Karmic connections. How to recognize the karmic relationship between a man and a woman? What does a karmic woman mean for a man

It is known that chance often rules in life. Some meetings we easily forget, others remain in our memory for life. Very often, people who are married or engaged begin to ask themselves questions: “Did I choose the right person? Is he really my other half, are we suitable? You can clarify them in various ways, for example, by comparing the signs of the Zodiac. It is also possible to calculate karmic relationships by the dates of birth of partners. But for this you need to know what karma is, and how exactly it manifests itself in life.

How does karma affect destiny

Usually karma is called innate, the key points that each individual needs to go through. They can appear at any age of a person, often changing his fate almost completely. Events, acquaintances with people, marriage by mutual attraction can become such key moments. Tarot cards usually indicate this: it is very difficult to get around such obstacles and overcome them. For example, dismissal, change of place of activity, marriage, love or even prison. The cards also indicate what to avoid and what year will be dangerous and difficult for you. Therefore, you can find out what a person’s karma and the main key points are with the help of ordinary fortune-telling, if only it is done competently and professionally.

You can also determine karma by date of birth. When establishing spiritual connections, intuition plays a huge role. Usually the heart itself tells you whether it is your partner or not, falling in love, love, and even addiction and affection do not just happen. The same can be said when one person is married, and another is in the heart, therefore, not trusting your intuition, you should not rush to get married and get married. Even if there is no one in mind, wait - your person will definitely appear. Well, if you want to understand your karmic connections with a partner or feel the spiritual field of a person who is close to you, it’s not a sin to make a numerological calculation by dates of birth.

1 - the union can be based on great love, passion and the ability to win hearts. You will achieve a lot thanks to your virtuosity in solving any business or simply the ability to live beautifully and effectively present yourself in society. However, internal connections can be superficial, so the marriage may not last long - there is a danger of quickly getting bored with each other. It is possible that you are producing a magical effect on a partner or he is on you.

2 - your karmic connections go deep from the past. The union can turn out to be mysterious and romantic. However, relationships can deteriorate due to excessive wandering in the clouds, as one of the partners, and both.

3 Relationships are more influenced by women than by men. It is possible that it is for him that the connection will play a karmic role, and the woman will bring just another entertainment or a convenient option for life. A strong, lasting alliance based on mutual respect between partners is also possible.

4 - this karmic connection has to do with a man, not a woman. It is possible that in her family in the male line there is a connection with your partner. The union will be strong, although much here depends more on the man than on the woman.

5 - the highest wisdom. These relationships will be based on understanding, a very strong karmic connection on a spiritual level, which will not appear immediately.

6 - a situation of constant choice, disagreement. Most likely, the union will not be strong, since each of the partners is in constant search, including sensual pleasures, even on subconscious level.

7 - a strong connection at the level of life. People will be able to go through many life trials for the sake of their happiness. Mutual victory, happiness achieved by labor.

8 Relationships can become formal, based on calculation, not love. Between these people there is a connection of necessity, feelings do not prevail. However, for those who are tuned in to a calm and permanent relationship, such a relationship can promise great joy and a calm, measured life.

9 – a good karmic union, often to a ripe old age, strong relationships on a spiritual level, even if they do not appear immediately.

10 – people are destined to be together or spin in the eternal search for each other. The situation can last quite a long time, it is desirable to get out of such a circle if the relationship does not initially develop. There is a danger that they will last throughout life, not giving satisfaction and happiness.

11 – the karmic connection in this union is very weak. Most likely, partners in this situation simply show off in front of each other, play a role well, but they will not be able to find sincerity and true happiness until the end of their days.

12 – no, partners may be karmically too different to live together. Most likely, for one of them, the relationship can even become destructive. Reasonable sacrifice will help to overcome the negative, not to the detriment of yourself and another partner.

13 – a karmically empty union, although a strong change is possible through it.

14 – calm karmic relationships that have power. It is possible that it will affect the generation of children more than adults, contributing to their development.

