Bright flowers from satin ribbons. Flowers from satin ribbons - a step-by-step description of how to make a beautiful flower for beginners

Sadly, but fresh flowers cannot please the eye all year round. That is why many needlewomen try to make flowers from satin ribbons. They look great and at the same time do not lose their original appearance for many years. Use such products as a decor for many crafts. They even make whole bouquets. One has only to master a few techniques for their manufacture in order to independently begin to create such masterpieces.

Sadly, but fresh flowers cannot please the eye all year round.

Despite the apparent complexity, the technique of creating flowers from satin or silk ribbons is step by step accessible even for beginner needlewomen. Light and beautiful interior flowers will decorate your home, smaller flowers can serve as a decoration for jewelry, bags, and clothes. You can make them from both narrow and wide ribbons - large, light and beautiful interior flowers will decorate your home, smaller flowers can serve as decoration for jewelry, bags, and clothes. Schemes and MK for creation are easy to find on the Internet, for example, look in our article.

Getting started, it is initially difficult to imagine what can be made from this material, how to assemble a whole composition from ribbons. In fact, there may be many options. Craftsmen make roses with open, closed and half-open buds in minutes. Even lilies, gerberas and asters are made from this material.

You can make not only small flowers, but also whole compositions. The middle of each blank is additionally decorated with beads and beads. Add a special sophistication with the help of ordinary fabric, fur and rhinestones.

As a result, such blanks can serve as a decoration for a hoop, hair clips, clothes or bags. Even an ordinary knitted headdress with such a decorative element becomes stylish and perfect.

Wedding bouquets deserve special attention, in which the best of the made specimens are collected. With their help decorate both the room, and the car, and even furniture. It is thanks to this design that the atmosphere of the holiday is felt as much as possible.

Gallery: flowers from satin ribbons (25 photos)

Rose from satin ribbon (video)

What else can be done from satin ribbons

Not only a flower can be assembled from thin ribbons.

Such delightful and fascinating needlework allows you to make many of the most extraordinary crafts, including:

  • panel;
  • insect figurines;
  • angels;
  • Easter eggs;
  • caskets;
  • Christmas trees and Christmas decorations;
  • pendants and brooches;
  • key rings.

Far from only a flower can be assembled from thin ribbons

It is not necessary to search step by step description every craft. Having mastered the technique of making at least one flower, creating any other product will no longer seem difficult. It is enough just to imagine what it should look like in the end result.

Making small flowers from satin ribbons

Small roses with closed buds will be one of the most bright jewelry any outfit. Even the most ordinary, unremarkable hairpin, thanks to this element, will acquire a delightful appearance.

What is necessary:

  • tapes;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • linen fabric;
  • ruler.

Small roses will be one of the brightest decorations of any outfit.


  1. Using a compass, draw a circle on the fabric, the diameter of which should be only three centimeters.
  2. Measure a small area on this circle with a ruler and cut the workpiece.
  3. Cut the circle along one side of the marked area.
  4. Align the cut with the other of the marked sides and sew, thus forming a cone.
  5. Lay the tape on this cone in such a way that its corners do not reach the circle itself.
  6. Sew the workpiece along the contour of the resulting square.
  7. After that, bend the ribbon to each of the corners and immediately sew on each of the petals that you get.
  8. After the four corners are bent, the slope must be increased so that in the future the petals overlap one another.
  9. Only after the petals have already gone beyond the cone, the tape should be cut off, and the edges that protrude should be sewn from the wrong side.

Kanzashi from thin satin ribbons: a master class

For those who have already mastered the origami technique, creating such a flower will not be difficult at all. Even without owning these skills, absolutely everyone will be able to deal with the manufacturing process.

For those who have already mastered the origami technique, it will not be difficult to create such a flower.


  1. Cut the ribbon into squares and immediately singe all edges. There should be four such parts in total.
  2. Collapse each element diagonally, thus forming a rectangle.
  3. Fold each of the triangles one more time, due to which the petals are formed.
  4. Fasten the petals individually with threads and twist.
  5. Collect all the details on a thread.
  6. Decorate the flower in the middle with beads.

Peony from satin ribbons: how to do it yourself

With the help of step-by-step instructions, you can easily make simply delicious peonies. These flowers are incredibly beautiful and delicate.

What is necessary:

  • lighter;
  • tapes;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

With the help of step-by-step instructions, you can easily make simply delicious peonies


  1. Cut strips into rectangles different sizes. Ten pieces each of these sizes: 5x7 cm, 4x6 cm, 3x5 cm, 2x4 cm.
  2. Hold each element a little at a short distance from the lighter, while constantly rotating it.
  3. Roll the smallest part into a roll and make a few stitches at the bottom of the workpiece.
  4. First, attach small petals to this part, then larger ones, and finally the largest ones.

Tip: if desired, the number of petals can be reduced or, on the contrary, increased. It directly depends on them how magnificent the bud will be as a result. In this case, a slight deviation in size will not affect the appearance of the finished product.

Chrysanthemum from satin ribbons: step by step instructions

Using the kanzashi technique, you can make amazing, incredibly beautiful chrysanthemums. It takes quite a bit of time and patience to create such a product with your own hands. In the future, it can be attached to a children's hoop, hairpin or bag, thereby giving a sophisticated look to old things.

What is necessary:

  • satin ribbons;
  • candle;
  • piece of felt;
  • glue;
  • beads;
  • fishing line;
  • scissors.


