Activities for February 23 in the middle group. Sports holiday dedicated to the day of defenders of the fatherland in the middle group

Zakharova Natalya Alexandrovna,
educator GBDOU d / s No. 57
Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Integration educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the surrounding world), "Music", "Physical culture".


To acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

To cultivate a sense of respect for the army through the respect of their fathers and grandfathers;

To form strong-willed qualities, purposefulness, endurance; support in children the desire and ability to overcome obstacles;

Improve coordination of movements, form dexterity and accuracy in children;

Cultivate a sense of collectivism, attentiveness, responsibility;

To increase the role of the family in physical education, health improvement and harmonious development of children;

Cultivate patriotic feelings.

The course of the holiday.

Children with flags to the music "Serving Russia" enter the hall, march, stand in a semicircle.

Moderator: Dear children and guests! Today we celebrate a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is the day of military glory. The whole country congratulates our dads and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, read poems in their honor. Since men have always been the protectors, warriors, guardians of the world, I propose to greet our boys, dads and grandfathers, who are in the hall (applause). And may on this day, as much joy as possible be in our hall.

4 boys read poetry.

1 boy: Hello holiday!

Hello holiday!

Boys and Dads Day!

Congratulations to all soldiers.

2 boy: Our cheerful kindergarten!

Glory to the beloved Army!

Glory to the Army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Protects our peace!

3 boy: Let the sun shine brightly,

And don't let the guns roar

Peace, people, native country

Always protect the soldier!

4 boy: Let there be peace on the whole planet,

May people live happily

Let the children rejoice.

They play and dance and sing songs!

Leading: Our boys, when they grow up, will also serve in the army, defend our Motherland. And that's what the next song is about.

Children stand in two columns, sing the song "We will serve in the army!" (music by Yu. Chichkov), marching, then sit down.

Host: Our boys are still going to kindergarten, but years will pass and they will become strong and courageous. And today we will see what they are, our boys. We will compete and then find out who we have the most dexterous, strongest and fastest.

Two games are played.

1. "Strongmen" - children blow on balloon until he crosses the border (3 times, two people each).

2. "The most accurate" - knock down 5 pins with the ball (3 times, two people each).

Host: You did an excellent job with the task, but what should a soldier be like a soldier?

Children's answers.

Host: And, of course, quick-witted, because he must, if necessary, be able to be smart. Guys, try to solve my riddles.

Boldly flies in the sky, overtaking birds flight.

The man controls it. What is this? (airplane)

There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

A few minutes later, it descended ... (parachute)

Thunder roared, merry thunder. All around sparkled.

Multi-colored fountains burst into the sky tirelessly.

Splashes of light pour everywhere. This is a festive ... (salute)

It takes off without acceleration, it resembles a dragonfly.

Our Russian takes off… (helicopter)

Host: You guys have a rest for now. Now we have exercises for our parents.

"Charging for the mind"

Far from the country they go to sea ... (ships)

Sea ice split pointed nose... (icebreaker)

Who taxied out there? Reactive plane)

This bird rushes to the stars, overtaking the sound ... (rocket)

Leading: And now I invite all the children to warm up.

Children stand scattered around the room.

Equal! Attention! Right! (to the music "Merry Charging")

Stand up straight, pull up.

Raise your hands to the sun

Hands to the sides, forward

Make a right turn.

Make a left turn.

We sit down and stand up.

We take out the floor with our hands.

And on the spot we walk.

We raise our legs higher.

Presenter: Dear grandfathers and fathers, please accept musical congratulations from the children “A song about dad”.

Children become scattered around the hall and sing “A Song about Dad” (words by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky), then sit down in their places.

Host: What qualities should a soldier have?

Children's answers.

Host: And also, soldiers should be able to be friends, to be one team. After all, you can defeat the enemy only with comrades. There is even such a proverb: "One in the field is not a warrior." And you know how to make friends.

Children: Yes!

