How to crochet a bee on honey spas. Crochet bee Maya: master class Knitting patterns from yarn bee

Many fathers and mothers have not forgotten the cartoon about the cheerful and cute bee Maya since their carefree childhood.

Today's kids also enjoy watching entertaining series about this heroine. A master class and an understandable knitting pattern will help you create Maya and enjoy a wonderful toy with your children.

In addition to a little time and a bit of patience, you will need:

  • a small ball of yellow yarn;
  • quite a bit of black or dark gray thread for stripes and white for wings;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • two doll eyes;
  • hook, darning needle, scissors.

Abbreviations used in the master class:

VP - air loop;

RLS - single crochet;

The scheme of knitting the body of a bee

Row 1: Crochet 2CH with yellow threads, knit 6 sc from them.
2 rows: In each loop of the previous row, make 2 sc.
3 p.: 1 RLS, from the next two loops - 2 RLS.
4 p.: 2 RLS, from the 3rd loop - 2 RLS.
5 p.: 3 sc, 2 sc in the 4th loop, etc.
6 p.: 4 PRS, 2 PRS in the 5th loop of the 5th row.
7 p.: 5 sc, 2 sc in the 6th loop, etc.
8-9 p.: RLS with black threads.
10-12 p.: RLS with yellow yarn.
Row 13: 5 sc, then decrease by knitting the 6th 7th loop together.
Row 14: With black yarn, 4 sc, 5th and 6th stitch together sc.
Row 15: With black yarn, knit sc without decreasing.
16-18 p .: 4 RLS with yellow threads, the 5th and 6th loop together.
19-20 p.: With black threads 3 RLS, 4th and 5th loop together RLS.
21 p.: With yellow threads 3 sc, 4th and 5th loop together sc.
22 p.: 2 sc, 3rd and 4th loop together sc.
23 p.: 1 sc, 2nd and 3rd loop together sc. A few loops that remain as a result, leave open. Stuff the body of the bee with synthetic winterizer.

Head and hair of a bee

Maya the bee head can be done in three ways:

  1. Crochet RLS separately for the head, separate hair with elongated loops in the form of a hat and then attach it to the head.
  2. Start knitting the head with elongated loops and sc, and then move on to creating the face with regular sc.
  3. Run the RLS head and sew on the hair with a needle.

Let's use the last option.

Row 1: Cast on 2 VPs with yellow threads, then knit 6 RLS out of them in a circle.
2 p.: 2 sc in one loop.
3 rows: 1 sc, knit 2 sc from the 2nd loop.
4 p.: 2 RLS, from the 3rd loop - 2 RLS and so on.
5 p.: 3 sc, 2 sc from the 4th loop, etc.
6 p.: 4 sc, 2 sc from the next loop.
Rs 7-10: Knit all rows of RLS.
Row 11: 4 sc, 5th and 6th stitch together.
Row 12: 3 sc, 4th and 5th stitch together.
Row 13: 2 sc, 3rd and 4th stitch together. Stuff the item tightly with synthetic winterizer.
Row 14: 1 sc, 2nd and 3rd stitch together. Leave a few loops open. Pull the thread from the yarn by 15-25 cm in order to then attach the head to the body with a needle.

From the center of the crown with a darning needle, begin to make the hair of Maya the bee. To do this, thread a needle with a yellow thread into one of the loops on the head, pull the thread and tighten it tightly with a knot. Sew all the hair in the same way.

Maya's legs

Row 1: Cast on 4 chs, turn the knitting backwards and work 1 sc in each stitch of the chain. Next, do the work in a circle, making 4 more sc on the same VP, but on the bottom.
2 p.: 4 RLS, 5th loop - 2 RLS, 4 RLS, 9th - 2 RLS.
Rs 3-5: RLS, at the tops of the oval, increase by 2 RLS.
Row 6: Make half a row of RLS, decrease 3 loops at the same time and continue to perform a row of RLS.
Rows 7-14: Work RLS rows, decreasing 2 sts in the center of the row.
15 p.: RLS, pull the thread 25 cm and cut it with scissors.

Do the same for the other leg. Stuff both legs with padding polyester.


