How to behave a woman with a man in building a personal relationship. How to behave with a girl in different situations

This is very important, because the wrong behavior can destroy even the most ideal relationship. That is why let's talk about how to behave in a relationship with a girl in order to enjoy the relationship, and not endlessly quarrel and think about how you can keep love.

How to behave in a relationship with a girl

First you need to decide if you really need this relationship.

In order for the relationship to be long and lasting, you must really like the person. In this case, you will not need to put on a mask and play, you will be able to behave naturally in a relationship with a girl.

Remember that in a relationship you must be natural. It will depend on this how much the person who is next to you was really comfortable. It is always pleasant and easy to communicate with a person who behaves naturally.

Any person wants to feel the care that comes from another person. And remember that this should manifest itself in absolutely all matters. Try to behave in a relationship with a girl carefully, protect and protect her from all bad weather and troubles.

Try to demonstrate your confidence in absolutely all matters. Show your confidence in most issues. But it is necessary to express your opinion with calmness. Don't hesitate to say the word "no". If you have a date, set the exact place and time of the meeting. But still, you should not forget about compromises, otherwise you will look like a simple and banal stubborn.

Do not forget to always and constantly surprise the girl. Come up with enough original places for meetings and dates. For example, you can arrange romantic date in an old and abandoned house, from the windows of which amazing panoramas of the night city open. You can also invite a girl to some amazing excursion, for example, to a marvelous ancient fortress.

Also, do not forget to give your beloved unplanned little surprises. Give small but nice gifts, but you need to do it very often, because the character can deteriorate from this. For example, you can make a gift with your own hands: a postcard with warm and sincere poems. It is very romantic to arrange a date in nature.

Today we talked about how to behave in a relationship with a girl so that these relationships are long and bring joy to you and your loved one. But this is only a small part, put these recommendations into practice, and you will notice how your relationship will improve a lot.

How to behave with a girl

What we will talk about today is useful not only for guys, but also for the female half of humanity. Let's talk in more detail about how to behave with a girl in a relationship.


Appearance can tell a lot about a person. After all, when we get to know a person, we evaluate him by his appearance. After all, if your appearance will not impress, then the girls may not pay attention to you at all. There are some rules to keep in mind:

Remember that your clothes should always be clean, tidy, ironed, shoes should also be clean and not dusty. By neglecting this, you will never be able to win respect.

Secondly, you should always smell good. From the armpits and other places should not be bad smell. This is one of the most important rules of how to behave with a girl.

Your hair should always be clean and neat. To behave confidently in a relationship with a girl, and girls love confident guys, you need to monitor and take care of yourself.

Communication with a girl

Do not forget that communication with a girl is one of the most important criteria for a good relationship.

Remember that you have to be natural, you don't have to pretend to be someone you are not. In this way, it will also be easier for you, because you will always find something to talk about. And your interlocutor will definitely feel it.

Try to behave in a relationship with a girl so that she feels unique, you need. Do not forget that all girls are very fond of complements. Absolutely all girls like flattery, so do it more often. Even if a girl says that she does not like complements, then this is not true, and on the contrary, she wants these complements. And in general, it’s worth getting used to the fact that everything a girl says should be taken quite the opposite.

You should not talk to a girl about: other girls, your problems at work, school, jealousy, and you should also not talk about what the girl does not understand or about what she is not interested in.

Surprises and concern

Make the girl pleasant unexpected surprises. Take care of her as the most precious thing in your life, give her advice, protect her. But do not overdo it, because a girl can start using it. You should do so that she appreciates you even more. By the way, the first signal that a girl is used to gifts is if she stops saying “thank you” to you.

Show you

It doesn't matter how much you have Money, no matter how you look, what your physical form is, since the most important thing is that you can show all this to a girl.

This is not an easy task at all, but still you need to try to show yourself so that she admires you. But for this you need responsibility, activity and optimism.

Remember that how you behave with a girl will depend on your further relations with your girlfriend. But you should never stop there.

How to behave in a relationship with a girl to keep her love

To begin with, all men should remember that women are very sensitive and vulnerable, they take many events to heart. The girl often says that everything is in order, but a hurricane is raging inside her. Therefore, a man needs to study his beloved enough to read her like a book, to understand her mood just by looking at her.

