Dark skin on the elbows causes how to fight. Rough elbows: causes and treatment

If a person finds rough and dark elbows in himself, then such a symptom indicates dysfunction of the internal organs.

If a man, woman or child there was a violation of the metabolic process, then the thickened and dry layer of the epidermis gradually grows, and also increases in volume.

Its upper layer becomes dry, sore, itchy, may crack and peel off. This condition is called keratosis.

Causes What do we have to do?
hereditary factor With a genetic predisposition to excessive dryness of the skin, it is necessary to regularly moisturize it with a nourishing or oily cream.

Brown spots appear in adults and children. Treatment in this case is not effective

Impact of aggressive environment It is important to limit contact with chemicals, soap solutions, which can cause red spots.
Avitaminosis It is necessary to add citrus fruits, apples, sauerkraut, parsley, garlic to the diet. You need to see a doctor who will tell you why black spots appeared on the body
Fungal infection of the skin It is advisable to use topical antifungal drugs. They are applied to rough skin on the elbows (cream, lotion, healing powder)
Diabetes The roughness of the elbows occurs due to the disrupted work of the sebaceous glands. It is important to moisturize your skin regularly nourishing cream and take medications prescribed by a doctor for diabetes
Cesari syndrome Advanced form of granuloma mushroom. The skin acquires a red tint, itching and spots appear. To alleviate the condition, photodynamic, radiation, chemical therapy is prescribed.
insufficient care It is necessary to provide nutrition and hydration not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the elbows, regardless of the season. Unpleasant symptoms can also appear on the knees.
Disrupted work of the endocrine system In addition to roughness of the elbows, patients experience increased sweating, fatigue, and drowsiness.

It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, and enrich the diet with vitamins and foods high in iron.

How and how to treat rough elbows?

Before starting treatment, it is important to diagnose the cause of the roughness on the left hand:

  • Need to consult at the dermatologist and endocrinologist (delivery of laboratory tests).
  • Blood analysis and careful examination of the skin.
  • Confirmation or refutation of the progression of eczema, psoriasis.
  • Examination cosmetic products for the expiration date.

After finding the cause it is important to start solving the problem immediately. First you need to purchase products that exfoliate the skin well.

They are combined with the use of moisturizing and softening preparations. The most effective is salicylic ointment. You can apply nourishing creams to the skin.

These funds help with insufficient care for the elbows and the epidermis, if a rough spot appears and the skin begins to dry.

You must first consult with a therapist who will study the indications and possible contraindications.

More often, patients are prescribed vitamins A and E (for example, Aevit). They need to drink the whole course. The daily diet is enriched with fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs.

In case of violation of the endocrine system, drugs are prescribed. The skin is additionally moisturized with an ointment or cream. They need to be applied several times during the day until a complete remission or recovery occurs.

If the water-fat balance is disturbed in the body, then the epidermis quickly loses the necessary moisture, the skin becomes rough and bumpy.

In such a situation, it is important to limit the use of soap and other harsh products. It is replaced with a special foam, which contains oils.

Why is the skin on the elbows dry and flaky?

Often people are faced with the fact that the skin on the elbows peels off, cracks and dries.

There are several important reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Dermatitis. It is chronic, so patients experience intense keratinization of the surface layer of the epidermis.

    The main signs of the disease: excessive itching, swelling, burning sensation.

  2. Allergic reaction for a cosmetic.
  3. Psoriasis. It progresses with strong feelings, disruption of the endocrine system. The skin begins to peel off, redness, excessive itching appear. Dryness appears in different parts of the body.
  4. Hormonal dysfunction. The problem arises with the intensive production of hormones.

Note! Dryness, rashes and cracks on the elbows are not always the result of a serious illness.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon can occur with severe dehydration, constant stress, overwork, swimming in salt water or chlorinated water.

Another unfavorable factors are poor ecology and wearing tight clothes made of coarse fabric.

Causes of goose bumps above the elbow

Under goose bumps imply the appearance of small white bumps that occur not only above the elbow, but also on the shoulders, hips and under the lower eyelid. This effect is temporary.

Most probable causes - strong emotions during sexual arousal, listening to beautiful music or a feeling of complete satisfaction.

There are situations when the seal in the hair follicles is permanent.

The following factors can be identified that lead to this phenomenon:

  1. emotional stress, feeling of cold. This is the pilomotor reflex, which is controlled by the spinal cord.

    In humans, autonomic peripheral nerve endings are excited, which are responsible for the correct contraction of the muscles in the hair follicles.

  2. Lack of vitamins.
  3. Inadequate nutrition.
  4. Insufficient level of personal hygiene. The upper layer of the epidermis contains keratin.

    If a person monitors the cleanliness of his body, then he regularly peels off. Otherwise, the hair follicle becomes clogged, so the goosebumps appear.

  5. hereditary predisposition. Special treatments help reduce visual imperfections on the skin.

