Mk blue spruce from beads. Christmas tree made of beads: do-it-yourself master class in various versions

There is very little time left before the New Year. Will start very soon pre-holiday fuss, Christmas markets will open and people will plunge headlong into such pleasant chores. Today we want to offer you a craft that is very suitable for New Year theme. A beaded Christmas tree - beautiful and original, will be an excellent decoration for your home and will surely cause words of admiration from your guests.

Master class Christmas tree made of beads.

To make our Christmas tree, we need beads (long cutting), beading wire and ... a little patience.

Making sprigs from beads. First, we will weave small branches, which we will have as the main module for composing Christmas tree branches from beads.

To make a branch, we need a wire 60-80 cm long. Put two beads on the wire and fasten them as shown in the photo above. Then, using a spinning wheel, string beads onto the wire a little more than half the length of the wire.

Next, we wind the wire with beads onto the template, each skein should have two beads on each side of the template. The template is a small strip of cardboard 2-2.5cm wide. and 10-15 cm long. Lined on both sides with oblique lines. The lines are drawn like this - the bottom point of the line is at a distance of one cm from the top point. The whole strip is drawn like this parallel lines, the distance between them is 1 cm.

We remove the wire from the template, we will get a zigzag and two beads on each zigzag line. We connect two beads in the corners of the zigzag.

As a result, we should get a branch of beads, as shown in the photo above.

The next step, take a wire 30-40 cm long and fasten two beads in the middle of it, then place the twig prepared in the previous step between the wires, see photo above.

Twist all the wires tightly and between the beads, then form a sprig of Christmas trees from beads as shown in the photo above.

It is necessary to prepare a lot of such branches (modules), the exact number depends on the height of the beaded Christmas tree.

After we have made the required number of branches (modules), we proceed to the manufacture of large branches of the Christmas tree and directly to the assembly of the Christmas tree itself from beads. The photo above shows the necessary branches for assembling from the 1st to the 4th row of the Christmas tree, We need to make 4 pieces each. for each row of its type of branches.

The branches of our Christmas tree are built according to this principle: one branch (module) is added to each new row, and the branch is extended by one cm. For each row, we make 4 branches, from the sixth row the number of branches doubles (that is, 8 branches). The photo above shows the branches of the 5th and 6th row.

Assembling a Christmas tree from beads.

We collect a Christmas tree from prepared branches. We assemble the first row from branches (modules), for which we install one branch in the center and install four branches around it and tightly wrap the bases of the branches with wire at a distance of 1.5-1.8 cm .. Next, install the next row of branches and wrap with wire at a distance of 2-2.2 cm, the distance between the rows increases by 0.4-0.5 cm.

Thus, we continue to assemble the Christmas tree to the required size of the Christmas tree from beads.

The photo above shows the result for a Christmas tree with 8 rows.

The final step. Base manufacturing. Any beautiful dish can serve as a base, in which you need to install the made Christmas tree and fill it with plaster, if there is none, below is how to quickly and effortlessly make the base for our Christmas tree from beads.

To make the base of our Christmas tree, you need to prepare: a container (for example, from under chocolate butter), gypsum or building alabaster. Pour the prepared gypsum solution into the container to a height of 1 cm, wait until the gypsum sets, and pour another gypsum solution to a height of 2.5-3 cm, after which we will install our Christmas tree in the center. Let the plaster dry completely for about a day.

We take out the base with the Christmas tree from the container, clean it, glue a piece of cardboard from below and paint it. You can paint with any paint, the simplest paint composition is PVA glue and gouache.

So our beaded Christmas tree is ready.. Looking at such a beauty shimmering in the light, you even forget about toys, you want to quickly put gifts under her. By the way, a good decor option is such a beaded Christmas tree, with small gifts under it. What’s more, they are very easy to make. If desired, add branches with tinsel and serpentine - here you are ready to celebrate the New Year. Such a Christmas tree itself will become an excellent gift - creative, original and, most importantly, handmade.

Christmas tree with golden nuts.


Beads green and brown,
wire 0.4, threads,
floss, for winding branches, and trunk.
stiffer wire for the frame.
PVA glue,
acrylic varnish.

Several tiers of branches, you can repeat, but increase downwards. to create the correct shape. I wrapped the trunk with thread, not all of it. when I put it in a plaster stand (a stand made of gypsum combined with water), I coated the lower part with a mixture of gypsum and PVA glue (one to one, the mixture is thick, but not very thick, applied with a brush, or not very thin stick, creating an image of bark). After that, she decorated with moss, stones, beads.

Author luna

Beaded Christmas tree in needle technique.

For work we need:

Bead-cutting 2-3 colors, I took 2 colors, it took me about 80 grams;
wire 0.3 mm - 3 coils, it is advisable to have pliers on hand, as it will be easier to pull the wire.

Our branch will be done according to the following scheme:

"needle" of 7 beads in the center, around it 4 needles of 5 beads (arbitrary alternation of colors).
Then we put 2 beads on both ends of the wire and make the next row of needles, 4 pieces of 5 beads each, then again 2 for passing and another row.

To make a needle, we pass the free end of the wire in reverse through the 4 lower beads, pulling them tightly to the base.
The branch should not "fall apart".

3-4 small branches can be twisted into one large one.
We leave one in the center, this will be the crown, we begin to form a circle around it, carefully braiding the trunk with wire. After all, there will be no trunk as such, the branches fit snugly against the wire in the center.

Make 5-6 rows in a circle for a small Christmas tree, or more if desired.

When the Christmas tree is ready, we will make the base. Do not rush to straighten all the needles, you will do this later.
I need a fairly large base, because the tree will go as a gift and it will be necessary to make an inscription on it, but it can be made smaller.
A box of baby juice came up to me, into which I poured gypsum mortar and inserted a Christmas tree. When the plaster hardened, I cut the box and took out the Christmas tree.