Girls love with their ears, so you should often say flattering words and compliments to her in order to keep her love. Tell the girl more often about your love and how beautiful she is, look into her eyes for a long time and whisper something unforgettably romantic. But at the same time, not a single girl will tolerate pretense, so speak only the truth, do not be afraid to be embarrassed.

To avoid boredom in a relationship with a girl, organize surprises for her. Have a picnic, trip to hot-air balloon, arrange a small quest, buy her her favorite flowers and do something that she does not expect from you. Every woman knows that after every quarrel, a man carries a bouquet of flowers, so be unpredictable and surprise her, your beloved will definitely appreciate it.

There are a lot of options on how to behave in a relationship with a girl in such a way as to keep her love for you. But the main thing is taking care of her: your jacket, thrown over her shoulders on a cool day, will please her more than a dozen memorized compliments on duty.

good option it will be if you write a letter to a girl, find parchment and write in the old style, such original method cannot be remembered. In the letter, describe that you do not want to lose her, that all life without her is dim and sad. In addition, writing is much easier than speaking, in a letter you can not be afraid to say everything that is happening in your heart.

It is laudable for a man that he will prepare a cake or pie for his beloved with his own hands. Set up a candlelit dinner somewhere in a beautiful mysterious place.

Show her that you care about her, listen to her more. And if she has already forgiven you, then continue not to do stupid things and learn to share everything with her. Remember that it is easy to get back, but also easy to lose. Beloved, don't leave! Mutual understanding and love to you!

Quite often, we do not store our relationships properly because we do not appreciate, and then bitterly regret the loss of them. So, after breaking up with a girl, many guys are faced with the idea that they did it absolutely in vain. Only having known the feeling of loneliness, they really begin to miss their beloved. Of course, immediately these young people have a pertinent question: "How to return and keep the girl's love?" To do this, you must follow a few rules.

Remember, girls are very vulnerable, touchy creatures with a sensitive psyche. They take everything very seriously. Even if there are no signs of resentment, this does not mean that everything is fine. Pay more attention to your eyes. They are known to be the mirror of the soul and only there you can see the true answer.

Shower her with compliments. As you know, women first of all love with their ears. Do not skimp on declarations of love and do it with all your heart. If you lie, you will get the opposite effect. Behave in a relationship with a girl sincerely, because she will immediately feel false.

Give the girl gifts and make more surprises to keep her love. For example, you can go on a picnic or order food from a restaurant and have dinner for two. It is also nice to give some kind of gift, not necessarily insanely expensive, the main thing is that it causes joy or even delight.

If a girl lives on the top floor of a house, then it's good to remember an undeserved, almost completely forgotten genre - a serenade. Are you deaf and speechless? It's not scary, the girl will still appreciate this act as bold and romantic.

Write her a letter, but not an email, but a regular one. In it, convey with the help of words how much you love her, that she is very dear to you, and you are afraid of losing her.

Order her a song on the radio station. This song should remind her of the happy moments spent with you. Of course, along with the song, convey how much you appreciate and love it.

Every day try to do something nice for your girlfriend to keep her love. For example, you can serve her breakfast in bed or give her flowers during the day.

Spend more time together. Try to behave in a relationship with a girl so that everyone can see that you are a couple. If you really appreciate it, then you should replace your personal affairs, meetings with friends with a common pastime.

Always listen to her very carefully, do not interrupt the girl. Do not say that you do not have time to listen to her problems, complaints and stories of various kinds. This greatly hurts the pride of the girl.

Be yourself. If you are ready and able to fight for your happiness, then do it. Believe in yourself and be sure everything will work out. You don't have to think about how to keep a girl's love, you just have to keep your relationship.

How to behave with a girl: 5 general rules + 5 recommendations when meeting a beautiful stranger + 7 tips for those who want to turn a girlfriend into a lover + 12 instructions for those who want to maintain a relationship with a girl.

Relationships between women and men are a never-ending topic. So much has already been written about this that it is possible to collect a multi-volume volume larger than all Lenin's works. And yet, the questions asked by both men and women do not end there.

One of the most popular questions from the representatives of the stronger sex: "How to behave with a girl?" Moreover, the situations are fundamentally different, because a girl means a stranger you like, a girlfriend you want to turn into a loved one, a loved one you want to keep, etc.

