How to make a winter house out of cardboard. Beautiful winter house crafts or how to make a decorative house with your own hands

An interesting winter city craft can become: the children will turn into builders of a small snowy town with great pleasure, and the fruits of their labor will delight the eye throughout the winter and even longer.

The first stage of our work will be the production of small winter houses, of which it will consist. Children can make a winter house with their own hands from any box or piece of cardboard,

but we propose to take as a basis from toilet paper and paper molds for cakes and cupcakes.

What are we doing:

We color each bushing in White color. You can cover them with white paper.

We draw windows and doors on it and, if desired, cut them out along the contour with a clerical knife.

Since we are planning winter craft, the winter house must be snow-covered. Therefore, we apply PVA glue to places where snow usually accumulates - window cornices, the lower part of the walls - and sprinkle them with sparkles.

We glue the roof - its role will be taken by a paper mold for the cake.

We decorate the roof with snow patterns - that is, sparkles, pouring them abundantly on the strips of PVA glue.

According to this principle, we make several different houses. If the town is made within the walls, you can offer to make your own house for each child. We make a composition from the houses on the surface of the table, shelf or on a large box.

Well, now ours is almost ready: the winter houses lined up in a row, but the city still seems deserted. Therefore, we fill it with inhabitants: we make several cute snowmen from cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or wool for felting. Even toddlers can handle this task.

Let's settle ours in the city - and the picture just comes to life!

Now the winter town really looks joyful and lifts our spirits.

Hello dear readers! By the New Year, store shelves are traditionally filled with themed decorations - Christmas balls, garlands, tinsel, snow globes, miniature decorative houses.

Moreover, a number of goods sold in the relevant departments can be made independently without much difficulty and expense. We considered how to make rope balls, but today we will make such a small winter house:

What is needed to implement the idea.

It is necessary to prepare: thick cardboard or expanded polystyrene sheets (sold in packages in hardware stores, it’s simply an accordion under the laminate, the material is perfectly cut and glued), glue moment gel, scissors, stationery knife, ruler, pencil, cotton wool, rhinestones, 7 cm of rope, PVA glue, two 3 cm pieces of thin wire, 2 wooden skewers, a can of silver paint.

ATTENTION: for the manufacture of a miniature house, you can use thick cardboard, we this master class replaced cardboard with styrofoam sheets, but you can use regular cardboard!

The templates below will help you navigate, redraw them on plain paper, cut them out, apply them to sheets of polystyrene foam - circle them with a pencil, cut them out with a clerical knife, under the ruler. The following parts should be obtained: floor 1 pc, side walls 2 pcs, end and back parts 1 pc each, roof slopes 2 pcs.

We cut out a window on the back of the house, glue the house with a transparent glue moment, for this we glue the side walls to the “floor” part, then the end and back, and finally the roof slopes.

Prepare the rest of the decorative details.


The photo below shows the details that need to be prepared, cut them out and glue them together.

Then we prepare the thresholds, the number of parts will depend on the height of the steps, in this example we cut out one wide rectangular layer, three narrow strips, glue all the details, forming steps, then apply the thresholds sideways to the expanded polystyrene sheet, circle, and cut out two identical side walls, which then glued to their rightful place.

Cut out a rectangular piece - the door. We glue the door, thresholds and porch visor to the house, on the sides on the first step we glue two wooden skewers, which also need to be glued to the bottom of the visor.


We cut out a rectangular template, form a chimney out of it, apply it to one of the slopes on the roof (from the side), put a mark on the chimney template according to the level of the roof slope. We cut off the chimney template along the left mark, glue it, apply it to a sheet of polystyrene foam and circle it with a pencil, cut it out, cut all the details with a clerical knife, which we then glue together in the form of a chimney. The resulting chimney is glued to one of the roof slopes. The whole process of making a chimney is shown in the photo below.


We cut out the necessary details from polystyrene foam or cardboard, depending on what material you decide to use a decorative house to make your craft. From the wire we form handles for the bench. We glue the parts into a single whole, namely the back of the bench, seat, legs and handrails.


We cut out the details of the future miniature staircase - two long side strips and 5 rung-steps. We glue all the details together.


Cut out the necessary details (see the photo below). We glue the sleigh runners, glue the parts “for sitting” to them, at the end we glue the rope.

The photo below shows the details that need to be prepared for pasting the space around the window (like shutters). We cut out a square from polystyrene foam, retreat from the edge inward on each side by 7 mm, draw an inner square, which we cut out with a clerical knife and a ruler. We cut the resulting frame in the corners, and glue the parts around the window.