Base decor - according to your desire, you can make grass, you can make snow - anything!
After painting, you can straighten the branches and give the work its final look.

The cabin sparkles amazingly!

And if you put a few drops on the base essential oil ate, then it will turn into a healing forest guest!

Author Inna Vuymina

Christmas tree from the cabin.

To make one beaded Christmas tree with your own hands, you will need:

Green cabin - 50 gr.
brown cabin - about 5g.
wire Brown(or copper) about 50m
colored stones (or other decor)
two pearl beads
glass beads

The Christmas tree consists of 10 tiers. Each tier has four branches.

We start weaving a Christmas tree from the top. We cut off a wire 45 cm long. In the middle of the wire, you need to string a gold-colored bead and a group of white glass beads, gold and silver beads, 1 cutting bead Green colour. Pass the second end of the wire through the entire group. String 4 green beads on each end of the wire:

After that, twist both ends of the wire together for 3-4 turns. At each end of the wire, dial 4 green beads, 2 brown, 4 green, twist into loops.

Twist the ends of the wire 2 turns and make the same two loops as shown in the following photo:

We turn to the manufacture of the second tier of the Christmas tree from beads with our own hands. We cut off 4 pieces of wire 25 cm long. We make 4 branches of three loops from them with a set: 3 green beads, 2 brown, 3 green.

From loop to loop, twist the wire 4-5 turns, from the last loop 3 turns.

Let's start making branches for the third tier of a Christmas tree woven with our own hands. To do this, from 4 pieces of wire 30 cm long, we make 4 branches of 5 loops. The first three loops, as on a branch from the second tier, in the next two loops, instead of three green loops, dial 4:

As you understand, you need to weave 4 such branches, as in the photo above. After that, we prepare branches for the fourth tier of the beaded Christmas tree. This will require 8 pieces of wire 30 cm long. You need to make 8 branches with five loops in each:

The first three loops, as can be clearly seen in the photo, are the same as on the branch from the second tier, in the next two loops, dial 6 green beads each. After the last loop, twist the wire down 4-5 turns. From two such branches, collect one by screwing them with a spiral for 3-4 turns:

5 tier: from 4 pieces of wire 35 cm long, make 4 branches of 7 loops. The first three loops, as on a branch from the second tier, in the next four loops, dial only 6 green beads.

6th tier of the Christmas tree: we start it in the same way as the 4th tier (8 pieces of wire, 8 branches of five loops each) But we collect the branches in pairs a little differently. It is necessary to cut off an additional piece of wire 20 cm long. From the last loop, wind 12 turns with a spiral with additional wire. Then screw the second branch into 15 turns with a spiral:

Twigs for the 7th tier of a Christmas tree made of beads: cut 4 pieces of wire 60 cm long. Make the first loop in the middle of the wire. Next, dial 6 more loops, as on the 6th tier, on the same end of the wire so that the other end remains long.

After the last loop, twist 6-7 turns. On the other (long) end of the wire, also make 7 loops:

With additional wire, twist the branch with a spiral down 8 turns.

8th tier: cut 4 pieces of wire 60 cm long and 4 pieces of 30 cm each. Twist branches from 60 cm wire, as for tier 7, from 30 cm wire - branches with five loops:

From these two branches, collect one, screwing them with a spiral. First, start a spiral on a branch with two ends - 15 turns, then screw a small branch into 15 turns:

Tier 9: same as for Tier 8, only increase the number of turns of wire from 15 to 18.
Tier 10: cut 4 pieces of wire 70 cm each, 4 pieces 35 cm each. Make branches in the same way as for tiers 8 and 9. Only dial 8 and 9 loops in a large branch, 7 in a small branch. The number of turns of the spiral increases to 22.

Now the branches for all the tiers of our beaded tree are ready, you can start assembling the tree.
Take an additional wire (do not cut off from the coil!) And, starting from the top, wrap the ends of the wire down.

An additional rod is not required, because. due to the number of tiers (and branches in each of them), the trunk thickens and does not bend.

The distance between the tiers is from 0.8 cm (from the top) to 1.2 cm (towards the bottom).

After assembly, it remains to plant the Christmas tree in a stand. To do this, you need to dilute the alabaster and stick a Christmas tree into it, wait until the alabaster dries. Then, using transparent glue, decorate the frozen alabaster soil with colored pebbles, moss, cotton wool with sparkles, and beads.

Here is our resulting green beauty, it even seems that the festive aroma of pine needles is in the air:

A Christmas tree can be made not only from beads or cuttings, but also from glass beads. In addition, the Christmas tree can be dressed up:

Author Elena Bashkatova

Little green tree.

To make a small green Christmas tree from glass beads, you should prepare for work:

Copper wire 0.3mm (for twigs);
- copper wire 0.5 mm (to stiffen the branches);
- aluminum wire 3mm (for the trunk of the Christmas tree);
- green glass beads (for a fifteen-centimeter tree you will need 300 grams);
- floral tape (green or brown);
- PVA glue, alabaster, wood stand.

The Christmas tree shown in the photo can be made in a week, with a load of 3-4 working hours a day. For a set of glass beads on a wire, it is convenient to use an automatic bead stringer.

Initially, we mix all the glass beads in a special container. We begin to collect glass beads on the wire, we collect about 4 meters, without tearing the wire from the coil, we begin to make the first branch.

We put 2 pieces of glass beads put on the wire together. We fix for 1-2 turns. On the other hand, we do the same.

Thus, we should make strips:

4 strips for the branches of the first row and crown of 5 cm.
3 strips for the branches of the second row of 6 cm.
3 strips for the branches of the third row and crown of 7 cm.

We put on a 5 mm copper wire folded in half along the strip, tighten the strip a little (up to about three centimeters - on the branches of the first row), twist everything - the branch is ready.