Without pretending to be complete, we will try to understand each of the situations.

How to behave with a girl: general rules

Despite the fact that "girls are different," as one song goes, in relation to guys, their thoughts are similar.

That is, there is something that they can not stand in guys and something that they adore.

Of course, the rules cannot be called universal for each of the beautiful ladies, but in most cases they work.

1) How to behave with a girl in order to win and keep her location?

Your behavior is certainly important for building harmonious relationships, but the secret of success with the opposite sex is not limited to them.

That is why it is important to consider other factors in order to please girls:

  • appearance;
  • education;
  • manners;
  • character;
  • place in life.


    Yes, not everyone is lucky to be born a Hollywood handsome man, but even from very modest initial data, you can fashion such a half-Apollo.

    What do girls like about men's looks?

    What girls don't like about men's looks

    1. Tight athletic body.
    2. Love for personal care products: toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.
    3. Regular visits to the hairdresser, the ability to care for your nails, skin, etc.
    4. The ability to dress beautifully and appropriately, and most importantly, the cleanliness and neatness of clothes.
    5. The scent of a good perfume.

    1. Too thin, muscleless or fat body.
    2. Unwashed and bad smell.
    3. Dirty nails, uncut unwashed hair, problem skin and so on.
    4. Type Ensembles tracksuit and classic shoes, unwashed clothes (especially socks - bueeee), torn off buttons, uncleaned shoes.
    5. The smell of sweat.

    As you can see, in order to simply take care of yourself and do not forget about personal hygiene.


    We are not even talking about a university diploma, although having a higher education will be a great bonus, but about self-education: books, films, performances, general education programs - all this will help to pass for an educated person and able to keep up the conversation.

    It is American feminists who are indignant when they hold the front door, offer a hand when leaving the transport, help them put on a coat, etc.

    Domestic girls will certainly appreciate such a manner of behaving. Just don't overdo it so it doesn't look comical.


    Here, of course, there is no single recipe, because the girls are still different, and therefore each chooses which male character traits she particularly likes. But it is still desirable to be:

    • strong;
    • responsible;
    • bold;
    • cheerful;
    • kind;
    • caring;
    • sure.
  1. place in life.

    As you can imagine, an unemployed alcoholic is much less likely to win a gorgeous girl, no matter how he behaves with her, than a successful lawyer.

2) How not to behave with any girl?

Here a lot depends on the girl you chose as the object of your sympathy. It is very important to study her character in order to understand what she expects from you and behave accordingly.

Example. Among my acquaintances there is a couple who cannot imagine their life without constant dramas: they swear loudly, passionately reconcile, arrange romantic surprises for each other, and a day later they throw dishes, converge and disperse. At the same time, they are happy and are not going to leave. I would definitely not have survived such a volcano of emotions, but they are simply bored to live otherwise.

Maybe you will meet original girl who will enjoy, for example, constant humiliation and swear words in her direction, but for the most part there are few such originals.

3 examples of different situations, how to behave with a girl

You should not treat all girls the same way - this is a losing strategy. It is necessary to take into account not only the nature of the young lady that you are trying to win or keep, but also the circumstances.

For example, if we are talking about a stranger whom you just want to invite on a first date, then you need to behave with her in a completely different way than with a girl with whom you have a long-term love relationship.

1. How to behave with an unfamiliar girl?

Let's imagine a situation: you are walking down the street, thinking about something of your own, and then SHE is meeting you. Or, let's say you met a beautiful stranger "in a noisy restaurant hall."

There is no time, you need to act quickly, otherwise the beautiful stranger will fly away and you will lose the chance to invite her on a date.

But how to behave so as not to frighten, so that the girl does not decide that she is in front of some kind of crazy or womanizer, who is used to clinging to everyone in a row for the sake of adrenaline?

The task ahead is difficult, but quite doable if you stick to simple tips and behave with the girl correctly:

    Choose the best time to meet.

    For example, if a girl is walking down the street and talking to someone on the phone, then you should wait until the end of the conversation before doing anything.

    If you meet in a restaurant or a nightclub, then you don’t need to watch for the girl near the women’s toilet - this will definitely scare her. It is better to invite a young lady to dance or order a song for her.

    Be calm and confident.

    Of course, you are nervous and very worried about the result, but the girl should not see these inner throwings of yours. But you should not go too far with self-confidence (“Hey, beauty, everyone wants me here, but I decided to make you happy”) is not worth it.

    Don't try to be too original.

    Phrases like “We were happy in a past life. And now, after many centuries, I met you again”, “And your dad is not a gardener by any chance? No? Why are you such a beautiful flower? can only affect very young girls.

    With older ladies it is better to behave simpler. For example: “Hi. My name is Igor. You are very beautiful - just do not take your eyes off. I would not forgive myself if I missed the chance to meet such a charming girl.

    The combination of greeting and compliment works well, unless, of course, you aroused antipathy in the girl at first sight. This also happens and it is difficult to do something with a sudden hostility, having little time.

    Do something for her.

    For example: send some kind of present to her table in a restaurant, say, a dessert or a bottle of champagne, help carry a heavy bag, give way to public transport, etc.

    The girl will appreciate it if you immediately begin to act as if you are ready to help her all your life and are eager to spend money on her with joy.

    Strike while the iron is hot.

    If you met beautiful girl on the street and she is in no hurry, then you can immediately invite her for a cup of coffee - this will help consolidate success.

    If you met at some entertainment venue, then ask for permission to move to her table to continue to relax together. This will help you get to know each other better.

    Who knows: maybe this is not a beautiful stranger from dreams at all, but only her imitation.

2 important tips

2. How to behave with a girlfriend with whom you are secretly in love?

We sometimes fall in love with completely unexpected people, for example, a childhood friend or a classmate, whom we did not pay any attention to for three years of study at the university.

Of course, there is hope for mutual sympathy. In this case, it is enough to simply hint about your interest if you are a girl, directly talk about your feelings and invite you on a date if you are a guy.

But how to behave if the girl you know, whom you are in love with, has only friendly feelings for you, moreover, builds a relationship with another guy?

And you need to behave with such a girl as follows:

  1. To be always there - she must know that at any moment she can rely on you.
  2. Help the girl when she needs it.
  3. Giving her what she demands this moment- a girl needs a vest to cry on "this bastard", become such a vest.
  4. Be better than her boyfriend. Surely the girl told you what she does not like about her boyfriend, so start behaving completely differently from him.
  5. Flirt. Friendly jokes, ambiguous jokes, compliments - sooner or later she will understand your sympathy.
  6. Make her jealous - a stunning beauty next to you will make even the best friend jealous. That's how girls are.
  7. Don't make trouble for her. The girl next to you should be easy and comfortable, so do not harass her with whining, complaints, tediousness and other things. Let her feel this contrast: she is much better with you than with him.

Important ! Do not push too hard if she refused immediately after a declaration of love. Do not put ultimatums: "Either together as a couple, or not at all." It won't work. Seize the opportunity given to you: "Let's just be friends" and become best friend in the world. Even if you act only like a friend, the girl will know about your feelings. And if she feels good with you as a friend, then why can't she be as good as with her beloved guy?

Relationship with a girl. How not to behave?

Why are girls disappointed in men?

3. How to behave with your girlfriend so as not to lose her?

Even if you are in a happy love relationship, this does not mean that you can relax and behave as you please. A girl's love is easy to lose because of her own stupidity.

Try to be reasonable so that the girl is by your side as long as you yourself want it:

  1. Show care and attention even in small things.
  2. Be a good lover if you have already entered this stage of the relationship and be patient if the girl says she is not ready for sex yet.
  3. At least sometimes make her romantic surprises - routine and boredom kill love.
  4. Be gentle and affectionate with a girl, be strong and, if necessary, tough with the rest of the world.
  5. Say that you love her, and others will not be superfluous.
  6. Show interest in her hobbies, dreams, plans.
  7. Adjust a good relationship with the girl's parents and please her girlfriends.
  8. Listen to what she says. No need to “turn on” a disk with the sound of the sea surf or the cries of seagulls in your head every time a girl talks about fashion or talks about her friends. Firstly, this way you can miss something important, and secondly, if you are caught not listening, a scandal cannot be avoided.
  9. Spend enough time together. If you are constantly busy, she will find someone who is more free.
  10. Don't lie even about the little things.
  11. You should not behave with a girl like a real critic, albeit with good intentions. If you constantly itch: “Wouldn’t you like to sign up for a gym and lose some weight?”, “And my mother bakes a tastier pie.