15 – in this union a certain danger, deceit, temptation is hidden. It is possible that for both or one of the partners it will be disastrous. Communication goes through destruction.

16 – negative karma. There is a danger of destruction not of the soul, but material well-being, poverty, or a radical change will occur in fate due to these relationships, which you are not immediately aware of.

17 – bright and lasting union. Positive karma that allows you to live peacefully and happily. Perhaps the preservation of kindness, a childish view of the world in a positive sense until old age, a good relationship with subsequent children and grandchildren, relatives.

18 – relationships between partners are built on a deep, unconscious subconscious desire, the attraction of the shadow side of the personality, which is not fully understood. Most likely, the lovers themselves do not realize why they are drawn to each other. The union can change the life of every person and reveal the secret essence.

19 – there is a karmic attraction. The union reveals the positive aspects, is based on light energy.

20 – karmic connection along the material line. It is possible that the union will force the partners to reconsider their material values ​​and begin to achieve goals that were once postponed.

21 – there is a karmic connection that is associated with a child or children.

22 – an empty union in a karmic sense, nullification, falling in love on a physical level, leading to disappointment. Also, relationships can leave behind a feeling of emptiness,.

Of course, this is not the only way to find out karmic relationships by the dates of birth of partners, but it is based on a numerological interpretation of the Tarot arcana, and they provide the most accurate information, like cards. Therefore, this calculation allows you to understand the karmic essence of the union and its role in your life.

Karmic relationships begin with a strong attraction, which seems to be created by fate itself. Their purpose is to radically change lives.

The concept of karma is that in the process of life we ​​receive a unique lesson for the mistakes made in the past. The meaning of this lesson is to change your attitude to life, to embark on the path of your destiny. Each action entails consequences, and it is necessary to understand that the karmic connection as a result helps us to grow spiritually. There are several signs by which readers of the site will be able to find out if they have karmic ties with a man.

What is a karmic relationship

A karmic connection is a relationship that usually brings people a whole bunch of problems. No one is immune from this kind of love. Moreover, everyone at least once, but will experience such feelings. Everyone, without exception, is under the influence of love from a past life. Parapsychologists say that this is due to past incarnations. For example, in a past incarnation, a woman and a man were lovers. According to the laws of karma, they did not fully understand their fate and must go through the scenario again in a different role.

Karmic relationships are very similar to a roller coaster, they can be calculated by the turbulent feelings that capture. In this connection, people cannot control themselves. The novel begins with an unearthly attraction, but scandals, reproaches, accusations gradually appear. Partners are waiting for a lesson, a test that is important to pass in order to build harmonious relationships. Or find the strength in yourself and break the knot. If one of the partners is not ready to move to the next level, to grow spiritually, then the karmic connection is dangerous and can end in suffering. The task of both partners is to learn lessons, realize mistakes, become wiser and move to a new level.

Signs of a karmic connection

1. Inexplicable attraction to a stranger. When you meet someone, it feels like you've known each other for 100 years. It is possible that in a past life you could be best friends, spouses, lovers, rivals. In this lifetime, you met to act out a scenario you couldn't handle.

2. The rapid development of relationships. Uncontrolled attraction draws you to each other, you want to be together, to live together. For this reason, karmic relationships are formed very quickly - after a few months, a couple can set a wedding date.

3. Uncontrollable emotions. Partners embrace all feelings at once - jealousy, passion, love. A meeting with a karmic partner, not to mention a relationship, causes a powerful emotional outburst. In his presence, it is impossible to control yourself. In quarrels, there is no place for dialogue or compromise, everyone stands on his own.

4. Frequent quarrels. If partners do not understand that they are in a karmic relationship and must pass the test, then it becomes difficult for them to live together. They can diverge and converge again and again.

5. Abuse. In a karmic relationship, one of the partners may become a victim of violence. Such relationships are more like suffering, and all attempts to part in an incredible way bring people together.

6. Age difference. And it does not matter which of the two is older - a man or a woman. But even under the pressure of society, this vicious circle cannot be broken. The fact is that partners hold each other at an energy level.

7. Recurring dreams. The dream scenario is usually the same. Even living together with the hero of dreams does not stop dreams if the relationship is dictated by the laws of karma.

8. Absence of children. For inexplicable reasons, the family does not want to continue in such a relationship. Parapsychologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that this marriage is intended to analyze past mistakes. In karmic relationships, the outcome depends on the actions of partners, and if people behave correctly, then fate will reward them with happiness.

9. Attachment. Any, even the most self-sufficient woman, sags under the pressure of karmic love. She begins to depend on the partner, on his opinion and mood.

10. Lack of freedom. In such relationships there is no awareness, karma simply works in them. The way out of the situation: try to see in each other a man and a woman.

If you find yourself in more than five of these signs, you are in karmic dependence on another person. And until you work off your karma, correct your mistakes and pass the lesson, the relationship will not let you go. take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

Everyone has heard the meaning of the word “ancestral karma”, but knows little what it is? The definition of karma comes from ancient Indian philosophy. The law of effects and causes, according to the rules of which all good deeds and sinful deeds of a person determine his future fate. The characteristics of these life deeds test a person for suffering and pleasure. One can treat this with a great deal of skepticism, others generally live, going with the flow, and some try to figure out the reasons and change their fate.

Causal relationships;
- "the law of the boomerang";
- revenge and punishment for past sins;
- fatal fate (or lot)

People who study numerology know that a person's karma, the path of fate can be calculated using ordinary numbers by date of birth and understand what is written in the family.

Karmic connection - what is it?

This is the name of the relationship of people who were familiar in past incarnations. We do not think that often random meetings are natural, they are a consequence of past actions.

Examples of such relationships: misunderstanding between parents and children, quarrels between relatives, betrayal of friends, problems with bosses or work colleagues. The karmic connection that exists between a woman and a man is of the greatest interest.

This is not only a relationship between two people who have already met before. These are partners who have unresolved common problems, debts or unfulfilled obligations from the past. Perhaps they failed to forgive each other, or did not find a way out of a difficult situation.

Regardless of gender, they may be inexplicably "pulled" to each other, or, conversely, they may experience hatred or hostility for no reason, on a subconscious level. Sometimes you get the feeling that it was already familiar: the place, the events, and even the person himself. Meeting with such people, we have a chance to pay off old debts, resolve situations, forgive, i.e., return “karmic debts” according to the old account

An example of a karmic connection

Karmic relationships have a number of signs by which they are recognized. The main signs of a karmic connection can be strong emotional states: fear in the presence of a certain person, unforgiven resentment, uncontrollable anger, strong dependence on another person, jealousy.

And in this life, a man and a woman (partners, spouses) re-experience the same emotional states with the old relationship scenario. Karma manifests itself in the fact that already in a new relationship one should behave differently, taking into account “mistakes”. Realize and learn forgiveness, mercy, humility, sometimes increase your self-esteem, temper your will, etc. Finally, act differently, change yourself and relationships.

What is karmic love

There are many examples. The husband was incredibly jealous in the last incarnation, reproached his wife, brought her suffering. The wife ran away, and the husband, in a state of despair, committed suicide. The woman lived with a huge sense of guilt until the end of her days. In the modern world, they meet again, and the situation repeats itself. The husband constantly lives in fear that his wife will leave him. What is the lesson of this relationship? A man must learn trust, forgiveness. If a woman wants to leave again, then no offense, let her go.

Another example of karmic love. Another indicator of karma is the swiftness of the relationship. Partners can even unknowingly marry, striking all relatives with hasty actions. One of them may have a profession with frequent business trips. Later, the person seems to wake up, after a year, complete disappointment from the object of adoration. A person cannot explain the reasons why this happened. Then a prolonged depression can begin, from which it is difficult to get out. Friendship and family ties are also lost temporarily or forever.