For the manufacture of branches of the fourth and further rows, we proceed according to the following scheme: From about the fourth to the eighth row, we make branches consisting of two small ones. Try to keep the branches of each new row longer than the previous ones, by about 1 centimeter.
The branches of the remaining, lower rows are made of three branches. In this case, the central branch will be twice as long as the side ones.

It is not necessary to do all the branches in advance. The Christmas tree is not made like all beaded trees. It is more convenient to collect it right away - so you will see how many branches are required in each row, and how long they should be made.
We fix one branch on the wire - this is the trunk and crown. On the sides we fix three small branches of the first order, wrap with floral tape.

Below, stepping back a centimeter, we fix 3 branches of the second order.
Thus, we fix all the branches from top to bottom, wrap the trunk with floral tape. Since the trunk of the Christmas tree will not be visible, it does not need to be painted.

We fix our Christmas tree in a stand, with the help of children's plasticine(for stability). We impose a mixture to fix the Christmas tree in the stand (alabaster 2 parts + PVA 1 part + water). After the mixture has not completely dried, we decorate the pot with multi-colored pebbles, they will stick. The mixture will dry and our Christmas tree is ready!

Fluffy beaded Christmas trees:

Different shades of green beads will come in handy for work.

Can be mixed different colors, so the Christmas trees will acquire a special, individual look. One tree requires a minimum of 60 grams of Chinese large beads (number 8).
Be sure to take the wire reinforced, thick, so that it can hardly get into the bead.
thick copper wire- pledge beautiful shape branches of our Christmas tree.

In addition, we need floral tape, gypsum, gouache, pliers, aluminum wire (for the trunk) and decorative elements for the final decoration of the New Year's crafts.

How to make a Christmas tree from beads. We use a spinner to string the beads onto the wire. It is necessary to collect ALL the beads on the wire IMMEDIATELY.

Let's start weaving in loop technique. The essence of weaving is simple - we need to make a large number of loops from all the beads, constantly increasing their size. We start with loops of 12 beads.

In the second loop we will make 13 beads, in the third - 14.

You can increase the number of beads in the loops, not counting, "by eye".

As a result, such a complex structure should be obtained from parallel-running, constantly increasing loops.

For the crown, we will make a small bud. We weave an element of 5 loops, the legs of which are assembled at a single point.

So that the wire does not attract attention, we will make it invisible. Paint the wire with green acrylic paint, wait until the paint dries.

Now you can begin to form the tree itself. To do this, take a piece of aluminum wire and bend the loop on one side. On the other hand, we will fasten the top of the spruce.

It is necessary to securely fix the crown - wrap the entire trunk of the tree with floral tape.

Now we wind the wire with dialed loops. Closer to the crown, you need to place the end of the element with small loops.

We fix the attachment point again with floral tape.

Finally we can form our Christmas tree! Carefully wrap the wire-barrel with our loops-twigs.

Each loop will have to be gracefully bent, this will give the tree the necessary volume.

Mix gypsum or alabaster with water - from this mixture we will make the lower part of the tree. We pick up a round mold, cover it with a bag, pour the mixture into it, and install a beaded spruce in the center.

When the plaster hardens, the tree can be removed and freed from cellophane.

Let's give the foundation a little rest. For now, let's decorate the crown. For this, multi-colored rhinestones are useful.

We glue rhinestones on branches of beads. We use simple glue PVA.

While the rhinestones are sticking, we will continue to work on the base of the Christmas tree. We will direct a little gypsum mixture and coat the lower part of the beaded Christmas tree trunk with it.

The barrel can be painted with green acrylic paint.

Do not forget about the "bottom", paint it white.

We apply white acrylic paint at the base of the tree.

When the paint dries, let's turn on the fantasy. The base can be varnished, decorative primer and decorations can be glued onto it.

Fairy tree.

We need for 2 Christmas trees

Wire (thickness 0.4 mm length 10m),
beads (10 g),
sequins (20g pack),
cork off plastic bottle,
decor fabric,

We string beads, sequins, beads on a 16 cm long wire ...... 3 branches of 10 sequins each (note that we start with beads and end with beads, and the sequins should also be convex side in one direction) 5 branches of 15 sequins, 5 branches of 20 sequins, and 5 branches of 25 sequins (10g of beads and 20 g of sequins are needed for 2 Christmas trees)

I string alternating beads and sequins in a row, and when I twist the branches, count the sequins, I shift the bead, move it away, cut off the desired length (it should not be small, then it’s convenient to twist) and twist the twig, string the next bead, count the sequins, etc.

This is what should happen, we twist the Christmas tree 1 row - a branch of 15 sequins, the second row - 3 branches of 10 sequins, the third row - 4 branches of 15 sequins, the fourth row - 5 branches of 20 sequins, the fifth row - 5 branches of 25 sequins (if you wish, you can continue 5 branches of 30 sequins ....). ku from a plastic bottle, dilute gypsum and fill our Christmas tree

Author Lyubov Zenkina

Christmas trees made of sequins and beads.

It was convenient for me to string beads with sequins like this: I poured a few sequins into a bowl with beads, "poked" the wire into the sequins and immediately passed among the beads (mostly one of them was strung)

This is how the Christmas tree is going in tiers.
Under each tier, we twist all the wires a little

Here's how I made the stand:

When all the tiers are assembled, we twist all the wires together and string a bead with a huge hole (I had dark wooden ones);
- Carefully unwind the wire BEFORE the beads and divide it into 3 bundles;
- We twist each bundle separately.

We combine the beams, measure somewhere 3 cm and cut off the excess;
- We bend the legs, bend the ends.

These are the kind of sympathizers turned out.