    Why don’t you learn from her?”, “You’d better read the book, and not watch this stupid series,” then soon your girlfriend will acquire the “ex” prefix.

  12. Don't be aggressive towards her. Never humiliate or offend a girl, even if, in your opinion, she deserved such behavior. Be a gentleman and you will be rewarded.

There is no universal recipe for the disease “Help! I don't know how to behave with a girl!" Know general rules, but acting according to the situation is perhaps the best advice.

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Entering into a new relationship, a woman sometimes makes irreparable mistakes, after which it is difficult to return the man's former love. However, the representatives of the fair sex are primarily responsible for building a harmonious partnership, since the goal of a woman is to show wisdom and patience.


A man is a hunter by nature and evaluates the object of admiration initially by appearance. Unfortunately, most women forget about it. important rule and stop paying attention to such details as neat and stylish clothes, fresh manicure and pedicure, clean and timely cut hair, as well as well-groomed skin. If you have been living with your soul mate for a long time, then you should not ignore the desire of a man to see you attractive in any situation. Come up with new images periodically and change endlessly. So you will become mysterious and unpredictable for your chosen one.

Ban on scandals

In no case do not arrange scenes of jealousy or hysteria to your loved one in public. A man who is determined to have a serious relationship with you will not appreciate such an act and will hold a grudge for a long time. Try to calm down and find out the cause of the conflict at home, and preferably the next day, when the primary aggressive emotions disappear. At the same time, you will look worthy in the eyes of your partner and show that you have wisdom and endurance. Also, never insult or humiliate your loved one in front of friends or mutual acquaintances. Otherwise, it will lead to a final break.

patience and understanding

Women tend to rush things and sometimes begin to actively correct the apparent shortcomings of their partner. If you sincerely love a man, then first of all show respect and do not try to change your character. One of the components of love is the acceptance of a person both from the negative and from the positive side. Therefore, it is worth admitting to yourself that the desire to break the established habits or character traits of the chosen one is not the most The best way prove you're right. The best option is a frank conversation about what does not suit you in your loved one, but without accusations and a desire to control.

The monotony in the relationship between a guy and his beloved girl can lead to disastrous consequences, up to divorce / separation. You need to constantly maintain the interest of your beloved wife / girlfriend in you, by all means maintain romance so that your relationship does not crack.

Do not be afraid to experiment, trying to figure out how to behave with a girl, do not go with the flow, otherwise, in the end, the girl will not even feel sympathy for you anymore. A then there is only one thing left - to disperse.

Unpredictability will help you

Will you constantly lie on the couch with a beer while watching TV? Such monotony will kill your relationship completely. But to be a gallant knight is excellent, your beloved girl will be delighted with you, sympathy for you will return again. However, sooner or later she will get tired of this image of your medieval knight, and monotony will return to your relationship again. It turns out that in both cases the effect is the same, it is impossible not to lose the girl here, just in the first situation she will leave her boyfriend much faster, losing all interest in him even faster.


Think it's stupid? Of course, constant rudeness does more harm than good, especially since there is no benefit from it. But if your relationship is already built on trust, everything is fine with you, then you can be a sort of beech from time to time. Only you need to be rude subtly, with a gentle smile, but at the same time firmness in your voice. For example, you can quote your girlfriend. After all, she may have called you once a loser, so quote her. And if she tries to be offended, politely refer to the author of these offensive words, that is, to herself, smile. If she had ever criticized herself, on the same hurtful words in her address from your mouth, she will not be able to take offense seriously. But in her eyes you will look like a solid person who does not grovel even before his beloved woman. Just do not get carried away, you can be rude, but only from time to time.


In order not to lose the girl you love, you can sometimes taunt her. This option is more humane than the previous one. Yes, she will also soon answer you with sharp remarks, but then this will add to your relationship the very diversity that you lacked so much. You should not be indignant if the girl starts to taunt in response - this is a kind of pun, that's all.