1 p .: Close the ring 2 VP, 3 RLS.
Row 2-3: Knit 2 sc from each previous stitch.
4-6 p.: RLS.
7 p.: 1 RLS, decrease. There should be 6 stitches in a row.
8-12 p.: RLS. Without closing the row, pull out and cut the thread.

bee wings

1 p.: Crochet 3 VP threads white color, knit them with three sc, 1 ch. Flip your work.
2-6 p.: Perform the rows of RLS, adding on both sides 2 RLS, 1 VP.
7-12 p.: RLS, making decreases on both sides, 1 VP.
13-17 p.: See 2-6 p.
18-22 p.: See 7-12 p.


Connect 2 VPs of black yarn into a ring, knit 3 sc from them. Continue doing rows in this way until the antennae are the desired height.


With a yellow thread, crochet 3 sc in a circle and, having made two such rows, finish knitting.

Assembling the toy

The last step of the master class will be the assembly of Maya's bee. To do this, sew the body with the head using the left threads. Attach the legs, arms and wings to the body of the bee, the nose to the face, and the antennae to the hair. Glue the eyes, embroider the mouth.

Thanks to the master class, the cute and funny Maya bee is ready!

Using the described master class, you can make your own various options fairy bee. Change the facial expression, hairstyle, knit each finger on the pen, add jewelry or other elements. In addition, with the help of the same master class, you can make for Maya her friend Willy and other characters of your favorite cartoon.

As promised, I made a description of a bee and a small MK. This is my original toy. It knits quickly, easily and therefore with pleasure.

A good gift for both children and adults. I have already tied such bees as a gift, if not a dozen, then exactly 8 pieces. It will be interesting to look with different expressions of the smiley face, but so far I have only knitted a smile.

RLS - single crochet.

Tail - At the beginning of knitting, leave a thread of such length that several stitches can be made. Knit with black yarn 7 air loops, turn knitting

From the second loop from the hook, 5 sc, into the last loop 6 sc, close them into a ring.

2 p. 6 increases \u003d 12SBN

3 p. 1, sc 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 18sc

4 p. Yellow yarn - 2 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 24 sc

5r. - 3 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 30 sc

6r. Black yarn - 4 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 36 sc

7r. - 5 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 42 sc

8r. Yellow yarn - 6 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 48 sc

9r. - 7 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 54 sc

10, 11 p. Black yarn54СБН

12, 13 p. Yellow yarn 54СБН

14 - 17 p. Black yarn54СБН

18 - 20 p. Yellow yarn 54СБН

21 p. - 7 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 48 sc

22 p. - 6 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 42 sc

23 p. - 5 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 36 sc

24 p. - 4 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 30 sc

25 p. - 3 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 24 sc

26 p. - 2 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 18 sc, Stuff.

27 p. - RLS, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 12СБН

28 p. - decrease - repeat 6 times = 6 RLS Pull the hole, fasten the thread.

The tail turned out a little on the side and sticks out to the side. Now, with the help of the thread that was left at the beginning of knitting, we arrange the tail as we like.

Now order!

Before shaping the face, we determine where the top will be. Where the tail "looks".


Knit in the round with black yarn.

First, a chain of 5 air loops

1 p. - From the second loop from the hook we knit 3 sc, in the last loop 3 sc.

We continue knitting on the other side of the chain: 3 sc, in the last loop 3 sc. There are 12 sc in total.

2 p. - 3 RLS, increase, RLS, increase, 3 RLS, increase, RLS, increase. There are 16 sc in total.

3 p. - 16 sc.


Both eyes are knitted in one piece in the shape of a trapezoid.

1 p. - a chain of 10 air loops

2 p. - from the second loop from the hook we knit 9 sc

3 p. - 8 sc

4 p. - 7 sc

5 p. - 6 sc

We embroider the eyes along the contour in black, sew on the pupil beads, embroider the mouth.


Then, along the edge, you must definitely put a fishing line. The photo below shows the difference. One wing is simply connected, and the second is already with a fishing line. We attach the fishing line to the edge of the wing and tie it with a hook, while grabbing the fishing line.


We put 2 beads on the wire and give it the shape of a mustache, twist it.

Then we wrap the wire with black thread. We fix it at the bottom, leaving a little for sewing.

Beautiful is coming summer holiday- Honey Spas. It is celebrated every year in the last summer month - August 14th. By this time, the collection of honey is over. It is then carried to the church for consecration, and then delicious pastries are prepared with the addition of the main ingredient of this holiday - honey, and treated to dear guests.

In addition to delicious treats, guests can also be pleased with a wonderful souvenir - a voluminous crochet bee. Such a gift will take a little time in the manufacturing process, besides, it does not need a lot of expenses, since very little material is needed for such a souvenir.

So, for knitting a bee you will need:

- the remains of yellow, white and black yarn
- accessories spout for toys
- synthetic winterizer

We begin to knit a bee from the head.

The ball will serve as the head, crocheted from yellow yarn.

To tie such a ball, you need to dial 3 ch on the hook. and close into a ring. Then tie the ring with 8 double crochets (CCH) and connect the row with a connecting loop so that the knitting is in a circle, and not in a spiral.

In the second row, knit 2 dc in each column of the bottom row.

On the third row, work 1 dc, 2 dc, 1 dc, 2 dc. So to the end of the row.

Do not forget to start each row with 2 ch. ( air loops rise).

We knit the fourth row as follows: 1 CCH, 1 CCH, 2 CCH. Repeat until the end of the row.

We knit the fifth and sixth rows without increments.

Before fully tying the hole in the ball, “stuff” it with padding polyester.

Finish knitting the head for the bee and cut the thread.

Let's start knitting the body of a bee.

To do this, take black yarn and dial 3 ch, close into a ring and tie the 9th CCH. Then knit 2 rows of dc, evenly adding 9 dc in each row.

4 row knit 1 concave dc, 1 convex. So to the end of the row, creating a beautiful relief pattern like a real bee.

We also knit the next row with yellow yarn, alternating concave and convex columns.

Knit like this without increments for another 6 rows, alternating colors.

Knit this way for 2 rows of yellow yarn.

Then put a synthetic winterizer inside and knit a row of RLS with black yarn.

The head and body are ready.

Now we will knit the eyes for the bee.

Take black yarn and tie a loop-ring with the 6th sc. Then tie this circle with white yarn, 2 sc in each lower column.

Tie 2 eyes like this.

The nose of the bee is sharp. It can be knitted or bought ready-made in a store that sells accessories for sewing toys. I took a regular spout for soft toys and glued it without inserting it completely into the muzzle.

We knit legs and arms in the same way. Dial 25 ch. and 3 more loops. Insert hook into 4th st and work 2 rows of dc.

Bend the knitting in half and tie with connecting posts.

Do this for 4 items: 2 pairs of arms and 2 pairs of legs.

On the legs there will be beautiful boots to match the whole product.

Dial 7 ch. and insert the hook into the third loop from it. Knit 2 dc here.

Then again a row of CCHs and connect with a loop.

Now with yellow yarn we knit a row of RLS.

Divide the resulting product in half and, inserting the hook in the middle, knit the CCH through 1 column of the bottom row.

Put a synthetic winterizer inside the shoe for a shape.

Knit another ball with black yarn, which we will glue between the head and torso.

All the details are ready, you can collect the bee. We put the wire in the arms and legs. We sew shoes to the legs.

We glue or sew all the parts together.

The mouth of the bee is a chain of vp, knitted with yarn Red.

Knit a black circle and knit ch 9 on both sides.

This will be a hat with a mustache. Glue it to the bee's head.

yarn gray color you can tie a basket in which the bee will collect nectar for honey.

In order to make a basket, you need to dial 9 ch. and knit an oval, as for booties or bee shoes.

Then again a row of dc, adding evenly 9 dc.

The next row we alternate two columns of concave, 2 convex.

We tie with semi-columns and knit a handle.

You can decorate the basket with a flower that looks like a sunflower, from which bees love to collect pollen in mid-July.

In the basket I put a knitted square of yellow yarn that imitates honey or pollen.

The crochet bee is ready. It can be given for the holiday as a souvenir or used as a toy for a baby. After all, such a bee will surely interest little whims.

Pleasant light work, bright public holidays and sea summer inspiration!

A do-it-yourself toy is always valued an order of magnitude higher than a thing purchased in a store. Knitted needles toys for a child will bring only joy and goodness to the house. bee with step by step description will create an atmosphere of beauty and comfort in the house.

Size: height 20 cm.
Required: 50 g leftover acrylic yarn different color, straight knitting needles No. 1, circular needles No. 1, hook No. 2, sewing needle, synthetic winterizer, 2 beads, 30 cm of narrow ribbon, 4 pieces of thick wire.