  1. Cut the ribbon into forty strips exactly seven centimeters long.
  2. Then fold each strip lengthwise and cut off the ends lengthwise.
  3. Then singe the ends, pressing firmly with tweezers.
  4. Such manipulations should be carried out with absolutely all the prepared details.
  5. Cut out a circle of felt about 3 cm in diameter.
  6. On a round part that has just been prepared, glue all the elements one by one, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  7. From the first to the third circular row, fix eight parts.
  8. On the fourth and fifth row, five elements are enough.
  9. In the sixth row, fix only four petals.
  10. Cut off a small piece of fishing line and glue a bead on its end.
  11. Fix the fishing line in the center of the flower.

Important! In order for the chrysanthemum to be voluminous and there were no gaps in it, it is necessary to carefully monitor that all details are fixed exclusively in a checkerboard pattern.

DIY bracelet for bridesmaids (video)

Making flowers is a special kind of needlework, no matter what materials are used. After all, creating such unearthly beauty with their own hands, the needlewoman receives a lot of positive emotions. If it is satin ribbons that act as the main material, you can be sure that the end result will be an amazing decoration, the use of which will certainly be found.

Since ancient times, women have adorned their hair with flowers. Times change, but habits remain largely the same. And since flowers are a rather short-lived decoration, and progress does not stand still, women have learned to replace plants with artificial materials. From what just do not create hair ornaments now. This article will consider the master class "Flowers from a satin ribbon." Moreover, options for creating various widths will be presented.

Kanzashi as the art of creating flowers from satin ribbons

Kanzashi is a hair ornament traditionally worn by beauties in Japan. More recently, such jewelry was worn mainly by brides, and today they are not only available to everyone, but also have a huge range of stylistic options suitable for almost any outfit.

Studying the same master class, flowers from a satin ribbon can be made both for a beach outfit and for a gala evening. Everything will depend on the quality and color of the materials used.

A bit of history

In the 1700s, beauties from Japan began to use to decorate their hairstyles. a large number of pins and combs. Kanzashi in Japan is not worn just like that. They must certainly correspond not only to the age of the one who wears them, but also to his social status. These ornaments are made from various materials. At first, hairstyles were decorated with thin sticks. There was an opinion among the people that they remove the evil eye from their owners. From bundles of such sticks, then they began to create combs. Later, the masters of kanzashi creation reached a very high level of skill. And today, almost any needlewoman is able to create a Master class on creating such flowers will be discussed below.

What material can be used to make flowers for decorating hairstyles?

Flowers for decorating hairstyles can be made from ribbons of various materials or simply from fabric cut into squares. Very beautiful petals are obtained from organza. But it's hard to work with her. It is not only very loose, but also easily deformed in work. whose master class will be considered in the course of the article, are the most preferred among craftswomen. Ribbon is much easier to work with than fabric. They melt better and are less deformed in work.

Does the width of the tape matter?

The most popular tape width for creating bases is five centimeters. But this does not mean at all that tapes of a different width will not work for you. The master class "Flowers from a satin ribbon" involves the use of both wide and narrow ribbons. And the flowers created with narrow tape, in their beauty are in no way inferior to those of wide belts. Often they are even more voluminous and airy. Also, do not forget that no one forbade combinations of petals created from ribbons. different widths. If you combine them correctly, you can get just amazing work.

Tools and Materials Needed to Work with Ribbons

So that you can easily make flowers from satin ribbons with your own hands, a master class on creating them will require you to have some tools and materials. First of all, both the tapes and the material must be cut. To do this, of course, you will need sharp scissors. You also need tweezers to clamp the petal blanks and a candle or lighter to melt them. In addition, the petals will have to be connected. This means that material is needed to connect them. It can be Moment glue or hot glue. Sometimes it is necessary to touch up some petals or part of them. And then, of course, you can not do without fabric paints and brushes. And also do not forget about various decorative elements. Such as beads, pendants, pebbles and many others.

Types of petals in kanzashi art

Before creating flowers from satin ribbon, the master class of which is presented in this article, you should study their main component. Namely, a petal. The basis of the work is petals of two types - sharp and round. Based on them, all other options are created.

Petals can be single or double, with a hole or with curls. And also can consist of ribbons of different colors. You can also create a flower from a narrow satin ribbon with your own hands. The master class of such a petal is somewhat different from all the others. But this does not mean at all that such a petal is not beautiful enough. It has its undeniable advantages.

sharp petals

A satin ribbon flower (master class), the photo of which can be seen in this section, consists of sharp petals. To make such a petal, you need to take a square of satin ribbon and fold it in half diagonally. The triangle, which turned out as a result of these manipulations, needs to be folded in half and again in half. The resulting petal should be cut off. The height of the petal, and hence the model of the flower as a whole, will depend on how much you cut it. After trimming the edges, you can singe and solder only the tips. Then the petal will be with a hole. And if the edges are soldered completely, then without a hole. Sharp petals can be successfully combined with round ones.

round petals

Flowers created from round petals look very voluminous and at the same time quite gentle and elegant. Here it is especially important to choose the right color and pay attention to the quality of the material from which the flowers will be made. To create round petals for flowers, you need to take the same square as in the previous version, and fold it diagonally in the same way. Then you should bend the side corners to the bottom and solder them together (or secure with a thread). After these manipulations, the workpiece should be turned over and the side corners folded to the middle. Fasten them together with the help of Now we fold the workpiece in half, cut off the tip a little and solder it with a candle. Round petals, as well as sharp ones, can be of two colors. In addition, they miraculously combine with any other types.