The house, as well as all the above details, must be painted. The winter house craft will look even more impressive if you use several shades of paint, for example, white and silver. In this example, one paint color was used, namely silver, since the main undertone of the material used obviously looks very impressive, after painting the product resembles ice sparkling in the sun.

ATTENTION: if you took polystyrene foam as a basis, then when painting, do not overdo it with the amount of paint, it must be applied in thin layers from a long distance, otherwise chemical composition the paint will simply corrode the cute, little winter house.

Create a snowy effect.

We take a shallow container, pour PVA glue into it, split the cotton wool into thin small layers, immerse them in glue, squeeze out the excess adhesive, and glue them to the roof surface. According to this scheme, we cover the entire surface of the roof, including the chimney, in addition, you can “snow” the corners of the house, a bench, a stepladder, a sled. Leave the product to dry for about 24 hours.

Miniature pots with snow globes.

The front entrance to the house can be decorated with flower pots with "snow balls". We cut the woolen threads into segments 1 cm long (15-20 pieces will be enough), we take large bead, wrap with foil, soak all the threads for 5 minutes in PVA glue, and put it on a bead in foil, forming an openwork vase. We leave to dry, near the heating battery the product will dry out somewhere in 4 hours. Such planters need to prepare 2 pcs. We remove the dried planters from the beads, carefully separating the foil, paint them from a spray can, glue the hanging ropes on the sides. Then we form balls from cotton wool according to the size of the pots, lightly coat them with PVA glue and put them in miniature pots. On the sides of the door, with an awl, we create punctures, where we insert small pieces of toothpicks, fixing them with glue for a moment, and we hang flower pots with snow balls on them.

Street lamp.

Of course, it will not glow, but it will play a decorative role. We take the lid from a transparent box with glitter-sand for nails, paint it with silver paint and glue it to the end of the veranda.

Rhinestones will play the role of snowflakes shining in the sun, so we glue them wherever improvised snow is present - a roof, a bench, a ladder, a porch, sills, side walls of the house, snow balls in a cache-pot. In addition, we select a rhinestone larger than the rest and glue it on the door, it will play the role of a door handle.

As a result of all the efforts, a chic winter house craft is obtained, which will significantly transform the fireplace or bookshelf, festive table or space under the Christmas tree.

See what amazing cities collectors collect, often made to order and truly exclusive:

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New Year- this is a magical and fabulous time, the onset of which children and adults are looking forward to. It is customary to decorate your houses beautifully for the holiday, and you can do this using not only toys purchased in the store. You can make various and very beautiful crafts with your own hands, for example, a decorative winter house.

Snow-covered hut of Santa Claus

The decor looks very impressive natural material. Try to make a snow-covered hut. Collect in advance a sufficient number of medium-thick twigs, rinse them well and dry them. Prepare the base - glue the walls of the house out of cardboard or use a box that is suitable in size. Windows and doors can be cut or made using the appliqué technique. Paste the prepared frame with twigs, vertically or horizontally, cutting off the appropriate length. Make a separate roof from two identical rectangles or one bent in the middle. Move on to the decor: the winter house should be all snowy or at least covered with frost. Use for this white paint, foam shavings, cotton wool or glitter. If you don't have sprigs handy, you can replace them with popsicle sticks or

New Year's house from waste material

You may be surprised, but actually do interesting crafts it is possible from the most banal materials that can be found today in any home. Empty plastic bottles and food trays, food cartons - we throw away all this every day. Beautiful craft"Winter can be made from just such waste material. As a base, take a cardboard box from milk or kefir, the lower part from plastic bottle or a small square container. Interesting idea- use toilet paper tubes or wallpaper tubes to make the walls of the houses. If necessary, cut the selected blank, then glue it with white paper or paint it with paint. When the facade of the future "building" dries, you can make a roof, windows and a door. Your winter house will turn out to be more interesting if you combine several design techniques at once and use different materials for decoration.

How to make snowdrifts?

We figured out how to make winter houses with our own hands, now it’s worth talking about decorating and decorating crafts. Souvenirs “seen” or overgrown with snow on the sides look interesting. How to make such snow caps at home? This is easier than it might seem at first glance: pour PVA glue into some kind of container and moisten a thin layer of cotton wool in it. Squeeze out the excess and spread a piece of mass on the base, gently pressing. In this way, you can decorate the entire roof, the stand on which the house stands, or form real snowdrifts near the walls and porch. In a similar technique, you can try to create from dense white paper napkins. house "can be snowed in another way. Coat the base with transparent glue and sprinkle liberally with sugar, salt or semolina. After creating a snow cover, leave the craft to dry for at least 4 hours, and even better - for the whole night.

