How Irakli Makatsaria lives now. Irakli Makatsaria told if he had an affair with Michel Andrade

Now the show "Dancing with the Stars" is at the equator, and the stars themselves and their partners usually spend all their time in rehearsals. But thanks to complex calculations, our journalist managed to find Irakli Makatsaria the other day and find out from him all the most frank details: about a career in Ukraine, about plans for his personal life, about participating in Ukrainian reality TV, and including the most important thing: is it true that the heart free?

Irakli, is it possible to regard the fact that you again decided to take part in the Ukrainian show as a fact that you hope to find your betrothed in Ukraine?

(Laughs) This is probably the most popular question for me from journalists over the past two months, and I am often asked directly. I have the same answer for everyone: when I look at a woman, I do not see in her a Georgian or a Ukrainian, a blonde or a brunette. All these are stereotypes. I want to see what kind of person it is. And Ukrainians are different, and Georgians, and Americans. By the way, I learned to understand this much better for last years in some way and thanks to the project "Bachelor". This format requires every bachelor to be able to quickly understand who you are dealing with and what motives this person is guided by.

- And with someone from the ex-"Bachelors" do you maintain relationships, communication?

Not anymore. I met several times at various events with different participants, but this cannot be called the word “communicate”.

Ex-"Bachelor" Ramina Eshakzai said in her blog that you recorded an interview. How long have you been talking and is there a romantic note in this communication?

We have been talking for a very long time, just from the day we recorded the interview (laughs). Ramina took part in another season of the show "The Bachelor", we met her only three weeks ago, when she came to record an interview. And the whole romance of the relationship lies in the fact that she immediately offered me an interview on a topic that is interesting to both of us. So, most likely, the same questions are of interest to the audience, and it makes sense to answer them. And what, have they already begun to call it a romantic relationship?

The Dancing with the Stars project is very demanding. I have to choose what to spend my time and attention on. I made it a rule before the first broadcast not to pay attention to gossip.

- And that is why you refused to comment on your relationship with Michel Andrade?

Michelle is very sweet and a positive person. She is very talented and for her age is simply incredibly hardworking, and she is also very sincerely going through everything. It appeals to me, and I am always ready to support, help, and suggest such people. I understand very well how psychologically difficult it is to participate in such a show. And now it’s not only about Michelle - on this project I met huge amount very good, positive, interesting people. But from the outside, it seemed to someone that human support is signs of attention on my part. Alas, this is inevitable: the show "The Bachelor" has formed a certain association among the audience. Michel, fortunately, understands everything correctly.

The name of 33-year-old Irakli is very familiar to Ukrainian viewers. Even if they didn’t watch the Bachelor show a couple of years ago, they probably heard about this Georgian macho. And the season with his participation can be safely called one of the brightest. Now ("1 + 1"), because of which he lives in two countries - either in Georgia, or in Ukraine. And still walks in bachelors. So we spoke with Makatsaria about both his television and personal life.

"Everything happens in the hall with Yana"

- Irakli, you already have experience of participating in the Georgian version of the dance project. Do other participants say that this is not entirely fair?

Nobody said anything like that to my face. There may be some discussion going on behind the scenes. But I can say one thing. After dancing for a period, all participants will understand that this is not a big bonus. Physical training lasts one week for each dance. And immediately after the broadcast, the couple forgets the dance in order to learn the next one.

A week after the end of the season, after dancing for three months, you won't even remember your steps. Perhaps psychologically I am more ready, but this is only based on my character.

Probably, people will think, talk, discuss anything. I don’t concentrate much on what is happening behind the scenes, everything happens in the hall with Yana.

- Nikolai Tishchenko, discussing his dances, called himself an alpha male. How can you characterize yourself?

I agree with him (laughs). He behaves like an alpha male. Nicholas is a very nice person. He is the soul of our dance company, lights up, brings a lot of humor to the floor and Have a good mood. As for me... I'm just Irakli from Georgia, who came to the project to dance.

- By the way, they say that on the project you not only dance, but also look for a bride. Is it true?

Since I am not in a relationship, naturally there is a desire for a beautiful soulmate to appear in my life. And it can happen anywhere at any time. But I didn't go to the dance for that.

- Michelle Andrade said in her business card that she really likes you, but she is embarrassed to come up and get acquainted. Has she recovered?

Yes, we met and talked. Beautiful, positive, talented girl!

"On the project - minus 7 kg"

- How much time do you have to spend in the gym to get such abs as you have?

Everyone has different genetics, it's very individual. Now I can go to the gym 2-3 times a week. You need to properly distribute your energy, eat well and sleep well in order to restore strength.

- Ruslan Senichkin lost 9 kg during his dance training. And you?

Minus 7 kg today. Weighed 89, now - 82 kg (with a height of 189 cm - Ed.). I hope I won't drop any more.

- Where do you spend your time more often now - in Ukraine or in Georgia?

In Kyiv. After the broadcast, I fly to Georgia to shoot the program for two days. I am one of the leaders of a social project where we discuss all the events that take place in the country, except for politics.

"I can't say I'm in love, but..."

- Irakli, do you regret participating in "The Bachelor"?

I definitely don't regret it. It was an incredible experience in my life. I plunged into a reality in which you test your character, willpower, yourself in relationships with different girls. The project connected me with Ukraine, I started working here, met many people. I think that this is the chapter of my life that I will always remember with a smile.

- Are you in love now?

I can't say that I'm in love. But in my life there are ladies with whom I communicate. Although there is not yet the only one with which I could continue the path of my life.

- What should it be?

There is no formula. She has to be herself, she has to be real, smart and humorous. This is not a car so that you can choose a model, color and so on.

- You are not tired of popularity? Every time you go out with a girl, you are credited with another novel, they write some news on the Internet ...

You correctly noticed - news. Which are not true. Somewhere, maybe they can hurt if they are written ugly or incorrectly in relation to me or the girl. And when asked to take a picture or talk - it's just nice. There is a feeling that you impress someone. I am grateful to people who are not shy, fit and give positive emotions.

- What is your relationship with Alena Lesik now (Irakli's chosen one in the show "The Bachelor." - Ed.)? Do you communicate?

Alena and I met by chance a couple of times. In general, we do not communicate.

- Who initiated the breakup?

Alena was the first to announce this, but this decision was made mutually - we discussed everything with her, we decided everything.

- A question from our reader: "If your mother answered my comment under your photo with cute hearts, does this mean that she can be a good mother-in-law to me"?

It means you are very close! (Laughs). Mom is very active in the last year and a half on Facebook. When I started participating in the project, my sister created an account for her. Thought it wasn't for long. But I was wrong - my mother mastered everything!


Yana Zayats: "I am a choreographer, he is a star"

- Yana, did you quickly find a common language with Irakli when you were paired? Given his character...

Until the moment we met, I did not know what kind of person he was. I didn't watch The Bachelor. I only saw the picture. And when we met, I realized that he was kind, open. I don’t know yet what kind of Georgian character he has, which everyone is talking about.

- How obedient is Irakli?

We share all the responsibilities in half. I am a choreographer, he is a star. In the hall we are two people who help each other. Of course, I really want him to sit on the twine. But for now, it's hard.

- Quite often, romantic feelings arise between dance partners. Yana, is your husband not jealous of the Georgian handsome man?

When my husband has free time, he always comes to us. Both husband and child always support me. Before I started dancing with Irakli, I immediately introduced them.

Irakli: - Her husband became for me good friend! I would like this question not to be asked again. For me it is very inaccurate. People should not have such questions if a person dances with a girl who is married and has a wonderful family. For Georgians, this is not acceptable and not beautiful. It calls into question my masculine principles.

- It so happened that at one time Yana took second place in the show "Everybody Dance!", And Irakli - second place in the Georgian version of "Dancing with the Stars". What are you willing to do to win?

Of course, winning is important. But Irakli and I decided this: it is important to be a cut or two above your competitors on every broadcast. Then the viewer, and he understands what dances are, will see what we are capable of.

Already after the first broadcast of "Dancing with the Stars" on "1 + 1" Irakli predicted victory in the project. As expected, he ended up in the final, but completely unfair, according to his fans,. Three days after the announcement of the results of the show, we meet with Irakli at the hotel, where he just finished shooting for another publication. There is no trace of fatigue on his face, although he immediately admits that he has not yet had time to physically recover, and there is still a lot of work ahead on new projects.

Anna Ivanova: Why do you think you failed to win the show "Dancing with the Stars" twice: first in Georgia, then in Ukraine? Although both times the cup was at arm's length.

Did not win - it's not about me. Neither in Georgia nor in Ukraine did I leave the project defeated. I say this not to console myself, because I mean not the show, but the dances, in which I won. Moreover, if we sum up the jury's scores throughout the season, then I have a very big lead over the other finalists.

THEM. I didn’t count myself - my dad really likes to understand all the details. He told me that with Lesya Nikityuk we had a gap of 100-something points, and with Igor Lastochkin - 50. In no case do I have any offense, especially since I love Igor, Ilona, ​​Lesya, and to whom the cup will be given was not so important for me. I did not come to the project for the cup. The love and support of the audience that I feel today is much more important.

AI Why did you need to participate in the show?

THEM. I really love dancing, for me it is a way of self-expression. I consider myself a closed person, although I like to communicate with people, but I don’t tell anyone about my inner experiences, but through dance I can do it. “Dancing with the Stars” is the project that gave me an incredibly cool opportunity to talk with myself, with the audience and let go of some personal inner moments. I can't do it just by sitting and talking about them.

It is important for me that in life I do not get anything easily. Everything I have, I have earned with my hard work and honesty.

Therefore, I like to test myself every day, put myself in situations where you have to choose between the easy and the hard way. Although this path is difficult, it is much more truthful. I know that I passed it with dignity, and for me this is the most important thing.

AI In your opinion, is the Dancing with the Stars project fair? Didn't it seem unfair that, for example, Masha Efrosinina and Anita Lutsenko left him ahead of time?