Front surface: front rows - faces. p., purl rows - out. P.

Performance: the toy bee consists of separately connected parts: head, torso, legs, feet, hands, hat, antennae, shoes, wings.

Body: Start knitting from bottom to top. Cast on 5 sts of black yarn on knitting needles and knit from bottom to top 2 rows stockinette stitch, by increasing the loops from the broach (10 p. in total). Knit 2 stitches with yellow yarn. Continue in stockinette stitch, alternating colors every 4 rows.

4th row: knit without additions (10 p.).
5th row: evenly add 10 sts from broaches (20 sts in total)
6th row: knit without additions (20 p.).
7th row: evenly add 10 sts from broaches (total 30 sts)
8th row: knit without additions (30 p.).
9th row: evenly add 10 sts from broaches (40 sts in total)
10th row: knit without additions (40 p.).
11th row: evenly add 10 sts from broaches (50 sts in total)
12th - 27th rows knit with front stitch without changes. Starting from the 28th row, decrease the loops in this way:

28 p.: Decrease 10 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together every 3 persons. p. (40 p. left).
29th - 31st p.: Knit without decrease (40 p.).
32nd row: Decrease 10 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together every 2 faces. p. (30 p. left).
33rd - 35th p.: Knit without decrease (30 p.).
36 p.: Decrease 10 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together through each 1 person. p. (20 p. left).
37th - 43rd p.: Knit without decrease (20 p.). Then knit the head with a flesh-colored thread.

Head: Continue in stockinette stitch with flesh colored thread.
1st row: evenly around the entire circumference, add 5 p., knitting 1 person each. p. from a broach (total 25 p.).
2nd row: knit without changes (25 p.).
3rd row: add 25 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 1 st from the broach (50 sts in total).
4th - 28th p.: knit without changes (50 p.).
29 p.: Decrease 10 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together every 3 persons. p. (40 p. left).

30th row: knit without decrease (40 p.).
31st p.: Evenly around the entire circumference, subtract 10 p., Knitting 2 p. Together every 2 persons. p. (30 p. left).
32nd row: knit without decrease (30 p.).
33rd p.: Decrease 10 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together through each 1 person. p. (20 p. left).
34th row: knit without decrease (20 p.).
Row 35: Dec 10 sts evenly around circumference, working 2 sts together (10 sts left). Cut yarn, pull through all loops, pull up and fasten off.

Cap: cast on the needles with yellow yarn 58 p. Knit the 1st row on two knitting needles, and then distribute all the loops on 4 knitting needles and knit in circular rows.
2nd -19th p.: Knit with stockinette stitch (58 p.)
Row 20: Dec 8 sts evenly around circumference, working 2 sts together (50 sts left).
21st row: knit without decrease (50 p.).
22nd row: Dec 8 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together (42 sts left).
23rd row: knit without decrease (42 p.).
24th row: Dec 8 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together (34 sts left).

25th row: knit without decrease (34 p.).
26th row: Dec 8 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together (26 sts left).
27th row: knit without decrease (26 p.).
Row 28: Dec 8 sts evenly around circumference, working 2 sts together (18 sts left).
Row 29: Dec 9 sts evenly around circumference, working 2 sts together (9 sts left). Cut yarn, pull through all loops, pull up and fasten off.

Paws-handles: dial 10 sts on the knitting needles with yellow yarn and knit tightly with front stitch,

Row 20: Dec 2 sts evenly around circumference, working 2 sts together (8 sts left).
21st-40th p.: Knit without decrease (8 p.). Cut the thread, pull through all loops, fill with padding polyester, pull off and fasten off.

Paws-legs: type 10 sts on knitting needles with black yarn and knit tightly with front stitch.
1st - 19th p.: Knit with stocking stitch (10 p.)
20th row: to form a knee, you must first add 1 st from the broach, then subtract 2 sts, knitting 2 sts together, then again add 1 st from the broach (10 sts in total). Where there is a decrease, a knee bend is formed.
21st-39th p.: Knit without decrease (10 p.).

Boots: change yarn to yellow and continue knitting with stockinette stitch.
40th - 42nd p.: Knit with stocking stitch (10 p.)
Row 43: To form a heel, first dec 2 sts, then dec 2 sts from the broach, then dec 2 sts again (10 sts in total). Where the decrease is made, a protrusion for the heel is formed.
44th - 47th p.: Knit with stockinette stitch (10 p.)