Don't forget about the image of a knight

Be a knight - that's a great image. But just choose right time for this, because not always your gallantry will be in place. And dilute this image with others. In general, be different so that it is difficult to figure you out - drive the girl every time

Fight right

No quarrels at all family life almost impossible to do. However, they should not be part of your life. Learn to quarrel violently with a girl, so that later your reconciliation ends with the same stormy night in bed. Sex after an emotional conflict will be bright and full of passion. However, such quarrels are best arranged only occasionally. Most of the quarrels are best immediately turned into a heart-to-heart conversation. This will benefit your serious relationship. Now you know how to treat a girl.

Not every lover understands how to behave with a guy, especially on the first walk. Usually young ladies get nervous, do stupid things and show themselves in an unfavorable light. As a result, the relationship is broken, not yet revealed, and the contender for the heart can only sob into the pillow.

To prevent this from happening, it is enough to know a few simple and understandable rules on how to behave. You need to calm down, properly present yourself and show your strengths, without focusing on your shortcomings. Only in this case, the beloved will be interested in you, and you will be able to conquer him.

In contact with

There are no special secrets about how to behave with a guy so that he falls in love. These eternal truths are familiar to every girl who has experience of dating or at least read about it on the pages of romance novels. But often the first meeting ends in failure. The couple part ways, twirling a finger at their temples, and prefer to avoid each other when they meet in common companies.

This usually happens due to:

  • trying to act like another person;
  • stupid jokes;
  • inappropriate criticism.

Awkwardness is a common cause. Most women, no matter what age they are, are worried at the first meeting, trying with all their might to show their exclusivity. But by trying to behave in this way and obsessively focusing attention on themselves, they achieve the opposite - they become like selfish and narcissistic ladies.

In order to understand how to behave properly with a guy, it’s enough to delve a little into male psychology. Most men subconsciously want to feel like the dominant, the main. Therefore, if a woman shows herself too strong and independent, interest in her is lost. It is necessary to allow yourself to be taken care of and in some moments to show your weakness.

The main answer to the question of how to behave in a relationship with a guy is “be able to listen.” Even if you have known each other for several years and know his whole daily routine by heart, you should not brush aside the desire of a loved one to talk about something. Constantly be interested in his affairs, mood and hobbies.

Moreover, this also applies to how to behave with a guy on the first walk. You must understand:

  1. The second time may not fall out.
  2. If a person makes a negative impression of you, then the next time he decides to meet with another.

So show that you are interested. At the same time, you cannot go too far, demonstrating in every possible way that you will run after this person no matter what. No need to behave obsessively: almost hang on his neck, fanatically asking about interests and immediately declaring these things the meaning of your life. It is enough just to act friendly, as if you went for a walk with an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time. All these rules must be observed throughout the relationship.

At the first meeting

Even if you understand how to behave on a first date with a guy, this is not a guarantee of successful falling in love, because you need to reach the meeting. In our society, there is an unspoken rule, sometimes significantly complicating life: the guy should invite the girl, and not vice versa. Therefore, if you like a guy from a group of friends, you will have to wait for the first steps from him.

To interest a person, you need to behave in a special way: let's understand that you have something to talk about.

Moreover, this can be done using the following factors:

  • charisma;
  • education;
  • gaiety;
  • intelligence;
  • appearance.

The last one on the list is far from being the most important. The most important rule about how a girl should behave with a guy is the following: “Smite him.” According to the mind, they only see off, but they meet - “by clothes”. Therefore, try to wear something that emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws.

Experienced psychologists recommend focusing on some outstanding part of the appearance. If you have beautiful figure then wear tight-fitting suits. Unusual hair - go with styling. With such a detail, you can quickly attract attention, since guys rarely appreciate the whole image. And, if the effect is amazing, you will definitely be invited to take a walk.

On a walk

The question of how to behave with a guy on a walk is rather ambiguous. The first joint hours are the time when romantic interest gradually turns into love. Moreover, it is quite easy to frighten away this bird, so relationships can collapse before they even begin. You need to be careful. During this time, you should learn at least a little about each other.

Ask about:

  • outlook on life;
  • future profession;
  • attitude towards family and children;
  • understanding of love.

In fact, this walk will help you understand whether a person is right for you or not. This is more complicated than how a girl should behave with a guy in a relationship or at a meeting. Before you will be a complete stranger who has yet to be read.