Host: We will check this with the next game "Minefield" - you need to carefully clear the minefield. Girls take yellow "mines", boys - "blue". We carry a mine to the ammunition depot.

Children are divided into two teams of 5 people, the game is played 2 times.

Moderator: Well done, they coped with the task.

And now we invite our dads to "clear" the field.

The game "We clear the field." Soft balls are scattered on the floor. Two participants are blindfolded. Players must collect as many balls as possible in their baskets (held twice).

Host: You guys are so great! All of you know how to run fast, throw balls, and guess riddles. Also, I know you can dance well. And I invite you to dance.

At the end of the dance, the children throw the balloons up and shout "Hurrah!" and sit down.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. He brought us a lot of joy, laughter and good mood. And in conclusion, our girls want to congratulate grandfathers, dads and boys.

1 girl: We congratulate you warmly,

Happy Army and Navy Day,

Let there be joy

That someone remembers, honors and loves.

2 girl: And let the smile flash,

And let the wrinkles disappear

And let spring sing in my soul

3 girl: Today is your holiday, boys and dads.

Congratulations on your holiday -

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

We go into the hall with flags in our hands.

We walk with a snake.

We sit on chairs.

Leading: Dear Guys! Once again, we are gathered together in this hall. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate holiday- Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The whole country congratulates your dads and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, read poems in their honor. And we will congratulate our boys, because they are also the future defenders of the country. Why holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day? Who are the defenders? (defenders are those who protect their people). What qualities do you think a defender should have?

(strong, courageous, courageous).

All the boys all over the country

Must be brave

To protect the borders

To make moms smile

Let there be no war!

Soldiers, the military protect our country from possible enemies ... Guys, who among you knows what the fatherland is? The word fatherland comes from the word father. Fatherland is called the Motherland. Our Motherland is Russia, the country in which we live.

Our Russian army

birthday in february!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

The trumpets sing loudly.

Our army.

All: Firework!

Leading: The soldier also needs rest,

Well, future soldiers

I suggest you play!

Well, let's play a game now, imagine a little that we are in the Army.

A game "In the army…"

how did you serve? like this! (show thumb up)

How did you make friends? like this! (hands to lock)

how did you shoot at the target? like this

How did you sleep in the barracks? like this!

how did you eat porridge? like this!

how did you sing a song in the ranks? like this!

how did you miss home? like this!

how do you drink hot tea? like this!

how did you submit the report? like this!

marched on the parade ground? like this!

how sad for friends? like this!

how did you laugh? like this!

Leading: Guys, what types of troops do you know? (border, navy, rocket, flight, airborne troops.)

Lead 2: Guys, and now we will sing a song about them.

Song "ONE-TWO!"

Now guys let's play a game "Commander with a pipe".


Presenter 1: Guys, now we'll see how well you know military equipment. I will give you riddles.

Takes off without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Let's fly now

Big and noisy…. (helicopter)

Under water - an iron whale,

Day and night the whale does not sleep,

Day and night underwater

Keeps our peace. (Submarine)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket)

A bird flies - a fable,

And people sit inside

He speaks among himself. (Airplane)

Away from your country

They go to sea... (ships)

Sea ice split

Pointy nose... (icebreaker)

Who taxied there to take off

Reactive (airplane)

This bird flies to the stars

Outruns the sound (rocket)

Airplane in the blue sky

Runs it (pilot)

No vest without stripes

Who is in a vest, that (sailor)

I'll take a quick look at it.

I will tell the whole team (binoculars)

He is lean and thick-skinned.

Hit with a stick. -Bam, bam!

Thunder. Can't be silent

This one is loud. (Drum)

Presenter 1: Guys, let's sing a song about a drummer


Lead 2: And now I suggest that you be Drummers.

Drummers game (march, drum, sleep).

Presenter 1: Guys, do you know that a soldier should be able to be friends, because you can defeat the enemy only with comrades. There is even a proverb:

"There is safety in numbers" Are you good at making friends?

