Rinse the nose of a 6 month old baby. The better and how to rinse the nose of an infant

In the first year of a baby's life, mothers face many questions and difficulties, especially if the child is the first. While the baby cannot sit on his own, problems with nasal breathing can significantly complicate life, both with a physiological runny nose, and with a cold or allergic. Let's figure out how to safely and effectively rinse your nose to help a newborn or baby.

Causes of problems

Nasal congestion in babies can be caused by various reasons: colds, allergies, dry indoor air, cutting teeth. Whatever the cause, nasal discharge can make life difficult for a baby. Therefore, it is necessary to take effective measures to eliminate them. First of all, you need to find the cause. If a runny nose manifests itself as an allergic reaction or as a reaction to dry air in a room (physiological runny nose), then it is enough to moisten the nasal mucosa, ventilate the room more often and walk with the baby in the fresh air. If the child has a cold, and nasal discharge does not allow him to breathe (viral runny nose), then it is necessary to help the baby get rid of these unpleasant sensations. The most simple and effective way cleansing the nose of an infant is rinsing with saline, saline or sea water.

Is it always necessary to clean the nose

If nasal congestion is caused only by dry indoor air or an allergy to dust, it will be enough to use a humidifier, especially relevant during the heating season. With excessively dry air, a child in a dream can sniffle and grunt, which indicates an overdried nasal mucosa. In this regard, mucus is produced, which can be mistaken for a viral runny nose. Also, to moisturize the nasal mucosa, it will be enough to drip saline or another salt-based agent into the nose at night.

In addition, the baby has abundant discharge from the nose when teeth appear. In this case, it is enough to give him one of the means that are aimed at facilitating eruption.

It is necessary to clear the nose with obvious discharge from the nose, as well as in the case when the baby becomes uncomfortable: it is uncomfortable for him to eat, he sniffs or grunts.

Several rules must be observed to alleviate the condition of the child:

  • often ventilate the room;
  • as often as possible, give the child warm boiled water to drink;
  • drip any salt-based product into the nose and wipe the nose;
  • in case of abundant discharge from the nose, we help the baby get rid of them by sucking the snot with the help of an aspirator.

We wash correctly

The term "flushing" itself is conditional in relation to young children, since the correct approach is to simply instill saline solution into the nose. Instillation helps with dry physiological rhinitis to soften the resulting crusts and moisturize the nasal mucosa. It is enough to carry it out 1-2 times a day as needed. With nasal congestion, saline solution is dripped 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops each (frequency varies depending on nasal congestion). The general procedure is as follows:

  • we put the child on the back;
  • instill 1-2 drops in each nostril;
  • excess is removed with a napkin.

To moisten the nasal passages of a newborn, 1-2 drops of saline solution are enough.

Purchasing a solution in a pharmacy has the advantage of initial sterility. In the future, the solution can be drawn through a syringe with a needle, which then must be removed, since sterility is lost when the container is opened.

At the pharmacy, you can also buy nasal drops and sprays similar to saline for children. They are made on the basis of sea water, are quite effective, but are expensive.

Photo gallery: popular nasal rinses for babies

Spray Physiomer Drops Saline
Spray Aqua Maris baby
Drops Aqua Maris baby Spray Aqualor baby
Aqualor baby drops Saline

How to prepare saline solution at home

To prepare saline on your own, just mix a teaspoon of table salt and a liter of chilled boiled water. For convenient use and storage, the prepared solution can be poured into a used container from under children's drops from nasal congestion.

The shelf life of a self-prepared solution is 7-10 days.

Can sprays be used?

Sprays are not recommended for children under one year old. There are sprays that, according to the manufacturer, can be used from birth, for example, AQUALOR Baby, due to the minimum spray pressure. However, the advisability of using a spray to eliminate nasal congestion can only be determined by a doctor. Otolaryngologists and pediatricians do not recommend the use of drugs in the form of a spray for newborns and infants, since the solution is fed into the nasal passages under pressure and can damage the baby's auditory tube. Be sure to read the instructions before use. In addition, there is a risk of mucus and infection getting into the auditory tube and sinuses, which can cause sinusitis and otitis media. Babies are especially susceptible to this, who still cannot sit on their own, and in the supine position it is easiest to get mucus from the nose into the auditory tube without using a spray. Here are some statements of doctors from the website of the Russian Medical Server (http://www.rusmedserv.com):

Preparations in the form of a spray for children under 1 year old are not allowed.