Dress nicely and comfortably. If you wear heels, the guy will have to constantly listen to whining about how tired your legs are, which will not add points. Be sure to find out how he treats you. Quite often, girls make the mistake of mistaking a friendly walk for a romantic meeting. If you behave correctly, then along the way there will definitely be a cafe that will become your date.

On the first date

To understand how to behave with a guy on a date, you will have to delve into male psychology again. No guy likes to be dominated. No need to immediately take the position of the manager: allow yourself to be led. If he wants to pay your bill, don't argue to express your independence. This can hurt his self-esteem.

Adhere to the following rules:

  1. In every possible way, both with gestures, glances, and with words, show your participation in the conversation.
  2. If one speaks animatedly on a favorite topic, and the second just looks into the distance, occasionally nodding, no pair of them will work.
  3. Remember: you came here of your own free will, so no one has to thank you for it. This is the basis of how to behave on a 1 date with a guy.
  4. Do not interrupt him to insert your word. It is better to keep silent at the right time, looking into the eyes of your lover. But do not overdo it: you can’t behave like this all the time.
  5. If the pause drags on, try to give a new impetus to the conversation. You can ask something like, "Do you love your job?" - and so on.

What to do if you are left alone?

Like other feelings, love requires loneliness when there are only two hearts nearby. One way or another, but this stage is coming. And with it comes an equally problematic question: how to behave with a guy alone. For starters, you should not immediately pinch yourself and lower your eyes to the floor. If you are still shy about this person, it is better to spend time with him in the company, trying not to be alone.

Follow a partner. If he, too, feels awkward, it is better to forget about active signs of attention. At the same time, you should not behave in such a way that one of you feels out of place. Be laid back.

Guys love modest girls. Therefore, with a high probability, if you behave cheekily, actively hint at a kiss or even an intimate continuation of the relationship, he will try to leave at the first opportunity. If you are really interested in how to behave in order to please a guy, then you will have to suppress swagger in yourself.

After the first kiss

Well, if everything worked out, and your lips awkwardly touched, there is new question: how to behave with a guy after the first kiss. To begin with, you should remember: the worst mistake is shame. They suffer from both very young girls and quite adult ladies. In fact, it is shyness that often destroys relationships in the bud.

In no case should you:

  • avoid the guy
  • make comments about the kiss;
  • lose moment by offering to wait.

If nothing can be done about the blush on the cheeks, just try to change the subject, but make it clear with hints that this moment was important for the relationship. You should not assume that after this the guy will fall at your feet. It still needs to be kept. Continue your date. Be active and cheerful, continue the interrupted conversation.

How to build relationships?

The topic of how to properly behave with a guy in a relationship does belong to the category of rather controversial ones. Even if you call each other soul mates, this does not mean that you will stay with each other until the grave.

It is necessary to constantly maintain interest in yourself. No need to relax, dumping all your shortcomings out and stopping to follow the appearance. Remember how to behave with a guy when you first meet, and continue to follow these rules.

  1. Do not try to become "ours on the board." Thus, it is easy to transfer relations into the category of exclusively friendly ones.
  2. Don't be jealous and don't cheat.
  3. Don't take advantage of your position.

After parting

But no matter how you behave, everyone still makes mistakes. And one day, through someone else's fault, falling in love ends forever, and a new thought visits the mind: how to behave after breaking up with a guy. Many make a big mistake, believing that this was the last relationship in their life.

  1. No need to dramatize.
  2. Save friendly relations but don't be intrusive. Of course, you remember how to behave with your boyfriend, but. Do not cross the line of friendship, otherwise you will lose it.
  3. Never ask a guy to come back! First, it won't have any effect. Secondly, you will be remembered as a footcloth. Therefore, if you broke up with a scandal, it is better to behave as if there was nothing between you.

Useful video

How to fall in love with someone you like? Helpful Hints girls learn from the following video:


  1. No matter what happens, you should always be nice and friendly. Do not show your arrogance or indefatigable pride.
  2. But you can’t be too malleable, sometimes it’s useful to show your “I”.
  3. Be polite and interested. Do not impose and do not bombard the guy with messages. In this case, you will be called on a date again.