Unrequited love. People sometimes suffer for years, they cannot live either together or at a distance. Monogamous people cannot love another, no matter how hard they try, it's like an obsession.

A rare type of relationship when a couple cannot get along together, they part. They suffer again, start dating, get together or get married, again scandals, quarrels. This may take years. The so-called "habit of marrying" is still the same person.

How to recognize a karmic connection

Extreme situations are an indicator of karmic connections: a partner is a drug addict, alcoholic or disabled person. In this version, the spouses obviously changed places. One in the past once humiliated the other, now in his role. A person who betrayed and abandoned a partner in distress, in this life is helpless and abandoned. That is, he experiences the same feelings that he did not want to understand. The early death of one of the spouses also refers to a karmic connection. It’s not enough to realize your actions, you need to feel for yourself and put up with it. This is a huge challenge for everyone.

The fatality of love relationships is a rare sign of karma. For example, 4 marriages, all partners die, which is popularly called a "black widow" (widower). These include the “seal of loneliness”, the “crown of celibacy”, when beautiful and intelligent people with excellent character, regardless of gender, due to inexplicable circumstances cannot marry or get married. Either the groom died, or the bride ended up in the hospital before the wedding ... One sets conditions that the other cannot fulfill. For example, the groom offers to hand over the child of the deceased sister to the orphanage, otherwise he refuses to marry ...

Infertility is also a factor of karma. Partners may be medically healthy but not able to have children. When a couple, through painful years of treatment, fruitless hopes, humble themselves, adopt a child, often at this time the long-awaited baby is born.

Love triangle. Also, partners often look for qualities on the side that are missing in the family. With a tough tyrant husband, the lover is necessarily gentle and calm and vice versa. Two women or two men perfectly complement each other. A wife can be a housewife, an excellent cook, quiet and downtrodden. And the mistress is often a bright, daring young lady with inflated ambitions. It is difficult to break the circle, the charm is precisely in the combination of two characters.

Types of karmic connection and meetings

There are 2 types of karma - healing and destructive.

The destructive karmic connection between a man and a woman in a couple is manifested in rapid attraction and passion. Gradually there are reproaches, conflicts, tears. One or both partners want to end this painful relationship, but endure. The presence of small children is often cited as arguments. Over time, the situation only becomes more complicated, it is better to forgive each other without mutual reproaches and let go forever.

A healing connection is rare when kindred spirits meet. Here, partners think alike, often pronouncing the same phrase at the same time. The feeling that you have known a person all your life, and you see him for the first time. This is the ease of relations, no one tries to change the other by force, they know how to trust and forgive, they are always faithful to each other, support in any situation. Breaking up for an hour hurts.

In any case, karmic relationships make you think about the causes of problems, it involves the spiritual development of the individual in order to pass the lessons. If the same events are repeated, it means that you did not understand something, repeating the same mistake.

Only with awareness of one's own actions, "". So, the meeting was not in vain. Lessons understood, corrected, life will gradually change in better side. That is what karma teaches. This is not rock, but a lesson, an opportunity to correct your mistakes from the past.

In contact with

Have you ever felt a strong, incomprehensible, “irrational” attraction to a stranger? Feeling that you have known him for a long time or that you definitely need to get to know him, get to know him better, hear his voice, be close to him? And acquaintance with this person rapidly develops into something more serious, and now you are completely absorbed in thoughts about this person ... As if something “leads” you and you cannot resist ... At the same time, it’s not so important how joyful you thoughts about him - the main thing is that thoughts only about this person, and all your other affairs have lost their meaning, faded against his background. If this happened to you, then you got into a karmic relationship, you met your karmic partner.

- it looks like a complete burnout, "to the ground." But there may also be slight “tingles” in your sore spots - something that you do not accept in this person, but in the end you are forced to accept. Because that's why you meet him time after time, from life to life. And having met, you have practically no chance not to get involved in these relationships, “not to get involved” in them.