Nasal spray is prohibited (according to the instructions) in children under 5 years of age, due to registration features and the form of release itself - most drugs in the form of nasal sprays are not used in children under 5-6 years of age, although Aqua Maris in the form of a spray, for example, is allowed from a year .

Nasal sprays are really dangerous, undesirable, if I remember correctly, even up to two years, and not up to a year.

It is clear that there are situations when one instillation is not enough. For example, with colds and SARS, snot must be constantly removed so that the infection does not remain deep in the baby's nose. After instillation of drops or saline, in this case, doctors recommend using a special safe device - an aspirator.

How to rinse the nose of a newborn baby

The easiest and most effective way to clean the nose of a child of the first month of life is to instill a saline solution, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself (1 teaspoon of table salt per 1 liter of boiled water).

A newborn child does not yet hold his head on his own, so the procedure is performed in a supine position.

  1. Lay the child on his back.
  2. Turn his head to the side and drip saline into the nasal passage that is above.
  3. Turn the head to the other side and perform the same manipulations with the other nasal passage.
  4. Remove the mucus from the nose with cotton flagella or a cotton swab, inserting them into the nostril no more than 1 cm and gently twisting.

Gently remove the discharge with a cotton swab after washing

Dangerous method: flushing with breast milk

Often, young mothers hear from their grandmothers strong advice to bury in the nose of a baby breast milk. They believe that breast milk can be used to cleanse the baby's nasal cavity. However, this is the greatest misconception, since breast milk does not have disinfectant properties, but, on the contrary, is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and can turn into a big disaster for the baby. For example, inflammatory processes may occur in the sinuses or nasal mucosa. Therefore, it is important to remember that if breast milk enters the baby's nose, for example, when the child chokes on milk, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity with saline. In this case, you will prevent the development of infection and preserve the health of the child.

How to wash the nose of a baby older than a month

Nasal cleansing with saline solution or drops

While the child does not yet hold his head on his own, it is better to clean the nose in the supine position, in the same way as for a newborn.

If the baby is already more or less confident in holding his head, the procedure will change slightly.

  1. Keep your child upright.
  2. Using a pipette or syringe, inject saline into the nose without pressure.
  3. Tilt the baby's head slightly forward so that excess liquid can easily flow out.
  4. Remove secretions with a tissue or cotton swab.

Spray cleaning

The use of sprays in each specific case must be coordinated with a pediatrician or otolaryngologist. If a doctor you trust, according to certain indications, prescribed a nose wash using a spray for a child up to a year old, the course of action is as follows.

  1. In an upright position, turn the baby's head to the side.
  2. Insert the tip of the tip into the upper nostril and moisten the nasal cavity with one long press (1-2 seconds).
  3. Carry out the same procedure with the other nostril.
  4. If necessary, remove accumulated mucus with an aspirator.

The instructions usually indicate that the duration of the spray depends on the degree of nasal congestion.

Video: use of Physiomer spray

Remember that the safest and at the same time effective way to treat a runny nose and eliminate nasal congestion is to instill saline or similar drops into the nasal passages.

Washing the nose with saline is a simple procedure that is carried out for hygienic and medicinal purposes. Due to its composition, saline solution is the best tool for the complex treatment of the common cold in people of any age.

Children under one year often have problems with nasal breathing. The child most of the time is in a horizontal position, which makes it difficult for the natural outflow of mucus. Nasal lavage is safe and effective procedure which allows you to help newborns and children younger age in the event of a physiological, cold or allergic rhinitis.

In accordance with the instructions for infants, the nose is washed lying down

Why rinse your child's nose?