DIY satin ribbon flowers. step by step

Take a tape about four centimeters wide to start. The easiest option is to cut five pieces of seven and a half centimeters and five pieces of nine centimeters.

Of course, do not forget to singe the edges on both sides. First, take one of the shorter pieces and fold it in half. Align the edge well and sew it with neat and very small stitches, stepping back from the edge about three millimeters. To make everything look very neat, try to most accurately match the shade of the thread to the color of the ribbon. After the bottom edge of the petal is sewn, pull it off as much as possible and sew the next one without cutting the threads. Thus, collect all five petals of the same size on one thread and, pulling them together, assemble a circle. Similarly, make a circle of five petals bigger size. Now connect both parts together. Below you need to place a large part, and on top - a smaller one. Glue to the center beautiful bead or a decorative button. To make the inside look beautiful, you need to cut a circle out of cardboard or plastic bottle and cover it with the same satin ribbon, and then sew or glue it on the underside. You can use just a circle of felt in a shade suitable for a satin ribbon.

Flower from a narrow ribbon

To learn how to make a flower from a narrow master class, no one can be used. For flowers, petals of various shapes and sizes can be used. Various interesting compositions can be made from different colors. You can easily create flowers from 1 cm wide satin ribbon. And even thinner. If the width of your tape does not exceed half a centimeter, then you should cut it into equal segments. There should be two such segments. Take one and fold it in half (right side inward). Now we cut both tapes obliquely from the side and solder them together. We unfold the workpiece and connect the free ends together by laying them one on top of the other.

Along the way, adjust the width of the petal. After the required number of petals is made, you need to collect them into one flower, alternating different colors. There is another way to create a flower from a thin satin ribbon. The master class for creating such a flower is that each petal looks like a loop. For greater splendor, a knot should be tied in the center of such an eyelet.

All loops are collected on a round dense workpiece. And on its reverse side, an elastic band for hair or another blank is attached. If the tape is wider (for example, one and a half or two centimeters wide), then a third method of creating flowers can be applied. A flower from a narrow satin ribbon, the master class of which explains the third method, consists of petals pointed at one end and gathered at the other.

The cut end of the petal will certainly be scorched over the candle. Such petals are collected by gluing them in a circle on a cardboard blank covered with tape.

Flower from a satin ribbon (master class "Hairpin") in the schemes

In order for your satin ribbon flower to turn into a hairpin, you need to work with it a little. When creating a flower, you can follow the diagrams so as not to make mistakes. This is especially true for beginner needlewomen. It doesn't matter how the petals for the flower were created.

After it is ready, you should turn it into a hairpin. For these purposes, you will undoubtedly need Moment glue (or hot glue) and a blank for a hairpin. If you could not find a blank suitable for you, then you can use an old hairpin or just buy the one that suits you. After completing the flower and putting in order its wrong side, you just need to drip glue and stick it on the hairpin. That's all wisdom. Do not forget that you can additionally decorate your hairpin with beads, decorative stones or pendants. Do not limit yourself in creativity, but do not overdo it either. All elements of the hairpin must be correctly combined with each other not only in color, but also in shape and even in size.

For what decorations can satin ribbon flowers be used?

From flowers, which are based on the use of satin ribbon, you can create not only hairpins. They can be successfully attached to studs, invisible, combs or rims. And even to ordinary rubber bands. The principles of fastening to all these elements are not much different from each other. But there are some nuances. For example, before attaching the flowers to the headband, it is better to tape it over. And when you attach to the wrong side of the flower, for reliability, it is better to stick a small piece of tape over the elastic to match the flower itself.

Of course, from these flowers, in addition to hair ornaments, you can make wonderful brooches, belts and any other accessories and even jewelry. It all depends on what kind of blank the flower will be attached to. Do not forget that if you degrease the place where the decorative elements will be glued, then everything will be attached and held much better.

After more than one master class "Flowers from a satin ribbon" was considered, it became clear that if you wish, you can decorate anything with a wonderful flower. And you can make it from material of absolutely any width. Even if the transverse dimension of your tape does not exceed half a centimeter. The main thing is creativity and a little imagination. And also do not forget that any compositions should not be overloaded, all elements should be harmoniously combined with each other both in color and in size.

In this article, we have presented 6 step by step master classes for beginners, following which you can make flowers from ribbons for making / decoration with your own hands:

Artificial flowers (interior);
wall panels;
decorative and wedding bouquets;
Jewelry (rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets);
Hair accessories (headbands, headbands, hairpins, rubber bands);
Gift wrappings;
decorative pillows;
Caskets for jewelry and other little things;
Albums and notebooks;
Applications for clothes, bags and shoes;
… and much more! This selection of photos shows only a small part of the crafts that you can do by mastering various techniques making flowers from ribbons:

In addition to step-by-step instructions, you will find 30 photo ideas for inspiration, as well as a useful selection of videos.

Master class 1. Twisted rose from a single ribbon

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest and fairly quick way to make roses from ribbons with your own hands. Having mastered the technique of twisting a rose from a ribbon, you can do them while sitting in front of the TV. Depending on the width and length of the tape you use, you can twist both small and lush buds. You can use a ribbon made of any material - organza, satin, cotton, and even linen strips.

