Best wishes for mom on mother's day. Happy Mother's Day

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated annually on last sunday november. This is a holiday for all of us. The word "mother" is the very first, most dear and close to any person. A holiday is dedicated to all women who have children, as well as pregnant women in Russia. On Mother's Day, I would like to say thanks to all mothers who give children tenderness, affection, love, but special attention is paid to mothers of many children, women who have succeeded in raising children and single mothers. We picked best words congratulations to mom on mother's day in verse and prose.

To make your congratulations memorable for a long time, congratulate your mother with a sincere audio congratulation that will go to your home or cell phone with a regular phone call, at any appointed time.

As a mother, I thank you
After all, Mommy, I love you so much!
On Mother's Day, I congratulate you
And I wish you only the best!

I want you to never grow old
So that there is no limit to happiness forever,
So that you live beautifully and calmly,
So that everyone is always happy forever!

Thank you for your hard work and kindness!
May your life always be like in a fairy tale!
May you give me your warmth
I wish you always good luck!

I open the calendar
I notice my mother's day there
I think what to give her
How to surprise your mom.

I'll bake a big cake for her,
I'll do everything on the run.
You mommy appreciate
And love me more!

We bought you a present
Dad and I discussed everything.
We congratulate you, mommy
And we wish you love.

You get off today
Go shopping.
spend time without us
Relax on Mother's Day!

You accept my congratulations.
Don't be bored on Mother's Day.
I'm big now and not a child.
And I don't need diapers at all.

But I need your love so much.
And I enjoy your food.
Delicious you keep cooking
Congratulations on Mother's Day you accept!

You are mom. Is it happiness or a cross?
And it's impossible to start over
You pray now for what is:
For crying at night, for milk, diapers,
For the first step, for the first words.
For all children. For every child.
You are mom! And so right!
You - the whole world. You are the rebirth of life.
And you would like to hug the whole world.
You are mom. Mother! It's a delight
No one can take away from you!

The whole world around suddenly changed
The day you realized
that man was born
Not someone! At your place!!!
And this little lump -
Source of light and heat
In the soul of excitement bubbles!
After all, life has found life again!
He hears your voice and sounds,
He sees the light and he sees the night...
And he definitely knows your hands!
Aliens he will drive away!!!
He will gently touch with his elbow,
Or maybe kicks with a heel ...
Then drown in peace
He will cling to you with love!
He will be with his sweet mother
Laugh, frown and wait
When that day comes
To hug her!!!
You are waiting for it! Already love it!!!
How can you not love a miracle?!
Now you won't forget
What are we worth living for?

Mom - in the whole world there are not enough words,
To thank you for everything.
For sleepless moments by the bed
And for tears of bitter resentment.
For your support and care
Education first steps
And for every hard Saturday,
That you dedicated to us alone.
For a smile that warms the heart
For the hugs of beloved hands,
Mom - you are the best in the world!
Heroine, Woman and Friend.

Our most important person
You gave us life
In exchange for this wonderful gift
Didn't ask for payment.
On Mother's Day we hurry you
Congratulate with all my heart
Be happy and be forever
Our very own.

Perhaps we are absurd, stubborn,
Perhaps there is some sin in us,
But for my own, for my dear mother
We are definitely the best!
Your love is like the doors of a temple;
You live like this, loving us all,
That God, inventing the word "mother",
He named you!
We can't imagine without you
And here we stand and stand
What standing with the whole family to congratulate
Happy mother's day to you - happy your day!

Mommy, dear mother,
Happy Mother's Day to you
I congratulate you today
Sincerely, dearly loving.
Clearly you are the best
My dear man!
May it be long and joyful
Mom's and grandmother's age!

The last Sunday of November in Russia is a wonderful holiday, on which children and adults congratulate their mothers and pregnant women. On such days, families become stronger, traditions grow stronger, and women's hearts rejoice.

From children

How touching it is for a mother to hear nice words from your children! After all, quite recently, as it seems to her, they still did not even know how to speak. Carefully and patiently, she taught them everything that parents should teach children: walk, talk, write, express their thoughts ... And now her child says kind words to her on Mother's Day.