Important Composition Details

A snow-covered decorative house will look more spectacular if you place it on a stand and decorate it with decorative elements. As a base, you can use a piece of cardboard or a lid from cardboard box with sides. The finished winter house must be glued to the stand, after which we proceed to create the surrounding landscape. Make a snow cover using one of the techniques described above. The composition can be added christmas tree or a snow-covered tree. You can also make a beautiful veranda, ladders, benches, maybe even sleds or skis. Any decorative elements can be cut out of cardboard and painted as you wish. A snow house with a yard can be supplemented with figures of snowmen, fairy-tale characters. Try making figurines out of cotton wool, fabric, and cardboard. If you have enough free time and patience, you can even build an entire winter town and populate it with magical characters.

Souvenir or useful item?

Minimalism is in fashion today, and many people try not to purchase too many beautiful decorative items that are not capable of fulfilling some practical function. Can the craft "Winter House" be not only beautiful and decorative, but also useful? Why not? Do not be too lazy to make the roof removable and beautifully decorate the interior of the base box - and you will get an unusual box or even a small hiding place. An interesting idea - to arrange in new year style tea house. This craft is easy to make from a liter package of kefir, milk or juice. All you need is to wash the workpiece well and dry, and then decorate to your liking. It is not difficult to make such a tea winter house with your own hands. The craft is designed to store tea bags and is a worthy alternative to factory boxes. Such a house should have a removable roof, and at the bottom it is necessary to cut through and beautifully decorate the window. Accordingly, bags can be loaded through the top, and it is convenient to get them through the bottom if necessary.

How to make a candlestick in the form of Santa Claus's house?

IN new year holidays It is customary to decorate your home with garlands, candles and light figures. If desired, it is easy to make a luminous New Year's house. The easiest option is to place a part of the garland inside the craft and consider connecting to the network. You can also use an electric candle or any other glowing element on batteries. You can also make a full-fledged candlestick. However, if you have a winter house made of cardboard, you should pay attention to fire safety. Use the smallest "tea" candles; they can only be placed in a figure made of flammable material in heat-resistant glass cups. It makes sense to make a candlestick, focusing on the size of the candle and the stand for it. The souvenir figurine itself should be larger in size and not heat up.

cat house

With your own hands you can make not only small decorative items, but also quite useful things. You may be surprised, but the do-it-yourself craft "Santa Claus's Winter House" can be made as real housing for our smaller brothers. In the New Year's way, you can decorate, for example, a street bird feeder. Of course, decorating with paper and other materials that are afraid of water will have to be abandoned. But you can always use waterproof paints for painting or make a bird feeder of an unusual shape.

An interesting idea is to make a winter house for a cat. Many animals living outside feel the need for warm and dry shelter in cold weather. can be made from various materials- wooden beams, unnecessary boards, chipboard and plywood. Make a box of the right size, insulate it from the inside, and decorate the outside to your taste. The most beautiful house will turn out if you decorate it with a stylized gable roof. If desired, you can paint such a dwelling outside under a Russian hut or a fairy-tale tower. Do not be afraid to create and do the most different crafts using familiar and so cozy images!

The first snow is a harbinger of something big and fabulous! Evenings are more and more desirable to spend at home with a cup of warm cocoa and watching your favorite movies. And today we will talk about how to fill this time with notes of New Year's mood by making candlesticks in the form of cardboard Christmas houses with our own hands.


  • binding cardboard
  • stationery knife
  • right angle ruler
  • black ballpoint pen
  • spray white paint
  • glue
  • newspaper / kraft paper

First step

Using a ruler with a right angle, draw houses on cardboard different sizes. Designate windows on one of the facades.

On a note:One house consists of five elements: two facades, two rectangles on the sides and a roof. It is better to make windows on one of the facades of the house, so that when a candle is burning, the pattern of the windows of one facade does not fight with the pattern of the windows of the other, with the exception of symmetrical facades.

Second step

In order to cut out windows from cardboard with a knife and a ruler, it will take a lot of effort and patience. Therefore, do not shrink with the shapes of the windows.

On a note: rounded shapes I recommend cutting with nail scissors with a rounded blade. Some houses can be left with blank walls, for a change.

Third step

Glue the details of the houses.

On a note:Cardboard parts stick together quite well, so you can use absolutely any glue.

Fourth step

Line your work surface with newspaper or kraft paper. Paint the houses with spray paint. After the paint on the houses is completely dry, place one plastic tea light in each.

On a note:Do not use ordinary tea lights, they are flammable!

Fifth step

Decorate your interior. For example, place the houses on a windowsill, a bookshelf, or a bedside table. And when a Christmas tree appears in the house, under it a fabulous town made of cardboard will look especially great.