And I decided to experiment with this - I made it from mother-of-pearl sequins-flowers. But since there were few of them, then the number of sequins was reduced, and the number of beads was increased. It worked out well too :)

In this version: we string on a wire: beads (2 pcs), sequins, beads (2 pcs) ... We start with beads and finish with beads.
1st row - a branch of 7 sequins, 2nd row - 3 branches of 5 sequins, 3rd row - 4 branches of 7 sequins, 4th row - 5 branches of 9 sequins, fifth row - 5 branches of 11 sequins.

I offer my own packaging.

So, from a plastic bottle with a narrow neck, cut off the upper part using the "cutting off the excess from the bottom" method. We cover the Christmas tree and see that it is not too crowded "under the dome" and that it does not "flop" much.
According to the shape of the bottom of the finished "dome", we cut out the BOTTOM from plastic for our packaging (put the "dome" on the plastic, circle it, cut it out).

We attach the bottom to the "dome" with pieces of adhesive tape as follows: in the place where the bottom will be fixed in the open state of the package (photo on the right) - just a piece of adhesive tape, and where we will open the bottom - we leave a "tongue" at the end of the adhesive tape from the side of the bottle (just bend a piece of adhesive tape and glue it to itself
It is impossible to glue the bottom tightly, because. You can't get the Christmas tree through the neck of the bottle.

Author Yonya

Christmas trees from sequins

We will need:

Beads (you can match the sequins, or you can use a different color)
braiding wire
hard wire for barrel
winding threads
a container for planting a Christmas tree (I have an ordinary cream stopper decorated with candy foil)

The Christmas tree consists of 17 branches + crown.

First, we string sequins on the wire, alternating beads. Then we count 17-20 sequins and twist the loop. This will be the crown of the Christmas tree

The first row of branches consists of 4 loops of 10 sequins twisted close to each other

Second row: 4 branches of 3 loops. The loop consists of 15 sequins

Third row: 4 branches of 3 loops. The loop consists of 20 sequins

Fourth row: 4 branches of 3 loops. The loop consists of 25 sequins

Fifth row: 4 branches of 3 loops. The loop consists of 30 sequins

When all the elements are woven, we collect our Christmas tree. The distance between the branches during assembly is 0.8-1 cm. After assembly, we plant our Christmas tree in a suitable container, decorate and admire our beauty

Author vfhecz32

Little tree.

For work, we take green and white beads. We collect 11 beads in the middle of the wire in the following sequence: 4 green, 3 white and again 4 green.

We twist the loop.

In the same sequence, we collect beads on one end of the wire

And we form a loop.
In the same way, we form a loop at the other end of the wire.

Thus, we form branches for the top. The branch consists of seven loops. We will need 4 of them (do not pay attention that there are more of them in the photo!) We twist all the branches together and form the top (sorry, there is no photo). We wrap the ends of the wire with floral tape.

And twist them together.

We bend the loops to the edge.

We wrap the ends with floral tape. We need 5 pieces of such blanks for one tier.

When all 5 blanks are ready, we fasten them to our top with the help of florentine.

The top with the first tier is ready!

For the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tiers, weave branches as for the top - from seven loops. For one tier - 10 branches.

We twist the branches in pairs - we get 5 blanks for one tier. Wrap with florentine.

We fasten the branches to the Christmas tree. The second tier is ready! Similarly, we do the 3rd and 4th tier. But for the 5th, the number of white beads in the loop is increased to 5. Those. our loop consists of 13 beads: 4 green, 5 white and 4 green. The number of loops on the branch is 7. For the 6th row, we form a loop from 15 beads: 4 green, 7 white and 4 green.

In principle, your Christmas tree may have more tiers, but it seemed to me that 6 is quite enough. After we have finished the last tier, we select a suitable "vessel" - in my case it is a candlestick. Then we dilute gypsum with water 1: 1 and "plant" our Christmas tree. When the gypsum dries, you can cover it with a shiny varnish and sprinkle with white beads - it will be beautiful. And you can come up with a more interesting decor. Create! New Year not far away! Please your loved ones with such a New Year's surprise of your own making!

Author mari-m26

New Years is soon.

To do this, we need beads, wire cutters, wire and always a good mood.

String beads and twist into a spiral.

Optionally, we connect two, three spirals, more. It all depends on your taste.

Author Marina Zyablova

Christmas trees-beauties from beads.

Pendants-decorations for a fluffy beauty.

For work you will need:

Green beads (mixed 2 colors light and dark) as the main color of the Christmas tree;
- colored beads for the "garland" near the Christmas tree;
- wire (I have thin copper);
- a bead (at the top of the Christmas tree);
- (for the leg) little thing, see as in the diagram above:

We take 3 pieces of wire, approximately 25-30 cm each, put them together and twist them in the middle by cm 2.

We bend in the middle, form a loop and twist it about 1 cm down.

We put on a bead (of any beautiful shape) on this twist and straighten all 6 wires under the bead - the twist remains only under the bead.

We string beads onto our 6 wires - 2 wires with green beads, then 1 with colored beads, then again 2 with green and 1 with colored ones (everything is visible in the photo). Somewhere along cm 6, segments with beads turned out.
You can make any colored "garland" (for my version, see photo No. 11)

To prevent the beads from flying off the wire, we make a twist loop at the very ends (then it will be cut off).

We add our wires strung with beads (all of the same length - I have 6 cm each) in the same order - 2 green, 1 colored ... as in photo No. 8. And twist all the wires together (where there are no beads).

We bend the wires in the form of "pepper".

Holding the top with one hand, the bottom with the other, twist as in the diagram (photo No. 3) where the number is 7

Under the Christmas tree, just twist the wire

Author Yonya

the most logical christmas decoration a snowflake will become from beads. There are an incredible variety of bead snowflake patterns: from the simplest for beginners to incredibly complex ones, consisting of several tiers. As a connecting element, you can use fishing line, wire, thread, as well as pins and the most common glue.

