attention. And the crystal will help you with this.

Keep your crystal handy

In moments of shallow meditation or relaxation, have your crystal in front of your eyes. Before going to bed, it also makes sense to place the crystal at your head, or peer into it for a while, trying to get rid of extraneous thoughts.

It is useful to carry your crystal in your pocket. Feeling his presence with your hand, you will constantly remember your goal - development of clairvoyant abilities. Feel it, make it your talisman, which will help you in the future to discard extraneous "noise" in the form of unnecessary thoughts and useless information.

How to develop supernatural abilities

Practice Four: Keep a Dream Journal

People with psychic abilities often have very vivid, memorable dreams that are full of deep meaning. But there is also feedback: work with your dreams- This great way development of clairvoyant abilities. Moreover, this is a rather pleasant and tireless activity.

Why are dreams so important to our cause? Because it is through our dreams that we communicate with various supernatural beings whether you believe in them or not. Perhaps these are angels, the souls of deceased loved ones, other intangible substances that are difficult for us to understand.

After all, when we sleep, the conscious part of our mind is resting. But our subconscious, on the contrary, is activated, traveling through the spirit worlds, whose existence we ignore or simply deny in the waking state.

Why else do you need a dream journal?

The time we spend in sleep is a great opportunity for our subconscious to express itself; make a kind astral travel, contact astral beings. What else is our spiritual beginning to do when our physical body is resting?

So, keep your dream journal by your bed at all times so that you can write down memories as soon as you wake up. After a while, you will learn to snatch the most important thing from your dream; find various signs and even symbols, writing them down in a journal.

Some clairvoyants claim that through this practice they were able to record events from their past life! You may not believe in reincarnation, but there is no doubt that you will encounter amazing things that were previously ignored (or simply forgotten).

Keeping a dream journal is also useful from another point of view: your notes will become a kind of criterion that will allow you to trace, How do you develop your clairvoyant abilities?. Agree, there is no better motivation than the one that gives you the opportunity to monitor your own progress in this matter.

Learn to ask questions before bed

Once you feel that your dreams are more than just an incredible combination real events and fantasy(as boring pundits often talk about dreams), move on to the next step in dream work.

Now, before going to bed, try to tune in to a certain image (friend, loved one, your guardian angel), mentally asking him a question that interests you. It may not be possible for you to immediately see in a dream the one you want, and even more so to get an answer to your question.

However, this practice of working with dreams is extremely beneficial for your subconscious and spiritual self. Just show your willingness get necessary information , show your openness. The answer may not come explicitly, so be sure to record the dream in your dream journal for later analysis.

How to become a psychic

Practice Five: Meditate

The time has come for one of the most important practices (and the most difficult to master). But, if you can cope with the previous four exercises, then learn the art of meditation. Moreover, this is extremely important for you, as for a person seeking to develop the ability to clairvoyance.

But why is meditation so important? The fact is that this practice will allow you to clear your mind of unnecessary tinsel; she increase internal vibrations which will give you the opportunity to feel the subtle spiritual energies of our universe; teaches you to see beyond the limits of the material world.

Meditation will help open the "third eye"

Meditation, like visualization, can open your third eye. In principle, any meditation practice sharpen your inner vision. Some are quite difficult to master, as they require you to be able to enter into a special mental condition, which requires long-term training.

How to develop clairvoyance? Does this require some special gift or innate ability? In fact, it is inherent in everyone! Unleash your potential!

Some amazing clairvoyant powers!

Clairvoyance¹ is the extrasensory ability of a person to see what is hidden from us, what is not available in the usual range of perception; what we do not see, feel, hear.

  • Vision of the biofield.

All living beings and objects have their own energy field, aura. It also consists of matter, which is at a different frequency of vibration: therefore, the aura is invisible to ordinary vision. Psychics are able to see this subtle matter, determine the physiological and emotional state of a person by it.

They can see through the body and observe the work internal organs; the aura itself, its colors and features, to see the character of a person, the causes of problems in his life.

Some people can develop clairvoyance to such an extent that they can read texts on sheets hidden in envelopes or observe objects in an adjacent closed room.

  • Vision at a distance.

Clairvoyance also manifests itself in space: a psychic can see people, objects, places and events at a great distance.

One of the means of clairvoyance in space is the "astral tube". It is like a telescope for which distance is not a hindrance. A person, thanks to the superpower of clairvoyance, creates a mental frame of a “pipe” through which he “clairvoyantly” sees the right place in another place: within the city, country and the entire planet.

Also, superpower allows you to look with a “pipe” into the past or future events.

In order to create an "astral tube" you need a developed willpower, thoughts and clairvoyance itself.

Thus the possibilities of this psychic ability are enormous:

  • see the past;
  • foresee the future;
  • reveal secret knowledge and information hidden from you;
  • receive reliable information about events and people;
  • see other worlds;
  • see auras and high frequency energies.

Everyone can develop clairvoyance, and now you have such an opportunity: on our website you can find many necessary techniques, and one of them is described below!

How to see an aura?

Exercise #1

Actually it's simple. In order to develop clairvoyance and the ability to see the aura of objects and people, practice looking closely at your eyelids and the outline of any object.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of the body and face.

2. Soon this will introduce him into a meditative state of consciousness, and the person begins to look into the darkness before his eyes.

In fact, this is called "" or "psychic monitor" through which you can receive extrasensory information!

3. The practitioner observes what appears on the inner screen. He will see various figures, perhaps in color; these can be well-known forms, or they can be completely fantastic!

So you need to watch for 10 minutes. It is best to exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. The main thing is to keep awareness and not fall asleep!

After 9 days of such classes, you can move on to the next exercise, with which you can develop clairvoyance.

Exercise #2

You have to work in the dark.

1. The person also relaxes with the mindset to see the aura.

2. Now he begins to look intently, slightly opening his eyes: so that he can see both the inner screen and reality.

3. In the semi-darkness, the practitioner concentrates on the contour of a small object that is nearby.

4. With regular practice, he will begin to see subtle outlines surrounding this object.

At first it will look like a transparent edging along the object's outline, it will gradually expand and become clearer, taking on a color tint.

You will be able to remember this state, which happens when examining the aura, and reproduce it easily. Later, you will begin to notice the energy shells of people, the colors of the aura and the characteristics of each person!

Using the search bar, you can find other articles and techniques on developing aura vision on our website.