Important! Another effective remedy– vacuum massage.

You do not need to immediately resort to treatment with drugs and medicines to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

It is important to correctly determine the cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows and, if necessary, consult a doctor. Only he will tell you how to treat the disease and how to eliminate the cause.

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Many women sooner or later face the problem of dry skin on the body. Appearance deteriorates if the elbows are rough and dark, the causes, treatment are interconnected. Rough skin especially visible in summer, when women wear clothes with short sleeve. Dark elbows are significantly different from the main shade of the skin on the hands.

Causes of dry and dark elbows on the hands

Such skin defects are often acquired with age. All women and girls who take care of themselves should always remember this delicate area of ​​the body and give it due attention. In this case, the elbows will always be soft and tender.

The skin on the elbows becomes dry for completely different reasons.

  • Often, especially in women after 30 years, this cause is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • People who work at the table are prone to mechanical damage to the ulnar tissue. In this case, you should carefully consider your workplace.
  • Daily a large number of water procedures does not make our skin and body cleaner, but rather exacerbates problems with the elbows, because unfiltered water is hard, and even with chlorine. Weather conditions, change of seasons, unstable air temperature can also play a cruel joke on our skin.

Often, dryness can be caused by medical conditions. Especially if a person has dark black elbows. Among the medical diseases that can provoke peeling and pigmentation of the epidermis, there are:

  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • dermatitis.

Causes of a medical nature should be identified only with the participation of the attending physician. It is impossible to independently find out the diagnosis of why the elbows are dry, dark and rough.

Treatment of dark and rough elbows in women

Taking care of your elbows is not difficult. Not too often, but regularly it is necessary to do a scrub. You can buy it in the store or cook it at home. If your skin in this area is soft enough, then you can use a facial scrub.

  • The skin on the elbows must be nourished and moisturized. In this case, creams and serums with vitamins will come to your aid.
  • If a woman after 30-40 years old suffers from dry skin on her elbows, then you can drink a course of vitamins. It is recommended to increase the amount of fruits, vegetables and foods with vitamins (A, B, E) in the diet.

But the problem needs to be solved not only cosmetics, but also delve into its problem. At the very beginning of the article, several factors were given why the elbows are rough and dark, causes, treatment. You should immediately reconsider your lifestyle, make a choice in favor of proper nutrition, sports and daily care.

If the irritating factor is mechanical damage to the skin from sedentary work at the table, then it is necessary to control the position of the hands. Several times a day, you can make nourishing masks.

Doctors often associate dry skin with a lack of fluid in the body. Therefore, you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day to maintain optimal balance.

There are diseases that are difficult to attribute to diseases. These are, rather, just symptoms that indicate that the body is not all right. And one of these symptoms are black and dry elbows.

Of course, the problem of black elbows can be dealt with quite simply - smear them with a moisturizer more often. But there are situations where this does not help. Yes, and to understand the reason for the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon would also not be superfluous.

The first suspicion should fall on hypothyroidism, that is, a lack of thyroid hormones in the body. In order to accurately confirm or refute the diagnosis, you need to visit an endocrinologist and donate blood for the appropriate hormones.

If a doctor's visit laboratory research hormones showed that everything is normal, then the body most likely lacks such important vitamins as A and E. If there are no deviations from the norm here, then only one thing remains - improper care of the elbows.

Although there is another disease that appears if you do not follow some rules. This disease is called hyperkeratosis of the elbows, that is, the skin in places of strong friction begins to noticeably thicken.

This can occur with constant pressure on the elbow area, such as when sitting at a table. In this case, the elbows constantly rest against the table top. And if the cause is just hyperkeratosis, then baths will help cure this disease.

First you need to steam your elbows in hot water. Add soda or iodized salt to this water - 1 teaspoon per glass of water. Elbows should be kept in this water for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to wait until they dry slightly, but not the bottom, and then begin to massage them very actively. Then you need to attach a small slice of lemon to the elbow, wrap it with cling film and wrap it, for example, with a scarf. Lemon should be kept for about 15 minutes. Then rinse the skin with cool water and grease with a thick layer of oily cream. It is best to use a cream that contains shea butter.

There are a few folk recipes that will help get rid of dry and black elbows. The simplest of them is an olive oil compress. Moisten a small napkin with plenty of oil, attach to the elbow and wrap with cling film. The compress must be kept for an hour.

You can make a mask for the elbows from mashed potatoes, olive oil and honey. After mixing all the ingredients, the resulting mixture should be applied to the elbow area, wrapped with cling film and kept for 30 minutes. Then the mask must be removed, the elbows rinsed and smeared with baby cream.

Women's hands should always be well-groomed and beautiful. And this applies not only to the hands, but also to the hands as a whole. I propose to talk about why women sometimes have dark skin on their elbows. Could this be indicative of any disease? Yes, such a change may be due to a malfunction of the adrenal glands or the thyroid gland, or it may indicate a lack of vitamins A and E. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor and take all the necessary tests. If they showed that everything is fine with your body, then the dark dry skin on the elbows appeared for a different reason. More precisely, due to bad habits, for example, you constantly lean on the table. It can also be due to constant exposure to the sun or a reaction to clothing.

What can we do to make the skin on the elbows again become light and soft? Nutrition and hydration will help get rid of dryness. Prepare a light scrub, which includes: sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. and 1 tbsp. l. salt.

For many, the problem - dark skin on the elbows - is solved by purchasing another product in the store, which, unfortunately, does not give the desired effect. Often, it is much more effective to help cope with such a problem. folk remedies. Lemon is your best bet for whitening. You need to take a lemon big size, cut it in half and cut off a little at the edges so that it can stand on the table. Next, insert your elbows into the lemon and sit like this for about 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, without washing off the juice, immediately apply a cream of high fat content. You can use this lemon a few more times. We offer another recipe to make the dark skin on the elbows white and soft. We need to mix one to one and almond oil. Take a napkin and apply this mixture on it, and then tie it to your elbow. It is best to leave this compress overnight.

To make the skin on the elbows soft, you can do special baths. For example, we offer such a recipe. Take 2 tsp. starch and mix it with one glass of warm water. Divide the liquid into two bowls and lower your elbows there for 15 minutes.

Do not forget about peeling, which will help get rid of old skin, which also darkened. Use a pumice stone or special scrubs. For example, mix lemon juice and soda, the consistency should be like a paste. It should be applied to the elbows, massaged and left for about 20 minutes.

Most often, our elbows, like other skin, suffer in the winter. I propose to consider a list of specific procedures, thanks to which the dark skin on the elbows will become soft again:

After 10 days you will see a significant improvement, but do not stop. Try to take care of your elbows year-round. I think we helped you understand the question of why there is dark skin on the elbows and how to restore its whiteness to it.

Angela Panina | July 27, 2015 | 9742

Angela Panina 27.07.2015 9742

Darkened skin on the elbows is not always associated with a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. This deficiency can be a sign of a serious disease that should be treated by a specialist. What ailments are indicated by “dirt” on the elbows, which is not washed off?

Darkened skin on the elbows can be a purely cosmetic defect that appears as a result of constant rubbing of the skin on clothing or hard surfaces (for example, a table). Also, non-compliance with the basic rules of skin care can lead to roughening of the skin of this part of the body.

However, if the skin has darkened for no apparent reason, it is better to seek advice from an endocrinologist and a dermatologist. After all, the so-called dirty elbows can be a sign of many diseases.


The appearance of dark spots on the elbows, dry skin can be associated with a lack of vitamins in the body, primarily A, E and C.

Feeling constantly tired is a sign of beriberi

Vitamin deficiency is usually diagnosed in early spring.

However, with a meager or monotonous diet, this pathological condition can also be observed in the warm season.

If the “dirty” skin on the elbows arose due to beriberi, in order to solve the problem, it will be enough to meet 3 conditions:

  • take a course of vitamin therapy,
  • adjust the diet so that it is based on foods rich in vitamins A (liver, yolk, dried apricots, carrots, sweet peppers), E (vegetable oil, sea fish, eggs) and C (parsley, dill, citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants and etc.),
  • properly care for the skin of the elbows.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

Changes in the intestinal microflora can lead to problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which usually make themselves felt with all sorts of skin rashes and peeling.

The main reasons for the development of dysbacteriosis are taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, stress, and following strict diets. In this regard, it is better to abandon self-medication and strict diets. It is also very important to learn how to control negative emotions.


Changes in the structure and color of the skin on the elbows can be a sign of the development of psoriasis. With this non-infectious dermatological disease, the skin usually suffers in the area of ​​​​large joints, which are constantly bent / unbent: elbows, knees.

Psoriasis causes a lot of inconvenience to patients

During the examination, it will not be difficult for a dermatologist to diagnose the disease and choose the right treatment. However, one should not hope for a complete recovery: at this stage of development, medicine can only reduce the symptoms.


Blackened skin on the elbows and knees can also be a sign of diabetes. With this ailment, skin cells do not receive sufficient nutrition. As a result, the skin becomes thinner, brittle and susceptible to mechanical stress.

Disruptions in the endocrine system

During hormonal changes (transitional age, pregnancy, menopause) in the female body, malfunctions in the thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders may occur.

Skin care is essential at any age.

Stress, constant psychological overload also affect the hormonal background in the most negative way.

Hormonal changes are usually reflected in the skin.

That is why pigmentation, thickening of the skin, as well as hair loss are the reason for contacting an endocrinologist.

Thus, if the change in the color of the elbows is not associated with mechanical damage to the skin, it is worth paying close attention to this cosmetic defect.

It is better to take the time to undergo an examination of the whole body than to treat an advanced form of the disease several months later.

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