THEM. Dances are evaluated not only by professional judges, but also by spectators, on whose votes the fate of the participants also depends. If the couples left ahead of time, it means that they were significantly inferior to the rest of the guys in terms of the sum of points from the judge and the number of votes from the audience. Unfortunately, these are the rules of the project. Of course, it’s a pity that it’s so early, because they didn’t have time to dance everything they planned. But I definitely know that I danced the dances that I wanted. The only thing is that I would also like to perform a Georgian dance, in which I would like to convey to the viewer all my depth and my true emotions and feelings. But in the final, we had to demonstrate all our skills acquired during the project and combine the movements we had already learned from different numbers into a composition.

A.I. Are you not sickened by the image of a bachelor who has been trailing behind you for several years?

THEM. Of course, I would like people to know who I really am and what I do. I want to move away from the image of a playboy who constantly takes off his shirt. For many, it was a big discovery when, on the last broadcast of Dancing with the Stars, I told that I was giving motivational lectures in Georgia, promoting healthy lifestyle life and am engaged in film production.

There are so many things that people don't know about, but I don't like to be intrusive.

I do this not to be talked about, but to make it useful and necessary for someone. My main mission is to change the lives of others in better side. I think that over time everyone will see a little more than the image that was created on television. But I won't shout about it.

A.I. From your television interviews, one gets the impression that you are a very calm person. What can piss you off?

THEM. I am short-tempered only in those moments that hurt me. For example, if it concerns family or friends, if they say or do something inappropriate. Injustice drives me away.

But in general, I am a fairly stable person, and despite the difficulties that everyone had on the project, I think that I had the least emotional breakdowns.

Every day I work on myself, communicate with my inner self, no matter how strange it may sound. The most important thing in human peace is harmony. As soon as relations with your inner “I” are settled, then everything around then begins to look very easy. It's hard to provoke me into anything.

AI: For the last three months you have lived in two countries. How did you do it, because rehearsals, as I understand it, every day?

THEM. Difficult. Every Monday I flew to Georgia, from the airport I immediately went to shoot the program, we recorded two or three episodes, then back to the airport and to Ukraine. During all this time I flew to Georgia every week, but I was at home only once. All this, of course, also affected me. Lack of sleep, flights, rehearsals, filming... It's difficult, but I'm alive, I feel fine, so everything is possible.

A.I. Was there a moment when you wanted to leave the project?

THEM. I had no such thoughts. It is very important to understand why you are participating in the project. If only for the cup, it will be very difficult. When you concentrate your attention only on the last point, you miss the processes that take place before that. I enjoyed every day: rehearsals, communication with Yana, participants and creators of the show. He was very angry with himself when something did not work out. Despite the fact that everything looked easy and beautiful during the broadcast, the road to performances was very difficult.

Each time, going through these difficulties, I felt satisfaction that I was able to overcome myself.

Probably the highlight was when I made the decision to do a back flip during the dance the night before the semi-finals. In the beginning, I just watched tutorial videos on YouTube for a few hours. And then, together with a friend, in one and a half to two hours, he learned to perform back flips in the hall. If someone told me that I would master this trick in the minimum amount of time, and the next day I would go out and do it during the performance, I would think that this person is definitely crazy. But when everything worked out, I realized that if something is possible for one person, then it is comprehensible for everyone.

AI: What are you working on at the moment?

THEM.: In addition to the various shootings that are now taking place every day, work has begun on my new film “Groom from Georgia”, we are recording my program in Georgia every week, we are working on Indian film projects that I manage in several countries. Now there is a lot of everything, I just try to correctly allocate time in order to do everything. I haven't fully recovered physically from Dancing with the Stars yet. There were many injuries - we still need to collect ourselves.

AI The film "Groom from Georgia" produced by your company? And you're the main character, right?

THEM. Yes. This romantic comedy about a Georgian, businessman, winemaker, similar to the image of Irakli, which was shown on TV. I want to emphasize that it is the image. This guy falls in love with a Ukrainian girl. If you describe the psychotype of the protagonist, then he is not averse to taking a walk, he likes to live and dress beautifully, at the same time he does not strongly believe in love. Our main character is the complete opposite of him. And it is very interesting how the communication of these people from different poles develops and how feelings unite them. In addition, we subtly use humor, which is important for this genre, we demonstrate the character traits of the two nations.

We want to show not invented things, but real ones. Ukrainians who have visited Georgia are well aware of our hospitality, feasts and traditions. There are also many interesting things in Ukraine.

So we want to make a very beautiful and light film, so that both children can watch it and adults can laugh heartily. I just see that we lack such bright and kind films now. At least in the cinema we should rest a little. I think it will be an interesting project, and Ukrainian celebrities will probably take part in it.

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AI Judging by the fact that the character of the main character is based on your television image, and you yourself play it, this is a kind of sublimation.

THEM. Many people think so, but I want to emphasize that this is definitely not a documentary about me. It’s just that I got so much experience in communication on the projects “The Bachelor”, “Dancing with the Stars”, that I don’t even have to invent anything. The more true the script, the more interesting to people will watch. Naturally, I'm a little worried because I've never acted in a movie. So you have to work hard to make it work.