Then you will need:

  • Any ribbon - the longer and wider it is, the larger the bud will turn out. For a medium-sized rose, a ribbon 2.5 cm wide will suffice.
  • Thread with a needle or hot glue gun.
  • Scissors.

How to twist a rose from a ribbon:

Step 1. Straighten and lay the tape in front of you, then bend one of the ends of the tape (any) along the oblique, as shown in fig. 1.

Step 2 Wrap the tip of the ribbon into a roll in two or three turns to make the core of a rose, fix its lower part with glue or simply sew (see Fig. 2).

Step 3 Now we begin to form rose petals. To do this, again bend the ribbon obliquely to the outside (see Fig. 3) and wrap it around the core of the rose, holding (and, if desired, fixing with thread / glue) the entire workpiece from below (see Fig. 4).

Step 4 Next, continue to “build up” the layers of “petals” according to the scheme: bend the tape to the outside - wrap the bud - bend the tape to the outside - wrap the bud, etc. (See Fig. 5). Periodically fix the layers of tape at the base of the bud with glue or thread with a needle. Remember that the most important thing is not to let the ribbon unravel.

Experienced decorators can twist the rose, fixing the layers of tape just a couple of times (at the beginning and at the end), while it is easier for beginners to stitch / glue the “petals” of the rose much more often.
It is more convenient to twist the rose by holding the base of the bud between the index and middle fingers so that the flower seems to be lying in your palm.

Step 5 When the rose has reached the desired size, press the end of the tape to the base and tie/glue (Fig. 6).

Practice twisting ribbons of different widths and lengths, experiment with the angle of the ribbon, the number of folds per layer, or the density of the twist to achieve the effect you like best. So, for example, a rose twisted from a ribbon can be very multi-layered or, on the contrary, softer, have sharper corners or, conversely, rounded ones.
If you still have questions, we suggest watching a video on how to make a flower from a satin ribbon with your own hands using this technique.

Master class 2. Realistic flowers from ribbons (peonies, roses or ranunculus)

Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technique, following which you can achieve the most realistic and elegant appearance of the petals, which is only possible for flowers made by yourself. Take a look at this collection of photos and see for yourself.

With all the beauty and apparent complexity, even a beginner can make such flowers from ribbons with his own hands.

You will need:

  • Candle or lighter.
  • Ribbon 5 cm wide (for a medium peony) made of 100% polyester (this can be either rayon / satin or organza). Please note that the tapes natural materials won't fit. If you want to make a large and lush peony, then you can use either more petals and / or a 7-8 cm wide ribbon.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle and thread to match the ribbon.

How to make a peony with your own hands:

Step 1. Cut the tape into squares in the following sizes and numbers:

5×7 cm (6-10 pieces);
4×6 cm (6-10 pieces);
3×5 cm (6-10 pieces);
2×4 cm (6-10 pieces).
As a result, you should get a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 40 squares. The more petals you make, the more magnificent and larger the bud will turn out.

Step 2 Now arrange the groups of squares in piles. Then cut petals from each stack (the shape is shown in the figure below). Keep in mind that accuracy is not important here, everything can be done by eye, without measurements and without using templates. The main thing is that you get petals of different sizes: very large - large - medium - small.

Step 3 It's time for the fun part - giving shape and volume to our petals. To do this, light a candle or lighter and, holding the edges of the petal at a distance of about 2 cm from the fire, melt them (but do not set them on fire!). Rotate the blade slowly but quickly. Thus, you need to process all your workpieces.

If you want the petal to take on a more rounded shape, hold it over the fire a little longer, but do not reduce the distance from the fire. However, sometimes the petals slightly blackened from the fire look quite organic.

Step 4 Take one of the smallest petals, roll it into a roll and sew a couple of stitches in its lower part to fix it. You have obtained the core of your flower.

Step 5 Attach the second small petal and secure it with a couple of stitches as well. Continue attaching the petals one by one, following a checkerboard pattern. When you are done with the small petals, start adding the medium petals, then the larger ones, and finally the largest ones.

Flowers from ribbons of two shades

Flowers from ribbons of the same shade

Well, that's it, the peony is ready!

By the same principle, but by changing the number, shape, size and color of the petals, as well as adding stamens from beads or floss threads, you can create roses, tulips, poppies or ranunculus.

Following our master class, you can make flowers not only from satin ribbons, but also from organza. Why not use old ribbons for children's bows?

Master class 3. simple flowers from tapes in 5 minutes

If you need to make flowers from ribbons with your own hands as quickly as possible, for example, to wrap a gift, then this step-by-step instruction will help you out.

What you need:

  • Any tape;
  • beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue gun.

How to make a ribbon flower:

Step 1. Cut out a small circle about 5 cm in diameter from cardboard or thick paper. This circle will become the base of your flower and will be hidden under the petals, so it does not have to be cut neatly.

Step 2 Start gluing the tape on the top edge of the circle, forming a pleat as shown in the photo below.

Step 3 Continue sticking the tape in a spiral in 3 or more layers. When you get to the center, cut off the excess tape, tuck the end in, and glue it gently.

Step 4 Put a large drop of hot glue in the center of the flower and quickly fill it with beads.