Children: Yes!

Presenter 1: Let's check!

Contest "Collect a picture"

(2 groups of 4 people, you can take one adult to the team and, on command, they must collect a split picture and come up with a name for it)

Lead 2: So our fun is coming to an end holiday dedicated to our beloved boys, their dads, grandfathers and brothers! We have no losers today! Our boys, as well as girls, proved to be strong, brave, friendly - future Defenders of the Fatherland!

Let's once again greet future sailors, border guards, pilots, scouts!

Our future soldiers still have a lot of time to grow up, gain strength, health, knowledge to become real Defenders of our Motherland!

Holiday scenario for February 23 for the middle group.

1. Introduction - congratulations.

(Children enter with ribbons to the music of Ryazanova's song " Defenders of the Fatherland»,

stand in a semicircle) .

1st host : Very soon a special holiday will come - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, we congratulate all men - our dads, brothers, grandfathers and our boys - the future defenders of the Motherland.

1 child: Our army's Russian birthday in february !

Glory to her invincible! Glory to peace on earth!

2 child: Trumpets sing loud, our army ...

All children : Firework! (waving ribbons)

3 child : Ships sail into space. Our army...

All children : Firework! (waving ribbons)

4 child : Peace and labor on the planet. Our army...

All children : Firework! (waving ribbons)

5 child : We play, we play, we are infantry, sailors.

We launch rockets, we love sonorous blades.

6 child : We dream, we dream that when we grow up

We will become infantrymen and go to serve in the fleet.

7 child : To the border and to sappers, to pilots, to the submarine fleet.

We will grow up very soon, but for now the game is on.

8 child : Today is the day of our army, there is no stronger one in the world.

Hello defenders of the people! Russian army

All children : Hello! (waving ribbons)

9 child : Soldiers of friendship, peace come out on parade

Fighters and commanders stand behind a row.

10 child : Like soldiers on parade , we walk side by side.

Hurry up the detachment, let's march on parade !

2. Song Brave soldiers. (music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

1. Good soldiers with songs are coming

Eh! Left! Left! They go with songs (to the chorus they march in place with ribbons)

And the boys happily run after them.

2. I want the boys to serve in the army

Eh! Left! Left! Serve in the army (to the chorus they march in place with ribbons)

I want the boys to do something.

3. Brave boys have nothing to grieve

Soon you will go to serve in the army.

Eh! Left! Left! Nothing to grieve (to the chorus they march in place with ribbons)

4. Soon you will go to serve in the army.

You will vigilantly guard the borders

Eh! Left! Left! Vigilantly guard (for the chorus they march in place with ribbons)

You will stand guard over the Motherland.

(Children sit on chairs, girls in the middle, in front of their parents, boys on the right and left) .

3. Contests.

1 leader: You guys are friendly

Like brave soldiers.

To become a real fighter

And brave, and daring,

Need, friends, efforts,

Skill, strength, knowledge!

2 host: And now we will check you.

Let's start the competition.

And the first task

For speed and focus.

Competition "Soldier on duty" - a cape hangs on a chair, a cap and a gun lies. You need to run to the signal, put on everything, take a gun and stand quietly as if on duty. This is for a child, and for dad - a cap, tie and a gun.

The boys are already divided into two teams. 1 boy from each team and their dad are invited. (2 times).

1 leader: The next task is for accuracy and diligence.

Contest "Accurate shooter".

For this competition we invite two popes. Both teams play in full force.

Each child throws a ball into the basket.(Dads catch balls with baskets without leaving their seats) .

4. Dance "Lizaveta" (music. , sl. ).

(5 couples dance - a boy, a girl).

Are you waiting, Lizaveta,

Hello from a friend.

You don't sleep until dawn

You are all sad about me.

Let's get the win

I will come to you

On a hot war horse.

Let's get the win

I will come to you

On a hot war horse.

I'll come in the spring

I'll open the gate

I am with you, you are with me

Inseparable forever.

In sadness and anxiety

Don't stand on the threshold

I'll come back,

When the snow melts.

In sadness and anxiety

Don't stand on the threshold

I'll come back,

When the snow melts.

My dear,

I'm waiting and dreaming

Smile when you meet

I was brave in battle.

Oh, how could I live

Before the marriage

And hug your loved one.

Oh, how could I live

Before the marriage

And hug your loved one.


2 host: Come visit us soon

Pilots are pilots.

We'll see how they fly

Your planes!

Contest “Pilots. Boys invite dads (6 dads and 6 boys). Dads make paper airplanes. The boys simultaneously launch them into the hall to their mothers. Who will fly further.

1 leader: Contest "Cavalry". Dads are involved. They jump in a circle to the music of Gazmanov, brandishing sabers. At the signal of the leader, the sabers are placed on the floor. The leader removes several sabers. When the music stops, all dads should take the remaining sabers as soon as possible. The one who did not get the saber is out. And the competition continues until the winner is revealed.

2 host: And behind the cavalry - sailors, conquerors of the seas,

Captains of both surface and submarine ships.

6. Dance "Salazhata" (Spanish: K. Lomovaya)

(6 pairs of boys and girls come out).

The waves are dancing behind the stern,
Strive to lick pea coats.
With sailors in the sea they plow
Lettuce, lettuce.
With sailors plow the sea
Lettuce, lettuce.

And on some side
Behind storms of nine points
The girls are patiently waiting
Your dear admirals.
The girls are patiently waiting
Your dear admirals.

Trying hard to fall in love
land boys,
After all, girls dream at night
Lettuce, lettuce.
After all, girls dream at night
Lettuce, lettuce.

The waves are dancing behind the stern,
Strive to lick pea coats.
With sailors in the sea they plow
Lettuce, lettuce.
With sailors in the sea they plow
Lettuce, lettuce.

7. Charging for the mind. (puzzles).

1 leader: A real soldier must be not only strong, courageous, dexterous, courageous, but also quick-witted. Therefore, now, boys, for you, "Exercise for the mind." You will have to solve riddles.

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flight,

Man controls it

What is it? ... (airplane).

2 host: I walk in an iron shell,

All lined with armor.

I shoot projectiles

I am very ugly looking. (tank).

1 leader: An iron whale underwater

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps my peace. (Submarine).

2 host: Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

1 leader: Away from your country

go to sea ... (ships).

2 host: The trunk sticks out of the fence,

He scribbles relentlessly.

Those who are smart will understand

What is it ... (machine gun).

8. Chastushka girls.

1 leader: Well done boys. And you have completed this task. And now our girls will congratulate you on the holiday with their perky ditties.

    We congratulate the boys

Let's tell all our guys

Only kind words. Wu-uh.

    Boys will grow up soon

They will pass the medical examination

Not wasting a minute

Go straight to the army. Wu-uh.

    Vanya cannot be pulled out

Mom and dad out of the bath

He dives and swims -

He will serve in the Navy. Wu-uh.

    Gleb flies around the room,

Hands-wings spreads,

Everyone is rammed by a plane,

Will be a pilot in the army. Wu-uh.

    To be a brave soldier

Health needs to be improved

harden daily,

Do physical education. Wu-uh.

    My father, like all dads,

He also served in the army

Buttons with a star

He sewed it to my jacket. Wu-uh.

    We sang ditties to you,

Is it good, is it bad

Now let's ask you

To clap us! Wu-uh.


2 host: Competition "Minefield". (1 person from each team and one dad are invited).

All players are blindfolded and given baskets in their hands. Cubes are scattered on the floor. On a signal, the participants begin to touch the cubes by touch. The game is repeated 2 times.

1 leader: Competition "Best Driver" . (Dads are welcome.)

Participants sit on chairs. On the floor between the legs lies a ribbon to which a toy car is tied. On a signal, the players wind the ribbon on a stick, trying to bring the car closer to them as quickly as possible.

    Army dance. (author unknown)

2 host: And our boys also prepared a gift for everyone - an Army dance. (6 boys dance).

1. The boys are standing in the ranks,
hands holding machine.

They will live according to the charter,

will serve their country.

Their girls are waiting at home

sad songs are sung

waiting for their children home,

summer autumn spring.

2. The soldiers have a lot to do,
need to clean the machine

remember the girls

write letters and call.

Dreams are not seen at night

weariness beats on the shoulders,
waiting like unearthly manna,

long-awaited - hang up.

3. A couple of months will pass,
and the boy will live
Stronger body, firmer look,

a brave soldier will grow up.

For training and in battle,

on a halt and in the ranks,

do not recognize them today,

proud, strong, young.

4. The boys are standing in the ranks,
hands holding machine.

They will live according to the charter,

will serve their country.

Their girls are waiting at home

sad songs are sung

waiting for their children home,

summer autumn spring.

1 presenter : For everyone to live peacefully, for everyone to sleep peacefully

Every day and every hour vigilantly guards us

The native army is a mighty army, the native army is the best.

9. The song "Our Motherland is strong." (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filipenko)

(all children are built in a semicircle).

1. We have tankers,

There are sailors

There are artillerymen -

Sharp arrows.


Our Motherland is strong

She guards the world

She saves the world!

2. We have rockets,

There are also ships!

Our astronauts

Miracle of the whole Earth!


3. We are proud of our

Peaceful country!

And invincible

Army native!


2 host: And so our holiday entertainment comes to an end. We were able to see once again how much your children love you, how much joy we brought to each other. And we can say with confidence: We had a great rest, we won everything by right!

1 leader: Dear dads and grandfathers!

So that you smile today

Your children have worked hard for you!

And in this wonderful holiday

They have prepared gifts for you! Happy holiday! (Children give gifts)

2 host: This concludes our holiday. Thank you very much!

A holiday for children of the middle group and their dads, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.


Adults: Host, Captain Vrungel.

Children and their dads.

To the tune of the song A true friend» V. Shainsky (audio recording) children enter the hall and take their seats.


Hello my friends,

Adults and children!

Good to see you again

In these light walls.

Special holiday today

Find out - you will be glad:

The most important characters

Dads will be at the party!

1st child:

Our dads are young

Our dads are remote

Cunning and bold

After mom - the first!


So let's meet them -

This will make everyone happy.

They are already on their way to us.

With Captain Vrungel!

A march sounds, dads enter the hall, Captain Vrungel goes first.

Vrungel: Left - right, left - right! Stop! One, two! Get ready for the roll call!

Captain Vrungel conducts a surname roll call.

Vrungel: Count on the first or second!

Dads "calculate".

Vrungel: The first numbers are a step forward: one, two! I allow you to relax and take your places according to the numbers at the tables.

The dads are seated.

Leading: That's discipline! Just beauty.


You will be convinced of this

During the celebration...


Thank you! We'll all be glad

But just let me now

Children read poetry of their choice music director.


Well, it's not easy for you

Now you have to do:

Try in your distance

To convince guests and children.


You know, our dear ones,

Let's not go far

An ordinary men's day will show -

We can handle this easily.

But before doing that.

Let me introduce the men.

Dads take turns talking about themselves.

Children sing "A song about dad" by V. Shainsky.


As you know, in order

We start the day with a workout.

It will be the same now

We'll charge right away.

There are games for dads “I jump as I want”, “Running in bags”, “Score a goal with potatoes”.

You need to dress quickly.

There is a competition for dads "Who will get dressed faster".

2nd child:

I happened to see that

What no one has seen

A coat was walking down the alley.

The people around could not understand

Who is it that moves without legs?

And it was - you know who?

The boy in his father's coat.


Your hint is understood. Happens...

Men will fix everything now.

A fashion show competition is held. The dads show off their pre-prepared costumes.


Let our dads rest

And gain more strength.

And we will dance for you here

His fervent "Quadrille".

Children perform the dance "Quadrille" (at the choice of the music director).


Available for men

Healthy, delicious, quick breakfast,

So I asked

Let's make some sweet porridge.

The cook enters with a tray in his hands, on which is iron with porridge, plates and spoons.

There is a competition for dads "Eat porridge blindfolded."


If you were very careful

They figured it was time to start classes.

There are games-classes for dads “Inflate the balloons”, “Who will collect the most balloons”, “Burn the balloons”.


It's such a hard day

To be a man -

We're doing it, believe me

Even during a break.

Contests are held for dads “Sing a song”, “What has changed?”, “Dance like me”.


We have undoubtedly made sure

What in the world is not better

Our dads, and all men

Helmet enthusiastic hello!

Children together with dads sing "The Song of Friends" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians".


We thank the men

We want to give them prizes.

True, we need one more time

Show your "top class"!

There is a game for dads "Cut the souvenir".

A march sounds (at the choice of the music director). Adults and children leave the hall.

National holidays are an important part of culture, so holding them in the preschool period is necessary. February 23 is one of those holidays. It is then that the guys can show that they are also ready to be considered the defenders of their Fatherland.
The sound of solemn marches and songs on this holiday awakens feelings of boundless patriotism and devotion to their country, every child begins to feel like an important member of the state. Also, this holiday develops emotional susceptibility in a child, respect for people who put their lives to protect their homeland.

Children in senior group- already quite big and understand everything. It is necessary to take seriously the preparation of the script for the holiday. It is important that each child participate in it, show their strength, and also be rewarded for it. Prizes must be awarded for each competition so that the child feels like a winner, regardless of the outcome of the competition.
Also, do not forget about the audience. Gotta keep them busy fun games from time to time so they don't get bored. Also good decision will sometimes call a few people from the audience to help in competitions. Thus, the unity of all children at the holiday will be maintained.

Scenario "It's not easy being a protector"

Competitions are held in the gym. Guests must be seated in the stands. It's also nice if they have posters with team symbols and chants to support team spirit.

Presenter 1:
All girls know there is one holiday,
It is celebrated in February.
We all congratulate the boys then
And we wish you every success.

Host 2:
Defender is a big mission, yeah
Not everyone can do it.
But the boys always coped with it,
And they did it beautifully!

Presenter 1:
Of course, in order to grow a fighter in the son
Parents need to work!
They are always raised following the example of their father.
Fathers we can be proud of!

Host 2:
Let's start our celebration of the occasion happy holiday February 23!

Presenter 1:
Let's hear a few words about the history of this event.

Host 2:
Defender of the Fatherland Day is traditionally celebrated in our country on February 23. All men are congratulated on this holiday: veterans, people who only carry military service, dads, boys. They congratulate absolutely all the defenders, whether they are sailors, ground forces or pilots. The defenders of our country must be very organized, capable of doing various hard work. Are all our future defenders worthy of this title? Today we will check it.

Presenter 1:
Today, exercises will be held in which our boys will be able to prove themselves and show that they are already real men! Let's welcome our guys!

(Boys exit)

(Applause, participants receive emblems with the names of the teams (“Sappers” and “Miners”))

Game for spectators "Hedgehogs".

Host 2: And our respected spectators will act as fans! Let's see who we have more today, boys or girls?

All spectators move according to the words of the presenter and repeat his phrases:

They walk, walk in the clearing (stomp their feet)
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs. (depict needles with fingers)
Cut, cut all the paper (we make “scissors” with our fingers)
Scissors, scissors. (arm movement "scissors")
Jump in one place (jump in place)
Bunnies, bunnies. (depict ears with gestures)
Now let's get together: Girls! (some girls scream)
Boys! (some boys scream)

Lead 1. What are the teachings without brave generals? Let's welcome them!