Probably, it is precisely such moments that are the most important in the life of every person, because there is nothing stronger in the world than a mother's love for her baby.

"A lot of mothers in the world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom.”

"Father taught me a lesson in respect,

You have to be a man - in any position!

Even the patience of a cat cannot be teased,

She is the MOM of a tiny kitten.

Do not touch the most cocky girls,

They, too, will one day become all MOMs!

The father finished his speech on this,

And I decided MAM to take care of everyone in the world!

“You are a mother. So it's the best!
There can be no lighter soul.
You are a mother, so there is no world
Well, no one is dearer than you!

I so want that on this day
Your eyes sparkled with happiness
So that life is like a watercolor -
Huge explosion of bright colors!

You are mom. So it's the best!
It's so hard to say exactly.
You are the most important person
You are the best! I can see better!”

“There is no you dearer and more tender,
My dear mother!
Today I am this autumn day
Happy holiday to you
Do not skimp on your care and affection,
And your hugs are the hottest
On a weekday - arrange a fairy tale
And you share everything with me - tears, pain and laughter.

"I wish you to stay young,
Be healthy and live long in the world,
May your luck be unearthly
I wish you to be the happiest!”

"I picked flowers for my mother,
A whole field bouquet!
For her, the most beautiful,
I'll draw a portrait!

For care and kindness
I'll give her gifts
Many words are beautiful now
I want to tell my mom!"

From an adult daughter

Mother for every woman is the most close person, an example of femininity, kindness and beauty. Since childhood, girls want to be like their mothers and take an example from them in everything. Therefore, it is so important not to lose touch with your mother in adulthood, to visit and communicate with her more often.

“Mom beloved! Mother dear!

Happy Mother's Day today!

Although my daughter has grown, she also remembers fairy tales

About chicken Ryaba, about Goldilocks,

And the softest hands in the world.

Thank you for these moments!

"Congratulate the dearest person,

Hug, say "thank you" I want.

For you, mommy, ready for at least half a century

Hold a lit candle in your hands.

Dear, be always healthy and successful,

And I will do whatever you command.

Always live calmly and slowly,

Open your soul to me if you're sad.

For Mother's Day, I give you a bouquet,

Dear mommy, I love you, I miss you,

I learn to live from you and respect you.

My precious, beloved mother. I owe you a lot, but most of all, my life. You give me hope when I need it, support, understanding and love. You believe in me even if I don't. Perhaps this is the great power of motherhood - to protect your child like this, as you protect me. Today is not an easy day, as every person in the world tries to pay tribute to their mother, and I will not be an exception. My dear mommy, Happy Mother's Day to you! I wish you never be upset because of trifles, always live in prosperity and happiness. I love you very much, I appreciate you very much and I promise to protect you from adversity. You raised me to be a worthy person, and I will never let you down."

“Being a mom is a great thing,

More important than anything on earth.

You did it smartly, skillfully,

And I am doubly grateful.

For the songs that I sang as a child.

For everything: for love, kindness,

For severity, for being sick

Soul for my mother.

Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you.

Be happy mommy.

I send a bouquet of hopes

From tender love, beauty.

Health and long life!

Live and do not know sorrow.

Only the brightest feelings

Let it into your heart."

From an adult son

While the boy is small, his mother is always with him. She teaches him to walk and talk, rejoices, gets upset, worries, in a word - cares. But there comes a moment when the son ceases to be a child and becomes a mature man. And now she is no longer responsible for him, because he has his own life, family and work. And often a grown-up son forgets to come in or call, although it is so simple - to dial his mother for a few minutes so that she will be delighted.

"You gave me life, mom,
You have no relatives in the world,
I want to be the happiest
And be healthy for hundreds of years.
I so appreciate your participation,
Only you will understand me
Drive away troubles and misfortunes
And never let you down.
Take care of yourself mommy
And be calm for me
Brought flowers to you son
Hug me quickly!"

"Mommy, Happy Mother's Day! I wish you to live a long, long time, to be always healthy, to enjoy every minute you live, not to know any hardships and sorrows. May love, happiness, luck, prosperity always be with you. I love you very much and I'm proud to be your son."