# 1 Snowflake from beads in a hurry: do-it-yourself Christmas decorations

For those who have absolutely no time to prepare, a snowflake made of wire and beads would be an ideal option. To create such a masterpiece you will need: wire, glue or thread (for fastening the wire), beads or beads. Cut several identical pieces of wire (3 or more), fasten them in the middle (with glue or thread), string beads on the free ends. Snowflake is ready!

#2 Quick snowflake made of pins and beads: DIY Christmas craft

For such a snowflake, it is best to have not only beads, but also other beads in your arsenal. different sizes. You will need: pins, fishing line, beads of different sizes, scissors and glue. See step-by-step photo instructions below.

# 3 Master class from beads: do-it-yourself snowflake for the New Year

So, we complicate our product. This snowflake has its own manufacturing scheme, which must be followed. You will need: fishing line, scissors, beads and beads. Detailed scheme see snowflakes below.

#4 Snowflake from beads: a master class with a step by step photo

For beginner craftswomen, this scheme new year snowflakes would be a great start. Of the tools you will need: fishing line, scissors, needle, beads. It is better to take beads in two colors, so the craft will look more spectacular.

# 5 DIY beaded snowflake for the New Year: scheme

To make such a craft, you will need several types of beads: this way the snowflake will look incredibly realistic. See below for a detailed bead size chart.

#6 Beaded crafts for beginners: snowflake pattern for the New Year

To make such a snowflake, you will need beads of different sizes and colors, as well as a fishing line. A detailed beading scheme is described below, the diagram also shows the sizes of beads that should be used in the manufacture of this New Year's craft.

#7 Christmas bead craft: DIY snowflake pattern

And another one unusual scheme New Year's snowflake, which you can bring to life with your own hands. A detailed diagram is painted below, indicating the sizes of beads needed for crafts.

# 8 Beaded snowflake pattern: making New Year crafts from beads

Another fairly simple, but at the same time charming scheme snowflakes of their beads. You will need fishing line and beads of different sizes and colors. A detailed manufacturing scheme is shown in the photo below.

#9 Beadwork: Snowflake Pattern

This is such a charming craft that any needlewoman can do. Unless it will be difficult for beginners, but nothing is impossible. Below is a detailed diagram that will help you master the technique of beading.

New Year's Angels from beads

Another symbol of the New Year and Christmas is considered to be an angel. Cute angels can be made from beads, and then decorate a Christmas tree or a house with these beautiful crumbs. An angel made of beads can be made as a gift to people close and dear to you so that it protects and helps.

#1 A simple angel made of beads and wire: a master class with a step by step photo

A very simple angel, which even beginners can handle. It will take you about 10 minutes of time and a cute beaded angel for the New Year is ready! Step-by-step photo master class, see below.

# 2 New Year's angel from beads: do-it-yourself crafts for the New Year

Another variation of beadwork on the theme of angels. The scheme is quite simple, you will need: wire, scissors, beads and beads of different sizes, a chain or ribbon. See below for step-by-step photo instructions for making crafts.

#3 Beaded angel: do-it-yourself Christmas crafts

A more complex version of the Christmas beaded angel. You will need patience and experience in creating masterpieces from small glass beads. See the step-by-step master class with the photo below.

#4 Cute angel made of beads and beads with your own hands: scheme

Here is another diagram of an angel made of beads and wire. It is very similar to option number 1, but there are slight differences that make the craft more realistic. See the diagram in the photo below.

Christmas tree made of beads

The most important attribute of the New Year holiday, without which it is simply impossible to imagine, is the New Year tree. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to acquire a large green beauty, you can replace it with a miniature beaded Christmas tree. Here you will find master classes on making Christmas trees from beads for both beginners and beading professionals.

#1 Simple Beaded and Wire Christmas Tree: Christmas Beaded Crafts for Beginners

Even a child can cope with such a New Year's craft. By the way, the beads develop well fine motor skills which is useful not only for children, but also for adults! Step-by-step instructions with a photo are given below.

#2 Beaded Christmas tree: do crafts with the kids

Another version of a simple New Year's craft that you can do with your children. The Christmas tree will turn out bright and cheerful if you use beads of different colors and sizes. Step by step wizard see class below.

#3 We make a Christmas tree for the New Year with our own hands from beads and glue

Such a craft can become very original decoration or even a gift. You will need glue, thick paper and scissors. Draw on paper the silhouette of the future Christmas tree. Then carefully glue the bead along the contour. wait for it to dry and cut the finished product. The work is painstaking, but if everything is done correctly, an indescribable beauty will turn out!

#4 Tree from beads: a master class on making a Christmas tree

An excellent element of decor will be a miniature Christmas tree made of beads. To create it, you will need two types of wire, a lot of green beads and red beads of a slightly larger diameter. Step-by-step master class, see the photo below.

#5 Beading: Christmas Tree Masterclass

You can make such a cute Christmas tree pendant from beads, which, by the way, can be hung like a toy on a Christmas tree. You will need wire, green beads, white and orange beads. Step-by-step master class with a photo, see below.

# 6 We make a Christmas tree from beads with our own hands: a diagram

A small Christmas tree can also be made in this way: You will need a toothpick or other thin stick, beads and fishing line. According to the scheme, weave several cruciform bases with a round hole in the center. The bases must be of different sizes. Next, string them on a stick, starting with the largest. The top can be decorated with beads of a different color.

# 7 Christmas tree made of beads: master class + photo

We complicate the task. In this master class you will learn how to make a Christmas tree from beads with wire. For crafts, you will need wire and beads of two colors (green and white). You make each branch separately, and then twist them together and get a fluffy Christmas tree. Detailed photo instructions are below.

# 8 Do-it-yourself Christmas tree scheme from beads: making New Year's crafts

Another diagram of a Christmas tree made of beads and wire. Additionally, you can use multi-colored beads of different sizes, which will look like Christmas balls. The scheme is detailed in the photo below.