The causes of nasal congestion in young children can be completely different. The condition is provoked by colds, allergic reactions, too dry air in the room, the beginning of teething (we recommend reading:). Abundant discharge from the nose greatly complicates the life of the baby. To solve the problem, you need to establish the exact cause and take effective measures:

  1. If a runny nose arose as a response to dry air, it is necessary to purchase a hygrometer and adjust the air humidity with a humidifier and frequent ventilation.
  2. With the allergic nature of the common cold, you need to get rid of the irritant and daily carry out wet cleaning in the house.
  3. In the presence of a viral disease, mucous secretions are a protective reaction of the body. Discharge from the nose in this case can be especially thick. It is necessary to provide the child with plenty of fluids and often ventilate the room.

If a child has a stuffy nose, then he begins to breathe through his mouth (we recommend reading:). Babies on breastfeeding or artificial feeding become capricious and whiny, as they cannot eat and breathe at the same time. Sleep is disturbed - with nasal congestion, babies sniffle and grunt in their sleep.

Congestion can provoke the development of a cold. During normal physiological breathing, the air passing through the nasal passages is purified and warmed. During oral breathing, cold air immediately enters the bronchi.

To help the baby get rid of discomfort and restore nasal breathing, it is necessary to rinse and clear the nose of liquid and thick secretions.

Indications and contraindications for rinsing the nose with saline

Saline is a sterile low concentration sodium chloride solution. Saline solution is often used in medicine:

  • dilution of powder preparations for use as injections;
  • removal of toxic substances from the body with various kinds of poisoning;
  • replenishment of fluid deficiency during dehydration;
  • washing the mouth, eyes, genitals.

Although low concentration sodium chloride is safe, there are contraindications to its use. Washing the nose with saline solutions is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of polyps and other neoplasms in the nasopharynx;
  • fragility of the capillaries of the nasal cavity;
  • severe swelling of the mucosa;
  • individual intolerance to salt.

How to prepare saline at home?

A saline solution in a 400 ml bottle costs from 30 to 60 rubles, you can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. In the event that it is not possible to buy a solution in a pharmacy, it can be prepared at home.

Saline can be easily and quickly prepared independently

To make a solution for washing, you need 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of kitchen salt. With the addition of 1 drop of iodine, the solution acquires antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The procedure for preparing the solution:

  1. to boil water;
  2. dissolve salt in it;
  3. carefully strain the resulting liquid through a cloth;
  4. cool to room temperature.

How to perform the procedure correctly?

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to properly rinse the nose of the child with saline. The method of execution depends on age - washing the nasal passages of a one-month-old baby is different from treating a child older than a year. Before the procedure, you need to visit a doctor - the pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations and explain what devices will be needed for the procedure.

Instructions for washing the nose of a newborn baby

To rinse the nasal passages of a newborn, you will need to purchase cotton wool, a sterile pipette, a special children's aspirator, or a small rubber bulb. The solution can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

First, the child's nose is cleaned of dried crusts. To do this, you need to lay the baby on his back, slightly moisten cotton flagella in boiled water, and carefully remove dirt from the outside. After that, you need to drop 1-2 drops of the solution for washing with a pipette into each nostril. It is necessary to wait a while until the liquid dissolves the dried mucus in the nose. With an aspirator or a rubber bulb, you need to suck out the softened mucus from the right and left nostrils.

The final stage is cleaning the nose with dry cotton flagella. Special care should be taken when performing manipulations, since newborns have narrow nasal passages and delicate, vulnerable nasal mucosa.

Performing the procedure on a child older than one year

Rinse the nose of a child under the age of 3 years as follows. If the baby already knows how to blow his nose, you need to ask him to blow his nose and help him clear the right and left nostrils alternately. Babies older than a year can drip 2-4 drops of saline into the nose to soften dried crusts.

To flush the nasal passages, you will need to prepare a rubber bulb with a soft tip or a syringe without a needle. The child should tilt his head over the sink and turn it to the side so that one nostril is slightly higher than the other. The baby's mouth should be slightly open during the procedure.

In the "upper" nostril, it is necessary to slowly, without creating pressure, pour the prepared saline solution with a rubber pear or syringe. In this case, the injected liquid should pour out of the “lower” nostril along with the mucus accumulated in the nose. In this way, the right and left nostrils are cleansed alternately.

After the end of the procedure, you should offer the child to blow his nose well or remove the remaining liquid with an aspirator.

How often can you wash?

You should not wash your child's nose on their own initiative. The doctor must prescribe the treatment. The frequency of procedures is affected by the degree of nasal congestion and the intensity of mucus production.

It is recommended to resort to washing in cases where nasal congestion worsens the quality of life of the baby - sleep, nutrition are disturbed, anxiety and capriciousness appear. It is allowed to use a saline solution for washing the nasal passages in newborns up to 3 times a day for no more than 7 days in a row. Uncontrolled procedures destroy the natural protective barrier of the mucosa and cause increased dryness in the nasopharynx.

Too frequent flushing in older children causes:

  • decrease in local immunological reactivity of mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the nasal passages;
  • psycho-emotional discomfort in a baby;
  • increased mucosal edema and aggravation of congestion.

What other drugs can be used to wash the nose?

A solution of sodium chloride has many effective analogues. The most popular substitutes for saline are pharmaceutical liquids with purified sea water in the composition. Means for washing are available in sprays and bottles equipped with pipettes. Parents can use Aqualor, Otrivin, Quicks, Dolphin (we recommend reading:).

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, Aquamaris has proven itself well, containing isotonic sea water with minerals. For babies in the first years of life, Aquamaris is available in the form of moisturizing drops, it is absolutely safe to use (we recommend reading:). Spray Aquamaris is recommended for use in children aged 3 years and older.

How to properly rinse the nose with saline can be seen in the video for the article.

New parents face many challenges when it comes to caring for a baby. One of them is the cleansing of the nasal passages from crusts and mucus. How to rinse the nose of a newborn and baby? This procedure raises many questions, the answers to which will help to cope with the excitement of moms and dads associated with washing the nose.

Why you need to rinse the nose of newborns and infants

A small nose performs important functions on which the health of the baby largely depends. It cleans the air from dust and microorganisms, moisturizes and warms it. Newborns and infants do not know how to breathe through their mouths, so their difficulty in nasal breathing is accompanied by various difficulties. They cannot suckle and swallow milk or formula normally, and sometimes they refuse to eat at all, which leads to a delay in weight gain. The child becomes restless, sleeps poorly, and with a pronounced and prolonged disorder of the respiratory function, work may be disrupted nervous system, increased intracranial pressure, hypoxia, which slows down the pace of development.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to ensure that the flow of air through the child's nose is not obstructed, and in case of mucus, measures should be taken to remove it.

Why does the nose breathe badly

Problems with nasal breathing can occur due to various factors:

  • dry indoor air;
  • teething;
  • allergy;
  • cold or SARS.

Regardless of the cause of a runny nose, decisive action is needed to clear the nose. If the problem lies in dry air, then it is enough to drip special nasal products that moisturize the mucous membrane, and in the cold season you can not do without the use of an air humidifier.

Rinsing the nose for allergies and SARS will clean the nasal passages, facilitate breathing, reduce swelling and wash away allergens and pathogens from the surface of the mucosa, and have a bactericidal effect.

How often should the procedure be done

Strictly stipulated recommendations on the number of nasal lavages for newborns and infants per day have not been established. For daily hygiene, manufacturers of drops recommend instilling them 1-2 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage, for prevention - 2-3 times, and for treatment - 4 or more, if necessary. At the same time, nasal products designed specifically for children do not have a limitation on the duration of use.

Means for washing the nose in newborns and infants

You can rinse the nose of newborns and infants with different solutions: saline, physiological, sea water or nasal drops specially designed for this. Features of different drugs, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in the table.

Means for washing the nose - table

Name Peculiarities Advantages Flaws
It is prepared from ordinary table salt and boiled water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon and 1 liter.
  • Easy to cook by yourself;
  • no need to go to the pharmacy.
Not sterile.
Sodium chloride or saline Saline is actively recommended by pediatricians for the care of the nasal cavity of children of different ages. In addition to nasal hygiene, it is used to dilute drugs before their intravenous or intramuscular administration.
The price of the solution is much lower than other preparations specially designed for irrigation of the nose.
  • Isotonic, i.e., it has the same osmotic pressure as that of blood plasma, therefore it does not cause changes in the concentration of electrolytes;
  • completely natural, does not contain dyes and preservatives;
  • it can be used for the treatment and prevention of nasal diseases, the removal of polluting accumulations and nasal secretions.
Available in large volume vials and ampoules. There is no special form for irrigation of the nasal passages. Instill into the nose with a pipette or other device.
french spray for daily care behind the nasal cavity of children and adults. According to the instructions, the drug is not intended for use in children under 1 month old, since the nozzle on the can is not adapted to physiological features nose of newborns.No
The origin of the solution is the ocean water of the Atlantic with natural minerals: K, Mg, Na, Cl, Se, I, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe and others. The drug is produced by a French pharmacological company and is available in the form of a soft shower and drops. Both dosage forms are allowed according to the instructions for use from birth, but irrigation of the mucosa with a soft shower can lead to infection of the middle ear.
Croatian preparation, which is the water of the Adriatic Sea with natural minerals: Na, Ca, Mg, Cl. Available in the form of a spray and drops, as well as in a balloon (Aqua Maris baby). Drops are allowed for the treatment of children from 1 day of life, spray - from 1 year, and a solution in a balloon - from 3 months. Allergic reactions are possible.
Otrivin baby Preparations from Switzerland and France can be bought in the following dosage forms: drops, spray and aspirator. Drops and an aspirator are used in newborns and infants, if necessary. The spray is safe to use from the age of 1 year.
  • Isotonic, i.e., has an osmotic pressure the same as that of blood plasma, and a pH level close to the pH level of the nasal mucosa;
  • different forms of release allow the drug to be used both for moisturizing the mucosa and suctioning the mucus.

Means for washing the nose - photo gallery

Infusion solution used as a nasal irrigation The simplest nasal care product A convenient line of preparations for hygiene of the nose of babies Marimor drops and aspirator are designed to care for the nasal cavity of a child Natural sea water for moisturizing the nasal passages of babies in the form of drops and a gentle shower Preparation for moisturizing and washing the nose in children Spray for adults and children from the age of one month

Instillation of breast milk into the nose

Some doctors or benevolent grandmothers advise to drip mother's breast milk into the baby's nose in case of a runny nose, explaining this by the fact that it contains a lot of immunoglobulins and other useful substances. However, the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky draws attention to the absurdity of these statements and gives the following arguments.

Firstly, the concentration of protective substances in any snot is many times higher than in any milk.

Secondly, elementary life experience convincingly shows that no one, anywhere, ever uses any milk for disinfecting purposes. Moreover, the best environment for the reproduction of bacteria is simply impossible to come up with.

Evgeny Komarovsky


Washing rules

Washing the nose of newborns and infants is a conditional concept. Usually, this refers to the instillation into the nasal passages of a solution that will moisten the mucous membrane, soften the crusts and make the mucus more liquid so that it can be removed with an aspirator. All preparations specially designed for this purpose are safe for babies, but, despite this, before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a pediatrician who will examine the child, determine the cause of the common cold, and select the most suitable remedy for washing the nose and tell you how to properly carry out the procedure.

If you are rinsing your child's nose with saline or saline, but it is convenient to do this with a pipette or an empty bottle of nasal drops.

When choosing a nasal remedy, parents should remember that sprays are contraindicated for newborns and infants under 1 year old. Injecting the drug with a jet can cause the development of otitis media. Some brands offer spray formulations that spray the solution at low intensity (gentle shower) and claim that they are safe for use in infants. However, many pediatricians are wary of this dosage form and recommend not using it until the age of 1 year.

Required equipment for the procedure

To flush the spout, you will need the following tools.

  1. A pipette that is used to instill a saline or saline solution, or a specially designed drug in an easy-to-use bottle, into the nose.
  2. Cotton swabs or flagella for cleansing dried crusts and mucus.
  3. A rubber bulb or aspirator designed to remove mucus from the nose, if necessary.
  4. Napkin for wiping the remnants of the drug or mucus from the face of the child.

As a rule, babies start screaming and crying when their nose is washed with an aspirator, so parents should mentally prepare for the procedure, be patient and not be nervous. The step-by-step instructions below will help with this, as well as the experience and skills acquired in the process of caring for a child.

Types of aspirators: which one to choose? - video

Step-by-step instruction

In order to clean (rinse) the child's nose, you need to perform the following simple steps.

  1. Lay the baby on its back or turn its head to the side.
  2. Drop your chosen nasal remedy into your upper nostril.
  3. Turn the head to the other side and do the same for the other nostril.
  4. If necessary, gently clear the child's nasal passages of mucus and crusts with a cotton swab, flagellum or aspirator.
  5. Remove the remnants of the drug and mucus with a tissue.

Washing the nose of a baby is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Carrying out the procedure will help the child breathe in the air freely, clear the nasal passages of mucus, microbes and allergens, allow you to suckle and sleep without interference. Following step by step instructions, the mother will quickly learn to clear the airways, which will significantly improve the quality of life and mood of the baby and his parents, as well as protect against possible consequences.

Funds called "Aqualor" are in demand in childhood, as they are considered safe even for the smallest patients and quite effective. Their action is provided by natural sea water, and there are no preservative additives in the preparations.

One of the products of this brand is used for daily cleansing of the nasopharynx from pollution and the prevention of acute respiratory infections. Other remedies are indicated when the nasal mucosa is inflamed. Sometimes the doctor also prescribes washing the nasal cavity, for example, if there are a lot of secretions and they are very thick.

Which "Aqualor" to use?

Two products are best suited for washing:

  • "Aqualor norms";
  • Aqualor Extra Forte.

Their feature is the method of spraying the solution contained in the can, which the manufacturer called the "jet". Other variants of Aqualor (“baby”, “soft”, “extra” and “throat”) are usually not used for this purpose, since their nozzles do not provide sufficient pressure of sea water, but only irrigate the nasal cavity (their spraying method is called "soft shower" and "shower").

Both drugs are produced in the form of a spray, and one bottle contains 125 ml of solution. Its basis is sea water, but the content of NaCl in it is different - the "norm" preparation contains water with an isotonic concentration (it includes an average of 9 g of salt per liter), and in the "extra forte" water is hypertonic (the average content of NaCl is 21 g/l).

In addition to water, Aqualor Norm contains no auxiliary ingredients, and the Extra Forte preparation additionally includes extracts from medicinal plants (aloe and chamomile).

Action and indications

When processing the nasal cavity with "Aqualor norms":

  • the nasal mucosa is moisturized, which maintains its normal physiological state;
  • viruses, excess mucus, pathogenic bacteria, allergens and various contaminants are washed off;
  • the nasopharynx becomes more resistant to SARS;
  • restoration of the shell when it is damaged is accelerated;
  • puffiness decreases, due to which breathing through the nose is restored.

This action of the spray allows you to use it both to prevent acute respiratory infections and to treat viral rhinitis, if the child already has it. The drug is also in demand for purulent rhinitis, and for allergic rhinitis, as well as for sinusitis, adenoiditis, and after various surgical procedures in the nose area.

Since Aqualor Extra Forte contains a hypertonic solution, it is prescribed only for illness, because with inflammatory process excess fluid is formed in the affected cells, which leads to swelling and nasal congestion.

The drug, which has got on the mucous membrane, due to the high salt content, due to the osmotic action, draws out excess water from the inflamed cells, as a result of which the swelling decreases. Plant extracts that are added to sea water in such an "Aqualor" additionally destroy pathogens and strengthen local immunity.

Is it permissible to wash the nose of the baby?

According to the instructions for "Aqualor", the "norm" agent can be used for washing in children infancy starting from 6 months. As for the drug "extra forte", it is contraindicated for children under two years of age.

How many times to wash?

The frequency of the procedure depends on the purpose for which the washing is carried out. If it is used for daily hygiene and prevention of colds, then 1-2 times a day is enough.

If the baby has a severe runny nose, a lot of discharge and there is no normal breathing through the nose, the manipulation is performed 4-6 times during the day or more often.


Although Aqualor products are safe, there are situations where when washing the nose with such solutions is prohibited, for example:

  • with individual hypersensitivity to sea water or plant extracts as part of Aqualor Extra Forte;
  • with bleeding from the vessels of the nose or with a tendency to its appearance;
  • with neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • with a damaged nasal septum;
  • with inflammation of the middle ear or perforation of the eardrum;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with a curvature of the nasal septum (an ENT doctor's consultation is required).

How to wash the nose of a child?

Up to two years

For such small patients, the use of Aqualor Norms in the supine position is indicated. Having laid the baby on the side and turning his head to the side, you should insert the tip of the balloon into the nasal passage that will be located at the top.

Pressing on the nozzle for a few seconds, the solution is injected into the nasal cavity, and then the baby is seated, removing the remnants of the drug and secretions using an aspirator or a rubber bulb. If required, the procedure is repeated. Next, the second nasal passage is washed, laying the child on the other side.

From the age of two

An older child, depending on his condition, can rinse his nose with both a “norm” spray and an “extra forte” preparation. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, when the child will be standing next to the sink. The head of a small patient is tilted to the side, and the tip is inserted into the nostril located at the top. After washing the nasal passage for a few seconds, you need to remove the tip and invite the child to blow his nose. Further, all actions are repeated for the second nasal passage, and if necessary, the manipulation is carried out again.

What else to consider?

Since, after washing, liquid secretions will come out of the nasal cavity for some time, it is not worth carrying out the procedure at night.

If manipulation is used for prophylaxis in healthy child, then after washing it is not recommended to go for a walk from 30 minutes (in summer period) up to 2 hours (in winter).

After washing in the nose, you can instill any medicines. "Akvalor" is compatible with any other medicines (vasoconstrictor, antiviral, etc.), and their use after treatment with "Akvalor" will not only be more effective, but also less likely to cause side symptoms.

Do they do inhalation?

Some doctors at severe runny nose in a child older than 1 year, it is recommended to do steam inhalations with saline. Instead of saline, "Akvalor baby" in drops can be used. This procedure moisturizes the nasopharynx well and makes the mucus accumulated in the nasal passages more liquid, which helps to remove it.

However, without a doctor's prescription, such inhalations should not be carried out, since they have some contraindications.

What to replace?

Instead of Aqualor, for a runny nose or for its prevention, similar products can be used in the form of a spray or drops containing sea water or saline. Such drugs include "Physiomer", "Salin", "Marimer", "Morenazal", "Humer", "Dolphin", "Aqua-Maris" and other means. They are similar, but the age limits for such drugs are different.

In addition, before choosing an analogue of Aqualor, you should carefully study its instructions or check with your doctor if it is allowed to use it for washing the nose.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you how to clear the nose of snot for a child in the next video.

A runny nose in a baby always causes a lot of trouble for both the child himself and his parents. The baby cannot eat and sleep normally, he becomes irritable and whiny. If a runny nose has been going on for a long time, then weight loss is possible. With a runny nose in a baby, you should immediately contact a pediatrician. Only a doctor can choose a safe and at the same time effective treatment. Before use medicines you need to wash the nose of a baby, but not all parents know how to do it correctly.

What solutions can be used

They wash the nose of a newborn child with both ordinary boiled water and various medicinal solutions. In the pharmacy, you can buy medicines that are ready for direct nasal lavage. All these compounds are based on purified sea water, they help to cleanse the nasal passages of mucus, reduce swelling and inflammation. Most often they resort to such drugs of this drug group:

In addition, drugs such as Aqualor and Otrivin can be prescribed. All of these medicines contain sea water and other natural ingredients.

In the treatment of a runny nose of various etiologies in infants, other solutions can be used, both purchased in the pharmacy chain and made independently.

  1. You can use saline to wash the nose of the baby. Such a composition is quite inexpensive, but the effect of it is not lower than that of expensive nasal drops and sprays. With the help of saline, you can rinse the nose of the crumbs not only from mucus, but also from allergens that have accumulated on the mucosa.
  2. A weak decoction of medicinal herbs helps well. For the treatment of rhinitis in infants, chamomile or calendula is most often used. They take a teaspoon of medicinal herbs, fall asleep in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, filter and use to wash the nasal passages. A decoction of the herb has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. You can prepare a weak saline solution for washing the nose of the baby. To do this, take 0.5 teaspoon of table or sea salt and dissolve in a glass of boiled water, cooled to a warm state. This solution moisturizes and disinfects the mucous well.

You can wash the baby's nose from the very first days of life, if necessary. It is most convenient for this purpose to use an ordinary pipette, which can be bought quite cheaply at a pharmacy.

Before proceeding with the instillation of the baby's nose, the medicinal composition must be heated to a comfortable temperature.

Preparation for the procedure

Before rinsing the baby's nose, it is necessary to prepare him for this procedure. To do this, the baby's nose is cleaned of dried crusts and mucus. This can be done with cotton flagella dipped in vaseline oil and with a small rubber syringe.

After the nasal passages are cleaned, you can start washing the nose, but first you need to prepare everything you need for this procedure. You will need these things:

The syringe must be clean. Even if it is new, it should be pre-washed with a weak solution. baby soap and boil.

To clean the baby's nose, you can use a special aspirator designed to suck mucus from the nose.

Instructions for the procedure

You can rinse the nose of the baby over a bath or basin. It is desirable to carry out the procedure together, one person should hold the crumbs, and the second should wash his nose. If the mother is alone at home, and it is necessary to rinse the nose, then the procedure is performed in the position of the woman sitting, and the baby leans on her chest.

All medical manipulations are carried out in several successive stages:

  • A heated solution is poured into a syringe or a special aspirator.
  • The baby is held vertically over a basin or bath, you need to make sure that the baby's mouth is open.
  • In one nostril begin to pour the solution under slight pressure. At the same time, the baby is slightly tilted forward so that water flows out of the other nostril at random.

The jet of water supplied must first be weak, and then gradually increase its strength. After one nostril is washed, the same manipulation is carried out with the other nasal passage.

If during the manipulation the child cries a lot, you should try to distract him with a rattle or other toy.

How to rinse the nose of a baby who does not hold his head

Children of the first months of life do not yet hold their heads normally, so it will be difficult for them to rinse their nasal passages, holding them over a basin. In this case, the nose should be washed correctly according to the following algorithm:

  • The baby is placed on the back, having previously laid a diaper folded in half.
  • A warm decoction of herbs or salted water is drawn into the pipette.
  • Bury in each nasal passage no more than 4 drops of the solution.
  • After that, with the help of a syringe, the nose is cleaned of the remnants of the solution and mucus.
  • Next, the nostrils are dried with dry cotton flagella.

After the nose cleansing procedure is completed, the mucous membrane needs to be moistened. To do this, take a flagellum from sterile cotton wool, moisten it in sterile oil and carefully process the nasal passages.

What to look out for

Babies up to two months may experience a slight runny nose. If there are no other symptoms, then this phenomenon can be considered physiological. In this case, the child's nose should simply be cleared of mucus several times a day with a cotton flagellum. Do not use to clean the nasal passages of a small child cotton buds, since you can easily damage the mucosa.

If the baby constantly develops dry crusts in the nose, then you should pay attention to the humidity of the air in the home and the drinking regimen of the child. A hygrometer should hang in the baby's room, by which humidity should be determined. The optimal rate should be close to 55%.

The children's room should not be too warm. Normal temperature is considered to be no higher than 21 degrees. Otherwise, the nasal mucosa will dry out all the time.

Cleaning the nose of a baby is actually quite easy if you know how to carry out this procedure. For children older than 3 months, the nasal cavity is washed over the basin, for infants of younger age, the nose is washed in position and lying down. All movements must be as careful as possible.