Signs that you are in a karmic connection with another person:

  • to you difficult with this person but you are drawn to it without it you are even worse
  • you understand that this is not your person, but you can't leave because something keeps you near him
  • strong inexplicable "irrational" cravings to this person, think constantly about him
  • there is always some strong emotion(or several emotions) that wake up in you under the influence of this person

In other words, there are strong emotions towards this person, but not always joyful. At the same time, relations do not add up, but you cannot accept this person or let him go in peace on all four sides. Exactly unsolved problem(s) in the past keeps you close to that person.

At the energy level, it looks like ethereal threads stretching from you to him and from him to you, and you can remove them only by removing the cause-and-effect relationships in your relationship. That is, to understand what happened in your joint past, learn from it, accept and thank. Thank him, no matter what.

Why karmic encounters are almost inevitable now

Now karmic meetings occur quite often - almost every person meets at least one karmic partner, and most often several karmic partners, during a lifetime.

Why now? Because now the memory of past lives is being revealed to many, and even spontaneously, you need to use it for your own benefit. Not just looking at your past lives and hanging in them - but at the same time solving some kind of problem of your own.

Karmic knots are connected with the fact that you have already met this person in a past life. That's why he seems so familiar to you. But the past the experience was not passed by you in love and acceptance, with gratitude. You disagreed, you protested against what happened, you experienced strong negative emotions that got stuck in your subtle bodies and you carry them with you from incarnation to incarnation.

Only you yourself can remove the karmic connection with this person

Healers can see the consequences of such relationships as curses, vows, crowns of celibacy and "clean up" with their energy. But the reason is not in energy, but on a higher level, in the mental body, in thoughts. You can do it yourself and the effect will be more reliable. Besides, these thoughts are YOURS.

You can untie the karmic knot through the memory of a past life - a joint incarnation with this person. The life in which there was a karmic connection with this person.

“Karmic” means “causal” - after a certain action (cause) has occurred, a certain effect has appeared. “If…then…” Something happened and you didn't accept it, you protested, you fought against it, and the lesson is often to accept and thank you.

Because there is nothing “bad” or “good”, everything happens for a reason, for some reason and for some reason. It was necessary for something, but you did not understand why, instead you turned on your ego and protested against this experience. As a result, you are still struggling and are forced to go through this experience again and again. At the same time, this person is your the best doctor just for this heartache of yours.

And he knows exactly how to step on your sore corn with the most the best way- so that it is guaranteed to get sick there and you pay attention to it. After all, you are not meeting him for the first time and he has just the opposite emotional “charge”, he suits you in the best way.

Signs of a karmic denouement

When the denouement comes, you feel huge relief not only in the soul, but also in the body, "like a stone fell off my shoulders." And then, when you think about this person, nothing responds inside you, there are no emotions, protests, struggle against him, inside - calm joy and gratitude. And you can communicate with him in the same way as if you were communicating with a complete stranger.

You can now think rationally and you have a choice, nothing "leads" you against your will. The only thing you feel for him is feeling of gratitude. Gratitude, and maybe love, but nothing else.

And if it turns out that apart from the karmic connection, nothing connected you with him, then you no longer need to meet with him further, in the next lives. After all, you accepted what you did not accept before, fell in love with what you could not love. But if there was still love between you, then your relationship can only improve.

When you remove your emotional charge on this person, then you don't react emotionally to it. Therefore, this person leaves your life. Or your relationship is changing and moving to a new level.

You are grateful to him for the lesson and you can communicate with him on a new level. Not reacting as painfully as before.

You are ready to hear him, to perceive his point of view.

Perhaps this will be the impetus for a new stage in your relationship.

Your relationship will change for sure.

What to do with it, how to get out of a karmic relationship

One way out - understand what the lesson is, understand what it teaches you and accept it. And thank you for the lesson and all this experience.

When you have understood the lesson, rooted out the reason that revives this emotional charge (and with it the familiar scenario), then the emotion goes away, the pain goes away, you can control the situation. But as long as the emotion is there, you have no choice, you have to stay close to it. The karmic knot is held in energy and in the subconscious - at the level of your beliefs and conclusions that you made in a past life. Not even one.

Two ways to remove the karmic tie

Method 1 - through the memory of a past life

The easiest way to figure out what kind of joint lesson you have is through viewing a past life - your joint incarnation/incarnations, where it all started.

Method 2 - observing your internal reactions to this person

But if you don't want to remember the past life, then there is another way, slower, but something is better than nothing at all. This method is study your emotions, thoughts and inner state that this person evokes in you when communicating with him or your thoughts about him.

Remember what his words, gestures, behavior you have an emotional reaction. And what is the reaction. What do you not accept in it? What would you like to change in it? How do you take it? What can you thank him for?

Has anything similar happened to you before? Perhaps someone else has already evoked similar emotions in you? What is this event? Think back to your childhood – was there something similar with you as a child? What did you react to?

Key point: how do you learn to accept it. And how to learn to thank this person.

Why is it important to remove the karmic tie

Regardless of which method you choose, you still need to work with emotional attachment. And since you noticed this problem in a relationship, then it is you who can solve it. Think of it as a task that you need to solve and nothing more. Decide for yourself, not for him. To remove your emotional charge in relation to him and no longer meet with him. Or finally feel calm joyful love for this person.

This is solved through work on oneself - one's grievances, claims against a partner. All this needs to be “cleaned up” and in the process you will understand what exactly you were reacting to and what kind of “sore” of yours this partner came to HELP you heal.

The moment you thank him and be grateful to him, there will be a re-awareness and something will change in your relationship - you will let him go in peace on all four sides.

So, in this article, I told you what a karmic relationship is and why you have practically no chance of “not getting involved” in them. I also told you about two ways to get out of this relationship - through remembering past lives and re-awareness of unfinished tasks that are dragging on from past lives. And the second way is through the study of your internal state, your reactions, emotions, thoughts in the process of communicating with this person (in your current life) with the same goal - to understand what he teaches you, what “sore spots” he steps on you and how you react, or what you do as a result. When you understand this, you will have a feeling of gratitude towards him. In any case, one cannot do without internal work on oneself.

If you have a desire to work with your situation through the recollection of past lives, then I will be happy to help you. Read the reviews of my clients whom I have already helped to untie karmic knots. If you are not yet ready to remember the past, then they can give a diagnosis of the situation. And by compatibility, you can find out what programs you work out - both he and you - in your relationship.

When a love relationship is more like a roller coaster, a person willy-nilly begins to think about what are the reasons for these violent feelings. Why can't he control himself in this love affair? Often the answer is that it has its roots in a previous incarnation.


Karmic love is a relationship that often brings a whole bunch of problems to a person. No one is immune from this phenomenon. Both young and old, both men and women are exposed to the influence of love from a past life.

Often people wonder what karmic love means. The explanation of this term is simple: they are relationships that are somehow connected with previous incarnations. For example, in a past life, a man and a woman were husband and wife - or perhaps mother and child. They have not fully worked off their karma and must do so now.

Love at first sight

One of the most common types of karmic relationships is love at first sight. There are many interpretations of the phenomenon when one person falls in love with another without memory, seeing the object of his adoration for the first time in his life. Often this happens even with quite adult, sane people. What happens at the moment when people meet each other's eyes for the first time, and passion flares up between them? Esotericists believe that in the vast majority of cases this phenomenon has the following explanation: these people in a previous incarnation were spouses, lovers, or were in a platonic relationship. When their eyes meet, this energy is activated again - they "recognize each other."

A new love relationship begins. The two discover how similar their tastes and ideas are. If one of the partners or both are also weak-willed people, easily succumbing to emotions, then this connection begins to occupy a dominant position in their lives. Succumbing to a storm of feelings, they destroy old ties, forget about work affairs, and abandon their children.

All this happens because such a meeting seems to people a real sign of fate. Of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But it can have various reasons. It is possible that the couple must complete some process that was not completed in the previous incarnation. Maybe they need to realize some important things. It will not necessarily mean that they will have a happy love affair or family life.

Why are these relationships unsustainable?

Often such meetings take place precisely for karmic reasons. When “recognition” occurs during the first glance, and it seems to people that fate itself “brought them together”, it is necessary to remember one thing. important point. Having a memory of previous incarnations, the soul begins to impose on another person certain expectations, psychological projections that existed in the previous incarnation.

At present, the partner is a completely different person. In some ways, he looks like a lover from a past life, but in many ways - this is a new personality. At the moment, he is the quintessence of previous incarnations. And it contains the features of many, and not one incarnation from a particular life. This person will act completely differently. Her feelings are also different. Even if in the previous incarnation it was love to the grave, the relationship from the past will not necessarily be serious now.

When such a couple begins to equip a joint life, the relationship gradually fades away. Powerful energy is gradually fading away. Past and present realities collide, come into conflict. If people have a certain life wisdom and experience, and the feeling between them is not destructive, but bright, they will find a common language. If desired, they will be able to build harmonious relationships, and become happy.

But most often the opposite happens - people break up. Their karmic debt is not worked off and passes on to the next life.

Signs of a love affair from a past life. Surprise

Whether the current relationship is connected with a past life can be determined without going to fortune-tellers or clairvoyants. One of the main signs of karmic love is surprise. Relationships fall like snow on a person's head. At the same time, a man and a woman may differ in age, social and financial status. Sometimes it happens that people have known each other for many years, but it never occurred to them to start a family. For many years they communicate as friends, but one fine evening the situation changes dramatically.


Relationships are formed very quickly - already within one month after they met, the couple begins to meet. A person is not able to correctly perceive all the information, and only after a year or more begins to realize what really happened to him. Before that, he is in complete control of his emotional reactions, which he cannot explain. No matter how stormy the passion may be, partners do not always want to see each other after “awakening”, not to mention maintaining friendly relations.


After the official marriage, the spouses can change their place of residence, move to another city or country. A distant move, a break in ties with friends and relatives, the beginning of life “from scratch” is another important sign of such a connection. But whether it really represents karmic love must also be judged by the presence of other signs. One move abroad does not yet mean that feelings came from a previous incarnation.

Difficult relationship situation

One of the most common options is an alcoholic or drug addict partner. Sometimes it can be a partner's health problems, such as living with a bedridden or disabled person. In some cases, the early death of a partner. One way or another, such relationships can be safely called "punishment."

Usually a person arranges this “punishment” for himself, unconsciously choosing a psychologically or physically disadvantaged person. This choice is due to a sense of guilt for the bad deeds committed against him in a past life. In the previous incarnation, the roles of the “bad” and “good” partners were opposite, but in this one, justice is restored.

Absence of children

Another sign of karmic love is the absence of children. Spouses are focused only on themselves. A love affair serves as a way for them to comprehend their own character flaws. In karmic relationships of this kind, their outcome depends on how each of the participants in the couple acts "correctly". For example, if a husband and wife do not quarrel because of infertility, but take a child from a baby house, soon a joint child appears quite unexpectedly. If only one of the partners tries to behave “correctly”, but he does not receive support from the other, the situation ends differently here. As a reward, fate gives him another partner, from whom he has children.


Relationships in such a pair are often fatal in the most negative sense of the word. Usually this includes:

  • love triangles;
  • relationships in which reigns either love or hatred;
  • relationships that continue regardless of the desire of the partners, due to the influence of certain external factors.

Karmic love in real life usually filled with hardships and suffering. In fact, this connection is incompatible with normal human existence. A person simply does not have any spiritual or physical strength for personal and professional growth. On the other hand, having acted “rightly” in such a situation, a man or woman gets a chance to rise to the highest stage of his development, to rise above his shortcomings.

Other signs by which one can judge the karmic debt in love

The fact that the love affair is karmic in nature is also indicated by other “bells”:

  • Powerful and inexplicable attraction.
  • The feeling of "recognition" of each other. From the very first conversation, it seems that people have known each other for many years.
  • Constant thoughts about this person.
  • Relationships can be exhausting, but people don't see life without each other.
  • The opposite of characters - for example, the right girl - "excellent student" meets with a "bad" guy.

Karmic love by date of birth: calculation

You can also find out whether love is an echo of a relationship from a past life with the help of numbers. To do this, you must completely fold both partners. All zeros are omitted. For example, a girl was born on 05/11/1990, and a man on 07/15/1985. The numbers add up: 1+1+5+1+9+9+1+5+7+1+9+8+5=62. Then the resulting amount is adjusted to a single digit. In this example 6+2=8. After that, they look at karmic compatibility by date of birth in love according to the table.

  • Number 1 - the union is based on passion and love. But relationships can be superficial, and partners run the risk of quickly getting bored with each other.
  • Number 2 - a love affair comes from distant previous incarnations. The union can turn out to be full of secrets and romance. But relationships can deteriorate due to excessive cloud-flight.
  • Number 3 - a woman influences a love affair more than a man. It is for him that the union will be karmic. For a lady, it will be either a convenient option, or another entertainment.
  • Number 4 - relationships are karmic for a woman, not a man. The union may be strong, but to a greater extent it depends on the desire of the man.
  • The number 5 is the highest wisdom. Communication is built on understanding and mutual respect.
  • Number 6 - a situation in which both partners cannot get rid of claims, disagreements. Relationships are unlikely to last.
  • Number 7 - love that will last a long time. For the sake of their own happiness, the couple is ready to go through many trials.
  • Number 8 - communication is based on cold calculation and formality.
  • The number 9 is a good union. The connection can last until old age.

Karma according to the horoscope

Astrology can also tell you what the past life was like. A general karmic horoscope allows you to find out the features of the previous incarnation - both your own and your partner. By comparing these data, it will be much easier to build relationships. In astrology, the following opinion is accepted regarding the karma of the signs of the zodiac:

  • Fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) - the current incarnation occurred immediately after death.
  • Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) - a person incarnated in the current shell months or years later.
  • Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - centuries have passed between this and the previous incarnation.
  • Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - passed very a large number of time between the previous incarnation and the present. It may be a thousand or several thousand years.

For example, if one of the partners has a small "history" and the other is "older", these relationships can be safely called karmic. Most often it happens that "debts" are accumulated by a more "senior" partner. For example, relationships in the Aquarius-Capricorn pair will be difficult. A partner under the sign of Aquarius will be pleased with a love affair. Capricorn, who has already managed to "break wood" for his numerous incarnations, will experience difficulties in them, working off his debt to fate. The information that a karmic horoscope gives is useful not only for analyzing a love affair, but also for any other relationship - for example, a subordinate and a leader, a parent and a child.

How to resolve relationship problems from a past life

How to get rid of karmic love? The ability to break a difficult relationship is determined by their characteristics. If one partner plays the role of a “debtor”, who behaved inappropriately in a past life, in this incarnation the situation is such that he must pay his “debts”. As soon as they are paid, then the need for a love affair will disappear. Feelings will fade away. This will be evidenced by ease in relationships, the absence of guilt or fear towards a partner.

To achieve this, sometimes it is not enough just to cut off a love connection. A person suffering from the vicissitudes of karmic love needs to do a lot of work on himself. He should identify those negative qualities that are in his character, and which cause problems in the current relationship. For example, a man can love a woman who does not seek serious relationship. If he suffers because of this, he should work on his qualities of sanity, realism and even some pragmatism. Perhaps if he turns his attention to more pressing problems in his life, then the situation on the love front will change for the better. In this case, karmic love from a past life will fulfill its function, and the relationship will either become happy or fall apart on its own as unnecessary.