#9 DIY mini Christmas tree made of beads and beads

Miniature Christmas tree made of beads and beads. Suitable for more experienced craftsmen. A detailed diagram is shown in the picture below.

# 10 Christmas tree from beads: a master class with step by step photos and a diagram

Another version of the Christmas tree made of beads and wire. At first glance, some of the Christmas tree making workshops in our article are similar. And indeed it is. They are similar, but the techniques are different. Experienced craftsmen will immediately notice the difference, and for beginners we recommend that you follow the instructions carefully and carefully study the manual.

#11 Christmas tree with beads: a master class with a photo

This version of the green beauty is a little simpler than the previous one, but in general the manufacturing scheme is similar. You will need fishing line, green and white beads and step-by-step instruction beading.

#12 Christmas tree from beads: a step-by-step master class

For the most experienced needlewomen, we offer a master class on making a Christmas tree from beads. A very painstaking work awaits the craftswoman when creating such a masterpiece. Each branch is made separately, and then wound onto the main stem. See step by step photo instructions below.

See also:

In the pre-New Year's fuss, sometimes it’s not up to the Christmas tree: crowds in shops and specialized Christmas markets discourage any desire to acquire a fluffy beauty. However, in order for a real Christmas tree to appear in the house, it is not necessary to buy it. From this article you will learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised materials. We have collected for you more than 20 […]

Other New Year crafts from beads

For the New Year, you can make other crafts from beads for which you have enough imagination. Well, what are the New Year holidays without gifts, Santa Claus, cones, sweets, wreaths, stars? All this and much more can be made from beads with our step-by-step master classes.

# 1 New Year's beaded bell: a master class with a photo

An excellent New Year's decoration will be a beaded bell. To create it, you will need wire, beads and beads, scissors, safety pin, chain or ribbon. Step-by-step MK with a photo, see below.

# 2 Mint beaded lollipop: doing beading for the New Year

You can also decorate the New Year tree or the interior with themed beaded mint sweets, which we are well aware of from Hollywood films. The weaving pattern and a step-by-step master class are shown in the photo.

#3 New Year's gift from beads: do-it-yourself crafts

A craft gift will look very symbolic as a decoration. You will need wire, beads and beads of different sizes. Master class with step by step photo see below.

#4 Santa Claus from beads: scheme and master class

Well, what is a holiday without a kind old man who delivers gifts? Here we will make a bourgeois colleague of our Santa Claus. The scheme is simple, suitable for beginners. You will need red black and white beads.

# 5 Master class on beadwork: do-it-yourself New Year's cone from beads

Well, what is a Christmas tree without cones? Now we will tell you how to make a cone of beads with your own hands. To do this, you will need a foam oval blank, brown or golden beads, fishing line. For beginners, such a craft will be difficult: you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. But experienced craftswomen will like the New Year's beaded cone. See the step by step tutorial below.

#6 Master class: beaded Christmas wreath

Usually, the front door is decorated with Christmas wreaths, sometimes it is also hung on the wall to create a festive atmosphere. But you can make a small beaded wreath and use it as an element New Year's decor. MK beading see below.

# 7 DIY beaded wreath: MK with photo

There can be a great variety of variations on the theme of a beaded Christmas wreath. Having gained a little experience, you can independently generate ideas for schemes, but for now, take note of our crafts and schemes.

#8 Beaded wreath for the New Year: beading master class

Well, the most difficult version of a beaded wreath. You will have to try, but the result will exceed all expectations. With such a craft, it is not a shame to go on a visit, taking a wreath as a New Year's souvenir.

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Preparing for the New Year is sometimes even more pleasant than the celebration itself. The whole family, including the youngest residents, can take part in the process of decorating the interior. You can decorate an apartment or house for the New Year holidays with the most different ways, but in Lately New Year's wreaths, which are better known to us from the romantic Christmas films of Hollywood, are very popular. However, trendy […]

# 9 Beaded star: do-it-yourself New Year's crafts master class

You can make such a cute bright star with your own hands using our step-by-step master class. You will need wire and beads of different colors and sizes.

Bead jewelery

It is worth preparing thoroughly for the new year: you need to decorate not only the Christmas tree or the house, but also your beloved one. From beads you can make incredible themed jewelry with your own hands and illuminate good mood everyone around. By the way, you can make the same jewelry for friends, sisters or for mom and daughter. In general, turn on your imagination and go ahead - create!

# 1 New Year's pendant snowflake: do-it-yourself decorations, MK

Relevant during the period new year holidays, and in general with the beginning of winter, wear themed winter jewelry self made. Here you can make such a beaded snowflake pendant with your own hands following the instructions in our master class.

#2 New Year's pendant Christmas wreath: a master class on making

A pendant in the form of a Christmas wreath will also look relevant on the eve of the Christmas holidays. You will need beads of two colors and a fishing line. You can hang the pendant on a string or on a chain.

# 3 DIY Christmas snowflake earrings made of beads: a step-by-step master class with a photo

New Year's holidays are just around the corner, which means it's time to think about an outfit for the holiday itself. It would be nice to appear at the gala evening in a unique handmade jewelry. With the help of this MK, you can create beautiful themed winter earrings with your own hands.

#4 Simple beaded earrings in haste: scheme + step by step photo

If there is no time, and you really want a handmade themed jewelry, you can make these simple earrings in the shape of snowflakes. You will need: wire (6 identical pieces), beads or beads. For one earring, take three pieces of wire, twist them in the middle to get a one-piece six-pointed design. String beads on the ends and fasten. Add a hook and the earring is ready!

# 5 DIY beaded earrings for the New Year: step by step instructions with a photo

You can make such cute earrings in the form of spruce branches yourself with the help of our detailed photo instructions.

