What do mulattoes look like? Creoles are descendants of mixed marriages

"Mestizos are beautiful people!" This statement has long been settled in modern culture. You won’t surprise anyone with them, and many current stars openly talk about the blood of which peoples gave such a beautiful one as theirs. But it was not always so.

In order to understand who are what nationality can be considered as such, you need to introduce the concept of race. So, This is a set of gene pools of people collected according to certain biological characteristics and in common. There are three of them - Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. IN pure form they were previously distributed across the continents - Africa was inhabited by Europe - Caucasians, Asia and the American continent - the Mongoloid race. However, population migrations and general globalization gradually led to the fact that the races began to mix with each other. This is how mestizos turned out - people in whose blood the genes of several races are mixed.

Initially, in many cultures, mestizos were persona non grata. Until the 20th century, there was social inequality between races, including mestizos. In general, initially this term denoted only one variation of the Metis - people of just this type, the descendants of Europeans and the indigenous inhabitants of America, the Indians. That is, a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. Representatives of the mixed type of Negroids and Caucasians were previously called mulattoes, and the descendants of the Mongoloid and Negroid races were called sambo. On this moment all these variants are called by one term.

Previously, it was believed that mestizos are people resulting from all kinds of mutations. It was assumed that marriages between representatives of different races are not capable of producing healthy offspring, and that among such children there is a high percentage of mutants, inferior or suffering from certain diseases of people. In fact, studies by ethnographers, geneticists, sociologists have put everything in its place. With the exception of purely external factors, mestizos do not differ from representatives of purebred races in anything else. Moreover, due to the fact that the migration of peoples has become the norm not only within the continent, but throughout the planet for several hundred years, it is not necessary to talk about the purity of races at all. All current people are in some generation of mestizos.

If we talk about prevalence, then mestizos are entire nations. The same Arabs, Lebanese, Algerians, representatives of most of the nationalities of Central and South America they are also.

Well, what to say about the beauty of mestizos? First of all, it is due to unusual combinations of facial features, figure, skin color, eyes, hair in representatives of mixed marriages. For example, blue-eyed people with dark skin look more unusual, and often - more beautiful than ordinary Europeans or African Americans. The same goes for the beauty of Hispanic women - a combination fair skin and negroid curly hair and dark eyes cannot fail to attract attention. Well, in order to clearly see how mestizos stand out, people whose photos flash on the pages of glossy magazines, look at these pictures. Take a look at photos of Shakira, Beyoncé, Salma Hayek, Vanessa May and other celebrities. All of them are descendants of mixed marriages and have a very expressive appearance.

Mestizos are descendants of interracial marriages. Mestizos are present in almost all countries of the Western Hemisphere, including in the world of stars.

Day.Az offers a selection of mestizo celebrities.

Adriana Lima: The beauty owes her beautiful appearance to French, Portuguese and Caribbean ancestors.

Milla Jovovich was born on December 17, 1975 in Kyiv. Father - Bogdan Jovovich, a doctor, a Serb by nationality, originally from Montenegro; mother - Galina Loginova, Russian.

Angelina Jolie acquired the blood of several peoples - Czech, English (by father), French-Canadian (Iroquois) and Greek (by mother).

Nicole Scherzinger, place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii, June 29, 1978. Nationality: Hawaiian, Russian, Filipino.

Megan Denise Fox She was born on May 16, 1986 in the US state of Tennessee. Her ancestry includes Irish, French and Native American roots.

Shakira. An Arab-Lebanese father and a Colombian mother with Spanish and Italian blood gave her a name that means “grateful” in Arabic, and “goddess of light” in Hindi.

beyoncé. Knowles' father is African American, and his mother is Creole (there were African Americans, Native Americans and French in the family) by origin. Knowles was named after her mother's maiden name.

Salma Hayek She was born in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. She is the daughter of Diana Jiménez Medina, a Spanish-born opera singer, and Sami Hayek Dominguez, a Lebanese.

Charlize Theron.On the maternal side, the actress has German, and on the paternal side - French and Dutch roots.

Cameron Diaz. The parents are of mixed blood, mother is half German, half English and father is Cuban born in the USA. It also has Indian roots.

Kate Beckinsale Born in London in the family of theater and television actress Judy Lo and famous television actor Richard Beckinsale. Great-grandfather Beckinsale was a native of Burma.

Mariah Carey. She is the third and most youngest child Patricia Hickey, an Irish-born former opera singer, and Alfred Roy Carey, an Afro-Venezuelan aeronautical engineer.

Jessica Alba was born on April 28, 1981 to Katherine (née Jensen) and Mark Alba. Jessica's mother has Danish and French Canadian roots, and her father is Mexican American.

Natalie Portman was born on June 9, 1981 in Jerusalem. The maternal ancestors of the actress are Jews from Russia and Austria, and on the paternal side - from Romania and Poland.

Christina Maria Aguilera. Christina's mother, Shelley, is Irish by nationality and is a professional violinist and pianist. Her father is a native of Ecuador.

Almost everyone knows what races are in the world: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. But creoles, mestizos, mulattos - these names of people belonging to mixed interracial offspring often cause confusion among a simple layman. Not everyone can accurately and immediately say who is who, especially since there are ambiguous interpretations in scientific interpretations. In this article, we will try to answer this rather complex issue and finally figure out who is who.


Initially, the Creoles are the descendants of the colonizers of the territories of America, North and South. The Portuguese, Spaniards, less often the French intermarried with the local Indian population. Creoles are children from these marriages, as well as all their subsequent offspring. In different historical times, the Creole population of the continents had a great influence on various events, including in terms of gaining independence from the colonists.

In Brazil

In this country, Creoles are the descendants of black slaves and the local population. With the advent of blacks on the American continent (they were brought here by Europeans), the marriages of Indians with slaves became not uncommon. By the way, the recent leader of Venezuela, Chavez, also had a similar Afro-Indian origin. Another such offspring is called the word "sambo".

in Alaska

Here Creoles are the name of the descendants from the mixed bonds of Russians and representatives of the peoples of the north: Aleuts, Eskimos, and also Indians. As a kind of name - Sakhalyars. These are the descendants of Russians and Yakuts. So the son of the famous Russian pioneer Semyon Dezhnev, Lyubim Dezhnev, was a born Sakhalyar (or Creole in the general sense), since his father was married to the Yakut woman Abyakayada.

Mulattos and Creoles

But a child born from a mixed marriage of representatives of the Negroid is called a mulatto. Metis, creole and mulatto are quite different appearance, so it's hard to confuse. For example, the current American president is a mulatto, as he was born from the marriage of a Kenyan and a white-skinned American woman. Often mulattoes are called those whose blood is divided in half. The origin of the word has two versions: Arabic and Spanish. So in Spain they called it (for example, a cross between a donkey and a mare).

In turn, those with 1/4 Negro blood were called quarterons, 1/8 - octorons. One of the most famous quadroons is Alexandre Dumas.


But the concept of mestizo, apparently, is the most general. In modern society, the so-called descendants from any mixed marriages (including mulattos and creoles). The word itself comes from the French root of words and goes back to the Latin root. But in some countries and areas, there are still more local definitions of the term. In America, for example, mestizos are descendants of Caucasians and Indians. In Asia, this is the name of the descendants of the Mongoloids and Europeans. In Brazil - the children of the Portuguese and Tupi Indians (Mamelukos).


This is how the descendants of three Caucasoid, Americanoid (in North and South America) are called in America at once. The origin of the term is from the French word "mixture" ("melange"). At the moment, there are more than 200 melange cultural groups.

- (from late Latin mixticius mixed) 1) in anthropology, offspring from mixed marriages of representatives of different races. Mestizos make up a large percentage of the population in the countries of America, Africa, Asia and Australia. 2) Offspring from marriages of representatives ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

METIS- (colored) (self-name tiganiya, igembe, nameti, miutini, mvimbi, mutambi) people with a total number of 3350 thousand people. The main countries of resettlement: Republic of South Africa 3200 thousand people. Other settlement countries: Angola 60 thousand people, Namibia 45 ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

METIS- (French metis, from late Latin mixticius mixed), in anthropology, offspring from mixed marriages of representatives of different races. In a narrow sense, offspring from marriages of representatives of the Caucasian race with Indians ... Modern Encyclopedia

METIS- (fr. metis, from lat. mixtus mixed). Same as mestizos. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Metis- people of mixed blood, children of whites and Indians or white inegros. According to the definition of Catrphage, the entire Polynesian race is not only a mixed, but even a mestizo race. Animals descended from a mixture of homogeneous animals, but of a different tribe, are called ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

METIS- METIS, individuals or groups of individuals descended from crossbreeding b. or m. distant rocks. Depending on the degree of proximity of the ancestral forms, the type of M. varies greatly, changing from incorrectly formed, short-lived to well ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

mestizos- (French, singular h. métis, from late Latin mixticius mixed), 1) in anthropology, offspring from mixed marriages of representatives of different races. Mestizos make up a large percentage of the population in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia. 2) Offspring from ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Metis- (French, singular métis, from late Latin misticius mixed, from Latin misceo I mix) descendants from interracial marriages. In anthropological terms, M. usually occupy an intermediate position between the mixing races. In America M... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Metis- people of mixed blood, children of whites and Indians or whites and blacks. According to the definition of Catrphage, the entire Polynesian race is not only a mixed, but even a mestizo race. Animals descended from a mixture of homogeneous animals, but of a different tribe, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

METIS- (from French métis mixed) offspring from marriages of persons belonging to different races. In America, M. is usually called. descendants from marriages of whites and Indians. In many countries, Lat. America (Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc.) M. make up the main. Part… … Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • Peoples of the World a, Ferrera M. different languages living in modern cities and in the steppes, settled and nomads, the rich ... Buy for 3022 rubles
  • Peoples of the World, Mirella Ferrera, Jean Giuseppe Filippi, Marco Quereza. From the publisher: White and black, red and yellow, mestizo and mulatto, professing different religions and speaking different languages, living in modern cities and steppes, settled and ...

Quite often in Everyday life we meet with such a concept as "mestizo", which comes from the French word misticius, that is, "mixed".

Metis is a child born in an interethnic marriage, which implies not only a mixture of representatives of different races, but also a very contradictory interest on the part of a society in which a lot of opinions and statements are "boiling". What is the phenomenon of mestizos?

How did mestizos appear?
For reference: there are three races: the Negroid, who inhabited Africa, the Mongoloid - America and Asia, and the Caucasoid - inhabited in Europe. So, historically, the process of mixing races ("crossbreeding") arose due to the slave trade, as well as the migration of people from one continent and country to another.

To date, any mixed type appearances are called mestizos, whose parents are representatives of different nationalities and peoples, as well as making up the majority of the population in the countries of South America, Central Asia and the Western Hemisphere.

Is mixing blood a plus for intelligence?

Previously, it was assumed that mixing blood would not lead to anything good because of the high probability of all kinds of dangerous mutations in which a child could be born handicapped and with a number of diseases. After a long study, scientists came to the conclusion that such fears are in vain, because nothing but pronounced external indicators, these people do not differ from ordinary purebred races.

Formula for success

Moreover, time has shown mestizos are more enduring and physically strong. They achieve great success in radically different areas of activity, thanks to their innate qualities and external data that nature has endowed them with.

And at the genetic level, this leads to healthier and stronger offspring, as a result of which talented and even brilliant children are born. The more diverse traits are combined in a child, the higher the chance that the strongest, best (dominant) traits will prevail over the weak (recessive), endowing the child with great potential.

Word portrait

What is so special about these people, who attract our eyes with their unusual appearance? Without a doubt, this is their pronounced extraordinary appearance, thanks to which they are always and everywhere visible. As a result of the “mixing of blood”, children of extraordinary beauty are born, who stand out from the background of other people with their individual features: expressive facial features, almond-shaped, blue eyes, plump lips, dark color skin and gorgeous, thick, dark hair.

Shakira and company

Such an appearance definitely has its own certain charm, which is not inherent in everyone, therefore mestizos are considered to be among the most beautiful strata of the world population, and you will not surprise anyone with this statement. After all, among them there are so many famous and influential, creatively gifted, athletic and unusually smart, successful people: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Gaston Gerville-Reache, Kalib Starnes, Barack Obama and others.

On this video you can see how people reacted to the news, what nationality they belong to:
