Madeleine Stewart from Australia. Model with Down Syndrome is the star of New York Fashion Week

Meet this 18 year old girl from Brisbane, Australia named Madeline Stuart and she is determined to change the fashion world. A year ago, she was an ordinary nondescript girl with Down's syndrome, but then Madeleine decided to put herself in order, went on a diet and went in for fitness. With the help of great desire and willpower, she was able to take her life into her hands and turn into a beauty. On this moment she is in search of a modeling agent who can turn her dream of becoming a professional model into reality.

Madeleine used to look like this

But then she took care of herself, went on a diet and started doing fitness. With the help of such a simple method, she lost 9.5 kg

Now Australian Madeleine Stewart looks like this

With the help of her mother Roseanne, Madeleine was able to take her life into her own hands and is currently storming the fashion world with all her might.

"Maddie was never selfish and always cared for others. If someone fell while playing basketball, she immediately stopped playing and tried to help," said Roseanne, Madeleine's mother.

"Maddy used to deal with stress by eating a lot of food, it became a habit, and this vicious cycle just needed to be broken. I gave her the support she needed and after a few months, she already had new habits," said Rosanna

Madeleine now swims five times a week, cheerleads and hip-hop dances and takes cricket lessons to participate in competitions between people with disabilities

Through Kickstarter, Madeleine hopes to find a modeling agent to start her modeling career as soon as possible, with the help of her best friend Jamie Lee and her boyfriend Robbie.

"People with Down Syndrome can do what everyone else can do, they just do it at their own pace. Give them a chance and you'll be rewarded."

"I think it's time for people to realize that people with Down Syndrome can be sexy, beautiful, and famous," Madeleine's mom added.

Madeline Stewart, an 18-year-old Australian model with Down Syndrome, first gained attention earlier this year by posting gorgeous photos on Facebook.

Madeline and her mother Roseanne began to receive offers from international modeling agencies. Recently, the girl signed a contract that will allow her to participate in Fashion Week in New York (New York). The aspiring model is working with EverMay, a handbag maker, and is gearing up to be the face of a new bag line from Friday. The new line will be named after Stewart.

Speaking to Cosmopolitan, Roseanne said her daughter's modeling career should change the perception of people with intellectual disabilities.

“When we were asked to take part in New York Fashion Week, it didn’t surprise me,” Roseanne said. assumed it would happen. I hope that doesn't sound too pretentious."

"It was great," Roseanne said. "Jamie is a lovely young lady. She is so outgoing,

to more outgoing than Maddie. She is just beautiful. I don't think there is ugly people with Down syndrome. She is simply one of the most amazing people. Jamie was so happy to meet Maddie; the actress has been following Maddie on Twitter for months."

"One of the first to follow Maddie on Twitter was supermodel Karlie Kloss. Isn't that amazing?" Roseanne added.

The mother of the model said that Madeline longed to get into the world of beauty. The daughter worked hard to fulfill her desire, while her mother did everything in her power from a practical point of view to ensure that Madeline came out of the shadows. Rosanna is now confident that the world is ready to accept the next generation of models.

“I remember when I was a kid, went to school, people were homophobic and stuff like that,” Roseanne said. “But now it’s not shameful to be gay! Imagine how society will treat people with disabilities in 10 years. It won’t be what is happening now. People with disabilities will be considered normal."

"Most likely, it will be cool to chat with someone who has the intellect

physical disability, because, you know, such people care more about the emotional side of things than about material values. Everyone will want to become friends with such people in order to learn true love".

Roseanne thinks Instagram is a good launching pad for Madeline. In this application, according to the mother of the model, people from the new reality "hang out".

She said: "This is the next generation! These growing girls will never infringe on anyone! I remember when Maddie was born, we went out with her, and I heard insults from people saying that my daughter should be taken to the appropriate institution. It was 18 years ago!"

Modeling career made Madeline really happy. Rosanna notes that her girl was able to show the world how easy it is to communicate with those who have an intellectual disability. How easy it is to approach such a person and let him know that he is no different from you.

However, in the history of the Australian, not everything is so colorful. In fact, not everyone speaks positively of her.

“In general, there are not many unkind messages on the daughter’s pages,” Rosanna explains.

go to other pages where people write about Madeline, then yes, there are quite a few people talking nasty things here.

"In fact, last week's situation on Madeline's page was one of the worst. People complain that she does not smile much. But the fact is that Maddie flaunted on the catwalk last Sunday evening, where she learned from other models who advised her not to smile ! Now, when she sees that she is being filmed, she immediately puts on a serious face!

Growing in popularity, Stewart is now increasingly faced with the fact that she is recognized on the street. Such attention is pleasant not only to her.

“Yesterday we were shooting in Central Park and three girls from Australia came up to us to take a picture with Maddie,” Roseanne said. of them said: "My God! Are you the one famous model which I saw on television. Shall we take a picture?" It was amazing."

Revealing details from the life of her daughter, Roseanne notes that Madeline was seriously ill in childhood. The girl's heart defect did not evaporate anywhere. Still a deadly threat

have septal defects and a malfunctioning valve.

"We'll be modeling for as long as Madeline wants to," Roseanne said. loves to perform. We'll just keep going and see what happens!"

Revealing the secrets of her phenomenal interest in the person of Madeline, Roseanne ended by saying: "Do you know why Maddie is so loved? Because she loves herself. Maddie really loves herself. She can tell you how great she is. She can tell you how She is beautiful".

"Every day I tell her how amazing she is, and she believes in it unconditionally. I will never let anyone pour out my negativity on Madeline. She does not understand what discrimination is. I will not let her face it. If you able to believe in yourself, you'll keep your head up. That's why people love Madeline. She'll walk into a room and she won't judge anyone. I'd like to be more like my daughter in that."

For fate Madeline StuartMadeline Stuart V Last year the whole world is watching: at first, the girl lost 20 kg, dreaming of becoming a model, after that she signed her first contract with the agency, and now she tried on a wedding dress. It turned out that the image of a romantic bride suits her very well.

Madeleine Stuart has incredible willpower and determination. Despite the fact that she was born with Down syndrome, Madeleine leads absolutely full life and by his example proves that such a diagnosis is by no means a sentence. Thanks to her, thousands of people around the world took a different look at the problems of people with special needs, changed their attitude towards them.

Recently, Madeleine took part in a charming photo project from Sarah Houston (Sarah Houston), she tried on a snow-white wedding dress and felt like a bride. The idea of ​​the photocycle is simple: the author wanted to show that absolutely all women (regardless of age, body type and physical health) are adorable on such an important day for them. Glossy publications cultivate another stereotype: the bride must have a chiseled figure and poti puppet features. Wedding Dresses advertise professional models, so many girls simply do not even want to wear such an outfit, afraid to look "ridiculous" in the eyes of others.

Madeleine Stewart's photo session debunks the stereotype: the image of a girl is designed to inspire brides around the world to look at themselves differently. Every girl is beautiful, and the image of the cheerful and sparkling Madeleine is the best proof of this well-known thesis.

Despite the outward lightness and airiness of the project, Roseanne - Madeleine's mother - was sincerely worried about how the shooting would go. She was afraid that journalists would write that Madeleine was married. Such news would immediately become a sensation and increase sales at times. In the end, the woman consoled herself with the thought that her daughter should tell the world: special people like her also have feelings. They love their relatives, friends, and sooner or later a lover must appear in their life.

Madeline Stuart (Madeline Stuart) suffers not only from Down's syndrome, but also from endocarditis. But that didn't stop her from debuting at New York Fashion Week with sparkling guys on either side.

Earlier we wrote that in New York (New York fashion week) in September, and now we have a debut! The eighteen-year-old Australian conquered the runway of the Grand Central Vanderbeath Hall, becoming part of the presentation of international designers.

Before the show, Muddy's mom said, "Madeleine is very happy. It's great that we have this opportunity to convey our beliefs about the peculiarities of development.” Maybe the young model is laconic, but she has no problems with working on the podium.

The audience applauded when the graceful red-haired girl paraded with two young men. The fashion show in a brilliant floor-length dress made everyone hold their breath.

But her final exit caused a frantic delight. Wearing a black "I Am NYFW" T-shirt, she called her mother Roseanne Stewart to the runway, hugged and kissed her. "It was great," Muddy said after the show, "I feel good!"

Madeleine has always loved fashion and the fashion industry, and when her mother posted some of her photos from the photo shoot on Facebook, she became famous. Her glory follows her! She already has more than 500 thousand followers on Facebook, and she will continue her modeling career in Sweden and Russia.

Her mother, Rosanna, believes that people have become more open, so it has become possible for her daughter to choose a modeling career. “She worked hard for this! People with Down Syndrome can achieve anything,” Roseanne says, “I would like to convey to people that a book is not judged by its cover. All you have to do is show love, acceptance, and kindness. That's all we need. Of course, being a model is great, but it's just a way to get the message across. I think that's why Muddy did so well. After all, it’s not about us, but about the battle for all those who are different from most people and need love and acceptance.”

The story of an 18-year-old Australian Madeline StuartMadeline Stuart literally blew up the Internet. Girl with down syndrome not only learned to live fully, despite the illness, but also has ambitious plans for the future. I lost 20 kg thanks to healthy eating and fitness, she decided to become model!

Finding your calling in life is not easy for people with special needs. Sometimes they have to fight not only with their own illness, but also with those stereotypes that are firmly rooted in society. Roseanne, Madeline's mother, has suffered over the years, often she had to deal with prejudice against her daughter, endure simulated sympathy from friends and casual acquaintances. In fact, the woman is convinced that she has best child in the world, and that on Madeline's birthday she won the lucky ticket.

Rosanna always repeated to her daughter that she was the most beautiful, cheerful, smart, kind and charming. And she was right: the girl grew up responsive, sincere and sociable. Madeline has been fond of sports since childhood, for several years she has been dancing, swimming, playing basketball and cricket with pleasure. IN adolescence she realized that she needed to fight overweight and began to adhere to healthy lifestyle life: eat right, go to the gym 5 times a week. The result was not long in coming - Madeline managed to lose 20 kg!

Having achieved this result, Madeline decided that she wanted to become a model. Now she is actively looking for agencies that would like to work with this type of models. The girl believes that this is a great way to fight against prejudice and discrimination that exists in society towards people with a similar diagnosis. Rosanna is sure that if her daughter's dream comes true, she will win millions of hearts and teach people what is really important.