#6 DIY beaded Christmas deer earrings: mk with photo

Funny deer-shaped earrings can be made from beads with your own hands. The scheme is very simple, even beginners can handle it. But such a product looks very funny, and most importantly - thematically!

# 7 Do-it-yourself earrings in the shape of a New Year's wreath: weaving pattern

Beaded jewelry can be diluted with additional decorative elements, such as a ribbon, as in this master class. As a result, it turns out original product, according to which you can’t say at all that the production took a little more than 10 minutes!

#8 Beaded Jewelry: DIY Flat Earrings

To make gift-shaped earrings, you will need three types of beads and wire. From square flat beads weave the base. And glass beads and small beads will be needed for a bow. See the step by step tutorial below.

#9 DIY beaded jewelry: MK for weaving earrings

And here is another variation on the theme of beaded earrings in the form of a Christmas wreath. You will need beads of two colors (green for the base, red for decor), fishing line and our scheme.

#10 Beaded earrings: do-it-yourself mistletoe leaf, MK + photo

Earrings can also be made in the form of mistletoe leaves. The scheme is simple to disgrace, so that novice craftswomen can safely get to work. Step-by-step master class, see the photo below.

A beaded brooch will also become a themed New Year's decoration. In this master class you will learn how to embroider a beaded bullfinch brooch. You will need beads of four colors, pebbles for the eye and chest, rhinestones for decoration.

#12 Beadwork: do-it-yourself New Year's mask

Beads can be embroidered New Year's mask. To do this, you will need a blank openwork mask. And then embroider it to your taste with beads of different colors.

Beaded crowns

Little princesses can make chic beaded crowns for the New Year. Small glass beads look like real ones gems at the New Year's holiday, a small snowflake or princess will look unique. In addition, a beaded crown can be made together, and the child is busy and mom is happy!

#1 Master class on how to make a beaded crown: the crown of the Snow Queen

You can make a real crown of the Snow Queen with your own hands from beads and beads. The work is painstaking and will require a lot of time and effort from you. However, the result is worth it: a step-by-step master class with a photo, see below.

#2 Beaded snowflake crown: MK + photo

You can make a small snowflake headband with a snowflake that will look like a real crown. See the detailed diagram and step-by-step master class below.

#3 How to make a crown of beads and beads: MK princess crown

A detailed scheme for making a princess crown from beads and beads. Treat yourself and your little princess with a handmade product.

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Never before has a toy looked so natural. These small fluffy beaded Christmas trees with a touch of white snow on the tips of their green paws make you want to smell them. Alas, they do not smell like needles. Crafts in the form of Christmas trees can be voluminous and flat, decorated with bright toys or simply powdered with white snow.

flat herringbone

I present to you video 1, which shows how to make a Christmas tree from beads with your own hands, which can be hung on a real Christmas tree as a decoration or decorated as a keychain. The weaving pattern is quite simple. A master class on making a Christmas tree from beads is shown in detail and clearly. Even a novice master can weave a flat Christmas tree.

Earrings made of beads and Czech stone

On video 2, you can watch a master class of weaving with your own hands earrings made of Czech stone and beads in the form of a Christmas tree. Earrings look so elegant and original that they simply need to be made in order to wear them on the most main holiday of the year.

In the same way, you can create a whole set by complementing the earrings with a pendant in the form of a Christmas tree. Manipulations with a needle look so natural and uncomplicated that it seems that this work is not at all difficult. It is so indeed.

In order to weave a New Year's beauty with your own hands, you will need:

  • wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm.
  • white beads - 20 g
  • green beads - 80 g;
  • A master class on creating a Christmas tree begins with weaving a branch. We collect 2 white beads and 7 green ones. We pass the upper end of the wire through the second white bead and all green ones. One top white bead remains locking. This will be the case for all branches.

  • We collect two more white and 9 green. We pass back through the second white and five green beads. We repeat this operation 6-7 times. We tied the first branch with our own hands. Our beaded Christmas tree will consist of several such branches.

  • The first branch, as the diagram shows, will become the crown of the tree, and the wire will become its trunk, to which other branches will be attached. For rigidity, you can wrap the barrel with electrical tape.

  • The master class ends with the fact that the beaded Christmas tree is installed in a small bucket with cement mortar or other ballast. This tree compares favorably with a real New Year's beauty in that it does not burn and you can safely light candles near it.

The manufacture of this craft is fundamentally different from the technologies described above. It consists in the fact that we first collect long beads, and then we begin to weave patterns and lace from them.

  1. Weaving master class lacy herringbone with our own hands, let's start with a set a large number beads on wire. Find the middle of the improvised beads and make the first loop by twisting the wire twice.
  2. Next, step back 4-5 beads on both sides and again make the same loops, directing them in opposite directions. Step back 4-5 more beads and twist the wire, marking the trunk. Continue also. For the upper branches, three loops are enough. For the lower ones, you will have to make 5-6 identical long branches with 9-11 loops.
  3. If the wire runs out of beads, pick up more and continue to work. Weaving pattern can be any. The only condition is the constant repetition of the same sizes.
  4. Make these branches different lengths. Separately, install a stable axis, on which we will fix our branches with our own hands, from the top, where the shortest ones will be fixed, to the very bottom in ascending order.

To make a master class of such a spiral Christmas tree, we need a special hard spring wire and large beads. We choose the color according to the given picture: green, red and white.

The weaving itself, as you can see in the photo, is very simple. This is not even weaving, but a simple stringing of beads in any sequence you like on a wire. After fixing the ends of the beads, it is necessary to give them the shape of a conical spiral. Why not a Christmas tree?

Beading has long been one of the most popular types of needlework. By using simple materials are made incredibly beautiful and original crafts. A Christmas tree made of beads looks elegant and festive, which even a child can make. There are several techniques for its implementation, which will not be difficult to master.