Master class 4. A small textured flower from a braid-wave

If you want to decorate a ring, headband, brooch or necklace with a flower, then a rose made from a braid-wave, fit better Total. After all, it turns out so neat, strong, elegant and small.

What you will need:

  • A braid-wave of medium width and a length of 50-60 cm (for one rose) or two ribbons of different colors of the same width, 25-30 cm long (if you want to make a two-color rose). However, the length can be more or less, it depends on what size you want to make the bud.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Threads with a needle to match the braid.

Step 1. Take two bands-waves of the same length and twist them together as shown in the photo. Before you start weaving, fasten the two ribbons with some sort of clamp so that they do not unravel.

Step 2 Machine stitch the edge of your piece to secure the weave.

If you don't have a car, no problem. Just walk with large stitches along the entire length of the braid.

Step 3 To make a flower, simply start folding the braid from one end, fixing the layers with hot glue in some places.

Step 4 When you're done, you should have a bud like this. The remaining tip of the braid is simply tucked under the flower and fixed with glue.

Step 5 Glue a small circle of felt, cardboard or thick fabric to the base. In the future, you can glue anything to this base - from hairpins to rings.

Step 6 Have you noticed that all the petals of our flower are closed? In this form, it looks more like a peony or ranunculus. If you want the flower to become a rose, simply spread each petal outwards one by one.

Master class 5. Poinsettia with leaves

It's time to tell you about how to make poinsettia from ribbons, with which you can decorate anything you like, for example, autumn wreath as in the photo below.

What you will need:

  • Ribbon 4-6 cm wide red, cream or any other desired shade;
  • Green ribbon (for leaves) 2-3 cm wide;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread to match the ribbon for the petals or thin copper wire(jewelry);
  • beads;
  • Hot glue.

How to make a ribbon poinsettia:

Step 1. Cut three pieces of the same length from the tape. How long should the segments be? It depends on what size flower you need. If you want to make a flower with a diameter of 12 cm, then the segments should be exactly that length.

Step 2 Give the resulting rectangles the shape of a rhombus. You can do this in the following way: stack the segments on top of each other, fold the stack in half, then give the resulting square the shape of a triangle, cutting off the excess on the sides. Voila, we got rhombuses!

Step 3 Squeeze each diamond in the middle and tie the folds with thread (you can make a couple of stitches) or jewelry wire.

Step 4 Fold all three blanks next to each other, then tie them with thread or jewelry wire to make a flower. Adjust the petals if necessary.

Step 5 Glue a few stamen beads into the center of the flower.

Step 6 Now let's take a look at the leaves. Cut two pieces of green tape 6-9 cm long (the length of the pieces should be about three times the width of your green tape). Lay one of the rectangles wrong side up on the table. Bend its right side down obliquely so that the workpiece acquires an L-shape (see photo). Now fold your letter G in half to make a blank in the form of a house with a roof. Gather the bottom of the "house" with a couple of stitches or glue.

Step 7 Now the leaves can be glued / sewn to the back of the poinsettia, to the felt round base (if any) or directly to the decor object (rim, pillow, etc.).

Master class 6. Lace ribbon flower

And finally, we present another express method for making a simple but beautiful flower with your own hands. The principle of operation in this technique is similar to that described in MK No. 3, but instead of glue, a thread with a needle is used to fix the craft, and lace instead of a satin ribbon. However, you can use any other. Lace flowers make beautiful brooches and hair clips.

What you will need:

  • Lace ribbon;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread to match the ribbon;
  • beads;
  • Hot glue.

How to make a lace flower:

Step 1. Baste the ribbon along the bottom edge with wide stitches.

Step 2 Once you're done sewing, gather the ribbon by pulling on the thread and bring the two ends together to complete the circle and make the first layer of petals.

Step 3 Glue a small circle of felt or other fabric to the center of the inside of the flower. Sew the necessary accessories to it, for example, a pin, to make a brooch.

Step 4 Glue beads, rhinestones, stones or other decor to the center.

If you want to continue your acquaintance with the art of making flowers from ribbons with your own hands, then we suggest viewing the following step by step video instructions. From this video, you will learn how to make kanzashi flowers from 2.5 cm ribbon.

This video shows how to make a rose from a satin ribbon, different from our master class number 1.

Here is another tutorial on how to make a shabby chic rose.


It is customary to decorate the interior and clothes with crafts from ribbons. Manufacturing technology has been improved for many centuries. Nowadays, techniques such as kanzashi and quilling are popular. Making ribbon flowers is an interesting activity for girls and women. Some do it professionally, shoot videos with master classes. Using the advice of experienced craftsmen, you can create a small masterpiece for your room or a gift. close person. With the help of needlework, you can not only pass the time, but also improve the appearance of the apartment, as well as learn something new, bring your ideas to life. All work is done in several stages. The first of these is the preparation and processing of the tape. Then the main part of the flower is created. The next stage is the formation of the base and the fixing of the petals on it. After that, the finished composition is decorated.

Advantages and disadvantages of making flowers from ribbons with your own hands

There are many more benefits. First, making ribbon flowers helps to conserve wildlife. Crafts look like real ones - this is the main plus. Creating flowers from ribbons is a simple yet inexpensive way to decorate an interior. They will not fade and will last as long as necessary. Ribbon flowers will great gift on March 8th or Valentine's Day. Products are made in any colors - this is another advantage over living plants. Both adult women and little girls will be interested in experimenting with the shape of the flowers and the look of the finished composition. Craftsmen have the opportunity to use any decoration at their discretion, to create interesting, unique forms. Tape products have some drawbacks. Beginners need to spend a lot of time to make a bouquet of a large number of flowers. The lack of own smell is also a disadvantage. Fresh flowers create a special atmosphere due to their aroma, while artificial ones lack such qualities.

