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Love is wild and beautiful Bertrice Small

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Title: Love wild and beautiful

About Love Wild and Beautiful by Bertrice Small

Bertrice Small (1937-2015) was an American author of over 60 erotic and historical romance books. Born into a family of radio hosts, she graduated from the Western Women's College and the School of Secretaries. She has been writing since 1969.

The novel Love Wild and Beautiful was written by Bertrice Small in 1978. It is part of the Harem series and is the second and final part. The events of the book unfold in the Middle Ages in Scotland. main character- Catherine's girlfriend. Despite her young age, she is already engaged to her cousin Patrick.

Catriona is the only daughter. She has three siblings: eighteen-year-old Jamie and ten-year-old twins Hughie and Charlie. Despite four children and many years of marriage, her parents, Heather and James Hay, love each other passionately. Their feelings are so strong that they have absolutely no time to take care of children, whose upbringing is entirely on the shoulders of nannies and teachers. All children are luxuriously dressed and well fed.

For Jamie, the parents hired a teacher, but for some reason they completely forgot that it was time for their daughter to learn new knowledge too. Catriona has to make her way to her brother's lessons. To the surprise of the teacher, she grasped everything on the fly. But now the time has come, and the older brother went to school. The heroine of the book “Love is wild and beautiful” began to beg her parents to hire teachers for her who speak different foreign languages ​​in order to master this knowledge. She was surprised that the father and mother, who had received an excellent education in their time, were so indifferent to the fact that their daughter received the same.

As it turns out, Heather and James are preoccupied with their daughter's upcoming wedding. They report that the date of the celebrations has already been chosen. Catriona was infuriated by this fact. She tells her parents that she does not plan to marry so early, much less to Patrick Leslie.

Heather Hay tries to explain to her daughter how good the relationship between a man and a woman is, that love is beautiful, and her marriage to her cousin is a profitable match. But the heroine of the novel "Love is wild and beautiful" does not want to hear anything about it. Three days before the wedding, the proud and independent Catriona runs away from her fiancé. She loves him with all her heart and wants to be with him, but apart from that she wants to be seen as a person.

There are many erotic scenes in the book Love Wild and Beautiful, described by Bertrice Small with her usual skill. The work is very easy to read and will help to spend your free time perfectly.

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Bertrice Small

Love is wild and beautiful

Part I. The Earl of Glenkirk

I want," said Ellen More-Leslie sternly, "that you don't wear breeches when you ride, Mrs. Catriona. It's not befitting a lady at all.

But how convenient, - answered the lovely girl. "Don't bother, Ellie, or I'll send you home and marry that fine farmer." After all, what hopes did your mother place on him!

My God! You won't do it!

No, I won’t,” Ellen’s hostess laughed. - Unless, of course, Ellie, you yourself do not want to. And what, good guy, a real man. Why is he not nice to you?

It is important that one thing a man has is real, or rather, worthwhile, but this farmer doesn’t have it!

Let's take off your suit. Uff! You smell like a stable. And you know that the Count is coming tonight for your birthday. I can't believe you're fifteen already. I still remember that rainy December night when you were born.

Ekaterin took off her clothes. She had heard this story many, many times before.

Snow swirled over Greyhaven, and, oh, how the wind roared and howled,” Ellen continued. - The old countess, your great-grandmother, certainly wanted to be near your mother. And I just turned seventeen. I was the youngest in the family and terribly spoiled, but since I showed no intention of marrying and settling down, my old grandmother consulted with her mistress, your great-grandmother, and they decided that I would look after the newborn. Old Lady Leslie took one look at you and said, "This one is for my little Glenkirk." Yes, you were barely visible from the diapers, and she was already arranging your engagement! If only the old lady could live to see you grow up and get married! But she died the following spring, and my grandmother followed her only a few weeks later.

Ellie busied herself as she talked, preparing a bath for her mistress in a huge oak vat placed in front of the fireplace. Gravy in hot water perfumed oil, the maid called:

Go, my lady, everything is ready.

Ekaterin sat in dreamy thought, while Ellen's hands rubbed her shoulders and back. Then the girl took the soap from the maid and finished washing, and the maid went and got a small jug of liquid from the cupboard. The woman poured a golden stream over Ekaterin's head, splashed water and, whipping up a fragrant foam, washed and rinsed her hair twice.

Then, wrapped in a huge towel, Ekaterin sat down before the fire and dried her thick and heavy locks. The maid combed them until they shone. Having fastened this dark golden mass with hairpins, Ellen told the young mistress to lie down and began to rub her with a pale green cream prepared by Ruth, Ellen's mother. The girl stood up and the maid handed her silk underwear. When Ekaterin was already standing in her petticoat and blouse, her mother entered.

Thirty-six-year-old Heather Leslie Hay was in the prime of her beauty. She was lovely in dark blue velvet dress, trimmed with gold lace and adorned with a wonderful pearl necklace, which, as Catrione knew, belonged to her great-grandmother. lovely dark hair Heather wore a blue cap with a gold pattern.

Before the guests arrive, my father and I wish to speak with you. Once you're dressed, please come straight to our quarters.

Yes, mother, - Ekaterin answered modestly, but the door had already closed behind her mother.

The girl with complete detachment allowed herself to be dressed, all this time thinking about what her parents wanted to say to her.

In addition to her, their only daughter, the family had the eldest son Jamie, who turned eighteen, and ten-year-old twins Charlie and Huey. Parents have always been so absorbed in each other that the upbringing of children fell mainly on nannies and teachers. Catriona had to arrange her own life almost from birth.

Things would have been different if her great-grandmother had been alive. The girl knew this. Teachers were hired for Jamie, but no one thought that Ekaterin should also be taught to read and write. She had to make her way to a lesson with Jamie. When the surprised teacher reported to the parents that their daughter was learning the subject faster than the heir, she was allowed to stay. Therefore, she was taught as a boy, but only until Jamie left for school. Then the girl had to take care of her lessons herself.

Catriona insisted that her parents hire a teacher who spoke French, Italian, Spanish and German, so that she could also master these languages. Considering how well educated her father and mother received, their indifference to learning own child found no justification.

But twenty years after their wedding, Heather and James Hay were more in love with each other than ever. So the inattention to the daughter came simply from carelessness. The children ate well, wore nice clothes and lived in excellent conditions. The young master of Greyhaven, and indeed his wife, simply did not think that, in addition to these basic needs, the children needed something else. And if the little brothers of Catriona had enough of the warmth and affection they received from loving nannies, then this was not enough for her herself. Ellen More-Leslie understood her young mistress. But Kat Hay grew up spoiled and self-willed, and there was no one to restrain her.

Now the girl stood in front of the mirror and examined herself. Tonight, for the first time in years, she would meet her betrothed. He was twenty-four years old and was studying at the University of Aberdeen. He also visited Paris and was briefly at the court of Queen Bess in England. Ekaterin knew that the betrothed was handsome, self-confident and spoke elegantly. She also hoped that he was about to suffer a severe blow to his ego. The girl smoothed the green velvet of her dress and, smiling, went to her parents. To her surprise, her older brother was also there.

The father cleared his throat.

It was always supposed, he began solemnly, that you would marry Glenkirk after your sixteenth birthday. However, due to the untimely death last summer of the third earl and the installation of young Patrick as the fourth earl of Glenkirk, it is decided that your wedding will be celebrated on Twelfth Night.

Stunned, Ekaterin looked at her father.

Who decided that, dad?

We are alone with the count.

Ask you? Why, daughter? You were engaged eleven years ago. Marriage has always been implied.

James Hay did not hide his irritation. His daughter pissed him off. As always. She was never soft and gentle creature like a wife.

You could tell me about the changed circumstances and then ask me if I mind getting married a whole year earlier! Kat screamed. - I don't want to get married now. And you've wasted your time talking because I'm not going to marry Patrick Leslie at all!

Why, dear? Heather asked. - Such a nice young man. And you will be a countess!

It's a bull on the hunt, dear mother! Since Uncle Patrick fell off his horse and broke his neck, not a day goes by that I don't hear about the victories of his heir!

Gossip about his exploits circulates throughout the district. In bed, in the hayloft, under the hedge! I will not marry a dirty lecher!

The owner of Greyhaven was stunned by this outburst of rage. Jamie began to laugh, but was quickly silenced by his mother's stern gaze. Now, though too late, the brilliant lady realized that she had neglected a very important aspect of raising her daughter.

Leave us,” Heather told her husband and son. "Sit down, Catriona," she said as the men left. "Do you know anything about what goes on between a man and a woman on the marriage bed?"

Why, - said Kat abruptly, - he puts his stick in the hole between her legs, and a few months later a baby crawls out through the same hole.

Heather closed her eyes for a moment. Oh my child, she thought. - In my great and all-consuming love for your father, I forgot that you are also a woman. You do not know anything about the pleasures that lovers give each other, and I do not know if I can find words to describe them to you.

Opening her purple eyes, the lady took a deep breath.

You are partly right, she said calmly, but an act of love between a man and a woman does not necessarily lead to the birth of a child every time. There are ways to prevent conception and still enjoy the joys of love. I'll be happy to teach you this before your wedding.

The girl seemed to be curious.

Love is a very pleasant thing, Catriona,” Heather continued.

Dear God, thought the lady, how can she explain?

Have you ever been kissed, my child? Did one of your cousins ​​try to break a kiss at the party?

Yes, mother, and I beat them well. They don't try anymore.

Heather was about to scream in frustration.

Kissing is a great pleasure, Catriona. And also caresses. I would say that the pleasure is amazing.

Kat looked at her mother like she was crazy.

I don't see, mom, there's nothing amazing about that naked man and the woman huddle together.

The daughter looked so self-confident that she finally pissed off Heather.

However, it is so, my daughter! I should have foreseen this! My God. Kat, you're just blatantly ignorant! You don't even know what it means to be a woman, and that's my fault. But you'll find out in the coming weeks. As we have decided, on Twelfth Night you will marry your cousin Glenkirk. This is a great match, and you should be glad that you have such a wonderful fiancé.

I won't marry him, mom!

Heather tried another maneuver.

And then what will you do?

There are other men, mother. My dowry is large enough.

Only if for Glenkirk, my dear. Ekaterin's eyebrows rose in surprise. Finally you listen to me, Heather thought with relief. “Your great dowry is for Glenkirk only. That's what your great-grandmother did. If you happen to marry someone else, then your dowry will be very modest.

But didn't great-grandmother think that Glenkirk might die or give up her intention altogether? the girl asked indignantly.

If Patrick died, then you would marry James. Ma'am ordered that you become the Countess of Glenkirk, and, of course, it was out of the question that your fiancé would refuse. Okay, my child, Patrick Leslie is an educated, charming man. He will love you and treat you well.

I won't marry him!

The choice is not yours, my dear. So let's get that unhappy look off your face. The guests must be arriving by now. All your cousins ​​will be here, and they will want to wish you happiness.

Cousins! Luckily, Uncles Colin and Evan lived in Edinburgh and she wouldn't have to deal with their broods.

The others weren't so terrible after all, but those six simpering cousins!

Fiona Leslie was already a widow at nineteen. Poor Owen Stewart could not stand the rigors of the marriage bed. Golden brown hair, a red pout and a dress with a huge neckline magnificent forms- that's what Fiona is. Then sixteen-year-old Janet Leslie, who was to be married in the spring to Fiona's brother, Cousin Charles. This one barely concealed her pleasure at being the future Countess of Saiten - what a stupid cow! Eilis Hay was already fifteen years old and was destined for James Leslie, Glenkirk's younger brother.

This wedding was still at least two years away.

But Beth Leslie was sixteen, but she adored her uncle Charles, and she was soon to begin a monastic life in France. And in order for her cousin to have close relatives in a foreign country, her fourteen-year-old sister Emily was betrothed to Uncle Donald's son, Jacques de Valois-Leslie. There was little Mary Leslie left at last, who, being thirteen years old, would wait another three or four years, and then marry Kat Jamie's brother. Kat hoped that by then Mary wouldn't be giggling at everything Jamie had to say, though Jamie didn't seem to mind.

Together with her mother Ekaterin entered the hall. The birthday girl was immediately surrounded by cousins ​​with their congratulations. It was her holiday, and she found it impossible to remain angry any longer. Suddenly Fiona said in her cat voice:

Cat, dear, here's your betrothed. Look how she's grown, Patrick! Already quite a woman.

Ekaterin darted an angry glance at her elder cousin, and, lifting her displeased face, met the cheerful eyes of Patrick, Earl of Glenkirk, who was gazing at her intently.

Big and warm hand the count raised the girl's little hand to her lips.

Taking the girl by the arm, the count led her to the platform. Fiona was left alone and, surprised, laughed. The count sent his betrothed to the main table.

Why are you angry with me? - he asked.

I'm not angry at you.

Then smile at me, dear.

She deliberately did not notice him, and the count was irritated. When the food was removed and the dancing began, he found his aunt, took her to the library of Greyhaven, and there in silence asked her to explain what was happening with the girl.

It's my fault, Patrick, Heather lamented. - I am so sorry. I, quite unwillingly, neglected the most important aspect of Catriona's upbringing. And now she is completely devoid of sensuality and cold as ice, - In other words, my beautiful careless aunt, you were so absorbed in your Jamie that you simply forgot to love Kat.

But I love Kat!

Did you ever say that to her? Did you hug and caress her when she was a baby? child? Girl? No, aunt. You didn't have time for this. You've been busy putting into practice all the wonderful things Ma'am has taught you.

Heather blushed to the roots of her hair.

Patrick! What can you even know about it?

What my mother told me,” he grinned venomously. - But she assured me that my bride would be well-mannered and hot. Instead, auntie, should I melt this ice maiden that you will propose to me as a wife?

She said she wouldn't marry you," Heather said in a thin voice.

A curse! cursed Glenkirk. - Maybe you can enlighten me why?

I don't know, Patrick, the aunt lied. “But when her father announced to her tonight that the wedding was postponed from next year to Twelfth Night, she was furious. She stated that no one asked her opinion, but that it still does not change anything, because she will not tolerate you.

Have you told anyone about postponing the wedding?

We were thinking of announcing tonight.

Auntie, bring your uncle here, but only so that no one notices.

Poor little Kat, Patrick thought as his aunt left. - From infancy left alone and must arrange her own life. And then, at the very important point life, everything is decided for her by others. Sure, you'll be angry."

The Earl knew that Leslie's women were ardent in nature and that as soon as Kat's eyes were opened to the world of sensual pleasures, she would blossom. This will take time and patience. But he was already bored with easy victories, and now he had all the time he wanted.

Just then, James Hay entered the library with his wife.

So nephew! What happened so important that I have to secretly run away from my guests?

I think we should postpone the announcement of the wedding day, uncle. Catriona is clearly angry and frightened, and I don't want to hurt her.

Girlish fluff!

Wasn't that how Aunt Heather behaved before the wedding?

Congratulations on this success. Will you deny me such happiness?

Heather and I knew each other well enough,” said James Hay.

Exactly! - said the count. - I was absent for six years: I studied science and traveled. When I was leaving. Kat was not yet nine. She doesn't know me. I am a complete stranger to her, and yet, in four weeks, she faces the dreadful prospect of being married and in bed with a complete stranger. Listen, uncle! You have already experienced marital bliss. Give me time to win over your prickly daughter so I can have the same pleasure.

Well, - the owner of Greyhaven reasoned, - the wedding was scheduled for the same days exactly one year later ... But if by this time she is not conquered, whether she wants to or not, she will go to the altar!

I agree, said Patrick. “But you and your aunt must agree on something. There will be moments when my courtship may seem strange and perhaps even cruel. But whatever happens, I intend to make Catriona my wife. Remember this...

Yes, yes, the owner of Greyhaven readily agreed.

His wife was deeply shocked by the words of her nephew. So Patrick already loves her, Heather thought in surprise. - He probably had such feelings for her since childhood. At first he will care for her tenderly, but if this does not bear fruit, he will be rude, because he intends to receive her. Oh my innocent daughter! It would be better if I taught you what I know myself, before your passionate lover loses patience and encroaches on your innocence.

I'll tell Kat. She shouldn't even know that we discussed this.

When Patrick returned to the hall, a flushed, laughing Catriona was dancing with his brother Adam. Taking a seat younger brother, Patrick finished the dance with her. His desire was so strong that he was ready to possess her right there and now. He grabbed the girl by the hand and pulled her away from the families into a secluded little alcove.

I think, he said, we shouldn't get married until next year. When I left Glenkirk you were a little girl. And when I return, I find you beautiful woman. I long to make you my wife, dear. But I know you don't really know me. Would you mind if we took some time to get to know each other?

For the first time that evening, she smiled at him.

No, my lord, I don't mind. I like it. But what if we find we're not right for each other?

Patrick raised an eyebrow.

Do you snore, Catriona? Or perhaps chewing on an oriental betel nut?

She shook her head cheerfully.

Do you like music, poetry and melodic sounds of foreign languages? Do you like to ride in the foggy stillness of a spring morning or a moonlit autumn evening? And on a hot summer day, swim naked in a secluded stream? Do you admire the first winter snow?

Yes,” she whispered softly, and for some reason her heart began to beat rapidly. - I love it all.

Then, dear, you must love me too, because I love all this too.

Ekaterin's thick dark golden lashes touched her reddened cheeks, and the girl's heart began to beat faster.

My first small victory, Patrick thought with satisfaction and immediately tried to build on his success.

Will we put a kiss stamp on our deal? - he asked.

Ekaterin lifted her head, and for a moment her green-leaf eyes looked at him. Then her eyes closed, the girl lifted her fresh, like a rosebud, lips and framed for a kiss. Patrick gently touched them.

Sixteenth century. Scotland. Beautiful young Ekaterin was betrothed to her cousin, Earl Patrick of Glenkirk, as a child. But three days before the wedding, she runs away from her fiancé: proud and independent, passionately loving her future husband, she wants to be seen as a person. The wedding takes place when their first-born is about to be born ... How will their life go on? Will they be able to keep their love?

Bertrice Small

Love is wild and beautiful

Part I. The Earl of Glenkirk


I want," said Ellen More-Leslie sternly, "that you don't wear breeches when you ride, Mrs. Catriona. It's not befitting a lady at all.

But how convenient, - answered the lovely girl. "Don't bother, Ellie, or I'll send you home and marry that fine farmer." After all, what hopes did your mother place on him!

My God! You won't do it!

No, I won’t,” Ellen’s hostess laughed. - Unless, of course, Ellie, you yourself do not want to. What a good guy, a real man. Why is he not nice to you?

It is important that one thing a man has is real, or rather, worthwhile, but this farmer doesn’t have it!

Let's take off your suit. Uff! You smell like a stable. And you know that the Count is coming tonight for your birthday. I can't believe you're fifteen already. I still remember that rainy December night when you were born.

Ekaterin took off her clothes. She had heard this story many, many times before.

Snow swirled over Greyhaven, and, oh, how the wind roared and howled,” Ellen continued. - The old countess, your great-grandmother, certainly wanted to be near your mother. And I just turned seventeen. I was the youngest in the family and terribly spoiled, but since I showed no intention of marrying and settling down, my old grandmother consulted with her mistress, your great-grandmother, and they decided that I would look after the newborn. Old Lady Leslie took one look at you and said, "This one is for my little Glenkirk." Yes, you were barely visible from the diapers, and she was already arranging your engagement! If only the old lady could live to see you grow up and get married! But she died the following spring, and my grandmother followed her only a few weeks later.

Ellie busied herself as she talked, preparing a bath for her mistress in a huge oak vat placed in front of the fireplace. Pouring perfumed oil into the hot water, the maid called:

Go, my lady, everything is ready.

Ekaterin sat in dreamy thought, while Ellen's hands rubbed her shoulders and back. Then the girl took the soap from the maid and finished washing, and the maid went and got a small jug of liquid from the cupboard. The woman poured a golden stream over Ekaterin's head, splashed water and, whipping up a fragrant foam, washed and rinsed her hair twice.

Then, wrapped in a huge towel, Ekaterin sat down before the fire and dried her thick and heavy locks. The maid combed them until they shone. Having fastened this dark golden mass with hairpins, Ellen told the young mistress to lie down and began to rub her with a pale green cream prepared by Ruth, Ellen's mother. The girl stood up and the maid handed her silk underwear. When Ekaterin was already standing in her petticoat and blouse, her mother entered.

Thirty-six-year-old Heather Leslie Hay was in the prime of her beauty. She was lovely in a dark blue velvet dress, trimmed with gold lace and adorned with a wonderful pearl necklace, which, as Catrione knew, had belonged to her great-grandmother. Heather's beautiful dark hair was covered by a blue cap with a gold pattern.

Before the guests arrive, my father and I wish to speak with you. Once you're dressed, please come straight to our quarters.

Yes, mother, - Ekaterin answered modestly, but the door had already closed behind her mother.

The girl with complete detachment allowed herself to be dressed, all this time thinking about what her parents wanted to say to her.

In addition to her, their only daughter, the family had the eldest son Jamie, who turned eighteen, and ten-year-old twins Charlie and Huey. Parents have always been so absorbed in each other that the upbringing of children fell mainly on nannies and teachers. Catriona had to arrange her own life almost from birth.

Things would have been different if her great-grandmother had been alive. The girl knew this. Teachers were hired for Jamie, but no one thought that Ekaterin should also be taught to read and write. She had to make her way to a lesson with Jamie. When the surprised teacher reported to the parents that their daughter was learning the subject faster than the heir, she was allowed to stay. Therefore, she was taught as a boy, but only until Jamie left for school. Then the girl had to take care of her lessons herself.

I want," said Ellen More-Leslie sternly, "that you don't wear breeches when you ride, Mrs. Catriona. It's not befitting a lady at all.

But how convenient, - answered the lovely girl. "Don't bother, Ellie, or I'll send you home and marry that fine farmer." After all, what hopes did your mother place on him!

My God! You won't do it!

No, I won’t,” Ellen’s hostess laughed. - Unless, of course, Ellie, you yourself do not want to. What a good guy, a real man. Why is he not nice to you?

It is important that one thing a man has is real, or rather, worthwhile, but this farmer doesn’t have it!

Let's take off your suit. Uff! You smell like a stable. And you know that the Count is coming tonight for your birthday. I can't believe you're fifteen already. I still remember that rainy December night when you were born.

Ekaterin took off her clothes. She had heard this story many, many times before.

Snow swirled over Greyhaven, and, oh, how the wind roared and howled,” Ellen continued. - The old countess, your great-grandmother, certainly wanted to be near your mother. And I just turned seventeen. I was the youngest in the family and terribly spoiled, but since I showed no intention of marrying and settling down, my old grandmother consulted with her mistress, your great-grandmother, and they decided that I would look after the newborn. Old Lady Leslie took one look at you and said, "This one is for my little Glenkirk." Yes, you were barely visible from the diapers, and she was already arranging your engagement! If only the old lady could live to see you grow up and get married! But she died the following spring, and my grandmother followed her only a few weeks later.

Ellie busied herself as she talked, preparing a bath for her mistress in a huge oak vat placed in front of the fireplace. Pouring perfumed oil into the hot water, the maid called:

Go, my lady, everything is ready.

Ekaterin sat in dreamy thought, while Ellen's hands rubbed her shoulders and back. Then the girl took the soap from the maid and finished washing, and the maid went and got a small jug of liquid from the cupboard. The woman poured a golden stream over Ekaterin's head, splashed water and, whipping up a fragrant foam, washed and rinsed her hair twice.

Then, wrapped in a huge towel, Ekaterin sat down before the fire and dried her thick and heavy locks. The maid combed them until they shone. Having fastened this dark golden mass with hairpins, Ellen told the young mistress to lie down and began to rub her with a pale green cream prepared by Ruth, Ellen's mother. The girl stood up and the maid handed her silk underwear. When Ekaterin was already standing in her petticoat and blouse, her mother entered.

Thirty-six-year-old Heather Leslie Hay was in the prime of her beauty. She was lovely in a dark blue velvet dress, trimmed with gold lace and adorned with a wonderful pearl necklace, which, as Catrione knew, had belonged to her great-grandmother. Heather's beautiful dark hair was covered by a blue cap with a gold pattern.

Before the guests arrive, my father and I wish to speak with you. Once you're dressed, please come straight to our quarters.

Yes, mother, - Ekaterin answered modestly, but the door had already closed behind her mother.

The girl with complete detachment allowed herself to be dressed, all this time thinking about what her parents wanted to say to her.

In addition to her, their only daughter, the family had the eldest son Jamie, who turned eighteen, and ten-year-old twins Charlie and Huey. Parents have always been so absorbed in each other that the upbringing of children fell mainly on nannies and teachers. Catriona had to arrange her own life almost from birth.

Things would have been different if her great-grandmother had been alive. The girl knew this. Teachers were hired for Jamie, but no one thought that Ekaterin should also be taught to read and write. She had to make her way to a lesson with Jamie. When the surprised teacher reported to the parents that their daughter was learning the subject faster than the heir, she was allowed to stay. Therefore, she was taught as a boy, but only until Jamie left for school. Then the girl had to take care of her lessons herself.

Catriona insisted that her parents hire a teacher who spoke French, Italian, Spanish and German, so that she could also master these languages. Given how well educated her father and mother were, their indifference to the education of their own child could not be justified.

But twenty years after their wedding, Heather and James Hay were more in love with each other than ever. So the inattention to the daughter came simply from carelessness. The children ate well, wore good clothes and lived in excellent conditions. The young master of Greyhaven, and indeed his wife, simply did not think that, in addition to these basic needs, the children needed something else. And if the little brothers of Catriona had enough of the warmth and affection they received from loving nannies, then this was not enough for her herself. Ellen More-Leslie understood her young mistress. But Kat Hay grew up spoiled and self-willed, and there was no one to restrain her.

Now the girl stood in front of the mirror and examined herself. Tonight, for the first time in years, she would meet her betrothed. He was twenty-four years old and was studying at the University of Aberdeen. He also visited Paris and was briefly at the court of Queen Bess in England. Ekaterin knew that the betrothed was handsome, self-confident and spoke elegantly. She also hoped that he was about to suffer a severe blow to his ego. The girl smoothed the green velvet of her dress and, smiling, went to her parents. To her surprise, her older brother was also there.

The father cleared his throat.

It was always supposed, he began solemnly, that you would marry Glenkirk after your sixteenth birthday. However, due to the untimely death last summer of the third earl and the installation of young Patrick as the fourth earl of Glenkirk, it is decided that your wedding will be celebrated on Twelfth Night.

Stunned, Ekaterin looked at her father.

Who decided that, dad?

We are alone with the count.

Ask you? Why, daughter? You were engaged eleven years ago. Marriage has always been implied.

James Hay did not hide his irritation. His daughter pissed him off. As always. She was never a soft and gentle creature like a wife.

You could tell me about the changed circumstances and then ask me if I mind getting married a whole year earlier! Kat screamed. - I don't want to get married now. And you've wasted your time talking because I'm not going to marry Patrick Leslie at all!

Why, dear? Heather asked. - Such a nice young man. And you will be a countess!

It's a bull on the hunt, dear mother! Since Uncle Patrick fell off his horse and broke his neck, not a day goes by that I don't hear about the victories of his heir!

Gossip about his exploits circulates throughout the district. In bed, in the hayloft, under the hedge! I will not marry a dirty lecher!

The owner of Greyhaven was stunned by this outburst of rage. Jamie began to laugh, but was quickly silenced by his mother's stern gaze. Now, though too late, the brilliant lady realized that she had neglected a very important aspect of raising her daughter.

Leave us,” Heather told her husband and son. "Sit down, Catriona," she said as the men left. "Do you know anything about what goes on between a man and a woman on the marriage bed?"

Harem - 2

“But how convenient,” answered the pretty girl. “Don't bother, Ellie, or I'll send you home and marry that fine farmer. After all, what hopes did your mother place on him!

- My God! You won't do it!

"No, I won't," Ellen's hostess laughed. - Unless, of course, Ellie, you yourself do not want to. What a good guy, a real man. Why is he not nice to you?

- It is important that one thing a man has is real, or rather, worthwhile, but this farmer doesn’t have it!

Let's take off your suit. Uff! You smell like a stable. And you know that the Count is coming tonight for your birthday. I can't believe you're fifteen already. I still remember that rainy December night when you were born.

Ekaterin took off her clothes. She had heard this story many, many times before.

“Snow swirled over Greyhaven, and, oh, how the wind roared and howled,” Ellen went on. “The old countess, your great-grandmother, certainly wanted to be near your mother. And I just turned seventeen. I was the youngest in the family and terribly spoiled, but since I showed no intention of marrying and settling down, my old grandmother consulted with her mistress, your great-grandmother, and they decided that I would look after the newborn. Old Lady Leslie took one look at you and said, "This one is for my little Glenkirk." Yes, you were barely visible from the diapers, and she was already arranging your engagement! If only the old lady could live to see you grow up and get married! But she died the following spring, and my grandmother followed her only a few weeks later.

Ellie busied herself as she talked, preparing a bath for her mistress in a huge oak vat placed in front of the fireplace. Pouring perfumed oil into the hot water, the maid called:

“Go, my lady, everything is ready.

Ekaterin sat in dreamy thought, while Ellen's hands rubbed her shoulders and back. Then the girl took the soap from the maid and finished washing, and the maid went and got a small jug of liquid from the cupboard. The woman poured a golden stream over Ekaterin's head, splashed water and, whipping up a fragrant foam, washed and rinsed her hair twice.

Then, wrapped in a huge towel, Ekaterin sat down before the fire and dried her thick and heavy locks. The maid combed them until they shone. Having fastened this dark golden mass with hairpins, Ellen told the young mistress to lie down and began to rub her with a pale green cream prepared by Ruth, Ellen's mother. The girl stood up and the maid handed her silk underwear. When Ekaterin was already standing in her petticoat and blouse, her mother entered.

Thirty-six-year-old Heather Leslie Hay was in the prime of her beauty. She was lovely in a dark blue velvet dress, trimmed with gold lace and adorned with a wonderful pearl necklace, which, as Catrione knew, had belonged to her great-grandmother. Heather's beautiful dark hair was covered by a blue cap with a gold pattern.

“Before the guests arrive, my father and I wish to speak with you. Once you're dressed, please come straight to our quarters.

“Yes, mother,” Ekaterin replied modestly, but the door had already closed behind her mother.

The girl with complete detachment allowed herself to be dressed, all this time thinking about what her parents wanted to say to her.

In addition to her, their only daughter, the family had the eldest son Jamie, who turned eighteen, and ten-year-old twins Charlie and Huey. Parents have always been so absorbed in each other that the upbringing of children fell mainly on nannies and teachers. Catriona had to arrange her own life almost from birth.

Things would have been different if her great-grandmother had been alive.