You can weave a Christmas tree both from round beads, and from glass beads or cuttings, or you can combine all types of beads, and even add beads as toys. The herringbone can be flat, like a pendant or wall panel, or fluffy, like a real little tree. How to weave a New Year's beauty step by step - read the new micro in our article.

Beading has long been one of the most popular types of needlework.

Manufacturing Christmas tree even for beginner needlewomen it will be simple and interesting. To do this, you need only a minimum of materials and a little patience.

What is necessary:

  • wire;
  • white beads;
  • insulating tape;
  • cement mortar;
  • small decorative bucket;
  • green beads.

Description of work:

  1. On the wire, dial a pair of white and seven green beads.
  2. Pass the top tip through the second of the white parts and all the green elements.
  3. The top element remains locking on all branches.
  4. Dial a couple more white and nine green beads and thread the second of the white and five green beads.
  5. Repeat this process seven more times.
  6. Wrap the trunk of the finished branch with electrical tape to make it stiffer.
  7. Make the required number of branches in this way.
  8. Set them in a bucket filled with cement.

Gallery: Christmas tree made of beads (25 photos)

Herringbone from beads with needle weaving technique: master class (video)

Bugle Christmas tree: weaving pattern

A Christmas tree woven according to this pattern turns out to be quite large and reaches a height of about twenty-five centimeters. Using glass beads instead of ordinary beads, it is possible to ensure that the product looks not only beautiful, but also natural.

What is necessary:

  • 250 g of green glass beads;
  • wire;
  • electrode;
  • silk threads;
  • glue;
  • small pot;
  • floral tape;
  • gypsum.

Using glass beads instead of ordinary beads, it is possible to ensure that the product looks not only beautiful, but also natural.


  1. Using the coral technique, weave needles, each of which should have six parts. In total, there should be eleven needles on the wire.
  2. Weave 280 needles in this way.
  3. After that, take a thicker wire, wrap it with tape and fix all the needles in a spiral, forming branches.
  4. Screw to the electrode all the branches that eventually turned out.
  5. Wrap the barrel with tape and thread, glue everything with glue.
  6. Install the structure in a pot of plaster.

Decorate with additional glitter.

New Year's beaded ball: step by step instructions

Despite the fact that on the eve of the New Year holidays, store shelves are filled with all kinds of Christmas decorations much more fun to make them yourself. A handmade ball looks more impressive and original than simple purchased products.

What is necessary:

  • beads with a diameter of 2 and 5 mm;
  • fishing line;
  • needle.


  1. Dial five beads of a smaller diameter on the fishing line and pass the needle into the first of them, tighten, leaving a small piece of fishing line free.
  2. Now, alternately string three large and a couple of small elements, pass the needle through the bead of the last row, forming a rib.
  3. Do four rounds in this way.
  4. After that, string large and small beads alternately (five pieces each) and draw the fishing line through the middle detail of the last circle.
  5. Thus, continue to work until a full-fledged ball is formed.
  6. Close the last circle and tightly fix the fishing line.

Attach a ribbon or a regular thread to the top so that you can later hang the ball on the Christmas tree.

Beaded blue Christmas tree: master class

A beautiful blue spruce can also be made from beads. This craft looks no less festive than the traditional green beauty and even more elegant. Following the instructions, even a beginner can do this work.

What is necessary:

  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • beads;
  • button;
  • wood beads;
  • wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • napkin.

In the absence of blue beads, do not be discouraged: the Christmas tree can be of any color, the main thing is the right combination


  1. Put on the wire the first, so-called locking bead.
  2. String parts, alternating beads with sequins, while using the same elements in pairs only at the beginning and at the end, so that it is more convenient to twist them.
  3. Twist each loop.
  4. Make four loops at a distance from the locking piece.
  5. Connect the top of the workpiece with the top of the tiers, twist in a few turns.
  6. Insert the remaining wire into the wooden part.
  7. According to this principle, connect all the tiers together.
  8. Divide the pieces of wire that come out of the last element into two equal parts, pass them through the button and twist tightly.

Hide the remaining tips in the recess.

How to make a lacy Christmas tree from beads

The technology of weaving in this case differs significantly from the traditional one. That is why this craft attracts special, closer attention. Without a doubt, everyone around will be delighted with this unusual decoration.


  1. String beads on the wire, make a loop in the center by twisting the wire twice.
  2. After that, indent a few beads on both sides and again make loops, directing them in different directions.
  3. Retreat five elements again and twist the wire again, marking the trunk.
  4. Continue according to the given pattern.
  5. When forming the last branches, it is enough to indent only three elements.
  6. Add beads to the wire as needed.

Without a doubt, everyone around will be delighted with this unusual decoration.

Separately, install the most stable base on which all branches will be fixed, starting from the top and moving to the bottom.

Christmas tree decoration: beaded minion

One of my favorite cartoon characters, the funny minion is perfect for decorating the Christmas tree. The scheme for its manufacture, although not the simplest, but still everyone can deal with it, even a beginner in beading.

What is necessary:

  • beads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • fishing line;
  • ribbon.


  1. The torso of the minion is made using the weaving technique, using a special loom for this.
  2. Connect all the edges and fold the workpiece in half.
  3. Form panties by indenting from the edge of just one detail, as if rounding the figure.
  4. After finishing weaving the panties, take black beads and make boots for the hero. At the very end, weaving three rows of two beads to the side of the op.
  5. In the upper part of the workpiece, form a red cap of the correct shape.
  6. Make a white pom-pom at the very top.
  7. In order for the minion to be voluminous, additionally attach beads to the glasses and white sections of the cap.
  8. Weave hands, also using the weaving technique.
  9. By the same principle as shoes, weave and fingers.

Insert a ribbon into the pompom and hang it on the Christmas tree.