Jury presentation

Competition "Rise"

Lead 2. Everyday life of a soldier begins with a rise. I ask each team to provide 9 people to participate in the first competition.

When the whistle sounds, the team leader starts to run to the chair, runs around it, returns to his team, takes the second participant and together they do the same. This continues until the whole team has run. The first team to run is considered the winner. Each participant is awarded the Order "For Speed".

Competition "Equipment of a soldier"

Lead 1. Everyone knows that a soldier should be able to get dressed in 45 seconds. And how long will it take our brave participants?

The team captain must run to the clothes and be fully equipped. You need to wear a hat, jacket, boots, shoulder bag and machine gun. Having dressed, you need to quickly take off your uniform and run to your team. Then the second participant does the same. The team that does it faster wins. Each participant receives an order "For excellent performance".


Competition "Chef"

Lead 2. Our schedule reached lunch time.

Two players from each team participate. They need to quickly put on a chef's uniform and prepare a salad according to the recipe. Participants receive a dish with ingredients and a deep plate. You need to use only those that appear in the recipe.
Ingredients: vegetable oil, fish, salted cucumbers, meat, boiled carrots, boiled beets, pears, potatoes, bananas, onions, sauerkraut, jam, tomato. Prize - Order "For success in the kitchen."

Game for spectators "Jump rope"

Host 2: So that our viewers do not get bored, we came up with a game for them.

2 boys and 2 girls are invited from the hall (a pair for each team). The invited participants jump, first the girls, then the boys. The couple who "jumped" large quantity once wins. The point is awarded to the team supported by the couple.

Competition "Minefield"

It is necessary to pass the minefield and not explode. The obstacles are randomly placed, the participants must crawl between every 2 obstacles without hitting them. If a soldier is hit once, then he is wounded, the second time - he exploded, and points are no longer going for him. The team with the most points wins. The winners receive orders "For Agility".

Competition "Hit the target"

Each team takes turns hitting the pins with balls. The number of balls is one for each participant. The team that took down the largest number kegel, awarded with orders "For Accuracy".

Competition "Report to headquarters"

Presenter 1: In any troops, you must always be on your guard, always reporting to headquarters about all incidents! Now we'll see how responsible you are! Hall, attention, volunteers are needed to help with the competition!

Volunteers with the help of hoops form a tunnel. Each team member picks up a package with a report, overcomes the tunnel, runs around the obstacle and returns to his team in the bag. The team that coped with the task faster receives the Order "For the Salvation of the Motherland".


Competition "Marathon"

Host 2: Teachings coming to an end, ahead final test- marathon!

Shuttle run. The team that coped faster receives the Order of the Marathon Runner.

Game for spectators "Military affairs"

Presenter 1: And now let's warm up our viewers! Answer our questions, don't hesitate!
(While questions are being asked, you can count the scores of the teams)

1. Success in battle, competition, ending with the defeat of the opponent. (victory)
2. The main person in the naval army (admiral)
3. Large warship (cruiser)
4. Ground fighting vehicle (tank)
5. Cook on a sea vessel (cook)
6. What are the military ranks? (private, lieutenant, etc.)
7. What are the weapons? (pistol, machine gun, etc.)
8. How did Robin Hood fight? (Bow and arrows)
9. Soldier on duty? (hourly)
10. Robbers who trade in the sea? (pirates)

Presenter 1: After the work of the brain, it is necessary to stretch the body! Let's boogie-woogie!
(dance with audience)

Host 2: This is where our teachings come to an end. All participants are true defenders of the Motherland! Dear generals, please announce the results.

(Summing up, awarding)

Host 2: I absolutely agree with the generals. Today we saw outstanding guys who are ready to defend their Fatherland, replacing the older generation. At the end of our holiday, I suggest that the guys go through the hall in a military march.

(teams pass in formation and leave the hall)

This is where the official part of the holiday ends, and guests can proceed directly to the celebration.