Single Ribbon Rose

You can use a narrow one and a half centimeter ribbon, then the product will turn out to be small in height and with a dense texture, big amount bends. But the best option involves the use of a relatively wide 4-centimeter tape. First, protruding threads come off it, and one of the edges is melted with a lighter. This is where the main part of the work begins. The end is folded in half, creating a diagonal fold. The corner is bent down, and around it the process of twisting the core of the rose begins. When the diagonal bend is no longer visible, you need to turn the ribbon upside down. The folded part is pasted over, after which the strip is turned over again. Then you need to continue to "collect" the flower, repeating these steps after each complete turn. Toward the end of the ribbon, the lower part of the flower begins to form. The tail is glued and twisted. The product is fastened with a thread.

Do not make too much tension, otherwise the craft will turn out not so magnificent.

The easiest manufacturing method involves the use of scissors, a thread needle, nylon thread, and nylon fabric. The rosette is folded starting from the core. The central part is formed by bending one of the ends of the tape and wrapping it with the opposite, free edge. The resulting layers are pierced with a needle. The remaining free segment is wrapped around the center. With each turn, three outward bends are made. Each of them will form a separate petal. To fix the product, the flower must be processed with a thread. There is also a more complex version, for which you will additionally need a sponge, acrylic paints, sintepon, oval or rounded shapes, several pieces of wire. The wire segments will be the bases of the individual petals. The molds are wrapped, and fragments of nylon fabric are stretched from above. They are attached with thread. The center is made of colored synthetic winterizer. It remains only to attach the stem.

Kanzashi (kanzashi) is a type of Japanese jewelry, mainly for women, as well as the name of their manufacturing technology. Finished products usually consist of flowers and leaves, but other plant-related variations are also found. In total, there are about 5-10 main subspecies of this technique, including tsumami-kanzashi, birakan, mimikaki kanzashi. Not all of them look like a typical modern kanzashi. This method involves using a fire source to give the petals and leaves their characteristic shape. Atlas is used as a material for products, less often - fabrics similar in parameters. In the process, you will need tools such as scissors, glue gun, rubber bands, hairpins, stamens, pins, tweezers. The temperature effect is necessary for manipulating the edges of the molds, as well as for connecting them. From satin material fragments of small length are cut out, most often rectangles. Their corners are connected or cut off (flat or rounded).

simple cinquefoil flower

Since the product will consist only of a cup with petals, it is better to make several pieces. Squares 5 × 5 or 6 × 6 cm are cut out of satin material. They are folded diagonally. Then, by bending the corners, a square is made from a triangle. Then it is folded into a triangle again, and a strip 2-3 mm wide is cut off from the side with the largest number of free edges. The processed side is captured with tweezers, and the workpiece is brought to the candle. The cut edge is melted. Immediately after that, it must be flattened. It is necessary to wait ten seconds and begin to give the mold a convex appearance. Then the base is made: an elastic band is installed on a round blank. It is necessary to make incisions and with the help of glue and another circle to fix it. Petals are attached to the flat part of the structure, also using glue.

Flowers are best done in different colors:

  • orange;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • red.


In addition to the main component - a satin ribbon, you will need:

  • candle;
  • wire;
  • stamens;
  • sewing accessories;
  • suitable glue;
  • ruler;
  • glass;
  • burner.

A ribbon 2.5 cm wide is cut into fragments of 5 cm each. Two pieces are applied to each other on the wrong side. Then they are placed on the glass. The ruler is used to highlight the diagonal line. All fragments are cut with a hot knife. After that, they are soldered along the cut line. The short edges are first stitched with a thread separately, and then connected to each other. After that, the front side of the sharp part of the connected petals is melted with a candle. Thermal deformation must not be allowed. Next, the end is quickly twisted, so that a bend is obtained outward. It is necessary to make five such elements to create one flower. Then you need to work with the stamens: they are doubled, covered with wire and twisted. The tops of the stamens are smeared with glue and five petals are attached to them.


You will need: a thread with a needle, a few beads, a lighter, scissors, a green mesh, a satin ribbon, thick cardboard, a glue gun. It is not necessary to choose natural tones to create a flower, any bright colors. First of all, the tape is cut into a large number of segments: from thirty or more. Its width should be 2.5-3 cm, the length of the fragments - 6-7 cm. Each cut is folded in half - into a narrow strip. Then a small fragment is cut off with scissors from one end. This should be done at an angle of 45 °. The cut edge is melted with a lighter and glued together. Two opposite corners are bent inward and melted by fire. And so 30 petals. Then a small circle is cut out of cardboard. It is covered with satin material. Two rows of petals are glued to this base. Some add variety and create another row in the middle, in a different color. The finished composition is decorated with beads.


You will need: a base for a brooch, a ribbon, a large bead, a needle, beaded or monofilament, scissors, tweezers, a candle, matches. Circles are cut from the tape different sizes. The splendor of the final product depends on their number. All elements are melted by the fire of a candle. It is necessary to achieve a wavy outline around the entire perimeter of the future petal. After that, they form the bottom. To do this, a small cut is made so that approximately 1/5 of the circle is a straight line. The next step is to sew several petals into groups. Circles are grouped in sequence from largest to smallest. Then, with the help of a thread, the central part of the flower is created: a large bead is attached to the base under the brooch. After that, the petals are attached to the product. Now it can be used as a brooch or hairpin or make an elastic band.


You will need:

  1. Scissors;
  2. Candle;
  3. Super glue;
  4. Template with a side of 6 cm;
  5. Thin floristic wire and two satin ribbons of different colors - one will imitate a flower (it is better to choose pink), and the other a stem.

You will also need stamens to match the color of the pink ribbon. First of all, a 6-centimeter rectangle is cut out of the green tape. On the one hand, it needs to be given the appearance of a leaflet: two corners are cut with scissors. One such element is enough. From pink you need to make five petals. Using the template, the required number of pieces is measured and cut off. From the fragments, molds resembling a drop are cut out. One of the edges is rounded. It is difficult to cut out the ideal shape, so you need to put all the segments together or use another template in the form of the desired petal. Next, the flat side of the leaf is melted. The petals are treated with fire along the entire perimeter, the rounded part is then stretched by hand. Then all the fragments are brought together and fastened. The stem is decorated with a green ribbon. A leaf of the same color is attached to it - the product is ready.

Flower from braid-wave and braid zigzag

From wavy braid very original products. You will need a needle and thread, scissors, one braid-wave 50 cm long or two 30 cm each (preferable). First of all, two segments are intertwined with each other, like curls in a braid. This blank is stitched on a typewriter. Then a bud is made: the braid is folded and fastened with glue in several places, preferably once for each turn. The end is tucked up and also fixed with glue. In this form, the product will imitate a peony, and if you turn the petals inside out, it will resemble a rose. A very original non-standard product will turn out from a zigzag braid. A piece with 20 bends is required. The ends of the fragment are sewn together. For this, an allowance is left in advance. Then, using a thread, you need to flash 10 elements (through one). Then this ring is assembled into a compact circle and fixed. Then it is made flat, and in the end all the petals will be directed clockwise or counterclockwise.

You will need a fastener (elastic band, hoop or hairpin), a thread in the color of lace, a circle of fleece of the same color, 2 meters of lace. The first step is to prepare the material and fastening. Then on an even decorative edge lace is sewn with a needle with a double thread. The seam "forward needle" is used. The thread stretches and the lace fabric is pulled together. The folds are distributed evenly along the entire length of the tape. No need to separate the needle and thread. They are fixed for a while at the end of the lace. Next, you need a second needle and thread: it is sewn to the fleece circle in a spiral. It is necessary to ensure that the lace "looks" face up. The core of the flower is decorated to your taste: with buttons or beads. From the remaining lace fabric, you can make a mini-bud and sew it to the central part of the product. The first thread is now fastened and cut off - the job is completed. It is worth noting separately the appearance of the products. Flowers from a thick lace ribbon with decorations with ornamental stones look very original.

Many remember them from childhood: birthdays, New Year and the Feast of St. Nicholas rarely did without these decorations. They are made simply. 9 strips 1.5 cm wide are drawn on a paper sheet. They are cut out, and then reduced to the desired size. You need 3 pieces with a length of 25 cm and the same amount of 22 cm, two of 19 cm and one strip of 9 cm long. The shortest one is bent into a ring and fixed with a stapler. All the rest are twisted with the "eight" and also fixed. The fragments stack on top of each other. Inside the bud there will be small "eights". A ring is placed in the very center. Pieces of double-sided tape can be used both before the start of creating a bud to create an adhesive surface on the fragments, and after, for a secure fit. The paper itself can be different: just colored or decorative with different stripes.

To create such a product with your own hands, you will need to use:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • stapler;
  • Double-sided tape.

You will need eight ribbons, four blue and the same number of purple. Each should be 15 cm long and 0.6 cm wide. First, the purple strip is folded in half, and the top of the folded end is smeared with glue and attached to a soft round base, exactly in the center. Then the remaining purple ribbons are glued. This is done in such a way that there is the same distance between the ends of all strips. After that, 8 drops of glue are applied to the central parts of these "rays". The end of one protruding strip is attached to the center of the neighboring one, and so on throughout the circle. You need to do this part of the work very slowly, otherwise the petals will turn out to be uneven. Next you need to do the blue stripes. They are attached over purple, and then their edges are drawn through the loops. Then the blue ends are twisted in the same way as the purple ones.

Packing tape for making flowers

To create a craft, you will need a needle, floss, tailor's pins, a round metal template with protruding knitting needles, and the packaging tape itself (you can choose a simple transparent one). First, a template is taken, and a ribbon is gradually wound around it. Stitches must be placed on the opposite edge of the needle. When the tape is fully wound, the center is highlighted. To do this, connect the petals in the middle with a needle and thread. The center is darned in a circle. The free edge of the tape is cut under central part. The petal is removed from the needles - it remains only to decorate the flower. The craft should be decorated with decorative elements. You can paint it from a spray can. A monotone color will look best, but it is worth trying to use different molds and color the flower in an original way, for example, “polka dots”. There are also many colored packaging tapes on sale - regular and festive.

It is worth trying to make a complex craft using ribbons of different widths and thicknesses and with different weaves.

Rep ribbon flower

Such products can be found on children's clothing: sundresses, dresses. It will not be difficult for a beginner to create a craft from a rep tape. You will need a thread, scissors, a pencil, a glue gun, a candle, a rep tape. First, 5 strips of the same length are cut (about 5-6 cm). The edges are processed over the fire. Then the fragments are shaped into a bow, gluing opposite edges in the middle. All bows fold in half. After that, they are stitched with a thread from the flat side and are collected in a circle of five petals. The bud created by them is fastened and decorated with a button. Petals are given volume. There are even simpler methods. The tape can be applied several times, creating a thickening in the center. Then you need to fasten everything with threads, and decorate the product with a button. Another interesting way consists in creating petals from several turns of different sizes.

From this material, both small flowers and large ones, with a diameter of more than half a meter, are created. The latter are created from foamiran (izolon) - polypropylene fiber. It will take big round sheets with a density of 30, paint, glue gun, hair dryer. Blanks can be cut independently from a large canvas. Due to the pliability of the material, this will not be difficult. First, two rounded petals are cut out with a long side of about 30 cm. A core will be made from them. All other fragments should be larger: 35, 40, 45 cm, etc. The lower parts of all elements are cut out noticeably narrower. In the process of work, these segments are pasted over with a gun and bent. If on the first petal the bottom is twisted and fixed, then on the next it is wrapped around an already created structure. The desired shape is given by hand and after each change it is fixed with a hair dryer. When all the petals are ready, you will need to make a core from a spool of thread. Then the flower is colored.

It is necessary that the air from the hair dryer be as hot as possible, otherwise the flower may begin to quickly lose shape or not work at all.

Application of ready-made colors

Such crafts decorate ordinary and festive hairstyles. To do this, the flowers are fixed on elastic bands, headbands, hairpins and decorated with beads, brooches, and various small elements. Ribbon flowers with pins decorate wardrobe items. They are decorated with lapels; put in pockets, attached to hats. Ribbon flowers will become bright gifts on different occasions - birthday, New Year, religious holidays, angel's day. These crafts decorate various home-made compositions, topiaries, gift boxes. Decorated handmade rooms are a great place to decorate with bouquets and photo frames with ribbon flowers. You can also trim floor lamps and tulle. IN Lately boutonnieres and double bouquets made of satin material became popular. They are bought not only for special occasions.


Ribbon flowers are sometimes difficult to distinguish from living ones. beautiful composition can be created from a simple paper or lace ribbon, or using the kanzashi technique from satin. Ribbon flowers are mainly intended for hair decoration - they can be given to women and girls. To create a flower, you need to go through a few simple steps. First, the ribbons are prepared for processing. Extra threads come off from them, if necessary, uneven edges are cut off. Next, the process of twisting or stitching begins. This is done in different ways, depending on the execution technique. The resulting shape is usually held together with threads, glue or wire. Flowers are adorned with brooches, beads, or left untouched to mimic real flowers. The color is chosen at the discretion of the master. The result is a “self-sufficient” decoration that can also be used as an element of decor.

With bright flowers made of ribbons, you can decorate a gift, a hairpin, a brooch. You can even make a whole bunch of them. They will not cause allergies and will not lose their appearance even after a whole day of wearing. Therefore, such flowers are often decorated with wedding accessories. Making your own jewelry is very easy. Even an inexperienced needlewoman will spend no more than twenty minutes on one flower. In the article, read how to make flowers from ribbons. The master class in each section is designed for beginners and does not require special skills and tools. And the presence of a photo will make the procedure even more understandable.

Single Ribbon Rose

The most popular satin ribbon flower is the rosette. There are many different types: twisted, in bud, with separate petals. With your own hands, the easiest way is to make a flower from a single ribbon. Here are two simple and beautiful options.

For the first, you need a piece of tape 2 cm wide and at least half a meter long.


The flower is ready. From several of these decorations you can make a whole bouquet. Put it in a vase or use it as an understudy for a wedding.

The second option - a twisted rose - is very similar to the first. They have the same manufacturing principle, but the tape needs to be folded a little differently.

The longer the piece of tape, the more magnificent the flower will turn out. Experiment with different colors, and you will definitely get the most unusual decoration.

Video instruction:

Rose from individual petals

For its manufacture, you need a tape five centimeters wide and at least one and a half meters long. The more petals, the more magnificent the flower. We will tell you step by step how to make a rose.

Solid ribbon aster

The easiest flower to make.

Kanzashi flower from ribbons

Kanzashi is the ancient Japanese art of making jewelry from cloth. Today, this technique has been successfully mastered by craftswomen around the world. The old recipes have been supplemented, and we can only successfully use the ready-made instructions. We will describe one of them below. It will be a flower of sharp petals.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Satin ribbons in orange and white:

Orange ribbon 5 cm wide - 1 m.

White ribbon 5 cm wide - 80 cm.

Orange ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 30 cm;

  • Bead to decorate the middle;
  • Cardboard mugs with a diameter of 3.5 cm and 2.5 cm;
  • Adhesive on fabric: hot glue or instant crystal;
  • Candle or lighter;
  • Barrette.


organza flower

From a piece of organza or nylon tape easy to make a big lush flower. Use it as a bow on a hairpin or decoration on a hoop. The decoration will suit both little girls and brides for their own wedding. Step by step description:
