A bunch of warmth in your hands: amazing ideas on how to create an autumn bridal bouquet. Composition rules

If you have a need to decorate the room in autumn style, use one of the most expressive means - seasonal floristry. Today in the blog we will look at what materials can be used to make an autumn bouquet, and talk about what techniques are used in such thematic compositions. As illustrations, I have prepared a selection of photographs for your inspiration.

Seasonal compositions

In floristry, there is a rule according to which flowers, plants and decorative elements of the composition should be selected in accordance with belonging to the season, the mood of which we are trying to convey. For example, if we create a spring bouquet, we use flowers and plants of this period - tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, willow twigs, sakura, greens of the lightest shades. Everyone’s favorite lavender, poppies and cornflowers, sunflowers do not fit here, because in spring they do not occur in nature, which means they will introduce anyone who looks at your creation into cognitive dissonance. A common comment in such cases is: “beautiful, but something is wrong.” That is, a person may not immediately guess what you messed up with the plants, and his subconscious, based on the usual stereotypes, gives out: "here is a mistake."

This principle is especially important for artificial flower bouquets, which I talk about in this blog. And if such negligence is still acceptable with the living, then in our case with you - no, because. The main task of a florist working with artificial material is to make a bouquet realistic, as close as possible to natural, to breathe life into the inanimate.

Another technique that you should be aware of when choosing ingredients for a seasonal bouquet is the observance of the color scheme characteristic of the season. It is different for everyone and I will talk about it in my other publications. Today we will get acquainted with the main shades of autumn-themed decor - these are orange, yellow, terracotta, rich red, burgundy, ocher, brown and dark brown.

Autumn bouquet of artificial flowers

If we consider the range of artificial flowers offered on our market, we can note a clear lack of autumn-themed plants. The most popular here is the sunflower, which is used in the vast majority of autumn compositions. Sunflowers can be found different sizes- from miniature, 3 cm in diameter, to large, as in nature, on high "fleshy" legs. The latter are usually exhibited in floor vases, in large armfuls, and diluted with dry branches, creepers, and cereals. For bouquets in flowerpots and table compositions, sunflower heads 10-12 cm are enough.

In addition to sunflowers, artificial chrysanthemums, asters, roses, dahlias, gerberas and various small flowers of a suitable color group are used in autumn compositions. In this case, the most important thing is to choose the right color for the focal plant. Look at this photo - in appearance regular composition, and only the yellow-orange shade of the rose on a dark brown background indicates to us its seasonal affiliation.

Grape and Maple leaves corresponding shades. Branches with red, burgundy or orange berries will come in handy. The lanterns of the physalis, which you find, will enliven the composition - both physalis from fabric and natural dried flowers will look equally good.

Dried flowers in an autumn bouquet

I like to combine artificial flowers with dried flowers and natural materials, such compositions are more naturalistic and are great for decorating the interior. For the autumn theme, I would recommend cereals (natural and dyed): wheat, oats, lagurus, falyaris, flum; all kinds of immortelle and dried plants: helichrysum, xerantemum, craspedia, foxtail, cardo, statice, eryngium.

Decorative natural materials also get along well with artificial bouquets autumn theme. These include badam, bell caps, lotus boxes, dried exotic fruits, rosettes, cedar roses. Florist shops sell balls, cones, rattan spirals - they will also be useful for our plan, the most matching colors: natural light brown, reddish brown and orange.

You can also use the natural materials of our strip: cones, acorns, chestnuts. Just do not forget that chestnuts fade and deform over time, and acorns fall out of the cups. Florist shops sell Styrofoam acorns in "native" wooden caps. I recommend them as more reliable and suitable for creativity. Many needlewomen choose for creativity autumn leaves collected in the park, I would replace them with textile ones. Living leaves will soon dry up, they will dust and crumble, and these will last for many years (until the bouquet gets bored).

Models in autumn composition

Autumn bouquets are precisely the area of ​​floristry where replicas of apples, pears, grapes, all kinds of pumpkins, mushrooms and berries are most often used. The range of these products in stores is quite wide and beginner florists' eyes run wide, they immediately want to buy everything. Here I would advise you to observe the measure - you should not strive to cram everything into one basket, this threatens to oversaturate.

Think of dummies as additional decorative elements to add accents, one or two types of different categories will be enough. That is, it makes no sense to introduce a combination of apple + pear (two fruits) into the composition, take a closer look at the following combinations: fruits + berries, berries + mushrooms, etc. In addition, as far as possible, try to adhere to the real proportions between the sizes of certain products - an apple cannot be larger than a pumpkin, a hawthorn is larger than a grape.

Auxiliary materials

The thematic focus of your autumn bouquet can be further emphasized with natural linen cords, burlap ribbons. Bows of undyed raffia, bundles of straw, dry moss additions, saw cuts of wood.

Floral decorations such as dragonflies, butterflies and bugs are not used in autumn compositions - out of season. Inserts are also not very popular, with the exception of mushrooms and decorative hedgehogs.

Cache-pots, if possible, choose neutral shades, with the effects of wear or burnout in the sun, if this is a basket, then it is better to take a rough ("rustic") weave. Base wreaths are best bought from straw or from unpeeled willow twigs.

When the bouquet is ready, examine it carefully. Ask yourself some questions. Does the result match the task? Do all the elements fit the given theme? Are the colors correctly selected and distributed, are the accents placed? And most importantly, does my composition look realistic? Don't end the creative process until you answer yes to all of these questions.

A wonderful time of the year, enchanting and bewitching with its colors - autumn - fertile for a wedding celebration. bright shades foliage, flowers and berries inspire unusual autumn bouquets for the bride. The choice for imagination is huge: gerberas, chrysanthemums, maple leaves and even bunches of mountain ash. Consider a few ideas and options for wedding bouquets in autumn style.

Before choosing a bouquet

The bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere are part of the chosen wedding concept. These important attributes celebrations should be selected as one of the last, when the main details have already been thought out, the selection rules have been taken into account.

  • The autumn bouquet of the bride should harmoniously fit into the images of the bride and groom. This is important to consider, because in last years There was a fashion for themed weddings. Autumn style is perfect for a Country, Provence, Autumn Carnival, Halloween or Retro wedding. In the classic version of the celebration, it is appropriate to include autumn gifts in the bouquet, because they will become a bright highlight of the wedding evening.
  • The rule for the bride: the richer and more chic her dress, the more modest and simpler the wedding bouquet should be, and vice versa.

  • Think over the shape of the future bouquet in autumn style. It is best and easiest to make a spherical bouquet. It is ideal for a puffy dress of a fragile girl-bride of small stature. A bouquet in the form of a cascade is better to choose for a slender, tall bride in a dress with a silhouette. It is easy to create an asymmetrical bouquet that will attract attention with its large and small components of flowers, cones, berries.
  • Having chosen the form, you need to decide on the components of the composition - flowers, leaves, berries. It is better to choose them according to the season. At the beginning of autumn, this may be a bouquet with a predominance of yellow flowers, and in the middle and at the end, the colors can become brighter - from orange to burgundy red and crimson purple. Greenery in such a bouquet is best reduced to a minimum. However, it should not be overloaded with too catchy colors, otherwise such a composition will draw attention to itself, and not to the married couple.
  • Flowers should not have a pungent smell, otherwise the bride, who will keep it all day long, will feel uncomfortable, her head may ache and her mood will be spoiled. The bouquet should not be too heavy in weight.
  • When including unusual flowers in the composition, it is better to clarify their meaning in advance, sometimes it may not coincide with such a celebration as a wedding.

autumn flowers

  • Chrysanthemums, asters- the most famous autumn flowers. Their flowering time is in autumn, and there is plenty to choose from! All color scheme, which you can only imagine give cute chrysanthemums, keeping their beauty for a very long time. Asters, personifying tenderness, fidelity, can be either bright red shades or pale pink, lilac, snow-white, they are perfectly combined with other colors.
  • dahlias bring happiness to their owners and gratitude. In a wedding bouquet, half-opened buds of dahlias of different saturated colors look unusual, moreover, this noble flower has almost no smell. This is not the whole list of flowers, plants, additions that a generous autumn can offer for a wedding.
  • gerberas always look stylish, in a bouquet there can be one or more matching flowers. Symbolizing well-being family life, wealth and success, they will not cause allergies in the bride, they are guaranteed to last the whole celebration, pleasing the eyes of others.
  • Without the queen of flowers - roses a classic wedding rarely gets by, many brides prefer them for their delicate smell and beauty, which means there is no need to deviate from traditions! A wedding bouquet with roses may well be presented in an autumn style if it is skillfully decorated with maple leaves, viburnum berries, mountain ash, fir cones or wheat spikelets.
  • sunflowers symbolize wealth, fertility, a full cup in the house of the young. Mini sunflowers in a decorative version can be mono-bouquet or combined with white and yellow chrysanthemums, asters, daisies.
  • Calendula, marigolds are one of the symbols of autumn and warm sunny days. Let the young people not be confused by their simplicity and naivety, because they symbolize passion, fire in relationships. Bright lights of marigolds will be a highlight autumn wedding in the style of "Boho", "Country", and you can decorate such a bouquet with fern branches.

  • Zinnia. The bright balls of this autumn flower are monophonic and colorful, it is convenient to combine them with other colors and fit into flower arrangement for the bride.
  • lush hydrangea blooms for a long time, until the autumn cold, its diverse color palette suit the most demanding bride. The snow-white hydrangea itself looks like a bride, symbolizes devotion, respect, purity of thoughts. The only negative is the bright aroma of hydrangea flowers, which must be taken into account when choosing it.

Of the unusual autumn flowers suitable for a wedding composition, one can name protea, ranunculus, crocosmia, celosia, amaranth. Crocosmia, amaranth and celosia have a palette of orange-red and burgundy hues. All these flowers are well combined in complex compositions. Crocosmia usually has warm red hues, noble amaranth descends in a burgundy waterfall, and celosia is diverse in color and shape (from fuchsia fans to yellow-red-burgundy cone-shaped flowers).

Protea and ranunculus are very amazing flowers in shape. Ranunculus is just a buttercup native to Asia, but how fascinating are its multi-layered amazingly delicate flowers! Protea is also worthy of all praise, because of its unusual shape, it is better to combine protea with simpler flowers.

autumn fruits

In addition to flowers in an autumn wedding bouquet, berries, nuts, fruits and even mini vegetables can be used, as autumn and a rich harvest are associated with each other. Autumn fruits can be used in a bouquet as a decoration, or as the main characters of the bouquet. So, from the berries they look very beautiful and unusual wedding bouquets with mountain ash, viburnum, rose hips, complemented by roses and other flowers from white to burgundy shades.

One should not miss the opportunity to bring the beauty of the yellowing foliage of trees into the bouquet, using maple leaves, oak branches with acorns. Physalis sprigs, chestnut leaves with its large fruits will emphasize the autumn celebration, will be remembered by young people and guests for a long time. Spruce, pine cones are an excellent decor in a bouquet, especially if the celebration takes place in the forest zone of the park. Ripe spikelets of cereals - a symbol of well-being among many peoples, will fit perfectly into autumn theme weddings, they are combined with gerberas, sunflowers, noble roses.

Small fruits such as apples, mini pears, bunches of grapes will decoratively complement the autumn celebration. If the bride wants even more extravagance, then you can use vegetables in the bouquet: mini-cobs of corn, mini-carrots, mini-pumpkins are suitable for a Halloween-style wedding.


For the embodiment of the autumn bouquet of the bride, it is not necessary to use expensive florist services. You can make it yourself by choosing flowers and additional decor in advance. You should think through all the little things. May need satin ribbons different widths, beads, rhinestones, the frame of the future bouquet, scissors, twine and other tools. Remember that the bouquet should not be large. It should be easy to hold with one hand.

Autumn is rich natural material in the form of leaves painted in different colors. From them you can roll an amazingly beautiful rose. You need to prepare fresh leaves with a long stalk. Dry leaves will bend and break, so they are unsuitable for crafts.

Required material: 5-7 leaves of different sizes, threads.

Process of creation:

  1. We select the smallest of the collected leaves, fold it horizontally in half, twist it - we get the middle of the flower.
  2. The second leaf is also folded horizontally and wrapped around the first.
  3. So wrap all the leaves.
  4. Spread them in the form of petals, tie all the cuttings together.
  5. Make several of these "roses" and make a bouquet of them. For greater beauty, you can add live or dried flowers, mountain ash, twigs.
  6. Before work, you can set a goal: to make roses different color. Then you have to spread the leaves into piles: red, yellow, burgundy.

Vegetable or fruit bouquets

Such bouquets have become fashionable in our time, many are engaged in making them to order. You can create them from autumn fruits. It is advisable to select not very large and necessarily beautiful in appearance.

Ideas using mandarin, mountain ash, apples, bird cherry are popular.

Asters, birch bark, leaves, twigs of conifers, cones, berries look good as additives. Instead of a vase, pumpkin, zucchini, even peppers and garlic are great. Unique autumn compositions are made from small fruits.

Pumpkin as a vase

In this capacity, the vegetable fits perfectly. But what about the water for the bouquet? A floral sponge or tin will come to the rescue.

We free the pumpkin from the pulp and seeds. Instead, we place a floral sponge. We saturate it with water and put a bouquet in the pumpkin.

Another option for a bouquet of fresh flowers is a tin can (or glass).

Ribbons and braid will help to decorate a vegetable vase. Bouquets using spruce (pine) branches, bird cherry and rowan clusters look beautiful in it.

Fantasy will help you use all the materials that are around you to make bouquets. The more creative you are, the more entertaining your crafts will be.

Paper compositions "Golden Autumn"

To create bouquets on the theme of autumn, paper is used. The first step is preparing flowers. Here you can turn to the origami technique, make simple roses, paper tulips.

A great addition would be multi-colored autumn leaves or do-it-yourself paper leaves.

Autumn bouquets for kindergarten

For kids I offer more simple ideas. Cones, peanut and pistachio shells, dried pumpkin seeds, dried flowers are suitable as a material.

Spruce or pine cones

They themselves resemble flowers. If you find unopened cones, you need to leave them in water to swell. Then they will open themselves.

Cones are well attached to decorative skewers, toothpicks. You can use the usual mounting foam- make round balls out of it. They are used as a stand for plants or materials that are easily stuck into them.

A unique bouquet will be obtained from cones unfolded ends forward. Attach beads, beads, rhinestones, ribbons to the tips on hot glue.

A composition of cones painted in bright colors gouache, spray paint. If after painting brown shade failed to close, need to put a few more layers.

Pumpkin seeds

They become flower petals. Seeds can be glued in several rows on paper. The core is easy to paint, create from a piece of colored cotton wool.

Taking as additional material plasticine, we get chamomile or other flowers. Roll up a ball of plasticine, insert rows of pumpkin seeds. The size and color options can be varied to your liking.

Peanut and pistachio shells

It can be reserved in advance. And the children themselves will be able to make daisies. Attaching them to plasticine, we get hydrangeas.

Having made balls of foam or polystyrene, attaching shells (or coffee beans) to them, we get a sunflower.

walnut shell

It is applicable for topiary. The addition will be fruits, pieces of napkins, other natural materials.

Dry flowers

They look great on their own and can be painted. Adding in the form of grass, ears, leaves will come in handy. Here are the painted spikelets. The autumn bouquet is enlivened with cotton flowers. The stand for the bouquet is decorated with branches.

The bouquet is made up of dried flowers with the addition of roses from the leaves.

If you insert dried flowers into paper boxes, you get another kind of autumn bouquet. Or arrange such a bouquet in a candy box as a panel.

Autumn bouquet with reed napkins

Prepare a napkin, cardboard, glue, any tin from conservation.

Put the jar on cardboard, circle it. Cut out the outline, glue to the jar. The sides of the tin can also be pasted over with cardboard. Cut off pieces from the napkin along the height of the walls of the can, wrap them around, fix with hot glue.

Autumn bouquet harmoniously looks in such a vase.

These are just some ideas for co-creation with children. Everyone will be able to find more than one solution for making original autumn bouquets, compositions that will delight not only the author, but also the audience of the school exhibition, teachers and educators.

Autumn is a golden time, allowing you to enjoy the riot of colors, the richness of aromas, the abundance of gifts of nature. This time of the year is associated with the harvest, farewell to summer. Therefore, not only herbs and flowers, but also berries, ears, and fruits can be present in autumn bouquets. Nothing limits the florist's imagination when composing a bouquet: bright autumn is the best suited for experimenting with colors.

Features of autumn bouquets

Bouquets of autumn flowers are most often characterized by a lack of greenery. Green leaves or branches can only be contrasting elements, but the main accent in the compositions are bright colors. You can and should experiment with the texture of plants, unusual combinations of shades.

"Sad Time" is marked by one of the most important holidays of the year - September 1st. By the Day of Knowledge, florists prepare original holiday products. Flowers for the teacher is a pleasant tradition with which you can tell the teacher about your warm attitude.

No less popular are autumn wedding bouquets. Flowers of juicy shades, decorated with leaves, berries, can become an unusual decoration for a photo shoot. Crimson colors will perfectly emphasize the beauty of the bride, contrasting with the snow-white dress.

The color scheme of autumn bouquets

For the preparation of autumn bouquets, florists tend to use colors that most fully reflect the features of the coming season. To say goodbye to warm days, shades of red and yellow, bouquets of orange flowers are optimal. These rich colors symbolize the golden age.

A seasonal floral present can be performed not only in bright elegant shades. For autumn floral works, cold tones will also be appropriate. The main thing is that they are natural. For a bouquet, you can opt for blue or lilac, purple, cold pink flowers.

Types of flowers for an autumn bouquet

Bouquets and compositions of autumn flowers will decorate any interior, become a wonderful gift close person, an addition to the presentation. Most often, seasonal flowers are used to create them: asters, garden roses and more. As floristic inserts, you can choose rose hips or bright clusters of mountain ash, viburnum, maple leaves, acorns, physalis and other materials.

Gerberas, chrysanthemums, calla lilies, dahlias can also be used for floral arrangements. Bouquets with the addition of small-sized sunflowers look unusual. These plants are sure to lift your spirits.

As for floral symbolism, when choosing a bouquet, you need to listen to the following designations:

  • asters - according to ancient legend, this flower grew from a small piece of a star that fell to the ground. In their beauty, soft flowers-balls with needle-shaped petals are able to compete even with roses. They symbolize loyalty, love, modesty. And for autumn bouquets, you can choose asters of any shade: delicate pink, romantic lilac or sun-like yellow flowers;
  • gladioli - a symbol of fidelity, friendship, nobility. With their help, you can talk about the constancy of feelings. For the autumn composition, white, pink and scarlet gladioli are suitable;
  • chrysanthemums are extremely popular flowers in autumn, which are often chosen as a gift for young ladies. But even lush bouquets of chrysanthemums are often bought by September 1 or Teacher's Day. These flowers represent the charm of youth, innocence;
  • dahlias are royal flowers, a symbol of the passing summer. In Japan, a bouquet of these gifts of nature means gratitude, greatness, dignity. The composition made up of dahlias will definitely appeal to connoisseurs of beauty. For autumn version it is best to take a small number of flowers, because the buds are bulky.

Packing of autumn bouquets and compositions

For an autumn floral present great idea there will be a design of the composition in the basket. Such a stand can be supplemented with variegated leaves or rye ears, fresh berries, fruits, rowan branches. Given the many faces of autumn, you can safely mix colors, combine materials that seem at first glance inharmonious.

Most often, when composing autumn bouquets, florists abandon the principles of minimalism and conciseness. Flowers in the harvest season should symbolize abundance, luxury. Packaging materials should not overload the seasonal bouquet, so a sense of proportion must be followed. After all, the main thing in a bouquet is flowers, their beauty, the perfection of the composition.

It would seem, well, what is a bouquet? More than three flowers in one package. Flowers have been given, are being given and will always be given, this is a fact that you cannot argue with. But not everything is so simple: human thought does not stand still. Today, the trend is a bouquet of vegetables, fruits, or assorted of both. There is nothing surprising in this. Once it had to happen - the beauty of fruits and berries, vegetables and fruits that nature gives us, humanity had to arrange into a bouquet sooner or later. Such a gift will not wither on the third day, and it can be usefully used as food.

Such a gift will not wither on the third day

A bouquet of vegetables and fruits with your own hands: what you may need for this. Step by step explanation

With seeming simplicity, creating bouquets of vegetables and fruits with your own hands for a colleague or boss for a birthday is not an easy task. Men always treat gifts with caution. It is not enough to have a good imagination and a sense of beauty.

It is not enough to have a good imagination and a sense of beauty

The creation of fruit and vegetable bouquets, like any other art, requires certain improvised means, materials, and, directly, the gifts of nature themselves. In the manufacture of bouquets of this kind (from food), you can use almost all vegetables and fruits. And here is what will be needed in most cases.


  • adhesive tape or teip tape;
  • ropes, preferably multi-colored;
  • bamboo skewers;
  • scissors.

Additional tools (used at the request of the decorator):

  • small products (olives, slices of bread, cheese, etc.);
  • flowers;
  • greens, both dry and fresh;
  • various decorative items.

To beautifully arrange a bouquet, it must not only be wrapped correctly, but also wrapped in something that will please the eye. It could be:

  • kraft paper;
  • paper for packing multi-colored;
  • paper - corrugation;
  • burlap (of course, not from a bag of potatoes);
  • sisal;
  • wicker baskets.

By and large, packaging materials can be everything that human imagination can see as packaging.

Gallery: a bouquet of vegetables (25 photos)

How to make an autumn bouquet of vegetables with your own hands step by step

You can look at the photos endlessly, but in order to fully feel the meaning and beauty of vegetable or fruit bouquets, you need to make it yourself. For beginners, we suggest collecting an autumn bouquet of vegetables step by step.

For beginners, we offer to collect an autumn bouquet of vegetables step by step

What you need to make:

  • cauliflower - small inflorescences;
  • small cucumbers - the smaller the better;
  • different greens - at least 3-4 species;
  • asparagus - 7-10 pieces;
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • small carrots, preferably young with tops - 4 pcs.;
  • red radish - 5 pcs.

Bouquet assembly algorithm:

  1. Prepare vegetables for assembly: wash them, dry well.
  2. Prick on bamboo sticks. Glue with tape.
  3. In the middle of the composition place cabbage inflorescences.
  4. In a circle of a bouquet, in a spiral, place a radish, interspersed with small cucumbers.
  5. The next turn will be the same spiral, only from whole peppers and carrots.
  6. Arrange the asparagus stalks along the edges so that it is higher than all the other components of the bouquet - sticking out of it.
  7. Decorate with greenery in any order.
  8. Secure the composition with tape.
  9. As an additional decor, you can use a butterfly figurine.
  10. Packaging - bright wrapping paper + large satin bow.

You can add some kind of decorative plate with the name of the person to whom the bouquet will be presented. Unless, of course, it is intended for donation.

A bouquet of peppers and carrots for beginner florists

This master class is within the power of every novice florist. Composition of peppers and carrots. With seeming simplicity, it looks very nice if everything is done with a soul. Fruit and vegetable floristry does not tolerate another approach.

For work you need:

  • Bulgarian pepper (orange, yellow, green) - 5 pcs.;
  • chili pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • white aster - 3 flowers;
  • young carrots with tops - 20 pcs.;
  • corn cobs - 5 pcs.;
  • wicker basket - 1 pc.;
  • sisal.


  1. Wash vegetables, dry.
  2. Carrots should be whole, with not broken tips and whole tops. If it was not possible to acquire young carrots. The one that is on sale will do. Try to choose not thick - medium thickness and length roots, with an intact surface.
  3. Remove corn cobs from leaves and fibers. To cut in half.
  4. Bulgarian pepper cut in half, cut partitions, rinse. Leave the hot pepper whole.
  5. Lay out the basket with sisal so that it goes beyond the sides of the basket and hangs from them.
  6. Lay the cut halves of sweet pepper (without tails) on the sisal.
  7. Arrange the carrots along the sides of the basket according to the “through one” principle: one - tops, the second - tops down, the third - tops up, etc.
  8. Insert the corn cobs (without the stalk) into the sweet pepper halves with the whole tip up. Spread the second halves evenly between the pepper halves, on the bottom of the basket.
  9. Fill the middle with peppercorn. Randomly arrange hot peppers. Also, arbitrarily, stick aster flowers into the composition.
  10. Basket handle can be decorated satin ribbon or a bow.

Decorative elements are left to the discretion of the florist making the bouquet.

A bouquet of fruits for beginners: beautiful, simple, and ... delicious

Do you want to surprise your loved one/beloved and don't know how? This often happens, and it takes, sometimes, up to several days to think about the issue. And the exit is nearby. Try to collect a fruit bouquet-composition. Surprise and admiration will be guaranteed. Moreover, such edible bouquets will always be in place on romantic date with a bottle of good wine. Let's not create something unimaginable, let's focus on a simple composition.

You can add any decorative details if you wish.

You will need the following:

  • a box of large strawberries - about 250 g;
  • physalis - 1 box;
  • large green grapes - 300 g;
  • corrugated paper;
  • scotch;
  • strapping tape;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • medium-sized plum (yellow or red) - 10 pcs.;
  • any small decorative details.

What do we have to do:

  1. First of all, wash all the fruits and berries. Let them dry.
  2. Strawberries and plums are planted separately, one berry per skewer.
  3. Thread the grapes onto skewers, 3-4 per skewer.
  4. Physalis, without opening (the boxes must be closed), put one berry on the skewers.
  5. Cut the skewers to the desired height with scissors. Fasten them in any order with tape.
  6. Wrap with corrugated paper. Tie with ribbon.
  7. You can add any decorative details if you wish.

The location of the components depends on the taste of the one who will assemble the composition. Trust your imagination and a masterpiece is guaranteed.

A bouquet of whole vegetables: a master class for those who love solidity

Unusual bouquets can be created from any vegetables. It is not difficult to make such a composition from whole vegetables - the material would be at hand. Let's be patient and get to work.

You will need:

  • sisal;
  • scotch;
  • beets - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - turnip - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • beet tops;
  • parsley or any greens;
  • bamboo skewers;
  • wrapping;
  • packing tape.

Unusual bouquets can be created from any vegetables

Work algorithm:

  1. All products must be thoroughly washed.
  2. Plant each fruit on a skewer.
  3. Collect the chopped fruits in a chaotic manner in a bouquet. Stick greens between them. Glue the skewers on the bottom with tape.
  4. Wrap with sisal. Grab it with tape.
  5. Wrap nicely in paper. Tie with ribbon.

Design Ideas

A working imagination and unbridled fantasy will tell each florist how to arrange a bouquet. But basic elements I still want to show you. Below are such ideas, starting from which, it is easier to create your own masterpiece.