48th row: Dec 2 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together (8 sts left).
49th - 54th p.: Knit with stockinette stitch (8 p.)
55th p.: Decrease 2 sts evenly around the entire circumference, knitting 2 sts together (6 sts left).

56th - 58th p.: Knit with front stitch (6 p.). Cut the thread, pull through all loops, fill with padding polyester, pull off and fasten off.
Crochet along the top line of the boots. Pull off the stacked edge of the leg, cut off the thread and fasten.

Spout: With flesh-colored yarn, dial 7 sts on the needles and knit 7 rows with front stitch. Pull the thread around the perimeter of the resulting square and pull it off. Put some padding inside.

Wing: Crochet the wire with white yarn in single crochets. Connect the ends in the process of tying. Fill the free space with a sirloin net.

Mustache: Lubricate the wire with PVA glue, wrap it with thread and fasten it to the hat.

Assembly: make seams on the head and torso, fill them with padding polyester. Attach a hat with a mustache to the head. Sew on arms and legs. Attach the wings to the back. Tie a bow around the neck, attach pompoms. Sew on the nose and beady eyes on the front side of the head, embroider a smile with colored thread.

That's all the do-it-yourself bee toy is completely ready!

Provided by Sachik Yu. M.
The material is taken from the magazine - Crochet Cozy House No. 19

Here is such a wonderful knitted toy a bee-smiley will teach us how to make a craftswoman with the nickname I Elena M.

Great handmade gift. And most importantly, it fits easily and quickly. and look at the positives. You can also experiment with muzzles.


RLS - single crochet.

Tail - At the beginning of knitting, leave a thread of such length that several stitches can be made.


With black yarn, knit 7 air loops, turn knitting

From the second loop from the hook, 5 sc, into the last loop 6 sc, close them into a ring.

2 row- 6 increases = 12 sc

3 row- 1 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 18 sc

4 row- (yellow yarn) 2 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 24 sc

5 row- 3 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 30 sc

6 row- (black yarn) 4 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 36 sc

7 row- 5 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 42 sc

8 row- (yellow yarn) 6 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 48 sc

9 row- 7 sc, 1 increase - repeat 6 times = 54 sc

10, 11 rows- (black yarn) 54СБН

12, 13 rows- (yellow yarn) 54СБН

14 - 17 rows- (black yarn) 54СБН

18 - 20 rows- (yellow yarn) 54СБН

21 row- 7 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 48 sc

22 row- 6 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 42 sc

23 row- 5 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 36 sc

24 row- 4 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 30 sc

25 row- 3 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 24 sc

26 row- 2 sc, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 18 sc, Stuff.

27 row- RLS, 1 decrease - repeat 6 times = 12СБН

28 row- decrease - repeat 6 times = 6 RLS Pull the hole, fasten the thread.

The tail turned out a little on the side and sticks out to the side. Now, using the thread that was left at the beginning of knitting, we arrange the tail as we like.

Before shaping the face, we determine where the top will be. Where the tail "looks".


Knit in the round with black yarn.

First, a chain of 5 air loops

1 row- from the second loop from the hook we knit 3 sc, in the last loop 3 sc.

We continue knitting on the other side of the chain: 3 sc, in the last loop 3 sc. There are 12 sc in total.

2 row- 3 RLS, increase, RLS, increase, 3 RLS, increase, RLS, increase. There are 16 sc in total.

3 row- 16 sc.


Both eyes are knitted in one piece in the shape of a trapezoid.

1 row- a chain of 10 air loops

2 row- from the second loop from the hook we knit 9 sc

3 row- 8 sc

4 row- 7 sc

5 row- 6 sc

We embroider the eyes along the contour in black, sew on the pupil beads, embroider the mouth.


Then, along the edge, you must definitely put a fishing line.

The photo below shows the difference. One wing is simply connected, and the second is already with a fishing line.

We attach the fishing line to the edge of the wing and tie it with a hook, while grabbing the fishing line.


We put 2 beads on the wire and give it the shape of a mustache, twist it.

Then we wrap the wire with black thread. We fix it at the bottom, leaving a little for sewing.

We sew antennae and wings and admire. You can slightly tone the cheeks with blush. Ready!

Many thanks to Elena for the master class.


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