"Congratulations, Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day. Accept from your son the wishes of eternal happiness of the soul and kindness, great heartfelt joy and bright hope, strong strength and living energy, wonderful ideas and life inspiration. I love you deeply and am sincerely grateful for the gift of life, for kind words and understanding.”

“On Mother's Day, accept a bow from your son.

I want to kiss you a hundred times.

I want to hug you tight, like in childhood,

And do not open your hands for a long, long time.

I rarely say that you are priceless.

But know for sure that a day does not pass,

So that I don’t mentally say “Thank you!”

For the fact that you are near, that I am with my mother.

I really need your warmth and affection,

Blind motherly love.

Let the fairy tale last forever,

In which I will be a son again and again.

“Mom is a strong word, mom is forever.

You are my guardian and adviser, you are a dear person.

I congratulate you on the holiday of all mothers.

And I wish you to come true as soon as possible

All your expectations, all your hopes, dreams.

Be healthy, happy and lucky you!”

The best congratulations to mothers in verse

Mother's Day is one of the best family holidays celebrated all over the world. On days like this, loved ones smile and families grow stronger. Toddlers, adult sons and daughters congratulate their closest people in verse and prose, dedicating kind and sincere words to them.

“Mom is a gentle ray of sunshine,
Mom is an ocean of love.
Only the one who is called mother,
Happiness fills childhood days.

Be blessed by fate
May there be no trouble along the way.
And Mother's Day in the whole wide universe
It will give you joy forever!

"My first cry made you happy,

For the rest, forgive me.

I boldly confess to you on Mother's Day:

There is no one like you, my dear.

I want to wish you health

And many happy summers.

And I just want to remind you

How much I love you!”

“Happy Mother's Day, we hasten to congratulate everyone,
Who is called the beautiful word "mother".
May success accompany you in life,
Bow to you, respect and glory!
May your dreams come true
And the children give you smiles again.
You are the pride of our valiant country,
Be loved, happy, healthy!”

“Even if for half a century
Go around the whole planet
To me dearer than a man,
Not to be found except for mom.

Mom loves selflessly
Knows all my secrets
Questions very quickly
Find the right answers.

And today, on a glorious holiday,
On a frosty November day
Congratulations to my mom
Happy day to all mothers!

Let health not fail
And slow down the pace of the year

Let the problems go away
Be happy always!

The best congratulations to mothers in prose

Warm words of love and gratitude, spoken in relation to the closest person, have a very great power, they are able to heal and support.

“Today, we congratulate you as the mother of the most amazing babies in the world on Mother's Day, and express our sincere admiration from the bottom of our hearts! You have created in your home an incredible space of love, care, tenderness and comfort. The hearts of your children are open to the world, and their eyes are filled with endless light and joy! And this is your great spiritual work! We want to keep this purity and warmth family hearth- for many years, and, of course, we wish your children health, and you patience and strength in raising worthy people! Be happy!"

“How great it is that there are such holidays as this one, when you stop and remember the dearest, dearest and most important person in this world. Mommy, forgive me for the rare calls and very rare meetings. I'm sorry I can't hug you every day and tell you how much I love you. But I always think about you and I know that you understand everything from me. Happy holiday dear, health! Live long, long and be sure to be happy and joyful!”

“Mommy, accept my congratulations on Mother's Day. You gave me life, warmed me with your love and affection, you are the closest person to me. The most kind, gentle, caring, beautiful, wise, my mommy! I want to wish you good health and great happiness, I love you very much.”

“Mommy, you know, I am a very happy person! I was very lucky, because I always had you - tender, affectionate, loving, the most best mom in the world! You cooed over my cradle, didn’t sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You led me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, re-experiencing school years together with me. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly took care of me, bestowing the warmth of your warm motherly heart!

“Mommy, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know that I love you very much!”

Greetings dear readers. A wonderful holiday is coming to us, which is celebrated all over the world. This is a wonderful holiday, because we congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, who dedicated themselves to educating us with you.

Our mothers have invested a part of themselves in you and me. It's wonderful when we can congratulate our beloved mothers not only on the holiday, but also confess once again how much we love them.

Be sure to congratulate your most beloved mothers and grandmothers on this day. Show how much you love them and tell them how much they are dear to you. In our selection, we have collected the most interesting congratulations in verse and prose, as well as postcards - congratulations on Mother's Day.

I would also like to note, never forget your mothers, no matter what happens, take at least a few minutes to call, try to come visit for the weekend, forgetting all your routine. Even without a gift, mothers will always be happy, because paying attention to your mother just like that is worth a lot, it turns out.

Great congratulations for moms.

Wonderful on this day
Mom I want to say
How lovely she is.
Can't even describe!

Mommy, dear,
I wish you
Be as cute
Kind and beautiful.

Have good health
Do not be sad and do not get sick.
Strongly I love you
And proud that you are my mother!

You are a real, excellent mother - you give everything to your children without a trace! I congratulate you and wish you to receive from them what you deserve - great, sincere love, boundless gratitude and deep respect! May there not be a single day in your life in which you would not be loved, understood and accepted for who you are! Beauty to you and inspiration, joy and great happiness!

I congratulate you, dear mother, today,
I wish you happiness on Mother's Day.
For the nights that I didn't sleep
I got tired, I got tired ...
To you, dear, I am grateful,
I pray every night for you
So that you are healthy and beautiful,
And most importantly, truly happy.

Mom is needed every day. Mom is tenderness and support, forgiving and unconditional love. This day is dedicated to you, but my heart is always with you. A your heart let it never hurt! May your eyes never cry! May your tenderness never run out! May every day bring you joy!

My mother dear
All your merits cannot be counted.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be the same as you are.
You will tell me everything, you will help everything,
And comfort and understand.
All over the world in the afternoon with fire you
Better mom you won't find it!

Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care, love and wisdom, for patience and kindness, for the ability to always listen, help, understand, give useful advice and come to the rescue. I want my children to be like you, my beautiful young grandmother. After all, your wisdom and love for life fills our home and our souls with warmth and joy. How many holidays you gave us, how many delicious treats your skillful hands prepared. Thank you mommy for everything! For a happy childhood, for a beautiful youth. Thank you for being you and always there. Be healthy and happy, dear!

You are the only one for me
The cutest and dearest
No better women in the world,
You have wisdom, goodness.
An example for me was
You raised me with love
I'm proud of you every day
Happy Mother's Day, dear, to you!

My tender, sweet mother! I congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday in the world, Happy Mother's Day! I bow before your daily work for me, every minute care and excitement. Every time I part with you, I leave you in my heart. And I know for sure, as long as you're around, I'll be fine.

I appreciate, love and respect
I revere, I imitate.
You are to me like the sun in the sky
Shine long on my children.
Today I congratulate you, mommy
health, bright days I wish you
So that all troubles, sorrows pass by
And you, my dear, forgive me for everything!

On Mother's Day, I want to say thank you to my mother, who not only gave me life, but also taught me to appreciate it, to look at the world openly and kindly, to fight for my happiness and never lose heart! My dear mother! You are an example for me real woman beautiful in face and soul! I wish you unlimited happiness and love!

your kindness and care
Let a man grow up
Without you, I worked at work,
Without you, we can't bear the worries.
But you are always calm, smiling,
For children you will find a gentle word,
Thank you my beautiful
For anxiety, boundless worries.

Happy Mother's Day, dear!
Dear, kind, dear,
You gave me life
And for me only lived ...
I love you very much
I pray for you, I adore you.
Always stay so young
Happy, beautiful, dear.

My dear, I hug you tightly, I wish you to be the happiest from now on! And cry only from great joy. I will try not to upset you much, because you experience any failures ten times stronger than me, and probably this is motherhood. I'll be fine, don't worry, I remember your advice. I will try to choose the right paths. Be there, guide me, share warmth and advice, you will always be needed!

Happy Mother's Day to mothers of the whole country!
I always wish them love from children.
Let the children be successful, smart,
And they will grow up - they will not forget their mother.
May there always be time for rest,
Let the soul rejoice more often, laugh.
Let the mood be good.
Good luck, warmth, a lot of strength, inspiration!

Happy Mother's Day! I wish you to have an infinite number of reasons to be proud of your child, to have unlimited patience, to show wisdom in raising a worthy person, never to face adversity and illness, to be a happy woman and friend to your child! Goodness, understanding, comfort, love, harmony!

Mother dear, beloved, dear,
The sun warming us, gentle,
Mom is our earthly guardian angel,
Mom is our eternal home hero!

Mom, I wish you health
Happiness, attention, communication, dear,
Faithful and noble friends,
And to live in abundance more fun!

You are so tender and so loved.
You are so beautiful that there is no strength.
Mommy, how beautiful you are!
You are brighter than a thousand lights!

Let me congratulate you, mom
And wish you well
To never know deceit
So as not to burn out from the feelings to the ground.

Let everything be, but only in moderation.
So that you can enjoy
Keeping the holy faith in good,
What helps to resurrect.

Everything that is beautiful and bright in me is all thanks to you, mom! You have always inspired and encouraged me with your kindness, patience, optimism and faith in me. All the words of gratitude will not be enough to explain how much I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Happy Mother's Day, dear. I love you!

Today, on Mother's Day, we congratulate
You, our dear mother.
We wish you health and joy,
And that you are always young.
We want never any misfortunes
You would not be touched in life.
We wish you true happiness
Love, and warmth, and charisma.

I sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. I want to wish simple female happiness, which consists in healthy and successful children, a loving and faithful husband, a cheerful mood and kindness of soul. I wish you to remain a wonderful mother, a sincere and magnificent woman. Let only luck, joy and prosperity come to your house.

Who is the most important person in the world?
Who will never quit, who will understand?
Of course, this is mom, the children will say,
And adults, and all honest people.

Mommy, mommy, mommy dear,
With you it is brighter in this world to live,
I sincerely wish you today
Worry less, don't be sad.

Dear dear mother! Today I congratulate you, and I want you to always be as beautiful, wise and kind! Thank you for everything, and especially for your love! Happiness, health and long life to you! You are the best for me best person. Happy Mother's Day!

A poem for a lovely mother
I write with all my heart
To you, the most beautiful,
"I love. I love!" - I'll say.

Always by my side
You every day and hour
Flowers from all over the world
I give you now!

Beloved mother, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother's Day. May happiness always accompany you. Stay the same kind, wise and understanding, I love you very much. There is no person in the world more dear and closer than mom, and I will never get tired of thanking you for what you have done for me. Happy holiday, my love!

My dear little man
My dear mother!
I wish you forever
Be happy. And you

I congratulate you, mommy
After all, today is your day!
Health, joy, relatives,
Let the lilac bloom in your soul!

Mommy, dear, dear, beloved! I want to wish you Happy Mother's Day! You are the best mom in the world! I love you very much, I am proud of you and I am infinitely grateful for everything that you have done for my happy life. I want to wish you that you never get sick, that success be your constant companion, that you do not worry about trifles, and that your kind heart always remains just as sensitive. With mad love and gratitude, your daughter.

You unlived me, fed me,
Sometimes I didn't sleep at night
Always smiled at me sweetly
I read and enjoyed the game.

Drove in kindergarten. And at school
For knowledge together we went into battle,
How much salt did you eat together?
Native most with you! ..
But who are you - alone in the world
With which - happiness and comfort?! ..
Native mother! Children remember!
Looking forward to meeting! And they sing about you!

Mom, kind, gentle and radiant, I congratulate you on the holiday, Mother's Day! May this day once again remind you of my love, give you gentle hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health, long life. May despondency never befall you, and your eyes not get wet from tears. Always remain as beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know that you are the best!

You surround me with care
You warm me with love.
I say "thank you" to you
Gave me life on earth.

And for everything I ask for forgiveness
Forget all your sorrows.
Know that a person is dearer than you,
For me never to be found!

Mom, you know, I'm a very happy person! I was very lucky, because I always had you - gentle, affectionate, loving, the best mother in the world! You cooed over my cradle, didn’t sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You led me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, reliving school years with me again. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly took care of me, bestowing the warmth of your warm motherly heart! Mom, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know that I love you very much!

Don't waste your strength
You can't buy health anywhere.
May your life be beautiful
We wish you happiness!
You raised us, not sparing yourself,
She gave us all the best
We love and kiss you hard
As in childhood you kissed us.
May everything be fine in your life
Be strong, do not give up adversity,
Make us smile again and again,
May God give you strength and happiness!

Motherhood is a great miracle. With the birth of a child, a lot of things change in a woman's life, new priorities and tasks appear. Motherhood is not only bathing in love and joy, but also daily work. Let every mother feel loved, needed and protected. Let her know that at any moment she will find support and understanding among her family. Happy Mother's Day!

Being my mother is very difficult
And sometimes even - and unbearable,
You managed to be a good mom,
And at the same time even kind and happy.

On Mother's Day, I consider all the awards in the world
Your patience should be rewarded!
Well, by the way, mom, just be happy!
And I will keep your smile.

Those who have amazing hearing can see through and make it clear that they are unhappy with one glance, and they are always there when it’s bad and always know what needs to be said or done. Who are they, supermen? No, they're just our moms. Happy Mother's Day!

As in childhood, I cling to you
And kiss gently.
I confess, mom, that I love
A hundred times stronger than before.
I wish you bright, clear days,
Health and good luck!
Take care of yourself and know
Which means a lot!

Today is Mother's Day, hurry up to congratulate your mothers who always wish you the best and truly love you! Appreciate and take care of them! And even if we are imperfect children, with our own whims and sometimes overly selfish even in relation to our loved ones, but nevertheless, let's think before saying something that could offend our loved one.

I want my mom to smile
To never be sad in life
So that you always succeed,
So that you do not know that there is trouble.

On mother's day, my love, I wish
May you stay like this forever!
I dedicate these lines to you
beautiful mother, tender and dear!

Mother's Day is a holiday that does not live on the calendar. In the soul he is, in the heart that beats Thanks to you. Thank you, dear mothers... For allowing me to live. Raised, fed, loved ... And continue to be. To be near if you are needed ... Wait quietly when you are not up to it. Thank you, our loved ones ... Be happy - for us!

And that’s all for us, once again we congratulate all mothers on Mother’s Day from the bottom of our hearts. Join us at and subscribe to our blog in the form below, further it will be even more interesting, Bye bye everyone.

Based on materials from sites:;;

Beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day in verse and prose with postcards. updated: November 16, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

Publication date: 09/25/19

Wonderful Mother's Day celebration different countries celebrated on different dates. In 2019, this holiday will be November 24 in Russia, October 14 in Belarus, and May 12 in Ukraine. Congratulate your dear and beloved mother with the most touching, beautiful words. Our selection of congratulations is suitable for sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, and children.

Congratulations from children

Our most important person
You gave us life
In exchange for this wonderful gift
Didn't ask for payment.

We hurry you on Mother's Day
Congratulate with all my heart
Be happy and be forever
Our very own.

I want my mom to smile
To never be sad in life
So that you always succeed,
So that you do not know that there is trouble.

On mother's day, my love, I wish
May you stay like this forever!
I dedicate these lines to you
Beautiful mother, tender and dear!

Dear mother, kind, glorious
In our destiny, you are the most important.
Happy mother's day congratulations to you
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you everything

Health, success, luck and happiness
Let bad weather not enter the father's house
Thank you for living in the world
With love to you, your adult children.

I congratulate you, dear mother, today,
I wish you happiness on Mother's Day.
For the nights that I didn't sleep
I got tired, I got tired ...
To you, dear, I am grateful,
I pray every night for you
So that you are healthy and beautiful,
And most importantly, truly happy.

Mom dear, dear,
You are the only one with us.
We love, appreciate and kiss,
We respect, we do not spoil.

And on Mother's Day we wish
To be one hundred percent healthy
You are a holy woman
Be happy like no one else.

And today, mother,
We make a promise
What are you, our mother,
We will save everyone from adversity!

Happy mother's day from daughter

You, mom, are my best friend!
And there are no secrets from you
We know so much about each other
After all, we've been together for many years.

Today, mom, is your holiday,
Thank you for all the good things
Let peace reign in your soul,
Health, happiness, I love you!

Gave affection and warmth in childhood,
You gave your love selflessly.
It helped me a lot in my life.
Thanks to you, I have become successful.

Gone like a string of years.
I never forgot your smile.
You said, mommy, always
To keep my dignity.

I wish you a wonderful holiday
You have excellent and good health.
Let the shadow not touch the sadness.
Surrounded by happiness and love!

Today, mommy, hello to you from your daughter,
Today, wait for me at your place for lunch,
I will come and bring gifts with me,
After all, Mother's Day is right around the corner.
Mommy, you are so smart with me,
I can't live without your support and a day,
You will always reassure and give the right advice,
So wait for me mom today for lunch.

Happy mother's day, I hasten to congratulate
My angel, my mother.
Saved me many times in my life
Your warm prayer.

I wish you only happiness on the holiday,
Let your eyes burn
I will, my dear, try
So that you can be proud of me.

I hurry to you alone, mommy,
Victories, sorrows I bear.
Easy to paint snow white
I love the line in my life.

I thank you every time
For the fact that there is you, my mother.
Oh mother, mother, dear mother,
Believe how much I love you!

Because you are always courteous,
For always helping me.
For giving birth to a girl
Give love all your life!

Happy Mother's Day Poems from Son

The fact that mother is not more expensive,
We know everything, because that's the point.
But how difficult is her way!
Not everyone will appreciate and understand.

You are mom. No more happiness
How to dedicate your life to a child.
Just immersed in motherhood
You know how to love.

I wish you on mother's day
Be happy and successful.
And status, the most honorable
Be very proud, cherish.

Not enough words to express all the tenderness
For your affection, and care, and warmth.
Under the mother's wing lives serenely,
And from that it is so light in the soul.

Dear mother, forgive me
For sharpness, which happens sometimes.
From small troubles do not be sad,
And I will always be with you.

Thank you for everything on Mother's Day
For the caress of hands, care and anxiety,
For this world, beautiful dawn
And the first step on the road of life,
For tenderness, boundless love,
Thank you for your kind words and patience.
Thank you, I say again and again
You are my angel, without a doubt.
Let there be only good in your life
Let the sun shine brightly over your head!
You are - and my soul is warm,
My one and only, the best in the world!

Mommy, you gave life, dear,
You didn't sleep with me at night.
Luckily you guided me
And always cared, loving.

On mother's day I will send you a kiss,
You can decipher it right now.
And you will understand the scope of my love
The Lord will keep you and take care.

Congratulate your beloved mom
I want a happy holiday today!
And I can't imagine
What would I be without your care.

I wish you happiness in life
Not only on holidays, but always,
Let them bypass the house of bad weather,
And never get sick!

Congratulations for the mother-in-law

For me, you are not just a mother-in-law,
You are my second mother
What makes me so lucky with you
I did not expect and did not dream!

Congratulations on Mother's Day!
Both the husband, and children - all with me.
We wish you happiness without end,
So that in life there was peace and tranquility!

I want my mother in law
Congratulations on mother's day.
Let life be beautiful
I also want to add

What are you to me, truly,
The second became a mother,
I want to sincerely congratulate
Mother-in-law dearest!

Happy mother's day my mother in law
Congratulations today
And I tell you from the bottom of my heart
I wish you joy.

It is worthy to raise a son -
special science.
I wish you to flourish
Life is a joyful thing!

I congratulate you, my mother-in-law!
Today is your holiday - Mother's Day.
May love never end in your heart,
How much would you spend it on everyone!

Congratulations for mother in law

Congratulations to my mother-in-law
And on mother's day I wish
You remain beautiful
More son-in-law smile -

You are always ready to help
Just like your daughter!
Seas of vigor and strength
To give every day!

Happy mother's day mother in law
I congratulate you with all my heart
I wish to be easier in life -
And peace will come to your soul,

Being your son-in-law is happiness
I want to sincerely say
Let misfortune not touch you,
You are my second mother!
